The Signal, 1927-3-3, Page 22- Tlerreda3'. afar
Member of Cased
Published every
o,t,•rrip1luu pacer
.,uetly in a$va
Telephone 3
W 11. Ito
'mai When You Can Buy
Goderkh, Out.
Editor and Manager
v, lihorb 3;1927.
!lurid Trail!, hardware merchant of
Walkerton, who died last week. !elk
1120.000 to the Walkerton hospital.
• • • •
Retitle ratepayers be a vote of 201.1
to 465 on Tuesday auppoeted a bylaw
to vote $1400.000 for the erection of a
m1111ondotlar grain elevator on Sarnia
• . •
The Petrolia Athertiarr-Topic re -
male: "If any of those bankers trome
around and offer us a billion dollars
for our plant they don't get away as
r.-_-- easily, as they did from Ford.'.
s •
The editor of The Bothwell Times.
- at tiba agl=rt+'IM3k begiwuing.-am
take lessons on the violin. Probably
be has got to the time when he doe,eo't
care whether he is popular or not.
• • •
Mr. Ferguson promises his Goveni-
ment eontrol bili in a few days. and
the thtrwty ones would like to knnw
how much longer they will have to wait
before the bill is liquidated. so to
• • •
The Privy Council has given a 114.-
I [a of \Pwfoun�land In the
1 -land C'o!ony and Canaclk as to their Placed at snursTT+slosal in this papo•r g
for letting people know how you can
a fawner 11::s71.41811.71 eonsrpueut
respective rights iu J1brador. If the lowerlug of levFfe.
question of the union of Newfoonipandi servo them? Aa a toyer, are you Hud- i The general level of the lower lakea,
with Canada should} he reopened the! Ing ant through file advertisements considers Captain Anderson, has been
former could submit terms that -would: where you can best b e served? lowered by about six inches by the
• • • � Chicago canal since Its inception
• rd eliculaus a few yearw 1
The following ue-.reap r desuth•h ,
• IIs tomtmtnde to the attention r s ; "If it were suddenly swopped," be
•1 who Imagine that conditions across the
derotre.l. were
%%mild take Isnween eight
The Toronto Telegram has been as-' and ten years for the lakes to main
sensed $kitt00 In damages in a libel. Ilur nre su{terlor to these in Canada: 1 the sex niches of level."
action taken by the publishers of The I n'asbiuk'tne. Feb. '23. -While eon- ' Rain Biggest Factor
ditlons lu the 1'nlJrd States have here But the tack of rahi has bit e
W.snLstoc•k Sentinel -Ito -view. 'Rte•' growhtg emttlnually worse tilt;v nre much reater factor to Inwering lake
Iibelloua article was patbllsh it during 1 Improvhtg In Canada, declared Chair- levels Kilian the canal has ben. Only
:he last Federal elect to - campaign, I man (Mdtleld, M the theme retie Con- once since 1916 has the rainfall on
e leen W. J. Taylor, uuanager of the I gresslomtl committee. in n speech in the (creat Lakes risen to, the normal.
P r- a 9^i.
levels indicates rlearIF the relation be-
twe•a the two. The'generel lake levels
at Ibv end of 1(123 were about 32
Tarbes below lite wean level of the
lakes in )973. Shea- 1917. the lake
IfhaIevela lve fallen rapidly. ao that the
1 general tall on all the lake has been
over 24 inches In the past decade. Rut
the graph bath s that Ghia Is due
in large usoasure to the hark or rain.
But whit the Increased preciplta-
t-iou the fall Ilea practkally stopped.
when the mean levels nre Indleat"L
and the Ib•cewber IPye1s were actually
much above those of December. 1023.
The calculation of lake levels. which
are observed, as fat as the Canadian
(:uverunu•ut Is t•uueernr,l. at 41[(1 sta-
T30 Ilona where anloiallr gauges are in -
stalled, Is a very elaborate business
W be content with inferior tea. and to in• layman hard to under-
stand The work which le dune under lu the midst of opposition
Go derich, Ont.
