HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-9, Page 8wyamA T £ .a' ,, t,�,l •f,�fi� �:p Er - I • l r II MOIDe -+teaw ,,>I{-T*traiay, December 9, 1926. To the Electors of North Duron Ladies and Gentlemen - , 1 with to take this Means of conveying to the• electors of North Huron toy sincere thank, for the magnificent support aee•onital rate in the recent Provincial contest, a rrault [Wade potleible only by the hearty co -opera' ion of nen and women of all political parties/ l feel specially grateful to those who gave freely of their time and energy, many of whom are unknown to rate. 1 realize ,roily the importance of the trust and confidence thus placed in and will do my utmost to merit yot:r approval. C. A. ROBERTSON • r • Goderich Centennial Committee July 31-Aoj.1627 .. r The Committee is endeavoring to obtain the names and' addresses of all former residents of (ioderich and vicinity, in order to issne invitations for the Centennial OelebkNUos to be held on the'dateb mentioned above. Will YOU kindly 611 in the coupon below with the names and addresses of any Goderieb Old Roy/ otGirlsof your acquaintance, and send it to Dr. W. F. Gallo,. Goderieh, Chairman Invitation Committee ? Please write distinctl7. PANT ADDRESS BORN THE SIGNAL BROPHEY,-At Alexandra hospital. Godertth, on Sunday. December 5, to Mr. and Mn. Jot. Brophey lure Ella L. R iIU•a+el. x daughter, Mary Margaret (Porgy) • SMITH. ---At Detroit, ou Saturday. December 4, to Mr. and Sirs. Floyd ttmtth (nem Violet Ross)_• sou. DIED IN►R'N.-At Toronto. on Tuesday. December 7, Henry Gurdon Dowo, ouly son of lir. and Mrs. Harry M. Down, ut.Godlerlch, in his 26th t j`,Olt RENT. -LOWER PLAT "OFyear. l e {►a rl uleM house. on Pt. Vincent street. Apply to HATE k HAYS. V , GODERICH, ONT. • CARDOF .' FLBa1 The Goderich Star nod The Goderich tkt1 mise, 1028. AND Fi!RTHER TAKE NOTICE grocery afore. Reward.. E'tnder please a. --- Ylt. .t. M. ]LncIN�ES .�NDHILD•-Town rodeo 111 REN take tete means of -Ti 'WOW -own of �+ lug their heartfelt thanks fur the many kindnesses extended by neigh- bors and trleuds during .the time of Illness and In their betnevement by the death of wife and mother. LOT AND FOUND stgual newapaprra, the data of which �UyT.-�I.ARUE BUII OF !lU\RY IN • publlcetlon was the nth day of De - ^� targe envelope at tar neat Sparc'* Vii ce liti I under leave at SIGNAL UFFICh.- RI -LAW Nt%YBER TO RENT ' ae the Corporation (after lee. • NEN-ROOMED 7'u YEN r S'k. 01) or the that all lease the provisions of the Municipal Act. • 1 Suction 265, a. a. 3, and amendments I thereto. are required ten days heron, ob the date of voting to- the with me a Town of *tatutory deelaration of qualifications. otherwise their names hitt not appear on the voters' list for such voting. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE house on St. George's Oroacent•-1 A By-law to aid of the Alexandra that the votes of the elector* of the Suitable fur amaH family. Apply Marine and General lloapoltal said Municipality will be taken there - HURON INVESTMENTS. VW.VW. rit•t+SER.-On Friday, December 3rd. at her residents.. 050 St. Clarens aye.. Toronto, Katherine (Kitty) rot, beloved wife of Ernest Fraser, formerly of Goderich, In her 33rd year. Interred in Prospect ceme- tery. Saturday. December 4th. • SPRAWL -In Goderich. un Saturday. ec D ember 4. John Sproul. In his 24th year. IN MEMORIAM CAM LLL> i.L.