HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-2, Page 4a -Thursday.. Doowar 2. 19Jtl. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Real Overcoats Here are big Overcoat leaders --fine im- ported materials in the new designs and at very attractive prices Chinchillas, Meltons, Whitneys and Tweeds Prices $19.98 to $45.00 Young Men's Double-breasted Suits. Newest styles and patterns. Prices $22.50 and $25.00. Ready-made and Made•to-!measure WC. PRIDHAM & SON "The Store With the Stne'k" Meda and Baya' Wear PHONE 57' MODEL THEATRE WEEK OF DECEMBER 6 TO 11 Monday and Tueoda7 EMIL JANNLNGS the most famous of all European stars. assisted by a cast of 2tL000. in a attain t tae 0 - - due•el In Rome. HOF. ou muttf{ dot' i l°l�lts- I Pattie •t'nmedy ' ' "WIDE OPEN !ACEF3" Wednesday Riad Tllersdaf. JESSE L. L1.W6Y : =1 presents on ua11'4W 111.1 ht the tenth - able dramatic farce "HER A('CiDENTAL HUSBAND" Mermaid Comely "GLMME STRENGTH" Friday and Saturday GLENN HINTER AND EDNA MURPHY In a peps. punch and personality pic- ture. A deftghtful romance of young love. gay parties and the troubles of the drat year of married lite. "THE YOUNG GiiAN'T' Century ('omedy "SAY IT WITH I/9VE" PATHE REVIEW Matinee `arurdny at 3 pin. COMING - ',THE UNGUARDED HOl' R" Bazaar and Sale of Home-made Baking unfit• r au -{fir•- of Victoria Helpers of Victoria Street Church hardware store, Hamilton St. Saturday, December 4th from 3 o'clock . Robber Footwear Repairing Do you know, that with a little care you can double the life of your winter Footwear, and save the; price of a new pair ? . -WITH MY NEW- Vico EW- Video Tite Process i See the Beautiful Line of Gifts for -Christmas made by members of our Women's Exchange Miss S. Noble British Exchange Block. Goderich 1 can put on new Soles, Heels and repair the Up- pers of your Goloshes, Overshoes, ,Rubbers and Rubber Boots that will be a surprise to you, at a very moderate price. I also carry a small stock of Rubberwear for town and farm at mod- erate prices. Come and let us save you money. The East Street Footwear and Repair Shop. , Wm. AU: Opposite Knox Church. PORT ALBERT PORT A1.BKRT, Nov. 30. --Mr. George Ashton, Jr.. who bas been mil- itia on bite Great Lakes. has returned to Me home here. The stork Deft a due baby girt at the home of •Mr. and Mra. Earl Mclkntald an Nove•wln'r 1,3. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Ned. Green and Bea - trier and Arthur Grimm. who had been visiting with the forme•r's brother, 'row Green. have returned to Port Iruron. and acenrding to notice given commun- ion wilt Is observed at thle hour. Regular evening service at 7 p.m. Mr. (leo. Cot reeeived word on Munelqof the serious illness of las brother. noted' King, at 'Ieanhn, for many )-ears a well-kpowa resident of Itayaela. Before Ur. King maid make arrangements to go to London. he received word that his brother hall panted away. A mete extended obit- uary will be given nFxt week. LEEBI'RN -- GODERICH TOWNSHIP I EM- BI'RN. .1 kr. 1.--,11r. and Mrs. Wuo. Green motored to Cynton on Sun- day and spent a short tripe there. Mrs. Percy Stewart went to Auburn •no Friday -to vialt her daughter, 'Mrs. Russel King. The pupils of S. S. No. 0. Colborne, Mies' Dora Harrison, who has been are practising hard for their concert. visiting In Detroit. returned home on which will be held in the achoobhouse 'Saturday. on Monday evening. December 20th. Union chwrh Notes -Remember the Mrs. E. Clutton and daughter. of Cbrtstmas tree and entertainment at Stratford. spent a abort thaw w11J1 Union on 1)eepwber 244h. The relatives here on Tuesday. U.T.P.S. held their meeting last Fri- Our sympathy goes out to Mr. and clay evening in the church. Mise Asir Mrs. owe,' Moore. of Carlow, well !aide Davidson was elected president. known here. who Buttered the Ins of 'ext 'Sunday service will be their barn by are ou Saturday morn - held ad usual in Union church at 3 Ong. pm. •Sunday school at 2 p.m. Rev. 9. Jefferson will lwriapy the pulpit. . • GODER1CH TOWNSHIP, Dee. 1. - Mr. and Mrs. Lal'e'Hamlltun and fata- lly. of Colborne towvshJt. nutted with ,Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister on Sun- s day. ST. AI'GL'STLLE ST. AI'G1•STINE, Nov. 30. -Rev. 1)r. Wilson. of Itramison, called oa ' CARLOW Bare Burned. -Mr. Owen Moore. of the llfiih eons ss suflcred a seFrbus loss last Saturday morning la the de- struction of Ida barn by are. The fire soeoa••••c:s el A Cedar Chest Would Make a Very Handsome Christmas Gift • \We have a nice range of Christ- mas Gifu and we invite you to call and see our goods. J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director Hamilton Street. Goderich, Ont. Tia. Countersign "11ie are Jou from?