Speed Thy servants, lluviour, speed
Thou art lord of whole and waves,
'Ih.•y were bound, •but 'Thou hast
freed thew;
Now 1111T/41110 free the slaves:
Its 'Thou with them!
'Ti- Thine arm aloue that saves.
the Civil ik•rvlce 1',.nrmisslon. A paper LAKE LEVELS RAISED
like Tbe Free Press aught to keep it, BY INCREASED RAINFALL
memory in better working order.
• • • .111 the Great Lakes Higher .Nutt Than
Ilruie county, like Huron, is having in 1923
trouble with hs 'equalized asats,ment Ottawa, Feb. 25 (Toronto Star
and several municipalities are apical- Spe'ia1(.-inceeased precipitation of
ing against It. Bruce has a luajority rain over the Great Lakes area during
of urban representatirts in its county the latter part of 1923 and during 1926
council, but apparently the rural has caused the lakes to remain at
much higher levels than •re usual at
representatives stole a moll upon the this time of year. At the end of the
men from the townsland villages and year lake Ontario was over eighteen
pat through an assessment which is inelit' higher than Is usual at that
considered, to bear hardly report the time ofroutteteuut yearsb; E!trlePOCmwas
urban t»unlcipalltiee. Huron and Mlchigau were over a foot
• • • higher iu level; and Lake Superior
Advertising is a service to the buyer was alwl a foot higher.
as well as to the seller. It helps the Captain F. 'Anderson. chief hydro
d 1 1 gnild..•r lh nsrtnwot Marine and
merchant to ,ell goo s. t R8T.4 his
Ouse :.I than of hi, ,1811 Iu ,L`scribitig Fisheries. says the whole range of
higher levels is caused by the increased
goods. 11 helps In make sales. Mire rainfall. brauwP other factors have
(hull thew• things. it helps people to not changed.
buy inteltlgently and satisfactorily. Tbe ChLilpo drainage canal contin-
it let, Ihr ptub:ie know where different uea to take 100as1 cubk feet of water
11.114 of goods are to be found and en- per second from Lake Michigan and
Luke Huron. which also ffe•ls Lakes
utiles folks to go there without loss of Fri . and Huron. but not Lille Su -
tithe and obtain what they want. A• la•rlur. The improvements In the St.
long-standing dispute between the a tnt'>;4ha1t>►-re you using the tedium ('lair river and the Improvements
akon Ihr St. lace also
have rdeem r 1n 19110
• • •1 I r [tin e
�\ !reel pa{sr waw mimed as the the (louse yeatrdlay. H.• wasrefer- calculated on the years 1875 t 1945.
era as to a relent of prosperity In the gemenal tread downward); with the ex -
afterwards withdge.s. I'nit,d Slates. ception of 1921, when. momentarily. it
• • •1fihe policies In Mrre in this trona-
. , rersJlstLnormllcyo only to plunge
.Liberal candidate in Nmrth Oxford, hut ring to Oahu's of the Republican lead -
The rainfall since 1916 has had a
the direction of Captain Anderson, by Let thew trust. O Turd, in Thee
Mr. ('hnrlea A. Price, constitutes the When suceess attends their mission
compiling of levels taken every hour of Let t Thy, servants hutn►rler br:
the dry at all these stations Into eum- Thy
leave them:
ve totals and Ineaua. ,e..._ see
Superior Not Affected
In the case of Lake Superior. w Inch
-Thomas I(ell�
is not affected by the Chicago Drain- 1 our Father in H.',LivRe•n. we beseech ('shat. It Is -1e wn that the level
in observe Iions which coyer the Thee for Thy servant, who. at Thy
tx•rie.l net; i,e:d' n u he, its high,•., biddIng., have gone to tarry the goalie! in Septclul. r .11111 filen drops n to souls to darkness; may Thy Spirit
ever guard them and so Inspire then
foot to the end m, t.1 i;a But
The budget debate at Ottawa eon- try are so benign, ao wise. PO ton-•; downwards again.
