HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-23, Page 6F
e Wish Alt
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I Helen Graysou , tae the elder-,
• down blanket about her young son. day. a note which he left for her the neat
He was solnir away.
Junior's Fifth Christmas
I t I
and tiptoed, across the carpeted chem allyw lere. until .•oue•thiuK would hap
leer into her living room. pen to clear him of oboe ata.'
Tomorrow would be Christmas Eve charge.
and endless tasks remained yet 100003- Helen remembered that she leashed
• hi h clam- bittern cynically, upon reading it! So
orad for action. Helen droppers wearily 1 •twrting
Into the tlreslde cha and gazed at
the bright embers cr*kling ou the
Christmas might mean a day of joy
and gladuess to the whole universe,
but, to Helm it was tae our day of
all the calendar year which site • �.+.•-•• „*,n,
dreaded. Wbat was three about Christmas Eve arrived aU too
Chrlatmas that lore acthe slowly �' my ;laked, the tir4attered l snow
ves 4)t Ole
uet sea -
healing sear os her heart?
Five year; ago tonight she and window pane and there crystalised.
Thornley had sat be this very fireside It was a perfect setting for Christmas.
and pias their baby's first Christ- 'Twigs from Junior's Christmas: :ere
_ bnutrd ttL the grate, .giving nth
and a Happy
ew Year
tete. Despite the duties w c
he was not content to humiliate ser,
but he was a •titans tit
• her and
the baby in their hour of need: Four
011. well. what was the
uuet fF.ur
years had passed. „a for
and forgive fuel live bravely
Junior's sake. There was nu other
oe/s ;triter Hut 'Ott dtffereat new sweet aroma of pin
had Cole's Book St
ane •treb: ut wo . -H- ren motoer•-
-ew dt [►-[e■rlr lout: years a
passed ce she bad seen that same tartly forgot her owe sorrow", as Joie
�^� to P� / airy ---the ma■ with whom she bores Joyous laughter ailed the room
1 •'Gee. Santa was Rood to me. Yarn-
her • sir:' the ,bud 'shoaled u he ngrr.1
_ st
l ur Hall a ('enture�
the Standard.
Stu t I'S 'f ul Treatment
Sr. 11. -Gordon LaR„'',In" gl
cent.. Edythe McCabe 7S, Marie La-
lttKvlue- 76. Ethel HILL (114.
Jr. 11. -Benson Walltrs 7(1, Roselle
Dios 73, Annie Edward .9. I.ue
Fisher 02. Loretta Kerr :.7, 1Liw, u
i'frlmmer fdi, Gorden Fisher 4a.
Sr. 1. - Ethel Fisher, ':race• Wei
mer, kraut Ylslier, Quot•ui,• laRocque.
Jr. I. -Kenneth Fisher and Richard
M'Wbinw7, equal. end B,.n-
Kr. ler.-Dorothy Mc'a1t• e
son Edward. equal.
Jr. ler.-Norma Alibi. Alfred Hoy.
1'coune IARoe4 ue.
E. G. E. 'ASIAN. l•riielpai.
E. L. CAMPBELL. Asalstaut.
The 'heath occurred at Gorrie. on
real -
December 4th. of Mf*. G. W. Walker,
a lifelong and highly respected real-
gaz'd through the window• and I dent. Deceased, (('Lose maiden name
watched a gently woman put the Iasi was Catherine Elisatxtb Green. was a
touches of tinsel to a Christmas trey. � daughter of the bite George and Sarah
At first he did not hear the voice 't Green of Wingham. attiring with her
of the small boy beside him. but a parents to Gerrie in POO, st the age
firm tug at bis coat compelled anew I of nineteen. 1n 1'.S3. she was married
tion. oto Wm. Dene. 0110 then held the of.
"Ttt's my Chrlsimis tree,' the ft"P of clerk for 1110 towushlp of How -
baby voter was saying. "aanta'. Just ick. Mr. ibm '' death ovurred in I
lett oar house and br•omaht Inc this March. 1893. and deceseed was then
sled and lots and lots of things. Won't appointed clerk. which office she sac -
you come in sod- -see One Christmas . cissfully tilled up is the time erg her
tree' Has be been to your house death. She was '�('I0nT -kW -coast
yet?" acieatious In this capacity to a marked
The m0501es of the big man's throat degree, being one of the three womes
in the Province to held each a podtloa.
