HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-4-28, Page 44---Thnrsday, .'.yeti 2P, 1927.
Young Men's Snappy Suits
in the New Double-breasted Models
Suits rich in coloring, extra well tailored
and good trimmings. Suits that any
young man would be pleased to wear.
You'll see them in our windows.
Splend ifl Values at $22.50
oten;hter of Mr. and Mra. Rubt. l'ur-
I,. ate tall up a ,emery attack
f "flu.'•, .
Ur. and Mra. J. 1). B:reeroft and
te..dreu spoil Friday with Mr. and
Mr-. .\*drewKlrk.uf 9e*fortit. Mrs.
Kirk Lad received a cerate of °renege,.
. shipp.d from Ager brother, M'r. Nor-
men A. 1111112.•, uY l.,s Auge•Ir., e'al.
1k'tsth of .tudrrw Fua.-Mr..\ndrew
Fox o fi Iiteluhg resident of \ astilu 4
wort'Whitrebtreh. tolowe}.wessy al his
both.. ,.n Thursday. .April 21, after a
111o1211'. n:uc•s from heart trouble.
• Besides 111s wife and brother. George.
he loaves three daughters: Allot, at
Leone; •I-:elwl. is t.urs•. and IA•ttie, of
the Rank of Commerce. Windmill. .\u-
• ether .Iqu¢leh•r. Orate. died rifles
mouth'% hip.. T.Win. +ot..n.i.•t4 tlw•.
fuser 1 (nem a distatier were: Ito
Parton. .•1 .\i1.a Craig: Mr*. Clark.
Airs. e:a'l:i2I r, Tillie and Janes. of
('aru.a<..---:itis,■ hitt, Smith. of shalt.
The ben Ave(' family Imre the aym-
psltl.e of the entire community. -
I. \5.:h +i..
Ready-to-We.r and Special Measure Clothing Phone 57
IllE - - - -
RIPI.EY. Kiwi: _ -The Dramatic
Hub of l.ue•batsh presented :he 'nay,
WEEK (W MAY ? TO 7The Road to the City." In the town-
ship hall herr on Friday evening.
Monday and
Th.. provddta. which were h• aid of
T 7 RlpIi 3 s new eommuulty skating rink.
DOROTHY MaaKA1LL' 1 amounted to 111:5.
and 1 William Darlene. of t.u(•ka••w, and
CHARLFli MURRAY Neil MoLrnnan, of Ripley. have pur-
M a romantic. wintlllating. amilra•!''ha.sei the undertaking business of
minute comldly with the Nrw. York i the late J. B. Marlyn.
wlflsubway 'o its locale. TDI* ptglei' PORT wUt glee you tmic•ke•ra: tbRi�-'-_ --
chortle* and mars of laughter.
111 rry I.: ntrdon 1'.,theds
April 23. ---Miss Elva
\\.,..., ;•. isiting her *0111. Mrs. B.
I1 11•y:• r of tholerl••1,. this week.
'Mr. :sd Mrs lick Cowan vislfral
the :atter ist.•r. )Jr". Frank Ker-
shaw of 4; de rl••h. on Sunday,
Mr . W .1. Parks attended the ed1ue•*
tional i,a,Vcntlou :it Toruato last
wcrl . _
11r ab.1 Alrs.71.•rt•Vineeiit and fano
Ay. •1 8i-Igrave. • were- Westfield
v beset .+11 $ta►Jah --
uf m a' bruises. from whirl '., was nleeding
this vicinity met at the hum.. of Mr.
tend Mrs.,lack ('.0an ecu Monday even -
'lowest, to was able to
trig and prevented them with a Jardi- ie rrmocrd to Mia l n:c. wbrre be la
tiler uJol pedestal to stow their good Quin. as walI as Pond 1d_ rIpreted.
aisle. In their u.•wly married lite.
Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Snell visited'BAL't'illKll _A
at 1ht home h.Ui•r'. hn,1'OltD. r7 Y:.• Mr. and
lis•' Jahn TuofuuiClteluet Iof .\uDurbrtbcr. un Mrs. Jardine and p:ah• No, of Asb-
Snt'm'y' rirkt, slant Easier r'unday with
Mr. J. L. Rtuiiiiel r. Ate. Lorne riends in the v114are.
Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Bot. Res , '
e-hanan. Mrs. John Redmond and Mr. Mr. Itd.y McLean. of 7'untiae, Mich.,
Raymond Redmond attended the fun- tlaltCd at the horse ..f his mother dor-!
