HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-4-21, Page 7fraltlYLL2, 1.„.11 THE SIGNAL, GODERICH. ONT. '. Thursday, .tl.ril 31. 19:7.--7 County and District • lithe urdiue's tax rate 'bis year is 61 She la stlrvised by oue daughter, Mrs. �Ils. • • .. .• Ramon. and tau sons, WIUlaaa' H., of Mrs. Jae Sherrill, widow of the Millen. -.and John. Oftlaledouta. Oat. late 'leo. Sherritt, Stephen township A s""• Jatyeg, la..xtvl away, only three dyed April 12th at the ane of seventy- weeteks ago. geven years. I CLINTON Th.. Henault spring sbow, held April• Jl;b, brought out good exhibits- of At 11 congregational meeting of Wee- bore.. \ee- b re.• and cattle and was Considered icy•Wfills 1'nitt«1 church, held last s great success. swt•ek.'n r,swlutlou mus tannin offerisp Mrs. T. J. Berry bus returned to her 10 the hien! 1're.byterian cougngatl0n borne at Heiman after sis•ndiug rix a leustt of the \V11Ii, church property >pkutaouths with relatives i n 1/0"tat fora term of fifty years at a nominal $rill -h Columbia anti other parts. rental. Since union the Presbyterians Ir. and Mrs. Lemon, who Inured a have been holding st•rvicin in the to lien- church. o '1{i ile � Bx t int tr wt • a o 1 y Halt IIIc 1 yew u K g all. where Mr. Lemon intended to t'littaon's new Collegiate Institute gnu II livery business, have moved will 1.. rein!' for .«;cuptiwy at the re - puck fo Ripley. "Wiling of *stool -next week after the Mites Mary Alin Tighe, a former real- Koster hollelayn. dent of 'Milieu. died recently at Owen BRUSSELS Shetd. h addtlivedthe uwitha ge f eighty -eve aiater at Owen fjouud the last eighteen years. Harry ITu.l,rd. a firmer well - Our evening last week a rather known. n silltytl of lltuaseli.. tied re- g eerians act -Iden' e«•eurrr) at 1:orrh•. eeeitly at his Lome at lringdsin. De- wing: a team in charge of A. E. Toner kota. at the age of seventy-two years. ran .sway and threw Mr. Toner beavl- 11.. left Brussels In last. Yrs.•.1Vm. ply to tide pavement. Ile suffered a .a•- Work. of town. is a sister. weer .•'alp wound. necessitating four-_ Thr Brussels Women's institute at tern stitches. its -meeting Imtt-week entertained the Harry M'Arter, of the 5th Hoe of genndtu..titers with a special program. 1.1e41-nednestitaeist Mr and Mrs, W.JL ander$ have last week. at the age of sixty-six years. returned to itru-mels after speid'F'i Ile was born near Ilenaall, but had the Winter in Detroit. lived in Morris for many years. Be- The Inoue 0r the late Yrs. William Martin an Fiera street. has been pur- chased ▪ his wife. he leaven a non and a .\ Ix daughter. chased by Gev.tg. Ramsay, of grey Mervyn Eckmier, elf Etbtd. spent the township. for $2.300. last three months at the O. A. C.. liae'tldt. and. lensed his examinations MYTH -T- with tlratrlass honors. Ile has been I appointed manager of the Avonlrnk The itlyth lawn bowling club has cliw•se and butter factory. near St. reorganized fur the 1927 season with Mary, whleh is said to be oue of the lite following officers: Hon. president. ' Dr. .\V. J. Milne: president. largest n fhr Province. F. i) Twenty-five farmers in I'alx,rne Stalker: vicrprtslde•nts. B. ',Vett. .1. township 'Avis signed up for Hydro C. lleffrim: secretary treasurer. If. W. power -deed about eight miles of line Triter; life members,_ G_ . 