The Signal, 1927-4-21, Page 3J • Maps of Huron County Large, beautiful eolored Maps of Huron County for rale at 25 each at The Signal Your Office Stationery Now is a good tints to look t14rough your stuck of Office Stationery anal place your order for new uppli• s \Ve caul nose 010' cunl(ntiti•lh in Itualitc and l !'ie• The Signal THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY• APRIL 21, 192'7 • 1i it fta,< 11 It it * aYEARS Athe * Q (l 1.1 ao BA,yr N F v- 416 op ; Create an Account e With Your ; Victory Loan ;Coupons i it A , fl 1 R n Couponswill BANKING FEY V'° ntaon the first day of month. Clip your coup- ons and use them to open a Savings Account with us. Then money your Bonds earned • • • will in turn be earning. 71-i8 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. GOOF -RICH BRANCH -H. H. Raid, Mawaper Dunga,uto.. Mashes Who at Auburn. taayf std And ( "TIP" O'NEILL FIGUE.E8 IN ELECTION DODGE Cut your Bill for Long Distance As a business man if you aak us to do so, we can probably show you how to save quite a sum each month on your Long Dis- tance business- A large number of prominent firms have recently been sur- prised and delighted to find the savings they could make by following the re- oomeiendations of our et - pc investigators. No matter what line of busi- ne. ? ou are in, or how little you :nay be at present using is • l)i.,tance, it will cost you no'. to have one of our sx- pc:' .analyze your business and Int.' you a report. We hope that ':n your own interests you will tde to do this. Cif' t•1 `fannprr will be plat to .oa (111 Um and make en 'Sant for the purpose. Farmer Gederirh Man in Civic Poll. ria in Flint, Stitch. Bruce/held t, rrt•tip,ndence of The S.afurth Expositor give.+ an ac.vunt of the doings of Ti' O'Neill, former- ly of lirneetietd and tater of 4:oderlch. who has been leading an eventful lite thrift.since going to the States ewe years ago. James Henn O'Neill -better known as 'Tit.' O'Neill -tit the eldest son of the late Frank O'Neill. formerly of the London road north of Bruteetleld. Ile is now raiding in Flint. Michi- gan. stud was recently a candidate to a contra for the mayoralty' of the city. Mr. O'Neill wits a candidate on the Itepubliean (bin+. His bosom friend. William N. McKeigtutn. was elected and takes ot&•e for two years. It was a cgs.. of "American politics" played in the re.• test tune. Mr. O'Nelli 14 a writer tar magazines. and a newspaper editor. la 1tr. 1 he was 'tilting The Flint wiry Herald for Mr. M.Keigltau. The Ku Klux Klan was at Its height of power In Flint at that time. It oppeel ]Ir. Mc- Keigban In politics. and imposed Mr. w. O'Neill bre* of hie Canadian birth. The two young men--oaeb thirty-six )ears old-*tarted in to break the Klan. 'But the Klan elected Jud+na I. Tranene as Mayor orer McKeighen. The Herald Continued its light. how- ever. with the result that both Me- Keighan cad 11•NMII were arreMrd one day charged with criminal libel and talked the Mayor bitterly u. their Yth 4INY•I•e* and caxtIgo literature. S • twett)- 100r huars before the vetiug. they_ 11,1.11 the telephone to spatia the news that all In favor of either uuur%eK4•{ghan or 4)'Nelll- I Mich ). should cote for MnKelghxu, at the peal., an O'Neill was out really seeking the officeat all. Tnre Thu -news spread, Stricken with au attt•k of acute Ili- ]I r. Prc__lyua.