HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-3-3, Page 1Have You Got Yours ? Every paid -in -advance sUbseriber to The Signal is entitled to otlr'o( OUr 1927 Calen- dars \1'e• still have u fete hat. Renew now and make sure of Melting one of these useful Ca lend a rs, • • Z.1) 1 • lop I:I1:11'1'II:TII 1'1•:-111 Nt). 9 GODERICH, ONTARIO, T a Tfl BE OR NOT Tn a VERDICT GIVEN AGAINST MRS.PLAETZER BE? -TOWNSHIP SCHOOL ' BOARDS Meeting at Dungannon Discuasei (Ideation Tnat L Agitating Rural Districts 1,h1!eld. %\'est \t'awauosle nod Col- borne too i. -hips were i!I represented ht the guttering Ileac assembled in the palish hall at Dungannon on Friday afteruuo, nee the discussion of (tonal matter.. particularly. the pre - p,•.41 of I'm -oiler I'rrgu,ou for the es- tltb;ianc. it of :ow'Obit/ school boards. Mr %\'m Ruttier!, rd. pre•sideut of the 1.hiicl! Tensores,; and Ratepayers' -1s ser :,t lou. 11e111 :1, (+airman and Mr.. lt111, I iii % td,.nt an seer' terry. '1'lio prtl..1•al shaker of th. anernimn n:t. Mr N Jit Morris of 'L'on0it". .:neve tory ..f the ilntarto .1s...eIotI••u of S.•11o.,1 '1'ru•ues nod It,ilr!.aen. Lir. Modri• oa• ,.•re euutiuu- w hi. nit 1,r,'•i•-1.-111 -110• •Iiir,t lull ,f 1111• Ie1%1..111I. Arliun Tried in I.oderirb before 'Mr. Justice Fisher 'rurul.l.. Feb le. .l ailire Fisher 1111, fatal rrcain.,t Mr, I.. I'. L'laetaer ill au Hellen tried at i.oda•rle11 for the -Allot: aside a, fraudirent and told • deed tr.oaerr•.t to 'he eretlltl•rs of hot .nil Fredertek. 'I'! e• d.cbl11n wxs handed 111/N 11 this nf1.1-n.am. 1\'Imn 11.-r hit+Iota.! died I11 191x, he was ow ser ill a foam io 111111.11 town- ship. Unroll. The w 11 demised the tarot to the son. .ubj.,'t to the rt,ght of the plaintiff to re•a ie on the farm. her Isntel and the u.,• of two rooms aa.! alas) a yl•:tt' The yen wits to pat x_:sr n year. The sen entered into partnership with 01111 Illtunt. wwuiil ler. arid writs obliee,t n, borrow money to pal ,to floe poetise .hip 'elle mo- ther. a1 his rerpne,t. ..4n.ta.tell to j,lu u • o a tth line lit n m p0:ow for /11M). 1. \t that time the had indorsed a nom for $_stoat• with, note wits held by the father -in -taw aria Frederick's Irit•I„ r flaying kilo,. mfg.. that he +ti- . 4..-1..--..ttt+r-t'..r-otic zrotP. -t rrsterIr'k t- een, . .I ,-4,,I the• Look 1,1 tri, mother and The News Pars with First -elites Honors At the Toronto Conservatory of Mush• midwinter examinations ill primary p.laun theory MIs. Alma Sleu.P and Mr. Jack Y.Jttrutid, of town. passed with prat-t•li,a honors. Misr Sirens secured 14-4 tuarl.. nod Mr. MclSermitt RL They are burl' pupils of Mr. Macdonald Oihts. Another Feature for ('ewteennial Week ,1 meeting of the 1:nderieh 1l01•liug 1'11111 war held I•rt night and plans fnr the rrrtnialt season were talked over. Another meeting will be held int April 11th when In. srhafu'e id flight. will he drew!' up for the s•asa,. It is In - ten.: -e1 1, 1,111 on the tiuge.t flight front maltreat to I:o.terich during the .-truenofa't ww•k, a,. thio our viatorr may lily the Im.gr.. that our 1•ih'r.❑ (sailers are making in this il- ti•resting sp.rt. tatard Mud din ""i per.. Ili. own opts- ;:,;:,,- her a 1111' ,f sale :at all his sleek', ions undid) In fart. there was ort :uta J..4.,ic0 lnv,la•rlr de>!te throughout the afternoon a re- .10 yr -urn an e•yten.l..,, ..f lime from lui•,.eore to conte to grips ttltI, %i hal H. rre.litors, the sou at,t the mother 1A lis r.r•oadze, as the prinril,al 11141' to e..t.r,ay the der, to hi, eredilira. It ter 1...r,...,.. 1111• 1111. 111114. :11/11 of 11,.11111- t,a. tti• tr.n-for .I tt flu• /anther ti.a. .lirerrly tiwtirta the feeling on wt -1,1 to n,,,.•t 111- ort+hipexpree- rl.is yne.tion was put tinier, the met- ant the opinion Ilial the mother knew, it g 1. hi o ter loo e'uveyeil the (ands to Thr el:airmail ilenwl the meeting by her. the motive IteI,inil the transfer. rxi,lainia..: its nhjert and culled lira Iits,n :11e !terse, a 111 11..• Il,•pnty 1'h.re are horse ,!tows and auto • 11. t• 111'...•1:; R1•11‘ Iluwh TRH 1.( t'nl11orr.r, !teeeyr Ilaeki n rn,l I,elony Iteev.• Cameron •-1 .‘..1.111.:•1 • r,sI It it t1 briefly. Mr. ('ani -ren tens !hr .t:ly nue of the thr.•ee oh,• ,retire.! ars opfiitn on the Iowa ship Ix111.1 lntp,.a1. Mad 111• dw ira- rfon of opi'..i:iso t, tile 111'0111 .S1'11 111 atton, 4111'11 he .aid wo11odd inion ,Ih• r bill of eAIteIt t• for Itis r itepty rn. hrotght a wn11• ..f ttppinu•.