HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-3-3, Page 3Large, beautiful eOlored Map* Of Huron
County for sale ut 25v each at
The Signal
. eVitwi
•• t- '.)`.1 It4-10 -11
'fi. with the Miser af-
frouth mist loaves
Council met on February 8th. with
all the members present. Minutei of
last meeting were mad and. approved.
Communienthms (rem the Ontario
Good Roads Asseciation. the Ontario
, Munklpel A•socimion mid the Ontario
Et'lucational ArisociatIon **king that
delegates he appointed to enema con-
ferencesef above nesocimlons in To-
ronto in tbe. neer future reel -teed and
Fred Hayden applied to have the
mouth bran -h of the liallahtin drain
cleaned out thim coming season. The
council were agreeatite to this refutes,
and title pagticuler brunch will he
cleaned out this summer. Itegariling
application if It. 11. Scott to here
hist property 4nm:steered from ta. M. No.
11 to S. St Ni. 9. after hearine a state-
ment from the trustee beard of 14. S.
No. 11 opposing stet transfer. It wag
moved by Mr Stalker. seconded by
Mr. Thompron. that thie request of Mr.
Scott's& be reftised. Carried.
Matters' Campbell and Thompson
pp/mated their report of revelpia and
frpemMtures for tbe past year. the
report :homing Peal receipts of rifle
102.09. anti a veal expenditure, of
in13.3044.112. leaving a hainnee on hand
Deeember 31st. of ea.:113.97. The re-
Itte.ve was luetructed to enter an ap-
peal. on behulf of the munieipality, i veal nerolue, the euthor of Canada's
detail* the reeent comity NMI 1114410/1
ist adopted by tlie neatly couuell.
A few dilatory ratepayers having
failed sa yet to come across in pay-
ment of their lexcie. the collector's
time was extended 1111 !larch lot. it
being extweled that by that date these
few amounts would sil be accounted
The necessary fornis we•re tilled up
and attemed to and, application will
lo imule to the Provineial (10V1.rnment
for the euheidy due title muncipality
on au expenditure on reads. etc.. lawt
year of 84,480.17. A by-law wait also
read and peened providing for the est -
Omitted expenditures on roads this
coming 'Reason.
'The following dements; were Paid:
Ram Flutchinsuas repaint to grader.
The Municipal World. eupplies,
$14.53; W. 11. Campbell and E. Thomp-
atelltorc, tilde #tetAnderson._
treaeurer. eatery $1211. poostage 115.:
J. Gillespie, road superintendent. $25.
Council adjourned te meet again on
Tuesday. Marti. feth.
A. l'ORTERSIE14P. Clerk.
JOHN airs VISION loch Gait. a great tluancier In the Feel-
' Mel policy of protection nod 4,141. „r
Ithe delegates -earthier and Roes the
others --to (theme's with the Iruperial
YEARS OF PROGRESS Government the federation of the
; vluces eit Britieh North America. One
1 of Sir Aleetinder'e eons wag known as
A Remarkable man wae the Sir Thomas Galt, one of W110.0 44/al
114 1he Hon. Mr. Justice Galt it toilay.
Conunissioner of the 'finis members of the family hove
Canada Conipany TI/1011 In commerce. In law, in pelities
- -not to ',peak of gthietlee their
(By ''.1.1".." lu London Free l'reratel triumph,. with the oars re:decline the
higheot t•redit upon our purese of
Is Now in Charge of t tilted (laurel'
Circuit Near London
London, Feb. •1. -Iter. Maxwell C.
l'arr. pastor of Weottninster United
Church ciet.uit. comprising 1,10,1ewood,
North street and White Oak tenurrega-
tions. bee received an seeepted a call
te become pastor of Vtctoria street
Futrell church. Godench. 'The teams-
ter to the Goderich church. where Mr.
Parr sail sueceed Iter. Selby Jefferson.
take Mace next June. subjeet to the ap-,
provei of the lenoion Conference eta -
timing committee.
. Mr. Parr hem been patent of the
Westminster circuit for the pa u two
years, during which Ono. a new Church
erns built at North street nt cote ot
$11-0011. 411441 practi. ally paid for when
oincially opened by tit.e. Dr, D. C.