�i. __thirty-second race rapidly, neutrally. Thr 1.ele elects) digestluu. Fred R. I'rice., .romlueat gree liaison n Shriner and a member k;14:11TH T11 111.1A11. NO.16. . F R PRICEWAS PROMINENT I l le ,)%14,••1calnnbla• readetu••• ,, a d• .. ua.l .a large panel, of the Fred It: \NT .orman for vi'e Terand nd %elk.. i'rke addition. ,1t one time he in Ru " s Circles iut•r,•sted' In inhale: properties. to Ca nall(t•uud \las 1.11.•ti.• ..1 the wren who 1 the fatuous Superior. copper 41':1 t.Y . p RESIDENT OF THE SAULT n 1•t\ a tt side mit of the town 1 Flom Tin: Xrws. S,lS.1113 S'• %)aril'• prumnl 111i ne Snub 1 ou,i ut is esus• (lied slllidrul)• Int Id the KitI s of Pythias. c 'e M h large be 1.4411 .100 untiority. Flint 12.211 a.m. Sunday'. prat 111. at his Mr. Prices rived his wife by but is a large city of l:a►.ain population. I n.1 1►illau and I:anitll avenues.uhirttyai mouth Ire was married in I Tre I t •,N•. a daughter A. Treks". and it I the Sault. Mrs:: nuary lit. 1 920....! d by a mit an d Mrs. Ver. 4, Flint Iitople adroit that the Mc -"iii'. Kelglian-O'Neill election trick slur ane i . 1t.•ws of ;lar. frier': .6111. eleele , t to 1'utheriu 0f the smartest ever pulled Its the his. luting about town Salo i? ...., keit the of the Elie a Edwr tory of the city. 1 city'. Many people had s.,I Ir him Sat- pioneer cirizeu of i�rey sir ay evening at bi- .Ira_ .tote. al.- Price died ±gtldhnit• lVilllam H. ] r•igluw. +tlthungarl as health)' r1.... 1'. Ssttn•• Mr. corker is survive. ll I\ chi t .et \our. t ars Ilw•ti wf 'Flint twice ter.• cit us oty In day rcrmhitr Mr. Prle,' did ..1 feel a daughter. Nees IMre ay1ur i . . Sault. Ile 1915 arra again lu 11r:^. Ile Is pi tw rue Joyful/ his third term. Ile is wired for Alkitit. as'IitrL lila ►o go ledue. Mr. ticks. a brother. Doorge, )'rice, of t his tax -slashing ,iron: each time lie • fele• replied that be would be all t;ndrrtnh'. Ou11rio. and tw' siatertt, Nota. oaks. i right. He locked rep the stile at 11.111. ]I r.. Itob•rt 1' Hays 0f 1l(xter •h.'on. ' -i1'F.-niNenr-at T1f ` TriliTritmr. i. tile••• y. rt''rhe'i ftonle->s' w- 47. sturt•r•'t tnrin, _gang_ Nits-LW-alter S'trrnti4I.I of not connected with any INt rtlrnlar lug ri:tarty. .1t mid*igbt Ile ,1,iIs1•II►el • 111 I,t oIIv(•r. 1 newspaper. but writes for :secret. call • doctor anti lar- Abatis cullet. The fun. rel .crylees were held ,on A. l'ourad. Wile" tor. **introit'. Tuesday. JprIL-1aL.-aN-441e Janie. Episcopal (•hart t. where Mr. Pride we* a vestryman. and were eondrMtd by , , psmdent for The Huron ExpsNrur, ta1 nnrml Rev. N. I. Mclh.wt'll. The pallbearers i \ Later hr did .cure newspaper r work in ' ;time he vomit to the Sault in 'Lias.'. were Charles Meitean. N. IV Morrill. 