HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-2, Page 5THE SIGNAL,
tLrtstmas Su4sestions
at Campbell's ;drug Store
We invite you to shop here. Whether you buy or not we are
pleased at any time to show you merchandise. Almost all our
Christmas merchandise is now in stock for your inspection. We
have Christmas suggestions from many countries for your once-
over, including:
Toilet Articles
Toilet Sets
Perfumes •
Perfume Atomizers
Pearltone, ToJ.rwu.
Ambertone Sets
Tort Otte Shell Sets
French Ivory •.
Perfumes; taw boxed , '
Perfume Novelties
Brownies -.
Kodak Albuta*..,,.
Ladies' Haald Bali}
Bill Folds
• Purses g 10 •
A very !orgy selection of
Cliridttoas Cards,wit!h En-
velopes for 2 for 5c up
Military Brushes
Nit. Ebony and Ebony
Leather Military
Brush Sets
including cloth and
hat Brushes
Beautiful Fancy
' Boxed Stationery
Large selection of Parker
and Waterman Fountain
Pens and Pencils in Christ-
mas packages, also both in
Gift Sets
NEW Brunswick Phonograph
The New Ampliphonic
"More than a Phonograph"
at a''S ric9
Phone 90
el au
Fancy Box Chocolates in
Fancy 'Packages
guns Store
000 00044 0044 000 0000 00
BClil'R.. Ike. 1-31r. and Mrs. 11. lARY
Bugle -attender} the funeral of her I Che \\'utut!ti r 11 .4031 iuxllluty
uncle. Mr. Moi[enale. in. Clinton,0n s.knvwl.dga t5kh ,(}:oaks rye fu114w.
iiundur last. lupe donation.: Nle. William Forrest,
Knott Presbyterians Intend .holdinh i ((tilt} Itissol Itrnr • a:a►.
their Christina* tree and entertain-
Thr?' a14o.dvsir• to :(nook' ill,. to.
went in the Foresters' 11itU on Deceit,- lowing pun•ha''er' of 1 (13 and St: uivm-
her *Aid. -
' Mr. and Mea. 11. Beadle and bate : lerahip ticket►:
lett tor their home In Detroit the fore
111.5.110 each- Balser. Mir. Nloutap n.•
putt of the week. Taylor. Mr.. Harold: Ellis. 'Mrs.
Mies Beryl Wiliam entertained, about w. ; (sonic. n. Roger: I frost;, 111:
twenty of her little friend* to a 'birth- M 1..; (tall. eiwp M1w,irtter 11,f.
.lay party 4'4 Tuesday afternnlw, It
Mrs. G. M- #iasis.}.: #tlrr•iir-. .l. +wu-
la•iug her eighth hirthday. lop. Alas Kra: Robert.. Mr. .1. NI.:
Misses M. Anil (ecus Youugtlut are Parsons. Mrs. L. (:. ; Spk•t:, tt 1'
visiting friends in I rspeler this week. II.; ('lath lies. .hours: tt'1.
D. )d.: Ill:u•k. .• air
}:amble. Mr.. .%. .;.: Hay -
tor tor: Malts. Mr.. W \\' ; It
11.; ftai.%,deice
NILE. lies 1. -Mr. Frank llcllwaln Mrs. 1.. urH.er.;.11ayr.•.
Is cldtlug iu the cewwunity for a few' i Mrs. 11. J.:
Nairn. Mr. 4'. .1 I'. mole- ,
dugs. ton. Miss: furter. air.. J. A : Your.
Xllr Sunday school will hold its tw- i Mr. Harold; Taylor. Mir.:► :
111111l ('hristwas c.Ieert And tree 'u (Mess; Italltr. Mi. will.: Reynold.. Nlr.
Christmas Eve, Friday. December 24, t J. 1t.: hunter. Dr. A. 4'.: t;ib..u.
-A find( program is being lar(•parr(l. Rtisabeth; R.'irrtsnrr.--a1r-W-It.;,Wil •
The quarterly communion service i Hants. Mr. George;. }'oats. air. \\ '
-will be h.•ht Yu .X114' 1'1111441 c''un•h • Ilaw: ikulahlkeu, air. ,lame.: Rim••
next Mutiny. lhcetuber 5th. at 11 I lip; McNally. Mrs.; Holmes air. Dud
"'clack. There will be no 44%1..4;414 ser- j ley : Matheson. Miss )ton : Reynolds.
vice. Sunday school to :t p.m. ' , Sheriff : Patterson. air lt.n'; Nich'su.
