HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-4-28, Page 5re' •, k e�11:77.7; xxxxmodbocivatmeopeccicx ! , MOTHS ' MOTHS Protech your woollens with modern methods of ex- terminating these pests. We have in stock : Lama, Sapho Moth Destroyer, Fly Tox, Flit, Flyocide, also Moth Balla, Moth Flakes, Cedar Flakes i r ' – Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Godch XXCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX rXXX x THE Leemen, ilrlen rt•t•jueuu, al lrtbat, F.crtyu 1•iurltwrr and gatrt Kies. 't'blr brings Hie at rucrluturt-•It lir, audl iln, /L flutter visllc town• her •t*tr'• i Netdkw to may 'It will be well Thursday. April 28. I9d7,- 3 arglr ftwrrel terse plavR to tie,•uhill crtttr ext acrralre to this ueigblwrt,4)d. /- 4--"- • liar- A•ry, t erlugw, N .Tu„yea. the s.”' yid Bean, i brtthis lire for beet - Mr. imommommunmffinflomminumminnomimmommyIHfli j toad• ,dud wan vary largely rtceudpl fouling Held be•4ween liuutop• and g f ti bt. t a Ira1,r for the mummer. eing 'a nal Miry* relative* fait week, brit Ifor.- • Mr. teal Mrg..1. laidtaw are onto visitor* at prrseut. - Tire scholars ut the Baptist 8u Thr - . tout spent a. ver profitable tourr ou yuubger werubrr. gave u itry� Ii propriate program. The chief mat re' t ut tutereat, however, wits a ',•mea- t' fully d,y:uratey table of eggo In the a-utrt• of whet were the wur,4, ; ''Jt.us•' stud '"tiaat,r" hi the Anon of I• u crumb. In tilt aibuut )Arty -lour dozen eggs were ttoutrtbutid by the *Ow -. uud of flies s, twelve dozewe•PU to each of (ylriwu uud G,stertch h. tale and thirty dozen to the Chlidn•ti'e Hospital, Toronto . --- Auburn, April 27. The uuuu tl greguUuual weet,ug u1 Knot In clwr<' A w... held on Monday eve In the Irasewent 11f the church. ehuten has /..rd a n et.j4,i year, w good hnlane, s !u Itis 4levetrtineut,. sur agreed to wire the church turbot- 111 the I rent of 143dru pun cowing to the vllluge. It wag a agree... e•,vt e 10 1 u tut t the exterior YIt fur wa work of the church building. oils', 1. wt11g Univers were ,:lected: It,*ted wauar,. n,er4. Jlertsrt Mugrklge, (l. F;r rgtt H'Tn, xlrnu nut,, 1L U Mutt Jame. Sltitch uud! 1•'rtti.- Frac( John Arthur war elected treasurer the chart -h. The tintgr.-g4f1un sevens --five Ninnies.' }Mutter -Stimi*yt, iseserel - of. 1•,ULS.Mnt \T, April t•5, -Mils* lel- G D E R I11/ let& Irwin• who pent th hints*, w e Easter et- 'with pun•ata her rt- !utmost In ToronlU. • .1r. runt Mrs. T. *fume, Mrs. Itoss and 'Airs. llaeGregor, of N'Iite•Iturcll, I lab, .1 with friends in iwe-kiI h. lire: .I:,utieeort is hopue front the �, i 11•esr to !Mitt her ngtd father, Mr. , i1, u1,e:a, Finlay w , ertjoiIN; l u, who ham but l4vu good. twilit h. lir. and lir.. W. -linter, of Neatosth, t were guest, of lir. and lira lieltin 1 sit u 3 ur d, .lit ' to r the week. . r.' 