4 otlrrkh. He left l'Anada sevenMr. Price has beets prowiueut both to lar. (I. P. Ritchie. Dr. E. A. Cornell, ' local business and politics. and was a George 1•aundy and Charles Spear. all )'1.trs ago• accepting the p,.ltiou a. sporting slice of The Flint Daily friend of almost e.rr)uul• in the tftj•• old friend. or Mr. )'rice. Mr. 1:Qorge Journal. Leaving Thi Journal he I [torn at l;t•Ilevilk', ltatarl,, in 111117. Pries.. of Gudrrieh. arrived on Monday was editorial writer fir The Iaanefee Fret Price spout his boyhood he the re, attend the funeral, which was its 'Capital News: later its- „..,,,,,,,..i„.., little Canadian town. As a youth he charge of the Nino -dale Lodge and the ' editor and Later still its editor -its- ?Wended, lite titxleril-It (collegiate (Amideii- Knights of Pythias. I f'Anti,en then for u short time he :thole end later the Ontario College C tI well, and hie daughter,. Mrs. Vernon Iwo W. .liklns. both of t tie -Rita aandmagaztnes a. well. He started In newspaper work year. arrived Mr. I'rfty wu• steel euuw•touN. ago when he acted as Iirueetield born•:_ lir dust wthin a ft•a Inn -lutes tiesidte N 10 44.114•44.114• Wtheun.f 1•lla iiia where he graduated In not raptor of The Wausau storm Ig1 . His Ilrst position was that of Nen Canadian Paddle Train Service not Dally R*tord-11e19141. renlrni°g It.....it_�trd, 'Toronto and Hatsiken-Lis- to Flint to mit The Daily Herald iR_i�Irrleri{afor. merit to s t Y towel-Gederieh 1924. He resides. with his wife and 'torr. but beft.re the end of a year he family un East Fifth street. " t-nele 4 clime to the Sault and lied here until Effective from ❑oderic•h and Ilam - Jack" McQueen. with whom be AOI[ 1 hill death. In 1089 he engaged in Ilton. Monday. May 2nd. and oper- blonght un at i riteetield. resides with (bnNlIt.-s with n 1arlul•t.►hut by the cling doily ext•ttlu Sunday thereafter, end of the year tft b•naate owner of new train nervier will be Inaugurated, i hie uw'u store. tills drlig, store its the In order to provide double servlr in Newlon. Block. Ashmuu and Sprite.' n t int •iire•tion. with onvrtlient eon - SCHOOL REPORTS , ;testers, i* perhaps the-tittett to the-,trctiens,at Guelph Junction for Tor- . mutts. A1sn additional servhss to and V. S. S. NO. 17, WEST WAWAN0'11 I, Mr. Price served two terms of two from Listowel connecting. -Report of promotlon exit mi atI. it;, ' year+ each nn the city -el -wined end . The new train wilt leave Goderich at of C. el. S. No. 17. W.. 1Wuw:4 414144h. daring the greater part of his term he 7.(41* "a.m.. arriving -Ilnmilton 11.110 Bettors. 75: pass. 00- r ( was noting mayor of. flu' Sault. He a.m.. and In the revers.• direction leave Jr. 1V. -Sr. 1W. - Wtlt.wrr„• 4'i tl. rt I completed his si.-uai term in-1tWM and Hamilton 3.30 p.m.. arriving 1;uderlc-h 7!i per tent.. Slade Finuig.t11 70, Edith •• although ....winning a strong itepubli- s..1.. p.m. S ul - can. he was noire or leas inactive in In connection with thi. new service !>n' 75. I (initis: since that time. rat rolls ran leave Clxtertell it 7 u`elnek Sr. 11. -Jr. 111.- -Annie Sproul tt9 I The flag above the city hall is at its the morning. arrive Toronto 12 per cent.. Lenore lituthr•rs 79. Eirelyu 1 hall -natal today is honor of Mr. Price. noon. and. returning 1411%0 Toronth 3.13 (Hrrin 711. ('srl Fluniguu i}. Clifford At one time Mr: Priv.• was a heavy p.m.. arriving (;oderlch 8.13 p.m. Culbert 71. Stautry m";11"1"til- !W..'holder of Sault Ste. Marie real cattle, Detailed vrhelaie and further peri - 1 Myer .18. being :always a farm lettere in the enters may iw obtained from Mr. N. Jr. 11.-$Fei1.