HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-9, Page 1P tl
More than a Calendar
The Signal's Calendar for 1827 is touch
more than a calendar. It has a great fund
of information which will be found useful
in the housabold• Don't miss getting yours.
The Christmas Shopping Number
of The Signal vrill BelitA tah(vi-»r1t-Wreek.
Will advertisers kilidly hand in their
t'copy" at the earliest poet'ible arMent and
tilos facilitate the work of the ettaff •.'
• The official count of North .Huron
give* C. A. Robertson a majority of
394 urer John Joynt.
Following Is the cute at the serious
l►s :
• Joynt Robertson
U No. 1 167 163
vanes 7 t
179 121
172 112
182 100
108 08
206 109
1k- .41B
IS 3
11III 804
Majority for Jeynt-389.
Joyet Robertson
oil No. 172 91
2 54 102
gal 62 91
4 72 44
36 57
2R 85
401 519
Majority for Robertson --118.
Joynt Robertson
U No. 1 89 80
2 88 80
a 63 35
4 84 96
5 23 101
A 57 f 21
354 413
Majority for Robertson --59.
Pon No. 1
Joynt Robertsop
91 106
92 1.38
117 134
171 15,3
62 50
The citizens of Goderlch are again
being asked to rote on u bylaw to as-
abot the hospttal. Details of this by-
law are published is this paper, and
you are requested to read the same
Should you be In doubt as to any
point, ask some member of the hos-
pital board, who will gladly explain
the same to you.
The hospital board are simply act -
Ing as your trustees In this matter.
The hospital to as much a public ne-
cessity as our water, light or schools.
Some day it will be handled In a slmt-
tar manner; whether or not the pub -
Ile will get as emclent service for any-
thing like the present coat is a de-
batable question.
In the meantime, yon have a hospi-
tal with advantages that can be se-
cured In very few towns of our sine
on the continent. Property and egnlp•
meat conservatively estimated at
*60.000, which has been gathered to-
gether by the efforts of a compara-
tively few Individuals while the ser -
eke le sveilable to everyone.
In 1917 there were 152 patients
treated lel the hospital; during the
year just cloned there were 319 pa-
tient'. Over twice •as many people
auett the hospital last year as did
nine ors ego. and the number k in-
creasing every year.
Yon have the assurance that In ease
any member of your family should be
taken soddenly 111 the facilities are
available for goring them every atten•
Is this feeling of security not worth
to you the extra half -mill that the by-
law well add to your tax rate?
Secretary of Board.
(lode -rich, Dec. R, 1920.
The News of the Town
The Figures Still Pursue Hist
Some .amwaement has been occas-
ioned by the announcement of the re-
turning omcrr that Yr. John Joynt's
total vote In North Huron un Dect'nt-
lwr list was 4444. Jt will be rement-
lwred that on a previous occasion In
Mr. Joynt'a political history the
figures 4.4 were prominent.
The management of Alexandra boa-
- pital wishes to thank the donors of
490 5140 the following supplies received at the
Majority for Roterlaln-90. hospital during September, October
BRUSSELS nod November:
Jolene 8ohertson Mrs. Thus. Bowler. flowera; Mrs.
fit 90 \Vurtele, flowers: Mra. Slllihs. 1 bea-
52 76 ket plums; Mrs. W. Chisholm. flowers;
71 119
179 294
MaJorky for Robertson -115.
Joynt Robertson
oil No. 1 63 105 syrup. pickles: Mrs. Arthur Snaze.1
Majority for Roberesaa---42. jnr fruit and flowers; Yrs. McDonald.
BLYTH 8 small granite trays; A Friend. 4
Joynt Robertwta small granite trays: Mrs. M. Mathhe
MS 127 son. receptacle for dressings for nue-
1(10 71) :wry; Miss 3i. ,1 Yates. 6 jars fruit:
- - Mrs. W. T. Murrey, 14 jars fruit.
185 206 Jelly. pickles. 1 basket a;oples..5 e:ntli-
Majority for Robertson -21. flower. pumpkins and squash; Mb's
GREY .Sterling. 1 basket pears. vegetables
Joynt Robertaoe fund I basket beets: A Friend. 4 pude
19 119 for infants' cots: lir. MeivIn Howell.
22 1001 1 bushel ;wets. 1 p"•ck carrots. 6 cah-
30 67 huge s. tt wgnnsh i Mrs. ilarry Salkeld,
Poll No. la .,
Mrs. Holt anal Mrs. Ginn. old Innen:
Mrs. Wm. Glitideu. 4 baskets plums:•
Mr.'Rlrnle•. 1 basket taalal0ee; Miss
Susanna Westlake, 2 Saw for flowers;
Mrs. Wm. Doak. 1 jar fruit: Dungan-
non Women's institute, 10 jars fruit.
oil No. 1
rail No. 1
Miner's Garage Again Robbed
The second rubbery in Goderlch
within a month
nightor early Saturday morning.
when F. 11. Miller's garage, (turner of
Fight avenue and Victoria street, was
entered and about $250 worth of mer-
chandlee stolen. Entrance was ef-
fected by breaking the lock on the
f tee ora A
4 1114 1 basket a_np!ts; Mrs. 31. McKenzie.