• from t'.1• meeting Mr. Morrie Address Mr. Morris ill opening 111' :1ddre., ref,tre,l to tit.. IlemonstratImi of apps. .Heti to :.sn.hln w -hill hoards that had Just been given and jocularly ex - hope :hat he• P.ould g•; 0111 of Itungann..i with hla Ilfe Sps•ak- u,g seriously lie said that the gr•ate•t •f utl Int. rprises 4111 the training of :he children. The human factor was :he grrratt: t in ter mating of any na- tion, and the host valuable of Can - land were great hpeanse they had Infd stream atom, .duration. Titre were 3'9t001, toys and girls going ;o ,.hoods In i'anada, and It was their -raining cud development Oa: would male .1'anaila a. great nation. Ile in -as not present. the speak,' -aid, as ars a,lvorate of the lowiahlp tan.rd hill: hot he would enq,aror to explain it Ile represented the On 11rio ti,•hd>,el Tru•Iee'a' and Ratepayer .\1Wr•iltioa, which had been ,rw:it iztd forty year- Ito in the town of Whi'I,y with the obje-ts of hriltt!ug ,•'pool trustees and ratepa;ers tugather to study Pdncitlon;t matter. and to ex - :meta their mind to the Deportment of F.dueatLm Many things In the school retnllali.m, were there because of the artiriti•'t of this Association. It was nfllltated will the school tench. r. to fon* the Ontario Educational A.to- ..Intion. .tt the annual meeting of the Truett..4' and Ratepayer: Associa- tion hest year 1710 delegate. Wert. prew•11t. OW rural r•pr'?urtIattves pre- dominating Delegate. attending the annum meeting heard the very hest •in•nkers, and braider tat -hanging ideas 11r other delegates ■1 the con- vention they i•onld give guidance, in- •ptratloo and help to their ft•fnw- rrl•tePs at home remain thing in the present ay. - :em of r4ueatlnn in the Province were not 1l'gtneb,.l with .ntisfnetion. Child- ren pass the entrance examination at A very young age and then often have nowhere to go. unless they learn home to attend a high school. This many Imrent5 think is not who.: once they go away it 1. the beginning of separa- tion between parents and children. Can we have something of it high school edurntlen for our children without their leaving hpme to get 1t? the spx•nk.•r reske.I. There were the rein', Lir courser leading to a professional carer, the ,otnmerelnl rnnrsis in ..reparation for hnaine.5 !!fes and ted, uirvol ech0,l't for Iltore who were 1.. nn- gna.• in t'iiii.drial pnesnits. Sh11u'd there n,: he -icunilnry schools of n pru•tle;l kind for horn and girl. ales would nrmintably live their lives in the (oun!rr? Why not eunple Whit n rnitnral training. nfter the entrance examination, rometllng nrnrtleal that will be allied to the life these boy. and air's will Irv,' 7'o find n '11.111111111 for such queer Wins a. It,..e. the Premier had ole - gusted 1111. 1uw111,l1ip school board. Thin pill would be ngnht inlrodncial In the Legislature nt Ill. .4.1!,11 hitt w•onld he laid nor tfie table for eon- PIrMrallon. The hill had been amend- ed Ito some particular.. and as now frnmi.1 it ••ropeses. where n torcnshla hit. only Ion schools. a board of ten members. one elected from eneh srllo,d section. R'h, re the township has more than tete sections. it would Is• divided and there would be two boards: and where the a were more than twenty acetinna tier, would be three boards. A union 1eItoot section would lielnng to the township In which it had the largest RPweu.m,nt. it watt optional whether Ile trustees be paid • how., but the Itadewtrinn has no show. 11r:olden Sun-_' or not Th..... board, wuitld Take ol, r t!.e :i'euiul.t re:inn 1,f all cttlea- tioI.111 ma1:.•r., laiwary and se•ondan. is the last tri t The Isar,' might v• Leer .•1i• seh..el end tilt on a fifth In-.. and in snottier-,-honl it might lane reenter high ..lood s-nrL-, bring- I,nt ,•.r•t'eent mttactt! program. with n :Mont fifty mtles'son I" i• ,tu,eat- from the other .,r•-' •,,,til ..lo by Mi.. Roby Mr(♦ra1, a northern N.Y. Stale omits it. the towoship inn hoard of:.m. t.n:A.er by MI-- Wady. \lurrt,y., ('.luadi::r Owe!, 1- for twig! • 1•,1v.• tut itf -trait Marh.-1 of :bre., y,a-a! numlr•r- by Mr-. A. J. Swart, was. raw A gri, Olio.... or n 11141 tee to trait health. ' Maclay. lied urgnu seleetious Ly Mr. a: flr-t t!:,' I)ot•tt* for all 11•.- soMo.,:. • r the 'ownship. (Ir N:i,i• u11d call, and Mr, Arnold NI, he ee• liked it tw, it noel:' arrange welt the agricultural , ,1.ncli. iyere .o large that, r-prie,e•ulitive for 14 short course. or - -- he fe!1 hound to Major Sloan at Fruit -growers' ('ear Maier It It. Moan. .f Porter's 11!11. ons ai Ilimlltnn last w'.