HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-23, Page 2r • ; ' -- Thursday. December 23. 1926. ESTABLISHED 1848 RODER1CH ' ' CANAL Me sitaec Of Caaaaha Weekly News' , papers Aaaafatis° l ubliabed every Thursday mornttts. l SubaertpttIoa (Price $22.00 per year. To UM A States and Foreign Countries. p bu per year. strictly 1n advance. '• MR SIGNAL PRINTING CO.UM . Telephone 35 W. 11. Robertson, Editor and Manses aroma t''if;. tl8t THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. out a pater every week. and that 1s TOWNSHIP COUNCILS 88.20' J Million. $10; Wm. Jackman, • • Thur -.by. December 23. 1928. EDITORIAL NOTES A Merry t'hristmas to all. • • • The-horte•st days of the year. • • • I "There stands the British r'ummon- n;; ildnnce officer. f12; J. Connell. q'.•II, hate you gut them all bought 'wealth of Nntious, on a more solid overseeing, coustreet„",, 813.75; T. M. basis than parer " . • • • of friction, every ►oseible affront to ls.as. 81 ; tMcar l'rbbutt. cue of postage, telephone. etc.. $100; Russell x Hc. overeeelDg H111. work °n road 800. K. Y. YUnlna 1145; J. iraunn. Sae; J. Comtism, $* itik something half of the millionaires in Wm. Jewell. 851; Wes. Flatter, 1110; GOA)}atlt'li PQ\\'Nt3HIP Gen peer, 11'25: Jas. Green. $34; H. the world wouldn't know how to do. •-me township d0Sncil met !)otpm- Baer, 8,20• Wm. $traughao.'$10: Joel • • • •t 15th to Mutsh the busluPw for Boyar, gid; A. Seraughun. $20; Fletc•h- 1 c Cumtneuta of the Ohl Country lavas , the year. .\ liter from the Ontario par F'Isher. 824); Nm. }llsley, 820 Ken up%rn the recent Imperial a"wfrreuce hallway It•s nl re telephone eser♦kw Mugford. 87.10; Wm. Hill, 82(1 K. are Interitsibtg. The L=irndoe "wet."'" fes- Dr. Heti rei"l. Abu and Mrs. ftom Stott ltaot Yltrnell. }J0; It. Yier. $1) Kers „Tao., wp Fitbere 82.11; A. t'rsht•r.:t+0: K. Rarest saga: s year's lmt1erlalr confer- Held cowled grn•,ting privilege to SA: Jonathan fr'Isher, 820; F. Mug enet n,a rightly be described •s the ,rret poles. etc. oh tie village streets ford, 88.75; Arthur Fisher, 817.50 I newt impertant that hais ever sat. It Mr. D. Gli.klm3 was reeplointt'd tet tr_-.'- $1 2R: W. ;ran. $2.00; .•heed attendance 'Meer for 11r17. Mr. iteares Britain and the Dominions tt.rstie t'oa I.rea.•o:cd a sheep claim, Wore free than twfore to press on with 11,4t conuei! rousi,L'r4b it improper intelligent vigor and a whole heart In and 11111 1101 Icy. The collector's time me...untrained and common aetlo(n for sus `z`ollowit R e utuhtshe levy. were ordered their t`wn purpose* and the world's." paid W.' J. Yee. use et church %bed. The Lumen Spectator says: "Thr .:: liunlelpall Weed. supplier. 83'9.78; British Empire emery* stronger than W. Muntc). she• 1 (!alms. 813; ltobt. ever. One leading British statesman .tunes. rctlririn4 Fader, 85; It. G. I Thempawu. schot•l tennis. 82.50. post- -al t hr felt happier• clout the }:melt. , age and suppl-e-. $&U0. additioual , than he had for thirty years." The . voter*' (lets. $141; ll. L. Salkeld, ex• yluurhestt•r guardian Comments: 1 pensee to 4, E.A.• $17 p: GF. W. dlk,a. Miller. 111 • tax error. $2' be cause every element \\'.weds. do.. $7: T Sowerby. cedar yet? r;uvernmmt - $cane Is the to eHgnfty or to complete freedom ..f flank' $1.1.25... `.l road 1. 