5a 96 Itarfleht. 1 Sark apples; Mlss I. Shar-
}lq, 61 mon, f2: Mrs. W. Brawn. $2; Klntall
6 2R 11.( Woweu's Instlt ute. $5; Mr. Tahb, 1
7 26 108 hag earrnte: Mr. Joe Brophy. 3 moult-
- sow r•r : fioderlch Women's Hospital
2114 - 799, Ald. 2 pear blankets. 12 sheets. 14 pet -
Majority for Robertson S81.
MORRIS I towels.
Joynt Robertson
36 as
4fi 81
51 92j
42 62
tients' gowns. 2 bedspreads, 1 dos.
1 1 on and Khtcardlne
Poll No. 1
Majority for
large door In fronto garage.
valuable DeForest-Crosley radio set,
a shotgun and auto and radio access-
ories were among the goods stolen.
T1as Is the second time within a few
months Mr. Miller's garage has been
robbed. on the former occasion the
(95h In the till being taken.
Collegiate Camimasertnent
Tota Collegiate Institute is holding
December 17. rat R o'clock. A ple ns!og
musical and literary program to brtug
Many items Held Over
Owing to the pressure of advertis-
ing oq our columns this week, molly
new -a Noma are utavoldabty held over.
Next week's Signal will he a larger
paper and tleere will be more room
for local news. -
Slippery Sidewalks
S dewalks
adze ('ora McManus 1s in Altman -
dna uoenital, the result of a fall on the
Icy eldewalk on Saturday night. No
Iwnea were broken, but one of her
Malts -was severely spewtned.
On Friday serving Mss. J. J. TIJen,
Bruck street. fell on the sidewalk and
broke her arm.
The Mlsrkade Brskea
The greatest tie-up in /be history of
Public Scheel Trustr•s
At the monthly meeting ref the pub-
Iic School board. held on Monday
evening, reports' of the princllurl• ..f
(iotrol and Victoria set is for \o -
'ember were prese•ntoo. The hoard
nccldwi to join the Huron County Trus
tee and Ratepayers' Astoclatlon and
pray the membership fee of one dollar.
Tu.sthty. January 4. was fixed ,r• the
date far the re -opening of the schools
after the t'hristtaas vacation.
testy Etestr4l in Session
The Desemter setalon of the Iluron
county council 1s being heed this work.
haviug opened on Tue.w'er afternoon.
The report of the Monty, valtmtotw
has been submitted and will be the
subject of disruption but wet likely be
the Great Lakes was caused the past left to the 1927 rounvll for anal action.
week by the sudden adt•ent of sero A report oL the proceedings wet be
weather, causing an tee jam In the St. given la next w•eeit's Signal.
Mary's River. With strenuous efforts
of lel breaking craft. aided by the
milder weather of the lest sew days. Des* of Mrs. Ernest Fraser
ne oytvk.ade has now been broken and F'rlends to Goderlee to arced with
boats are again moving. Several regret of the druth at her residence.
rt•!gteers -are expo -ted to are %r rat
this harbor within tier next few days.
Vbere seem irtrarrtrals-TAepast week-.
Iv 4) R1. Claretts oven ur. re.rnn n,. on
Friday last. of Katherine 1Klttv1
X "Mmmeneemrut" on Friday night. ''^e. wife Of lir. Krnest Fraser. Mra.
• 1.1 -
Fraser and her Masttand Wen• re
dents of (lnderich for n number of
years. removing shunt six years ago to
Toronto. where her mother and her -sis-
ter, Mies LIIIInp Fox. also reside.
Mrd Fraser was In her thirty-third
year. She had been in falling health
for some time. and a suchen heart at -
trek• hastened her end. Buried took -
place in Prospect cemetery, Toronto.
on Saturday.
Sereembe- 0hler
prepared. ' .t quiet but pretty wedding Was
Scholarships anti diplomas will be wtlemulaed at St. Columba United
distributed and. ns a wnlgne feature. church, Toronto, on Saturday, Noven-
the pletwrem donated to the school her 27th. when Gertrude May, second
"during the yenr will Ile . formals\ daughter of Mr. M. Obler, Goderteb.
presented to the board of trustees by was unite) in the toatlb of holy mate -
Ole donors.
moray to Gordon E. Sercotube, second
Parents and friends are cordially Won of Mr. an+ltlrit Jas. Sercomb• ed
Invited to be lresent; but owing to 109 Lawton Blvd., Toronto. Rev. W.
the senting capacity toeing limited to A. McTaggart officiated. The bride i
abont 300 the invitation is not ex -
charming In a gown of powder
tended to the pupils of the public blue georgette trimmed with se(rulna
with hat to match. She tarried a
bouquet of (aphelia roses, After a
detuly luncheon. served' at Eke King
Edward hotel, the happy couple left
In Kranz church next Sabbath the fur a short honeymoon trip. On their
serrkes w111 be in charge of the min- return they will reside atm Arling-
Ister. Sermon subjects: 11 a.m.. "The 1oaltveutle, Toronto.