-In loving and faithful remembrance of Alex/and-rind Theta.' of 11. J. Campbell. who fell • December cember 1Oth. 1919, In her 23rd year. And the vision comes before us, So calm, ea deer, so sweet Of her whose lige are silent And whose eyes are closed la sleep. -Deeply mourned by Mother and Brothers tit. R. No. 7, Luckuow, Ont.) ••••s••••ceetr The boat was listing badly. The captain rushed on deck and shouted: "ho among you passengers can A Cedar Chest Would prayW'[" "1 can." responded a minister. Make a Very Handsome Then pray," shouted the captain. "The rent of you put on life preset, Cl ! cert. We're one short." HOUSE TO RENT. -OWING TU tenant tearing town the white brick house on North street In first block from Square• will be for rent January 1. This house has seven oouts. room* and bathroom. three bedroo All modern conveniences, electricity. full bathroom, 2 toilets, ee{wrate laundry and furnace rooms In base- ment, lartlr sleeping porch. large gar- den. china closet. pantry. etc. All well decorated. hardwood floors in front of honae.aad_ll{_ varnisbed and stained l e�eI *s alike upstairs. daft' Jannary-4: 1tr37 Apply to .1. W. CRAIGIE or to owner, MISS 1.. A. POLLEY (next bouse north 'Fidel. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS A HL of the Alexandra Marini• and Gen- eral Hospital have hsaaued to Dollars ($10, ��- on on ter eiay fixed for tallith the poll RFAS the Board of Governors at the annual municipal election forst P O1BB8 CHARTERED the ensuing year tefDre• the same Accountant. 102 Ontario street. Deputy lteturulug (Meets at their re Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 1330J. &weave polling placer. DOO LOST. -BLACK AND WHITE. spaniel pup, 7 months, old, strayed away Thursday, December 2ud. wear- ing collar with 1925 tag No. 13. Kind- ly write P.O. BOA: 132, Goderich, tar phone No. 81). Suitable reward. L. M. MABEE. CHARTERED) ACCOUNTANT extent of Ten =. ••- {d off to (810.00) with Interest to be pa mould annual lnstalmeuts. AND WHEREAS the said Board of Governors have paid off two of the an- nual instalments. AND WHEREAS It is deemed to be In the interests of the municipality of the Town of Goderich and the com- mutilty that the said municipality come to the aid of the said Hospital guard in paying off the remaining bonds; amounting to Eight Thousand (100.001 a On Friday. the 61st day of Decem- ber. 1926 the Mayor of the said Town • will ahead at the Council Chambers of the said Town at ten o'clock In (be forenoon, to appotot persona to attend at the various polling places afore- I said. and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the pensees Interested in end promoting or oppeeing the passing of the said proposed bylaw. yeepectively. The Clerk of the Council of the DOST. ROBERTSON, aald Town of Goderich will attend at A The Auctioneer. AUCTIONEERING THOMAS OUNDRY. OODRRICRI. LIVE STOCK ANI) Gll4IRAi. AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Saler attended to anywhere and every atfort made to give satladecttst Farmers' sale notes discounted ,u n +rv• AND WHEREAS to effect thol�n �� his once in the Town Hall. at tea -'ppie Te-ts-netessery for. the. 7o'i'leck- In the forearm& on Tuesday, Issue debentures to the extent of Eigbt the fourth day of January; 1927. to rad Dollars (35.000.00)• watch sum up the number of rotes for and Tpottsa amount will take care of and pay off the eight (8) equal *000* • o eche stnaid Inndebunpaid. th'e proceeds y NOTICE TO CREDITORS. the said munictriallty to be applied to I instal - the purpose aforesaid and no other. ll noes AND WHEREAS it is desirable to Notice la hereby given to a pe having claims against the estate of issue the said debenture'' of one time said Mary 'Hussey• late of the village of and make athe p'rincle(al rly sums during Klntail, in the county of Huron, wt- debt repayable {HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR dos. deceased, to send the same duly a period of ten (102 years, being the goose feathers and all kinds of verified to the undersigned. on or be- currency of the said debentures, the hides. DAVID BROWN, Goderich. fore the 16th day of December. 