11 YeTag• will lie built during the coming sum gart. .1a.. Mrldurehle; [rolit'''Tr reTE- incr- The line will go east on the mitte•e. it. H. Robinson. A. A. Somers. Than.. road t.. the Th:uue. Staid It. .1. Lockhart; membership commit- tbureh and then •oath two miles and tee. R. R. Watt. J. A. Cott. Y. W. Tel- a•ba'f to FllmviUe and east a mile to ter; t n tournament.lacomm ice'\ R. TEL Wiu•Ie•ta s. el- t;o:don Morio(k hid a serious need- fer. The. annnal tournament will he dent one day !trendy %bile rutting hetd est Wednesday. Jute 13. wa...t with a circular saw ,.0 his farm Miss inns Stothers. who has been gear Credituti. The timing gear of teaehhtg for some years at New Bern - rhe •igine broke and a piece of it fell burg. is leaving there to go to Kirk - into its• flywheel and thence flew off head lake. and was presented with n and struck Mr. Waling) in the fere. farewell gift and address at a aa'ial avtting' a bole in his .reek and laying gathering held in -her honor by the open the iorrer H y 11* wait rt:nfleted girls of the New 'hamburg aeblol. was t the held a unconscious and remained we until- the .\ farewell party following Clay. but is now getting borne of Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Sloan along all right. prior to their departnre to their new 1 All oid resident of Hensel'. in the biome in Grey township. Mr. and per -.•n of IN,nuld Gtassick. Jird Mrs. Sloan were presented with a Thusday last in r. Coleman lmp, Mr,re;rasslek was tlb born ht n Scotland, dress e'onn eying accompanied p good ly an s wishes of - coming as a ynwtg man to eanaiki awl their friends and ne•fghbor•. ietiiiug on a farm in Stanley. Ile it (SHAY afterwards retired to Hensel!. He' ie thttvlved by his wife. two wins. James of }deter and Charles of North May, -A meeting of the itetell Merchants Th and two•'ilaughters, Mrs) Gro. Walker-Aatiorietk.w was held last week._when of Tuck'eramhh and Milt. Iktvid }rr- ..Hirers were ele.'te•d ng follows: Preal- gnsem of Toronto. • .Ieut. E. E. Ito rr : i ter-pre•stdent. Ti, death a«rarr•.1 on Sunday. .A. 3. \Volker: secretary, W. it. Atirll 101h. of lino. George Knox. at Hamilton; treasurer. 11. E. 1s.ard: the home of her daughter. Mrs Isaac executive. T. C. King. J. A. Mill,. W. Rapson. Hallett town hip. Mrs. 3. Greer. The newly-eh..•teI president 'Enos. who was seventy-eight years of is the manager of the Walker store. alb. had been in failing health for While at work in the Wingham Rub - mime 'time. *Abe was born at Bin- her Co. factory Frank Vnune•r was Hamilton: and came to struck in the face by a flying ;titre red llaveYou A Skin Trouble? 'DAY heed to early symptoms of skin disease I At the first sign of any unpleasant rash, irritation or eruption, anoint it with Zam-Buk. This quickly soothes and heads off disease. Where skin is already aflame with eczema or is poisoned, sore of nice - fated, Zam-But is the one gentle heal- ing balm that gets right a1 the root of the trouble. Zam-Buk expels dt.easo, w w clear skin. and grows ne Zam- Hulett ever -ready character and exceptional healing, soothing and anti- septic value have won for It s perma- nent place in over a million homes. Oet • bon e1 this gnat herbal balm Io -day, rid keep tt always bandy 1 -Nes.' W. ca m. of Bonny River Stauon, N B . nays:-" Watery enp- ttaas .a nrr d•nabt✓. 1w .ail arms afoot - wank cored to urn .or.s W. trf.d .Deist everything ka.w biter. .. .am. eat.. SAM / a. Thi. bolo illoared sod b..Me -o *Vestal. r • .t•rerlusg war." Z1pa11CH -- "Italie" Siebert in helot' from Mont- real, where hr spent the pant %Atter as a member of the fallout -Maroons" h.«•key teats. Heileman'. of Lr. and Mrs: l:eorge I14.11 I' Drysdale. received word, a few Jays ,Igo of the death of th.