^ "Chicago.""Chicago." "bet's sere your lullet _wouud14.' frifriends here last wreak. started between 8 tend 7 o'clock in the Jugglheier. Mr. and Sirs. John Thompson spent ling udg. belnabeingcaused by fbe upewt- Sunday with Mr. 51141 Mrs. R. Rut- ting tment, and although astytb- kedge, Ebenezer. lava yukkly gathered to glee assist- a Mirs Myrtle Reid returned to her *sloe the bars with nearly MI 'Its senor home at l'ort Elgin on Saturday last tents. Including the season's crop and after a three weeks- visit with her a number of chickens, was burned. aunt. Mrs. Mason McAllister. The team of horses was saved. Mr. Moore was fairly well Insured. Mr. Moore desires to tender thanks e net Mews for their umpt as- sistance and to the operators a two telephone eentrals for sending out the alarm. Mrs. J. Thompson and son. Howard. spent Monday with her mother. Mrs. It. k bamne,y. Messrs. Jas. and Wallace Wilson an Miss Jean Wilson visited Wingham and itluevalr frier,:r on Monday- of title ween:. On aecnunt of the election Wednes- day of this week the regular meeting of the Womens Institute will not be held until Welnesdav of next week, at ,the Ifnme'of Mrs_ Hugh King. 44th eon- r4.s*1011. Ir'''''tflr The_ II INVITES YOU ii to call and see our display of new li boxed Merchandise neatly in special `Christmas boxes ii 36 -inch black Duchess Silk. heavy $1 a 4Q quality, at per yard ✓✓ Full double -bed size Flannelette $2� 19 Blankets, at per pair WW` 6 only Sets of Hemstitched Table Cloths, 66x84, and half-dozen Hemstitched Nap- .00 kins. Special value, per set $9 17 x' 32 -inch, pure_linen, Hemstitched All il "tJe H Towels. Assorted patterns. Our price, each 100 pieces of Valenciennes Lace, white 5c and ecru. Our price, per yard11 On Friday and Saturday We Offer WHITRCHU RCH WIIITF.CHCRCH, Nov. 29. -Mr. Mined Fair. of Lanark. viahel last weck:i•sd w'Ith'Mf: John Gillespie and other relatlTes here. Mr. Thos. Mlrehuuse arrived home from the West of Friday to stay with It's mother over the winter. \lits 1.11a Emerson spent las week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, KLNGSBRIDGE KINGSRlt11)G K. 1)e•. 1. -Owing to inclement weather, the masquerade 411111('4. on Thursday was tett as largely Attended as usual. but thine present had a very pleasant time. The. cos- tumes were splendid, and the Judes, Miss R. it'('onnur and Mr. Stan. Dren- nan. awarded first prizes to Miss Nora O'Loughlin -and Mr. Clare O'Reilly. Thr winners represented the "Harp of Tara" and tbet,I.eague of Natious and sou respectively a hand -embroidered buffet set and a pair of hose. Mr. Wilfred McCarthy, of Detroit. I spent Thanksgiving with his parents. t Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. McCarthy. • em•s•••••etru1111• It's a Real Stove and the Price Is Right • Blackstone's Furniture of i.angside. Miss Rose O'Connor has retuned e Quite a number from here went 10 _arter a pheasant visit In Togouto. Exchange 1.1feknow-. of Monday night to bear We are pleased to report that j g \lits Aileen 1(awde•n. elocutionist. of )l...... . Jqo. O'Nritl ind Wm. 1ic- 4r. the Itr„a.la+ev ,,f 4, - I. rc1. Toronto. who so spletuiidly entertained (earthy are well on the road to re- I 8t Whitechurch Tufted church at royery. 1•00.00011011011104111 Thanksgiving. airs. .1 C. Dalton and John are Mr. A. E. Pardon had rhe radio in- sp•n4Png r few days in London. stalled, title day last week. Mr. Geo. Brophy visited Goderich A great many cars had to be alaan,I- . friends over the weekend. lined in the snow -banks In this com-1 Mr Morgan Dalton anent Sunday wnnity 'sat Sunday. til In Lnnelnn visiting hIs gni Yikr. Many gnclal prizes have leen of- - frred by the different families of the Untended for last weak t United church for special eontribu- KiN(;SISRIDI:E. Nov. 2a. -Mr. tion!