HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-2, Page 71 THE SIGNAL, - GODEBICH, ONT. Thursday. December 2, 1926 County and District E. Kastle has sold hie farm nu the 2nd commie= of Usburne to W. 1'. tJulun, of BowmauHlle, at a price In the nelehborhood of 1110.000. Posses- sion Is to be given next fall. Maas Ethel Lane, of the London road. Stanley township, died in the (Clinton hospital November 19th. She leaves Ave brothers and two slaters. A set of weigh -scales ie being in- stalled at Kippen C.N.H. station by Edgar Butt, a rger•hant of the vil- lage, and will b' eouvenieut for weigh- ing live stock and farm products gen- erally. Mrs. Wm. Itattenbury, of Brute- field, rutefield, slipped on the road when going to church and fell, breaking her shoulder and het bip. She lay .for some time In the snow. until a car came along with assistance. While working In the bush John Hockrfdge. Mut-rale, had the misfor- tune to break his leg. There was a tree leaning and when he cut off a limbo to releese it the tree rolled over. striking him on the leg. He wUl be Lid up for aeric time 1 While motoring to Hamilton last week Harry Diehl and taro Carl, of Varna. had a mishap near Sehriug- ville, the ear skiddlug and landing In the ditch. (Carl escaped lnJury. but Mr. Diehl eustafued a broke•, shoulder. The car was badly damaged. Mrs. Henry Boane11 died November 17th at the home of her stn -in. -law, Wesley Johns, tlteborne township, at the age of seventy-one years. Bcsh1ete the bereaved husband, three sons and one daughter, Mrs. Johns. survive. The remains were taken to Port Hope far burial. Sarah Iove. widow of the late Hugh McNeil. who died at tbe borne of ler sou -in-law. John Willoughby of Att- wood, on November 19th, wee a resi- dent for many years of the township of Grey. She was Inher eighty-fifth year and is survived by three daugh- ter and one son. John Love, of Bea - forth, and Mrs. Jas. Taylor. of Hen- aall, are brother and slater of the de- ceased. jured, he will be laid off from work for 'some time. !'has. Barrett has returned hong• after spending several months at Abernethy• Sask. H. M. McKay, Robert Somers, Man Herrington and Jas. Putt have re- turned from Northern (btario. Each procured a deer. The Presbyteriaua of Blyth and vi- cinity held suC•essfut anniversary services on Sunday in Memorial Hall. us their usual place of meeting in the McMillan block was not large enough to accommodate the congregations. Rev. l)r. Jas. Wilson, of Brampton, was the special preacher for the day. • LLCit:NOW Miss Marie ]hurray has gone to New York City to visit her sister. Mra. Sleep. and attend the marriage of her niece. Miss Itttrathy Algeo. • Mr. and Mra. Robert Brown and children have moved to iwochatsh. where Mr. Brown wIU have cbarrte of the former Me/Erwinek store until the end of the year. BRUSSELS WLNGHAM A Junior League has been organised In the Wingham United church. with the following officers: I'reatdent. Geo. Young: first vice-president, Helen Field; second rfce.presldeut. Wilma Dow; secretary, Betty Walker; trees - urea. Agnes L.outtlt ; ptaufat, Jean Copeland. -Thu ,loath occurred at the General hospital, Toronto, on Monday of A. J. Nicholl. at the age of sixty-three years. Decreased was in the bakery business in Wlugham for about thirty- five years. Three daughters and one at Kitchener. son survive. The body Is being brought to Wingbam for Interment on Thursday. Brussels United church held jubilee services on Munday and Monday. No- vember 21st and 22nd, to eelebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of the church ss it was before the fire. The Sunday services were in charge of Rev. A. W. Barker. the praetor. and Rev. Dr. E. 11. Lane•ly and Rev. S. J. Attie of Toronto. Mr. Arlin was pas- tor of the congregation about twenty - eve years ago. On Monday evening a banquet was held In the R-honlro, m, with a large attendance. and after- wards