MacGregor. president of the I-ondon
Conterenee. !net 'meatier. The former
church. which had been erected up.
• I f fifty veirs ago eollspsed
. .
when excavations %ere heing made for
a bueement for Sinrobty schemi par -
poet. Prior to his it ork on the West-
tulneter eiremit. Mr. Parr W/1 minigter
of the Methodist church at Tilbury.
During the ram three or four years
Mr. Parr has amounted a prominent role
In tbe conferenee •s a leader of young
people". work and as melt ia regarded
as 0110 of the rioting young ,ninisters nf
the conference.
Mr. Jeffetgon whom le• emceed% is
pert 'was mimeo, on mother' of Kerr well known for his writ:new on rens
awl- Campbell. ions 11114 ettone and 14 444 It 11 se,mething
By resoltaion the ef a short story writer.
of the council.
Wrong shaving harms
and ages the skin
HOW do some men keep look-
ing so young and fresh these
days? CORRECT SHAVING that's
the answer --the super keen edge
of the Valet AutoStrop blade has
done this, and made the daily
shave a pleasure.
Stropped in a jiffy without remov-
ing a single part -you will use the
same blade over and over real
man's razor resharpened to the
finest degree, cutting keen and
A stropped blade hero the face young'
-Sharpens itielf
W ...-. seeks*. that every atm of a Valet Autnatraw Name be orentasitty enthrall**.
mortheas homes te west Palm afnetnag Its perfect earvlov j,,,.' ...4 It to go wad
we w.11 rosters It to a nest-Illea coorfition enthwei snores.
Your Office Stationery
NOW is a g00.t. Itetatign your
si,kat 01 Office St &jtrv and place your
rder for new suppl' .. can ineet any
competition in quality held prite•
The Si 1
.1oututi Report and Treasurer's State-
ment Prepented
AI the lemma meeting ..f the Maple
Leaf Chapter.' LOME.. Akers for
910.7 ttere eletted 11, tenon*:
Regent. Miss leen. Satins; viee•r, -
gent, Mrs. K. C. Hitye. Jr.; itecretars.
Ann Wurtele; nesistant hern-
iae. Miss Mary Clark: educational
tires:ill, Feb. 25. --The Ilusati
spring :wed and vegetsible show. under
111. /141.1110011 of the South Huron Age.
cultural Society-, was held in the town
hail here (him siftentooti and proveu the
best In the history of rhe exhibition.
The attentInuese nag large and the we -
play was the !argent on recent, winks
the twenty was. high. especially In.
view of the wet %settler which
eereetary'. Miss D. ph:neon' tree- marked PO 111111:11 of last year • harvest
With preparations under way 0 surer. Mies e:tta Saute*: etandard- eation.
the celebration of the city of Galeo amateur ranks In many pastimes.
bearer. Miss D. Felker; councillors, During the afternoon several Inter.
centennial next year, the why and the To return to John Galt. the colon -
Mims J. Situnde.rs. Miss C. Reynolds, pitting addressees were. giveu. Prof.
leer. !met mid author. over whom* re -
It .refore of the name would seem Miss E. Willittum. Mies E. Bradford, equirrel. of the 4). A. 4.. Guelph. acted
lc I
to be timely. A few high epote that meine etan s a to
Irvine. Ayrahlre. Scotland: That he Miss G. Semite Meet Muntey, Mr..
historieto. added to the information Was • min of rittion In. journey ingot ,,• , •
meet the eye in local and Provincial
rimowing the animal re port :
'mined tacitly ;Mgt tressuee--.111--riVer (*amide anllitt prove. Btu
- he- looked far alien' IS Abase early Annual Report
tle Judge ami also guve an mistress,
Er. Overholt. of the seed inspeetion
lortim.h ef the Ontario 1)epartment of
Agriculture...I:poke tut_what tontaltutee
houtiet• containing sketches of pioneers good etimpher "'mitt. %OA -4%. 1;4141.11. -
and pioneer life in l'pper Canada. tinTi'• I1e formasiet ..Abnut he fore- Duriug the year 1920 the Chapter tient, of Exeter, president of the &len
tufo* .11akt. OIL the_notares et the We- Ir"15% "' new ii" events has sweet...file) lintleriaLen to per- Huron 14ocietv exprete•ed his aes• tn.