• The people of this vicinity were . air. A. 1►.: ita•ld. Mr. t'..1.; Sower'''.
sorry to learn that Mr. (►wen Moer s Mr. Keg: Harrison. .1r. ltes: Lae.•
barn was cuwpletel' destroyed by fire 1 air. R'illinnt; le•sslie Nr. I:. \'.: 1.t.,.;
ttatttrlay morning at 44 e.w. The fire . hum. Mr. Walter; Stunt) Mr
wait cat14*--ir-bi uceldvnit In the Ups - cornfield. Nlr. A.: N1. Kay. Mr. A. .1.:
flag of a lantern. and eonslderable loss ; McDonald. Wet .11.ui, 11'oollclm,a•.
of season'+ erose was sust::,I11.1. ' Mr. 1".: 'Wigle. Mr. E. It.: Acheson.
---- Mr. It. J.: Reid. Mr. il. 11.: Darrow.
ST. HELENSMr. F. 1t.: Ilibberi. Nlr, 1". Il.: Robert- ,
141111 al r. t' aren., Dunlop. Nt.. t'.:
ST. HELENS. Nov. 29. -Mr. Roy , (gra'. Mr. D. lis : t'»altlmrst. Mr.. W.
.litrhesun is home from the West. 1 A.: Xafr•I. lir. W F..\.; Tehhutt: Mr.
. Mr. Startle'• Todd spent the week- :Gordon: Itrophey. air. Jus.: Salkeld,
441-4,111 Tarawa------.- _.
!Mrs, Iwuc;Mur;-. i . Mc.IM,. ; lanvsuu.
31r. and Mrs. Chas. Durnitt. Miw. M. Mrs. Alex.; ('onn.•.,. Mr. T. (i.: Tay -
4'. Itnth,•rfurd and Jim Duruiu visited i lur•''Mr. J. W.; setuerville. Mr. .1.:.'
with Mr. Mill Mrs. Will Courtney, of I ter. Mr. 4'. ('.: Hume. Mr. .1. P.: Mur- I
Amterly. during the week. . , nelr. Miss. Belle: finder. Mr. W. it.: '
iia-. '••••-!w Y arm r'•'�}',1+'''W't„> for I Buechler 11r. J Muck Mr. It
their .cloud consort. to 1e given about', 4V-heler. Mr. R..1.: Robertson. Nlr..4.
the _2not of December. M.: Spence. Mr. }'hits.. Huron road;
Th.• H14rrls Mission 11111111 will meet
! Hell. Mr. Jno.' \1'.: Riles. Mr. J1114.:on Saturlay. Threwls•r lib. at 2.30 Wiles. Mr. Jervi Cott. Mr. -Calvin :
o'clock. in the chnn•h. The president \\httrty and Martin. Prs.: Ni1-
would like a fait attendance. Iclwlt. luck. al r. J14wph:
Mr. Hugh Rutherford and Mr. R. I. I -woes •,v. Mrs.: Smith. Mr. E. G.; Knox.
Miller loft for Guelph winter fair on I air 1.. 1..: Sanits. al r. IS J ; (,aeric
Mendes. Mr. Miller is an exhibitor, Ntrs. E. \1'.: Sauuder.. Mr. A1lx.0(c
Mr. and Mrs. 1'.' W. Currie. of Geld- Kay• Mr. Hobert : McWhinney. fir. .
erich. visited A few .ktys with. their i Jas.; Stewart. Mrs. (;.•..rge; .ltyk,'r and
daughter. Mrs, D. Phillips. last week. Ainslee, essrs.: S,• utclif,• and Wnrre
hues Me•M,.r•.' ('htl4;enrge: •Rollo.
AIIHFIIELD ' Mr. Moses: wager' Mr. Charles; (I.
' Mnuns. Mr: J. D.; McE'we , Mr. .1• .i
:\S11FTET.1►. Nov,. 22!4.-,1 number('+uwb,gh.nu. Nlrs. 4.'. D.; Graham. Dr
from Ashlield attended the anniver-
I J. A.. ('rulgie. Mr. J. W.; JicLwrn. Mr
services held in Lm•know United W. 1..: '.trs. Mr..: 1•',lker, Mrs. W
.church Sunday.' Itev. T. Alexander. of I •T'. ; Mabee. Pr. B.. NL : Field Mrs. .1
.nit. • -cupied the pulpit. Splendid `•M" Mncau. Ur. 11. .1. A.; Ss1111i•r
music WIh* rendered by the choir. t' Mr. l';w'Wm.. Faltfonl.