an excellent program of mutate and addresses was given. James Kelly. a member of one of the oldest famlllee in Morris township. died at his home on the Sth line Wed- nesday ednesday of last week. after a lengthy Illness • The forerunner of colds and gnPPe- Heat and inhale Min- ard's and rub it on the throat and chest. The great preventive. m iTNffbSI • icac of PAIN" LJNIM EF4'ri • formed by Rev. Father Hinsperger. The newly wedOcd couple will reside BLYTH Frank Metcalf of Blyth. who - gaited in the West as a fruit. inspector for the Dominion Government, recent- ly met with an automobile accident while driving between Kerrobert and Saslcato on. While not serlouely io- At the home ,,f hi danghter,daMrs. D. D. Nevin, Tormtto, Christian Oswald, a former resident of the Bronwoq line, Hay township. passed away November 29th in his eighty-eighth year. For the last twelve years Mr. Oswald Lad made his home with his daughter et Toronto. though he still event most of the summer months with his son Daniel on the old homestead. His wife died many years ago and a fam- ily of three .mrvlve'-the sun and daughter already mentioned and Mrs. Nelson Wurm. of Plato. Mask. The remains were brought to the old home lend were interred In the Bronson line tee met prey. Peter Gingerich has purchased from the owner. Robert Boyes, of near Scaforth. the farm north of Blake oc- cupied for some years by Russ John- ston. and will get poseesefon In the spring. The local Women's institute 1s making up a bundle of Christmas goodies for the (Children's Shelter at Gnderlch. At St. Mary's church, Kitchener, on Thursday morning last, the marriage took place of Doreina Foster. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Foster of Zurich. to J. Whitney Lang, youngest son of Mrs.' Elisabeth Lang of Kitchener. The ceremony was per - Children's Colds Are quickly, pleasantly re- lieved by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine "Mother looks ---___ forward to - my telephone visits-" said Helen to her husband - 'That was a wonderful idea of yours, Fred, that 1 should alternate my letters to mother with telephone calla. "She misses me a good deal, and she was just delighted when she heard my voice. We talked over a lot of things, too - settled more questions in three minutes than we could have done in twenty letters. 'And it's so much easier than writing! We were both so pleased that I've arranged to call her every Wednesday night now-" To bridge those unavoidable gaps, there is nothing like as occasional telt by Long Dis- tance. For a few minutes the miles are rolled away and sund- ered friends are brought face- to-face. to and a half 11, is "somewhat Improved in health Bert Kerulek slipper and fell on Nall, Mc ori the fartu of Wm. F1lford. ' le 1 •6,t-ue 101 11.11111., w'it4 the result that his left leg was broken between 1 the ankle and the knee, SEAPORTH At the annual meeting of the $ea- forth curling club officers were elected aslo!low•s: President. George Bethune; vice-preslthtnt7 Rolert Itnyrt; sec'ret's . treasurer, Rufus Whiter; exe•utiy'e, IV. J. Demean. 1'. Stewart. 1'. Sills, It. H. Sproat ; official referee, G. A. Kills. The club will hold a Jubilee louspicl this winter to mark the fiftieth anni- versary of the founding of the club. which 1s nue of the oldest in the Pro- vince.' oteatorth lawn howlers et their su- nusl meeting last week elected Russel Sproat as preeident : harry Stewart, Vice-president : ]toss .1. Simone le(rr- tary; W. J. Duncan. treasurer. The club is in a Eourisbing condition. Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie on \Tuesday of last week celebrated the ftleth anniversary of their wedding, bleb took place at the home of the b •de's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. H 1, st (Clinton. November 23rd, 11470. attar they came where they have epwmt all their sea ed life. They have a family of four William, of Brussels; Mn. Jam _ 1 Harol. CLINTON R. M11 preaeat • of gold George C. East, for many years a to their resident of Clinton, died November 22nd, at the age of fifty years. He had for some time conducted a garage THE 'leo here. Ile was . not married. Three THE 1 brothers and three sisters survive: Ed- , ward and Henry, of Mullett; Jack. of 1)onville, Va.; Mrs. H. iBanbury, of ' IJrt. oto , Mrs. €, Aske th. Mrs. M. reverser(, of 1)owagiac, Mich. Mrs. J. Curtis Stevenson, whose death occurred recently at Burlingame. Calif.. at an advanced age, was a reet- dent of Clinton for many years. Be- fore her marriage she was Mk* Jen- nie Barry, being an aunt of Col. 11. B. Combe of town. Her husband! carried 1 on a furniture and undertaking busi- ness In Clinton, but retired and moved I to California over twenty years ago. Her itushand and toe son, Duncan, sur- vivo. Mra. B. Cole left last week for • Ypsilanti, Mich., where she will spend the winter with relatives. Mrs. Iddo Crich was called to Ham- ilton by the illness of her father, Don- , ala Campbell, orate fasted away at the age of seventy-five years. Deceased was formerly In/Teeter of detectives at Hamilton. Fred Steele ran against the corner of a box cover in the Doherty factory one day recently and injured ble eye. As the sight of the other eye was al- ready gone. the accident was a serious one and he was taken to Loudon for treatment by a spectated. Archbishop Williams conducted con- firmation. service in 8t. Paul's church on Thursday evening, when ten adult candidates received confirlsetMn. for HOW ONTARIO HAS VOTED IN PAST ELECTIONS Loag t Ad - istratiuu %%as 'that of Sir Other !lomat A review of the composition of tjw Legislative Assembly of OIdario glf e the Province entered t'oftf,eleratiou iu 11117 is Interesting. Sixteen lxaisilio tures have 'Come and gone in Ih:tario. Nine different pdmiuistratbine hats Leen In power. One waw Unionist: three were herded by t'uww•rrtttive Prime. minisfers;Tare' Ty-11tw`•rat. gird Mk' Gurernmeut Watt a United F'urtucr- 1.Ytior fusion. The standing of {.noes in the law Legislature. as returned 111 the election of !tri. wits as follows: C,naereative, 77; falter Farmer. 17; Literal, 14: Labor. three. At • rlissnite tion on October 18 Inst, the standing was: Conservative. 76; biller:G. II; ('.F.O.. 12; Independent. 2', awe va- cant, 10. ' F.11. tlrg are Ihr : orations since Confederation: np•,Ienttlt n. 1. -Ham. J. S. Macdonald. Premier., July 10. 1187. to IAsrmher 111. 1671. (Unionist). 2.-Ilon. E. !slake. Premier. De- cember 20, 11.71. to I h t.ber 21. 11472. (Llberal4. 9-Hpn. H. Mowat. Pr. -naive. Octo- ber-- Mea bee- 22'11, 1x7•• era!). A. Tufford. of Beanuwille; Mel. Best. of Toronto, and Mrs. J. r. of Angus. all of whom were for the eelebratlon. A purse as presented by the fawidy rents. It promptly e will be lees lds are icy to id of promptly there pneumonia and consumption in later We. It is the neglected, a ng elo n gold that weakens the lungs and Into serious trouble. colds treatment for hchildren as coughs and was ever so popular Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. It is so pleasant to the taste, w delightfully soothing and healing and affords relief so quickly that children soon turn Coit inatinctiveiy when choked up with a cold or annoyed by coughing. It is mother's favorite treatment for croup and bronchitis, for she knows it will bring relief when the midnight coughing swims set in. It is wise to always have a bottle at hand'for prompt use in emergency. EXETER 1C THAT , 4. -Hun. .4. B. Hardy. Premier: July 25, 1806, to oetob•r 17. 19111. (Liberal). W. H..,.. Premier. 41e- tober 21. 1109, to February 7, 1995. (Liberal). - 6. -Hon. Sir J. 1'. Whitney. Prem- ier.- February S. halo, to September 25. 