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The Signal Calendars
ars hers. One for every sub
scribal tiMho pays for 1927. Maks
sure you get yours.
A Dollar is Saved •
when it is in the Bank
AND the sooner it is deposited
in the Bank the greater the
assurance of its being saved.
A Savings Account is a magnet
for the money that ordinarily
slips through o gingers, ands;
an income-psyinj guarantee for
the future.
Some Recollections of
Early Days in Goderich
GODERlCH BRANCH -H. H. Reid. Mataspw
U..wabaa ease as Aranste, filsirasla sad Dawes.--.
l'26492z 4
To our cult t , r ,ers and friends
We thank for the busi-
ness you ha iven us dur-
ing the.. year. 1.
wish o
How M my Remember whey►, A. M. Polley Had a Race Track
out by the Mill Road ?-Some of the Fast Horses of
Those Days and Their Owners.
(Written fur the Sigma) by John H. Edward,
11 you can land space In your ratio source of revenue for him. to sae no -
able paper 1 might say a few thine. thing of the enjoymeut he took out of
about the early days and the different it. for he liked the batslueaa
I MOO give from mentor} the nature
appearance of that part of the 'Homs of some good horse* that performed on
:Aid just after you costa the railway this track, and the name. of some .S
track, On the /order where Yrs. EI- the owners. A. Y. Pulley had Host*
Ilott's tedhlenee new stands there was George, Allin Boy, Regulator. Elsie
pts-711611*'1hiye---•tic-Morse-leu+ tie roattiLiAtcrese. Wm. Wo
which watt toward and operated by )Lr. del had (raptala _w. Die itT��
and We. Whirs, grandparents of our Dr. McDougall horse( and Lady Hof
towtt.>npn 1(. Devitt -Munro. 'Tbls teriu. Wm. Lee hail s ba) satin
Louth was ld'oti g h emcee merest! mare. Dr. M. Nkholiw•n had Litt!
years ago. To thersnetb of the hotel Uonnt r. . W. (:, Smith had a bey pit.
property and on raw ,of the land oc- Ina mare. Wm. Mciwau bad Lad
copied now by Stephen Andrews, su§ Mos• -env. "laid" Rotor had Frank.
oa ground now owned and oecupled h3` ay pater. and Amble Bourbon. a trot
Jos. M. Whitely and Wm. A. E4max, It. Mt t.Pan bad Daley il'ilkr
and a little:farther sgpRttr-yet, in a ala ram Smith had the good! marc late
sift or tag ac.Ras u flUiRty and GudrHeh Chief. Jag. Hari.. hm
weed au1' carrA• by one Leotrard Moan ('loud. C. McPherson had
tLe�and It t
of sountvlaa
II. F. O. AND II, F, w. O,
rth Huro l%eallad Illanueva Hold
Annual Baslteas Meethtg
The annual totalities meeting of 1h.
C. F. 0. amt I F. W.O. clubs of North
Huron was L•eld December :trd at
%%uglt.m. !Jany clubs weri repre-
sented and u lilts dlsturelon took
Ida*. The iso directors. Mr. John
Parrish, t'.l'.t r., and Yrs. Geo. lane,
1'.Y.W.O„ were re4ppulnted. A re«r
Iution was unanimously passed. ex•
pre'aa,Ing hearty approval of the terrier
rendered this district by the manager
anti staff of the Co-operative C'o,'*
brIaneIt, M'ingheta. A motion wet ear -
Fled nuanimousty that the United
Farmers politically in Huron be called
C.F'.O. It was decided that alt annual
fee of ''23 tents be charged for mon-
hero/tip in the rhling organisatlon..I4
t111e will apply to all clubs.
r. Mr. A. A. Aaoos, p rr'.ideat or the --
o t7Nn'd-ran/WM-of-vhtrarfm-wMt �•,-r-=-
G. A. !Whited. of Owen sound. were
l prPsrnt and gave splendid addresses.
e Mr. Amor ,poke optimistically of the
)V shlrlg c?u r
a "ferry
and a i(appy
JVew Year
aton.iiti of all pbatew of the nurser-
y sent and rvplalned that in order Ht
a rewire the fall dividend for cream
- from the Co-operatire Company it was
ne•Assary to be one of two things:
Y -karat. a fails Aedge•d member of the
a tier of tar Culled Forwent of Ontrt'io.
m n memio•r or the Blaine A.itoeiatlon of
('intoe, and n tttember of a bs'al a•Inb
or n shareholder in the ('u•.peratlr.