•. -k ie?i.r ding the animal wetting of the. Ihitariii I' rail-I:rower.' Awes itltiou. 11.• re- ports 1 good attrndtue,• of grower. nod keen interest token in the various .tIje•tr under dismission. 'There 1.1'I11 he• no ,uh-ronv.tetton he'd int Moron this yi•nr Thin• may. however. be a Ii. Id day ett.me time during the spray - •ng xenon. Major Slo:ul wtis again elected director of ten Provin.ia1 As- s,.eiirien for this district_ Clinic Ten at Knox Church The 1.;::11 len given iuj'h year be the nadirs .t Kars church has ita•nm, a re•.wnIred ln"titntinn in the life of the town. :int on Thnr,Ilay evening last titer. „as perhaps more than the usual large tunil.r of citizen. present to en- joy the ,.,Ieurltd supper that was rigid .lfierwari'. there was n brief The lexwlR Call ., MARCH8,1927 the Town eltk I:zpreaa I'ompstny repay • 74Padquar/rn gelding/hero. for their ' lural Aelhe'ill. The .sew horse, whl,'ln 114 if d.2'y!e IOW rotor, presents a very ltglearaufee with the reel sleigh, nem. -Pt of 1 erncnq also was receiv and tilt alllt w now right "up to 911144.' '' . Fred ('ralsle Has I Mr. Fred T. Veal tussle accident ou which *111 lay hl weeks. While *a clotting up Modeles* tell en the nllpiw P'4ink of Comuser IIIb aa•k es 1'.t 1lapl/at, Its the - rreelhua jail and John Whitty, it being his, Prat w'utte• gatP .r -s- Muer•: Its tined t and-tywta. John 'r••ullou of flit. %([O011e( llnrrt', of oKle.• aprl ltttat Asul 111 „ Your Office 1: Itl`e• )41.0w j11,tf= lot ant eck Books tO *Al this' dlietriet of reliable Counter ado. d priors. SI( NAI. &hone ;f5 TEM filgNAL PHINTINO CO., 11111 inbllsbera. LOCAL vraRISTIB RUMORED THAT C MST 000 ,*11lliERa Preakkalt ,wtlt, li K.,o,rt of WILL PUT ANOTHER Prorlweial llagiatratv'a ('oust W mw•t(ag "1 14° theta I.u, er the tip Reid had w burs day 'on l;l414-11 i fl,,r(ltitlinrat liw'is;. hvld T'tr dliwtrst•tl1 ttatplet (lt strreet re.t,nnraut \snit at the tome Mali on Thurstl+111kAliktt w'n!( seutrnce.t t0 ten day* is hat, the prtaldttt, 1[ftl rat'i1l lt l (W110.1141 Ilorticitl• 1x1 al Torolttl *thin ill }rnuttsii0*► with hltIOn will iii► di pie Meet• Walkervllle in the Muer Art of Thr proposed .1i.pnoprlMtlba Itpf .tee► attest for Use lwnl.uu+trtttititl,•A•- 'a r of the l'reviaee. It t this t 1 part Federal r 11R Ar lane. nomad for (itnir lMt hien Iw.r inns year, Mtrt,ltM(. Includes a:11,IM*' is hoped that nett fear this. district Cur. therom(detion of tit* drrdriug pro- mtr•ting will lx hold la Golert•h, JI it ' t'ttn>wra•nsr•d thrry or four yewnt Thr dlrpctora ut fbe hemi $it 'Iety nete'jht• remainder being for euustrwe- are tuaklug a cousin( for members, I IOU utu•Is►sv.. Th.' Anal ruelton work .sad hare.s't the 1Al0 mean us 110•Ir',h- ereto work .u: the north and wrath that ars 1,eiug ,,Revised tl+t' dlreeiturs { tit f- report A cos l r I In pier.. lstuwhd Iry elite W rr(la * w,.. - -- -- Irrr of new merobt•t'. fir d ivty. Two fire .telarmit-the Plat Wall - 1'r .{eH4 tetithw,it.v l .ittw retttarl, .44x019 -:44 «-.•t.s•k rihb 4Thttrwlayl sal.i ai Ittr tuemb\•tt' u>G'thu hurti,ttl- uu.nlluir til,' 11.,• alartu aumitpxu-tl.1 ilei ittrai.Jtua intra -int tlatlrhs!!ar_4.s!'n brigade te. the houte or Mr. 1', 11'nriele'• to be pr 1 of the rapid rea [h of St. 1'im.red street. Smoke Issuing tet Ir organizations. the mem ip ut fruW the- furnace was Nte cants of the N% hill' Is being; hte•reglorl 1 lbf. *talt- Warnm. lint the servicps'nf the hrig•ul,' tion of thon.audes of ritlsuts w1111 tilt were not requ1od. The firemen /also ideal of a more beautiful t'01srts. Tire uavatp•eml ut Is tux entlrtlt,t•t! a044'I\ 'o the 1,0411,; rural dish a also are div rltxaetj the benefit, tit ilrr:ctd from curb sot, -tet iva: - A new deQgrture yips i:rk.