'ik At MARY MAD A LITTLE COLD F''= ALMOST $ � 1 OST MA'D THE FLt)'• S - t: G -T THE k"AT FOLKS • TO PRESCRIBE "ftVit'' Art, NOW SSE'S GOOD AS NEW Art, r ill Any doctor will tell yea that get. brought Ina gaily decorated, s ' .rat• t hearing a And plenty of void, fresh sir out. me.....' t. The afteraoou was *pent de the house � e} to 1 yir __ . �rr+tlt+ul- K•u•>a +44'14( the holiday with hh, parents tir. mai Yrs. - A. E. Hamby and • elelldreit nu44114.4 up from I141to11ton j ate *• house in l.utbiuu. A Shower ter the Bride,.-.( in Frt. ,sal, Aprit 15th, a very pleasant afters • 1 neon 'w'as sprat at the home of ,ties 1 Lyle Bk./lard. where Misr Hazel ltay- nerdl prior to her vurriage way guest Iof honor at a miscellaneous shutter arrhuged by her girl friends To the i utgiskrus .1f a Aprii :tti. Sirs, L. tires ',tall tau boa, front- �tletferd, Mud ilrr. J. Toting, of Detroit, were guelts u1 -the 'row of Mr. mei Mrs. Perry Stewart teat week. $c'tool opened *gain wt Monday utter' the ;Easter hulit,y%• Twu new popi1a,--Wager at1S(.lii.�1Y_. C't1isbullu, started 'for the llrmt list, IU 8.8 No. 9, lira two. Clifford -11 ' •.., and ]ceryl F'reetuan, to 8.8. Nu.:. lir. Jas. Admit. . Saltfor4, 14 working at A. 11. Ut; ;,s thl* week, bdtldh,g more culuuy ; •,,t,ys for the elite sir, alts alau 4 4, : r�in4 the big lura teu4uuee sent tbui- 8itk • KS:GSBti11,(iE . - 7KINDISBRFDOE, -Ai e"'11- Mrs.Jas. Cbiiiholw of Connor e, lied %rafted with sir. .1..i firs. WM. ring Quigley. Ther • Mr-. Time. Garvey . gore to De - Rh time to vieit her dal; :cert there. 11 Miss Kathleen Vole., • -4- heave from anti, 'Iarnthre7 for the 1Eas 'a,�btion. • I •et- Ju.,* three mouths ;h•• b1g (1!d lou' Houle .•e:rl.r4tlua. 11 ii,' 4 Auburn. John Coring. -+•ur - wt-rohar1. 'hen started tiut with his',.sore on rrbeels I cur the summ,r. The forwere' wives ince glad to ate Mut. 1Ve cougratula'tr our 'terturrie trbo were prira•witu,erc tit the recent hacou hog talc. .A Yoe! luruportlun ut tbd+ priers were lakeu by the farmers or this nelgbberhuud.• WO, hots• the fair will he col/thwe•d ii4 stir•....... g year, • and-wtlt im'^ hdred as as aieuu,(i event. \. Knot•lutd, bar reutel the bark 1 pan of hi. farm to 'Dina Jewell k Snail This will site. Mr. Knockuldb worn•t7 Larkin. ONE WEEK ONLY fur 4, tans to his *mall fruits bud hit %4444•' do , , LOOK! Saturday to Saturday Sale APRIL 30th to MAY 7th OBITUARY Int\.1J.)) Ilci.l;NN.\N • m, i i re -r r t- • 1 well-kt,414i ti,14rb ht KIncaldiue, iu ' the 1st -el. et lionald ltel.t•uuau, dies %e 1 t .u•i,teuL on Tw•.day morning to C l4u„v,r.iige General 11..44MI, at the 1 a I >~ • ge df wtrt,ytrine yi•.4ar. .t h, Murtlay afternoon in the W1tofile.•-1o1.b)- he 't k 4 Ate uk 4-4.•'11 au,J us he I.eauut w e l0 C4:1* lak,•n 4o the ho.pit111 ' w 117;,....n' i a* _ u? ' uezt 4nUCAJr1g. 1'tl Jai.• !Moats Hel.ruuau w:es Is,ru to \ 1, e• 1 -- fi 1 lt, oust', .. = VII n , t r i th e late t r. M ,ud 11,-. F'iuley lletn•nlreali Fur .d- Sr. • i and 1 lir„ . ,ttvl of M. .1. (1'l'onbue'n un vl odey. at of Air. 