HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-4-21, Page 8I I, r-.I;i) April 21. 192; THE SIGNAL. x I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I IIII IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIuuIIIIIII I lull III I III IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIII THE PAVILION GODERici i - ONTARIO OPENS APRIL 3OTH Saturday Evening -- Dancing 8 to 11.45 p m. MEET ME AT THE PAV! a wmiln MMO 1 amall 5 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuflHIHiHIIIHIHIIIIHIII IIIIIIIIIHI IIIIIHIIIII IIII IIIIHIHIIIHIIIIII X NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC 800ERICH LISTOWEL HAMILTON and TORONTO TRAIN SERVICE EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MAY 2nd (Daly teatinpt Suat4ay) Goderieh 7.00 a. tn. Listowel 8.00 a. In. Guelph 9.5; a. ni. Guelph Jet. 10.39 a. in. Toronto 11.55 a. tn. Hamilton 11.3) a. in. Le. Hamilton ,.hili. In. Toronto :1.15 p. m. Lv. -Guelph Jet. 4.45 p. tn. Ar. Guelph 5.25 p. m. Ar. Listowel 7.00 p. tn. Ar. Goderich 815 p. m. For other train service and- detailed schedule information consult N. B. Flarity. ('own Agent. or T. 1:. ('onnon, Depot Ticket Agent. TRAVEL CANADIAN PACIFIC lmr House -Cleaning Time Is With Us You Will Find Walker's Store the Place • to Do Your Shopping Some specials in CURTAINS and CURTAIN MATERIALS by the yard CONGOLEUM RUGS in all sizes. All new patterns ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER to rent by the day at Walker's Furniture Store W. WALhER F urniture and House Furnishings "(Menthe Cheapest and always the lett" LUXURY iN UPHOLSTERY The cosy comfort which you are Ix,untl 10 enjoy when reposing in any •41 ever liv- ing 1-o* 44 and parlor uphnlatend pieces of furniture shoukl be recommendation egouRl. Itut on top 01 all this is the ar- tistic appeal. The type of upholstered furniture we are now offering is as ex. goisiu• in deeigu and finish as it is lux- uriantly cotuturtable. J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Dirsetar Hamilton Stmt. Goderich. Oct, Marine and General W Electric Ranges-Ekdrie =era Fittings of all kinds. W. MaeDONALD Electrician Phone 174w eoderldi Your Walls May Be Prettily Papered, but Without PICTURES They Look Barren and Cold Make your home more at- tractive by adding a ft'w new Pictures this Spring. We have a splendid variety of subjects, artistically framed. at prices to suit a11. Headquarters for Picture Framing Smith's Art and Gift Store Fast 'tnrt 11,00, I o r LISTEN TO THIS, In. said. Tonsils are diseased. must operate. Yrs. SybIlla Spahr's Tonwilitis was applied. th4'- tee. ration cancelled and tonsils healed. Try it. We guaranteed. Price 111.50. God- erieb Druggists. • Fl t.;9 .T.(�•r1Po, ,..rl;•np��Y Neptunite Varnishes Lowe Brothers Neptunite. Varnishes are ideal for either exterior or interior use. They have the distinction of being the only varnishes that have successfully withstood the heat from a Hot Iron on their surface. They will not turn white: crack under the hammer test or show heel marks. Ise and snow or rain have no effect on them. They produce a remarkably beautiful finish; they wear longer and cost less than most good varnish. GU ER CH► ONT. r/4".wr .yrs • • HAYFIELD Auburn, April %U. --A Hood Friday service was held In at. Mark's .tugll- FAA). .t i•' n1M•11t Eart e•1' Sim., herr Included SD Burt and 14.44411y. Foe lie. firs. E. t' 11 Lord. Mts.. 1; ^•: Mr. noel M - llissesi Elva and tweet.. Miss 1;1 York, Mies Aum. Ethel Jowell. I:r 1lrtun; beetle' Mt Jle•rton Mercer, 1. Il'o,detoek ; $III 4'dffurt Clarke, :ou. Ruth lligt;t Beard, Kitchener. Mr. Jetties full. and Master Evtu,- front Toronto oh spending their F. Mr. l'anwron a to. Mr. and Mrs. .4 . 