HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-23, Page 5_ • _ L. • • 0• f • toottwimiattectetztive ew Year's Greeting Cards We have a large assortnient of New Year's Greetint virtu. Wt thank you at this season for the generoutyatronage which you have extended to us during the year which nOw closing, and we wish you A very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Y ear - _ - • Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich W fibletleitlertiVailaaarkikiMillOgaligiadltal WitaelititYlibaiDaat A---1 Christmas breetings to All Our 1 14' AUBURN • TILE SIGNAL, . GODERICII, ONT. " m'I4d"'otDatDdiakaaat)141211)aattpaktpatpapipaaktaailkialthat et & ' • Thursday, Drawnsber 23 1114l A CBI:14N, /peep , 21,-- Fur accurate oht Dealt.* regottltutthi depth of snow- fall cm Sundai last, apply III TollIMY ohnston or Ramat Slow. My. and Mrs. filartield Mould's mo- tored from Detroit to spelt.' the week- end at the home of the latter's par- ents. Mr. stud Mrs. Henry Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. !Russell SitaiW, accom- panied by jr.3.t'unninglosui ut the Standard Hank, motored to Kitchener fur the week -end. Miss Ainat ,iftlfeh is 114,11164 to 41,,,,i1A1 the holiday nailer the 'stream' rout. Mr. Alamo Andrew ha. Installed a radio. Mr. Alf. Aistelth unloaded u oar of bran. etc.. this week. and the Farmers' Chili Ullioll,leil a ear of salt. Service la Knox tatted 14111•111 011 Sunday. the 2ents. will take the form of u special' elsrlstmao men ice. Mr. Alp's theme wilt be ID keeping 14.44h Customers and Friends A To wish you Chnstmas happiness. A wealth of Christmas cheer. And • host of all the splendid th.ngs Thor make • prosperous ye*. • GOirkH, ONTARIO W. R. HARRIS° teletOVICteCetetOCUMCKUMM-44tOVVVCC Mr. Denny. liner of the -Smolt' on,,, and. wfirk rod,. And jam NI I I a ni war. . Paint. Oils and Gins - the spirit ilf Christmas. The clopir is preparing spec I cont -s -rt ;t Shepihti this week. The people of tit'. cousinutlitislittetrel 'The Late MO. Jaws's. l'a with slutere regret of the ticatit on Thursday, i)eeruiher 14 of Isabella Love, widow ut the J•ItUtori (amp - bell, at her home in West Vs'itwanotth. The di -Ceased pa-,,etk--11WA) 4,4.1 14 1111. ao she uus ill ouly few minutes. About forty.. ight yetrs slot t she moved from Morris touloship to West Waist:mash 'there she resids-d until her death. tier holdout] pre- dv•vegt.ed her se". ral $ur% Ring NI 1.,.r ate two itauglift7rs Slid dart. watt.: NIrs ilartiy. 1.1,01,,u; Mrs. Netbery. tielgravei Sim, of Russia ; Wil - W warmish In religion she was un 11 f Drtr sad Janis*, of Wo•t am, u Anglican. The funeral took place on N1 Sunday. Decent& r 12. to Dungannon to cemetery. Rev. F.. lisp14 conducted. the services and Ole pallbeareN were James Elliott. Sproul. Orscr, lienry William Fiani- lal music 1iii,141r 111, Pu and Hoag herr. ieudership of Mrs, Rice Mrs. 1114_4 sill also s'atg. and from ,,elnoul In Mr. Lawson's new, Presentation to Mrs. l'oung.