'L'hutuas (varve. +r., •m,t„rwl to 1+• 1 '' • gdon the nrrt ut ti.. out -1.. so. Miss met trite -VI air, $;Brut Stanley n•ItMf 7r• --tin-; 1,.•re 1, ,:,,, of ���f i* t'OLDONNB 7•AR'Nstuie r .r. ASUFIE D • ASHFIEIA), April ril .1.--IIr. torte t Ireland, who was on his WHY t 8arkatt•hew•un, rmrduttett the srrriime. n the .1shtletl' Pre.hyter4an church Sundry to a large cnagr,•guttun but (X.11 114 iltN•E Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. .Ue Nhiuney ,inti to mourn 1410 low,( three; upwlr•r. of ears he fartued iu \•hfieh 4u,d_ rede_L,t t L_ lveni _._yearott ,� _he came h. Kineurditic, an,: hub beet'• ere:eats in the wire. fen,•,. bashers. 11e has tivwl .41.Quee•u street hunt eater .sieve • D -r• leas,., .town. He family' spent Sunday sill) relatit-e4 iu s . era. natn.•h•. ]/r.. Murdta•b ll,•Iw•.«!. 7th t, oft. f Kincardine•• and Misses 11,ry and e Mises t'eplm 1tauketl, w►n, was home , Annie Sls•L(•nuan, of .\hllfiel,l town- i from Alma College, .St. Thomas, has ship. 'l'he fuaetwi toe,k rase,. nit '*%.,). uu ..from for the rest .-4 the. term. 111.441ay afternoon from toe bole of Ila h Mr. ('he•ater Frog:�n has gone to , sister, Mrs, 31ur McLeod, interment lA tndt lr'iug ►narle !n Klnfall owwetery. her parents for • few days, bass cr. I - TOWNSHIP COUNCILS turned to Ooderkeb. stratus of Lobengrin'a Bridal March Jeuec by Misr Verna llamllton, little h ages e sprats and liarmocid 1tk•hard 1lets r►katy- of otormt fresh air I*tilt filled with g1fts b ft aa_-- }fusee, gif ' if tnotniug and evening. Everyone wit turd him was impel• -sed by his me • the ttaehrrr hart returned t schools ether spend -lag N �t1eW+•Wt rt- *ararloa. are glad torpprirt that gra r Karrlab. who Lech r,neumonla, i uvltlg, though I , n -e regret to report that Mr: and E sl in a' a, andat the truntr4nros rhyme, w H grimes arta contest 1'a keep away coli*, fathoms clone the bust,.** served a .dulnt d Pneumonia. t much J ' t But we can tell you that the best way to secure that warm air in the - at halve is to use our D. L & %VV, Scran-1 AUBURN tarn Coal., Why not ^order it loadtodaya • I ACIlt-1LN, . :\prit 211. -We - are —CALL THE-- I ungridge It lel 1 .grecs to• sortie E ,, • Iiia. Hilda litrdy, alio want ri,lting . Al! *e4r " We K• t lilt mpt g slowly. wly. ut 1 t{rt' Mfr. John Treble eir,t,r,.at „tet ..br of wheat sue day 1a,• week. s _ lamot n .434 11 cal Mr. Howard Barr :p,yt tw _ a ie -are t moi mr. ,r•ld erre, with uii 'herrolet coach. ' �w bt*rr previous meeting were rend and ale r.. Jaw, -s 1irenueei tare both safer g from the "du." Nurse Beckett 1s Stn. Will Jamie -prof- - M e..atl.tat_ iu with 14)eageonla. Mr. Duncan •MaeLeun.4,,, we tire t I.4•uding theist. recovery. pleased to "report that Miss With bed uw ng 4.43,1.4 'r, r• , gi lir. It. B. Gracie and family moved • We are sorry (o hear that Mrs. Wm, Qts .tlll t;ery i![ proved. Lav1d took