Meaning of Suffering:2 7 p.m.. "A At Court House
i'uhµtr GIfL" Sunday school at &-- -Tbe December sitting of tete County
0'1 it( k' - Cont will open on Tuesday next. be -
The annual meeting of the W.M.$
auxiliary of Knox church will be held'dore His Honor Judge Lewis.
lel the lettere r on Tuesday. D.
On Tuesday Samuel Mahon and H.
Semler 14. at 3.30 p.m. Reports will
itetlttie were: before Judge Lewis on
Ire read by the secretaries of the dif_ the charge of stealing potatoes frgQiu
ferent de[wrtmenta and the election tiie farm of Lou. Maakrll. L`ollofne
townie/tip. They were found guilty.
eentente being deferrtdrfte the 13th
Yesterday Judge Lewis heard evi-
dence on the charge ut unlawful as-
sembly preferred ag.tllst 1Vtlllam.
Itruce and Wallace McDougall, After
the conclusion of argument by counsel-_
--Crown Attorney Seeger for the pro-
secntiun and D. E. Holmes for the de -
Honor reserved judgment
to Januar 0th. In the meantime the
:cruses} are relented on their own
i nt officers for -the menhir; year wit!
take place.
Hee. Geo. A. Williams. missionary
to Formosa, wilt addrea$ the congre-
gation of North street United church
ct sundae morning and that of
Victoria street 'United ohur(•h in the
evening. 31r. '.V1 1lnms is sold to t''e
a most iutr•res:iug speaker and lois
messages should be heard by large
The na•tor. Ret-. F. C. Fllfo". w-111
conduct the services at the Baptist
church next Sunday- Morning sloe
fent. '•\Mutt Thr Trausflgnratiun T,'Is A. ii1 1
Us About Heaven." ' Evening subject.
1 "Lessons from Lot -Are sun orf, of
Sodom. or Is Sodom out of !your' A1- •14I1F'IF.LD. Dee. 6. -The fiddler"
ternnnn edited rat•%Ion. "W1..ht .About contest at Lochalsh Friday. 1)e e. in
le r 3. was a huge +ower•.. Ererynne •
Jonah t" Wednesday night. Genes!. -`-
Nark of Former Goderieh Girl
It will he interesting to many pres-
uo1 and former residents of Goderlch
to know that the farewell adores
presented b1- tie' Women's ('ati, halt
Club of elttawa to Lady Ityng on the
ere of ht r dr•':r'nrt from Canada Was.
the- production of Miss t'hrlstattl
Aarh•r> onr a:mei:ter of the late Rey.
Jas. A. Anderson of Goderich, now re-
siding at Ottawa. The work is said
to have deet cert b•nutifullc Jr
signed and executed and was the sub-
jeet of tnany nrlmiring commute. It
was in folder form. with three pan-
els .11 tee tsar of nub panel was .t
sketch. one *bowing the front of Ri-
de/111 rias, one the view frnm the rear
of the Par'Inment hnllr'utgs. lend enc
the Victory Tower. Iilse .Anderson.
who Iv.her girlhood days in Gnderieh
was noted for her fine penmanship.
31rs. Hrrh iamprey. la visiting her
•iwtera In and, near Stratford.
Mr. Dan Elliott, of Detroit, spent
the week -end at his home, Nelson
ti: reet.
Mlr.-`t 1111" Rfaerlies taken a posi-
tion as junior e!erk on the local drank
of Montreal staff.
Mrs. Il. McCarthy. of Toronto, was
the guest the past week of Mr. and
We W. A. Coulthurat.
Mrs. ('. 1'attersou has left for
Brunt ford. where she will spend the
whiter with her daughters.