-Af4.: • CARLOW The school kiddies enjoy riding to covered -In .leigh. which providos caw away y eats tt her of the t. E..li Itt To All Our Customers Accept our sincerest that foryourpatronage during the past year. To all we extend our heartiest wishes for a very Merry Christmas. tetetectetcbc Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. East Side of Square Goderich, Ontario plete .thelter from the snow awl wind chum of Smith's ILI: choral. Mrs. It i'cortg_Mt4t,V,OCAVOCW.CACAKtetCt4t44 1441{KtitttistVOCX.V444E4 Mr. and Mrs. Maitland. Allen and from the work to si41,411 ow tilts gtv, for the children and driver. M. Young has dc -i.1.411 nt take a re.: -os _ _ and Flint. Mich.. for ("hriselmas boll- young ladies of •14, elass have r. I.41,11,,0000.0041MEWV010,0044t,C4tCtOrCtiriCtg Miss Dorothy Craig are at Detroit suels unremitting attention. Th. days. Aftcr s'brisinsas they Intend velvet' her resign0,n With tuutdi re. Intfrr ,00,40.4‘444414.,4_11,11att,is t,. visit gret. was ,‘;orcsm.,1 in an a.1 - w ilk ass aunt of Mrs. Allen's. , dress presented hot- , gathering held so oi in t• on oi.. Tiday evening tyf week,--41171ss 14414 T DEN_____,G.t.NNON-- • dress, which vomptiiihol In ii 1.14114 41 4111.11 us a ;:..f.7-1FiTin'Ttre Dr:NGANNaN• ittc• WilA as follows: IIii Thompson. 'of Loudon. \Spent t he Dear Mrs. Tout,: We have ga:11 week -end with his mother. Mr.. Was. ered here tonight a els'''. to iu souse way our appreeiStion of s•••• TI, .101411410_ Mr. Herb McKenzie. ,,t Regina. services ns. tractor Througliow *wint tIse week -sold with his: brother.. vour twenty years 4r more of . Mr, ti. M. McKenzie. and faithful servi- you bro.- Mr. el. M. McKenzie hisd n'rattio ill- ... , rani' 4,105,4 grow wet ilourisdt to EAST SIDE OF SOtjARE stalled last week. became through ii• splendid TRE R GREETINGS A May this Chri•tinis Season be our .-brigtoilew anti joy -and the New Year be rich in prosperity and.; happiness, is our sincere wish to our many esistornfilt friettilx. ALF. TEBBUTT & SON . . Bunk. %a • irsiorcrred to Tor, 0 thni 0, the „hum, nii House Phone 504 -Store Phone 4SII Open Evenings - hist week. The vacancy is by which the Onto14 res4 iris! ut the anni, Mr J. ,4f SteserfflotHo... _ ngetis of He ebu it, II 11 1111 by visit., i &fat . tertittemietwoottatcsoctomc 11.For Christmas ?4t4tCtIMIC" Tlte Diamatte (1111. ,„ir a, 'ewe 1 Wish All My Friends and Patrons A Merry Christmas Miss S. Noble 413s -dish Exchange Block, Gesierseh dts•- is. pm r matirirtz-effrtrtrintrt- rt- 4:17 •41' A mph -3- lug ErldAY it ht. . ticiefol. We det101! )s.ur r..Is- tiatteKtte,"4217JVCEV,V,V.VV,V,CW,C,CtC-NUCCP-s.s.tost E extend to all our customers and friends our wishes for a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a bright and prosperous NEW YEAR. tCACM4 SNAZ,EL The United Yllureir If' "lig U• !nylon. 111. 11 !..141•911. 11 i. 1.111141. in a yeti' Phristoss.. entertainment' on Ines- uncertain 3/11i gli-illy future. An u 374 -Jr ils Is WPM; -4- - slight token of our ...teen' W1* 111411"7111T- fi 1 The Preohytt-rians are ha a 0..- to aceept this, gift which. '.'.bile far rim evening iii the ionsement 0f 111e from 'wing what you, des4erv1. we i March Thursday evening. .i. . hope may bring put pleasant rco1,,,, - The Anglican.1),,'!, chnio is 1,14144! .l 'Irons If the emyou u le. 1i• se it. aid Christmas tree In the marls 1,11 w,' •iiirerely Isom. that y1.11 rimy Is• Excelle king, Fruit Cake, and aparect for luau; yiars_ot JlbLUl4 sad all the vpdbus kinds of Cakes, "lee and big acy • There's a firie 41 baking and we under- stand it thorougl itop at our window. You can't help buying. Only the best materials used. Add to Your Christmas Pleasures by - 1 A 'intoner from here en it '1". happiness. Signed on behalf of your - claws. • V Mrs. Young. 