81: ih,w:uitun Boa(L Ye- reported receiving 00.$35 fur rent °f for the Lleutenant•Gov Wilfrid Moore•. 82.'1:1: 1t. More, 52: Mugforel 827; Jnu. 1'hbleda). 118; 1). Pftblado. 812; G. F. Bean, road vuperlYevde nt, 8416.50: A. C. Clark, plies for for hall• $6.25; Jaw. Jewell, sup- plies sod repairs. $11.75; Herman Mae.iel, repairs to rales $3.2.5 and hooka for 'wales. 84: \\m. Tbom, 85.90: ('1. . Alllu, refund of error In telephone bill. 81); 11. K. Forster, (ends and delivering same. 831.45;officer.clerk for revising officer. 824'25; Wm. Webster. Wiest Wawanosh, building account. $313.85; eo0uc•il and Reeve, salarieee. $250; long distance telephone. per C. A. It.. 81.25: it. M. Young. sal- ary. exefne stamps and postage, 8175: G. J. Hetherington. balance eatery. I rettuii. Ttux rimytrue,,..-d." ` Tti1TrT}"t'Ir rtgwit•ist-- hailer. 82ta .'5; rw-aM, fre- l name .vherr Itnnd. error In assesrtmeut. Meeting adjourned to December 15th Xt residence at Toronto; but.saine { pie Tee rlath Gum play I c1.75 J. E. McMillan, %tae of whiter 11 2 p.m. •all it Ontario's Polly. i • • • (Mlratf°rd ISeacoD•ileratd) read. 112; Reg. Fuller. do.. 81: Chas. Dee 151h• -All members present. • i Cox. timber, 81; J Mulholland. hall Minotes of previous meeting adopted. DTs -troll polk+' were insu d to 1 t alt. 3wi. Gravel -11. .1 Butler 847.- On motion of ('ouncillora Young and Ontario farrsera ere alklag of start- . rh,,,t bandits and thugs. ^ttu' Hr't " It. Stirling J. Mair 87.- 111 (cure ort . J Ing a wheat pro. +(r. It every farmer , nun to fall had stolen a man ;n2 II. Oaken $45. R. el ttgh $ cunt. ezhe on unpaid tax a e fit Western Ontario didn't have ar{eool from r on artroltr$ department law reckons that pt It. Bawd *4.20. i..Ierris 72e. J. t'uunell 14th was sui{end(d for the 18th of •r two 0a his Gelds last fall. 1 thauleflre set aun a man's life are of :rel. 11. glldduu $140. J. Potter $3.- I4ewwmb•r Tres4Irer re.pprted re • • • .1 72. E. J. Trrwarths $2.28. Ernest eeiving $1.50 from the clerk for the sinal ♦ Johnatou 850.40. Yrs. SMeet $9.1'2. rale of ,.art of a lot la cemetery. New York Cltl b to have a building i" nti - 11tnbL Petersen 817.40..\IDeR KurcDeu .laurel by 1`ouncfllnr Hill, seconded IZ88 feet high. ThU Ieasott'frtom tib! lash War ski $4.80. gen. Ginn -$18, deo. Elliott by Conr.elllor Young. that as . r01 0 91.1;4 taxers after et 110 atortea. to not far from a quarter of a mile In • tlutvrrtou Sun) 827.54. W. tttewart 814.41. J• M MUbtu Msedel's dog fez was an error and height. If New Toth should ever There 11 still throughout rural (W- here $38.40. (:en. iludle 8'_'.'40, C. Mei: \\'Ise having 1..' dog and It not being on her ,unt(,Its t cerin a repugnance toward any uni- form'*26.414. g. 1,obb 81.02 aswstm, a,t notice. the rax %hMtld Is \are an earthquake--' fmilitarism being lutri,duced into the ; t'u,mell then rdjonmlO s IDeet as refunded Carried. TJ• tD 11 l at 11 c) I f 1'011101110)P Wile ' a1 th BLANKETS,.r,>` . Finest all -wool, pinky of blue ovde check. Targe double -bed size, whip. .