Mr. C. V. Wialams, of Detroit, spent
the week•eud at the home of his par-
rh1s, Mr: mid Mrs. 0...r.., -or,„‘-
Mr. A. S.. Gledhill, of Halleybnry, 1s the change. hut will have to be Yell-
rlalting bks father, Mr. Thos. Wed- dated by the Ontario Hallway and
hill. and other friends in towel anti Municipal Board.
vicinity. ltylaw No. 7'2 war to regulate rya
Mr. T. M. Davis, of 1Vlntona. was •fl'tauranis and eating -houses. As sub-
towu last week. having been called to Meted it provided that 'mel places
Mitchell by the death of his atotbet, should be closed at 12 o'clock ntid-
aiis W. R. Darla. tight until 3 ocfock the next mooring
Mr, .las. Sedlnc!:. pf the MIL Cute every day lu the week. and on Sm.
toms. Niagsr 1 Pals. N.Y. returned days from 2 to 5 o'cloek In the after -
to his home on \Vtdnowlay after spend akar also from n ocl.ek at night
Ing some months in town. until Monday morning at 5 o'clock.
W. Alex. Saunders, who has been Each such place la to lay a license fee
nutter the doctor's care for stone of $5.
weeks, is able to 1e rap town oecasl on Councillor Lee opposed the Sunday
ally. and is getting readp to enjoy the closlu provision& People came to
ehrlstmss 'lesson. town on Sundays as well as ou other
The many Weida of Mra. Lee, who days and required. mewls, he said.
Bylaw field 1'p and No Provisions
Made for Cost
The adjourned wetting of 11.' town
council was held on Tuesday evening.
There were two abeen( eve. Reeve
Munuings, who was unwell, aud Coun-
cillor t'ralgie, who was out of town
fur a few dad's.
Several bylaws were dealt with. No.
71 awcuded a previous bylaw which
provided' fur a sewer on Quebec street
from \Velllugtuu to Essex. The newer
was constructed null' to \Vellealey
street -stud the Ytntiig lig b w covers
has teen quite Int for some months, will Councillor Turner thought 11 o'clock
I oe pleased to know flat afar is now', I would i.e bite euougtl for Sundays.
touch Improved. Sirs. Lee is one of -
lloderlch's oldest native residents and There should be some difference le -
It is hoped that she will he in gored kwon Sundays, and week -days.
hpslth next summer to enjoy the do -
Bailie said the new regu-
Ings of eentelmlal week. Cations were drawn up because of the
Mr. A. R. E. Coleman. of Moutreah ! policeman's complaint of the conduct
is ependlne ten rare In town 1n the to these council
it was the duty
Igterrsts of the Dell Teb-i l (0. 11r• of the council to protect the young leu
Is on the staff of the Company's P;,• of the tones. com-
mercial -__-
engineering department anti , Couto-614w Ler said lee was trillion
is making- a survey of the town In re- to have the closing 1 on Sundays
keen to telephone seethe. ;Ir. Cole- 11 o'clock. Councillor Bailie said if
mono was in active service with the Councillor Lee would make It 10
11111British navy entitle the war and had oi'lock he would support It, but Mr.
<•n:r interestl:g experlene•rt.
Lee• thought ll nclnc•R won ratty
"WHY NOT, JERBY4'• Flnauy the bylaw went through
with general consent making the Snn-
A CLEVER PRODUCTION day hours the sunless those for week-
days except that 11 o'clock. Instead of
12. 1s to toe the closing time.
The chief interest of the evening_
centred around bylaw No. 73. the cenl-
*1ruetlo n bylaw for the concrete pave-
ment construe -fed last summer from
Walnut street to the Square.
The bylaw -se read provided that
fire ler cent. of the curt of the pave-
ment should 1e levied against the Pro-
perty -owners along the road. 1'nunt-
ctllor Baffle moved. second by ('rnm
chlor Turner, to make this Irby live
per cent. of the town's share of (1;r
coat instead of Oce is•r ceht, Or_the
total_ cost. The Provincial Govern-
ment having agreed to pay fifty per
cent. of the total, this meant a reduc-
tion by fifty .per cent_ of the levy
ngnb,st the. pnoir'rty-ownere.
Cnnildernhfe discussion ensued. In
which Cuuneillor Rollie and the May-
or took the lending p:rtii. lrnin,mIllor
Dallle• held that the orlglnul bto•n!lon
was to male 1LW-114y cat the•pn.ps,r-
tion of the envies. cost. altheueh the
cmuneil's rrenhttlon st the lime made
on Ihr entire cost. 1'he Mayor
pointed met that the work had legit •
dun•-un.l•r46liercwdutfo, tied 114- ea
glteer's r*ttmntr• was made on Ihe
genie bmlt -'I?i.. 3fat.,r t ani enc paste
of the Indlvi1t.,l ases.tlledtta, $11.63.