--Dallly McOratren 73 future of the city where be made his 1t. F'Iartt), Town Ticket Agent. (an - per cent., Arnold Olver 73. Russell Me- I home. Resides being part owner Its adlan Pacific Rallwtty. L'nderieb. nr Intyre 72. Margaret Elliott 70. Willie ' the Price -Harrison Neck. where the write W. Fulton. District Passenger Sprout :r2. Western 1-nion Telegraph office is now .lgent..Toronto. 1. -Harry Otrvin. - - -Kr. Pr.=Jlft3te-t etserin m. timer Sproul. ' K. D. HILL, Teacher. e11PYPA1tT3TON -- -- - . The following 1. thtireport of S. S. No. 11. .t+sliflrld and Colborne (slier - pennon), for the Easter examine - sued for --$50.000 damages apiece. clone: 1 When the tow' came to trial. the jury Sr. IV. --Clayton Foster St pet` Cent .. Maher 'F'oster 80. Roy Eby 71. • brought In verdict of inapt .t*tifs each reddr t'rnomnn 7H argar t Fn*4er wan asiewned $2,2.10 and Costs. t 1 princitwlly on the count that their 64• Ituth Foster 57. 'Richard. Cousins 49. Thelma Jones 39. Jr. 1l•. -Ralph Foster 52 per cent. Jr. iIL-isnhel Pollock 70 per cent.. Tony Vrooman (13. Sr. II. -Alma Dougherty I.18 per cent.. Irene Foster 75. Irene Graham T2. Marion Foster 69. ('lames.. E... -x 61. Sr. 1.-4}nrdon Pollock t1R per t'Titt.: ('tell Pollock 3!i. Jr. 1. --Myrtle Foster 100 ter cent.. Marc Vont man 85. ' O. J. FIN"Ni(:tN. Teacher.. paper hod termed the Klan Klingle ir "thief." They yelled him by numer- ous other name4 during the prolonged fight. but the other counts failed in that they brought evidence to nuhetnn- tlate their claims. !zany event. when thcelettnn come slung again this winter and spring. hoth McKeiehan and O'Neill deter- minwl to on.,t Mayor Trnnsue, who was once more n candidate for the uf- Bet. of Mayor. So both flied petitions and sought rho otfler. and they at- SCARFE'S Brantine Floor Varnish, gloss or satin finish, provides floors of lasting charm and durability. Goes further and lasts longer. The quality is the finest, yet the price is reasonable. Let us show you our wide variety of Scarfe's products-Scarfe's Paints, Varnishes, Flat Wall Enamels, Varnish Stains, and Auto Enamels. 1, SCARFE & CO. BRANTFORD LIMITED ONTARIO WTI SAi•E Bl CHAS. C. - LEE GODERICH a Gardening Hints By a Practical Gardener Progress SOUND business prin- ciples and a policy of gradual expansion have marked the steady growth of this Bank for over fifty years. Today, one of the largest and strongest banks in the world, it serves every phase of business and private life at homt, and is tak- ing a leading part in the expansion of trade in foreign markets. G S The Royal Bank of Canada Coderich Brands - - F. Woollcombe, Manager 1,1 iV1•getnble ,= r7i•`;t'wrahr-a few t•rrtts7.-rete-ehml• 'i't` w' '- uhf' crow Sets u good pian :,i plant , few short sun. mahogany• and brown In the Frrnrti ix•t•tiou )lust imposing, Iwrhap.. row'. of the inn:? rarictie.. ,.u&h n• lacer• the Tall .1(riivrr .ort". Thea• grow apina.h. radish., "flue*. tarries. and rapidly. making line well -branched IN•rts. a. soon n- possible. 1f they 1 plants after the first terminal bloom 1 came through, n ni,ldenxhlr gatu ha. has Appear d. and produce a 'metes- heen'secured to i•arliat'.rr: ti fern t slob of huge ballet four and five inches cuts them down:. tire loss is -really in diameter. until a killing frust. Tliey need staking. art they become tole The lases hta\'y. The Afrii•an tuarigelds demist hu Law-u work-I..