HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-9, Page 44 ---Thursday, December V. 1996. witveveactetecteectemoreveoctexte What Shall I Give Him ? Will You Let Us Help You W tC- We're sure he'll be delighted to receive a FORSYTH SHIRT or PYJAMAS, NECKWEAR, NECK SCARF, SWEATER. FANCY HOSE. COLLAR CASE and so many things we cannot tell you about just now. Come in and let our salesman show you the many nice g,fts we have flout which to select a suitable gift. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON -_ V1 11,. \\ '' I 1. '-tor!:" Men's and Boys' Wear P H 0 N E 5 7EANA2120400MM2121XXXXDMAA)42.121 toctreactegweetegits MODEL THEATRE WEEK OF DECEMBER 13 TO 15 •'tlonday and Tuesday RUDOLPH VALENTINO with VILMA BANKY In his hist presentation. called by n any his most artistic pieture. .1 story of the cruelty of love and passion. This picture 1s the Kennel to his greatest success 'Ti- Sheik." Nu raise 10- prices for "THE SON OF THE SHEIK" Our dicing Comedy "ASK GRANDMA" Wednesday and Thursday MILTON SiLLS AND DORIS KEN - VON • in a gorgeous drama of thrilling action. A tale of strong men battling for a madcap maid. "TILE I'NGI'ARDED HOI'R" Juvenile Comedy "EXCESS BAGOAGE" Friday and Saturday MAURICE "LEFTY" FLYNN the great Yale athlete. In another mile -a -minute melodramatic comedy "HEADS up" THE PA('EMiAKERB In "THREE BASES EAST" P.1THE REVIEW Matic.,, naturday at 3 p.m. CHRISTMAS SPEC1.AL-"TBE PAS- SION A&SION PLAY" eiiteAeAM4 AA-a'E \;,•.y 1. the-ttme to renew .'yollr-enb- s•ritit ion and get one of The Signal's calendars for 1957. THE GODERICH ratxt wE FAITHFULLY DEFEND • YOUR MOVIE • WE FIND No TAM Too HARD WINTER DARE NOT t:HO.1 H15 FACE N HEAT FOLKS STAND ON er 1 tt What does your home mean you? Warmth and cheer? Comfort and happiness? ney Ferguson left GcalerIch on the THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. E DDOSBRIDOE K1$V0,61181DGE. Dec. 14. -Mr. Tho- mas O'Connor, of Detroit. spent a few days wills his moth r. Mrs. Matthew h O'Connor. Mr. Jno. ('. Dalton went to London 1. nn Tuesday, where his Mon John un- 1 derwent a serious operation on tbe eye. We hone It was successful. NILE Ni1k. Dec. R. --tau Wednesday. Ie- er'mbcr let, at the pursonnee. Nile, Mars Lilian Watson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Watson. of West Wa- wauosh, was united In marriage to Mr. Wilbert Johnson, 2nd concession of Ashfield, Rev. L. C. White otflciating. Mrs. Martina Millen. of Palmerston. Is the guest of Mrs. Alex. Shepperd, of Nile. to AUBURN AI'BURN. Dec. 7. -Mies S. Carter is visiting her brother. Mr. Jos. Carter, of Port Elgin. fon a few weeks. Mr. Frank Dottie. of Washington State, is the guest of his brother, Mr. 11'nt. J. 1)ohte. Auburn 1'. S. No. S will hold Its .Chrlatmaa entertainmeuL-_ on_ Frldfa afternoon. December 17th. Mr. and 'Mrs. A. King are visiting relatives in and around' Auhuru. Mrs. A. Asquith returned home last week from an extended visit to her daughter. Mrs. O. Mcllveen. of Lans- downe, Ont. W ESTFIELI. 