1026. said yearly sums being of midi re - after which date the executor will spective amounts In that year for prat- Telephour 270. amount pay among to distribute the chid estate Opal end interest In respect of the among the persons entitled [hereto. said debt shall bets nearly as possible woke regard only to the claims of veins' ' the amount payable. in each which be then shall have had k STRAYED FROM LOT 27, CONCES and that he will no Period - to • 810N 2, Wert Waw`anoah, on No- vesber 9th, a black Angus heifer. 18 *oaths old. Last beard of on Rase line near Summerhill. Will any per- son having beard of or sees the said 'heifer kindly communicate with the urulersigned? JOHN HOARE. R. R. 22, Auburu, Out. Phone 13.9. Dungan- non. whole rates, Drupe composed of the west half of let No. _ iN TiIE ESTATE OF DOROTHY of Goderich according to the last to•10 and the Whole of lot No. 11. butt ELLEN LADE. DECEASED. vtsed ansesameslt roll thereof is 32: I in the said Maitland concession of the i NOTICE is hereby giver that all 7ffi►87;,0p. township of Colborne. HOUSE TOR $ALE.-AIPPLY TO J. persons having gitalins against the es- • AND WHEREAS the amnnnt of the TERMS. --Tera per tent. of the prur- Il S. BEDFORD. Cobou[g street, tate o1 Dorothy Ellen Cade, late of the = rzistirrR debenture debt of the aald chase money to be paidatthe time of town o[ Ge►derlch in the county of Hu ; mnnlcl{allty, ezcluslce of lceeal Im the sale, balsne to be paid in 30 h •scored by !special acts. rates or aasesimenMc Is $:116.1Ut.- The sale will beieb}eat to a re condi- WANTED STRAYED t be liable proceeds of the e(tate so distributed AND WHEREAS the [Mal amount to ■ray person of whose claims notice 1 1 b the Conthe t teak Munk+ notice for the of the Meer nine (9) Tiers of the against the sold proposed bylaw. L. L.KNOX. Town Clerk. MORTGAGE SALES will conduct and arrange any sale os,• the Isteat methods to get the beet re- mits. See him or drop a ctfd and e will give tt immediate atteedea. Farm salve a specialty. Ridge M. ' Goderich. MUSIC YORTGAOS SALE OF VALUABLE Door. w. H. JACKSON. Instrootiata Al given in Voice culture, Orgaa. PDaM FARM' AND BUSH Ple(►PHRTY. Violin. Guitar. Theory, etc. Studio anti Situated on the Maitland resldesee, 37 North street Plume MIL conces- sion of the township of Colborne. The property consists of splendid DRUGLESS farm in good condition. possession to be given early in 1927. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mort- gage. which will b• produced• at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction by T. Gundry & Son. Auctloneete on SATURDAY. DECEMBER lath Lan - shall not then have been received. requ rev y at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at Lan - F. R. DA received. Pat Act of 1922 and amendments i na0•s hotel. Goderich, all and singular Goderich. Ontario thereto to be raised annually by ape- that certain parcel or tract of laud tial rate for paying the said debt andand premises situate la the Feld Malt- Prorince of Ontario. containing 218 Solicitor Ott 10. Bald Executor. Intrust as herrhetter provided is theland concession. couuty of Huron, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ,sum AND WHEREAS Wf[F.REAB the amount of the acres of land more or less, and being rateable property of the Town FOR SALE 1 Christmas tf ° d. i 1 GI-NDRY'S SALE REG181111 ltatnrdIT December 1S- Two mort- taPm ash's of farm properties situated on the Maitland concession of the township of Colborne. The sales wilt lee held at Laotian's hotel, (Goib rich. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Ree sale retires elsewhere on this page, • -tux -a pier rangy of (,hrist- J t„u- (Pitt- urns we itwite you to call and .:we our goods. 1• R. W HEEI.ER '`Fwrateare - Funeral Director MaaaataaStreet. ,00deryich, Oat. ell A Bargain Brand new white brick Tees idence, has never bre!, occu- jeie'tl, situated on the'Bayfield !toad in' the Town of (ithe• riC'l. si : rooms n n el bath, hardwood floors downstairs, finished in ivory enamel downstairs, and white up- etaire, AH inotlrrn eotivenl- ette-r.. In connection W i 111 14/2 nc'f4 of lana_ Nudism, of land optional. Apply to • Wilfrid Donaldson $ayfield Road Goderkh, Ont. Ribber Footwear Repairing I Do you know, that with a little case you can double the life of your winter Footwear, and save the price of a new- pair -WITH MY NEW- Vulco Tile Process I can put on new Soles, Heels -and repair -the, Up- pers of your Goloshes. Overshoes, Rubbers and Rubber Boots that will be a surprise to you, at a very, moderate price. i ' also carry a sInaII stock of Rubberwear for town and farm at mod- erate prices. Come and let us sate yotl,money The East Street Footwear and Repair Shop. Wm. AhL • Opposite Kees Church. Cod • I cr c con. married soma decease who rnyement o r eta da FOR SALE BRICK RESIDENCE died on or abort the eighth day of 1 y` FOR 1 South-west corner on corner ot,March. A.D. 1915. are required to de` Nelson 'street and Cambria Toad. At liver to Barbara McIver, the adminis- tratrix of the said estate. or her soh - reasonable price. l'nrieh. Oa from cher, on or before the lith eb'y of Des' F. It. D.1RHOW. Goderteh, Ont. t.f. eember. A.D. 1926. a full statement of their claims together with lnrticulars DESIRABLE PROPERTY POR thereof and the ontttre of the Pecnrl- SAI.E. orner North and Nelson 7shall retia ter sum of Eight Thousand HAYS & HAYS. -C ties. If any held by them al dui streets Apply to flea) by efn Is, Dollar* t Teri - Hamilton street. Goderich. -- AND TAKE NOTICE that after the paying off the balance of principalAgents r,OE BALK. -HOUSE. STABLER - the solicitors er. is lea mentioned date the !aid ad- owing"hy the Board of Governors o montage.. Ree, Wlltiam Ratter. - e 1M: 'le hid NOW. NOW. THERHFORE. THE MUNI - HAYS, further parilcula[w sad C(►l'Nt'IL of the Corporation Bons of the sale apply to HAYS & of the Town of Goderich enacts as foe HAYS, Halullton street. Goderleb, On - lows : tarts. 1. The lluntelpel Connell of the Cor -Dated at Gutkrlch. this fourth day n (oration of the Town •of Goderleh of December, 1928 r. W H. JACKSON• vIt '4)4000.00) for the purpose of and- Iota No.. 26. 28. 29 and 30. mini.tratrlx will proceed .to distrl- the Alexandre Marine and General PRACTITIONER A. N. ATKINSON no CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST GODERICH Equipped with s4eotro-mapatis baths. Electronic electric Westminster and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous diseases. lady to attendance. Oece hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 VAL. excepting Monday and Thursday at. ternoons and evenings. and by at,' potntmenL Residence and once --Cornet oF South street sand Britannia road. 1, MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT' Late House Surgeon New Yesk Opa- tbalmic and Aural Hospital. assistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital kat Ooklea Square Throat Hospital. Lea- den. Eng. 53 Waterloo 8t. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Gobeviek, on the evening of third Monday of each. month till the following day. Tuesday. at 1 p.m. LEGAL Reld's Survey, 1n the raven of Godr bate the rotate or eke Lala deceased Hospital which U secured by a mors- MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE �'RNEST e of the London and West- MORTGAGE rich. Appbto B. C. RUNNINGS. apyengei the persons entitled thereto. gage In favor FIRM 1 8O1-IrRTt. Barrister and Solicitor Goderich. of JV1d:1 3'ORRANCR; TiacTnj r. ir.1 miry ie Sieh CM Ilas ern Trwwtr Company. Limited. and the . _ -110 King street east. Toronto 2. Tele - Clinton. she shall have received due notice and proceeds from the sale of the de- Situated on the Maitland eoneea-, phones Main 7793-7704. in accordaner thereirith. he•ntureP hereinafter mentioned, shall skin of the township of Colborne. M. LEE. BILL -POSTING PLANT FOR SALE in town of Goderich. Apply C. E. MARLEY, LiMITED. Hendon, Ont, TGAI'IE IOU SALE. lrawit 6 per cent. interest; Fnna} see•wtityr• Apply .at SIGNAL OF- E'1('E._ Colt 711111811-P1Et ' r bedroom snit:• complete with spring. a .l mattreseeet dreser has Iasaa.;'lue prlast mirror. sold c11rnp for cn-4. This 'mite heft with us ,for side. Also one prat ticphy urs kitchen cabinet for sale This also wilt be sold cheap for c•*Ph Apply 'at WALKER'S lel'RNiTI•lt • rim TAXES( 44. TOWN OF GODERICH The second installment of 1926 taxes is due and payable on Dec -tuber 14th -Welty+ will be added if not Two per cent. (2 ' ) pe paid on or before December 15th, 1926. Pay your taxes now' and avoid the penalty. H. T. EDWARDS, Tax Collector. E. h a . Et W. BRYDONE. la: teed for the said !purpose and hour The property consists of splendid Clinton. Oatetlo. I other. farts in good condition. posies - Solicitor for the Bald Adminlstratriz. ' 2. In order to raise the acid sum or- -air Goiter Ireutttree of the said Towa,of G rip ceder and b ;Pique of the ower Dated At Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd - T r litre 1$8•080•001 as -aTneralITIT• hearina gage. a Idyll will be produe..d at the itiep of CoCemt►eT: A.D. 11)-- t! NOTICE ) CiiEa►tTORS. i interest at flys and nne•half ls•n cent. time of sate. there will be offered for I, 1'15Cr'"tl pace nnnttm, shall Ise Gsned sale by public auction by T I:tindry & Notlee•- is hereby given to all Des- wlthln one year from the passing of Lynn. Auctioneers, cert e.n sous 4e1'1* claims aglfost the estate' 1L1P BTlaw. I+i►rh'n? setae Ilehmttnre$ SATURDAY. IrE1'EMI1ER 1S1Ir shall be for the Pum a not less than It '2 ('(lock In the afternoon, at Lan - tat Mary Ano Mnrrir Iver o f 10* flows- • Ono Hundred ihdlare, (Slttnnm and Kan' Itnlel.littderlrh_all-and_xt•+stW••r i" the !mount of Eight Thonsand Doi- ar snL• contained._ is .a awrtain nowt. This will b sleds, 9L Co:lorne. In the mintier _ wfittt tie dtrtrd nlwnt.the date ref the 1.e that certain parcel or tract of land I i was con. deceased. to send the same duly DUDLEY E. HOLMEB Herrlster. Etc. O®c•,►-Dlamilton strait, -OoTerict• Phone 27. ST1ME. 1 1�t'T11►N- a whnPe claims tl verified to the nniteraiRtte.t, on or be- sue thereof. and shall hr lays' le all' II*tinees *Runt. !n the laced Mei!