Th. Kintnll \1'omrn's lnaitutr will s. $2.00 ,-Inch--rata:. Mr..: -Barfly.- Mr-
110111 the regular monthly meeting at j x S• Hoae•11. Miss Nlnudf,: - Ha's
the home of Mrs.. Duncan Mcintyre... Miss 11; Driver. m.1;7.; Maxwen. Mr
Tiw-r444.4all-4k 40 ie answer"' 1•y sag- I ('rawfcKa Mrs. '1'. ; Toru. Mr _.I
_est Ions for Christmas gifts. 1 McKay'. Capt. .1..1111•:' Rundle. fir
Reryices iu .\shfil•111 Presbyterian sr Ilnll. Dr Ieluu{ a \I r• Ito.!.
Shop Early for Christmas
How about a pair of the famous Automobile
tubes or aluminum top
We are sole agents for the C.C.M. line. ,See
the new tube at $3.50 a pair.
Our stock of Gift Selections
was never more complete.
Scissors, Knives and Razor Blades Sbatpetled
Radio Licenses Issued.
Phones 334 and 363 GODERICH
1 What About That New
Party Dress ?
Beautiful shades and smartest styles.. Get ready for
the social whirl and the coming holiday season. .We
have some very attractive models; dont fail to see them
Ladies' Coats at Big,
Worth -While Reductions
Needlepoint Marvella in different shades, trimmed
with fur collar and cuffs, Tined throughout with Marquis -
de -lute and underlined.
Duvetynes and velours, trimmed with fur collars
and cuffs, lined throughout with Marquis -de -luxe and
Silk -faced Cantons
A new shipment of silk -faced cantons in the newest
shades just in.
Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats
Your Winter Overcoat is here waiting for you, and the article will please
you just as much as the price ticket. Be sure to see these
--_ Men's Furnishings
Just Three Weeks to Christmas
Let a visit to our store help you in deciding what to give. Come early
and come often. We will have more to say about Christmas Gift buying next
week and the following week. in 'the meantime remember we will have a large
stock of beautiful and useful gifts for ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys.
"Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop*.
Ladies' and Meet Rear W.st a' . el Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont. Q
nurch 1411 Woo! ty- were eeWhtete.l ba . 4 buns Nlw 11'm :. t r.ai•. 111 I
Iter. It. 11'. Conine... t, T.sr.11tc.. Two 1t V" r':• it, v..1:uu. •. Ntr:, - \I
\tals.1: Gibbs, 'Mr. -- te_.4 tmi.i
I J.y ou11{ .oral, fin' 1r&re vc•rf mtlrL i'.•nzie. Mrs.. ('a nn•ron .:feet: 1 'rte,
Mrs W-
' 11'.: Winters. air.. !C.i.f.:
1N-4. -OW Lou• to-fejs. rITiat miss Ht�11
:nnlr ]incl ,71nA1r ttt Ter' -tow tfitF -"
crk. I 1../11. W.11411 areet : 1Cil+4'u. Mr+. It .
}.•*(•hers are Idt•y n,.w pre. tto.th, Nlrs.: 1144Ilin,- Mr. J.
wing for Cbrlstwa. �unC4'rta. old. Mrs. Jos.: Itd.ton. Mr. wm.:..1h'
i.\Ir.: %V,u hl11gtou. Nliss : Johnson. 11r
1Y.• are mail to report that Miss ''Tho,::, ltg4'hrna11. Mrs. 11'.; Saul'.
nakir Nlrl;reger is Sud as well as hvr 1 Nil.. !retie: $411!4.. Mk,F.t':1 : De ,T
maMislt s friendAlpe. would wish. Mr. I.. T..: NtacEwan. Mrs. 1\'. 1;
NGihawld is vislthTg her
Bishop.Mrs. frank} •Ii11rritt.
l,retlu•r. Earl. at" fort .11ts•rt f Bina. Mr& (t • \1'all:cr._ al r. W W
I'ridlunn. Mr. E.: Kell-. 31r. •, t.
Dl:\4A% Oil' iters. Mr. WW.: Schnrfer. Mr, •;.,.
Black. Mr. }'tut..: Nlnc)'iear. Mr
i,1 \•;.1XXos 11. 1. --Mr. 411414•14r I r „ • .s; r.watt -ll-r.-ita•g- +',tris'. Mr
1i1lioi4 returned home last I'ri,1ay' James: -H-nttttwr. Mr. C. if. Kee. Mr
from a tier ww•ks' hunting trip.