•i: sun. Daniel, at 1k•trult. He watt run .town by n truck and fateHy injured. t` wklow and two children survive.. Ilettry Fuss bus purchased the in- terest of his brother. David }list, in the 1110 -acre farm ou the Parr line told David 'Fuss take't over bis broth- er's Interest in the Zurich. the kosher line. near 'The Zurich Horticultural Society Is planning Its seasons work in the I1-, provetnent ..f the aptiettrune•p of the village. It has decided alms to hold a flower show in the fall. the date to b• anuooue•el later. .EXETER it. \V. i'. Beaver's is the pae,ident of ti.. ucwly-formtvt };teeter ('111unti•r of t'.anau•r•e•.. W. H. Woad. of the Lon- don Chamber of Ctmrmer•. W. G. Meld. \i.V.1'.. end` Reeve .- $a d lers Arse hotwrary p . 1 her officers are : 3. !.w -pre -id. nt. T. D. iauthw.t : seer•tatry-in•a.ar.-r. M. 11. t'nnt .lin : exe•utite, 'Dr. 11..1. ltrown I it .tti May. J. W. Powell. L. i'euhah• 1 .1. M. south., Miter lint after an absence of three mantis, dur- ing which Yrs. t'aweron visaed In Gudurieb. • 1). C. 'Taylor has returned from Win- nipeg, where he. went ty tie a slater who was 111. She is now imptuvi3( ht breath. ' Merle. YcQullliu, who conducted 1•lae'ksmtthing business here for sev- eral years. has rented the. shop t Yts•ti ti. Mutlin, who win' open a gar- age end gas stallion. Mr. Meguillit has take o a pc•atiou with G. t runds•r. a 0 ht- Beginning the first Sunday of May. the hour of evening service in the i.tn•kuow United church will be 8 ..'eIot k instead of i. 'Tine change Is for the convenient'. of families ill the i nee country, and it !s props..ed to coot n at the new 1 until the end -of Sep- tember. William Moses t'h:uupiou passed away Monday. April 11th, at the home '.f itis 4011 -ill -law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. osseus. ,It1. whom he had hAen staying the taunt winter.. De- ceased, was for many year- n n•sldt•ut I Fordyce. .c here formerly he filleted 111P the .tore awl ps•statlf.'r. Ste is survived toy bin wife and a gr.wu-up l_fanitly. Ile was In his sixty-second year. The Luclutow lawn bowling club ha• reorganized for 192_7 with W. J. Davi- son as president : Robert Fisher. vice- president ; Robert Kar. secretary 1 rea.arer. Jolty Joy'rit I. honorary pre. itIeut. The anginal rink tannin - la ler nnrna- later tint.-. town. t)htu. and Iter sister. Mr-. Howe. lms returned from Sound. The res iletiee of Fred iilieriugton- t on William stmt hag been prt'hased hr \\'..A. Italkwiil, who will tear it de.ttu attid erect three mow houses ou fhr Itree;erly. .At OUP time this was one of Exeter'. Pneat residettet SEAyORTH a visit to tlw'ell e ✓; of utak Awn Aaabre 1 ONO w!, Me : 1 for •tile. atdl.+w.l heal. ala. ash. I TM Tuesday. April 5th. Thomas Stitt- 1,heu. cetehratr,l his dftiHh anniver- sary as owner and manager of the •itnerri h.)t01 In tfettfortl.. -IRs 1s 1:ow In his eighty-setrptlt y• 3r, hut is Isttll hale due', hearty. James'I.•unon, a :former resident of Swiforth and brother of Mrs. James 1h..-rruax of this town. Itwt rather snQ.k•uly at 'I letruit on .%tail 111)1. (Jt waa 1«fru on fhr•' Hor•ot mita. ops added joy -riding lint of Pastimes. Btt•akfng Vpeu 1eeatties livery durItrg the night, they stole a. and got as far as Blyth wben Ow to their Mlle rust of it.•afnrtb, and after taking a law course at t )sga«Ie 11311 lar bra, tis.d his profession In i•'nforth. Exe- ter •uud Toren;a, gaped to lletmll I w'e•nt 3 -11v.t tear, ergo. Th.