G. Co. Failiu; to he either ..f thea'. n
rte or s_ one kept ups rm.!) patrou'r
t dividend and used for educational par-
. oomer itt the Interests of agriculture.
' -Ile minted 001 that it was neeew--
a, sary' iu order to protect the men and
pp wont a aim hat pert (lode time
rt, t us fee 'weed this purpose
eery a,•II.
the gni
1'e m
lY yl n�l yrn:
Defied (1
a(4me as
We y cpd every
one a Merry C4tztasu and
a very Happ Jew Year.
heautlfui sight in Mown mare. a trotter. John Lew -ow
is to tree the rows had Toutine and Tum Burk. I:e,
t t
ea all to leaf and A-hltely. tioatorth, hall Flor,-t:,•o
pt nice and clean. Jr. Barney `Boris. St. Thomas, had Joh
re supplied a great many 'Duncan. Fronk Rratriek. Laudon
tune , tuwnsldlw in this bad ltnlph 11. Mr. Lawler, Port Hi
t I r Hilt Dere. - - eon, had 1)r, Prank. -Thus. Bell _ tying
fire,. •
I*eIdent which hap. bas, batt a epwmosilored hors
mutt record. as there was Comet. Hetherington. Cedar Spring 1
uscnieut Ili 11 after all. 1r. had nosey 11. A grey horsy. l'h
fine old gentleman who would eth erft 111. and a roan. Jobni : Iia
or do auything to injure any- don. r:.me from Kingstou. J.ittie 1111
e, d same disagre.wwlt with a Is end ,.tether came from Brantford
man ring farther up the road and Grlr Eddie came from Woadst
one night be wsa waylaid as he was .\I . lune* hail Sorrel (load from
going home, and there was a trial In (t n. Ciark of frnntfort hat
Goderich over the affair. Mr. Perk 1' , Ned. Ed. Painter. G.ideriel
statect that his assailant had never ha ytttieat. and Ned Hanlon Then
uttered a word while he was attacking tit„ s :he (4111 man Lee with Little
him. Thr man, he gall, was terribly E.tt . :d trotter, and disk Sharp
rough with him, and ea he was being Seer
towed around he thought the end et Knox. of :own. hada bray trottter mar
his life had taints. Wett, any person nod a whir,, horse. a taacer, white Vin
who saw Sar. l'.'t and the marks that Rawdt•n 1::.d Sleepy Joe. a toe:or.
Le camel e"ull nasi" help but. be eon. Them n. -re three horses that ( iiid
Tlne,'d that flit obi turn had peen "lti thelr way into title district that are
the, war.-' out Included hi the abuse liatle i their
Nue.. piing Web. to the Mill road. It blstory and Identity were not very
la the divIalnn fine between the towis clear. eaneeially' to those who had an
��abb(lpttoofif 4/video-irk au... -fibs' corporal u Inquiring ni:nd did &Pelle,
411111 (MM' of G,jfkl1 ,,dun, -
iron foam east'/ o e grey tmdrilnldw n, a cite: , , h"rap
Ater. .t short distance down t with whi. face, a trotter. :u, I:r,•y
Mill rood you come t . what w Tolle. a Walt' horse. a parer
footed I'arniera, wheel, uwwnt a meat.
.E. bertson
Diamond ltlerehuu
and Jeweller
Goderich . Phone i36
The Mutual Life
Assurance Coiinpany of
Head Office,
Waterloo, Ontario.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
Eau Street. these 210
G+darish, Outset*.
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Prosperdna and progressive.
The Sud 14te of Canada offers
ante invest nt and sure pro-
teetion. h attro to -day,
H. Rt`•,ON
District Agate
Goderich Phone 115
' a'i'' PREETINQ T-"
r- money into the' roinpany• and b.• Is.
Ii I I ' f2 - -- -
1 1 Read the rade
i ,,Ir._tlYlsntt, laaniger of Wing1
branch of the o -o A Merry
m C p'ratt*a vol �e of Christmas
I Lrh•ay mut porolafe'd out that volume of
tousior.. hull dose much to make the.