1t1.- Pbose who can cburch 014 E rtday eve4liue tart. at their howls.' The rector, leer. W. H. Hawkins, eon- . .1 Mrs.` \ irtor dueled *cries, undated by Rev. R. ,4 n 441- end Fred (iracieof the Presbyterian church and _ , Mr. and Mra. iter.' W. It. Alt, of the -foiled church. •, 141144 011, I.o*• Melia yrv►I.aw•k►r.-At the 1114411se, '4l t11 and babe. Auburn, en Wedurtahty, April 20th, at 4 • th-v r, letvice4-t1.411* awe.. Her. W. H. Atp perforetget- raker, • Mr. E. the 11311rria0le e•e..Molly uniting Miss Boit. Totuntu Thelma' Lawlor. daughter of Mr. and . Jean Woods. Mrs. Suuford Lawlor of Auburn, to \e44 Dundee; James Cal 41n Melutyre of Dungannon. Dolly Ross, The happy couple left fur 'rorout4 on le. Stratford; a honeypu.ou 1ri14 z4041,ou their return • Melt Ithew• will make their how4• nt 1►nutraul1on. . London; Nina n;. Slims Isabel e-4111er0n motored < and are rntatton wink and sister. 1 11%011 and Miss Many friends -unite 113 good wishes for the new (.ouple. fueled ('sant..-('meter the anspl- 448 of Knox United church Sunday school a chub of fifty voice's rendered -the sutre•ol a'antata. "The- Ettster Vic- tory,". In the church auditorium on Thursday evening last. The choir was Carrie Dixon, 01 t;:,tt. spent Easter trained and led by Mr.. A. M. Ince, with the former's •jai ,;iter. Mrs. F. H. L.T.t'.M. 41010 parts wore taken by Paull, at the rector) Mrs. Mee, Mrs. Wm. Craig. Mrs. R. Miss Jotted. of 4 Station. is the D. Munro, Mrs. Fred I'hrrtaer and guest of her abater. Sirs. Seed. Messrs.. Melvin Tyndall. Eimer Ito - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie and In•rtuon, Ed. Fisher and Everett Finne- little daughter Mie:,-. and Mr. and gan. Mrs. W. H. Alp was 414' Nan IP( Mrs. W. F. Ritchie. 'i E;wcale, .4petlt fur the evening. A large and epprrei- Sunday with tbt 1 'rmer's parents, atter audleuee enjoyed the *(aging. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King. Altogether Itea* n very creditable Mrs. Cattle', of l;lalericb, was the piece of work and reflects much guest last week of tier slater. Mrs. Don. credit upon those who organized and �tralu�l the choir- The proceeds wit kie._and Mrs. Barret{, Mr. and Mrs. �, 1 Roy Barrett and Mr iivaseU B4trett. of Waterloo, weer guests of Mr. and ' BORN Mrs. Tl1om. Braodon IrYll.-- .tt Alexandre hospital. (44.d - Messrs. W. Miller, W. E. Mutligan erieh. on Wtdne,alay. April lit. 111 e MI R. Vi. Cbapmaa. of London. are Mr. and Mrs. E. H. (till. a sot.. camping on the river data. DIED Mr. and Mrs. Huge Maclrreu. 04111e A ITH•STIN'E.--.tt Port .Arthur. on Miss Marion and Christine MacLaren, of fort Elgin, were i:aster guests with Mrs. Stirling. 