• eral of the late Mr. Andrew Fox, of tug the holidays. '
i'4►RT iid3ERI% April- 96.=M u►ch• an Saturday, a George Cnrrrll Alias i3nim.actd to+'
learn the baking Mutineer with Mr: t
Willie Huy, frum aleosw, is visiting - '"-
of Toronto, its the •110koe' Presby-
terian church on Thur slay evening
W.w .M% s �11a11tule MreWIj.-Tile
regular 'monthly m..•: t.x . r the Wie
mot's-lnathule was h: ;,i +: 'Tuesday
of M. week at the h..Wc (,t Mrs. It. A.
Alcfaotah•. 'lira. •lioa..1i.1 4son gave
j el ser}' iutrrraMag p:ip.r ell }he Lea -
gm, of . Nuthena, alt •. t'ruilslanka of
1c'luaham. distrk•t presi.ien:, and Mrs
Llama. of WIngliau.•_--a-xltie•t aeras e
were 'irritant at,, I•'kc s few
word,.. Mrs. Patti-- a a, -i Mrs. Caie-
tuor*, of Wiugham. ,.ere present. also.
.\s this w•as the a+: in:' m,vtliig, the
follewing.ottice•ty w•:.• ,.,r:,rl: Presi-
dent. Mrs. C. Hroe: I•t vice•presl•
dant, Miss Elliott; oat . ir,• 0.0'1406i.
Mr.. 11. .\. McKrur , : "• ,,'ary•treas-
urrr. 1lr-. It. Aldo- . :rriet di-
. rector. Mr... alk•lwy.•::,r.� Mr><
t'.limas•li. 11r.. J. J. ;l ,l �,t.d Ltrs, F.
Russ: organist,.. It ! .. iLaas. The
next meeting is to h. t• h" :r the homy
of Mrs. W. It. Slut' , r -
Mr. John kIIpatn:rk Injured. -Mr.
John Kilpatrick nee ••, . ,• ea•rious
:oxide 111 114•011ly w I . • 5,1S Doming
dnwii the o.' -t rlv4 t...the mill
with some bads of bull,'. The
hnruess orotic, eau. I:he Isere to
-4s011 -Thr- loony H-4 I"w4 Yl4.at-
Into iI.r dite't on t• the iinfortu•.
hate uatu. Fortut : ‘ the Lorsc
freed itself. hat ll i%.'gatrick. was
1111,112!.• 10 free him• :::d he 1817 in
this 1srtbnts eo1411 • ; 'ru1M•arda of
nu hour before an, •: passed.. Fin-
ally Mr. Gordon ]teat )*ws-.along Rio.
. _1ltedlril aid wya. �.. -lassie
We Can Get You the
Finest Furniture at
Moderate Prices
If you want anything in new or
used Furniture and want to
save some money, call at
Blackstone's Furniture
West Street t tool, rich, I tit.
0006*Jt0101t' r- •, P'n!ep
It Is Roofing Time Again
What About,* Built-up Roof Thi's Year with a
Guarantee from the Firm for Fifteen Years ?
If you are going to paint your roof, why not have a strip
of roofing laid in asphalt over the nail. Then tout with hot
asphalt. (klakl enquiries. Several roofs done last y
a .)
1. ries' are about the aarne an for painting your�'
can forget about your roof for years.
,Johns -Manville Asbestos Shingles, R*gfelt Shingles, Rug -
brick pattern Shingles for side of house, Rolled Roofing,
shingle design, Rolled Rooting of all kinds, 5X and 3X B. C.
Shingles, 5X and 3X White Cedar Shingleee, Corrugated Iron
Rooting, Ridge Roll and Valley Iron and Nails of all kinds.
The latest and a big stock to choosy from. Several years'
experience. Every roof guaranteed.
Hardwood Flooring manufactured by the Builders' Moulding Co.. Tor-
attti. Shorts ata big reduction. Lat me give you a price.
am old
WAY.' Oki p�r
it/laff m
pole its - - el
Phone 369w Goderich
with relatives. re. ST. HELENS 1l'arrener, of Aoderieh. •
e._ I Milton fisher has engaged with.,
Mer. Rayb Easter
hod ay (;Dal- ST 17)CLENS, • April 23. -Yeas Bisset lyra*. f -or The summer.' i
' who sls•nt the Easter holiday to Dash-
Wwlne.day and Thursday wood. have returned to their home .Arnold Barbour. of -Fergus. spent the Mr. John Danielson. of London. le
L'ere, • w,•, k ,a.d with Ler mother. Mrs. R, J. 4/14"!several day* at bis old home
B1CRF. UANIKI ti ANI) ('IiF:S1'Elt . here.