_ retie ler renin hotter fat dividendt-iito .All My Friends i
1 ,•:bee rhos , and hoped for the
it'u,o,n* support of his patrons to
1.r"; and Patrons
r >!r. t:othw,-Ii of Owen Sound. pest _
pre.:dent of the_ Co-operative t'. , ,,r
(intai'Io,• "poke of Ills trip to Etort.rnd•a \/�� j
and ienmark last year. and de:rrilwd Y Y . J. POWELL
i (4onls ratty. t-unitlt Iona in Di ! mart.. W.
N'heM1• gaalit) w-;,. the w•ahl,w,•rd (4t Insurancetand Real Estate
i prwt4neflaa, sad also deso•riIN•d. 'cu_
"is'rarive hiosomera' itganiznrfon. fn Phone 292
F:rel:ntd and W r111ant1. e mtgN•d that
In afIL.,
RiNtm* were ah. ,own to 13th
tit, with a black paeer. Jute
known as the Nitro farm, and'far'ing wIthmtao,>Inz the nriti,•ism and
'o, this road the late A. Sl. Polley had Cneellne about these •bores,
bought twelve or lift's!! neves of this owners deserved credit to la
naval.naval.(IF HIM SlrIPMItN74
for we.k ', r .1:,•g Trreetirer IC 10:Yi
1-_ t•
Geo. illiams •
Firs,'LI Accident, Automo-
bile, aGeneral !neurones
Otreet. si ea.
,'�' . form and had slide a half tulle carr their h.:r,dh on indirb''mti horse. ti it Gods. Au- Huron
track. 441 which held several race wl.. n s•nrte.l in a race. not tittle ,a• erlrh (turn Crow/lib
meetings. which were nett patron!zei. any .t here, had the nidII;,'. If ,,, ITot*1 1,..t:+ ::1 S4 12:1
Iqr both town and eut/rtry 1Ne•,p11•. and would sire then the I.e.,. 1it.e. 10 sn p r S''1Mt rive, ti fu 2tt ;fi
to porsemen not only lural. but many along and land the barna. shirk sno•ntlr • 44 1(I tr•1
from it distance. Hp managed the It Is sold that raetbg her-• a Is '•t!i,, 11Parles)04-14114)44-744-1144-14 -
meetings himself, nn ••comparnc" nor -loom of king•." If that i• go, ,g1:,. Extra )t,:rvies ,
arsu<letk+n." and t -think it wast would want Ntlythhlg hotter?- Shop hoc.
1.ithta and fe,i.
So e Christmas
So a Christmas
Gift Suggestions
An Electric Iron, Per-
colater, Toaster, Heater,
Table Lamp, Warming
Pad, Curling Tongs, Electrical Sup-
plies of all kinds.
Phone 82 Next door to Poet, Office, Nett Street
red" g
Co Our , Wa'gy Frrenas
Nis ,
Our gest Wishes for
,71 , Merry Christmas
et5W jfew Year a79'bundartt ret
)(applrtess and ,prosperity 1
' r
•i Sparr's Grocery
"The Store of Satisfaction"
Shoot - Goderich, Onttarir'io
Telephone 146. We deliver in (town.' •
11.. t '
- The fresh � of Huron hoer._ n sloths. If that he the coot
ytery of Ituron held pts with the 1NN(y a MiiilV43 a 1n' .
regular December meeting on Turn i'rieh. then the hospital bye»a'
day: the 14th loot.. In the Baptist 1'.•N•IntsL Dot corporate !sales are
church. Clinton. The utoderator, Rev.` -mark' ftp of lndirhlu1l. xlo h,•,•
Alfred Macfarlane, ILA.. B.U.. pre- which van he stirred !t the ,n
Sided. Mr. F. G. Weir. or Goderich. ..t %offprint humanity, .1* «rept to,li-
presehted the treasurer's report. which . 4'r,'nal rn(ter. therefore. hoar• Ifie 'r".
,.bowed n surptn'• after all expensive fey!. MP nev1r, and resier by Itis
of the year had been ni.•L 1)r. F. H.. rote: *o will the eorisorat N1y- re.
