HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-4-28, Page 1Clubbing Rates ,'
THE SIGNAL can save you money
on aImost any newspaper or
ical. Rates on request. *
o -
YEAH No. 1T ----
Reeve Lee Wants More Up -to cud IW chum, Harold 'Fuck. et
date Methods in Road Repair Whines )ltt.h.. Iwlns found d«d to bed
George (Autrey and His l'hum \'idioms
of Peculiar Ars/drat
A tragic event oct•nrret ou Thurs-
.110 last al {Detroit, two youths.
Gt urge D. Curfey, formerly of Nile,
1 ac
Workflex ga
n and
,l the loos• of Mr.
Currey', 7(107 Gratiot nrmue. Death
lu the abeence of the Mayor, litr•ve wart dile to aephysiation from gas.
Lee presided at the meeting of the The two boys were found lifeioaa at 6
town council on F'riduy evening last. o'clock in the morning with the gun -
Ail the other mrmlw•r. of the cootie:1 Jet turned oo. Two dead rats were
found in tb.• room, and it ti believed
that the rats In running over the gas
stove had slipped down over the
smooth nickel linage. turning ou the
Mrs. Currey was in the room about
4 a.m. to Are that the boys were com-
stre+t, from Waterloo to Wellington; fortable and they were all right thein.
.-yu.rl3Li14dY.91"kr:hor rtrrctitt'om War- When found Geor was thought to be
'rho to Wellington: south aide or still living. but alias -two hours." work
Lightbuvar street. from Waterloo to with the pub:ta a all bete was id,.
Wellington. Metro were gent on to
Ihr•puhlic• works committee.
.t repttteat from the Musical Society
wen• pre nt.
The tai eolle•tor bawled in the 19111
Ws roll and submitted a atateme0t
ahuwlug $3.11,411.55colk•cted since
Mnrib 114.
Petitions fur sidewalks. as follows,
were presented: North aide of Quebr•
for $1SA on the 1927 grout w•asrcet.-
Gere Currey was in his nineteenth
year and Mocks wag a few years
younger. George had beep fn D!
red to the linen., runimittec; Sud one nearly two year.' and was living
from the Collegiate Institute board. re- his brother hose. lie was driving a
questing payment of $10400 on the (rusk and his manager on hearing of
with I
voile,' 11'1'1% was nrr,. 10 the Uamr his death rimed down the plant for
An application from Ituhs rt MacKay
and Alex. Young for permission to
coutruct a dentin curbing on N,•Isou
'trees from SI .\slew's street to
North street and on North street in
front of MaeKey Hall. was referred
to the public works romntttee. I Ott datutday,
A fonmuuicatlou fruity J. Iv. Pahl- I place Sandal afternoon from the
dies requestiug that the burned build- home• of bis slate,. YN. Roop'. Ptlm•
ilg on Wll.on street lg• rem..lyd, tya•) er.toa street. The cervices were eon -
referred to the public works commit•' cI•cttrl by Rev. d. C White. of Nile.
Bid/ding revolts
Applications for building permits.
as follows. were presegtsd and refer-
red to tbo tire committee: John d.
Graham. Ramer. Elglrs Ave.: Lawn
Dowling flub. new club-tswse. I'lctun
street; John Snell. porch on dwelling.
$r Uavld . Wert : W. G. Snow'. (sm-
oke on .torr front. Writ street : Mts.
the day. HP loaves him father. George
Currey. now M Verdun, Que.. a sinter.
Mrs. 'Wm. Roope•. of Guderl•b. sod
three brothers. Alcan; of Godettch.
Samuel. of Dna
agoaoa. and Isaac, of
Detroit. r
The body, was Drought to Goderieh
he funeral took
Hugh Dunlop. verandah, Waterloo
GODEI:ICH, ONTARIO, THO*SD • lI:11. 2S, 19.7
Classified Advertisements
Read them on Page 8. An advertise-
ment in THE SIGNAL reaches the
right people- the people who buy.;
11.11: S1GN.V. 1'111\T1\t: Co. 1 IMITI:11. I'i l.I.s u•rr
The News of the Town
Mums --James
\ quiet woddiug wan sa,leuutlzsd In
lk•trott on Tuesday. April 10th, when
Irene Ger/rgrwa James. eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George .lames, was
united In marriage to Mr. John Mul-
lin, both of Gudrtch. After the wed-
ding the Delle and genua t for To-
ledo. Toronto and other paint-. They
w111 reside In Gudet(cb.