!Jim : Flaritc. Mr.: Webb, M1t!s: f;l
Mr. i,ter::tttrtanwm: at 15'ttot.: �t. zit : NV. Nlr. ii. •NI:: Robert -ow Ntr. (•. NI
the w,r•k•,u.J with his parents. .Mr.1 Hny•. Mr. R r. jr.: Martin. Mr. t
nod Mr.. risco: Au.h:r•on. • 111.: Lawry,.... %tr, F. 1'. Jr.: Mar•1►on
Mr. Wm. I'Itzglral., motored up : nkl. Mrs. tie..: shaman- NE's 1. E .
front Detroit and spout tic wrl k -end ' t;allow•., Nir. 11'. t'.: Watson. Mr. 11
with hi. father. Mr. RAM. Fitzgerald. 1... stair sty,•. t Mlreb'h,r.,u. 311•.
Mr. t;. Ni. McKenzie returned home , 4100tiw•an: Rev Father: Markt.. Rev
on Moud:n from (•Ilnfon, where he had_ (• p.• - '.),, , Mr .1.,'1'.' i1"dtr"ner
:iflouded t1e int,.' iT ar'TtTs •ijlTtrr. Mrs. Tho.: 1 b•r, lat,,l. Mrs I' 1'
Mrs. MciCuzi4' snot Makcdm n4urtleil �y•ule. Dr. A. 1.. •
11'(duc•daF. I Goderieh Township
Mr. and Mrs. Horace ,li-`11""• art- -Th.. toner- :ng arc 4111• :4...,,•i:tf,,,r.
Lncknow, uthe I'r!•byt(•rfan
members frof "'4 • dericl township:
church .I r:11.4:141"11:;1. re last sunduty and Irt.tat .•a(•l.-fAlio: t. Mrs. Fred: Botz,
favored the congregation with a duet.
Mr.. James: i'hipp•: \I r. Gee.: Revell.
Dr. Simpsuu. medical .I,..•tor on the. yr. Rata:; .-$ow,rlr.---Inky.-;her.
board of health for .1•11th•ld. visited
the school here las: }.eek and was
pleased with the coiolition zit things.
A u.•w baker cath.- :o •he. village last
week and rented Mr .li'en's bakeshop
and began duties this week. We
a „t by Hoss Farquhar)
nil' Is l,reeent.d by the Wesitnitwler Guild of Kiwi Church
111 t t.' !centre room ort -
Thursday and Friday, December 2 and 3
at"I,11 11
Adults 35 cents. Students and Children 25 cents.
Beautiful Stamped White
Bedspreads at $1.98
Wonderful quality Stamped Pillow
(7m/es # 1.3 t, pa i r
N.sod Hemstitched Pillow t'ns•+
$1.:0 pair
Brown Linen, colored nn.l white,
Buffet and Vanity set, . ... 25c set
Cushions, Centres, laundry Bags,
Runners, Towels, Embroidery
Sills, Crochet Threads,
Stranded Cottons
11,';rnction• tree
Smith's and Gift State
Groves. Mr. 4'. I:.. Sturdy. Mr. Itow•-
ard : Rundle. Mr ' Ray : Itlss,•tt. Mr.
A2.00 .-arch---Ma. }twain. Mrs. Ge.,
iiMics ics .4. M.: .!..hn.ton. Nlr•
Gen.: .\11drr•ws. Mrs. tiro.; Itrirnn
wish hint succus. nJ tilt• undertaking. rnnu#wr-Mrs.-11: Nalkudd. Mi.. If. E.:
'nikeld, Mrs. ll. i.: Lindsay. Nlt•v F :
I TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ''nr•wis.- Misses : .1lntra.tva.- Mts. "'i.-
I,h'II : Shaphr'rII uhd ('lament.
Nkyr. : whitely. Nlrs .1. -1:.; flick.