1914. ((Conservative). r/1111M111w1R11+t11K■■ ■ ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Sheriff's Jell Powders ■ r •■ ■ ■ x■tt111111■■/■■A■■ �3 Jelly Powders for 25c and ■ a glass fruit nappie free ■ II aOur Special Blend of Black Tea at 59c per Ib. al In 5 lb. ]oto 55c per Ib. Try this tea; it's a winner and is • 16e to 20e cheaper than the package tea. ! ■ We grind our best Coffee fresh for your order. It has ■ given satisfaction for years. ■ A large 14 oz. bottle of Vanilla or Lenton Extract for...L .2Sc e also a large 1 Ib. bottle at TOc. ■ New large washed BRAZIL NUTS, thio y'ear's crop, at 2Se S. ■ 24 burs Soap, McEwen'• Special, for 11.M ■ I'alintrec Toilet Soar?, lx•r dozen 41k • Reflpath Sugar per bag, the cheapest it has been for yeast, • Srecials in Day Goods ■ WNW::ete, l't.de•t.vear, Overall-, `;hurts, locks, Mitts, ■ Gloves, etc at rieltt price-. ■ J. J. McEWEN ■ Phone 46 South Side of Square ■ ■ 11■011♦1♦■■1 11/11■■111A1111♦111111♦ 11111111a1I111 • • • 11 i • • 1� ■ ■ 7.-ilon. Sir William Reward �]�' Hearst. Premier. October 1914. to CIV STRENGTH Nolremlwr. 14. 1LIltt. 1('onservative). - WTLSIJ a's'sn. 1, -Hon. F.ntrst (Charles Drnrr. Premier. No\wmlcr l4_ 1919. to July After Acute Must be Recove Fevers and nth pneumonia and patient weak, with strung nerves. T valeacence Is often and years of poor (timidly followed so fas an attack of Intl monis. Much of this sort tt avoided by taking ste the bland tat that it can nerves and other tissues the elements they need their normal functiorwl art build no the blood and recto rich. bealth•giving vigor. medicine can equal Dr. Willie Pills. From first to last it mission to improve the blood a restore good health and vigor. The value of these pills 1n c ndd- Ilmna described above Is shown by the statement of Mrs. Reece* H'B Pembroke. Ont.. who says :-"In . vember. 1923, i was stricken wit pneumonia. and at the time but little hope was held out for my recovery. (However, with the hest of care I was 1 able to walk about after some months. But I did not recover ray strength. . The doctor told me i was anaemic. The first jackrabbit hunt o : f the My appetite was poor. 1 grew nervous Ln - held ,.n,. day last week, , and restless. L was deathly pale and 1' the Blood Le. 9. -Iron. 0. iI. Ferguson. Premier. Hilt IIp Before July 10, 1923. until the present. (('ou- 1s Complete wrvative). acute diseases, like I Resultlt of Precious Medias luenza, leave the Ranits of the previous Provincial thio- Mesal and un- general elections' were, approximately e period of con- as fullness: long and trying, 1867-1'nlonlet'teuppnrterw of Sand - health have few 1 Mfield., Macdonald. et; Reformers, 23: riot an illness I Independents, E. enza or poen- 1871-Reformers. 41; Unionises32; Independents, 7. tarry could be 1$75-:-Ltherals. 81; Conservatives. to build up 33: independents, 4. •err ro the 1873-lsiherale. 58;' Conservative.. f the boli independents, 1 18K4-IJloerwls 41; Conservatives. to restote Independents 2 ' y 1 Millinery'. in Smart Chic Styles in Chic Styles We i�lVife y iti,.ealt Hydro Electric The People's Power Universal Millinery North Side of Square ties. Tn 1 . ly- 1t twits s'18--i•IM'rale• lit ; ('0nser'a(ivois. 28 The Signal 38 _ - -- --I e i I other 11'ML-Liberals, Cel; Conservatives, r• Pink thrl t 1 1 t►t-1 , s.rtlis -4Y i--{'noeervetI vara. thus 27; Indeps•Idents, T4; P. F. A.. 2. 401 - Conservatives. 48; Patrons. 1. -1002 ',invents. 51; Co/ w•nwtivr*. 48. 190.5- onservarires. 09: Literals. 29 - 1911-('o 1911 -Conservatives. 83; !.Bern's. "1: Labor. 1. 1914 - -Conserve tI vex. ,k4; Liberate. Imh•pendent-i ibera(, 1; Labor, 1. 919--i'nited Partnere of Ontario. LIberals. 