Deceased atm! held the office of aeere-
tnry of North Huron Conservative Ain
*ot•uttion for n number of ]slurs The
deceased was married later to Mr. G.
W. Walker of Gorrle, who survives.
with her two sons, 48sorge W. hkne, of
(i'harleston. \Wgsblniton, q4 Harry,
of Tn1•nt0.
M1t8. 1:1►M1'KDi HOLMES
Fresh Stock of Goods
Mai t b tot erne tea'- rears I a l contractee) convulsively and only a
alter the shadow of dllss t0 it b a rack and every toy cluttered about .bei mighty fort at control kept him from
its grim. reMet•tlw actress their happy I herr•
home. win too Mumsie Ile n H
Hetes railed against the fate which
had not -provided her with keener. bet-
• remembered Loo. we that and passionately rr be tet
h 1 of the (breast ale I ht h *oft 1 Ile.' to him
law reached *4.1015 betigt�ey11ol t and
the ■tradng. finger d but ,he kissed hits o'er N with nl •k[w•s>< of
her hushaad.
Burly detectives demanded entrauee
that night sad a sorra judge later
linked Thorley to expiate the short-
age in hie finances at tie bank.
The story which Therwley told dot little ride.
not seem t•redible, and 5 the midst of
the lueeetigation a check bearing hist Christmas was ;he time for Immo( Goa. At sight of the map the smile
signature turned up as a bit of damn- I kiddies. and Junior's request we• froae on her face. ala• .lid net know
(w n rs will h• how she ever managed
m the an nary *kc. as a steps. bat .h,• found !•, r.rlt clinging
• . resorb t0 t:e• big form of
His small hodr her husband. Junior mos bewildered
Min'd's is an enemy to paia.
It penetrates to the root of the
trouble, soothes and disinfe s.
Splendid fpr weuralgeg
backache art stiffness of the -
muscles and joints. •
"A slat and everything I want I smothering the boy In a hungry grasp.
--and it's snowing, He roil.' not tear hlms.•.f away. t
Cres brought the snow to go with ay took the little gloved toad In his big
ler esdersta■4tsg, when their trouble
ram Sh0 Helen clasped the happy youngster i In the midst of. this orange st•rn0.
Il h [ hugged him to h t for of Junior's hon -e opened. and
wisher night wheat a erg armwas ono choked to sa! ■ a mother's 5 voice •'a
o come lu. But w t...• quickness rials at single word. u
and over again. • Mild Junior was lust'.. calling hack.
juniors, she' was his all.ablorbiva "Mother, cant this man see my
gift : the w3on tired of the other thinp. Christmas tree? 1 toad him you
and Helen found her five-year-old dor- , wouldn't mind
lied pleading to take the bright red Helen stepped beyond the door bi-
lking outside the house for last one' i lent npon some polite remark- which
world dispel the embarrassing situe-
ing evidence. He swore. to /been it
woo a forgery, bat the •facial• would
not Ixliere him. Some special 'wort-
' dente had uttered mercy is the heart
I of a "higher-sp." sad it was only W-
0aus0 of this unstraln*4 quality that
7horttley was spared a term in prison.
I Then there was his hotne-eoming
Iwhen thirst had hysterically subbed:
•'Oh• Thorn' how' could you'
•' ('11 never be able le face the world
-,{ IMe. in The SI&USI j
One of the oldest residents of St.
Catharines 'nosed away) recently in the
person of Mrs. Mary Watsuu Holmes.
wWow of Edmund Holmes: whir was
wad to 110 Yr leen the first person to
reach Hou.'George limens editor of
for Christmas Season
Oranges, Bananas, Chocolates and
Creams, Christmas Candies a n d
Nuts, Layer Raisins, Layer Figs,
Preserved Figs, Cherries, Pickles,
Cranberries and Olives
Settees of all kin.i-
Canted Fruits of all kiuda
Fresh Fancy Cakes,
Mince Meat
and New Honey
• ,-
Lettuce apd Celery
Fresh and e«Mp
Best Black and Green Teas and out
Coffee Cannot Be Beaten
(i round by electric milt as you order it
rvice and right prices at
J. J. McEwen's
The Globe.. after fie was shut. Yrs mytorctirmuitosteectorectectoitexcititercei
lug Hnimee w•:.- Meru iu Liutvlushire. Eng-
granl4-d. The last o K ' I descend the I Inn.'. in ti