Larkin. of Sea font h. istowner of the sired to the at -peal o1 the b, aw•. .end
eonunitt'c on results from the General , tin re 1s something fine in ,Ie. re:n!iza-
Assembly, submitted the committee's ;N l,a, that one Is moving wit!, the masa,
report. Rev. S. Batiks Nelson. U.U., ! e� •1 h('.ping to hun•e the tiro. at mon-
was nominated for the nooleratorship kii-)l In the direction of 1m1',y Orings.
or the General ,4 rental!. whtoh mutt-' leer(•. then. in the looepdt:il hylow is
at Stratford iL June, I(t•v. 11. C. Mr• no opportunity for a mass ••f our eitl-
llrrinld. of Goderich, presented the re- r, t,shlp to hike a hand lu n r Nt1 work.
pert fur the «•acmes of tar chnreh. 1t w•uuh) !N• e•aslrr, "f c"ur•e. fur the
Tli,• 1'resby(ery was keenly nlhvP to 1114' ^•,rtarratt• 1.1dy t" enutlm,« to soy.
Interesting report loam the Immense -Oh: let Charlie (1.9 It." re !more
eXIrtnsiiit in all the work of the* pndo(tbly/. "r.et Annie do I•' lint it
church as shown by the genera( state- l=,ant gond for nor community in
meal of the General 'hoard of 311,.- • briar its nets of merry dine M prnxrc
gl(ma: The increase In a single year A rnmmunitr. pike an indic'.t1nl, will.
In _congregatlnna and ntieston fields to on doing, mise the r, nal Irene t,
throughout the Titmtntmr gave its -«ecu_; wb1CIt-..t t tem from all n':rtdetto em
testknonr of growth and Messing. The dearer. As a rnmmutf ty . i•niiit,T
erre for the tioap'I swing eonreyed to afford to lose the benera't'b1 w•hlrh
three mlilimt smile. in other lard" will enure from tossing no, ti}.w, for
than our own was telt as a challenge we want G0'L'rieh t.. be ,.,-' only the
for the Presbyterian Church to do its i'rrftitsl Town In Canada. but also
share for the world whose `fnttire is the Best Town In Canaan
bund up with the reefonte which N+twl S. S. lijItItY.
church nod alt churches make toward f
the world problem. and the highest
hopers were entertained of the Pushy- ; $CROOL RZPOR'
tery's nlloentfon to the oehemes being
eseeed'd. Rer. It. p'. McDermkl was
H.R. NO. 4. ('OLpNHI
appointed interim moderator of the
monsion of Carmel church. Hensen. Chrietmae tests: y- ._.
The l'reaby't.ry *djourn(d to meet in 1t. IV. (possible total. • • let
Minton nn Tuesday. February • 112nd, Oman honor., 625; pass. 4• )-ston-
at'11 o'clock. - -)tette Yliek. 1170 (honors, • lye 11111,
• BI*1 (bonornt. Merle PIsher 7. Unn•
teen Million 498.
Class Ilt. (p1esIMP Don i AO: hon•
Om. 3.34 ; pares, 2270,
Skin** and anffering leidrrm Palle,,, Sr. lip. --Jim M,'Clurc ' . Flor-
to arouse a sympathetic response from .nee Mrtynre 2oi:- --
mankind. Hearing the cry of sneer- Jr, 11I. -•Norma 11111 1' Nettie
ing hnmunity that *pundit behind the 1'ithlarin 322•
hospital hylew, 1t 1s not natural to etans IL (possible total. 1: •hon•
elate rule's remm, to wlthhohl one! ora, 11111: pone -2(MN-• (h Flick
rote, and pos* by on the other able. '1441, *Monte 1'ithtadd 3 •Sadie
To tote for the *law wilt he to. play• Monologs ext. Glare J',1 (1n 2411.
the port of the (lewd 1amnrltan. TIM Clara 1')thladn 274. Norma alter 253.
hnenanitarian appeal of the bylaw Clayton Millton 232. Her n Fisher
might to immure for It an o,prwh.lraing 2441. ltuth I'Itblado 2111.
majority. M. ter. 1. F•thN )Inunings.
The hyfnw ohm Malmo a corporate Pr. A---KathlrPn 311111,.x, Roy )Ing -
appeal. It la not ao ranch in appeal ferd.
to grseeooa-hearted tiAlrideale aR It Pr. 11--lrMm Hill. EeImt�. Flsher.