•ul41 be 4144444• early. be planted well bark in the border, or rill make a very suitable hedge for 1'11{. Is the only time di the year to ,liiIdI,ig Iaw11•. Thr French are more use - roller on rbc urdiumo pial sit , [ornamental from t1:. individual flower titins. later oi. it does more harm stanlltsltrt 111141 run he procured in a thin good. e _1.411 rolling In the 111 range of sires. There 1. also an spring. however. ar.'. of great cepa•_ as Klrgiisb marigold known also its the t ikon. the ear'. dtlshex the 114 Itis colt minis' sir pot marigold. iliis has lack Into the seri and ameoolhaout nit- torsos. Ihick foliage. grow'. a1N,ut pen, Itla�es, A ,eller is a fairly ex- right luetic. high. Is an eVerlustiug ally. be euted l ; 4, lint our est ore bloomer from early eummrr until fall. warebe motet from the 11 enei Idled- Sud. w: iv. vin,+ e.tublI,I .ii. wall sled warn acre, or tw t or three Ielgh ase. inset every spring. All Iter marl - can club togethc:, to make x pain lui.t • gold; ,sly be sown Jost a. soon as the }Ilse d1 chi. tialr• to u over the awn all a rake. gruunit t. rnrty nr ran to pflanttT n- g door. and transplanted. \\'herecer evit•l.• of Imre gnnll carr slottitig the .11.4 .1 Irl 1.. luo.euell w'th the raki, .lad gross $1•etl *two thickly. ('over thyme re-seeekvl. Kp ots with a pier ••f Imultry meth's or rough trellis w•.rk to keep nw'ay the '.barrows. It t• otlso eadvisxlde to (veil the grus' with 44 good fertilizer early its the.spriug. %tiny^ experts advocate pulverized sheep manure. although the claim. is sentett.t tirade filet this to l rndllt4•* ne..1 `..eds., An riitl II lea 11011 0111111111e of $u,l. -one ounce dissolved in a gallon of water and sprinkled with the ordlitao waterlog ern, is :nf- tielcnt for four -Artie ,cards will give the limo a gn•d start and the grass that stork green color which is so de-, slRdrle. i(,, t- every ten tiny. early In the stawnI It Is• very limnetnnt to keep the •..,ird la healthy vend' Don. a+- vly;orl•' -'c growing grass I1 (rnw•d out nee. weeds. include Marigel % 'ot only de um rlgold. n -t• a Wu enols" names derfol ahnw'iat .luring 1 mer and in ch.• fall„ out t11r) will blgnm right throng' the hettt•.t wen - hen. ninny of the qt ntul wittier. They 1411* care %%110'11 (1., um asking the gnrdeuer e all fedlug b11x•In. It is a seinl 'family (if flowers..„slay n. and a whole garden timid 1', anted with i1 alone. The different rarlctles of marigolds range from sic Inches In four feet or more 40 height and rnnnthe 1••,tlre irate of yellow.. from sulphur ;o the rieheet oranges. end In ad(1111cN here wonderfnt rel• then lu .ingtr•t other plants d •r*ryalre tet et\ta bl ash to rem very • Heels and Carrots No garden is eomp:ete without 'a few caws of those o16 staudhys. beets and carrots. These may be hurl its .r )ariefy of styles to suit different tr- 114rses. Thus for cnnm►tsg the small round teem are toti.ldcred a lest. end for curly' huh) carrots u• shorter type* of this- vegl'tilble to xdcl•able. Both *1111 b• 4114'1 Ju. a..00u ns the ground I• really, an farther printings ,for Inter use ant t at intervals of two weeks up to a 1st ter July. Thy should he N 'n In rows from twelve to sixte• niche. apart and lik nt one ineh I rt iia the