c'ndrd yeatenluy morning with two dueive to prosperity, why is it that I A graph of tete rainfall and lake
commerein1 • conditions here grow
%ores. in tooth of which the floiternotwrnre as they grow }spur a. oaa the
nicht wa sustninet pp am. d} a hero b .1 .• ►.I yr. VIel-
gresalvel +t'e vote was 19'1 to 21. and r. Ulllneld said that in 1tr'a: there
had been 21.77:1 tofhtalrelal failures to
nn the m:• ' motion it was 111 to $st. 1 11n• 1•h11,,tI Strtee as compared with
The lath cote probably is an incl i soot 1t 1u21k the last 1 )ntoerattc
eatiou of the Government's dep•ndal r. , year.
majority in the House (leered last The remarks of 31r. Oldfield 14.11
in port on the effeis of rhe high
S.ptemlrer i tariff... the rotted. States In in-
• • creasing pries to farmers and other
Tutu l't' enterinT,-l-'arta,ni 1111;4---1 (5 tnn+lint"M. -
r.•e`Ivt• a permit for sixty day's, instead i -- --- Although wintry ,fill "!lagers in the
.f thirty as formerly, and under ter- :1 .'oar IRI lwaulo11 Aderverti(aetser1 lap of spring." 1t is not ton early to
start plan. for the garden that nuc has
[71111 f(•Ntr1eI1(XI- the time may be ex Premier lerguson'a offer of riskiest dreamed Of during the winter months.
tended to ninety days. Organisations tnmlk•ipei theme taxes was n sham Experience Is nut ntcss%r, for then
td.rated in the tourist traffic hare , imltalitm of the Robb budget The -ha really no my -e teary ghoul growing not mean a jumbled mass. Tldat re -
been ece'king to have the thirty -they Inner give reed relief at the expense of -Miners nrnl cegetatlIPs. With a little snits are obtained by grouping several
limit extended. The longerported j (1:e Fedora trim/eery. The Ferguson planning. some healthy excretae and a apeetmens (if .mc type and color in
offer rests the Provincial treasury no-- .mull outlay of cash, the urdinnry clumps, oith :be shorter stuff such as
this that by their lives, their deeds and
year It has r igh. . its maximum their words they tuay draw unto Thee
for the year rich', the end Of those who have not known Thy love
December. Ensure, for January an' uud Thy 'nervy. 11'r ask It lu H_I.
Ickes Huron and titchIgan have, , pane who died for ns. Ames
dur11ut1hal drtivarl about a _.8. S. I7-rWs111 FOR Nti,St H 13th
foot in Revel Iwtwe•m July and De- ! Lemont Title -Malting the 11'
(-ember. This year they have retained ('hristiaa ,
(heir high level. 1 l.eaton 16n:6
28:18 -2e;
8: (6 29:
It i, e•iactly til. ...nine hi the eaa of Aets 16:6-15.
lakes thttarlo and Erie. 1 Golden Text -Matt. 29:19.
The levels at Montreal harbor hare A stupendous task was that ::inch
also been maintained. but their use to the dlaciplrs by their risen lord.
In calculating the trend of tin lake "Go ye therefore and make disciples
levels is queatlon:hke because of the o1 all the nations." And they twitted
110441 condltions eyi,tiug there towards
the end of the year
'Tera dear11lt. '- tintall on the Great
Lake dnnlng the past' few, years is
exemplified from agar., drawn up for
leaks Superior. The rainfall during
1112:1 was approximately eleven Inches
below the average for the period 1875-
1925. lint In 1926 the fall for the
year was about 33 inchee as against
21 inches in 1923.
Mean levels for the years on all the
lakes show that the mean was 584.60
feet in 11475; 582.03 feet in 19'25 and
3nt97 feet in 19'24;. .
if the rainfall continuer to incense.
the lake levels in 1927. the bydro-
graphcra think. will d nerd any level
attained since 1916.
The general levet of the lakes was
lower in 1925 than it has ever been.
At the same time •he rainfall was less
than It has ever Leen also.
The lack of rainfall is blamed. to
POMP extent, on the deforestation of
the river basin. (--ling the lake,.