*11,01, $9.(12. and so o,. wh1 -ho are to lr
paid In Ion yenrlr hw'n'ment.s sr
meld that to cut rhea,• it half wou'd
make them h 1ra's worth Irt•yIt.,
('ottn,Ulor 'I'lroer argnrd tent :h••
Vli'torin strw't prop'. and tIio (';ti.- .
brio road. ,.o4, w•ntttl here no nsse>s.
anent for their Imprnt.,t mads
w -ns there tory netessment em Iter•e•t
roma from the town hound:In to WIC -_ •
nut street. \\'hc shon!d the rest of:
Iluron, rend b• mem sled? le Rsk.d.
ire n•ply to this the Mayor shlh,l
that the people on \'Irtorlit street rat ,1
-.Csaolodl4. read -wooed prey.---.ir-seem"•-------+'
tot for :wing fir greater then e'i •,'
the people oil the Huron mid 't
\\'hen 11. vote was taken en'1- (. ;
ebilor Lee rnte.l n^-1'.441 fhe an,
trent. In favor of the ntortu'tn 1
were Drpntt Reeve, Metier tett T'on
rfllnrs 31r ben e. 11,111, Sri'pt'
Tarter. .ts n vote of three-fourths of
the whole rennet! we. rootilr,•' •' •
amendment was not ca rrfre!. (tn 1'
:other trend. When fern
Ittteyed for 1h'- adn'•'1, n
!hero wag Fru elee.tl.lrr : •,i •
grr+44 Wits
'17. Mayor l.rimnted thine 1' e
vine 01!211 a114 for its s''atn• of the
crest, owl the IieblIltr world r,'t np-
10 those who opposed 11e ' rine•.
The conut'lt niljnurto•m1 -for fifteen
minutesto consider matters In eyes
nr.'lfon with read 0nnst'n ''eel
re1tmh:2 the !trimly 11••• v,.
i nrnl retort on leha'f of •lee nr,t'lt •
works emnmittee recemm411 7 rig th
' the mnttrrs rat pnrr'hasfng run,! mt-
chinere and !weedier ng fend. fe-
cnnstnietlon 1* left over for twat t, ler
rootlet The ndontion nt this
e•oneheled the hnmlnt'ss of the mee'''e
Large Audiences Greet young Playeerm
In Knox Lecture Room
The cometh' "\Vhv Not. Jerry-''"
whIeh sons presented last Tlucrselac
and Frie'.ay- evenings in Knox church
lecture roma under the auspices of the
Westutluster Guild. wan a great tom -
mar. The large audio Hers present ut
both evenings w•kneeseu some clever
noting b_ the eleven yentig pNtple who
took part It the production.
11115 developed a talent for dmorntive Thr t•nmcly was presented In three
acts and wee full of "pep" nal fust
from b•ratunlnl<-tn_rnd. The cast wax
ns follows: J. T. Henderson (general
ntatutger of the Americnsl. "hill"
Weir; Burke (a crooked sties man-
agerl. William Webster: Jerry Me -
Kee (.1 young 10:111 who is down. but
not pot 1,-1)ouglaa Nairn; Jne^des (an
itlslrc•nntr3ltterI. Orville Met'fnskcy:
Air. Nor'on (a law, (di. \Villiers
Black: Dwser__!tt_ deteetice1, Bo -woe
Stokes: I'aS_llrnderseu 1rhtowitter or
.1. T. Hendee 'n t: Me ran rel I*,sbUtf;
Sarah Bliss In rout with. otflrr glrl 1.
Helen %arttz; Mrs. able.* (Jere's
slightly nuubltlnus uueltere He_rt). ?do•-
DerRtld; Caroline Betts 1a reporter
nits r net's 1.-let•etrtr't"nrk r ...Berner`
11'nte011 (n1 pn,iss11ry from a rival
firm 1. Theta Mtet'To -nth.
The Keene of the slay Is inl1 111 the
prtrute nitre of .f. T. If'mdt•rsot. gen-
er.e1 m lunger of the .lmoriens..whlbh
15 11 veneers eti0igelt In the ntumfae-
utter of aro ol-It-fhe-wool blankets.
.terry Mo -K. r Is the son of :1 former
cougetltor of 1leudersods. Jerry'.
father Is dead and has left a eery.
«1)11111 t Slate. 1111.1 .terry 1!uds that he
w-111 have to linty school and go to
work. IIB aw 1s 1 110.11 1.01 In Ill' of-
6er of the An, rt'ns and iieud, rsotl,
the manner. n_r," 10 hr cugn•.;e .terry
ss -h:s •er4vsle sere ery. -leery hate.
Ts t•e he in 1've with ilet.h-rs.n: s
da 1ttrr Fay. ^:nl H,•n,! rsou. know-
Toa Mat .terry ins very Tittlte"brine•.
Infbrt,l. Wm 11 le ho roost h :te a hank
eer•.,tutt e.f not less thtut len thuut:ohoi
t's,ll.,r' Mderr hr ytn1 marry F:y.
T1 s Les at itr' ti'.tn tot s:curb'" the tett
Duet- .rad ''ra1'nrs now ford's .ferry- and
the not of the piny hhtg. K nori• air
less on h's plans to secure the memrr.
A grout tit al of rnlsun.:er-i ,tiding Ike.
