HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-4-28, Page 6.rF
8-:Tllurada), April .2a. 1917.
Wall Paper
for Every Taste
W hatevet may be your
requirements in WALL
PAPER, , you . will find
what you are seeking for
at Coles._ .
Our Prices Are Very Moderate
The Decorators Have Our
Sample Books
\�k R) SUE THEM,
Cole's Beef .Store
- .• . , ,,.144.....r4
4 71i..
lectitc t
By 1t&Altta. II. %tll.TO'
ilottrri;!., Ont.
l• 1• c 1111.1 caaa out feat'.
ti, hive that casts out du.
Tarry no more without.
But come and dwelt within. •
fires! lore olt;od. cow. M.
WellslikIng of heaveul)
'thee Livinglura.
Spring up. and never craw.
ll.rrutin. Bonar.
PRA1 Kit
Elleuul'uge. our hearts. (J cod, that
we May love Ther wore and more;
kindle asst suit!: that we tury praise
Thee; order our 'thoughts. words and
deeds. wllldtl end without. that we
may be wholly dries; and may serve.
ItFa1.,. attrl Kte.tfz Titer.
ever. through Jeatt. ('hria• our 1.ord.
- British
Miss Suomi Peaks. 49, •
ward " St., -Tweeter-
the Spring my
"" arms and face broke out
• with eczema which was
trouhiesome, painful and vary un•
eghily, 1 used various kinds of salvos
and *mimesis but the itching pais wY
never reit evad until 1 got Zam-Huk.
"lit a very short time after cornmeee-
iag with Zam•Buk the eczema began to
yield. I steadily persevered and soon
through Zorn Birk. my arms and face
were completely healed. 1t made m7 skfa
• wonderfullysmooth and clear."
Eruptions of the skin are particularly
prevalent at this time o the yearso rails
sure and treat ever? y pimple,
scantness, or aa7 break in the skin nob
deudablerbal m
&twa). tor
sooth•ng and healing the skin
?i. 1.ESeiON tint III $th. -4 7
llawua Ta-drrTr :1141! the Risen
lard. +
• t.rsirnittta.tr_t—U,re.0
,,'.1, ali '1xt—I Petri
1,, I' Jt iga
r :..t i.rJa•.
arca. :•
1. 14 . -t:. ..,:.t.
a .. i. t
,a ere - <\
f. . 1t.• , ....•
1. I!'
.I t a•
am Bu
public r taYtaltweRt hi Jerwa•
prase tine* he hurt druiwt Toru, ao
auw Lt w*► . gtvtw a dottier to ark-
uualadgr. hie lure tiu•..a+tw 8iWIItl•r of
1hut.. ..Thr irtuut:,,,,.ne.:'T lila aruwal
I, of siert/Oen to Jeiqu. i•ol'•i'•' 111. arrest
.aud lila War •ttenlal ,.t 1 141 1,1,1 the jail.
ant of the hiusti j►t'i, ,t 11.'1:'.11,.,.w. vi-
rLdly to hie strati ai d, ..t'r'Ihrlw hlw
w'llh d•rwe ar J. • • "•1 •" IILtu.
Klatu.'.,8U lit Jul.;,• I+a•'-' tliu•u Yr
wore 1141441 1Uaee, •, , tl.� rLlr4
1 hale uf. question, au a1,.w r Jesus Mk -
1 snre.sed
dre.aed L'eter as II, leddd ray,
-Now. edition. the ,u -t siss.l. .d the
fel L wldell overlun : : ./ tuce limit
t ulghl of nights I- J,•.l; beut.e-
forth thou art to 11: :i1,.V!.• Illy work
as If go mud* ever, .ler hep-
jrr11w1.' IQtruwa's +''..u+
was rommisniuned 1 •
111"i slNc1 .-Loth you
erre nature, wheih•�
thin ri,w rleure.
tiMJ. fed tJr�T,•••rr••. • -.alis alis was 5184
G rpt%,•
tion'., rcdA.. st
John Smith and His eqr
ItY ritlatl:JtI('K r. iti''RFt:1,l. •
John Smith is a diameter whom every motorist should %trireme.
i. uol .rtttslt. rather he is a motoring martyr. a kip !tilting
and glad to have exploited, In an interesting aa). hl. ex-
perieurr. for the benefit of the other nw,ubcrs
of the motor than.
,•1;'11{.1 1-. 41r •
,.I.i.,th Iambi,
cti.ripies suit
..t err, ..r t'hris-
tt.-r 11Ii. •Ie.us
fun•warn.i Yater u h . MOM 11 r dea[It.
but declines to gw • :'t: ai y informa-
tion as to what ii' t,, .• .'lid of his
eQwlwutou John. .I. - •- •t Peter he
-tomtit not onty f..• II.- `.awlw and
Ili..1avI.. hal. aft. - ...arms of
such eer%iee. he . 1. counted
worthy to die for tit r•••t the 1r.rd
Jesus Illy tits rev.-
''1'hia *rally' If s' line ear. but ally 1 lucked with the malar driving gear.
do you h+Itlllleajl It by old-fasliivaelll That joined• the otherwise separate
its of this upper abaft and gave
gears ' were churn ug arou u
(bulbs.,"1 a.►arl smith the other they
4ui u dlrect drive. The eouutertihaft
a. w'1• were running downtown lar hls 1 oda D t were
lien muthiOt' pulled, the trout
The question value u. a surprise to shifted to ,*sued, y4141 1
lira. because lie was .0 d.•lighled with .Tiding gear away from the main d=v-
iiie 4. 8%er..110016111,, uud rase of the
wuehiue that he scarcely reallafd hew
pot.rlc 11e nil:. doting it.