eastltl misters of the affair. proced. in tie inenttitteSion-ter-ths+-s eerwea- cr,o. „„„s„ , „ree,4,44,,..es4 ,..iff_nur...gyfeergiv:wri,utrirtnya I I
exeellent book. -In the Days of the philaiithrepi.- ellterprisex. The fur- The priso, were wonted fuifows
John Galt directed the greatest Im-
Canada Company. Or25-1s310." by Rob. •
migration smterpriee. not only of his
ins and Kathie. n Lizars. Dr. G. M.
day. but of all time. so far as Wm
Province la concerned. As tlie cow Grant says:
mIssioner for the Canada Company he Guelph Is Monument
saw Upper Canada still In Its cradle. "Illa chief apparent mentimeute are
As a licotcliman he favored the Scot the tate of Guelph, founded by him
as a Pettier. And to • wise and with feelings and erren""lials oPPro-
cautious prottpeetor. though adventur- Priate to a wet, and the road thrpugh
ow in the sense 'that on landing on the Huron tore e`e.averoverlasna coin -
British Noll on thin continent he u-aw tuunication lietweeli The sweet water
prepared to undergo all the hardships seas of Ontario and Huron. In these
Rangers, William Dunlop by name. be- Ulna the
the wilderneee held -he surrounded undertakings. and In organ
himself in his Initial teem with men business of the company. in attraeting
of courage mad tens4•11y. of purposte. A desirable imudgraots to die l'revilice.
onealme margeon in the Connaught and in making thoughtful provittion
for their neccesitlee he proved that a
literary man eould be itumetteurably
t•ame hls companion in the U.pper Can-
e suiwrior to the average immigration
sainting of the elrilebretee room In the
library, conetneneed in the fah of Itr25,
4V111eithipleied Ann during Brie )441
We ha 1 4. presented it with hiatorical
pictures. 111111. 111141 ..mr Magazine"
I i
Mitring wheat. John Robertson Sant
Deugall: No. 72 oats, John -
Ewan; white oats. 0. Geiger di Son, E.
Klopp, J. A. Manson & Son. Oscar
Klopp; six -rowed barley, W. R. Don -
gall, Alex. Bilehetinis J. A Manson &
on. C. Truemner: field peas, C
Trutenner. John Pepper. Alex. Itnehati-
an ; field beaus, C. Truenusert W. It.
Dittman. Matt. Clark: timothy seed.
Truegmer. W. Alexauder; reel
covering the lost three Tears bowl( n
three large volumes, given a two-year
eubseription to -Child Life," and: to
the library preper a year*m eutiscrip-
[ion 141 "E(.1101..*. (1110 official publi-
cation 41( our Order).
In eountelion elth the het:pital our clover seed. C. Truennwan- *halm
activitiee leave been as rollooK: A My. Truemner; early itotatoess John
ment of $1341.00 W/1. meek. on tit Fisher. John E. Melewsn: potatoes,
-jutting Mud, reed chair preeented t general crop. John Fisher, gam Doug
the "alaple Lear ward, and two n11, John E. MeEwan.
[decree tof plate glees. for furolture in
Tivo meridiem were aintointed
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company Of
Feudal's/led 1 869
11 ,ad Office,
ati•rloo, Ontario
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
East Shoot. rhos. 250
Godsrich. Oatnno.