11'ESTFIF,Lb. Dec. 6. -Mr. and Mrs. Wells, of Morris township, spent 1 a few days last week with their I daughter. Mrs. Harry Armstrong. Ma Wm. lieDowcll and Mr. J. B. i Ellis were visitors to Guelph *Inter nor a few Qaya last :reek. Mr. and' Mrs. A. ('nmpbell were in thalerieh on Friday//feat. Messrs. Charles 10. C. and Fulmer- • ' sou Rodger were London visitors last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong visited. at 1\'inghnm hast Friday. Little Kathleen Maley, of Loader Isero% returned home on Friday after I spending a week at the home of her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Camp- bell. Mr nod Mrs. Alva. McDowell. Mr. John McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Walsh and family stilted at the 1 A- hnme of Mrs. 1t. 11. Taylor. of God- erich. one day last week. Miss }:. Gyerhy. teacher of S. S. 6. Is nosy training the children for the Christmas concert to be held in the se?loot on the alicrturon of December, 21st ills Mary Ellis returned home on Hornedalafter [pending a few weeks at Midden. Courtright and Strathroy. LANES LANES. Dec. 0. -Mr. and' Mrs. :tyd- Or must you remember it as a afternoon train 3ahuAac for a honey - i place of cold halls, draughty erf- ird<m-1rtira tnnd r r was other points. , A trances, chilly floors? 11e extend to them our hest wishes for The Heat Folks have brought a happy and prosperous journey g through lite. warmth to many a cheerless house Our teacher. Mira McDonald. Is pre- paring the pnfdls for a Christmas eon - Let them make your home in-' siting. cert to be given In the school on Tues- --CALL THE - day evening. December 21a1. All are inrfed. I The.membera of - Haekett`s 9vnday - schonl also are preparing for an enter- tainment and Christmas 'tree for the evening pQf December 22. 'The Misses Ilene and ('.race Camp- bell are visiting their grnadmetber, Mrs. Rolston of Olivet. Mr-�tmr fiat tmuflyd a reivetrie plant iii hfri limtse and More. - Mr. ltnhr. Ritchie has attend aeross the read' lo hls new home. lately pur- ehnsed from Sydney Ferguson.. A number from here attended tbe biC.F.°. eunvention held rat Winghao For Good Clean�'Coal J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 - Goderich LINEN LINEN A most Useful and Ornamental Gift Every woman admires it in her own home and the home of her friends. We have just received a ship- A 1 AMMO hike'! it itkakardS i7itDMINDOWletnni Christmas --the Jolliest, Happiest, Busiest Time NI Just Around the Corner,of Ali the Year-isV p a and Campbell's, the I)rug Store of many gifts, is looking for you. When shop- 4 ping we want you to feel free to come in and look around. Our range and tf, selection are large and most varied. Consider this a personal invitation Fancy Boxes of II`t roToiletware Pearltone, the New , �. • ; Yy, ,- Chocolates NI _ -. in C:hriatutasboxew-Veilson'� In Individual Pieces or Sets Priced from 65c up Christmas Cards and Booklets MIT& and up Beautiful Papetries AND Correspondence Cods F..rom Canada's Best Makers Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets A very large selection of Water - man's andgsrker Duofolds. Every Pen and Pencil guarantee ja Ca,ristnlas packager Give a Kodak or Brownie for Christmas KO1)AKS For grown-ups 55.00 and up BROWNIES -For kiddies 32.50 and up 1.4 Rowntree's, Moir's and - --Fanny . Parker. it Priced 35c to $4.50 Snapshot Albums A Real Album, at only $1.25 We had to make a large pur- y ehn-.• to get these 4A Ladies' Purses Coin Purses Handkerchief Holders and Men's Travelling Sets PERFUMES Etquisite Perfume Atomizers iX $1.25and up PERFUME ATOMIZER SETS Thermos Bottles and Kits LEATHER GOODS MILITARY BRUSHES in leather Case SOFT COLLAR HOLDERS BILL WALLETS Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich Toilet Articles Nom including those of the world's best makers lit Friday. Tate meeting was ad- '� dso tssrt by Mr. W. A. Amor. president 1jRii of the 1'.F.O.. and Mr. Rothwell. past president of the. Co-operative Com- U