pre -hewed u petitlop for Ir. and Ile,, MO: Fisher nn the the e„ustruet411,4 of ,r U21114itipui steal., Ir. of a ton this *3 .44. at lots x7, Sri end ill., eoutws.hm 14. _ Tln• leaf -given at, 1'arlow on Wed. Tire 1414' iuu was les—epos! and a copy t reader. entitled "An Cart) Ittnt" nn. of Rattle ordered to, he forwarded to the e engineer for rzamtnation nf. the (,ongrantiattous at-• extended to ad ,tu report, 1a improving, last week to Itlyth. 4 e1 _Mr: A. Rohl/ton has recited the ' an ForGoadClean t' oaf • r_eaittence of the Tate Mrs. Sege ;----r-_ 8cbunt re-epehet on Monday W -Itis--= Td COAL !Iiia Welsh in charge. Some .eigle ,a COMPANY' 414 folk* made a start Inc an edit- . carton. They are Geo. Straughalt,ye Phone Goder4,7,.. don Adam,, Stuart98 ____ iC�l ,nr F'prgtt..�n. Jack _ , ter Xi111111IIIIII101111IIIII111111111111It1111t111t11111111HH1111111111111111I1111111111iHIl1111X 11111 : J. B. MUSTARD Mr. Kenneth Theta. of neur telt, spent the week -cud with his other, Mrs. W. N. J,.arnaton. canto after spending the Easter ,•odor there. Miss 1.4cy MacKenzie left or •l1en- for thaws Valley. The Is1Yes of the .\ilide*!d i'restry• Not church are to meet. et the 4-h• Tuesday for some general rk: The 1ate Fronk =$acts.---hti . a of 11r. Frank eteutt. ` h,• 114 TH E PA,/ 1 L 1 O N — ,i,.1r. 11.I1t ,s4•ttr:4 ,rt- NtoMau April UN h, tame a. rt shea•k h' wurrr throughout the tuw:4144),, where the Scott fatally huh• loon widely and furural.!y known for ramp• years. lar. = !44.44 **.la in lila sixty.',' th your 1411.1 := to ail wppeeranees bad many years of C )scala', and arepgth stilt hi -fan• him Q 1 i till `(hen he was termites! I. ;*seam, u.a ▪ With fatal n•,ult. Mete Seoft died ,iz rears ago and two sats and one d ofele OMINM tet. enrviro: John. of \Vptt Wawa- -a I unsh; Itols•rt. at Nene. and Mr.. Slac- - ' ki•uz4a '.Ve•h4. of 1Vcst Wawanoeh. .2 The 1't(o,)Ir, tt- ear---4t--+on---.4.41te_1a.te_ e Frank Scott, one of the tonteoldli s , nriy settler( lie is nnrvii-ed by • fuer brothere and one slater: A1'i1lhpm. ..... in ,(1b,•rtn ; Jonepb. et Fargo, N. XiiIIIIIIIiIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHHIIIiiiiIIANIU1111i1111I11111111111t111HtHI11HI fhaknta : Peter. dt Minot. N. and 11 u : t tit .ill. of Portland. Oregon. and Sir . I11 Iil N. 3feekenziP of R1piey. The, . u l t e a stove**. The .Ywputhy of .he .ommnnir% t will fortnight home fr.,w Iletruit nod orderdrl to be Isis ibe r11181p. of Ithnh . -la' hurl,I on ttm.':,c in 1,..1,arne for laallarent fur Llvitioa ('otirt pit: e 444 4.ur� Issues to ]k.,rmtwr star. 1lr.ti. ' i i otlr -otter ., 1 prnis•rty deserlh*'d. On mourn of Couto-111ms Stalker : got. out to -the +terraiug' relatives In the death of 1.rurge 'llrre 'tett t amLts•11,' the .tn of x;pnr was y, Jr., trip) CABIAIW Rood M*4dliuery Cu., ¢1„et, f.lr grade: • .I 411Ilespte. rued suls•rtnter:dri f'.1fl(,' V A1wil J; The Au) *ru s=4''I': 'niter---a1-i-UUl . _�,i.tr[titn.1 charge t-.4• the raked • hun'h 1s plying' 1t=)"a' .114.1 #S to the Rrrve Jur at,.n, smith's 41:11 (ongmg., ion tt/_'ire .1 ,. hog meeting at. Clinton re equallzitt >euhne.ma , t lir,- tatters ahntm t.i 8 ser.