• anally at.tio• hank of Montreal at the fore DecPell, December l, 11tH:. after which Town of Ondcrh•d wlthln. ern (10) laud rvencePPhm. rnanty of Huron. dale the 'administrator will proceed to • nears thereafter. Provitxr of Ontario. containing 118 distribute the amid estate among the 3• Each of the said drhentnreu whits amd•P of land more or less. and being 'termite entitled thereto, having regard be s!Kued by the Maroc of the Cur- land conceaaion of the said townsbi is IMAGER, R. C., BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, Notary Public and: Conveyaater. ^tike -Court House. Roderick. F.R. DAIRIROW, BARRISTER. IrrO Successor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 97. • office -The Square. Goderlch. comp►oPed of int No. 12. In the Malt- NAps & Napa only to the vicine of whiz►[ they then P.,ratinn of the Town 'nf G.strrich or P RAauinrit.• F}rc. Audi have had notice, and that they 1y -esteHe .rr a yeene., a-(he.rht•sY- br of l'otborne. Ai1CIIOR.BAI� wilt not be I►elelr for the proceeds n! TFIIM$•-Ten ler went. of the pm' 1 R.C.HAYS-11 la., S.A -- law to man fire settle sod by [fir the e•Plate no distributed to any person chase money to be paid at the time of Trv•aenrrr of the call Corporation. and IIemitter! St.. Godericn the Clerk shall munch thereto 111P eor- dirk 9AI,}; O} V('OT('ii 1 notice shall not thin the sale. balance to he poli In •A Af �H1t1tTH(►RNy �\i) PURE have save leen received. pornte sent of her municipality. BRED 1'111►}:SDAr.E;S: HATE A HAYS 4 1 I t 1 11 The sale will 'Pe eub)ect to a re- Goderich,n dell es there than Ire calved an- ernia the currency n the mill 'served hid tit [NSURA.�tCR, LOANB. Ii PC re - 1•111n1 GUNDRY. Anctloneer, star tl re Solicitors for the Administrator of Fee- fnr(h.•r pnrticnlare ntul cnndf- t linen: 1 f f f o 11 the to es sate a _r a ), a e ; haw beans Instructed to sea -at- let Maty Ann Mnrrfs rabic srimi•riy In Die said ro ,ra`,ion fhr sale apply to rteb On- , 14, Grey township, Dnil•d at Goderkh,'• this ad day of .,;f the Tpiwn 01,_ .-lioderlrL _tete main of HAYS, Hamilton *Oren, Goderich, On- WEDNE:Sf►AY, DE('RmnErt 1tl1-- 7)er•I•m1a' 11126. 1. at 5111(11• fur thi nnrpsesm o• rrpsy!nR Hria= nu 1 o4•!Wk, *barn, the fottowing; *; the amouhtglue In each of the said Dated of Gc1926. . this fourth dal Cattle. --The Shorthort, offering lo- EcrrICE TO CREDITORS. oCDecember, 19$8. yrurs for principal and interest h1 res HAYS & HAYS. (- ts .% 1 male Anil 17 female.. cows 'wet of the said debt. t told heifer.. • N•rtice 111 hereby given to all persona 5 Tills itylaw shall take reset on the Hamilton street. Goderich. --•Oon. ffer*ew,ne wk horn. rl.lu)r 7. having claims against the estate of dor nt the float meiotic thereof. Agents for the solicitors for the 1 brood mitre .rislnit 7. 1 filly, tieing 3, . 2 8lties rising 2. Implements. Ete.--1)n.' gnez p'ow. 1 henry double plow, 1 single plow. 1 cnitivntor.' 1 corn s,nffler. 2 laming osiers t :tumtw•r wnRmrwtth bo* tad stock reek, 1 Inlgiy. 1 toed curt and other artlelt•w revo uutnernn! to men 11(111. Sale without reserve. ay the propale• for Is giving stn stuck breeding. TERMS. --All sums of *Moe and Itee'wr. - vault; over that 'ft num' t fS mooting' credit given on fwrnlwhtng Munkeb!e {upper. alt per cent. ler minim off for cash on credit amounts. Write for catalogue. ARCH. 11151.01'. Ti{OS. Ot'NDRY. Proprietor. AnMloneer. BruePela P.O. Jain,. Mallough. late of the townshipProvisionally passed by the Council H°rtgas. . It. 11. ( 1147. farmer. deceased. to scud the setae o the Cnrpnrntion of the Town of r. 1.,r,..1, the *rel dam of ih•cen leer. duly verified to the undcr.lgnerl nn or A.D. 1926, r bef,•,- the 30th of December, 1926, L. L KNOB, :am-- whiclu-date the executor will __ --. - -- - ----Civet. 