HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-2, Page 3Clubbing Rates
The Signikl can save you money
an almost any newspaper or periodical
Istea on Request
Classified Ads.
1f yon have loe,t anything, found any-
thing, want a position, want help, have a
house for sale or rent, have an article you
wish.to sell -use the classitied ad. columns of
THE SIGNAI, PRINTING 00., LIMIP, k'ubliahera.
Cowers are
Provided far
Q,rtn nes
Gilt Woke
A Gift that
Increases •
in Value
W Toys for the kiddies -moat of them broken by
now. "Something useful" for the grown -ups -now
worn out or forgotten. Cash to your employees -
appreciated but soon spent. Other presents -hurriedly
bought and perhaps ill -chosen. Are they remembered
Suppose this year you give them each a Bank Book
containing an initial deposit, and urge them to add to
it regularly. Could anything be more suitabki
*44 "brat Sawa Pau Bance w few MIS
N carhaw•• Gofts.
The Royal Bank
Goderich Branch - - V. Woollcombe, Manager
Unlimited Quantity of
at g3 per single cord, delivered,
(Foot of Angtesea St. Phone 61. )
The West Street
Electrical Shop
We carry a good stock of
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in Wiring
of All Kinds
Estimates given on
All Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Telephone 82 West Street
hunioruue address Mr. Jefferson
quoted the oak rhyme. "There was a
crooked mau, and called the attention
of the young folks to the truth that 1f
• a man Is crooked all he does is crook -
FRIDAY EVENING '"hi1' while with a etrtlght man all tete I
-- an
Endowing le the !let of graduates
are de ht. f
Dr. Field gave the decision of the recetvdepupilst diploomas�'tetordudh prisesschuul it whtheo
CommenasnaeIlt Bring$ Judges on the recitations. Atter corn -
romwrueew'nt esrnlset Th
wending the high grade of all the reel- was umltted from the report of this
Out Large and Interested tattnua he announced that the judges commencement in last week's Signal: Nothing is too good for her. Be it
Gathering could not decide wtu•ther to place DIPLOMATS wife, mother, sister or sweetheart,
"Hiawatha" or "Brutus and Caesium"(A means first-class boilers and It that gift should be fit for a prineele.
fleece. and so awarded them equal hon- secowyelass honors).
tire on Friday evening last, on the or- Principal Sharman thankeThe Central school was In gala at- ors..Black J.. Brownlee M.. Carter el. And what is more fitting than lovely
thanked the (It), Clark L.. Olark L.. Currie W.. ofrerings of
•lou of the annual 1y,mmeucemetet. frienolb for their ►wese•nre, and the Elliott 1., Evans Y. (A), Mt^s H. Fine Gold
Cut Glass
•mfsflr•m•mmmmm+ t
Gifts Fit for a
Princess !
The large clams -room which serves as ,Tonnes of prises for theft gifts, then (B). HrmtlU,u E. (It/. u R
au auditorium was beautifully deco- urged the graduating claw to run- Lttmby E., alyd►ay D. IRI• MacKay
tenet in red and white, the school thole to do their beat• At the close Y. (B), Ye1)onald L. (A).+-
colors, relieved by clusters of ever of her address Alma Howell on behalf gor O. (A), Marney D.. *
s A.
green. The ceutre seats were re-
P of the graduate* presented Mists Sherr (B). Peachy G.. Taylor 8... Taylor, J.,
served fur the poples• whsle alt the_ man with a beautiful bouquet of Tremblay 'H. (R)' Walters R.. Wal -
'feet of the froom wee rifled tu_nrer, toys_ n (Hj White A� Hoer T..
chrrsaltheu1 ma.
the ng ent•to had.