1lima Margaret F••r.nson spent a few days in the village .ins[ week. Miss Mina Pros'„r. of Toronto. was the guest of her awe. Mrs. Ge,. King. fur n few days last week. Dr. and Mrs. W J. Tillmanu and family spent Mwtdm-+t their cottage on the Terrace. I)r: E. P. Level:Anil Mrs. Lewis, of VOR BALI. Toronto, *pent Emilie with Mrs. . W. Woods. . Mr. E. T. Brown. of the Standard Bank, .spent Ea.t'-r Sunday with : friends at Arkous and Strathruy. Mr. and Mrs. E 1I. Johns and Mas-. ter •l'ete Johns .p, the Faster week- end nt Wiarton. Mime 'Helen lka' ,e,'of Wingbam, is visiting her aunt. Mr:. A. E. Erwin. Mr and Mrs C 1t Chapman and Monday. April' 11. ('hire M. Augus- tine. daughter of the late lir. and Mrs. B. Augustine. GUMMY'S SALE REGISTER We'dne'sday, April 27. -Auction snit; of farm stock and Impleino'nts. prop- erty of A. 4'. Jackson. at the chopping mill, Pouch of Auburn, f.rnlly. Mrs. Iiart and f:unily. and Mr. tad --Mrs. Robise.ao air•1 r•'mt17 of a Lot,- den. spent 'frau! F . lay in the village. l • Mr. and Mrs. 11 •densis. of 1)etrok. ! fire juests with lir and Mrs. H. Wes - too. Mica Jessie M.'ealf returnedto De- troit on Saturday having spent a week with her wows. 1)r. and. Mrs. W. F. Meteolt. Miss Merlon Parker ntntored -to iu1141.,17 on Sunda and ;s I Sal xs Tte� T sister. li rs. 11. Lodi. . • Neptunite --- - Varnish -Stain - - Is a high grade varnish stain. It varnishes and +tains in ono easy operation. The stain Mors ate nun -fad- ing. Neptunite Varnish Stain has splendid wearing qualities and given a fine mirror-like gloss. Easy to use. Dries quick -has a surface like glass that is free from sticki- ness and dusts off easily. Mellotone Wall --Paint For interior decoration; it is a liquid paint, ready for use. Mellotone combines the delicacy of a water paint with all the durable elements of a lead and oil paint. It is very economical and easy to apply. It can he wash- ed with soap and water; is color fast and covers 900 square feet to the gallon. House Paint T.ovr?' I:r(.•thcrs "Iiigh Standzrd" Liquid Paint covers fully half as much more than a so-called cheap paint. More than this, "Iligh Stae lard" is so easy to apply and lasts so 1on'r that it Is conceded by hun- dreds of users to be the most economical paint' per square foot , .l.1. P. conies in a splendid rat go et beautiful color; aril gaminess a high gloss fir ish thatwears off .crnly, leaving the sur- face in splendid condition for r.peinting. Try it when next you paint. Auto -Gloss There is no need to drive a shabby car *hen any amateur can refinish his car in a few hours with Lowe Brothers Auto - Gloss. . Auto -Gloats produces able beauty and depth. end leaves no bruikh marks or overlapping*. It is permanent and impervious to the weather. We will be very glad to supply you with literature telling you how to re- store the finish to your ear. You will be enr- prised to learn how easy it la. a finish of remark - It flows out evenly SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY Phone 486 Alf. Tebbutt & Son West S re t, AI Bt'R\ Cott SAI$. --TWO NEW 1ttLIOB et a real barguiu. lett with me to tell. 'Sen net at once. W. WALK- ER, Gods -rich. 1 ,'1)It SAI.b.