H 1, W'I:s'r \10.1nW 1Xt)SH \Ir+. q'nitrr: It,n e5 r Juhn
Ire hest An14ano.h mnnlzlma1llc:r,,,.,•,, Mrs. {' I; turd •Mr. Nlcl:
council held it. regular meeting No- ' shinty. Niro. Austin; Johnston, Mrs.
o'.erm•s.l,rt a1n2t1
1.R.wrivteh toAhl,ll sttnincpmreem(Mbnrgf J\a.m: e1s{r: cf4'nn, s,.r.MJr.n(o'.hr41:(wath,-a4m.rtr-Nr
The minutes of 1814 meeting were read \Pals : Me1..•an. Mtss •1. '
and ndupr"l. .\ r.•s14lul1', p1sse4 1 IMagamNt
the Earl 11',i'%lI.h couucl1 w•ns r•ad. Jb'.i,4., harm¢ rho• 5.04 got.' .t••tsl
Inno acttou wa- taken. The clerk •i,-krh ltnugaunon.SSuatwMa_ltasu•,ut'
1'145 instructed r. pr. par" ,the 1)1.114- .,,tf the'follnw•Ing rontrihntinns ''4
for the Sharp's. .'nick municipal drain. ikon. Mr.. Rohr.. $5: itynn. Mr. .I .1
any debentures. which may be Jesup.) I ;r4': stnrher NIrs. Thos.. E2; Seethe,-
to hear interest at, the rate of S'41 p41' Mrs. itnbt . e'.: X•rpy fund. 417.25: do-
cent. ler annum."tip term of years to „,,,i,,,. h. \1' 11 .1.. M
he fifteen. Bylaw No. 10 was read
for Friday and
In this sale we offer
Hats that represent the
Best Va'ues of 1 he Sea-
son in Styles, in Ma-
terials and Trimmings
You will surely find just
the Hat you want in this
collection at
k‘rikit POO
We d+on't Ina' -:1A -4u -brag-_..
r g.._ --
But honestly no blizzard can
get into a house where the (teat
Folks era• in charge.
We. can't c.tintr.►1 the weather.
But our coal can make the in-
side of your house so comfortable
that It won't make any difference
to Sou if the thermometer outside
r.,istcrs forty below.
Send -for-+tante tri -mfr- eoneea-
trated sunshine, and give yourself
a warm home for the rest of the
For Good Clean Coal
Miss MacVicar coAL
Kingston St. Goderich
Phone 98 Goderich
thr-e times awl finally pastw•d. .\41 MtI'as name speaks of Listowel
recounts for Werk nn r'ad.. pre.. tuna T.istew'rl. Nor. :G,. Maas Mabel
he presented not later then Thr•eml't'r Bailie. of 61,11011'h. Addressedamega
151 h.. 1'he council' adjourned to meet ;.ndlyto r in. -,\I.-1►euctld's - Rosie'
1lcet.•mher 15th nt 10 a.m. 14n Sunday Jtft,•47i.1041 on the temper-
DCRNIN PtjILLiI'S. ('lurk. :Ince gttgstlnn. The mewing ons ,ul
,rtts.'rt n. a ma.' m, • : ing for wo-
The Right Motion men. hut' quite ii nutula•r of .nen were
Lit tie 1191114' ons goingon a railway present and all ii.ten,'d very attentive -
Journey. and kept On a1king tl:c guard ,. , while Miss Ttnilte t 4?.' ,-.tnefltkih a
to tell him when the train 14rri.0rl at cl"nr anti calm manner thetent
Watling. in fact, he asked It .'eery the t►.T.A. as opposedrt Government
•'aflnn. and"the guard h(•gan to get e4nrm1 a{Iss "RUIP tat,' that It
nlpmtleut. es Unfortunate 'hil? t tie 'emiterem.. i
c nestl.dl 11444 one• mo b,r•n' httrntght i
1t Inst the train steamed Into n ata- { tr
,iuA,_ •, , , , „ . - •nHr 1atl{tic5, but Iluat chs dLty At
ranee peel 4' ns n ii !r pill. 17 I{
Then. turning to Willie, he asked: ''Torras not to their 1..dlticn1 patty.
•\1'hy don't i00 Ret out?' • .----
'Oh! 1 don't swam to get not "It . ' TB►r (rthlrettiw Ai.I Inielety meeting
i,Iied the boy. `^'Bot another tMd ts{e trill he .1 on Tuesday, December
Pat ay MadwieWM wim we got to 7th, i(t to p.m., in the rooms• nt• r I
RM1NnRs 1111' ituj (}nook
You Cannot Afford to Have Your.
Feet Wet and Cold
Protect them with a pair of "DOMINION BRAND"
A good -fitting Rubber lasts longer. Our aim is to ht
all ghees correctly
Felt Shots, Slippers, Moccasins, Etc.
New stocks just in. Something warm and cosy for
every member of the family
1'►Mr^ 13R R'. REG. SHARMAN
(O111•.r;ic 1