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
great characters of a hectic. expand- agent. whet is obliged to work by the every second month to wake a visit and MARCH WEATHER
Ida in s P. it p
Ing age for Britain end her colonies. rule of thumb. His reutourcee seemed_ report on the condition of the furni
A surgeon of the first -etas& he was to le as infinite. as his unergy. ture, et,: in the ward to enable us le
alsoran editor. an author. tiger tom- was as Protean in wrestling with_ Make any neeetteary -repairs or midi -
ter in the Enet-the Rianeerelt of him nature as in his literary labors. now times Emitaries made re ambulauee ;
A• B. Greer .()n Account of the Very Sudden
fever laid him low. Ile «se jam the DOW 011 tin. (lamming of a river. now theoinfertuation from the
man. was "Tiger Dunlop:* se, camp 011 the (44141 Vtlettlen or a bridge. now Co. or London that it 'night be possible Changes in T t
empera ure.
to be known. to tackle. it tough job 112 ou the cutting of a canal. 11111V 013. OW 10 1,;1.1 V1/0 few *atm.. busillens
day -until an titlark of the jungle Witt on diseovering an indelible Ink. preseuted to hospital in 1912 elicited I
the tomtit Nell land of these- parts. felliug of a forest. now en the drain- pertaining thereto was. ou the request --
Organizing the Csoada Company „ machine. n„w tbe them to pursue whatever course they I. day bright. but eloppy. the next hlus-
an it . eitildrep. Condit enn 111,1 ap4 I 14-
4[1011king. ill his pocket. after the tract formation ef a company. 110w. on the the hapter made ag o
ft undin of city One feels that to the public wards. sary for the mother to keep thi• little
1 and Farms for Sant
Tbe Miran Tenet ing hVlrltuile of a ...natal,. now on the ion nvention of the lenerital board. turte.41 ever to Our Canadian March weetther-one
d it h 500000 acres figuratively 111101% merit of n hmtpitte. now tot the deemed. expeekient. At Christmas time
• ift f two aunts tery and cold ---is extremely hard ,en
k i • •
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Prosperous and progreesive
The Sun Life Of Canada Offers
safe investment and sure pro-
teetiOn. lostire to -day.
14:R. -LONG,
District Agent
Goderich • Phone 115
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Life, .terident, Sickness, Loss of Time.
Burglary, Automobile, (.la's
Houses and Lots in Goderieh and vicinity
had been setured rom e 1 . g .
rnent. tialt apt out for Canada. and 011
Ilam I tic ks, .n In I Ortrtf ries Htowon.nabWilpi..
vvhile on his visit to the
arrival etruck for the Lake Httron re -
he took a letitiOnt or two III Reim-
gion. In Scotland he had made the
nenunintanee of wiiiinni fmekunn. es, live Immigrorion and sympathetic as -
a ''Igva"abe a Edinburgh university. sot•intion utith settlers 'That Is
the rtyle of man to lay the foundations
then in poceeodon of In5.000 acres of
. country 411.4 and reviewers lam -
and band tffe wants nags muntry„.• thel
(lrand River County land. wttlt Shade's
Mins as the "hamlet- of the settle-
ment. In the spring of le27 tht. Scotch Omued sum(' nf Gales' Wes& one
growing hilarious over the prediction
I poet. eesayiet and author. sceompanied
of the remitter if the Canada e'oni-
! by Dr. leiulop. Campbell and Pryor.
k I .1 GI forest to meet Dick- 141117 tent ttitelth emery beeeno. a
lenrning end a training m.hool
eon. The few dozen settlers of the sent of
for fitrinews. Behold the Ontario
; small trading poet took kindly to Milt.
Agrieulturt1 Celege of to -day -the
And Dlekson was so delighted with
largest end n!,,st •neeer.sfta of its
their attitude toward his rieltor that
there aml tbeti he rechristened lils "lmi` tt't EnlIfire.
hemiquartere Galt. sued_ ever_sloce It ------------NorlhWest P88881110
has so been known to the maker of cr*I;Innticni:4mtilitigt.0 leton.;.„, :brAtt.inuthe:sfoundDer;
maps. That part of his. misedou com-
pleted. the party distet open-
ing of a road northand east.„.a
Ject to which attention lind been given
even before Dk•ksunt was met.
Party of Explorers
The upshot was the formation of a
party of expiorers: blaze trailer... itt
other nerds; with Galt. six feet font.