-TWO-STORY ZLOAILE h house un .West street. Both and electric light. Will be sold et u talc• gain iu order to wind up an estate. J. W. eitAII;IE. ►It sALE:. - 19r'4; 4'04 EVIto LET 1'0A1'11. ,44n444 as new, run two thousand miles. to • be sold et a right price including one extra tire. Apply 1,, MRS. A. J. L'ALTiIIDGE. Go tt:Th.1m LvHi - SALE. wiHTE: IBLu 1solt • sweet clover. -Extre quality. FRANK L. YOUNG, 11.51.:NO. n. tiod- erielt. Telephone 24444 ('arinw, Flit SALE. - ONE HUNDRED bushels et Grim Alfalfu. Peel tautly .grown. Also 100, bushels of No. 1 Alsike. All kinds of field and garden seeds. , Also 8 ear of Western WE STF,lt\ F'F.la) e►A7� NII. 1. -�V. Oat*. Prises gateratltr,NL 4'O(SPEWS 'r. Itll,l►E:1.1 WM. Xi 0111144•N. Il•.tl(I t1(I('NF.. Godrrleh. Mit. AND 111:•- ll'll. 4'I.ItY WISH (gil'1101E:R OF CEDAR POSTS FOR Alla to t:1- .e t:. • opportunity to Malik II sale.--C41RJ44IN V(41 NG. It., R. publicly lti-. rot M.31e1444r and Dr- i ', titelerieh. Phone Carlow 14110. ' 11. 4'. w,- - t - :heir unfailing kiwi- ; ' NOt'E FOR SALE.'. 1 SS. ' BEL►PORI►. ('o-Al'IhnurgLY streetTOrJ. Go,Ierieh.- tf 1111ESIR.tBLF PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Corner North and Nelson streets. Apply to W. R. JACKSON. mamma AUCTION SALES AI't'T1ON SAGE OF 1101'SEHOLD furniture. dlebea, kitchen rouge. barge sugar kettle. ,plough and O141et articles at the premise's of . SIRS. B. 114 Ni4;,t ItTH, hayfield road, on SATt4It1►AY. APRIL. l' rt" p.nr. -'.- ldlt>'1. 1t. +ILO(4QARTII. Proprietress. T. GUNDRY & NON. Auctioneers. CI.EA,t1N41 Al't"tIUN KALE: l►F 111►1'•,JEIl(*1.1) 1. 4 It:\ITt'ltE:. Silt. JOHN 11.ISSA1tE:T will sell by public auction at ht.'firw- rr rti*hl race. fit. lonelier. street. (ia1- erteh 1 jaar Off Kingston street). oat YA'LTILI)AY. APRIL. 30th, commencing at 1.30 ueIoeL sharp: Four large leather upholwen'd e14alrs, 4.4•%%; 1 'oak Inlffft : 1 oak'marti- tl dlulug table; 1 alk net of dining chairs; :S rocking chairs; 4 fancy tables; 1 Oak dresser tool *Stals stand; 1 iron bed, mattress tool spring; 1 oak NMI. mattress and spring; 1 kitchen table Is 114111.11 chairs: 10 *'113(40*• blinds: 1 4414.1, 1.0iler: 1 1'11111 114.S t4aa- ke1 : 1 dr•semaker's model; 1 pantry stool: lamp.; iron (ward; kitcbeu utensils; 1 New I'rrfe•tion 3-buruer oft stave, 1 Fmpre reneVc• wood; 1 heating stove; e4 -in Jam. IewpP. and numerous other artk•le'a. 'Everything to he Isuhl. as Mr. Massaro ha+ given up housekw•ping. TERMS. -('ash. T. (il"NDItY & NON. Auctk,net'rs. AI-4'Tt(*N SAM: (He E'.tUM ern:S'-K .tNT4 1M7'I.E:l)F1Nt41 1re,* il.• ,,., ;ak1t:+4 atiiutloc and their 1• h..u,htfu;urs 'daring 1110 rec.':: .• .• tnn..s of Mrs. fiery. .- Their iu.s• tip effects Ben. 'deeply 11 1.1.r.. I . )' w.irild al•n like to thAni, 711••-,• to ttbora w1it, at.kindly cam,. to ..:.h.i4 ..stdetanet whin help. mss 1-.,., 1•-1 nuell. VOR SALE. -BRICK i(ES1DEN(:R M.1:1 1t\ A • 11(4. --Mr. :inti Mr.. a on corner lot. South-west corner 1... 4.e: .1 u: Master Kep(gIr livere 1 Nelson street and Cambria road...At.# Ea.ur 4L-11.•1, ill Mr. ('0rter•s 111r-{nssnnablr , .,, 1'artieoh a {too -j Mar,. 14 .0-1r-1 t artur. Y. K 1)4KRR1T (Indeed, thtL 'no.) a1o,• re :t fort Elgin. Frie11,1i . ' If,.* Thelma 1.11wlor gatl'ere i A' - hone. on. Tuesday evening and •\;demerit their puu.1 'Wishes for her !inure hat4.LtW"4 by prem -t tiwg her with a "shower."' la anticiplatter o. ',et. lauucllint; out on the metrim'e -,4 ,• a the fuliewfig flay-. A dene.