•l, art The Aameelee'tint'A,sl wig year* Wtrru the Prtryda.i I (mr• Jud11k memos has fl. d R.Itunlai• year two pr the Pitt 111' Ile5rel►aith, for n pre heating tarlo and one do vii untativ, for ht 111, nji,11 •r or lI,' 1111 ter elves• felt itlr,, owing the g.ea1' 111p enmity equalisation assesstteuta. test Imprul'pmcut i; .7telir,utr,•t•. Usrt Hix Honor 1nNmates that he wilt ler--.,wt• Ma'dri'd f.411.11.1 connixttt1 and e' a ter appeal of the iowtishln s'[ thousands of farinars 1'Littng these r:• ttnpotg oho,,' to he heard. at- factorie- w•onld rtrteh the •pir{t of lin- t h .N wax wturrwllxt 1,44/1.404 1. a..d p14evrutt•ut of the Lone. .t.:t It, -ur- t lie will actwpl emtrtI, from fay rouudiugs- 1 er numit•ipelttles, lila desire tieing Thr Assoc:lath** actino, 1 urea, deli - that all shall Ie given an opportunity nitiuua of the totems "nm'.tenr." -•Itat- of nmpenfng their'china.. re.n," untl "pr. anal-' With regard ---•- to hortictlltt.' ata, The amateur is one Praise Ise Forntn (ioderieh Bary w•ho grows planta tui the i.,v" of tht•n1 in Its report of :the nnph:etinn of. aunt unit [or taint. and wee do's Els '•'fh, Messiah` It Knox rhnn•h, tla1L gar,;ru work h1lmaelt. TLr tatIrun Is (Ito KI'ida7 tileht last. The Gait Ins the .0me As IA-Wnatt9J'.i le'Ppe that hP porter speaks highly of the. solo work ,.lntdnys a gardener ti du tet work. A of Mr. Botrrt ('nit. te tcvll-Irtowu (kxl- professlusal - Ls• one whose garden -each boy, "llandel's music for the operations tire conducted for couttnt•r- ;'iPuor vole.. in 'The M.•rsiall."' It atter. idol pogtto*s. . , g' U /rt1tr s and crisis t.•r ttuving llquur lllpgally. AL In Proposed Work at Marko, ' f 91I1 au it - lay night ter 'woe home, atter midnight. he alk at the -relhrokr Wu left leg above thf,grtkkt, H. wits t.t taken Into the Balerg en, after a1 r=■ nuelatl Tarl,r was cuuroyctl to Ale talks -pilaf s:iee laid Three Mania , \ftter several atlp•tt'nrrtent., a ease which hos e•cel;ed haat interest was heard Iry 11agiut to Reid tartar, when Errs, Ii,,utfor4 was, !Merge) nutter the Ill:arl'o en.!s•rane•p Art w ill• inane fully hit is intoxicating e t•ti a un R f for 1 a h limier f 1 r. r rre•tuIt. and .the_ months in jati,atd a it: default of palymettafear months additlenuol ill nth J.' Makin& K -C-, of Stratford.. et•ted * us'vutar.. .' ams three eof$.`10.and 1». %watts Going lief A !amber W!II leas gret that Itr. Snit Teeiewltt•r last fall. Teresa"'ter fat ('hotly ha, rrer14 tit an e1 1111 industrial organ' a former elode•rieh inveuter of a pa eonplir. 11a. built *p tine and in.Mstrr hale evening e-la,«.x or port -time classy.- for older toys and girls 1•• take up advanced sithje•Is. These things .solid he-1r'tt.r done. said the spewkr-r. by a single hour! than by separate board*. wed whip f n From the township of Wilmot had .nue the suggestion 'that the 'section l lard a remain a.:hey are but That 0110 1.i-tinrx•ntalive he rh,-.ert 'tom .'uch of 11,e .w'tlon btarr.s to torn, a township I .,:frit that rou:•t attend :11 su •It 111;11 cos AS had 10.0 10.401 ..1 d ' ,\not her , 1;wgesti,m- 8.1s a tune. to: ty .,lyra 6.,,1ra. rnkiu a. an Are.: -perhaps snr- r0111.,!111: n e• I ':1! 4.1 a;:• that menta 111- 1,!e• ,t ve1:11 •P•'I„tis t' 11111 niI,'s- sirlly in nn•• townslt.; "1f you :told like the township s 'loll hoard. 1 w- ha! would! yt 0 augg.•at t,ir a- letter . educeit.n for country hoys and Girl,?" asked the speaker, rotilnding hi. tnAdre, a Ilisi•useion and Konolutioars A number of questions were acted ,f Mr. Morris and some interesting d;reu,•tuos were started, Reeve 1(111, Mr .1. J. Robertson, Mrs Geo. 1.ane, Rev. E. ilays. Mr J. hillougb, Mr. Mnrd,s•h Nath, son and others taking part in this phase of the meeting. Mrs. lathe wanted to know by abut haw tmteh the proposed peen would in- 4ren<e• tit:t 41.1.0,1 taxes. 1: was the gmslion of e,.t that wit- holding hack the people. The farms w,•re now taxed to the limit. Mr. Morrladmi e , err• might he a tt d t' m the espy ase of a secretary's salary, end perhaps son* traveling ripsaws. 11, spathe 1.1 the large amounts now laid in .rennet grants see salted. Are wo getting value for .•ur money to- day? ••\o," sans the rasps use from the floor of the hall. Reeve Johnston of We.t Wawannah. who turd not been present at the open- ing of the meeting. was Invltrl to .peak at this Juncture. He said that 1111 he learned more of the township board plan he was bw,ming morP sym- pathetic towards it. lie would like to •re !t made optional. iteere hill moved that the meeting pt on record ns endorsing the 1)ntftNn (moldy. r.•nlitti,n. to the effect that nt•ttri.