Presbytery Meld lugs
Two large gatherings are taking
place today at North street United
chur•h--the meeting of the 1'.-eaby-
tery of 'Huron and that of the Pres-
byterial Women's ifisxiuuary Society.
Aa t.oth of these bodies cover the
whole ....linty of 'Fibron, there is a
:ergs- attendants. at .ueli. nod the
Iuytt_,4pri,.g,. pe. .-sr,. c1t Jui[h.-a rtY1_
Indicate that ■ large proportion o
tho•. In wtt•tudarres• herr come by au-
tomobile. The Ladies of North street
-church are serving dinner In the uts
etap school room for the ri-icor-.
Itil. Mark's church, ('.rkdale. was
the scent. of a timet but puttee wed-
ding uo Saturday. Apr 11 'Sl. wheat
Nina Beatrice. only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Vaughan M. Roberts. 10L'
Jameson avenue. Toronto (formerly
of Godericb 1. was united in marriage
to Mr. Neville Butes, C.E.. of Bridge -
burg, Ont. Bev. Walter 11. white of-
dclote•d. The bride was unattended,
and looked dainty and charming
gowned in a F'reneb frock of white
georgette. with white cunt and hat to
match. She earrird an .armful of
Bitter` -Robina
and Rey. S. Jefferson. of Victoria i)phelia raced and was given away
street church. Sixty-*IYe ears fol- by her father. The groom was rt-
Iowed the ►Past*• to ('otborne emote- tended by Mr. Alan Daly, and only
tery, including two tars of 170-orge'A Immediate relative,: and friends were
friends from Detroit. The pallbearers present. Atter the conclusion of the
were four cooties -Norman AIIIn. ceremony the happy couple lett on a
('has. (treckow. Will McCann and Jas. motor trip through we,iT.rn New York.
Ragan 1"pea their return Mr. and Mn.. Hates
will take up rrsi.k•uee in Itrldg••btirg
To Preaoet J al Bayfield This Looks Like a ('haUeuge
The young 1e of North street SheriffIt.)e.-1.1- made hi- anima:
I'nited church w ; 1st 5 Ott the play spring hike aroun l Dent/Miler tat Sat-
-Eyes of Love -l the town hall. Bay- 'inlay las:. ail king the. distance of
field. on Vrictay ealet.Ing. May, 0th. thlrte.11 wile.. from his residence ou
Th, play' Is brine put on under the Wellington street and return. as
au -plies of the IIbrdry hoard ut itay- registered by his pedometer: in four
! hour.. \i• there a
ut other r
---7L_ thrs -core;. B d -t e n-1 e a r youug.ter.
,••, lr aMitte" who ,•au etoi r the ground lit the ..aur
1'u/-• 1 ietorla siert: luulg I'.•,tdr'n tine•'.'
l..sicue will presort' the three -act -
.ronefy -Mother 4I- " in MacKay Wife Soon Followed bf Husband
iia11 on.l'hursds' ant! Friday evening. Tao old re.ilent. or 4..nle-rt.IL. in
of this' week. Hew evil seta vocal the nersuns of Mr. and Mr,. Wright
..ilia will be rendertn by Yrs. W. F'. Martin. passed away reeeutlr within
:launders and Mr. Ile,' t'utt. of Galt. a week of each other. Mr.. Martin
- -arr46,1 \\' '1 1:itit. anti
The Pat will OpaS talhiy Evening Mr.
The 1'a1tlluu will n .•u to the piddle Roth
fue_ ht• 110(1 tiny tb,s .mt1ou ou Sat. tee).
urday eventing. a IAth. and w 1I he Taste teshllb: fn tiodern•1,. - ..
°open every flatuf)fa1' evening during '_ "-`t- ' .
May and June. rug will be held Webotee Fetidly Betui.c
from R IS to 11. awl during these .\u :athuitaatie mooting was held
months the music ri )n• furnished try di I•urkuoa ou Saturday rreBlug last
the Midnight Rev era. to male arrsngrm4uts for the annual
Webster t4, hi h mill I held
Mrs. -Jahn Mel'otuiell Found Dru%nrd
Sunda) Menting
'roe people of u,- community
learned with .iucere rcgrel of the ctrl
1isgtsly w'hiell tok itis' Al the hla•-
hue on Sunda). itbel Mrs. Juhu
McConnell of lawn . lust her life.
The bialy of the drrrased was found
lino• to short. at Ilit•..ollth aide of the
u i w'
+ , .rt.. 11 1 not k41 w Just no
nth i n
n 1
Ihr fatality e.ruvrevi; ars no- Iwreott-
a Itueseel it. Mrs. Me4'unnell bad
been IB poor health for soave time.