• ordered paid. zeauL.(bare of the mous•_ .i,rtq'rrty nl w • ('oune'll will meet atktiu ou 'hr h ...n. erre. n< "not Tuesday its May. • era b% th,• rearrangement of the field, fnllnw - t ilf3'i;1iF'IF t1 t't rti los-toio4, am':h', 11111 tiring now I" ,. tr+rq tr,i front ,lahurn •inti j••i,a4 1-i- (Yll-11(IRNE loth 41enm11 'r. .\ t4rogregath,niU The luomle.r' were all pr. --eat at 1L. t1, 1342; ,4411 he 1e, .! in the e•hnreh •ts •\prll 4nee41114; *41141 J4* 444,,? 1, of (`nnlr Fri.l,,) e5ei1,g t *kw what will 4a• eiNor. r.u;dthor4s• awl •'1'11ou) 11,h• 4ou.•'451111 tb, c Std 2., atteu,l t March minutes were tldul,ted mb rend other h-tt*Inr . - J..1. Ruls•rt.,,ti, ...•hoof ntteu4441t•e• nisi Neo,-raI tr la h.,, attended the fan 1:1': t'(.-.�e�rrfe•d a 'verbal report of Ads emit of the late ...erg.- Currey. • Jr . '(.iii: - In 1!)_'13. 4't•neh,•r. sena thrix wh4,14.4nok j•Iru4• •.•, Sunday from the monthly reports of rel lldauer to tin, twine et his -is!, Sir.. Rouge, Godl_ 4,311. the 4',,,.• .11,41 0 erieh. to rods ! f • ne.. Throe or trmrtery. �.,1, /Our 'ou.tdmirt4, were ry re•ire4 : in om 4ttmpnthy t-et1.t, .,,.4 for the f,tmn% 'l',• tiff' .4.144 ta4 never gone 1., ,t9We: to their sad la•r...e, went. -tithe,' . - � Pe: ut her.. CODERtk;H —w ONTARIO OPENS NEWM ONN IMmo = ,cps Saturday Evening -- Dancing 8 to 11.45 p.m. MEET ME AT THE PAV I l r4h tane•I( :over s, lutist a h "s , •-- "�7i1+�11R1t •n ateotn,t of alis '411'44 In G'xh•ri' rd will work *444) 4,,( 4 ut . kit r n•atht•r. 11.e fulleeron the to f.. r r the slnnmer, one±tlycaL•d tht:•r oomplrtint• and al.. Mr. Arthur , k. nnr nerrlutut. is tr,H,. •41x1,•4 tt' I--1La inPeru! _Ittetal.it.-e i• IMP, With the Eig lir- the aimituu .%,t irrrguhtr. lull 'loth cis thew• .414,7.4, -toff fn Renmllkr ,r111ter tabu t*. 1%*a i;o,nl. Uu mets,* ,4rery Ttn••,dlt: n,• • ink to Imke 11 *1,.- •,f i'. 421 i,lor. Thoth and tyil,,,u 211, yCg; _114.1,. The ,' ols•ratirp i+ dnlny Ttls+rt•- 44* s .144 ".f r•'et--:uud �lu. ini� ..t ghoul 1ntn.ine*M • • 11,1A dtetrfet, a 19111 .14441! „rte, r' t i.- 49' -).aid. _ Mr. Mew lin• r, nod front hi. holt-34r t iin_aitterl .e, ilio cont it ty and ht at pert. ' 1 working for \rt-. '11111 r • • 7.,, a, hon hotel,. 31 1•,,, lin .Trelde - ',Id'• a it r pZSCfyV�/YiIY�/Y/MXSC�n/YXVYV\+`/tIY�tVYX�ndyyl�fM/MYfLrVY/LniM1�ILO. An 41 New Curtains, Curtain Materials g Drapes and Draperies for Housecleaning Time a i The latest goods in ruled Curtains, voile, marquisette, net, madras and scrim. Also Silk Panels and Silk Overdrapes House Dresses Neat patterns, at lowest prices. Spring Wearing Apparel If you did not get your Spring wear- ing apparel for Easter, remember that we