%plops. but Ninny everylhl,g tort*.
MO all right ntul the flood ort closes
with thsetttlera molted.
Pm.:v;ing end between the vnrtous
tots a rrograno of ninsie was •arriod
out. inr•ieeit2 ••''4 x1111 " he the Knox
Sime.' or -beide' and vocal atlas by
11!•+ Mohs 31.-1.eed. Mr. .1o1m 0. Ile -
Perna,' and Mr. Ja+. F. Thome*. Mr.
Mne,10 nald Gibbs anted nso piano a'•-
comiinlst to the t-nrinus musl'' 1 num--
rat, Frtelay evening Sloss A110111dr
No 101. who d!rts•ted the'1,n•pnritton
Of the pm(luotlon. 'SSP, i,t,' ntr•d w11h
a bountiful boomer of reser. by Mtss
)i r,aret ltedditt oti Iehttf of the
Ott ltd. Mr. "8111" Welts prt•slden1 of
r the tint'!. mode n rely tvemarks, thank•
lee the null, ue•e and show who a5-
sts'ed le the e•tltertninmet:t for their
snl'ltnpt. -
pet which has re•eived high recogni-
tion in the 'itnl city.
The Gndrrlch 'ion'ushlp Hospital
.auxiliary lino Mm•deted Its canvass
for the sale of hospital ticket., and
ti r result la a5 fnl!nwee: Nine $3 tick-
ets were sold; twenty-three 42 tickets
and thirty -lice i4l.rent auxiliary n::tn-
bersilip tickets. $6.71 ens rn(-eivwl
from mite -boxes and- Menet totes.
VII. declared it a rare tTeat. Outside
The Westminster Guild of Knox
help -sena given from bee -know. R+reey- - -- -
church held b regular meeting er •._.-_ _ t 4-•h^nt tem -here ore-trelerrt to •o.t
I Tn. sol tc° lust mord ha 1 for the ala-aker 1'hr refs iotuurr mg•►tfua p111 Pe ltrlil'
CARLOW. Dec. R. -A hog gradln2
demnustratlon under the direction of
• thrlr ren thio reports fol
t of the ecening R c 9 8. Iiar't at the home of Mrs. Johan MacRae. near 4 - ttuhIie,:: tl
-its,-3-hr--, :
t rector of St. t:,r.ri[w'a cgntreh. l.a•l:alsh, on \Vrtitysdn;. I),'embm'r'
The un mhrrs of the Guild111•t tiosi n' The menaces In ,lshfleld Trashy- S. 3. NO. 1, 1' 0131 111111 T(11VNSIHP
hl a ro•rc 14 el rend edttc•a- Send IT were cot-
ter', rltttfl•h ret The followlgg 15 the 5chuul rv'porl of
I'' Livingstone and were inter ducted by Iter. J. Mi'i1'y of Ton •vt o, v 14 "•,.. 1. Goih•rt:•h. for the month \of
Fanners are hu•c getting Oaf!. fowl November:
ready for the Christmas market. Honore,
The K111111 11 %Vnnlen'S institute met tent.
47 116 the Ontario. Department of Agricul- tion ti talk on the life ,f It,•,.'
49 132 111re nud tloe ('olbonae Fnrmerm' Cit
- - will be held at Mc0sw Monday fore -
270 548 noon. December 13. A qualified
Robertson -278. J grndt•r will doe present to•r[tonw how'
WAWANOSH I the work is being done send to answer ,
Jayne Robertson 1 any questions regarding the gracing
20 76 of hogs.
63 106 Mr. Alex Jardine, of Fargo. N.D.. Is tee efh•ut re ort• of the years work
roil No. 1
Poll No, \1
cored 111 Mr. ilardy's graphic d,e rin-
lion of the missionary's travels in
The annual meeting of the Women's
Auxiliary. of St. George's church was
held on Tuea(lay of thee week when
41 9R vis' :Mr Lis relative. here this week•. i were glten The tt6rers for fh
28 i he a He MnsN a tlnnlr firms rieepreshlent
t e
88 1 It IS twenty --Ore years abler he was learning year are as follows: 1'rerident.
88 .r before. is a mediae
of !
-1 Meusrm. R. M. Young and Alex. Young. Y.s. t.. F. Carey; second rice-prest-
for Rotertmon--$ .,contractor In North[ Dakota.
HOWICK The Sunday school children are
Joynt Rnit rts*•+t burl praetiuing for their Chrlslmas
entertainment. They are putting on a
72 104' contain. entitled "The Chrletmas Se -
R5 61 (reL"
4h ..
72 101
83 Mrs. Durnlu and Mr's. Agar.elsters
61 101 o.f lir,'. lerrhugtnn. who were visiting
41 911 her, left on Sunday to visit other
60 131 friends before leaving next week for
49 89 , their hamca--at $askatnon.