Is to a ewrpnrate body of eltluwm. Car- Nntnlwwr nn rntl. 22.
post, IaMMs. 11 la somnitttle M14 A. I. InAttur i T('acher.
j 1 fatale. ti
S 01
•t`tTtrt 1'nurrIr• r? 1rrt:tniiti
COO» ML\1t:1► WOOD FOR `;.31.,E
at i3 p r •.t C'e cord, deli'. red.
THE GODEItiril )L%N4'Y.teTl'I{(x(i
(Font of Ar:,, -e* $t. Phone G1.,
Try a Want Ad. in The Signal.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and lnsilrance Agency
Farms and Houma and Lots in Goderich
and vicinity for sal.
We (bum Life), aeddsnt and Auto
inobik Maurine'
s i
•-- Aleut 40.(arro. listed (-•r sale, int/titl-
ing w.nIP of tin' dr -1.- Ja -Ow _county - and
Bpm+ t any Mae, bastion or tenor fur.pny-
ment required.
4"pe'isl for ,pork rah-. Tin•berel farm 1
a rlongliter puce. :lilt) Beres, mid In 11e
pprt ,l oil, (tad sgirt supply , net necessary
buil 1111(x, well bratty!, closet , school l
and gas' mill, convenient to market and
Hallway depot,
11b acres under (•tlltiralion, :10 nem.
ready to elver, loser m tin7ts•rtrl, spitnlde
for lumber awl 44.4•••1 sith ready market
for hill "input. Pave for entire moony,
4:1 Den's with nl1 necessary buildings,
brick honer, pied unreel 40111 median!
and garlen plot, well fenced. mostly
woven wire, four ami orie half miles from
I .sleri('h. AM rnsrl, close to store, .rh.N.l
and Railway depot. l'tiec• ol.ly f.:sal•--
alront the price of aboost-am! l.1 fu lose.
e3 Howes and int. lief d for tele in
finelepiet, asd annuity.. trlttdinc Kin' of
the beat.
Several pn.pertics o iia few acre. of tali$
and all )wrMintry lonl,lings. Many of
thew' p.rips•Kirgl are perp low In prier *ani
Patty terms for pa*mmnt '•44.11044 utontit•
ly p'eynw•nt plan if d.+•ind.
An excelleaat plot,• b.lbny any kiwi of
}ere or writs
Rsa(zuat. Ass:*
Ocoee: Upstairs, next d,s,r 10 The P. A.
liewt On. Meer, `timate
R R. Wit a Gokrfiall, Out
Our business increases every week fpm all parts of
the County. The reason is saris 5customers.
W' . are nlolering !furor'. Bruce unit
49letr service obtainable in the large city e't,tn
i:Rei by tiut>c abut deal with tis.
(dive us a trial with your boomer 4
r. ers hr haretiretf-prwn ptj;..a ro�itniti(ttl+1�;.
counties the
It is npprec-
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Bldg., Gedericlh, Ont. - Phones: 430 and 445
hir,et 176.31« Wirt' h'adittg u, .11 ?hock ant (3r))iii„Exchahgr.
Government, Municipal, Foreign Govern-
mrind Industrial Bonds
Tor our clients who may have funds to invest we
have prepared the following list of Government, Muni-
cipal, Foreign Government and Industrial Bonds giving
a maximum security possible yield.
i)nrninion of Canada
Ford City
Itepublie of Chile
Province of Buenos
Aire"' (Argentine)
North Western t?tilitipi
Dorset Apartment
(Straus & Co.)
N. Y. Athletic Club
(Straus & Co.)
N.Y. Kvenit'g Journal
(Straus *Co. )
with the highest
All niat�'itit'e
Oct. 1, 1139-411
(pct. 1st, 1960
Jung 1st, 1957
.fuse 1St, 19a4
Jule l"t, 1941
Oct, lel, 1916
ilec. 1st, 1936 •
Pries Yield
von.(k) 3,25
93.23 6..10
NI KT 7.40
101.24 6.86
1110.00 6.00
1(41,00 6.00
1(11,00 (1.23
A d('seriptive eireular of any of there a'Ii Ike' &dilly
Wiled on request. -
We own and offer a few shares Goderich Elevator Stock.
Masonic Temple Bldg, G.derich
, 1 '
-r`•'•i ..- �•'.._imommok_. ILLS. �''.a�!'lftlf` _ 1 Jr!' ; .-_1. _.