•nlnlinn standing be granted to pupils taking the agrleuttnral rnnrsw. -\(ler considerable discussion. an am,hitnent pr„p04e1 by Rev. E. Hay* n i , i•arried, rerommlending the eestab-' tilling .'f a degree, molt as Ittirhv4,,r of ,S,•iennt of Awrieelltnre. that should I,- moult to • matrfent•ttl,n1 standing. This reeonim -elation I, ;o he sent to the it. E. A. convention. -1 cute of thanks wa1 tendered to Mr. \itrri= for his address. .1t the.c „•4 of the joint mPMing• the 1shthld Township Asex•ialinn held ■ bort no a tit. if for the e 41 111111 of off leer. .M other bnriness. After the read - leg by the secretary- of the minutes of the h,•: annual meeting. the following ntTiecr• were elected: President. Mr. Wm. Rutherford: vlet'-pr.ettldent, Mr. .1. %I Reed: seertetery-trea44nrer, Nra. Robert harideon. The following dpi.- to. were appointed (provisionally) to attend the ennventlon of the On- tario Rdneatlonel A,.nrtatlnn at Tor- onto In I:n.tcr week: Mrs. (len, Lane, 11r. John Parrish and 1R•. Rohr. 1)a sidsou, News of the Str. Be•lcb,'ra )1r. Percy It4,1..1. who la;: year .hippy•,t front Goileri..11 ftr a. MUnt- rt•al with •he s'e:nta•r Belcher,. iiad a letter last week from another member of the crew. Ernest ,Utkenht'ad, who rather eventful orifi around by the I'nn,Paia (anal on her way to. 1'1.11 t.•r and ,eventually to Japan: She re:: in•, sover.l sever, storms tool ... ..In t -r misadventures. and 1^4 f. r 4 , 1, nt San Pedro for n 1'', r,.'•c'; o,. hnu!in;: She reached 1''1.,• 1.i • on P,•brtiary 12111 after --teeny dens frau, Mon. r• ,1 \t'l.de otT tt' ren.• of Mesleo fen0•I-monfilerin. m. tl'e Ise"1 and was slit' ,moklrg w!!en !ht. i', ssrl r.••e •1, •1 Vancouver. Alterations tit 411e Presto/flee- - )ire 11. 1\ -infer of the F.,ieraI \'iirk• itrl-:er!tcrnt, and )L'. W. J. M ty. ,uiwerio'enr!Prt of the T.nn.1.n !s• -;a' Qir' 1.11 weer, it 1• wet on J1on- ,lny and Tmaedity on Isus;n.•s. in 1.00 - WWI wil!I ttrnps.,na alterations a: the p,s;sfIl .' building. it Is prnpn.r41 to r.•move the par master's room at the ,enth.'n.t eerie- of the main floor and n.1` the spare ft.i• addltttnnl box's. for fnr which there Is -a demon:. The sorting di' 1rtment for the rural mail-enrrlprs will !•e removed to the hns•.ment. whirr there Is plenty of noun, mid this will give addltienal rls,n! for the wrrl- of the staff nn the twain floor. which has been nn.'limfurt• ah!y . rowd.'d. The changes a'lll pro- vide bettor s.cnmm,d•atlea loth for th'• nnblte alai for those engaged in listening the large snail w•hleh passe: through the tioler'eh omee. It. is mode n'.I.a ! 11151 the alterations will hP made at an early date. CHURCH NOTES Baptist church. March 6th -Evening sutijert, "Choowlog an (k''•upatl'on," in 'Knox church the 'services next Sabbath with be conttroMed. by the min- ister. Rut,jeets of sermons: 11 a.m.• j4;he Aristocracy of Humility:" 7 pm , "On tieing • Pessimist," Rah. bath school and ltiblr calmest at :1 o'el ck- Annirer•ary services will be held in North tree United Church OR Run - easy, March 13. The 'wencher for the day will be Rev. D. C. •Mxr'(:regor, TI.T).. of St. Andre*** church. London. 1)r. MacGregor la president of the Lon - dim Conference. and lean outstanding .\t a meeting of the nfheial hoard of the Wellington street United church, Iirantford. the pastor, Rev. .1. F. Rey- cratt, formerly of (:odtrrleb, who Is eornpl.ting the fourth year there. was by imanimnns vote Invited to remain and continue with the work kir the railing Oomph year. He expreest•d his happiness In accepting, The wrvirrs at North street United church next Snndny *111 be OR follow's': 10 a.m., Men's ('1111,. church clamors and MI;xinn Rand. 'Troyer and Pro. vldenee- is the unblect to hp 441t'rappd in the Men's Chili. Rev. 1, E. Ford will lead the disemssIon. PtA,th woe. ship at 11 a.m. and 7 p-*. Bermes subjects: Morning. 'I(hir Father --Hal- lowed Re Thy Name;" evening, "An Aacaent Tele of the S.s." !tenthly t•f opgtortnr,ity, 1)r. Swurt- t. a The.. Str:tr's of Bice W 11 Chary. N.V. with nem. re- 1orted in Loaf to leave T.. where he at offer front ,. 11r, Miner. • who isthe railroad ear rte otsantra- ,.(Tizi. (.T., Montreal In desired a vital. Dr,. to elm, but ,!• to gn, RP inducements mope iK.. J1 ry•n Wi-Inesdny nfA;bt. w1th • t •='s".-- Threatens for the n:,•r' elected it- follow.: • \ F. Sturdy. K•. t. . on-- R. 1.. Lloyd. ('. tit .f ,t-Llin, F. H, Hi!L • .1 I'. Hknt,•r. 1\ Crater. Atter- .- et and itrgydnted !: H• 1111! : vlt•r- • xl'o•'1.1y; secretary. K. ft I.. l.lotd, • • In!' 1•,remtsts to tilt' e t • r , . are to he made fr'r- tt-r- - r w- A wwtrr Twit nave •} 5!• 01 i- ••' he oat in at the club home.- at: I :1 . t.ae r"•• In to he erected at t!ie , tItr:n ee the grounds. A r,unil••r of w-;1 ter I.