'I ugh C1.111P:1•11 ly • . taken I.y ,urprlse. rospondell 1i:tingly. : stud spoke of Owl. ea..nre ON; anon"- liaber.la•lirr mid 1 iry Cleaner cation site hail hot in teuehing the . , dam The young holies reniabd thisi for WEST STREET PHONE 339 the evening- and had a very iia .estint tt 1 Stragt LatnitIry in eonnectioul -4tase eulitylug tb• Itospitaitt .4 the Wiaailaallkilk,aatiltaNDOelfitiktalietillika YOMI111.111•Phold: •• Marine and Genrral Wiring Electric Hanges--EfectrIe Washers Fittings of all kinds. W. SlacDONALD • Electrician num 174w Goilerpih /i Buying Yoyr Pastry Here • -r:- t's • . - Te 0 ieEph. nUc.r.-cCiiptVELAND f.113aker West Street Xliktial • 2ta..N,i)arkaaaairp-aaar2i is "Pr ACCIDENT TO KINLOSS _ • MAN RESULTS FATALLY Ye Olde.Cunost• •kiShoppe it 'n, 44 74 Hamilton treet • Will-haudle all kinds 44, I 14444-4.-10.1.1 1oods WANTED -Antiques, Furniture, Picipres. Books, Glassware, China andffliricabrae. If y.i.i '..low 1,1.4.1 mums one anti al a Mem Cer'stmas And a 41p14 New 1111 W *1;7; S.T.:."1111(fljtitiff ifft;°.' 71111:-t VI/ • MI.WJh 4. '1:"••*84W4 • 4:14; %1\ 4f;41k, .111*-4ifobrItrataf . .Vrtikkosa,••• Puna, Soft --itrillr. , rt.. :an- 1;4,0:1t4tkifyttrt11., tilowititisolhda .1 fgattlaosT sioes..11 .41,..r..._40.41._Snr..% I a 0- 1.4 I /".:17•1414.:71. 1 441 -I, sistcrs. .101111. Warta., tut as a r.-4-11• or fin ;, •,.1.1,4,t why., a.••• .4 p • I home: 'Amid. OrNi-w 'inlay 011 the Tann of • heighbor. Th. . 4,11.1..., or Cuiross. Funeral set- fourth yenr: woo. In the net of toittii.c '1'1.1 £I,,,, --.lar 11,f,t,'1,1"" ,14? p Ill'Ilho clutch Won Ida ,.',,tizyng (.„41w., c .•141,, leiturintic, WI 1 1 Dr 11,411.. 011 We Still Have So Ji for the shopper who probably has forgotten some- - . '",r.-".' `,41'th.."" '""'""" " A one. While our stoc -ii•-sole.44 ".t.dillereuee with wii:.; ffi week, recent shipments hav'b e abled us to main - 11. ii11,1•.!11 o work 4o 011,1, r..,fill,,, ly .14 an ;•fr ed: -• : it• ;, 1.1i ri. h.' nail. "IV 14 A aterriy. 'hrisimas arid a 4, .-- -vapor web. rwir -GEOS TE w.,1 RT----- Ilsoins 1,41:* .-#.4sorist I ioderinh yowl= untn. v. Ito W.1,1 :11 hill twonis 4 4. es ss . ! Is- cowl -I. -tell at ips Lute resi- I _____ _ '..• 'i. ntii N rs thinly Siiitto,..11. ,ir the -aw1112 wow: wVio a Buzz ...vw on Snit 'lie \' -hunt et tecter,,. In tho Ityoh.s.1,aust Ii. was whirk.i ' ''''' armin.1 for ...v.....ii Who 114 before 1.. 1.1i;j111. (.1111111 01. OM Illell "IA Ill IS Tilt. I . ' . NOT I • 1 1 1 1 . w.14 T41,,h, i. to Wil •.:11:1 In hoollita 1 SElli.r•SI.PPORT'Nfir - where It lilts foind on. low was it -r- .__ •Co'rne in and enjoy seeing our new line of Christmas Goods Bemptirui Pictures, love- hina, Candlesticks I 'V- And fancy Candles. Flower Bowls and Jar- dineres. broidered Cushions and Centres, etc list' other dandy ant/ oftrae- live little gifttoo numerous to tituldion. Christunts Curds, Tar. ' and ilsst L.det gift Atrei,ie here pi mithl!Art and -flift_SI OPEN EVENINGS '40. .4° 'Ake Akt24)1212t242fitat rof ice Gifts Left k had In well picked up last 1.-4 JAM., sio. • v. 4.'.!: his ,Ip'." t tain Our usual values. -•,.