` to the Ialranr on De..emis•r 1001. Morgan Dalton. who has not b,'rn well lately, is recovering nicely. PARAMOUNT Mrs. M. Dalton, Denis and 'Tnlnette - ' spent Sunday with friends et Laurier. 1'ARAMe)1'NT. Nov. :10,-M r. told Mr. Philip J. Lynch. of Wallace - Mrs. Jim Little stent a few days visit- town. and Miss Ethel Austin. of i.on- ing at Mr. Albert McQuoid's. Crewe. don. visited• with the latter's mother. last week. Mrs. A. Austin. Mrs. $.e I Sherwood. of Belfast. Mies . Heim Bowler.--of--Hrsderteh. visiting her sister. Mrs. .bus. Mem- s{a-11 the week -end at her home. L"-----r- rum of Curries Corners._ Dram of Mrs. Mary Hussey -On Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rlahards. of Rip• Nuremlwr 111th the soul of Mrs. Mary S ley. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hussey. one of Ashfield s moat re- i Richards nt the weekend. *Betel residents, leased to her eter- ` Miss Annie Grant has returned nal reward. - Disposed, whole maiden = home after rislting a few days last name was Mary Dalton. 5.814 a mem - I week with her aunt. Mrs. Nieliianulork ler of one of the early pioneer frim p of Nile. idles. who canoe from fhe Isle of *aims FE We are sorry to report that Mr. and 148111441 the faith in rids part of = .homes 1)rel:nnu 4:1:1 Hiss 31trgaret (q,:arh. airs. )lunacy was In her IG _Slulckleton are under -41o. .l..ctoett eighty-sixth ++w4.,- sewn the *eater Out of the Night from Far and Near Comes Enter- tainment for You if you have a Victor Northern Eletric Radio Set COME IN AND LISTEN IN W. R. HARRISON LOCAL AGENT East Side of Square Goderich, Ont. ANNOUNCEMEN'I--_ 1 have taken over'the laundry equipment of the Goderieh Steam Laundry and am carrying it on in connection with Iny 'regular huPiness. First-elaot work aIld prompt service guaranteed. 'Orders may he left at store or they will be called for on request. W. C. Snaael Haberdasher and Pry Cleaner: WEST STREET ' ' PHONE 339 (Steam Laundry in connection) WEST STREET HARDWARE Burger 2,2 1-2 and 45 -volt "11" Batteries. Always fresh. each Ever -ready "A" Batteries - �'50e.75 each 28.50 each $3.00 each 75c 75c each Raeliotrons laG201-A 11X-1220 Nortben Electric Peanut Tubes W. 1). 11 Tubes Stranded Aerial Rite, 109 feet Lift ening Arrester.+ -�_- Battery Clips for Wet B 10e each s ALF. TEBBUTT & SON -11.11111-re-,-Pili I tsOitrind Gla - TELEPHONE 484 WE DELIVER GODERICH M I111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111111 iimuIIIIIM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M :T CHRISTMAS erre. Mrs. Robert' Reid, of Port El- gin. 1* ilTrndieg her sister. 341ss 1•Aulekleto11: Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Stanley. of Ripley. spent S1111d8y with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Rlphards. Mrs. C. McDonald and ehttdre•n. of Huron. visited with Mrs. Arr. Cook for a few days. part of her long life was passed in = Ashfield. Her death, which was a saintly one Indeed. was the echo of a rife of more than ordinary virtue. tier early years were pparkel hy-the hardships and toll which were every settler's portion. but each trial was = eanclitird by prayer and a spirit of (lath which Increased with her years. Mian Irene Moore. of White hltrch. During the last illness weakness pre was the guest of her aunt. Mrs. lack vented conversation, but till the last Henderson. last week. moment any sound of prayer routes! Goldie Martin. who has Is it nett- her to pterfeet consciouenese. Gentle = molly 111. Is improving. land sweet she always was and to the MIs McLeattRt $ltrett• .Tiatttattrhd her one thought was 11 or the corn- wTib Mfr. and Mrs. Grant McDlarmld fort of those attending her. Many Ei lust week. hnrlties and good works benefitted by � Friend* of Mr Ketehehaw ho_naa` .genetvadty, and one of the altars ken treatment F. E. Hibbert THE CASH STORE PHONE 86 ��e��a1���JnVn.5 ",The Store with the Christmas Spirit" iflnflalfr�latl 2 x... to M In London hospital. In the parish ehurrh is a monument are pleased to know that he is able to -to her