'.You seen lo parr lout all evaeep
tiuu of the relationship between rt1-
giue a.pee) ls:' ' 1 hlm.
• WtthuuLnd 114111car ku few • 7448
told tlaUnut
hope to shift gears properly. fur
unlet mesh of transmission gear*
simpl) is a mutter of engaging theta
of doll* ally work. When you
+4f1shie-44w are revolving lit. or tear!)
!arta end toot ilia , •:.1X8 efequal *perils.
i furwatiuu about •
dying we" ...• hew
?lniul. tl., .118*1usi
he t:1,a
Iata1111rT o -it would !my yutt to *ALI.
iag gear 111111 iwsbed 11 back ar
enough so- that it would mesh with the
intermediate gears on the cuunterlhatt
below. Your power from the engine
now takes a detour through the euunt-
er.hnft. for engine running faster for
any'glven speed than It did before.
'This simply ,is the old. principle of
leverage applied to gearing and to the
woderts automobile. Whim you shifted
you were faced with the problem'ut
noiseless mesh. The speed_ of the one
au w
y !:briar' eau the upltt•r .h<tft was, 411 ,ceufiir,
uLf to lieeowe Cwwiliar, with 16o en- tiled. Ilecau►' it w+:; lielug turned by
„•umtu Itf ., t, -leas You ,114141111 learn to operate It rhe roiling ear. •1b...1.•.5I of the other
4. not,-
lw� t will that , ..._ ,. ..it:donors' • sower plat!( larfure %iiia. v.•r t►as zwutrullahle
Illi 1 min .• that tar ,• triers b delve- the err. It hajq.ama thnongh your ennui,• and'Hatch. wheal
�1'ORf U 1'1^-
-It. of
fru; rhe t•[rct is w..ttr a�tt _nibs
lw-tt lIlli«• vomit,
••., y, ` i,..;; t:ur•.za
rather rtp.di�t u...0 II.ired w
New headquarters
for salesmen
In many of our offices, Cus-
like the
tomers' Rooms
indicated above„ are plac..1
at the disposal of the Lon;
Distance user. Writing m:t-
terial, maps, rate schedules.
directories, timetables,
calendars,etc., are provided.
Here, in privacy and cow -
fort, the salesman receive..
his calls as the operator
completes them, writes u:)
h s orders, or makes re-
Where cu.ton:crs' room^ Ao 1s,e
e::1_•t, the Menever offers
-rt 4tfm!
• et ire. stud i; r .sly
rl•':cc *hon! ..in,.•' I, t •
was F.41111)4 .fa.t enough., •
t rn d sn
--rt.-m( the- J-.11.r-uwsL.uiltttr Uta)' rt,gllta s ,:f lh
j...l wet tu.0 the :rnr 40.1 laa,_r was est -villa
lir lit r;i,'t ti ; tt'n(tisi l ►a�►w44'.ld )+v':. ►t tires au ytii i)' that. uu:es.' titruut:4 the u+ut1 t+osi'. Than
U, Irl'. ._� .t.• ,eft^ i„4i.a,�i 11.•-'I.;tlw , .,ti--sett--ht,e4-«.we.olet414L1 ,w-Yy id-. chr[k' i you ,..ru'd ha• 1....lethf�wi the c'ltteb.:.
-i.r iii•. _ ...• •'.i. be, .•li•-n ,lathe of 1D. b) lite 'lid. rite ._. .'t seal I (14. eJ the
third day. L, 14111,11% t to,. „ tsf r un; 11 .Quirt.
i w � +rt.lan
{ !vein
• '44.
lx°1'r o...
seta" 14.E it )a;u ai.. not 1 tura w.hitier .it's +hlfrd tar litre
u htru•ir*41 rrvulttii,ru* n with
111.611; 414111 r w arsine
''tlt nL'ain
_ Ir,::.u...t. - 111•'_..' •,.•. "r It tr••n it14 rr ..
ltxa+.ahaty att�r9skt- tt'. wttt 11 lir .all rwihtr
1 torr 11 '•'� xil: 1� �Iitlr ,M..ttt a ♦t .. 1
i ''tiic..ut);. a ..i:",. • rue !1:11!'1 �RIiY"
I of t t f h d al
:;their under- Mil'', t tar, •,n int (u nt:,,r:ar (her .
-the. it`a.i.i :!gym-: a �'T! t ` .. ars
Is ti H_ax s yla!:r ,+q '... a' as 41•
' WI' It dep.ratl a
r nt)nll
41111 felts r. tit., • Lue!ttding the
d.•7e ii
ilc attd this.
..:.a -
o'4 merit hi 11 ti ,1
there) IttoiLien-t--
y stsrt to go dean.
'Ittt4S14 all MIS_ 414.1t: t• JULY 4TH TO Al.:G.
'dell htfur
By Miss Peggy Harvey.
and recreation.
'r :rfsrmstins
-.14W tressi It
- a 150 etre Park
Vacant Property
North .
of My Store
Kingston Street
J. Calvin Cutt
The forerunner of colds
and grippe.
Heat an:11 inhale Min.-
ard'a and rub it on the
throat and chest
The great preventive.
hi IQ.* ---n,„,5,s
And saved himself from a terrible
".1.:41hen boll immihe bat
come , knocking him flat
Rnd, see what come our from
beneath Humpty'S hot!
Or 0
We carry a full range of
anteres fine producta, Varnish,
Paints, Auto Enamels, etc.
AUto Enamel
has transformed thou-
sands of "seedy" looking
cars into cars of fresh,
new beauty.
Scarfc's Auto Enamel
comes in many pleasing
colors. Can be applied
by yourself, easily and
inexpensively. We will
gladly supply color card,
together with full in-