„ • .4,.. tiLlin..... .,....iry 4,, kir...0 , (omits:Sets. now ship 0000 oit a T 4..os wool, I - ..71:...;satic.... to 1' 1')) PYREX till.AS4AVARE.--Pie I'4,.''-.. a1..0,a1..2., :: I. l. :lot re i. : tor .mvorroswe ., - - sc ......I i. ....sc.. .1 IfiTarlit .., Pocket KM% 1.• ------ _ VW t,1 ...• 1:m1,m.! knive• _ ".I 1.11 1,,, ... . , .. , . ci.4,41 4.. *7., 4. zr ..4.,,,,,,. 4111,-1111: .4 wort.. cone hy A , • . serti4cr_.a..t--ioVt-4l4io4n.- na. 11,-,..es-ano-Itutyless_. it• i.4..)._$2.2, acprratnt tool., i.tiiity 7ishes.__.. . ... $1.75, $1.15,,f2..T.4) .r0., ,.• olli .7 o . _...,,,,, : • -,- ......,...,oi."...tt4'io..t.yfcrt4gi..-1o,...•y;:.. th-r.',•il,t•...%i114 .i.l thtaC11 ? 10••4 •. • r..T4hAernms. .*sL1Finlaeslb.. liKAitts A :- - - - tItsi$2 :111 ' I' 11, Toils44,4,''stfi,*,04-0 40....1,..;.•vty I.1'r M. 1.141katin- ,01.s4.4i rl•• .IIktcks --------------------------- 011 P1.? el11144•0Eea1y. .1- '...n %%oat,' cl••-• • . . liatterivo, 4.1 Colony !Adventure 0444(41 III*II$ lr% 114114 111'41 l op. - re40.-444448--Yollr, l'oa.t SI lis White ilitiollesi:litsies. . _ $3.:A1 $4 1111 - - . ..... On. /LSI, le2-25, 'At _ 0 3 ;it Thenit• er a:2$'13.504P2 .1 irc1f t i11. .4111 • • • •• - his woo 3 0114 1,11.,1,..“. call 11, nil - I. •,•11-•,t1;inorting A 1....1. t., it- ..1..1 1 Waggon., lUnith handsome Weather &remit. se sad 'tatty ., . tionlpie 1 : •t, I.. as it has t.. he Prcl,v1"1 10 134 • 114'i• 14 beglitifol at.. I ilorto art .. , ,,, .e.i....• t.„ . .. I. a • 1.1. nolley ..s....• :.: 11143 1 - -. 1,--1---Oxirt-.--hutitti1r4 -43_11!:-.-filir 1. 'i tut.-Sii-gu..1 how We thank you all for your generous patronage this holiday season and wish you a very Happy Christmas. • .ic•• • :nay !,(' 111 pt •e111. 1.4 111- • • tido elite ..f itt-u (so YEARS A HARDWARE STORE A. CORNFIELD Ladies' and len's Wear Phone 41s West Side of Square, Gcelerich, Ont. • .1,, r areidebt. er a IsMitien 1.. handle East Side Square Phones: 363 and 334 4h1,., 41-ine the Is43rd ould rio ;1 NV .1110.41 to Ivor.. 4,••41.4, Irtri,C•44Mt4C :101 11 MO aft.. •' r mos' ill•eouraging vies war by .1 prominent lot- !Orb/4 /11 lY 11 1 I E.11 4 4 1101 1,, • , 1 ,1 1114' '1 r• • itert,..I i• 110111g ,,'r 14,1_ v.. nv num, r' NOIrlig I to. ail% 060 Witt/Wit WI •ni.cl.-• at' •rroli ef tilt. t • 144 ' It fit CARRIE'S HARDWARE is4 1. tCyglCt(lCgatCROV411(tClZtf. 14. Don't Worry About What 4 to Give for Chnstmas T14. 'nu - •••••....s . 4,,ts 1. F. , An.. rtbat's .Thousorloal sitios t de ill .11, 0101 4110 ti01 ..,r r ,i .r....1 r., ri-lt avcr icn V 11 • ,.. •' 11:111F01. 4,.,• .1.11,1 111., :. .... , .••nyt tl rya • • , Ili that the L.-1 ' '1" If • ...If i ....*,CoritiAr .40 eko. tr. hot ,... r• . . ,tinfli 11 thl• 1.00N. 1 .. --frt- Warr- fit• -t - I141 dollar.. a year for • • _ • 0141 wito1OWs aro filled ts airs 01 4411 11)0 -. they it ill :slum eiatu and he I Fankful to you fiir. cost HOUSE and ROuD4:31R 5 Mocc AstriS GOLOSHES snd OVERSHOES SLIPPER TREES BOOTEF• 1 ,..• •he PAY, etc,, etc ilg CLUB BAGS SUITCASES HA s B'.XES IN A fol or's flalgt4 for the holiday season COME AND TAKE A LOOK /N UPPERS SKA.TING BOOTS 14 ,i!,.rt 'of 4'. 143 tit ly.vr, 0.• cte4,4144N. . Neeretary. .1,e444m, • 2Ic IfL^1. •t HARMAN'S "The Leading Shoe Stors" Photo: 1 5A W. Sharman 1. r 1 • ' • 1114 4.44 ;,. tt. 44: • •