NIPS 11. Clarke visited friends in
411.3 706 «•-
Majority' for Rohs tson-273.
Ti'RN1I3 8RY
Jovne Robertson
dike E. N tftel ; assistant steeretlt?y,
Moat A. Runlet: treasurer. Mr. G. "
Menem : leaflet secretary. Miss C.
Durk ; Doren. ,tcretnrler. Mrs... Con-
nolly. Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. F. Hart-
well and Miss 31. E. Salkeld. The fol.
lowing delegates and aubstltutes were
appointed to attend the annual W. A.
eoneen•ttnn : Mrs. G. W. Holman. Mrs.
E. Hartwell. MINS C. Dsrk°and Mrs.
J. W. Hunter. Mrs, Hardy; prp,d•
stent. aryl Mrs. Seeger and Mr.. Carrie,
lite members. tem will nttend the eon.
--- ftltITF:A
T'ntil Cfirlsema• ('nlr'S hook More
will be open In the evenings.
The ladle''* of the IM:tptlat church
will hold n male of baking on Satter•
.far. Dee. ml,r 11th. front 2 p.m.. at
linrrlcon's gns'tere store.
Th, (1.1'.1. horkrr etnh will hold an
at-home In the (1datelines' Hall nn
Ttlesel(y evening. December 28. .All
ex -student,' of floe ('ntleginte Tnatl-
tide are Invited to attend fhla
The Haptlet *muter school w•I'l
bold sire nnnnnl Christmas rntertetn-
dent on numbly evening. December
10. The enntnta "Crowning Christ-
mas- will be glren. All are invited.
Riker offering.
Mr. D. .1 Autry. the West aMrrt
hake?. hem r,rrhaaerl Mr. W. A. Chloe
holm'. hnngslnw nn Trmfalger street hurler. Pr. -11411y Collln••en. Morrie Rnw'rr
and w111 take peewee/Inn Pine 151 nest. Mrs. F. G. 1V1111-•mas who had burn I'r.-- 41 nn rel'. ore. Morro a ion's
This Is a pretty aged wool eitnafed vie!lhrg n-111; her theme:kr Met iit area 1'7•
hmt•e mr1A lir. Corry 1. to )x eon. Tnrontra, ha. r"'nrnrd to her home ht •
n 1[nnds7.
Mr. Tom Wilson is shipping grain
from Menet this week.
Poll No. In 62 G3
ib 34 76 ! Monate-yr '226 • 448
2 192 466
8 8.54 418
4 4010 580
6a 1011
62 123-, R. Wtwnnrsh
42 R5 I n'. Wattnnnah
26 111 Winghnm
- Wroxeter
226 4481
Majority for Robertson -222. 4444 R1R6
Joynt Robert**
Poll No. 1 52 118
2 40 47
a 54 1110
4 15 7R,
170 3RR
Ma jiprl t r for Roberto.* -21R.
Jnynt Robertson
Amhfleld 401 510
Blyth 185 2(Mt
Brtmsele 179 204
Colborne 170 NM
Cowered 124'11 8414
(levy 213 799
Fowick 403 TAR
Morris 270 MR
Majority for Robertson -1942,
Metlirs Malnr1ty 1644
The ntltrinl declaration of the voting
In Annth Huron on Deeemher lot gives
1V 0. Medd. i'rogresalre. ei majority
of 1644 neer Alex. Neeb, Conservo-
The rote by anh-dlvlslona In Gods
erich township was as follows:
Medd Neeh
No. 1 67 64
2 44 65
11 504 00
4 87 56
R R9 48
6 6t 38
75 per eetnt... pass 611 per
("nylon l.alth%vnite 4
1 Mr•3(h'hv,•I 744 Loin
t i•tilce Moore 70.
Jop Dalton] i!I per
mprr)• 7.i. Phil L'isse
Fry ill, Ort•Ille• (liar lig
1'"It:l'rT•Fate r.t, 1F'tf .tti)1 rep.trr ort Iii.-i.4p(' MiSMTiltnel.?R int
"v• convention rat Laotian. .i humor- r••nt.. 'I'h.•'nv, F'rt- It•t. Ted I1eltiehnrl
' 'i *0144
MnoKelus!r. was enjoyed by ATI., The CSO.
ittepeo•rl m'mlors erre 1,.'•',01 'rTet i1. -Ar
by 3IIts Kellett -hoe MacDonald and i.-Eth
dart by Tiu nut and 1'etrl Mas'Ttttyre. McMichael i1),
fn'lnw•o! h7t rommnnit„c cligitig end Sr. .Pr.- eitalc MrMk•hnel 77 Is•r
1111. Nmtlm,nl Anthem. .1t the con- et rat.. Tont Cook 7t,
elestt11 of the m v tl 's t' 1 •'e.. Jr. 1'r. - Pette- I'rv. Ad n F'r'•r :'it.
served refrrsh:tteels. A'c,I, •'clahle Tom F'rc. \'weir l'r:e'd.ot•k. (ln.lo'
time wee spent. the at:, 1 i,I -e owing I"trrnnt, .\rel lir 3ie31.. h iso:. Rigel
thirty. Moore.