.1stmlop, tax tete fuottr 11111 1014.41411f.
and Dicksoo. six feet three, leading
through a Iteaviiy timbered country.
cedar ',temps prevailing. and shelter
si cured only- by the erection of huts
of boughs. Wt. here Ninety's word
for 9 that he learned to eat raw mirk
on that trip. AR one of his friends
subsequently urote of that item of ex-
ploitation: T 1 11111k of persons' like
us. Inured to all tie. swei•te and lux-
uries of London. launched out to Can-
ada to raw pork..Ynnikilied -rnm. and
a soft bed of leaves beneath the wild
wood tree."
Ott SI: George*s Day, 11427. Guelph
was founded.. so named in honor ot the
reagnineiraitY, The party. then re-
turned to the Inonfriee hamlet. and
there local "contractors- gathered to
tender for the sixteen MIIVA of road
14. take the place 4,1 1 110 111112P11. trail.
of the Cennuta_ Ceen..tty dreamed of
that Noriliwegt Inisse,e• by land whleb
Canada tree )11-91111 Ii..ide good. In the
litee Alm al York lie and Ills trio of
trusted ofileerceelecti.41 plans for the
present anil dreamed dreams of the
future." Thtre 1111, ;en experimental
fartn, n wIrrISTSTITInv-raltds for Pow-
er. and, moet gloriote of all, to go by
e•stital from Quebec :0 Superior, VOW
the mitelies of the Locke- aleuntitins.
null then heok down 'he Columbia to
Ihe Pacinc411111 will, a steam packet
line between Lender. and Q1101111% we
fluty flume and go he:ireen China and
Britain, in about 1.8) months. Can
this be eallen are 14114. detains a foolish
.propliecy:.. fly no melee 9 iceetrfectlY
nracticable?" 'Idle theme of yeste:rdny
are ..tommcitience et:tittle." of twiny.
Thi; John (hilt fertilise reminda itt
that mane from Vok.111111111 10 1.01111011.
t In Vaneotiver 111 'Montreal. are be-
ing delivered at tee tresent rime lit
leo. than twentp day- •
Something in fbar• tislon! '
The centennial .11 will find rile
oity to wheel the 14-911 novelist rind
colonizer gave Me tome ready to mark
the event hi a manner to temente a
kiting tribute to the founder a the
Newly -arrive Seotch farmers found
Cause:din family nett the Cement 1.'om-
work on it. ri1 rnlng for the fleet time
In the Promised Land cold ens+ of 1111147. *The tire_ that hind Us 10 the
pioneer da eel! hy sll man y
the realm. ft was then "on to Lake
Huron," and out et Waterloo Most the 011018 in Reis m'oet fertile foul prosper.
ens seetion of Outurio--wilt, friletIfy
one-tinie tuitions linnet road, over
wheel heme-geekere by the thoneande III the centennial 1,1.11* In renewed ni-
leghtnes. p. John Gnita Ideal* In the
were due to pass hi nucceedine years,.
The following year the line mill to makilla "f 11 great u"IlittrY• the 'level'
remelt thelerich front Galt was earried "Met" "f "hid' 1''' '60 °early 11111
by a fleet -footed boy! And here we 'IPPP`sfull,; 51'1°141'1'
hare toetne as postmester of fiteterieh
John Galt. grandson of the 11127 hInze The Huron Breeders' Sale
trailer Find Canada Cettlpfillre Mtn- The 'Huron Comity Rreillers'
tut/Witmer! 14(100 hold It.' !weenie N ttttt 1 (mestere
1111 ene time George le. flelt -find mem: .41,4, at WIngtnat on Thrives/1y.
Thomas P. Galt, 1111104 of the life Sir • peneunre 2oh. emodulered.
Thom... Galt. when they -reached the s'ele was fairly siefeeeful. The thir-
sehoel age were sent to "Ti *4p'(1" ne- ty-four lots 49 eherthonts 41111eiimed„ 11'21;
cupying scats, betweett 1140.1 ands 1,470oreefths no geenige prim of 1194mt. er Apr.