are always ready to serve you with the latest goods and at lowest prices. x ;, Miss l.in4wy. , foneknna, le rlalt- at- a.l, r.' , 1 ,wad the , ..w I a,u :n tG-.n talo„ \tr-AVa•-..,, inti nt S►r. Jsrrtf• Nrrirtdr',. r0110t„4 the roll to Ireii.rrt•r 44)1.,1 hi. Ml'. Nero Rec.; 14'1 three brother.. tat tory of (tau •and tyro-. ill' ,tii- Jumeet Cermet 11 I., 4tunrt, of 'rhu,ga ll. ordered 1x444, „h 1144.1 4o11 of 4 "441011:..” iv ',on ri.tted'with -2• •it nnt-le nrid an4,r. Thtrtu.ltua_itni4l,horpt. wm - Arr. and 31r.. 1if l:rrIngtun. un.Stu i. fat un eft u i t 1 ui' i1L.rr ion , X er. and Tuiu,t: the Rees,. and ,•i Mr. 11114. Srr* '1 ttlh.nhro n and two ,.u, tcd to .ign and still lite arms- , - •hlhtretr. Betlr.rtt. Joyce, also Mrs. OWL of Arch uu•tt with t• 1t. core wit*') 's .later. 1I.* enrww•rll. tray, tittirchartr unit weft News440$, awlretnrnrv1 t,i Their '4mp o 1 tnr•hr a ,1'oltotur euaneils. II 1(14 after a very Igen- ' t rbilt with their ' ?ht: mutter of missing (u4-T.;i41 ttfi• t� rel»fe y,.,-,_ • . rural Hydro h7ine watt, 1.44 to „a ya'- I Mie, art o : won triir*rtrrTrnrrTtrt-ir,tnMtng- -M--. 114 her (Intim-tlt-> -=,:tars--iatit_atlet 4, t ,e re's 44.44 ,ire • 1 �.Il:w1.-uL'J.Isc..`" i4 ',sant belid-my • :h her • *biter and • \ .''h.wuui+'*tint-frnnt t-h.--14-ecu. . utht'F-fsJaAdx--- peter r.11lwrtn 4 31.mr,4 of 'I'rn.le wit• veno. n• III nadisu ' 4 -&Ln I 11.41 for i'all.1. .434L 1-' 4 =0':.... -'-- > ' Ne (i 11on wets taken. an tit present •w, LOYAL. April 5 -•-Mrs. 3L•Har,y, 11,.t matter,te off member at Ottawa Nr ut: of Tnronti,, i. cls,' ' g her skier. Sirs. 'l'1.1. 1'rovineriil tlighwny% Ili Itnymeu4, t"1t t- ment nys,rh.t tis, sum of $!a(wtlwl.,,: . Mr. and. Mrs:7'- . Sarco,• hen•,• re- I grant on work dime on township r-.a,i- turned to their ft,,s• at Toronto alter • for 1141*'.. • a t-i*Jt with the f: ;mer'* parents, Mr. A ,;nnnlmuieatlnn from the tir.fati• and Mrs. .1..t. A , ire,+•. - ' Fnre,try Wane), calls attention' m111 Mr. lir.*•k 4 )rr •.1 re•turned to his • inters' u, rhe fact that they offer fr.. ditties as teM•her r 8.44. Net. 1 after •ef charge to reshieht. of 4hilt' rI,s ::.;ran , 4lmndina the -4.14 •: rnrntlon at his rfrilf",.tett frits for planting *nate home in (itsh•ri.-:: fown.hlp. Nitta• area* nr Oiling hi woudlot4. and el.., Raster the wilts., dtetelanee has he upa•,54101 tree. a 3,••.t- may in• hail for creaser, a number •4. the young ch114. 11 irnlhreak.. Ftirth,r irrfrrrmatiru4 re . rt'n coming in fer ire first time. th•- .ane may foe had int 14pplicnti,•11 Mr, Harry siih•,d. has teen looking 4,. Forestry Branch, Par:l4ment Hni:.i- 4117 grn,a "awe. -;..ting prelim! 