•, •1'.1• will he matte 1.y- .'1t -}Rion 111! :1:,•1 fissuring Its crot:. ' hr• ngb the gnds, \ i•,n nt!1•+t.•• :cili mgt with the hieair. , f:iL,•.1.17:11.4.13 -rt errek torounr• rail's• ;1 pr.'gr•9e f• r rhe 'leas nit. A Maple Leaf evening On the evening e' Saturday. Feb- ruary 19tb, ;It. (:,t•tzes perish halt was the scene of ' 1trulilcking enter- tainment put on by Abe Maple isttf Chapter. Ltt i1.T:., it: .14.12bir of the fee tiring regent. Mho- 1, "le Rannekerw. Th. talent wit. pr•ersre.l from the 4'haptrr itself and if wail an agreeable surprise to matey at did not reallae the hitherto snppre•5-ee1 genius In our ranks. Muting tie- whom this pe•r- f,rmanee hrouzht most prominently before the public 143none were there nppnetdnttvt than .H tdr-inotwelke (riga Wi!I•Inski, late of t!. • Russian ballet to Petrograd. (alt'-'' IPalheth• art rirnC.r1. if 1:411 ,111 -:r1 -1e41. the famous Pa-lova's i : hi r paru''r. captain Kidd I himself t : 1 ).,ter Yc(ryster ( who furnished the mit»ii and the kilts and wktlnnt wt',nm th' :'arty wnnlrt Afire been ns Hat les .t !intake without maple syrnpi : rhe• Bowery linnets I whose , ren 11 ole rendering .of Bowery songs teff nothing to the Imagination 1 : the $lnbI..nii 1)1101 .AP (who... Olte- Ing 1 dare not m.r:tl•n for (e•nr of n libel snits : hiss !lora 1)unthlnuly (whose legs have , , •'r ben the s,1 me ;await, and :he it •fatigable Ouster Herten with h'- in. Citable Tlge•, Xr ver br4,rl L•.:- smell a conglo- meration of ey,,.orr • been thrnwrt tn• wether. but a rum. r bas been slien Itoat;ng arum•! to 'P,' 1111.• of "Mill. hail, the gang'• all here'-- or was it "TM's have •etas• 111••rO"1 All those Irk favor? tarried: "4•'retnry-, J,IPF.C1A1. O1"rICAI.' OFFER illgh-grade•. ht:ywelght gold- filled ;crectsIl.. 441:41 eyegteesee with beat flat, mpherieul tenet.* for only 01.100. ,VI other .1,'* of ?rnmvr nerd cense; at reasonable p414-.. Eyes rvnmined by nor welt-Mnnwn end' painstaking sped*lilt. Mr. Hfgbase. with river twenty -.1v nen" experienr•P. You are assured of (be sett optical work to be obtained Ana vete moderate coat, Thursday and F!1.a11. March 10 and 11,' Come earl,. lslth'a Art Store. Gtllkrlcb. natio s rout to tbl,bame of Mr. it. Graf. Trafalgar street. Zest ,1'rWay morning. The Winne, was fennel to Ira 011 Pre, hut po dotage wnq, ,i.. • t t always most intpres.ive. snot Ito- owing to Ole rapleitinereade he the Putt dtattuguishnd himself by the orgitplatIon of net , societies, the nl4tg "1111,14",f hi• coke grants ((t.- 211 iii ideal Jasei.•ties Are b•- ty of his be.•lamation„ , - , coming! In ?en and a chore will tinder. vole, was ,revealed tta, toga.. 1[P'.:. 111 rgerlt Govern targe 18 Sim bus • •4i'. dress 4 - Porro :and in the airs. 'Every t'a11•y In All ancient jirtrted tr, .v Shall Ite Exatttrl: and 'Tluot Sltalt king: ...Amt. tvuul.l amen Iso ea it by me break Tht•tn. ht Pieces__" 1 would a.lylsr" them to rp'td their ,spare IIme 111 their gardens..elther in $.dal F:vpwts Well Attialnl dioaing. •.ra'trg. wpt'•41ag. ( th. like. 'lite winter sol -on now closing has 111.0 welch 1lo•n• itt no better 1 ,ly ill been remarkable fer the large crowds the world to prr,rrir health ti a that have att. niter] mildly ,',t-It.1' man w -nor wit ,... It• to Als ckn1141' event, bur one of the Itrgt"'t Lesstm. the smell of the earth new mined up Mage• of the entire season was tent by digging by it spade will procure it: ahkh withered Inst Friday night for end If rte he 'm1111441 to acun.nmption the ":e Ml" reed dance held under the It 4'141 resins -sr hint. a:.•etleeemen if NIr`t'444._ of IeL4 1Cnrotm'I 110* Alai the grnntut be net I•.n wer may dot Aimiltsrj. Fat-r%lwxl swrord t.. lite thrms,'tti' ranch i(•'dsl 6j• kneeling, on nui tr+s---a icioti-lima,--staid the hall ht- a ro"Flvn ntua.-»«'•,Lusa and the Masonic Temple we.. crowded for .escs 101) 1:.,•.• 'hem -•'Iris the ravel game anti stipl more i•r,wd'al news and evil company which .ents- her the dancing The petrel at ':'feel" times prove the ruin ••t taan,r pi tple." were won by Mr,. R, Ri.si•t and 11r, 111•. 11'llteow said thin advice• t'initd be (110, loser•hlrr, lit ; 'flr•. J. I)nnaldsol, x.ia(H,•d 'let' Ill pms•nt days. A more and lir. 1''. H. Martth, _ltd. the ate(ri>mhHt !0 rim ttrrtd.n- t►a- .1.11•. -any llt111t the 1:'omr'n'a hi- ‘411::::11;a Irl• of great t.e'nr11t to the perdptr silent.• held et euchre and darter let the of tibias. •1,1.1(.•1:•"t'.' 