& and finished singly. Per pair $1 111' , f RUGS Barrymore.Wilton Rugs, heavy and in new patterns, Persian and scroll. Size 27 x 54 55.00 36 x 62 $8.50 HANDKERCHIEFS Exquisitely embroidered, finest of linen lawn, very delicately worked. Ina -- mental and drawn work. Each' 5 35c,;4Sc, 60c and... . •t., . • • • . SILK $L,OMERS'y._- . Very heavy, all -silk, in every desir- able color. Perfect fitting. All $2.25 sizes 36 to 44. Each + t c • • melt"ds alot eedleygea wae cr t w j Iyer statute au YuluUl a m a m t np u 4) In spite of the loiterer season. con- der the guise of cadet training ur mill- I g, g. jH411(pfXi , Clerk. and (e dthorlw Mr. Owen Mooretaws eh•uld be refunded awng to his rdderable activity Is the mmemwt ^f .a ado halveluut nfrgotreu Ih ttrIn ttbe haat 1'4Il.B4)l("1: beery 1•s by tire.from tb cstern States into wvr the ttor wan went forward to enn-i met In the (in motion 0f lbuatllore Hfll and port A more eztenine ight while the rleh igen rewrhled ■t hall Decmber 10th at • p.m. Mem- oldthorpe. 8ti.S4 was refunded to mUTPment tea looted for 1n the sMjn4' I to heap up a fortune' I Iers \Cllsou. 11111. Poona and Robert- Mr. C. Itree•kow owing to his property •.w.nI•t11I-11 fn wren[ sh.wl rAnsda moven Is re oar ng ween atarsseCa1md-rAeeA h1*w s y was pr-e.l lxing dy of sPe•t'0n. .4154) 81.52 wait refueled to(lie of our ex' antics evs the ex- I Itaurttord Fpolbr) = Wm. lllnto5h: (ring • rreparate premi lanada is advaneiug almost tar Homiestien i/wwmber 'path. et 1ture."en. ■ v rate tempera-, ik and If a [wll ter tlrmandtd tine school sptnorter be wis not liable• for tare." Can aD "y'mo-rnphUy fur Its people W grasp the sot- sametu..lw heldat the II{els f4) owin 4es the debenture tax fn Saltfordu111 itnC(• of the record' Total trade with the Aileen. •named In charge: Etror.. in telephone bills al° were rate? if It le i♦tom t render ▪ Is tt for the (wtIve months ending Oetohe[ 1, at IIfleer 11rr Temprrantw Hall.page: attjtuteellikemoderate? Seine o r paraders who 30 teas $2.2211.0001 (impered with...00 i) K11 C4rr gledhiU; 1 .1'., guri \'acs Ttee.twer reported! rllelvinit like to use exact En!their wits upon the• The King Go ezerdse s._U76 iaMlat) lea es nr and 81.1)0[3,- 1'edl at tltfortl Riae flub from Mr. Andrew Johnst^n(00.1111 in 19'24. The inereasr of trade nine Ir. R, O. avm.mds: P. C.,OD *ltion of ConneillotW H • F• Deer 1:1_:r was 8'11S.00004*). The ae uford. ('al. Township Hall. Goldthorpe the colleetoreint favorble Inllanee fur thisyesr (yells. I)Rt>:: H ll. Yun' P.C.. rztded cue month tow$31(tria/earn.Thew•are huge • wtlsnn poll 4 LeeburnVo 5 roll and return to treasurer. thrmgobe untoaffairs and 1figures. Ytars ago when all our trade rent. anwas tethe school luruar•. 1)Hu_Prser Hur- The fellowlug bills were paid: (To- • ointed Mr. N. 1•Row 41Ielivee would Ie summed up In a few mlis. 1 tun: 1'''bl. Hugh 1sholm rrirb M.wtacturing Co..for 1nmhPr. y a to ire smp prophets preditd day• sltkl.4--TLP f•Ilnwhta 1diM-were pall• 1. J. $41; I). l'Itblado. diseung. $2; 11'. Olwl- the ga.dw. which he sept true and were regarded as harmless Foster. r,rk 'u Ashriel boundar. hill, grael and work. 88; Yrs. Maebut certainly Insane. I $82J10: .tlherr Kneeshaw. 619.25: del. refund dog tax (error). 82: deeo. In- Jee,inx 118: Herb 4.,rrha 812- Y. Bear. road superintenden. $10.50; A SUGGESTION FOR THE (IiN- 50; FrankY •ng. $4.9'; 1) Mean. 813.- W. Vroomen. $5; Tobias Fsher. 18: TENNL%L 150; gat. ea Fell. $'2: R. ftean. 