row. When the plant are up well. thin to three in- ch "ONlrt. nail later tike 0111 even' a r one of these for (-arty n.r :. the beet• for greeds nr trickling •Ind the carrots 10 iN' 11.4.11 Ili the ordinary tiny way. Setlktng the see) n)er nigh) 144'41re Idanting will hasten gerntinnllnu. hl planting, do not rover with more than otNout one-half Inch of soil. The biter plantings can erten follow' such early crops as Iettoce. •oltrat•11 and radishes. Jelling% IJII.1 n. ...oft tl• the natter clears nick". get the sweet !II.1. hi. 1'1/1it 1I, -n1 hl 11 •hallow 4r,•nch.c . ale \•1' clay *1.11. eon' he loosened up by hr \•y" %Pplie.11imis of straw) manure Ind the digging h4 of n (my- osin-4 ewashs ono plenty of garden r, fns •. • Mo.f gn lens. esleel.,ltt 1111,•'• wIti.l rl•n. I\•r 111•%\t' /I 14411411 14.114 of ,tattler slut fertilise. even' yvnr. .41,uld he .weetenetl rep 01th 11 dose of h\dr*ted tine• About nits zated to 1•\'ere two .411111re snort. Is ill -lent. Powe Insurance Properties for Sale or Rent Farms for Sale Elevator Stock Bought or Sold Call 292 Post Office Box 438 n.4 INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Established 1869. 11 rad Office. Waterloo. Ontario. D. D. MOONEY, Agent. Eat Street. Pierre 2516 Coder:c h. Owter:0. J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insatiate neuter in IN)NLY10N, PROVINCIuAI., M1l'NiCIPAL ANi) CORM.- . NATION BONDS Fire, Life, Accident. A-ntomo bile. and General Ineurance Agent ciltic.% nett to !tank of Commerce I'hnne 3:1 Goderich Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Prosperous and progressive. The Sun I.ife rot Canada offers fink investment and sure pro- tection. inAll re to -flay. Wit LONG, -Nettie Allewt Goderich Phone 115 0. F. Carey & Son, 1.IMI IED Insurance and Bond Brokers\ 1'10 n.' 1230 . 11'444 :At rect . t iorierie`h. Dict The Arnstrn;•P Real Estate and In ura;ice Agency Life, .Aerident, sickness, 1,e•1 of Time. • Burglary. '.ntotnoblle, I:Ia.Y 1 Itu.uraute • Very 1(144 prices ler Automobile Insur- ance of nil kinds. cheaper and soft r than taking chancre. Some real bartrain'. in hou,w and Into, 19.14$) 97111 ft$F,0 stla4, $1210, 51500, 511((10, $2(1(01,- $2500, rte, I . A few good prop•rlirs'very near town. all•nteennary tnilpnlr' wfth.ft•w acme of land, ...unable for fowls and gardening. A number of tine farms, well located, tunny of thein ran he bought just now for 111 cost of int ,rovementa. 43 ;urns of excellent iani, t1NN1 luiild- . hies, well fenced. ncnr t iodcrirh, 57.+00. 11x1 'wow, good.btiildtu'•. near railroad station, 52900. Vie• or *Fite J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Agent 4111141‘: 1'pltalrt., next doer to the 8. A. (fray Co :tore. Square 1'. 0. Bon Ili. I;oderich. Ont. Office open any meld (11 1 1 10 • ' I. eek FINANCIAL SERVICE -_I The standard of this office is Seritice, as complete in every detail as we can make it. Our office has been equipped with this end in view and an inquiry directed to any member of the staff of five employed by us will receive instant and courteous attention. Huron Investments Limited Bond Dealers General Royal Bank Bldg., Goderich, Private wire connections with all Stock Brokers Insurance Ont. Plisse:: 430 and 445 leading Stock and linin Exchanges • •