• renlaina. were brought here and acre interred in St. t'oluntlttn tenlrtety: Mrs. Jame: Hudson. an old resident cat of 1-gutoudville. died April !tth at the car stalled.' "The garagrutau whom '•g•• of sixty-nine years Resides her they .vllel up in the middle of the husband. she leaves two •••n.. Alls•rt. night refused to do anything for. them tit Inoue. and William, ••f Stratford. 0 Shannon. t • an bless. Y ra. ba Ila D. until the morning, so the buys left. the ;and 1.. e d g Stone, of Nor - turned at Blyth and it has slow• I«•ell rr-, Winthrop. •uud Mrs. A. turned to the owner. ' wish. J. J. Ferguson and- son. neurite. i - . Lave returned 14 W M11171ui after LCY'KNOW spending the winter mouth. .at Sl. • Albert l:o i ha• returned from -- Pete•rsbtrg }'torlda . -_• _ _ _ e--,;ewes-_4tt_'t Ptlam lienry. IIran-_'. Montle'" ei•Ii to 1.1a -heather rot e'h, Kauai all old reeideut of .beefs town-; engo. ship. "centred April 3i ti ut the home Mr. and Mrs. lame, Irving have r• of his nephew. John Brooks. Wing- turned from a •,'sit of two mouths a' ham. 1115 mite, forms -r ALn•jorlt• I►.•n•olt. Brydges. died about six yenrc ager, + Mr. -awl Mrs. Frank Pole Iwo' and uo children survive. moved to the vi•-inity of \Vo.wu Guava Ltd. are reopening their ' where they will ops•rttte a fame Wingbam plant. which will b• under ' year. the management of William Thotnl.-' Mr. And Mrs. it. 1). Cameron 'aro son, late of iiarriaton. in -nrritprini t-b-IP---hese•--here• Prices at McEwen's A fresh shipment of Prunes bought direct fr6fn New Yo -!7. Small 10c !b Medium 12'2c Ib. Larget 15a Ib. These are not the Oregon Pruner. but are the sweet variety of California. Try our 59c Black Tea, one of the best .n town for the money. 3 packages Jelly Powder for 25. and 1 glass fruit nappie FRE1: Fresh ground Coffer. Ground as you order it, a nice line 60, Ib. Classic Cleanser Panshine Cleanser Extract for Alar e bottle e Van ills Ex o [ A large bottle Lemon Extract for Redpath Sugar by the bag not beet sugar at the best price i.i town 10c • tin. n 10c • tin. 25c 25c J. J. McEWEN _Phone 4ti South Side of Square Goods delivered in %our house by the best delivery in town 1 1 4 DRiNK 1N THE THE CHEAPEST .T WOKi.I) \Vith the-excepfieln of water. tea is the cheapest and must widely eon- .itmed drink in the world. Asa drink It i4 good when made from good tea. but a terrible disappointment if cheap tea Is used. --__�__ The prairie provinces report a large iuerea'e In the number of sheep. The West may no longer he wiki. let :tilt w.s.11y.-fiordrr (9ties!Ulf t brook. near am 'ISulk.tt tawndhiy with her parents macblenry, and had several teeth when four years of age. Almost "kilos' ttT Ont. tstxty ried to tting George eKnox, who 1 tars ago she en yesrtt age quite peer peer aroun tout" last e boys who 'have torn tt ge dio week To be 'As Good as McLauQhiin ' Bulek' a car would need to have A Six -Cylinder Valve -m -Head Engine; A \ ibrationlees Engine -with all Mountings of resilient silencing A Tripe-Secicd Fnelne: A Vacuum -Cleaned Crankcase; Automatic Hees Control; Thermostatic Control of water circulation; Sealed Chassis; Torque -Tube Drive; Automatic Lubrication of engine. universal joint and fan hob; One piece. 1 -beam Front Axle; Cantilever Rear Springs; Fisher Body..ith V.V. Windshield; Du, o Finish Ten -Plate Multiple Disc Clutch; Controllable -Beam Headlights; Mechanical 4 -Wheel Brakes; Balanced Wheels. wy-10,11 HURON MOTOR SALES GODERICH - ONTARIO Dealers for McLaughlin, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and GMC Tracks McLAUGH N-BUICK -c it Aernon ..tr• A.. rvnr Vnha10HLIMhl•i e It will •Velen..r ws..e• .w rime .