CONKLIN Mr. Earl McDonald and son Lorne. Woods..
a4eompanied Mr. Neil McDonald. of Mrs. Wm. t'ameton and Mine M.! The many. friends of Mr. William f
la..- 11.11:1•• a comedy with a kick. Klntxil, on a motorirg trip to Strat- Murray are in Torouto: having been inuder••.n regret ttat hr Is not en- 1
Piquant and wtucy. the plot is laid ford on Suolay. called tiers ley the sudden deathof.- ioyidg the best of e-aith_ .We wields.
alum; the boulevards of tray 'Parer"
' •Mr. and airs. 14. Phillips motored 1, ford. spent the ho:lday - with their,!
Mermaid ('omed.y
"THE JELLi' FISH' i WIIITECIIt'RCii. April 2b. -Rev. Stratford on Monday. reiothr* here and at Remitter. xl E �lkld bud Mis. Laura MIs* Ituth Mande wet; Dispel with
Mr. and -Mr. Muss llltehell. during!
Easter week.
Saint lural ---en je+yaidee I -
evenings leave. been !ell. in the Rifle ,
Club hall sine.• the hoe door was cum-
pli•teel. Obi, March 's•nl ,1 few ..1 the
village Indies put .'. a euchre and ,
dance In the hall 111 aid of the Coed-
-.erten tr.. j Tic TD. -11:11T-wait D
to rapacity :not the =ant of over $:A►
wa* added to the Sa.:lord ward fund.
Moe. 1). Mel►opaid. Mrs. Cameron'a.6 hien a speed) recovery.
sister. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moore. of Serat-
, J. and Mrs. Pollak ,and Mrs. Murray 'n - '
Friday and Saturday motored, to London on Wednesday for Salkeeh1, of 1:"dkricb. visited friends
xis* Annierms
Atrong. -nho had her herr Last week.
LILLIAN RiCH, ROBERT Ft1;4tZER The friends of Mr. John'lldGnirr
tonsils removed in Loran hospital on
and Mondry. : will regret to -hear that lie is in Wing -
VICTOR Me ALLEN Tho les•ture whish \van to 'he given ham hospital. very 111 with lmrumonia.
In a erashinfi'.'pie of the big stlowa. ley Rev. Duncan McTavish of Exeter Rev. t'• Cumming ne.•upled his own
A during departure from the usual ten "Mii•1 ,_Flats. or Drifters of Life.- pulpit on Mnuday after. a bolktey of
run of melodrama. Sancti) seting 1s : -has )Kern postponed until FrI4*y1 Aprtt • Soo months.
a feature of I, ="•R in the United church here.
Mrs. Clark. Mita (*.demi Clark and
"THE lSi1 OF RETRIBUTION" The -Faleoher • families of Culross Mr. Marvin McDowell. of Westrirld.
mt Wlit.dhur.•h were called to 1„-,,„l. 11111411. a call on friends here last week.
The-\deentnros of 111117.10`elon 10attend] the funeral of their *1s- .• The Women's Institute will hold The prize wimi cr- sere Mrs. James
"10 orliro D-ilftr►i'a f t r-riouw -stew. _-1t{i1 Ljntnu. em `her- their -heir ,".sonny Io Ips_ ]all -WL
Hisser 011.1 lir. Tion. shit hies __ 1)11 LUXURY IN UPHOLSTERY
Thursday. May :WI. at 2 3t o'clock. Thnrydac . v airs. April lith, the The cess comfort which yon an. beeline]
Matinee Saturday at 3 p.m. • 1 utdlay. y
Mr*. Deo Mcy'Iruaghan and ehildt (toll cul 2 Stt¢g • tlou. for nest year's it1Ac Cltth m,.mM r. tiefd a e nehre nnfl to enjoy when reposing in any of our !iv-
------ ;rte slantSunelay with Lir. and Mra, program 'Topic: "1'rar114al Talk . en sinuses Thr hall 44,11 attain' 111 el ami ing rtohi anti parlor npinannd Mecca. S
JaY, itarlaatr. are 11x. awl Yrx.,Jas. Dame Nursing,- in charge of Air., all reran. n go, •1 time. The prize- fllrnintre .1. nI l to. ncomme•ndation
King of Na-
ture -Chief Engineer of
the world's progress to-
ward comfort. For centuries
the sun has been storing is
the bowels of -the earth the
heat values we find in opal.
The quality coal we sell is itn-
ptegnated, with the proper
caloric units to snake a com-
fortable heat.
°tier New sad Save Mosey
Remember we carry a full line of Sherwin Williams,
-- "the better paint,- in all cobra .
The best line of Varnishes, Pure Lead, Oil, Turps
and Dry Colors. A fine assortment of Brushes.
hie., we can -apply you with all your wants in the house
leaning an.1 painting line.