81: 1t. Ptblado. error in telephone ae- Wm. Darr. t: E llnitianzen. z5: conn 12.37' Jen. Feagan. do.. $18. Itor of The Signa t ... ':A). . bg. tdging from reports of te • on which has en prnt \an• aver. r • 102 _-. 8110.50: gee. Hort,•-. of 4 G or ,. 82.25: R. . ,are. 810; J. Kernlgh.n.. 1 power. X1Pt all Gnderleb'w rhnreh and +•h.ol 8rt.a0; (i• Vet ne. 841.25; C. Amite).It quite as aonahle to - • 'rs. together with the bort and i V ask for the flat power rate ss It 1s to ', any other 1)11'3 ers and singers that ' aniu e ask the -Dominion to l p pay freight I w111 hells. get togetlwr and arrange for i all, rates fel •:••umers 1 in ons a series of open-air esnnvrts. giving i mottle of the great chorus and lustru-• Province. ( e, i meatal selections. with selections of Ar , Scotch Hire on Monday; Irish nisi on ono C. that Tneeday : British airs. 4%'wlnesday ; T of lin- t generic"•. Thursday t--eir1.Otne melt.- 111es. ete., for Frlday *ltd Mattlydxy. ,1 flnanCial with a re•ree•n i.iertn' or .- -'tutu-s of n addition, no r:,t•h cirnatry. - 1t le annount rhe next Lletite tarin will he W man of Toront doubt. to other desirable qualifier. Mr. RAPS p,srs•....es the illihrtial one: that AT"being ,t,tilelently ;Vanity to occupy (Ice castle on the J, of the Don In befitting m5nne • • A proposal for the !ailment of mem- bers of the e•ity counell Is 10 be v0tw) on at Owen Sound The prepoewd rate of pny Is $3 for -atilt I0nncil meet - trig or committee meeting attended. Payment of sou*elllnrs nns in rogue in Goderich for one yrtr. but eon - tinned no longer that' t'•,' term of the council which Inaugurated It. • • • • .4100 h4 vaeh ehoirma':rr take :erne at d"nitd'w•tittg If they wish. nr j vote-s,n which shall eonluct at the e'p'ehrattnn: It thtt lhtiz tereir witii the ,'heir% 1 would sugre•t they get i ,g,tlier mi* and start the hall yolks.. .\s Marla 11°11" emisrg'.1 fr ru the .t • Marie' Ave Uaria' Help - e. • 81.25: H. 31 tedrt, 144.'2.5: W. Torun *22.50: E. Maskel.4si: Ho . G.w1-135; J. Treble. $'2.1; S. Can%tone. $37.514; A. Yanstotte. $45; Wn: L.nng. -#1'_511: Wm. McWhhrivy. s:-'' Kea Jewel:. 834): C. Walter. 835 A. Allen. $35: Ernest Bogle. 51.25: T,.blas It<QRAK CHOOSE •. as Week GLOVES _ Women's - fur -trimmed, $300 lined Kid Gloves faJ • TOWELS Extra large Jackard Turkish Towels, all colors. Size about 24 z 46. $235 Per pair $ I.00 to J COMFORTERS English Down, double Comforters. large bed size, satin -covered. (a 14 Pinks, blues, mauves, fancy. e SCARFS Silk Crepe, 2 yards long, beautifully hemstitched. Every shade. 00 Thee very new, Each... . NIGHT GOWNS Englib make for men, fine flannel, in neat stripes, well made and splendid qualitry. Sizes -14 to 17. Special $ 7 value j W.ACHBSON & SON Two Rusn moat ham and Wroxeter. he a month ranier than thWinghem electtd tw e000i'l by acclamationMayor-Thos. Fells. 1(ew♦e-J. W. McK4bbon. . Counchllore-1'. R. WilkluwnSpottou. John Itayna. H. B. 11,1.1 Maguire. W. H. Haney. 1'ubl le 1't 1IIIie's Commissloner-W. 11. Gurney. WeexeterAt Wroxeter there was a contest betweets John ilea -where and Juhu louglan for the rrevesbip. Mr. Hen- nelerg. who was Reeve for 1926• was ie'elected with a majority of 31. The four councillors were elected by acclamation: Neil White. Frank Wright, Jas. Moffatt. Rt ht. gto,tka. L8 p. Wing- rS.