1-1111:1. and this event rlso Mr, %V11.o, 1onehoie1 his twenty 'tail a largo : !tendency. first annual r•pnrt tit n tongrntulnt"ry - ------ Pumping dein. The 1927 air-eling wads the Te Ksport on Pnn ,Ing Yy%tsl largest on rtr•ord.::::. ,1elettates h.•ing E. 11. !raring. M,E. r'f•. I(amilton. pre.tent. The prngr;un for Ih,• tw0- 1vi, pre.. III at the meeting of the 'ilay mrctdng ittctmi'd h•t•rtares by Pv- water sad light e.numissl,n lxst parts, Prof. 4'mtr 0iriw: a very (fisc one Thursday night 111141 confined with nn itvbrklitine Rpt' v:rri.tit'w o/ plana-, the e'mmi.slot revere:iug the renewal {rush. rued Ih•wr•r'. or re:lacing •,f the watrr'work, sloth- T js,)t 'tut,rnst has been tilt n ill bey' nmmping etellPment and Ile 'tit- juvenile work by funny ,ne•ieties. a11.1 (rort•m'at of the writer storage s•Yot m m,.r,. effort will he pant forth for the of the town. Several su?g••stiti's, 1 neinrngem, lit of children ill hortlrll- such as the instultathitr of a gasoline oust work. or edit cordite to "lave of the present The' report of 1 ti I•^11 id III n Ilortietel- "tr•atn' '.41'MM1, *14 atkl4tbw- Ie °c• tare erruneit;--gtf ea lo Mr. -tarter et lir'sWat steroid:ie. with•alternative twelfth. wit- of great interls,t. TItIa !:ropo,x'-. i:a-e loin made ,from tlmi• 1'o!iti'il placed 11srlf nn r,r,rti with to rm... ani", Ute ,s.mttlIwr',u ohs -bled to regard. to the it,n!n • trio's' %Arlectn. - engage lir, 1)ar:elc to ma.ke a surrey ! b s of Pants rout fruit- and will elk,' oho and report ns 10 the two ittt'Iho, of respnmrlhlllty of pruteetlhg the public improving the aµilprucut• against friends erne -Hoed by some A letter wets reeeivel trim the town grower,: ,•oiuull rewire:.tog rslut•stat..f.m_tu+w R ,p,.f 4,0 4.4,.,i.,_rlsited the ex-. s;r•.'t•, light., rn Warnn street and on 1,1ldtlon of art held :u the ,trt Sllxlla Winder street hetw.'en ('nylev .and in Tlrro,,(o 7411• a ,. the Inst till Tle at. ten.! one en Well: surrey, lathe' of Its kind I,.1 In Consults. tale 1).':•'Iy jt.evn Turner. ehntrntut of the 11;11 1,1111(1:1141Z from dew York having 00 ti wit 411 11111.11'. w-at'r and IIght tour hila. valnaI ar a^,iati.IMN), ntlt1.•.•. ,san. nrc.e'nt and Attar (them•- It o -as gratify' g 10 'learn from the ,'.n It was ,Ictd.a. to my the matter seeretnry. Air. Edeeris, of the large over 1111111 sorbet, wheel to tour of Ire -orders w111rh local horticulturists are .p:a•rit.tn will le made. - : airinp for ru-.'1. dahlias. gladfoll and Engineer Kelly ere" Meet :e 11,1 of otter flower. (t got r tte show that slgpplhw rTatr,d f,.r the 11101 five or ((nth rich elfin t,• are waking up 10 the six. motntlta- This ti:su-x'ta_IaLi_i1reL e, elstel._'. Ile--Rollnt•icb la beautiful to the next itre'eting. In pts nntmrnl .nrrn11nlhits. 1t ran ht• ,\n order was passed. for a ear of ma,,• still np,rn hwtuNful. 1;o11erlch Rod .laeket nnt. Ira and slack coal at I. 44.. may feel thtrt they are growing .1. 1:, per (on. tlnw.erem t only for 11 -tv own niy a ore• BRiI:`FSR . Inst far the WP1c..mine ,f t'idtnrs, for flowers have ea latcnnge of their own The 1iatr,h nttyti'g ,d the Childs w'hkh•earrI n nn,-1go 10 1111,x1 she 1 non's A1, Sa•Ielr will be held on 7 s• view them Whig xpprr'inthin. "Thal 1 ,tale. unroll Soh. et 1.1:1 p.m., In the 1.141 friend of mine Is coming thIt t stiperint•nejent't ()Mee. .1l1 inteaested year." we 4x11 imagine the gnrdensr 1 in ell(IB 'venire' work are invited to paying. -.ad 1 will welcome him still 44Uend. . 1 lite sweetness xnd Iwatlty of flowers„ - •Perhaps the hiavtea ,noW fill rf the in conclusion Mr. lisi!hw•nite es - -.,sant in thin dktIrlet was that which pyeseed the hope that In this eeenten entree at the last weekend. e,mm,'nee,g nisi i'Pnr of G.'terich 'the m4mb.•roll' !late Friday afternoon and continuing of the Society wonld reach 1500 nil dei Saturday-. The rood., while Iliad been olden for week•. Were rmrrM with n (trot 411 n:oreof the DON'T RR DR.("RiVED 1.'nwtlhtl, and !t trpp mint• illi . Ir•, 0 hurgain. •n 13111 rt. in rhea;d hit:' fore aw:ntuthl't' :r.iftC• nIs termed. 1.:, !•t't wt rill ,thea car: Illy f. r TRAIN ON THIS LINE To Restore Former Service of Two Trains a Day Each Way? A rumor which has gained enrreue:y at mints along the Guelph and Gal- ,rh.li branch 11f the Canadian Pacific Railway in to the effect that an addi- tional 1,a.s•nger train is to be put uu this syring. 