And the Increase! rainfall this year.
according to„ astronomers. Is due. to
shine extent, to the activity of sun
sports, which have t'ea lied a maximum
1n 1926 higher than anything for
262 years.
By a Practical Gardener
lug out tae .omUal dowse garden.
Here PIrnight rows, is. ,leslrable In the
vegetable put. h. midst Iw avnidd.1 at all
cost.. Th. mo -t attractive layout 1s
1114, informal o'..•. This. however. does
should bp a. considerable help to the thieret and it• merely takes money out backyard of aceto and spindly grass alyssum :Ind .,n'ratnm at the front.
to, object Ion. ",'hat surer proof of
the resurrection couid be given?
When Jesus was crucified the diset-
ple•s met secretly. behind closed doors
for fear of theJewa." Now they ;
are ready to face the world with the
message that the Crucified One was
indent the Christ. No longer did
they hay "%'.'e trusted that it had been '
Ife which should have redeemed Is-
rael." but, -This Jesus hath Goal rais-
ed up whereof we arewitnesses" and
hath made that same ,torus
whom ye have crued both Lord
and ('hris."
in tit. great task before them they
are not 11. he left without aid and
guidance. for Jesus gave them theas-
anraute. "1u. i am with veru always."
Nut yet, after the lapse of centuries.
has the gospel been carried "to all
nations." l'pon the Individual meow
I!m.o.( of the Christian chant of to -day
the responeltdllty reals of bringing the
world to the feet on Jesus. John R.
Mott says: "1f the world. Is to 1N• evan-
gelized in this ur any other generation
it w-111 he because a sufficient number
of Individual Christians reognize and
a iim4, their personal obligations to
the Iertaking." Another a rite•r
says. "Reselling one person at it time
! is the bat way of reaching all the
were,. In. time." Anti Dr. Wilfred
Gumlike says that the non4.`hriattan
petiole of the world will tNrne Chris-
tian when the Hr.,. of Christian trad-
ers. and explorers and sailor,. and
travellers. spank sr loudly of their
religion that the non-rhrlattau world
will yearn for that which makes the
Chrlstlan different from all others.
When the time s*me for the preach-
ing of the gospel to the Gentile world
1:,N1 raised! up Paul to he 1111 ehns•n
mesnge•r. Paul amt. Silas went
through the retinae --w1 la►ryttia - --and
Galatia in Asda Minor elltlrns g the
ehur•hes that had been foundedby
Paul on his precious missionary
journey'. They had planned a 'visit to
the' Province of -►ata, hut were in
- tourist trade of this diatrkt where of the rockets ort one (lass of mune•i- tlaukel by unsightly tt•u+e,:un41 leading ;cinches. 'Hari.. l . nt. is and a score
we have so many summer visitors pod tivtpAyer. and puts 1t into the up to a garage or chicken -house may of other nwOia':n•size•d. sorts farther
from Michigan. (►hlo and other neigh- pockets of another. to the extent of Is' changed into sotnething upon which hack. and ale's the rear the cosmos,
nearly p menet, dollars. There nee the eye Will (knight to dwell- Those dahlias. and •itnllar plants. Another
luring States.runty nersmns who nre in the two beautiful Vistas of bawd laud sweep point to rend tnh•r Ite plannieg the an-
..• • 1 1 (lasses.:
I ss•s,'sr that 11 Is merely-
1k- ung rep to an. informal bed of flowers. total flew. r is that n sn.rPa-
Capital tomi•hnnto. , I.uI1she.1 lolling entry in their eases. Anel it or thtsae prim rows of green -topped ,inn .d 1,10,•m is m0s1`P ....inial. A
eighty years ago in the kale of Mlthl- will tams- •mimaciptl officials endless vegetables. are not hard to obtaIn. good flower earden should make a
gnu. Is agaht to he r -:aced to the ''onfuslon, • Given a. seed eataingne. a spade. and , show from only Jane until frost.