We have a Vacuum Cleaner and Wax Polisher to
rent. Reasonable rates.
Consult us about your Painling.
The Dean Coal Co.
Phone 95
East Side Square Goderich Phones: 334-3fi:t
Marine and General W1
Electric Ranges--Eketrk wriaerg
Fittings of all kinds.
Phone 1741v Goderto •
Uniltn'- rl Quantify of
itarh nr f eloderich also spent the Metarlane-. All are eveieot0e. w -
inners were Mr. r Joe. Fritzb y anti i enough. Rot on top of all this is the ar-
e . e ,
day there. re. Work and .laughter. Alis Mr. .tlhc,•rt l:old-h•,rpl. Friday nlght1tistic appeal. The type of upholstered
at $3 per elogle cord. delivered. Mr. J. I). iteeenoft is busy planting hell 11. of Stnitlf• Fall•. were visitors .rf last work :!.e members held a furniture we an. naw offering is ae. ex.
THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING ' loon walnut and red oak elovsrnnent erith their daughter. Mr'.. Thus. Salk- smoker. quisite in design and finish a. it i+e'tnx-
(JO.. LIMITED. . 1 sees at tela -wood ___ -.- old, for Laster week.. unantly comforinbte.
(Foot of .1n1[lesea St. Phone ell.) I Alis. Elsie Wightmnn. also Muriel, --Mr. viol Mr... 'M. Hoy,et la-tow.9.. - lietwu1('H TOWNSHIP ''
nonortdl up :bud vioitedl With' Alr.. and
-_T1'e i y.'i.., thl „f Taylor's ('oruers ..
Rutherford returned home nnil them wilt hold the regn:ir monthly meet- 2
Mt1Ult•ta t•. en iovfe t!, Tf mtulii .
lug in 11:.e hnr,•h Wedne+day. Mu•y , Furniture Funeral Direct. r
Mrs. Wan. Mri mitt tt went te, Haar 4. at o pear---- Hamilton Street. Goderich. Ont.
you in 'e edn1..ek,) to attend the fun.
• rat ..f her mother. Mrs coulter. Eveready 'blas' :'ght1 batteries.
`Mother Mine'
Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe
A Quantity of Household
Goods to Dispose of
at Bargain Prices
antique Furniture, . Picture-,
. ,- Orna-
It alk*, China, FiRttrPg,
u eenhet etou hav'(tforr eknow
a three-ai(eomrely
to bre presented in
by Victoria Street Young
People's League
Thursday and Friday,
April 28th and 29th,
at s.15 .
Vocal solos by Mrs W. F. Saun-
ders and Mr Bert Cutt
Admission - 35c
Highest Prices Paid
for Muskrats, Hides, Skins,
Goose Feathers and all
kinds of waste.
David Brown
Phare 2741
.s. bulbs.ete. Can pl.''sDrug Store . �■11.111'.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■$■■tm■■■*■U■*■IX■■■■■
ie,.,." Dl'N4iANNON * I
1►trNt,-1.Yat)N. April •Z7. -airs. ]i -
A. Mel e-nrfr
:t--w,d•k's-514")-4ara.k$i alai -Strath- Relief Can Only Come Through /Me returned ITOMP• after �e
. Better Blood- Liniments of
, Mr. It. lived and daughter Evelyn. No Use
,f Goderii•h. spent Sunday with t
Irie•nds here. !•
t'^ Ms!. Georgie .Allen has In no ottrer'leirr •.,+W dots this-hhwul
ltnnu• from.* two ursine' {1 11 with bld•ufie tido so rap,,Uy as in rhenma- ■
' her sister. mi...Roy Harris, at StrnP Iism. Not uni7 does it la•i•ome thin ■
Come in and see the
Lavender Line Underwear
WB. would like every woman
to see for herself the many
charrawl of this delightful new
different --each garnicnt is Lamed
fit-Tit cornea i : 1. v.1Lc range of
;.t:^active fab:ics, ::r.d there arc a
number of little refinement: about
each garment . that will at once
appeal to women who value charm
and daintiness,
Will you accept this personal in-
. :itation.
n•.:itation• to come and inspect our
full'range of this fascinating under-
wear? You will, of course, be
under no oblic'ation'to buy.
turd. but it Is loadedwith Impurities - rh,u
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Russett sod };rtes-' tootle poison*. Without the proper ■
,;riled MAI& •tt 1:tcter on Smithey. treatment these pelsona Increase. the ■
Mr. and Mrs. Cayley. .,r Stratford. inflamed Joints swell and the patient '
let•. and Mrs. role and Nrs. McNally, becomes a cripple. Most treatments, 1
„L i1 ..L. rleh' en 11.41. totfrieud+_Dere simply nim to keep down the pain. 1 -
-Decorating Values
This is Spring-cleaning time in every home; a time when draperies, rugs,
floor coverings and furnishings ate given a thorough cleaning. Some of these furnish-
ings may need replacing with newer and brighter goods and we cordially invite your
inspection of our new spring stock of house -furnishing values.
