HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-23, Page 4xaliir .gR,ti ueusnr sows THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. 4-Thuraday, December 23, 1711. • A Christmas Hint to the Ladies No man ever has too many shirts ! VOI.VirIII doubly sure to p6 --;ie him ou give the Guar. would boydor himself. ,We. Are. now featuring Guaran- a dance IU the Par -11 II" "'n Thurg, 1 6 tle trill . desp• ite the blizzard that was day cooking. Itevember 3(3, Admission engin& post ALBIOOT Normal School. returned to her home nil,: Ner V let• Win 1.1. held in t"hrist i afternoon. Mr. Itobert tCoott. son church here on Stit.aa, Decemisq• W.. I of Mg. awl Mrs. Will Conn. had a Ntr. Lorne Asitteu• mar luts been wood-sawine. outfit at Mr. Mt -Own Til - sailing on the Great Lakes. 114$4 re- lin's. When he was putting on the _. iLlitut.d 1 , f,„. 11w , Lister mouths. i belt at the 4 mane somehow lie was • don ' enitine could he atutmetl he had gone re after a around several times breaking his . leg 14eri0111.1 11111i also his collarhour 1 and bruisdeg Mat terribly. He was' Phone 57'; Goderich training 11) tieterta 1.a. resumed her dIllie4 short illness. was given. ami 011 /411111111Y he was re- . arts greetings to 4vetlone, anti many i Horn. -On Tuo•sday. Ihs•etuber 14. to e.: Jol returns! I Ilr. did Mr, Thom. Inglis. at son. • l'K's•fe. of the Western University. 1 PARAMOUNT , Loudon. are home for the holidays. I (Intended for last week) I Miss Anne sitalion. ,,t Detroit. and ; PAHAMor NT. 1/ec. 13. --Tlit4e will I Mr. Ned Dalton. of Northern Ontario, i be a social and Christmas tree in . are spending the holidays with their • Paramount 'as Wednesday night, De- iinetto-r. Wm Jas. oan,tn. cendier =m1 Mts. -1". nittrae Mrs. Rohl; 4,f Lothian. has returned I benne after visiting jj. Albion and home after -pending • week' Ttiliting ept•111 a tea. day.. Will, relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campberitti child, of Detroit. were up for the 1 week -end and spent Suuday visiting LEERURN 1 with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rod. , Jamlesols. of Holiest visited her 1 Mrts. Larkin. of Toronto, Is here ; nursing her plaster. Mho. Margaret . et/1111{11K over the week Jed. Shattkleton, who had been ntilte poor - I Mrs. Jos. Hick mai daughter. of Detroit. ttre spending the Christmas 1 13- for sons,. time. Mrs flee Murtay. of PirDID(111111. 111411111Y% With her preitIrn Mr. and , ; W11,1 Vig111111 With Mrs. Geo. Swan. of j were anew- .1 Mr. and Mrs. It. Rich Minty a great sure,- The pupils , - did their ',arta Wel) kiii.i Santa Clang; I "'Is at fil, "eek-flui- arrived at the e1111 of 1 14.. program and ; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin illayttarrkssiwnt made the ehildrtm hapj., by giving . lhe week -e1.2,1 with 'friends at 1,nek- ; them the presents toff the !rec. now. • ASIIFIFILD; Dee.. 2tt. rouse ' who 11 Mr. and Ars. Max ' Maynard ha." - - - - Toronto lest week have returned 1 Dealh of .%. Ketehahaw.-Abrahan- .1 of this locali:y, passed away on Fri. snit evening. December 3rA. after 811 fifty-six years 4,f nge, and leatet Ale. siti his widow. three sone and thvy 'Merry Christmas" Your friends at a distance will appreciate a Christmas message by wire. It has a personal touch that carries the correct Christmas spirit C. P. R. Telegraph gives prompt and careful service to all points Holiday Trippers will find C. P. R. connec- tions best to many Ontario points. Call us by 'phone for any information pool forget C. 1'. K. Express Oven makbig our holiday ship - mi tits. 13. FLARITY Tekohise No. 4 0 our faithful old friends. our cher- ished riends, and 10 thOse whose tender our hearty greetings. May the New Year for you a happy Ind PrOs- us one, and may it be our privilege to add to your sueeess. • tti Sturdyif Cash Grocery ;ttEKKtvt: torzteg Currie left Ms Tuesday to -pend Good for the Table - Miss Mel 1,r11111t1. visiting at 11,1- liotiw of her .ister. Mrs. schist! last 4rioisty was se 4 • daughters. They 'are: Frank. of Ga.:? latile. Ellen. Annie an4 Joules. at Lome. Mr. Ketchabaw Is - fore enntitv, to Paramount war nun. ttrp ,... Two ager of the 1.teese factory at, Heltrran, interesting ..•e1114,111, were sittli. for a number of years. After 1141 ' 1 Milton on- WI•11414.141itlY from :•:,.11 mat.- 111111111.1 1111.0.0 faetory for nine 3.,Ers ' ltopald's more. he bought the farm which the family I Mown'. Roderiek and Era! I; Mae- 1 ID"' since node their home. Visalia. of Detroit. are hone ,T.111111. 