x hit of vision.:Inythnng In the gar.len' ('alifornin toopl.iea,ind cornflowers or
statute hooks of the Siete. If action t+ Slure Sign!Ili.. Is p.seelbk•, haehetors hntr•.1S maybe eounttd on
taken last week In the Legislature is •rhe• Cau:ula goose. aceording 10 n I ,wiing the Carden for early bloom and these along with
app;rnved by the Mite Senate. and' 1'nited States paper- le the reel hat- I (nue (111 1.111 111 a garden without a the annual larkspur and etwtlwos may
Governor. The vote In favor of re-, binger.,nf sprlllg. The robin 15 losing plan. but the rrslIIs are liable to be 1* sown no the late snow. Cotentin-
. 7epifrtlflnb, He Is llahte to be ,lisapperlfllIi8. it is advl•eble ter -take.' lass eandyhl11 and corerpvts, which
atotiag the death penalty was 61 to a.i. t -,nit' t.rc.t i -on -7, t any ohne dinrin(t the nn ern ring tiff This week and pay out[ iiia, esu be plsxtcd early, will start
Ad•vocates of capital punishment could' hinter'. 1a -fact. It is now g(mornlly +the Vegetnhle plat nn pt{ecce haven if blooming in early summer. Nastur-
I.oh,t to an atppalllag retied of mar- kw,wn that there Ore some robins that the backyard is only a twitter of a few Hums and marigolds. If the flowers
dors eoalmttted In the State Hs veli never go cul into. either beanse they feet each way. it is surprising the i are kept picked off. will be covered
dcnce that the eiristing laws are not I hare lost the migratory Inettne•f. err
111.P/111..1. for emu. reason or other they
5 snttlt•Iently drastic. have been left behind. Several other
• •, • birds. also bd.htdng to migratory ram -
illustrating the troubles of llbrar• hots• are also found as winter real. year's supply may he grown easily, bloom.
ions. The e'llingwtwsl Rnitetln lolls tient, In small numbers: but the aryl- Where the gaoler) is large enough to Keep Plants Covered
t:.1 of the onio.O. goose Is said to Is 1 permit hurt., cultivation. the jour Ia a This is the larikat season Of the
this one: a sure sign, and In that caste leek simple one. Make all the rows thirty ; year on p*renntal plants. Just now
amount 111 rr{sp vegetables w-hieh may
lie grown, particularly if one um* a
little es re In laying oil[. (1f course
when` slate• is less limited il full
with bloom throughout moat of the
season. %breis, salpiglo.sis verbena.
w•abitine 40(115* and petunias will
supply plenty of late summer and fall
'1114ye you a hook (lilted lIvin \Iiuer might to 11e regprdwl ea the inches apart• except times• for wane of
How?' a woumu naked a ilbrnry at- heal weather prophet of the sporitig- the tailor or more spreading arts such
tenllaat. 11m0. As 4.0111. tomalmeW Or d•lleulmt)•r., w -h11.11
. 1 don't think so.' was the reply. Hoverer. it Is quite plsalhti that should have a full yard bet Wet*.
. -Who wrote It Y'' i the Canada g••nse, like most Other When 1t is not prssilde to use n hurl*.