• 41-::1 . held Su the For- esters' Hall r:• t'riday night to pro- vide funds f •r L•• school reunion: Mr. J. 4'. a art, la able to 4. out again after Is -,n_ coQAned to the house an winter. --Mf• -an• daughter Bernice via ted r*. ave - *on'e parent. a seafortb on' Sunday. Was Josephine Weir le visiting her aunts at W rarllr.n, and Master Jerk is holiday iug. a• the bome of his uncle and aunt, Mr .4,- ; Mrs. 1-'. A. Hobert - eon, In 1 .4t1,,;:-, ,• •ot►ashlp. Mr. Chins .t "i , tis made a trip to Toronto thi.. Mr. Geral.. '1'hompssen uredo a brief visit Toronto this week, making the a motor. Mr. Cnnt:u -. gym. of the Standard Rank. was 11 10• .::gevllle for the 1,01I- da7s. Mrs". R. if I - i • 11447 and Mrs. Frank Mt1'!inehry. ' \':strt. were vlsttor* in the 1,01111•s o.1 Mrs. ('. M. Streughsn and lira. J. J. wagon. stip* J. Ini-1 n ,. of Blyth. watt the gleet of her 'r••11,..1 over the week- end. Mrs. wn. .4.i, kwon. of Wingham. 81111 Mips Mar:r,n•t, of the teaching staff of 1',.t4.nto. were tortes• nt the old hone s:4mi ti, s week. The moetltl) meeting of the (Vo - men'* It:slitut•- was held at the holm' of Mrs. Weir er1 Teteeday of this week. with a go•'d attendance. Miss 1:441• M. Stoltz. who teaches at Kent Bridge, is nt 13ome for the h011- days. MidtK. Welsh is spending her holt- thus at the parental horse near Kin• eardlne. We are 'orry to -bear that Mira Moertdge I* ill in lsoronto ho*Mral, where she went Jn .Berge an opera- tion. Her many friends wls11 for her speedy recovery. Me. Geo. Groes sae bought Mr. A. 4'. Jaekeom'e farm mouth of ,lnhnrn and Mr. Jackson and family arc moving to N.alerieh. Mr. Jeck*on Is having a sale Mr April 27111. 11 -,OR SALE. -A ()I'ANTITY or ■a genre; and top soil: 41.:441 per yard and ft -half ' deliy.reel. Moeda! er!ee* to eontreetnre. Apply to A1 - T ISTRVE1N7411N. (inflow street. Or om the prr•ndsea. M*itlan•' rne•+ L'(1111 SAi.F..-a:'L'RE: 1LYPih:'SYAI'1'. ■■ Made with the Grimm sanitary evaporator. Also a quenHte of white blossom 'sweer flower 5.1444(1. For par- ticulars apply to T.LOTT) WA'T.TnUP. 19.R. No. 4. Ondertch, i'hone Monson- ' Olt Unlimited (Juentlte of GOOD MiXED WOOD FOR SALE at la per single cord. delivered! THE OODERi('H MANUFACTiURiNG CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Auglesea 111. Phone RE) NOTICE ALL owners and occu- piers of premises are hereby notified that all gar- bage, etc., must be removed from their premises by May 1st, 1927. F. G. WEIR, Assistant Sanitary Inspector 0 Slit. A. 4'. J.411KSON will 44[•11.417 piddle 11114114113. at t111• t'11011 - ping mill, wroth of Auburn. on WEDXESIIAY. A4'1141i,27. ceaarnewelfte 441 1.4441 ,,clack 444444: Homo, Z'atk, Poultry, Implements. Etr--11114 bay horM.. 9 years old; I bay I4orse•. Iuyenrs old; 1 cow, 10 years old. the. firm. of sale; 1 00w. 4 years ole[. freshened 4 week*; 1 toe. 5 yrees old. Ihtrhatiellhlstein. 1-;m• .lune IS; 1 black e"w. freshened :t mouths. bred *teeth': 1 *tver. 1 year old: 1 heifer .calf. 4 weeks old; :111 bred -to -lac (tar - rel Rod•k heals. e11 under _ years old; !tarred Rork roosters: 1 Frost & 11'.+.col mower: 1 Ik-ering *-ft. hay rake : 1 Me.re'y4larrls in -ft. hey rake; 1 (las-.•y$Inrrts 11 -hoe. see.1 drill: 1 2 horn• Mas.ey-Harris cultivator; 1. set 4-w,tiot Iron b rrows: l stuffier: 1 4 Hiv.