In a building whose compile leirdelted alightly more num !all tsar. Tile tep
the leientlen1 rond thst UslAr grand- loull Lancaster Oriniel.•a choice yettlig 1111
fnther lent ont In 11427! The firet roa,i. heed and cen•Igned by T. 11.
tamed. ns Canton:the eettenelly know. Tnylor & Pon*. thigrore. lormight May
is, one of 'Western Csnatla*n Present 1135.1111: going to 11. J. Sandersen. :
businevg leaders -el few year* ago a 1.-,,foirk.h. TIw top tensile. Vletorin
powerful.' onniman soul tt pilot of Inter, ('75 brpd hs levnv1...Woott, etlyth.
national repute: the other brother 11 end ...unsigned hy A iv. Etherlturtois
well-known Toronto lawyer end an Heneall, limn& $1311.(10. 141ue
amateur sporteman. exeellent type of matron lend tens
Many Aehievements pureletaed ItT Ittanicy Campbell. Pekin ;
I 414, not believe any ennadine eretcon. A lir.01'1114 "ft"I'd^(1' •
torten can recall • family whose 11.111. partly to ibis fine day rind aim to !
schlevemente In Canada. enverine a the 121gh 111111111Vy of the offering. High-
eenturr. have e(lipses() or even equalled er firleee wens warrinted 1(01110 01.
those Mantling to the credit of the Om. entries hat the Inlrehouvra 11•00,
Mate. the gainers, MI they Ore vire to reap
The wasend generation In the eonnty some benefit from tlte animal. they
gave in public life 51!.r Alexander Tit- 400k home
Two rummage sales wert. held, one • once indoors. They an. often con -
in April and one in October. 1 tined te overheated. badly ventilated
The list ot dometIons followe; roonot and catch colde %tacit rack
Univerwity and Building Fund. 810.00 their wlude system. To guard against
Strang Memorial Fund r"ff i dime Colds and to keep the baby well
20"•°°1 along. a box -of ilabrilb ihwu Tabicts
Wur Memorial Fuud
Navy Leilalle
5100 1111 the better. ',righter day* come
Many Of these ne are very tiproper-
ties. very cheap and easy terms f.,r
pnyment if dt.slred. •s
Hotise and Ito lots near the Square.
A small, nits. little house, COD -
weakest), h) Sepses. 41060khous
Children • Shelter 1 Mould le. kept In the honse 111111 all
Two articles of clothing were alto
occasional doer given the to A good cont.rete bloce, Ilse belly
condition. two iota. $1200.00. keep his, etoninel, ,n -,-et stol hie bow -
given to the Home and School Club to
A good house. lanthreom. electric
111"n" fur niedi childrPn. 116°1" and Baby': 1 Inn l'Itiolitt• are a mild hut
be made py their members into gar- ,,,is „.„rhing regnbiro.
lights. garage and two lots. $1000.00.
Aloese ere atm provided for this pit r- ._thortotiell InsatiVe Ahleh never fail Ahont 00 other homers, many full
pee.. during the year. I to regulate , the stomach and hot -eerie -Modern equipped. astottg-thelimist la
Tbe following gine were made by , And thus relieve (elite and simple town.
the Chapter in 1920: To the Collegiate. !
. lets. are sold by niteliehie dealers' or outside the corporation. A!! TIPCPX..
A number of good properties heft
fevers and keep baby fit. The Tab -
a picture. "1.andscape with Windmill." i
Tul three public 'sellouts, prizes for Ills- I bo,.r.. wiii6n,,i. m, di, ist,._410,, 44r„...k.._aftnehi.
mall at 25 001115 11 1144X frOgn Tilf. Karr building's Willi fete :ter,. ef land
u , --A-t-ehrbainais-W-stift to the II.
lir:ain't. Miss Aitken. In appreciation:I vim,. out.
.9 the intereet she has tqkett In tbe 1
chitdreh. The Chapter aiso co- I
operated with the Ahmeek Chapter in ; t
•endIng Immi ! books te the sailors In
Halifax befere Chrlstnele. We parth ;
Opined in celebrating Armietiee Day
by placing a wreath on the montituent. I
Memberwere anpointial during the
.11111,111110' 11111111 tn. 40 kffril 5(11110 fresh
dowert ti tht• monument.