"Let's see. Seems In me it was the 1 hinds. gets fm'ipi silent the spring carrot,. Not. end. such sen iic cut
-,_- _� tante man who wrotP .141101111110T1'.".141101111110T1'." + weather oevaslonally. it Is hard 10 clown to twelve IneheA and beans and
^'Frautslnio d, The anthorR Is('llrve that any bird. 2vrn an iiia 'Pena ter, fltte.n err .•lahtrew. This oaf
- 101(14• perhaps one Scott. WP have 110 bird 8. the gdxm••, in much wiser in M- enlurai Is rather narrow. It is a good
book by Nur Walter Neott t•ntItled R1,,, to the wentlwr than tit• men pl..) to liar.. (111ern ate rows of gnlek
How'..01 losstbly ynn meaty{ who -dPprnd nio(ta the inh•st.kecebp. mitering staff like letnwe, spinach. ern'
.t..a..s ..._. __ _._ --_,__ .erne. t r•ellaha•s. whit It will he arced bettor the
rows of later maturing vegetables
*vend rent. In order to get the most
of the sunlight, run the rows north
null south. To aw+sPrve apnea Milk*
tomatdwa alai here n11 climbing vege-
table. next the fence. it Is advisable
to grow the flowers for rutting 111
-ith the vegetables. as these planta
nre »eldnm allowed to reach the (orna-
mental stage. Wetly of them sieh as
.vert pens nor not attractive sod. do
hest mole,' regular c. •tile garden
en,wlltinns A few- showy annuals
such n'• pgtille.. 21111141.. fl,Nd p rrhaps
Mr Murphy was In .Ake. On the ten- "\Weltw•hnt's ynnr name?" n few I -amu( In the earners nr at the
[racy. It is not ao very long Morse If was ; "i slnn't know•• end of the crow.. %7111 not ler wanted
the Posto6ke De•partmtnt g2nllemnn ..1k„,•?t know?".,x.11lims•d the OM hen•, As they *del a touch of enlnr to
the otherwise ,slid trtrn.
I then under Mr. Marpby'a control) file „N„ " eoi,TMd the hay. "Illinother Baying Otut the F:nsss'a
alleged "patronage" sad contempt ofn' 1 a I thismorning" Little plantrlrig la necessary in lay
\red it turned' out that saw cid.
• • •;
111 in article ..n political patronage
The London Free Press imbeds a few
crocodile tears over the retirement of litre ehnp crying.
itnn. Charles Murphy from the office
-What's the flatter. my little
man?" he asked, sympathetically.
f of l'nlltmasteraleaeral. "Without ••1'm hast. Bao -inn!"
question::. aa» The Free l'rew., "Mr. I '•Tmst? NemseasP. Ytnt milatn't
Murpby was the best Postmaster -Gen. 1 liree on halts SO soon. 'Where do yn11
erai rh3re the daya of Sir William Mu-' 11721
lock." But you did Mit find The Free I 4Mn't knnw." whined the ynnmta11
"We've• }rest mood and 1 crani rr
Tres* saying anything like that when trwa.,.., flu• address"
ile watt A Mod -hearted old gentle-
man, and It upset him to see the Door
ten, innu•. gen •
when the sen 1,, mounting higher and
becoming warmer climbers Anti shrnh-
here on the snnfh aide ,d the house
particularly are liable to start bring-
ing sap no front Ihr roots. After sun
dawn there is as abrupt drop In temp-
,rstnr•. and chi. sap m1y frc"`re and
horst-the ltoy-«retia I1At141e the stems
T11(5 damage is not noticed 111119 later
(sl -hem I.nt w. ,kin apnoea Are ,dant
out or !x•rhales none at all. On the
shady side of the house !herd• . la les.
1. ng'r. 11.1,1 It 1. well in every rate to
nuke sure that rises. ivy. and shrub-
bery are well covered around the roots.
Tbe perennial -herder t1Nt may u,rd
Pow attention tm this tormeetien.
Atraw,.old fl.wee walks, 1.-incs, and
/MOW take the lost cover.
Order acrd* ,earl! 1f /on want to he
num of Ratting 111e beat varieties.
it Is time to look wen eold frame
and hot bed ,aches to nuke sure that
all the slaws Ia in good Mars.
Pick out n few novelties in Loth
flnwrra Ano v.•getables. but let the
proved ',Aerial 11e the main crops.
Seel laurels •tnketi and trellis wort,
ms,v he preParnl now
Took up Inst year's fainter, plan and. study It for improvements.
of Ladies' Coats
Prices Cut to One -Half and Some
Below That. See Them
In sill. canton crepe, satin -
faced :u d •,111:crepe de -chine.
hoc.- roil' $4.95 up
In nil the wanted shades and
-izcs. Prices froth $'2.50 to
• 910.511
Lovely range of Hats left over. All
to clear at.. ...... $1.00 to $2.00
Royal iadiCe�s ieady-to-Wear Co.