` 927 R. A. Elliott i toisctc Santa V ill Be at `IO;'iVI• eat II' L. r y. buy a tree and make the kiddies clogs IktH; 4'. Walter, e r 1a tele iuppy... pb.a,• 1,111. 88.10: Andrew J •hastens. Old Mn14 (blushing 4 : "1 have no care eking. $15. ehlldren." A ter regret- were ezpr, .sed havng to pert with 3 very ialuable •t Hawker: "Buy some mistletoe. Indy! R...• an best wlih,% fur his iuecess Vlew mistlrter:" • Hof. a-efulnesw ir. a wider sphere, the - roll . it of 1926 .lissolred. G. J. HETHIERINGTON. Township Clerk. The Ragged Madonna By 1',; I/ \I:f:"1 it \11), RE JOYI 1: s ft will mike s.,ntP time to got loco alley w h the little Ai••ml.;'ih her ell) "' !lop ing yon ren Hod r.",m for this, suggestion. 1 remail. Yours truly. .\ 1.)YE1t 10120MUSIC. ('SLEEPING (,1R SKR11('E CHl ('AGO -TORONTO Fi.r the convenience of its patrons. I the Canadian National Railways are I operating through ,deep:ug car service I from Chicago to Toronto via Stratford Mid Guelph. leaving 4'hicago nt 5.:tit) p.m.. arriving Stratford 7.25 a.m.. it Is estimated that the react nt the. Kitchen 8.' a.m.. Guelph 8.49 and T at-1f►1(t-L ,-denyr ex•l'",este et,d trod wa(rne14 i«» Mnrys River cost In the neighborhood ; eels eon y 10 ammo l to the ex- fol. of half-(I-m4%'blllinn dollars. l. esti- I fellow nervier to above mentioned In' retiree when Luigi r..- .tred and rrrrnt h,!nekade et. vesselset=the-Rt t firms. ehe.most collided with a esti of l'liri•tnius evergreens. "The Feast of the Na t 11 i i t." mnr- n:t::c.1 Marie deroutly. at:, then furl- ed attic Antonio (loner under, here worn shawl as the baby reached out for 0.' fragrant evergreens. llnrie't dark eyes were sad hnt not huteless as she trudged alou.g. It was True she• had leen somtrwl,nt dlsap- p)0tuted ha thin new country to which l.ubii had brought tier. bat perhaps' that hail leen because he a 0. i11 so much _fatel2--_and. too, beeirese her t-irtl nig- was too lblu for this e.dd loos 1n time points, very cr.hvenlent connections are 110, win" r was over, everything would does mete ds not facials the mole at Stratford and Guelph for 0r expctutn•ofithrilrwte* erhllebeld upNine; north. Full particulars from but is only for the lee -lighting equip- any Carmdlan National agent. trent which was uaedt' 1t might be good bnsinena floe the Tike Carriers' Aasociatinn to hire a good weather prophet end abide by his ettarnings. • • -• By Its thinly veiled attacks l'r,mier King in connection with imperial conference.' The Toronto r,101e only shows once more how out ..1 Mueh 9 is with the sentiment of DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK? By Ldonn It. Waite, Secret 5ry Sharlilee. Okla.. Board of Commeree. b• all right. It was only for a short Owe that the land of their dreams had fulled them. but. ah. the Feast of the 1 Nativity was almost here and little Antonio was reaching out for the first Owe after the joys ot lhrlatmas- nud she had nothing to give him. i"There MUM he a way." 