Iti th.• Bee of 1.ocint activities. the
Chapter held a bridge fl 1111 tea at Miss
Sall:eters test nee," oil July 0 tt Intentlr
114141 11111111. ill i11,' P.1%111101 011 tIIlZttt
It. 0101 144,1 4111:14 11' nights on Decent- '
ber I 81 11 2. Ont' 41111111111 social 111001- '
ing -1%14p• held at the home of the regent 1
sind ume see ieg meeting at the borne
of the secretary. Eight regular meet- 1
Inge wen -held, and 101 5,14 visit f
Inge:The average nttendance through- '
out the yenr wa4 t•leven member,. Six 1
neo • mu miters were leveed te join 1
WURTELE. Sierelnry.
earritig the yt.nr.
Treasurer's Statement
The tied, r dee in Chinn It efunr5
lie Pt kingese. Itreoklyn
Sept. 11
ILIVIZille 111141 bind-
ings for children's'
room at 'ibrary.. 12 79
Pepsin/eta fees ,... 1.3 17
Natiotete esee : ... . . . 12 1111
leottatioe 14. 14franoi
1111111,01'.:11 P111111 .. in 00
h.!. 2 Hospital 1,121121.111 1311 00
'Notional War Me:
moristi Emil .....'4) en
rInIntel nieture for
Colleglate 4 4,
Schen1 vele., (hook. 1 /4 75
1.0.1).E. 11 1'31 11111M1,4 VI
Ref al Ira W.1r Me-
morinl 4 aeet ..,. 1 7;
Express on hooks to
Donut lon '., Nn vy
!Alight' 25 110
tatildren's abet
1Christ me, che.r 10 00
2 M
innie in Dant 2lr2 •40
Nov. • I
Net. al
Ni. 22,
ec. 2
Feb, 3 lialuece on hand \-0171 094
ala , it 3 4111.11 110118 hlitts re
carnival' prizes .. 1 541,
aray 5 Net pnotells runt- 1 -
wage sale. 94 ,
Batik Interest for yestr .1 se,
July 3 Net proceed.
Salkeld's bridge. .. 1(1 05
Fees fur 71.111' 12 110
Allte."2:1 Net penceeds Pa-
vilion donee ...„ 214e..e9
(ht. 26 Nt t itzereet (hi runs
.itiam• sale 121 114
2 Net proceeds movies 04 :12
2 Donation Mre, NI, 41.
Cameron - 4 10
17M) 21
Expettsee Multit
1I Stet ionery
1 s5
111 Buildingetfund CHI
...4y Mettlement 10 00
11 1 10i
Leaf witty
Secretary'e anppli.
for yenr 3 In
TreflellVer. Yanntrt for
yea 1 00
lieptilre and furnish -
Inge for 4.101.1cetes
room nt library172 12
Furnishings. Moen.
bee W114%1 11 1 11041
pits! 43 97
Flower% for year. hi -
eluding inemoriel
wrest,' and gradIt-
nitraes', hole
(111et 13 00
$714(1 21
rr-r.% s.‘t 1.T14. Tn./tomer.
Geo. Williams
Dealer 1,
Fire. Life. Ate -Went. Antonio
hale. and General Inenninee
(afire, next te Bank of Collimeree
0. F. Carey & Son,
Insurance and
Bond Brokers
Phone '2:10
West Street, (loilerieh, Ont
About 50 fernot I e, 1 10.
2- ett, Ai 110 120.
200 (lett'. 0:14.h. itniTy rine 'ovations.
good buildings. impro4.01, low Is
pri0e find easy terms for payment i
Some properties to r. lir.' Furnished
raems: to rent.
- For net parti.•,cir• .r. or write
Heal Estate trent -
I Iffiee : Upstalre. nett door The 3
A. Gray Co. s•or. Square
P. 0. Hirt 89. Goderieh, Ont.
Real Estate
and Fire
-liares of
Elevator Stol-
lots of 10
W. J.
Phone 292
1'. f) Box 438
30 Shares of Goderich
Elevator Transit
Company, Ltd., Stock
\ Huron Investments
Royal Rank Bldg.. Goderich, Ont.
Phones: 430 and 44;
t'iret t 1,rii ate u1re lending te nil
:••••Itvrk nit4I (Train lExclunneon