Gast side of Square
some way prevented from carrying
out their purpose. 'nun they at-
tempted to go to the northern pro-
viuce•s p•
of the niusula, but "the spirit
of Joint suffered them not." At last
they reached the seaport of Trost..
There Golfs 1 nrp ose was made known
to them in a vision given to Caul. in
which he sup a "man mf Macedonia
,standing and bes
me4ehing him and say -
fog. "
1Q.11aeonla and
help us." As on a former oMasion
Paul -was not 10s49w41ent unto the
heavenly ti.iou :" but erosse•d into
As far a• we know there was not
ane man U. Macedonia who wanted
Paul. 'Wliat tion. means this man
from Macedonia? Who iv he? Who
sent NM? Ah! there is just the key
to it. God scut 11110 Not the Mace•-
dooians the -empires. They did not
want the osp el. ' :od sent him be-
cause ile low they neslel the G i:p el.
The mysterious man was an inter-
nte -ance not of theconw•inur want LWof
the nos, ion, nerd (1 these peer
people.-I'hillips Brooks.
Paul :end Silas. with Timothy. mail-
ed from Tomo post the island of
Sanmthrace. to Nealwltw, the port of
Phillipi. to w-hieh latter city - they
treaty prevailing, It became the centre
of the tlrnt Christian church in
Sentences for thought: "What to
others are disappointments, are to
believers Intimations of the way and
w111 of Gok-J. Newton.
"In all high venture there 1111 a
glorious Mindneas--blinttaeta to every-
thing except the br•koning hand." --
8. H. Morrison.
In an article by Dr. ('has. H. Scare,
In a Trent number of The Missionary
Itt•ylew of the World. ,arurs this par-
"We have failed to Christianize. in
the 1'nird States, great sections of
our popltation and have thereby felled
to pre! erre aur historic Protestant
foundations. As a re*alt these New
Amertesna have introduced u new cul-
ture and Pew standard: -•-Can we
(Minn that had the Protestant churchew
of Amerit•a set themaelves to the task
of winning theme foreign groups as
they tante in s[sce salve racial waves
during each of the three decades be-
fore the World War. ['hat they might
have been won? 1f wP had won d1n-
ing the last generation in .4.merlea we•
at mntr prot•n11ed. Theme was no sync- would not today ie facing such a la-
gMrne in the ell,. or to it Pant and mestahee ath,aef.w In ('bin.. 39Aa
his ounpanlens would have turned and India. Thr ability of ('hristlah-
their steers on the tlabhath. tnstend iIt to gnaiify as a world religion is
they trent ro the tiversi,1 hoping tot being determined here in America.
tine{ a group of Jews gathered for, 11ere. during the tint l 1r ..f the twen-
prayer. for it w -as not lumenal for teeth century will to feun.' the wets -
Jew's who had 1,,. synagogue to meet ice battle ground of our religloo.
ia•w1do some river tar worship. Here Christianity cannot 1"•..ane x world
they found some women to whom edroquer.r until it conquer.. nt
Paul nraehe,k Among the company home.'.
was line Lydia,. ret Thyatira. a seller For "Amerka" may not we on this
of purple garment, evidently 11 wo- 'tide of the boundary live read "('an -
man of some wealth As Paul preach- oda" and face the same situation, and
ed. the word resclt.l the heart of Ly -
din. who believed. and all her house-
hold with her. Lolls beeongt•' the
evnngelt5a that :ley would make• her
house their heatkp+arteet. and her en -
nckn , TOit90 the acme [allure?
See far, Ito modern has Invented in
intelLigenie teat to equal wattrl1111soy.
- Austin American.
Telephone Rates
at this Exchange
NDER the recent decision of the Board of Railway
• Commissioners, the following are the rates approved for
local ettcWange service, effective March 1st, 1927: -
individual line, Wall Telephone
2 -Part}' Wall
Extension Telephone, Wall
" Desk
Monthly Rate '
Business Residence
We shall be glad to furnish full information to those sub-
scribers whose telephone equipment is not covered by the
above classifications.
The new rates will be charged in your March telephone bill.
M a n nor r
The fell Telephone Company
of Canada