been ted the
Whets Th Blueing of the National Anthem Janes H.. Johnston K. (B) -
e 1'RI'LEIi
the he rs had brew seated for pope ''rlo o' the proceedings. of the present entrance clam eutrre *! P 1 The following received Ole highe$t
macchlug smartly to the oolitic of the The GraduatingClrsa marks la the subjects stated In Tec• + Fountain Pens
byMr. Jack Mcl)ermld. 1 f dJplowun were t .t arhlwl at the minium tstdmina- 1
plana played
Those rte r ng _- o ■ --_
Then the graduating re elves were es-
F'Irst-class honors -Jean Abell, Lyle Liao. iJnae 10.•c Pencils
curled to the sesta reserve for them. t•rawfur I Reginald Fisher Alma flow- • ashy - Morrison MacKay. Ivory and the pupils, rising, gore their clary Kathleen !'noel) I'rlae dvuated by M (• Lo
and Ebony
ell. Kerui. til Hunter. -a r H I Long.
"yl:' ttau-dera. James Sutherland, . Mlstory-Lucille MacDonald. Prise These are truly worth -while gifts
lrieu. C. F. Clarke occupied the chair.
Win. Sutherland. donated by, Maple Lilt Chapter, that last, in good tasty, the lancet
Ile congratulated the school and the Ser ndrLsx t1ouorr-.►mhrusr Col.
11.O�D.L• rltlua - Olive Mae(aegor•1 fashion and always appreciated
of the Composition 11
,wa-- upon the flue apprarautr
room• nn the training given to the pu- burin. Helen Cooper, Lore
ne Grant, . by This Year Give Gifts
pier, and ui the r work. standing /7f D„n.thy Elul as wen RneJ Ebb. nee. Prize donated t Yr. W. s. R rise do-
IteadtnlE-avtkvr Nl.f"s. Prise do- ,
the a pupils In thele work. Pose- Wilma
Graeae. ]ark Knee- natio' by Mr. Jas. Thomson. That Last
• The program presented was given thaw, VI'ilsoa McCreath, Lillian Pat- 1/rowing-Alm. F)llfuu. Prize der
• very largely by the pupils, a new and terwn, Robert Stoddart, Harold Tay- noted by Yr. Jar. ElIitptt•. Prize
very interesting feature being a con- lot. and also in writing. E
teat fora pylae for the best umbers, at Award at Prizes Spelling -Thelma Hoy 150 marks.
Then were four of these numbers, at 1'rizea for proficiency were reworded pa•rfectl. Prize donated by Victoria
0. F. C�irey & Son,
Insurance and
Bond Br�kers
Was Street. Goderich,
taclo. Phone 230.
Sun Life Assurance
Co: of Canada
-Preeepe out arid- pr'gtrasive-
The Sun Life of Canada offers
safe investment and sure pro-
tection. Insure to -day.
Godorick Plume 115
e C. Robertson
the eceuing The )Tome snot School Club. Diamond Merchant
]I[LB BL1(MIL1- and
intervals, Its as follow*:
were Mies► Borer .. C. a, Aritbmetle --Margaret Evans. Prize
rprectur Field and Rrr-.�. C. YcDer- H1Rh�usttrl bt in y Mr� llurtuthe
e- \ mr. donated by Lia K. Stonehouse:
Knight. Prize
TOB IN ALBERTA Goderich Phone 136
(prize ol+ y Literature -Stewart g
. W. H. Mose is Having a Busy
The first number yon the program telutherland. ,taunted by Mr. \\'. Naftrl.
Time was a chorus, "Cheer Song ;" then the Second highest In inspectorate and Grammer -Anna White. Prize do Q
in Oasis
noted by Miss G. Hamilton.
"Does the rural preacherLethbridge very flnelytby Jean uAbell. This ada," was given
luring the yearse(denat f{rhytWomru's Lucille Miss
received the Wo-
(Atbcr la $quer?Sutherland
g P men's Institute prize fur rte•elchlg the , ,hy a Want Ad. M The SIL
(Alberta) Herald, and the answer 18 followed by a coral solo by Mr. Ja k lostttutrl-yrs. Su4herlan second highest marks.