• -.owes- - 1. 1.t )Wi:I:Y, Two -h- {.
rt the home of Mrs 1). Mjt Intyre en Sr. iV.- 0 per
Thursday. Dec. 2. with the president, rent.. Isabr v'rarE
Mrs. A. Beckett. In the (balr. The e.. •k 74. 1
roll call was nns,c,.r•••t w1 ', t •_ Jr. IV.-- c, rat..
thins for Christmas gifts. A splendid Marlon Ln Bisset 74.
program was given. Mi+s Alice 5,1a-- Mnrearet F
ti ter iHcks 711 per 4•..tit.
el Cgnk. 75 per cite'.. Frank .
S. S. NO. 3, .15iiF'lia,D
PARAMO'NT. Dc. 6•t --r. and Rrys,rt for Nnrrmlwr of 8.4'1. No. 3.
Mrc. John Tartish. yyr. and Mrs A Retxo. \Verkly tests.
Wilfred Parrish and Mr. Mater Far- ler. 11'. -Mara,' t t Slmpsnn (!1 is -r
Imo[ mratmri to 0,t I1.1 and spent a eet:ot.. Fabahr'11 ltnw9c1 (1''. itrtl •,• 31 ..••
Moble of days at the winter fair. pee. d' 6n. .look ('nllhasnu tat.
Messrs, Dan and Richard Mellon- Jr. 11 fleck t 4:nt;s:,n 441) 1. ;
old. of Klntall. rt4•tivol wor,1 ice e,ont.. GVorgr Mat(:retmr 744. C.:•Ilia
week of the death of their brother. Bowler (t7.
Mfr. J.'•n A. Mclettte 1. of Neu:tlmn. Sr. 111 •Grr••r 31nr11rrg,r 7!) e r
R.C. The demented w•ns an old Ash- (,t,nr. .I,. - .I V-•tntcre' tis; it ;,t,!.l
field hey who enjoyed ' tonslelernhlt' Mn -1(i - Ga. David Ms-Kmnxi,' :t. i.
popttlaritr nhd pr'swelts 1n British 1)ti:y mnris (h In' 4_: pass .,
('o,nmhla. He hart been la baseness Nr. IV. _ Mnrgnmt citpi..0 :119.
Oh the coast for about twenty yea "Tick 1'011!1. n '.rl F;11 1'.:h l:o,3.r
end '''ns net1re In Is,1111cs In the he 214. hone '' ll
uito 242.
teresta of Eke Liberal party. r .1 r. 1V.--dhtnei"vati S!mpsnn 8'4.
MIM Kathari,o hire, of 3m•'s','. y• ((r•or2.• MecGrrgerr -3'1!). 4 v: -blit Ib •e
'pent the week -end with her Shoter. Ire 29.1.
Mrs. Grant Mei)larmid. Sr. Ill: -Bram Marl;rrtnr 4111.
]fr. tend Mrs. Jnt•k Bradley and 1R'• Donald Xar'Knv :1(23. Davit Ma,K"Ii-
,,. of Doe air. cls.t'd with frlemla at ale 2'W $oeeph Mayhem 211.
K!ncanllnp at the week end. Jr. 1f--WI-caret Hlhlene 145.
Mr. and Mra. Andrew Me('rie of to Sr. I. -Ethel ]%M•Keuale 3.39, Don
Valle. are vldtlrz with fib ode at all 'Ii,tiretor 111.5.
Cosereillnr 11111 annonnrem that he
• tall he n rsm1b011tr for the reeerehtp
a' 'he eemhag munld^al eleer•ttons.
T'•e tn'•fees of R. R. Xn. 1 hare rn-
• r'' ' ,I M's. Margaret Stwl.wtcl of
1• '1^'s;t c5 ratite' for tit^ remit•'
852 1125 ersttt'ntrrl on hie pnrehaar. Irurtrr:
FtA' W\ E. .1N1'1:T:R' T •; . t
Another Streeeaafnl !limonite
1•nnl Dnlg. n ymang Nemo, -o m to r'
• London and a nn•mher of rhe. 1'0!••
family of limerick town•hln. la ••
former Huron hay who 1. making good
In 114. mentelmel Itfr of the vitt-. At
the r' »,'-t river ele.Nons ho was for
l e l time e'eettoi ma sideman.
'►0•4'4.1 tf)tis emir f,rrt., In a field rat
,1,t,w r•+arr'.•tes, air. i)011g erinrinetn
''•••'nes, !n the L.endnn market
• be :d'ng,