7e for• lug. 9'or..rtn. them A New , Shipment of Ladies' 5 Coats, Dressetand Millinery R For the Men and Y o ung Men We have the newellt is goring Suits, Hats, Cam 'pre. CORNFIELD -SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" Ladies' and Men's Wear 1, Vat Side of Squats PimPe 4111 Goderielt, Ont. meg, . merd.roly wart out from ItatSertels thin we, k visiting her sr.. ter., NIrs. Alex, inung Nth: John Clark. ormi (shelter neighbors In the Wt. MeInt.vr., of ,he emirepolon. third yeir thl. wort.' of joy* end sorrow.. She still bale and heerty and we + ix* her continnelt good. health. Many of mit. firmer, boto flniihnd pootal The fall /wit In thls nertIon in good mond/floe There le 4 fairly The forbid:Big hilts were Nth): WM. 1.14 It. draining eateh 11441TV f..4.514: Yisher, grafting. 41250: Jena - Harry Jenkins, 1125; Seto .t 11,0tx- hrousert. d7.30: R. McCabe. 42250: 1..1 Boherfeen. salnry $15, 2 trite 14, art; W. Raytholtd. work 1111 41111.4,./. 41,75; 11. r. Bean. omperietetol,•nt. Meeting atilournod fit May 'VIM al S .411 ether Stark 10per tent. off for this week only W. C. SNAZEL _= Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner _.. = WEST STREET PHONE 339• STEAM LAUNDRY IN CONNtsf"t'fi)N Broadcloth Shirts '' 01.1)1: 111.', et- ser , 1,. ; IY) $2.25 Peabody Overalls i, .. ,Lu i.,,, ',,,•nit $4.7 Kind stand Overalls. resider 12 15, only Ki r Y $1.75 r Genuine u ne Martin Slickers Felt Nets for Spring FOR 11 \ t lie; ulsir all I44 " 1 litguilt' el fief to a,..t11r 9.5 3 0 . $ 1 $ 95 Neck Ties Winder 41 4x1.6, g1.',tl Windbreakers Ili-gular $..110 to 17•_14117.._dl - HHHHHHnH1nnHIIimIHrnlHnruulnirimnaltl�uuluuulnulluulHulau Not Just Bread! INDEED, NO! CLEVELAND'S BREAD is a tempting complement to any meal -delicious m itself and lending zest Jo the rest of the menu. Your family will demand twice - at -mix -fro( -our-,11Feail-as any other. Encourage them to do so, as it is the most healthful- -and--Tfrftiriahting food they can take. • E. U. Cleveland Phone 114 West Street YOU'LL SURE GET BETTER 4. 4„1)444,. 4,..1,4 i I'y tn.uin,: yni, • .odds. hr. ee41i(r 1 - rrtr tltr. o.. ,144.1 At r• -s II1Um7 Lick ' rs•, � I)neg;tt�f•. ,toe. 414444. w1+at itis U. tt: fl tT'tt +t, 1;. h PP Epps the Mover Varna, -Ontario Canada. and United States All loads insured —�a+onabte raTtrs • Covert vans -Mite. or Phone Clinton 626 r 21 SEE THE NEW Fancy Work IP 01,4, dJ'roi ail-boOti1 an,I el,. ol,, ..1 :AY•. 1'3r,1 ram.. t ere wade lip, .it.e. \'.snit',% and Itot a-1 �.•ts on host ft, .' 11. ?Cr. 1,1,•,• Falgirlus, `-1t;---ttnem-7m,l wort.-, Isle a yard • T1tr ta.a 1'lisl.tu , Io lost' •w• Il..• worked to.tet Nen ('1.11t11•a, I ,,.-14:, 14 '1".t.. lith{,. I:nnner._ ir4e .1 1144 \..1eltie• Smith's Art and Gift Store . ON MOTHER'S -DAY,. MAY 8th GEO. STEWART PHONE On the Wave of Popularity • 'THAT'S WHERE UGHT-COLORED SHOFS ARE -FOR BOTH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! Our store is well stocked with is variety of shades, in the newest prevailing styles, and we invite your inspection Bring the Children, too; we are prepared to fit you all, from baby to Grandpa. "The Leading Shoe Store" Phew VIS W. Reg. Sharman Goderich