29;- ('nn+ervatives, Jai: era-ou w about twenty -fire men piing to 'Elgin- I practically gave up hope of ever being field and returning with forty-two rah -i sstronthat gn�again. Howevhood 'r.haem il remembering bits. r. One evening lad week Mra. A'. J. Williams' Pink fills with d,•elded eve - Newnan, of town. had a unique and 1 Cess. I decided to try them again. By pleasing experience when she held a i tbe time 1 had used two boxes there telephone conversation with her eon was no doubt the pills were helping (Clyde, at Hollywood. Tealifornfa. The I me. Continuing their use 1 was soon distance Is somewhat over three thou- ; Able to attend to env household duties. sant! miles. Mrs. Herrman was able.1. continued taking the pills. however. to hear and recognize her sou's voice until I had used twelve boxes, by quite distinctly. 1 which time I wits enjoying better Rev. A. A. Trumper on Sunday , health than at any time In the previ- preached his farewell sermons in oris ten yearw. In gratitude for what Trivitt Memorial church. He is' the pills have done for me, i give this taking charge of a perish at Windsor statement in the hope that It may this week. 1 point the way to health to snare other Mrs. Wm. Rivers fell from n chair weak. despondent woman." - whilc adjusting a curtain and broke You can get these pills from any her arm near the shoulder. 'medicine dealer or by mall at 50 Cts. 11. McInnis has returned from Sal- I a box from The :)r. Williams' Meli- katche-wean. where he spent two months cine CO.. Brockville, Ont. 14: 1 Krad lite advertisements In -.wee e AS worries will become Christos. pn'as- ures if you choose the gift thataonly yoCHRISTM u cps giv -- your fti tPgTaptL• You ore not so busy to you will he in December, so mike Of/ appoitdnieni nut,. . 11.: Soldier. 1: Independent. 2. J. T. FELL !4ultrrvativesr '77; Liberals. Telephone 187 Goderlch. 1 ; Loc s - - ReeegtA 1 toren {lig:. . of Mr. am line, llay-to Mrs. Henry rye to the number relatives of th, 'preeen(. A n was served at. 7 Ing was spent in gathering broke u to clew the many p and groom. which int odea us•fnl gifts at well ns some sub: nut ins chi -spies. All wisher lir. ,, and rs. Nile• many years of happiness toge•t'•-r. and tunny words of !waist- were 1 : rel for qtr. and Mrs. Jacobi as hosts n for the Bride sad Urea ism, ens held on Thursday ovt-rnher 18th, at the Lome Mrs. Garnet rnet .lacobl. Parr uship. lu honor of Mr. anti 'file of Iletsall.' Guests. of about twenty, mostly bride and groom. were t enjoyable dinner 'clock and the Music. Before , all were invited •cents of the bride "NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD FRIENDS." - By Miss Peggy Hary 14 THIS LOOKS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE LI HAVE A FEELING IN MY BONES MY DEAR THAT WE SHOULD NOT NAVE COME OUT FOR THIS WALK ELECTRIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS. ETC. GEO. W STOK ES BROCK Street. P e Bo: 601 We Specializ in Cream Goods (IH' AI.I, RI\lo" Cream Sponges, Cream Puffs, Etc. Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity }sen by Eloctsicit W guarao•tec our Hydm lauols• for 13(10 hours use. ihY DRO STORE Ne tb side of Sqv re Gederich � COAL Empire Anthracite :..ove size. A car just in. Po.:ohontas 4-i.tch Lump ..13.00 • ten B.:anettes A first-class f. el for •t.,ves and furnaces. Let us supply tour wants in Fuel Prompt service and reasonable pt ice* L. FLICK Telephone 178 j Brophy Brds. "'FIE Le:SUING F1 NF:K\1. DIRECTORS AND EMBALM' 'S orders etrr'f,i' v attend -4 to at s11 hours, ulght or day GODERICH THE BLIND MICE `Three Blind Nice (Once bobbed by a carving -knife in -the hands of the farmer's wife) Went' out one dayfor o short little stroll 'Though each df hethree was as blind os n mole; PAN/ never returned fotheir snug little hole -- The Three Bland Mice. Something Was Sure to Happen to Those Three Blind Bios. ,} R. Wheeler Funeral I )Ireetor and Embalmer All calla 1 aptly attended to day or night t•tioNBS pltc.re ilk! Ittaidence 3511w llamilton street, Goofericb ---ROBERT WILSON Massey:Harris Machine„ Toronto Asphalt Roofitt, Farm Li Hamilton Sti Our Boys' Pop, C1 i 11 vet( • ,tt.; t be 1 W. R. East Side tt t!fte Frost Fencing h'fbber-tired Buggies ng Planta (,oderich, C s_. ty Contest Will mbar 1 ta.t to us by that date Geederich, Ontario