1.1•••11'1.41 u• distribute the said estate °e t H. J. A. XscEWAN, nulaor•the persons m10'10 t eget" Mayo[. having regard only to the elapse' of $ is "- (C ri Be I which they then will have had notice, toil leaf they will . not be (tableg for --- the procec la of the estate no tllstrl- TAKE NOTICE that the above tw a bwte.l epi any perqun of whose chlma trne copy of a proposed hrlsw whirh notlee shall not thru bare -been re- hAs been taken into consideration, and ceirert. which will be finally passed by the IIAVM & „eve Council of the Municipality of the Solleitnre for the R:ecstor Of the)* Town of Underfelt (In the event of the tate of James %though. tonetlt ,of the electnte,beIn obtnlned Dated at Goderich, this 9t0 day of thereto) after pine month from the • • 1 A D 1921 first pnhlk'atlon of a copy thereof la of Ashfield, In the county of Huron, orpo le a )' PURI.IC NOTICE NOTICE I8 HEREBY, GIVEN THAT ar g rout/ will he lwh* pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court LNSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. \ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN - au StUna Co -P.rs� and ta- lated towel property Insured. OfScets-Jas. Connolly, Pres., God- erich P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice -Pres. Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. Sec.-Treas., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Nis 4. Walton; William RInn, R. R. No. . 2. Searor•s ; John Bennewles, Brod- Lagen ; Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. S. Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Rs deft r Murray Gibson, Bruiefield; James Evans, Beecbwood ; James ConnoUy, of the County of Huron at the t one Oodrrlch House, Oodericb. on the 17th any of December, 1926. at 10.30 o't'lock to the forenoon. to hent and determine com- nlalnts of errors and omleainns in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town of Goderlch. for the rear 1920. Dated at Ooderieh, this 25th day of November. A:D. 192R. I.. L. KNOX. 2t Clerk of the Tpiwn "f tinderl,h. Agents --J. W. Yeo. Ooderieh ; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; John Murray. Seaforth; E. Hlnchrey. Seaforth. Polley -holders can make ell payments and get their cards receipt - ed at It. J. llnrrlah's Clothing Stare. Clinton: R. H. Cutt'e Grocery, King - "ton street, GoderIch, or J. H. Reid'e General Store. Bayfield. - -- - ---- - rpt Manufacturers' Sale of 3000 Samples Sale of 3000 Samples Friday ManufacturersT E E L' • triti• _ ��1��=)�o�� Friday and Saturday , �� &li°";'r CHAIN STORES and Saturday , �► ;., (;nl)F'f:ll'II ONTARIOSamples always made more carefully. Examine them carefully carefully. Examine them carefully !�! XMsx.M11111111 h�� eE 1rf'y'4�N. e4r tf'Y{':^`y ...ar1t7las Always m'+3:: more vomitlaiXiMilana X�i��+ t1"��a i 'taxer i � x "" I `x ' 1 "" . 'I t T.47�.,�i �► x "til: eX r TM a ., r+ rr <e swnremw•rtret^it;piplt)4t(t.F1�yyl"ltluyesd F'Y y 1r i`iI lE<o':ot,xM�p.*i��Mrr►t''XA+Y lduwur,.+a •�at•*w>.r :tea. ...- :, a..c. .,, , i 'I .: t4 tev..�f,. ., r: r .. .. r <.. .. ,�, «w.- M ._:,. .. ,. -„ .. �.*•a ,a.s ;t ei�': sna,.is.,,.,.tl�!n�ll! �^z°!l�p! , ,#i�ri(a1'.i,x�� . 1#', t.1" ,I(,, t:3+a!ie `�. 1.11�t�'7P�,'�i*"f..r;.�.�,!�f tl;..k?II����*�tt�Ft $'�ttt"Lft�► x�s`di"r,l•.���R�e'il`„'"m .. i:�.ft't� t ` �: ,,5'