Wo -
in the words of a news item from Lorene
mid, which was Rover enjoyed.
endues{*Ilingtt(donated itbygCentral Olive Mat -Gregor revoked the Rule
Burdett. Alberta: Lorene Grass recited very prettily
tet Park memorial silver medal for -
bers"Mondy (everting. October 18, board Thr Well of St. Kayne;" then the school) -Wm. Sutherland. taking the highest marks !n Victoria
members from arnumber of congrep• audience joined with the pupils lu For entrance hiserryl.O(dona ]au. school.
tlonr of the CuitectChurch
met In the singing "Old Black Joe" and lie alert's therlan Leafe Reginald Fisher end Wni. The !tome and School CI -b prizes
church at Burdett to make arrange fu de ('old. Cold Gruuud." The melts- were awarded as follows:
Went* for Rev. W. H. Moss. of Bur- tion "Brutus and Cassius" from Julius Sutherland. each of whom took 100 per Edna Knight -first In proficiency 1t
deft add Grassy Lake districts. to take Caesar was excellently given by c'e'nt. Ed-
neer the Bow Island field. Rev. Hart Jamcr and William Sutherland. who, For entrance literature, grammes still deportment in Jr. i!'., *Mem 2.
i.l des mtlkehl-secteud_-_ fn profi-
Bow Inland 1a leasing on November In their human togas, quarrelled vette- and
"'arithmetic au1e named by Central clrmy and deportment 1. Th change was untalmuusly mend). and made f 1 d gain in Iwo F literature re and gra
r en s a in Jr. IV.. room
menet (da-
ft Id IsI {motion. The tints mpnl, 1 Club)-
r b)
The c n r or 2•
agreed upon and Rev. Mose' e 'note and "Today tinted by Home and Shoo ' u - Madeline Naftrl-first in proflrlency
laid out now as follows: numbers. "Cuckoo e Song" h recitation, Jean Abell. u. i deportment Nat In Sr. III., 3
•eGrnmey -Lake mervlte ats "it was For history an arithmetic e Edith CorntlehF-fleet In pry t'f
and deportment In Sr. iII.. room . •
J. W. Craigie
•Real Estate ani Insurance
e Armstroog Real Estate
11 a m p Monday �-' thou the four[ ter d (donated Ile(f•rrTh
Bow Island town 3.3+1 p.m. and y
Club) -Lyle
Morning Star at 1230• Badman Thr Famine, from Hln 4
school house 11 a.m. on alternate 8nn- very finely elven by Mien AImt1__Crawlte Jes*te Mafhe*on-(trot fnirr+.AeJeg
llowell• rlthmetic IdonatevF by 3
playa. 13o Lot -Robert- For art and E ---- nod dcps,rtmrnLlnJr. IIL, rrrom 3. � and reser
Hiawatha, and School
Towage Agency
to Burdett with preaching ter- Inspector Tom presented t Mlso Sharron arithmetic
Howell.red Rom -
ret 7.30 m.. making some thirty Turk agoldnd, uxrlal, won by William For geography (donated by Mr. Jr.,111.. )room first fn proficiency In Life (Sun Lite), Accident and
five miles of a drive and four preach- .Sutherland, a lad of eleven years, who \\,t°. Unman -Kenneth Hunter. .cent Barbour -first In pruticlency 'sushi's Insurance
fug services every Sunday. stood first in the inspectorate at the For writing (donated by Mrs. King) and deportment In Sr. IL, room 5.