'Starlit said i4) herself eon nanny. "1 In. there must he a way and 1 will .tend it." Presently from the fewer of n 1.1141re1i the chimes melodiously pealed ant the hour and Maria paned. Amid the throng of Anger, hnrrting penplr M. G. Fitzpatrick. puhlieher of The 'be Mt""1 %ti11 far * *whom and then Iter trnuh:rd f,tee dearer' and her v)nteri" outside of Toronto end leer- ()lean 1 N.Y.) Tides, nye: eyes grew soft. hrepn some of the other cities. The THAT town development depends! Itoldi leer baby close she 0,1,444 lar sly sena the character ..f Its In the church and knelt loan reverently common people M Ontario tire not weir- hahltants r3 leg over the matter of the imperial THAT what has been ■et•ompllshc,' In the Inst paw. For ■bug tlm4 she 1)1 vee 1m*Rlne it .,r did the form of 11- 5ie,sed Or.e ah1♦e lenb over her e•.nmplingt.y? And 414 the little 11;nes (11.1 .Hely ('h11,1 streteh out in tette.' -Ion neer her own little ane? 3t1:ra was cold and clad in segs and had stirlucky 'for days ear 41,1 jmlgj. her =I.k e`rand. might have the more. .Inst 'hat hatinenewl she did not know, hilt .i.;4pnly she felt %etre that bee prayer for help would! le answered. and teak and taint she sank to the floor 1,-fnre the nnnllt Madonna with a' low e'rf •f jay. - mi p the wmmnn in mgs-liilk ;-- dowtt+tdeanntM. annthe wsmm L_tlai In furs and silks rose hastily from .a dark career of the ebureb and went to her. "Oh. you poor creature'. Tell eat how I ran help you." she maid in a Toler. so gentle that Maria opened her dark etas wonderingly and then eloaed them main with a stab of gratitude, "Oh. It b tree, It 1s true." she mar- mored. "1 cattle to the ides'ed Vir- gin for help and she sent yew to me." "Amt 1 came for comfort." replied the rbhly dreeted woman. -Filmy teat CI:ri5tmee 1 have lost my little child and Aid not know how i could endnre lila 004. with all Its memnrlea. itlu perhaps In helping you 1 may find in a m•a$Dre the eomfort i imtght wheel 1 entered this chnreh." "13.1 my little .lntnnln comfort yot.•I aweet bele." marls 511111. eagerly. wItt, Icer •aft it,lInn ae,eent. "This will hie hi. first Christmas and 1 will s r! him with you for the sake." she reTsed• ler rt,♦ reverently M the richly ' stained window above her. "tor thee sake Holy ('1111,1 " "innof scheud tin this far me-8 ilraoger'" tinker} the bereaved mother i "00. 1 lave been oelflih in my retie I sorrow. Now. 1. too. will •rr to be,' ' brave ,nd helpful -far 11!% aa'nk I (some. i will take you home." An tie ragged Madonna enme out of the (quint with her nnle fare sitter t nItlt h•,,, and the end! -eyed woman In her rich garments helped her gently 7 IoM her w$IIing tete. The rhime5 In the tower °nee more rang not the peering hour *M the tittle 1 tinny drere off, rind within the church i the fa, ,• of the h'ne-robed Madonna looknt (-dm and p infnl an the wand- erinR .ray nt snnshlne slowly died sway and left N as before i4) the dile shadows. 1.1 pit there while the mail. of the holy ennnection. They know that Mackenzie 1 In one etty can he duplicated In any-• I . ee gradually stole over her and King 1! a sir.• man. and they reit de- ochre. • 0)441 her troubled spirit. and 11411, 1t to develop THAT ti rommntl J .