-r waik tog plow; 1 -F roes it W.xsl tw•ht plow: 1 4irr•r steel-lht'd top buggy: 1 Riehl hunts.? wagon; 1 Pet stoop sleigh., goal at new : 1 plans hot tamer: 4 11 -ft. hay nit k : 1 gravel 1"x: 1 terming mill: 1 root pitlper; 1 who'.dtutrrow ; 1 grindstone: 1 lice erste; rhk•ken coops and crates: 1 eel Amble h*rnt'*+ ; 1 -set---elfish- intones; -- 1 lift. erosw'ut saw; 1 241 -ft. ladder: 1 piano lee ::A held. 4s -41L .+Ila;-*Mtveltt. ' f,.rk.. las.* end rake*; 1- glass top cup - hoard: 1 cook *tore, s1111abte for sum- mer kitchen: 1 kettles.: 1 1►,a1ay ehurn: :1 g11111111ty of pasta's and Iltlmeron* other 11rt1ele*. TERMS. Ali solos of SIO and meter. .J*h: over ileac amount. .Ix uy.uth= ens!It n111 1s given on fa,rulsh- ing appr.1'.I j.'Iul note-. A diarnunt 1-7,4e of o; ie r .'vett. ow -r annum nl- ...wed for 478.1, on e1-.+lir atnoitrrt-. A.4'. J.14Yira1\ 'r. 4;1'NI)ItY & $I►N. ,rTop.riet-r. -..-An1'rtrmrTr*- rBCNING .vin 'TRIMMING - 1 TO RENT �1 !lh`NT.--I'AItT OF LOTS 10 AND a .11 to um, Malthus tlulwenslw, known ■s the Schwann 'ann. coutln- ir,s .l1.. acre.. IwmwlLl„ 4Mos.e.aon, Wilt l:t-r• three to nee )e:tr.. For tort a .44- appy to J. A. l•:. It1:Al,t•IN, 4;, aIU. IIDte(luu.Out. $10 PEat MON1411.-L'L'15 R FLAT Ot upurtulelt house, formerly Judge 111471e's residence, St. Vincent' street. Immediate possession It de - aired. HAYS & HAYS, liarrisle•rtt. Hawllluu street. Goderlch. TO RENT. -LIVING APAOLTMD.NT$ a (4 rooms), over store. Apply to W. HERN, Godericb. WOUyE TO LET. -BRICK, (7eNT- laa BALLY located with modern coo- rsaieaees_ R. J. ACHEESON. TO RENT. - SEVEN -ROOMED ---- house en St. Georges Crescent. Suitable for small family. Appy HIIRO//NINVEl4TMENTS. LTD. ;I lPklit MONTH.-SZ`l R formerly occupied by Miss McKiuuuu, m Hamiltou street, In GM town of lioderlelz. Immediate Iwo- . session. For further Information ap- ply to HAY'S & HAYS. Barristers. Goderieb. £UCt1ONEERII'1O THOMAS OUNDRY. GODIRICH. LIVE STOCK AND oENERAB AUCTIONEER a Telephone No. 119. Sale.. attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. RORT. ROBERTSON, The Auctioneer, will conduct and arrange any sale as the latest methods to get the best re sults. See him or d:op a card and be will give it Immediate attention. Farm sales s speedalty. Eldon 4t. Goderieb- DRUGLESS PRAL-m1oNER DR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST OODERICH Equipped with electro-magneUs Whs. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous diseases. Lady in atumdanes. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 prat. excepting Monday and Thursday d. ter1oons and evenings. and by gle pelntment. Residence and office -Corner d South street sad Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOt'NTANT !CRANK P. GIBBSS, CHARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario street. Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 1330.1. MUSiC DROF. W. H. JACKSON. Inatructlao given in .Yoke Culture, Organ, Plane. Violin. Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio sad residence. 37 North street. Phone 384. MEDICAL IV F. J. R. FORST.ER ao EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT Late house Surgeon New York OW 4talmie and Aural Hospital, assistant Moorefield Eye Hospital sal Golden Square Throat Ihospital, Irate•. dbn, Eng. - 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Godericb, on. tis &doting of third. Monday of each month till the following day, Tuesday, st-1-µw.