1 i Toronto As fing Rubber -tired Buggies rm Lighting Plants ton Street, Goderich, Ont. Harm AIM Extends the he lest 194614011.11 greet- ings to all PR1 11 PIK WEEK OF DV FRANK TUTTLE eorm•dt 11111p111 I "HIS ROI MI. SHYNESS" Harold 1. •y41 Comedy It.IYPIEI.D. Pm. 21.-31r5. Motes Ultristmdit.s1111 her daughter IL extend to our customers to "n lid friends the Season's 4 a carton.' 1 Winter Wreaths Cemetery and Memorial Decorations Any size or style to order See Window of Sturdy's Grocery er call firs. Chas. Cooke Phone oalt r 22 WI -4T BETTER 1 4 0 the absent one it will be a gift 0 P fifty-two times repeated, bringing him the news of the folks in the old home town and reminding him every week that he is not forgotten. No other gift you can buy at the price ($2.00) will be so much appre- ciated. If desired, a suitable card will be who is to receive the it is a Christmas g(ft from the sender. The Signal Printing Co., Limited AttpctOvievevectevectevoztvetevoctc SEASON'S GREETINGS to tf Just to let you know that we wiiih everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. \1st) we take this oppOrt unity. to thank our many custom, r - is present year out mutual It may con- Veiy for their patronage thug We trust it halt advantage and Is thine thala...11.121R Phon -13w The Squaye Wednesday and ThUirso111, "t ASCINATING YOUTH" wwmtiztvgivortectctci3 1111' 11111.11 111011r1. • 111. 1Ie2n gradnates of the Psi f "IN MOVIELA. New Year's Ever tetetvetoccietwvoiwwww-vg To Ail Our Customers and Friende. Christmas',and may health, wealth and,shap iness be yours (luring the con g year, 1927. \Ve also wish to thank vou for your generous patronag.e (luring ihe \ ear 1926, and .trust that ‘ve may be able to continue to serve you in -1927. tti F. E. HIBBERT The Cash Store Telephone 86 KIEVIENSEWEIVIre Mr. &Arlen Wentoo..of la sue.t of kis par,ista. Mr. and Mrs. Mira Bradley. of London. sanz a solo, "*Ii4••• Faer.•' also assisted :Ito i•Vterits, Serriee :1111,.111y_ afternoon. Mr. Merton Menet.. of London. itr-i rived home Ifottliay to span{ the ' • .1111drett of St. •AiAre_,IIIrs ,lsurch %as held is. lir basement of the char.!' on Tticstlay evening. suunitm R :30 II. 01 Special SUIllhlY 111/4 are vited otti•nd. 1 gt in. Varna -Apo There tan no service In Trinity sol entertainment. primed to be quite FRED TVI,ER ' *neves.. W.1.1 rather spoiled. an "1.Ers IA) GALLAGHER" work at 1, of the arch were burned 11"4" "'". Pro,Liketlot. a 111 1 It.. J la not known just how the ••THF: IsiON" tire sturnsi bat it is thought that 1111e ; tight that tag hanging near the front ‘1 it Up es Tuesday. ThursdnY n1..1 Si.,; id, this loftw. ranti strinir(t Ilrliay al 3110 1).1111. 11111. hr. Jolt and played the piano until We need yonr entry for .tmateur nu, „wile", had settled again. and Nights the progr.:a Went 011 as iirrntsred. Greetings J. R. WHfELER tarniture Director 'Hamilton Street. Coderieb. Ont. tCtfiX THE GODERICH lie... of th, rector. MeV. E Panil. cTAET 'NE MORN/ Ri T J hovel, Sra.olay .014 Frid.1, 11.1 Sattinlor 114;141 on E,..issy last. 11Y the j smaller MI, Were ri.ry melt appreei ado- (Ann. McLeod holding n while nt (drier side were Fred Heard suall Sturgeon In 01,10 uni- Confectionery Smiles '11 All kinds Of Sealed iiihipped oysters - Ole !ernes Canada." The primary 4.111A11e11 illOk.d1 Ten- eine all they took 11101r Pori* ti "Little Stockings MI. the Wn,1" Th. little dialogue fir 1114' loolora. "Tilt Ago Duet". nes Robertson's Grocery "The House of and Reliability" au istmas- wi a Merry ew Year a Prosperous C. M. ROBERTSON Your Grocer Phone 164 Fresh Eggs and Choice Dairy Butter Always in Stock waampaakoaaiiiiiimisaratwoolamza Seasoifs Greetings r, Goderich and vicinity, we extend our wishes for A Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year r, MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF rille 5. A. Gray CO. When the -Heat---Folks- are in your home - You can wake in the morning to the delightful aroma of coffee and bacon. You jump willingly out of bed because the room is warm. .YoiOtart off to work glowing %cry well tired. The. 1'10 Wll• Mr*. head to41.?es. 111:07. Afil•-s Kerr .. her daughter Ntartha. Ennis Sturgeon : her son ',Ai. YYPu can reall enjoy the winter Eleanor Sm. -hater: the enritnin. 1:eo. took port: Coslly lielktrip Lowy o‘Aurlie.n th.e Heat Folks are in don MeAllls•r. Fred 'tenni. Kenneth -CALL THE- Wof,er, TVs' Iloystaro Eloy Edwards. , Moore. Ernst 'I'. Brown. Owen Rel- . knap. Albert Minn. There were Moto I earn] by the.- t•oys. Craig Kerr. Cher - Were ?en. 0,1(11 enjoyed. Mi.. irlOY FdWard1. V111. planint and Rev. F. 11. boom ttrovil Paull vied chairman. izerveuts Nor Good Clean Coal J. B. WIUSTARO CgAPLANY Phone 98 - Goderich The tivietemamorseritopereeiremeem