ienevolenee. The funeral took C return to his home In Paramount. ' place nn Saturday morning. `(orem- ftiA1'FiI:LD bar 20th. The mass of is emn re - HAYFIELD was celebrated by her son. --- iter. Father Thos. Hussey. with- Rey. It l'FiF:f,fl. Noy. R0. -!tri Tlntrsrley father Me•Ardl,• os deacon and Rev. evening, Nuremlwr 2.Rh, some eighty Father James Hogan soh -deacon. in members and adhwnvie+ of Trl all i the (er JIIary also were Rec. Father slouch assembled at the prangs Hall hof ary also Rev. Father Selly to t•he Senior the twentieth of 8nni t•ersn 4.y Goetz alitrhpll. Rev. Father (tier nn of of the Srnlnr l;nild of Trinity church. t:,sl(•rieh, Ind Rev. Father K. O'\elll A very pleasant time was stent 1n of Woo.Isl.,ck• who eloquently preach. eteelles and games;• then fnllnwpd an ed the funeral sermon. Spiritual and rtcellent Inns) - The blrhd-sy rake floral tribute* were numerous and the was eat by MIsnrs K. Nap and nizn- large concourse of friend* in attend - In h Cameron. The Senior Guild of ,once festlflel in the novo aq(1 ewtw•m '1' unit ehurrh wa. orgnnlzerl by Itev, la 5hlch the doeeeeed was held. Fe - 11. Binds. then rector of alae parish. aisles many from Aorlarlch and lo- in November. 190(1 The first officers tary. entity. Mr. and 114.* Deo Stook. Miss erre: nt.PrMies Mimi Cameron; rice. Maloney and MIM. M. Kelly were pres- prr*Idrnt, Mb's K.•Parke; rereMrs. Miss F.thrl Marks: treasurer. Mrs. Tippet. During the past tweets years the Guild he* helped In mans wept: had new wIn4owa put in the church. undertook painting and deca- nting the chnreh and rectory, and as- sisted In the finances of the church. The rector of Trinity. church_ Rev. F. ii. Paull. begun last Monday even- ing a series of sermons snitable for .advent sessnn. i.ast Sundiy, "The Preparation :" i eeember Iltt,. The commands:" December 12t1, 'Tu i,lfe:" December 191 h. "The Pro- mises " Next linnday. December !Ph. there will he celebration of holy com- munion at 9 a.m. Whenever tensible 1 a IMOD I= C I= est from Kinkora. The pllltwarer* were.Mesars. T. O'Neill, Con O'Keefe, M. McLeod. Jno. J. Dalton. .las. A. 1)01tou and J. C. Dalton. Mrs. Humpy leaves to mourn her loss three sons: Rey. Father T. r. Hussey, of Kin - kora : John, of Oaderich. and .ioseph of Toting. Sank., and five daughters: Ater. Mother Philomena and Sister Eu- tl"' phemin. Sacred lileart ennvenL le - don : Mrs. T. O'Nplll, \Neat Lomeon )ora. W. rtoek, Yonne. Seek.. and firs. ('. ()'Keefe. Anhael4, at whose home she passel away; also two sis- ters. Mrs. Ed. Flynn of this pariah. C C C and Mrs YIInng of Colborne. Her E ht902 R. 11 P. r. Thea. Hussey, died In 9111111111111111�1ININI IIIIYIW A111111 r Only 19 More Shopping Days Away To assist the customers who wish to do Christmas gift buying, in advance of the Christmas rush, we are displaying gift suggestions this week An Early Selection Means a Better Selection We are always pleated to have you call and look around Gifts You Can Make SILK LINGERIE of daintiest design and material can be de- signed easily and at n low price from Crepe - de -chole or Lingerie Fugi, a sturdy silk cloth ptifehaaed pnrposrly far dlic litiger;m:-eter--The width is 3fi inches. Price 95c yard. LINEN TOWELS Priced at 29z, 45c and 75c. Can be made very .attractive by adding an embroidered initial or design. CUSHIONS • of novelty shapes and designs can be made very attractive with rayon drapery cloth or cretonnes. See our drapery department. Linen Bridge and Luncheon Sets 36 -inch linen eat, be purchased for 60e, She, $1.00 and $1 45 yard, in colors or white, and with a little of your spare tune ran be made into dainty linen Pets which are appreciated by everyon. KNITTED GIFTS infants' wear, mitts, scarfs, sweaters, slipper and novelty gifts are always aece•ptable. Knitting \\'exons 1Je, 25e and 35e hall Fingering Wool. • $1.20 ib. to $4.ii0 lh. Phone 56 Gifts Ready to Send Hosiery Gloves Towels Lingerie Garments Handkerchiefs Terry Towels Linen Towels Blankets Fancy Bedspreads Towel Sets Fancy Neckwear Silk Scarves Knitted Goods Floral Coat and Dress Trimmings Sweaters Linen Cut Work Linen Bridge Sets The S. A. Cray Co. Phone 56 MEM emnim Z ifs • Osm mom 1 C •