She went a. far at. Knox thumb with
her suns s1 tLe limn of toe alorntng
.seethe and then .I.ridt.d to gu fur a
walk. and it %a• -ume time between
11 o'elw•k NMI 1 4I when the (nullity
)lsnio un 1Vedttrwtxy..\pill 2lWh.
were interred in Mattltttul cemr 1t "'a -.•d was formerly Mi.. Kir-
bora .lt'n :wins
daughter of Mrs.
t'ha- \\'elth.allll illi . 4'!. ►. \'
Ash,. %n- Itori at Moors•lield, ikaiwri4i
'and after her Marriage r,-.ldrd for a
number or year- to Or..ront.. Mite-
-Tier. Toronto. and for the past two
year- in 4;ock•riih. She an. a woman
unrou, w a c t. r highly respected. and lured ty All who
wade her t.4 .111aintxner. much d,•votrd
Broth lllif• at Vlingftaen th[m year on Nuturvlay. June 11th. In at. .lir home and a rraluus l'hrl.tian.
1luron IuveatlWfa 1.Imitr,l r.,rntl) the Agricultural 141111. Lusknow•. the She is homesun ed by her hu -baud, who
opened n htsn•b *f their .tn•k and shorts to he hold iu the pstrk Last f 1 t' i -l..4. ruund-
bond hostile*. In
Milli. Mr. Ioig
Mr and Mrs. W
is to t.harge ut
Walker was for
ern Canada Ft
LP town of Whig- year the reunion was held at Hayfield. i. ui1ht ureumil at I le .
%Valker. ,atn of where about three hundred friends limo by her mother, Mrs. .'has.
y Walker of town. :ltd relative. of this family aru-srtubleil. Welsh. of town. and thaw slaters and
yew branch. Mr. The, following Albers were elected for (our brothers: Yrs. N. W. Scutt, of
1 with rho.West- the wining cent: President. Thomas
Itmse. and two suns. .Aruuld •tad Mut,
4•a - w • . [...tit.
Mrs. Allen 1h,rff. of ('a1-
111.. W, -hoer: secretary. Mrs. George ;'nets• fir, Iuhn Hots of Seattle'
Andrew's: convener of sloth. eommit- \I'ilhur and !)avid. of1'almrr.unt, anal
Bereaved ire, Fred Anderw.0 : concrorr of rt- Charles ,Sud bra. -of longing. Mich.
Mrs. J. C. Stewart fn•h,lw
mrni .mltt.•r. Mrs. Jas.- 'Mollii
Ihr aortal remains were taken on
*4 of the death of
Margaret Linwood. Four Grain Bast Arrivals Tuesday- afternoon to Palmerston for
interment In Hetheselt cemetery. A
art is Just able Four sttaw.rs arrived from tort service was held at the home. Market
dz wrvks' illness William tl1• past week witit-esrguea ,erre. 1u Tuesday.11stahrrnon and
bras unable fo a1- of grain for the legal elevators. The wAs eetnduchrl by Her. !i. ('. M.'lk•r-
r deceased lady bdtuwing discharged cargoes cat Ike. tohi. Thr pnlllsarers we're• A. 1). ,4e -
ht (axlrrlch and Gcnlerhb elevator: Sa.sk-atchewan, Lean. lamer $heardowu, W. It.•g.
!Derr. 7u•Iho bushels of wheat and 01.tiOU1410 1harmau, (scot $thaefer, 11 1.. .lotus
hu -hods of flax: Ma[drtuurt. 4k4(an) .nud Chas. K. Wonders,
11,) to for Fore IN:410 s of wheat, totem bushel. of
rd. B.A.. 1, I•aed . oat se•alpingc and :11.4100 bushels of
1 el Central Ilig11 flux : Loki -too, 24.4100 bu.hrls of
rue Toronto. lav- wheat. Thr steamer ltayt+at di.,
Mrs. J. C.
tin Saturday
recslvel the sad
her mother. M
at 1Viuuips•g. M
to he around a
and consequent!
tend the funeral.
Mt/' -11t two elan
made many trio.