--Next rielt-in June. - PRI'NiNG ANI' TRIMMiNI; OF 'lette44s. Raft' trees. etc. Work guaranteed. WIt.i.IAM i)AW. San- ford -R.11. 4, alt- fortl.-R.R..4. llu.dcrlcb. LOST OR FOUND f (IST. -14N MONDAY AFTERN4r4IN. b •On or near the $1111/1 rt.. n crank *tarter. for. Durant ens Kindly n- tnrti to )(I4' 'AL YR'Flt'E:- WA,1(I'E,D WWANTED.- ONCE. AN X'VEK1- E FN('E)U meld. 'Apply to 11118 JO1IF, NAI'NI0171144. 'West street. CARD OF THANKS WE WiSH T1) THANK OCR neighbors and friends for their kindness and for expr.'e*Iona of sym- pathy during the recent Illness and .14.8111 of Our dear mother. lir.. S. Matthews: filer) fnr floral tributes. 1IIONHY, RI'Rl' .1Nit Li%%Eli.. TENDERS FOR COAi. (a'E ALINi) T1dXDERS ADT) REWED 1.11 to the Purehnsing Agent. Depart- ment of Piddle Works, Ottawa. will the received at his ',Mee until 12 o'rloek wenn. Tuesday. April 24, 1927, fnr the *apply of cont for the 1Mminlon Rn1Id- Inge throughout the Province of On- tario. Including the ('Its of Ottawa. Form* of tender with .pteeifleatlon* end ,•ondltlon. ntlnehed can he nh- tnlned from (1 1V. I)nw•inn, Pnreha1- / Ing Agent. T)rpnrrment • of PnhlIe Work.. Of (arra : nml 11. Winter. 50.51 Vletorle street. Toronto. Ont. Tend- ers will not be eonelolered unless rrftld• on the forms .tepp11eo1 by the Depart- ment end in nrrnrrlenrr with rlepert- mentel epeelflentlnns and conditions. The right to demnnrl from the *ne- t•e.tful tenderer a (1.•pn4lt. not rr- reeding 10 per rent. of the *mmint of the tender. to •terenr44 the proper 1n1- fllment of the cnntrnrt. 1. reserved. 114 Order, .5 E. O'RRTEAr Peoretery. Department of 1'uh11e Work.. Ottawa, April 5, 1927. 21 DOGS The Town Rylews esedre that the owner or harborer of any doe *hnll obtain a license end 'etch dog shall wear a been*, tag. Dog tar* for thim year nifty now he pun -deemed st the Town Hell from H. T. Edwards. Tat Collector LEGAL CRNEST M. LIIR, Barrister and Solicitor 10 Hing street sant. ,Toronto 2. lila phones Mats 7795-7794.' • DUDLEY E. HOLMES Itarrl*ter, Etc. Omce-Hamilton street, Goderleh. Phone 27. FR. DARROW. BARRISTER, RTO • Successor to .1. L. Killoran. .Plum ' Office -The Sonar.. Oodericb, Naps & Naps BAaanrrtla, Ere. R.C.HAYS--R.C.HAYS +a.. B.A Hamilton St., Godericn INSURANCE, LOANS. RTC. CA.N.tDA LIFE ASSURANCE 00. '•410 INV?* a Stto4•eea" 1%AL.TER 1,. ?4A4FNiO1,RS Agent West Street. Gederleh, Telephone 4114,. Mc [MOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. -Form and Iso- lated town property Insured. Omcere-Jas. Connolly, i'ree., God' erleh P. O.; 144.. Evan*, Vice -Pres., Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Sec.-Treas.. Seeforth P. 0. Directors --A. Broadfoot, R. IL No. 3. Seafnrth; John G. Grieve, NA 4, Walton; William Rlnn. R. R. NA 2. Seafortb ; John llennewles, Brod- batten ; (7440. McCartney, R. R. No. 5, Seafnrth; Robert Ferris, Harlow*: Murray Gibson, RrnepAtld; James Even*. Beechwood; Jnmes Connolly, Ooderlcb. Agents -J. W. Yeo, Goderleb; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. I. Clinton; John Murray. Seafnrth; E. Illnebley, teaforth. Polley -holders can make all payment and pt their cards receipt - eft et R..1. Morris'''. ClothIng Stara, Clinton; R. IL Cult's Grocery, KN. One street, fknfertch, or 1. I1 Roeffs (veers! Store. Reyfleld.