'fills will restore the former service of two trains 1l day Patch way. though perhaps the times of emitting will hr different from those furmPrly in efta•t. "tilrt •-pn'w'ut there' Is only elle train a pay s•ach way, ar- riving In tiod,ritl *t 411 and l.nt•ing at $.W el) fl.od rs a r1 wi I t rt l ' a > ••I 1 . sad it tis flint is mm 1 s t n hit d that this f.s(U w@ill• be cob - tinned, In tittle new timetable: It I. stated that officials of. till 1'.1'.11- have been looking Into traffic e,uelltious along the Zhao and ntudying tet• requirements of ter earl n*. (rd11!'. 011 this part of the r'a11*ay tI Arai. If their retool of, that en1li U.nta warrant a0 Im.rnvett science 11 it tufty Pzia•I441 that ?severable action will in. taken, Dame Rumor asserts That the pro - penal to establish a Isettee;y .ear ver vice hetwirn (intlph and Roderick is luting carefully r,usidert,t. 1t is not considered likely flint Ibis w-111 be nasi as a subdkule fur /he pren.•nt trains. but that It will be us [(o aug- mCu1 th, scrvke by providing an addi- tional train each way deity. Local olRidnb• of the C.P.R. have net as yet been advised of the rumored change., PERSONAL MENTION Mr. 1\-nt..lolnn ton le visiting friends_ tt Windsor, Mn. and Mra- Wan. Healy visited MIs- 11, Moyle at "'minion last week. Mr. J. X. Kerniahan, of Toronto. la til town and vicinity for a few days, Mrs. S. Smith !sent the week -end at Aitrntforel with her paresis, who are hone very ill Mr, and Mrs. Harry Johnston are tearing Iowa this -week to reside in I Kh:env line. Miss )nary Clarke has returned homes aft weeks • t Winds • 411 .i. S1Patortbrapotl,-t e. ate end in town. 11ri 1)-.1lvrlln_nwl sun_of St Fl t ford, visited friend, in town and 4'ollwrne nvvr-the w,,k''atl- -. Mr. and 11r,. Lou 1:!Ilett : 1.1 fan ily. or fort 'Colborne;.aree visiting frleud. hl town fnr own weeks, Mks tlte•Iht Itea!t,', of fort I.antbton. teat the we'i•k-etat at the hero.. of her sister. tars. J. Hoyle, %'ie:orta nIreet. Nes J. 11, Elliott. of the Colborne • .i1MrTnT•nf, lift Tide .Yfern.s,n to dolt her sister ai ti'+ .%ng !es. (6ilfornia• Ihw, tr th Ito. 1V. J..luhrt, r., qrm t to from Id!.•- Itis home nt Toronto atter ,ry,etultjlg :1 -- month with hi. brother, Mr, (lmr.r Johnston, urs r1). W. green. of Fort Collins. Coheredo, arrived today on a visit 'tit his brother, Mr, t : 11: (:recti,*diti Caner rslatttlsw ant friends; herr.---- [r.__11 C.-1lamlltun. Dramas!' of North street United church, w-:1+ at • potent, nt thr-wee'k-1•nt(.and Mbis M.try - ('lark.' iron In Miami. of the organ on Rnnduy, Mrs. Erie 11'll,on. of Ktnrareline. is 11' 111t w friends in town this week. Mr, Wilson war in town for the w'e•k-rnd, Miss Edna Rivers. of Selefurth. Ls the 011,51 PI Mrs. W. E. T,'bbmtt. Mrs. R. T. 1'111111,1„ has returned to her hone- on Etter .;rest after spend- ing moist of the MM two months with her '151... Mrs. Wm Irwin, of Turk - now, v -h,. was seriously i!1, Jnm,'a ('onnolle. of town. war re-elected a iireetor of the Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insuratn•o Company' at the annual meeting of the romptny, Tield rarntly at Wnotrinrl,. 1)r. James .1." Wilson. a prominent phyidrlan of f(nelnh, passed away 'nt - denll' at his home In that eine week. 11* wlis a brother of the 1 tt•• H. C. Wilson, of 111 4 tern. tun., fern:. ' erly practised at Mileirtiny. Mrs. Fdw'nrd Tye•, sister of XI - Michael Kvnrney of tnwo, rinsed away at Windsor on Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. Kearney and Mrs, Wm. Bogie. ref iseMtrn. attended the fnn- elh which t,s,k plats* on Tuesday At Windsor. Air. A. II. McInnes end '• aIle of h'• household effects on 1lnturday and leaves this week for Toronto on holt- nee,. in ,oun•r'Uuu _with the renlr,tt StelmPhIp Co, He w'til stile he chief engineer on the steamer \V, 1•, Franz the coming-aetnon. 11r Wm. Wrnehnn hop eche-n^' front a two months trip to T'nited States ,pints. 111 '.'!stud Detroit. ('levelnnd. ('incinnntl. Tsiui.vlll*. Ky'., Memphis. Tenn.. St. T..11111‘, No.. T.Itt!. Hoek and lint Spring's :colonel Pn-t' Ark_ and then Chicago. He travelled mostly by motorhnact. which ars neer running between all the large centr's. "'.very elan.11 got T boosted Gn'Tp- rteh on a wutnmsr resort." gays 111. Stritchan, and he warna the folk. )•e get ready for a big rush in July ant Aligned. '4 -. r • Mltbslbsare a id" Telephone orders for flower. will he filled promptly at all time., t" as. Cooke. Clinton Phone 110. W • d