Wesley G. Fd
etAiatunt prise
School of (*p
been recommend
till. priuripalapiV
Numerous Expressions of Esteem
and Regret as Rector Leaves
for Another Charge
Rev. S. S. Ilardy. rector of tit. Geor-
ge • church for seven year, on Sunday
hail bade farewell to his coogregitton
lit an address at the evening service,
which was attended Ont only 1.y a
large number of his own parishioners
bur by maty from other .vugregwtlous
of the town. Mr Hardy spoke of the
u,r.umstane•s of his curring to Go1-
erich and of the affection for the tows
winch had grown to his heart from
that time until the present. It is a
beautiful town, b• said. and those
who live in it are highly favored. Thr
...,clrW of 111,1 nurtsh an1Yttf"the tt)ws.
he said. had ben very considerate sad
(he ns.x•iations be had fnrmeA bad
wade a deep. matting and drlighthtl
impress. Ile especially thanked there
Who had been active In the vwrinua
church organlzatfons and who hal
thus borne a burden which was per -
hap* not fully •t'preclate•L Ile hoped
to he ahle to visit Golerldt from flat
to time. and he trusted that the work
of the church In this Jar won14
prosper -greatly In the years to come.
Mr. Hardy left today for flarioa.
Ohio, where he takes charge ot St.
raters Episcopal church.
[luring his Incumbency in tioderich
great Improlttn.ute have' been made
to the chnrch and rectory buildings
and the parish hall baa been reao-
vatei and sntargeet and is now one of
the best-minimsd parlsh house. in the
d icsvv4. •
The departure of Mr. and Mex.
Hardy hits been the .session for num-
erous testiltruniala of the e.tt•Pn to
which they are held by the members
of the parish of St_ G,rirge's. (it
Tue,aluy evening the men of the cea-
gr•gatlon gathered in the parish hall
and. presented Mr. 'lardy with si purse
of gold. Itis Honor Judge l.ewla pee-
--- ON LLOP PA&M Narita -Callused b,r ap{tolntmeut to ,•ttarged f2.000 bushel. of %treat at sided and in fitting teres ezprevwrd
stn•.•. . Huron county. repairs. etc.. at _ the 1'estrn° l'anad.a !'lour Mills adt-
court house; Awe Tiehboroe. poultry t 'rhe marriage of Miss Margaret the new We..tern John I,. of Gorkv'trh Plants Tree 4t Ib'' hrlings ..f lour and n-ytt•ttt whirls
bnurr, house;
survey; firs. W1ultry. A fatal a.rideot occurred ort the (Zellwood. youngest slaughter of Mr. Thigh School o t - :nerve which is ted --Tatar on Saturday. I ttmdtrdth :►nnivrrgatJ - the Iw,)pt• of St. George's entertained
and Mrs. Ii. ('all%otd. of Tilbury. In• opened in u urzt year. The The tbre.• remaining sttamPr• of the townnl- )[r }Ixrds and the dw p. n-
kitchen. West street; ('hen. farm of D. J. Yrfrarlrne. 10th courser Out• hundn•d yvrtrs ago--ou April
Hlaek, garage. Elgin overate: W. A. *don of idelUCgp, on Monday. April Ont., to W. W. Martin. M.U.• of God- recummendatic - made by tit,- cad- winter deet cleared. light. tar Ameri- deet which was telt brvma.• of ttL
`L'ird, 1KY7 -Juhu (suit. rolttmisyiourr i
1...untirint. roofing dwelLing, `eat ISth. white him ten -year-old sun, erlch, son of Mr. and Mrs. William viturycummitte the 'Hoard of Yalu- can Hurts this seek. These laDafa departure. Mr. O. F. Oar. rector's
! t i took 'save ou 'rues- cutins and ]it. card opt of fife• •
%ere the It 1 rune Smiths \Vilburf H. oC the lauada l'umpaur. uecnm{w1 lel i wades. ens th.XI collet upon to mak
street George Somervilleaais- Yci'arlauJ, loaf his o1a April Pith, w JI Andre % s applicant. for tl Smith 1
'•i th • present a tit
a h leen harrowing ng th!'1t1 •rn
Ito.dist'''' John H t'4! e[ tetra.
Martin. o ucnu, o { c
dal on. was the i h and Hurlbut W. Smith.
by Ihr. (TyeT 1 lluulol, and others. the prr..•ntati,tn to the re•U,r, *hie
esvh ot Judge iewls' to tial asix-yareld roil. Jobs wits Y• t + arrived) at the site n .
tie,' tT4 d the Mg
tttlffa t• 4. oT i rtc T uaaalm,ur c e oe comt tlttPP h t d•
of the county was presentedo • ed t 3tr. J a -the c
ur t Int, un mark,d t r nun tug
> • 7gC -.;