N(iANNON lest week for Toronto. A ment of Fancy Linens, in "Venetian Lace" and "Cut Work." Also some special values in double Satin Damask Cloths and Nap- kins to match. All -linen hemstitched Towels from 49c each to $1.35 each F. E. Hibbert THE CASH STORE PHONE 86 Ti."Store with the ('hriottoss `pint" xectstcuteleu�tc�cxxte�e�c�c puny. • ltt'NOANN(1N. Dir. R. -Mrs. Robt. Treleaven left where she will speed the winter with her sons. Mina Georgia Allen returned homelast week from Stratford. tchr•rh sir had been visiting her sister. Mrs. Roy Ilnrrls. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roach and Mr. and airs,- R, J. Crawford spent last Snndny In Lneknnw. the.gaests of Mr. • and Mrs. J. R. Me\ab. The annual meeting of 1,.O.1, No $24 will be held- nn Thursday. Decem- I her 10th. for the election and lama lotion of nneera. Mr. nnrl Mrs. G. M. M»Kensle and \t.11enitn spent Sunday at Clinton. The --nifty- -.Tits-- Pin Across 11 11111." Oren br 11Ie 1)rnmstle Chlh laaf Friday night. wan n decided one- • ease. The actors took their partta mel], dL••lnclne cerin eierr•rnes•. The hail ' was 1111ed' to eapncity. rnstrnmental Anets were given by MIssee Datta Rosch n, l M'r••nret levan. Nsney Klef and Marie Ryan before tbe play started. Miss Twamley gave an rostra- ' mental solo te'•rr'ei' set. "oI' 'On* 1' cat et -median. Mr. Shultz, favorer! the 1 --•'leve" h "•h h'. :4-otr•h 1.141tot. The Dramatle ('In), are tmtting their I • r ml at Blyth en Frldn)' of this week. insu anee to Re Lower -:1 tn'•etlne of the directors of the Weet wawa-' nosh Fire Tnrntrnnen Co. erns held nn Tuesday of this week, with th• Dead. dent. Mr. IT. L. Salkeld. In the chair. Fire claims for the month amounting to,1::.400 were adlnste4 and ordered. haled. The reeretnrr rend a commnnl- entinn from_ the Prnrinctal superin- tendent of Are -insurance Intimating eompllanee•wHth the regn.at of the d1- rtetors for a rate of 1^ per ELMM), fo- rfeit! of 3A as formerly. The lower rate will came Into egret with the new year. The Company'', earth re- scues t)ow amount to tln0.(Itlft. Buy, Beck Memorial Endowment Christmas Seals AT THE Hydro Store, Goderich These seals are in aid of the Qpeen Alexandra Sanatorium, Honor the memory of Hy- dro's founder by carrying on his great effort to stamp out tuberculosis in Ontario. Now Is the time to renew your soh. .crlptlnn awl Ret one of The Rival's calendars for 1!197. Come in and enjoy seeing our new Zine of Christmas Goods Beautiful Pictures, love- ly China, Candlesticks and fancy Candles. Flower Bowls and Jar- dineres. Embroidered Cushions and Centres, etc. Also other djainty and attrac- tive little gifts too numerou, to mention. Christmas Cards, Tags snit Feats. But the best gift of all is a Picture. A11 gifts bought here will he packet! free of charge for mailing or express Smith's Art and 61tt Store Marine and General Wong Elcrtrfe Ranges --Electric Washers Fittings of all kinds. W. MaeDONALD Eleetrtefaa Paten 174w Gederieb i aptdal(dal an '.dart V(ndraNN Deride iraWa tltl( ADendnIn Final Clearing Sale Ladies' Winter Coats A11 Cloth Coats are included in this big reduction Former Prices Are Ignored New prices are at cost and many gar- ments below cost. Every coat must be sold 30 Garments to Choose From Many of these were our best quality coats this season WE ALSO OFFER NOW Special Prices on Fur Coats Also Children's Winter Coats at One -halt Former Price THESE VALUES MEAN A BIG SAVING TO YOU Phone 56 The S. A. Gray Co. Phone 56 vet •