We Carry In Stock
Printed Linoleum, 2, 3 and 4 yard
':•r Smany * hence with every nnraTroroT•r 4'01141-_.--
__ _ . , ..•._ .- _.� - - Floor Oil Cloth, 1, 1
2 1-2 yard widths
Stair Oil Cloths, 18 in.
in. widths
Rubber Stair Treads
Rubber Door Mats
ie teurb.•rs have alt retarnpet to tion a renewed attack follows. ■
it schools after spending the Paster To colt out :rheumatism the hltal 1 ■
tit their homes here. mast be enriched_Mon- :Im
Mr. 1,.•nson Pentland lett un on-' potsftls driven nut with the. natural
holidays l the rheumatic
day for North ihiy. where he is at- l secretions of the leafy. This can hest ■
tending Normal School. be done through n course of Dr. Wit- .
Mr. dial Mrs. Roy itarris.'-of strut. 1 Ilnms Pink 'Piths whIek have a ape -
ford. *fiery:: Monday at the home of eine action on the blood, giving It yew
Mr. Sod Airs. T. Cr. Alien.
iorottlo on '$arareIsyl He returned] sial results. That every' sufferer from la
nu Suitdny. Mrs. McKenzie and son I rhenmatitnn who dors not try Dr. Wil- ass
who hove hee•n visiting In 1 lining. Pink Pills I* reglerting the ■
richness and redness. Thou*anda 111
Mr. I;. M. McKenzie motored to five triedthis treatment with benen-
Ata Icol m.
T t th t tw w k returned mnpt hopeful means of recovery Is
oro, o e sis 4r 1.1.
With tttm. - tehown by the ,.tatemebt alt Mr. David ■
Mrs. .1. it. McN.thh and sem Jack Carroll, Pletou, N.S., who nays: -"For 1
and Miss McDonald, of l.uckneew, ! ye ars 1 was troubled with rheum*- Et
spent $l,Iday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Liam. The pains were not continual..
_ Crawford.•! but they always retnrnetl. and kept III
iettir;. 11 from their we:titling trip and Irk belts 'arid many MNIII•itivq, loit 41
Cosi. ntabuions are in order. I only tlinse m hi, hare mirrer,-,1 from i Ill
Anitinwit N chevrotel .4stia. , 1 pair of getting better when a friend ' X
M Chas. has mirchated a tide trouble will realise sheet I suf-
NIel..inglilln-ittilek sedan find Mr. Ed. fermi at times I had berth to des 111
Tier II'. Hayes I* bonelon this urged IWO to. try In. Williams' PIM.
eek Pills. In a short time cow.' feel
Innmatie Club in the parish hall on I rontinned taking the Pin"' sna moon 11(
Wednesday evening of lost *reek was I lomid that erery trace of the trouble
heel disappeared and _there Wa‘ a
Orfef 110toTOVPIncinf ill lay general
"not very largely Attended, owing prob-
ably tee peon advertising mot the him,
season molt other Iowa' ,ranorma. hut
these who attended listened to N 'PM
hy those tnking part
home trent Tornnte. where .he At -
took Dr. Williams: tisk Pille anti I
have not haft thee least twinge of the
tribible In that Hoe. That IP why -1
other Reiff " Dry Goods Th
corstdentiy reetnannead Me pills to
Everwear Verandah Rugs
Grass or Rag Mats
Tapestry Rugs
Barrymore Rugs
Congoleum Hugs
Linoleum Rugs
Marquisette Curtaining
Silk Curtaining
Net Curtaining
Voile Curtains
Swiss Net Curtains
1-2, 2 and
and 22 1-2
Fancy Marquisette Curtains
Curtain Rods
Window Shades
Wall Paper. Felt Paper
Awning Duck
Wall Burlap
Value pins Quality plus Service.
tended the meetings of the trustees You enn get thew IPilla front sny
lloicoe Furnishing..
e S• A. Gray Co•
department o'f the E.A. medicine dealer or by Maill at Me N Wear
Quite a number from here. attended lms from The Dr. winnow Aestaav
the lectnre given by Mr. Frank Yelgh. oompanr, nrodistne, Oal.