(ms. - ,--- ..rte to«•1. this • The tor ours tray whrlr.,. wart it art. t•. uot..itcl:r ;• r 111.c i.c rrirc of .,. F.at'rreed mei. tag Qualities. Pr. Jos. Shots. of Et. l- - dnre. Que, write:-- ( have frequently vied Itir.rr4. Liei . and Also prescribe it for my Seats always with the most grail ire reruns, sad 1 eoneid-r 14 t • beet all-round Liniment". C. A. lingR.U. also recommends nerd's to the - 1 have used Binard's Untrar-t. myself at well as prescribed it in my practice when a lirirnent was rmWndt sad have tl..ar failed to get the desired affect". n "NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD FRIENDS?' -T r 1 11 fPOT 'EM UPJ IIID/ / The Better Bake(/ Bread L Sias Health That Bu The kiddie's home from school want bread and butter, and b,' &Lure that they get only the most nutritious. Wo t.peialize in fine white a n d brown breads, and if you don't know us it's time to get acquainted. E. G. Smith East Street Bakery Telehone 1S4 By Miss.P egy fey Read the Ads 111 tie Sipa / THE SIGNAL'S ClubbingList i The Signal and The Tereate be Jf 6.75 ThGe lo Signal and The Toronto Daily Star 6,75 The Signed and Tha London Advertiser ' 6 75 The Signal and The London Free Press ... : 6.75 , rbe Signal and 1 he Toronto Mail and Empir- 6.75 The Signal and Th• Termer.' Sun 3 25 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.0', The Signal and Saturday Night S•S0 The Signal and Saturday Evening Post ... 3 911 The Signal and The New Outlook 3.90 The Signal and Canadian Home• and Gardens 4 65 The Signal and The Catholic Record 3.75 The Signal and McLean'■ Magazine 3.75 The Signal and Montreal Wit- ney, renewal 3.85 new 35" The Signal • n d World Wide renewal 4.25 new 3 85 The Signal and Youth's Companion 3.80 The Signal and The Toronto Star Weekly 6 75 The Signal and Rod and Gun 3.85 The Signal and The Canadian Countryman 2 95 e • , _ _ when old Mother Hubbard L ens to her cupboard, ShQ found- a strange burglar there', 1 hose squeaky cornmand s To throt.f up her hands, Gave poor Mother Hubbard a s(Gre. Clabbiag Raw With Other Peri- odical. May Be 'lad on Application Felty -and Fancy Goods We have a very exienooly - Inn 1; Die u- a call Miss S. Noble Britiab Exchange Block. Goderich 0 - i1 'Though 'twos but o mouse Mot was robbing the house, Moth`lhtN2 iete eor the knees, the thief To the ben► on the she - The cake , and the pie and the cheese. , The jog silos (]00y A- Shopping that- cloy, And itnding his mistress sopole On return to this hon e IJhot h did tr ?hot 'mouse Is b1y_tter Ieit otlt- 01 the tD(Q. Little wonder old Mother Hubbard was alarmed at the sight of a mouse fully armed. COAL COAL Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) Briquettes 1 enn-tulppty your warns in any of the above fuel. Prompt servile and reasonable priers. L FLICK Telephoto' i belerieh Brophey Bros. THE: I.EtI)IN(i Fl \FK.►I. DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS orders t•arefully attended to at tII hours. night or day GODERICH j. R. Wheeler l-unerot Infertorand Embalmer Alt calls promptly attended to day or night PHONE::* . 'Store 335. Residence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderieb ELECTRIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS. ETC. BROCK Street. P.O. Boa 601 ROBERT WILSON for Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. We Are the Authorized Agents in this District for the A. Ce Dayton Radios We will demonstrate this Radio Set at your home or at our store at any time Hill's Hardware Phone 5 r R, 1)nng nnon Central A General Line of Hardware The Service fitore