\aconin went to sleep in her anus. typal on him wither to de anything grow and pres(er mn5t mixes* s few rcrolnttonary n, r to undertake ohHR$- fundamental e.srnl4lint et le•Dglh from oat of the dim•al*: transpnrta- news ..f the great eenytnlry one We flora that are unduly animas. tion faeilttiee..ehrtirls. churches. hoop! jest began to stand rent clearer and clearer is her eyes PPP, aeruntomP,I to the shadows. It was a window clone to the chancel tont a ray of sun- shine had fonfid and an It travelled 1t bronght i'nt In the r1,11 color% of e great :minter t1e figures of the Blessed Virgin and the Holy Child. An the window lirlc:rten,4 in the annllght. Mari■'! (yen brratne Axel on it an If f5►eh,ated Then *lowly ale rosy from her kir,•., and mored IeeMMf and JMSt'r 10 ,he wonderful lifetnre. Wheat at last she remelted It etre lank nn her knees and holding out the sleeping ehlll to her arms s'i( prayed softly. • • • Someone started a .tort- that the editor of The \\'Ingham Adt-nnCe- nmew hell inherited n fortnne. and In his palaver last week the r.lit„r took piiha to deny the rumor Ianbnhly sine of the Turnhrrry h,wn%hlp tarm- eePe crone IQ to him office to pny a sub - pert -Mien rind handed him a 820 h111. and he had to run neer to the bank to 1iet it changed. That would he alone er,ngh to siert `'toe ruiner. Never mfbd. Brother Suitt you are gettitlg tali. parks, playgrounds. Industries for the employment of Its people. ade- gieite merrhnndising fricll'tlea. .\I! these are more or less nee•e5wry. hat to my mind the greatest **set to any ((immunity is the diameter of Ha peo- ple elvbe unity. ofttbmes po lacking; religI tun lance, always me/enlisl for progrerIlit. rofishlr•r4tion for all of your people: .11N np{nrtnnity for cacti to five and to make life worth whelp; less dna* di,ftnetlnn and more reel ('hrl.tlan feeling for ynnr neighbor. IN OTHER WORDS. NR1.1. YOUR TOWN •rel V(hi'RSF.i,F FIRST, RIiT Ft1IRT M.%Kr IT WORTH BUYING (Copyright 1926) PDIRECT SERVICE TO Port Arthur Fort William Winnipeg Regina Moose Jaw Calgary Vancouver Leaves Toronto- ch, oronto 9 .00 Every p.m. Day Good Connections: At Regina for Saskatoon; At Calgary for Edmonton: At Vancouver for Victoria. Standard Sleeper,. Cotn- partment.Ob.ervation Car. Tourist Sleeping Can. Dinar. Coaches. Attentive Service Excellent Cuisine 500 Mile. of Superb Rocky Moun fain Scenery Clothed in Winter Garb Canadian Pacific Hotels at Winni01t, Calgary, Var• ,r and Vittoria. GOLF AT VICTORIA THE YEAR ROUND A.k any tie►.t snot lea 1..... tb..tahh...rr .., write W. FULTON Dine, Ammo, Awn/ TORONTO 1 x Waer's "THE STORE OF MILLION GIFTS" Here are so tical suggestions for thhe C mas buyer : Hat of -- - - i nTray Suitcafe 1601 Set Club -bag Canksticks Reed Rocker Windsor Chair (sou rah. -ea f 'T oiinl'tiarTl'able Chesterfield Table , Solid Walnut) . These are a few aatel ,named at random. Come to the store. ' you will find a regular sea of splendid ' • ' inti you would be proud to gt '• our est Firti~Itds Fancy China Bridge Lamp Floor Lamp Table Lamp Boudoir Lamp Smoker's Set Solid Walnut W. \a1ker The Store of Quality Often the Cheapest. always the B6st West Side Square (ioderich, Ont. TiMillaiDadiikaikaaileitiliiilaili DaadvalkalltraMitatlitkaai yV O all our customers and friends we extend our heartiest wishes for a very Merry Christmas. Accept our thanks for your generous patronage during the period we have been in business. REG. G. SOWERBY Cor. East St. and Square Phone Ito tetwecurevectiverectemetezweem ttE tvvoctglitcweletwitetweetteletaMovivetc We wish all our patrons a Merry Christmas and a Happy and , Prosperous New Year The Willard Car, Radio A 803, IP Battery Service Station •t BARKER BROS. Bayfield Road Goderich, Ontario', PACIFICN r? 1 • • j s