Mr. Tom
large field, but he assures us that he is congratulated the sRed.
h. }tree For general pr
"It i* frit that Rev. Mue*n has a ver? east toot -mice examination.' r flu 00 -Kathleen Powell. Sylvia Ker --first in proficiency and aid Centra for Real Estate
1 tuft err• pup proficiency in other Big Ban
deportment In Jr. IL nese, nom 5. Aloerl ,lacy to lint property to sl•II.
apme to make a hard fight to fill the their excellent were presenting.
tL the grades: Jein Robertson -first In general
al1xrhntmugg program they presenting aag Sr. III. (given by Miss Ball) -Doug
"The suggestion of some Is that he Ing the parents and friends there that pn,Ach•ucy lu Sr.•ILelass; room fS. I Atinepaceto locate property to buy.
las Middleton. William Kiley -first in general prn-
w 111 have to oke lunch to Ms /err on his retina tothe
the s hdol heex found the Jr.I\ ')Sleep -by the aehloll-Efts i►cieucy In Jr. 11. class, nom F. ' Large number of properties now listed
while travelling." singing and the phy+trf the
al- Rance. I)uunld 1\'igRius-first in dr s,rt-
�p formerly the pastor ways up to the mark of the exhibition Jr.11 (Riven he )Ilse Ballfe)-to e,•le•t iron. Good houses 1(4 ruts cum- I
t inSr.Sroom leen for treat $70o ts00 WM. WOO,
hie wife was Mise Marjorie en oft m pare, •- John
Lery 1
Mr. Mose was u men r. uu r. e n
an the lienmtller Methodist Clreutt, and being given that evening. Ile asked Julm Lesslle': 1Itt r- err. 1. T army--firl:t In general i{201, aimf11a,e rre-Veen, SINOP, elifiat l
J Aitken p parents to s slot their children
Farms! Farms!
114 acres, Rosi brick house, good
barn, one mile to store, itchoogql,
church and station. Trice $5,0t►•
yet acnes, an ideal farm, silo,
water bowls in *table and new barn,
only one-quarter mile to school,
church and *tore. i'rice $7,250.
100 scree. char in, good building,
choice land.
1(N1 scree. three miles to White-
church village and ieatiun. This is'
one of the choice places. ES,.
Several other meal buys.
12•uere' chicken and truck fano
right in a good village, also new
brick house, new barn and large
orchard, all for'it3,(* ).
A minder of good Howse for
sale or rent.
Also Assurance, Stacks and
Bonds for sale
W. -17 -Pow -e- ll -
Auto, Lift, Sizk and
Accident Insuiance
Phone 292
Nelson Street, East
by tlrrn Ip Miss- Elliott)* pn,flcfenrp in Sr. L. room 7. 112111. 12:30(1, 12500,5:I D• SIM), etc.
of the
Mrs. L(rnwt Is doing her share encouraging had
then). and by stenug that Ruth Sbrpperd. Maudle Moore, Dora Ida ))organ -Bret 1n Rennet) p,ru. Some good Psufa'rtita just ountidlillie.
of the work, 1 Burdett charge of the Sun- they hod opportunity to get homework
thy Lt -Ir. ricit•ury In Sr. 1. class. *nom S. corporation. A few of them practically'
day school at !n addition to done -Bile helpful conditions. Prizes for deportment : Noreen Sproul -first in deportment in the town, but with township tax, with
many other duties. to "Billy" Sutherland took his seat 81 IV. (tang. ' be Mrs. Carrie)- K
after receiving the medal the class In Sr.Rr1. class, room S. all necessary buildings and a few acres n(
Who Won the Flarf rose and gave a song and cheer for 1\"rd Sutherland. nitride Signo•--first in general pro- land attached. I
Sr. 111. (given by the school) -+Dorn- flclene� fn' klnQrrgnrten prhmrry, t;ood brick house and barn and nue
"If nature had made me an ostrich," him. Bonnie
shy Henderson. nom O,• acreelf land, 81:,00.
Bald old Grouch. "I suppose I could After a thorn*, "My •Tr. III. (given by the sehodll-Vel- •tack Cutt-first in general protl• (;tel frame house and hero with flue
Marque.' by the school. Dr. Field• pre-
eat your cooking." ma Glldidon. clency� In kindergarten primary. room and „nit -half acres of land, =111(10.
"That . Wrould per very nice." an---armed-the &Wonds, to the graduates. Jr. 11. 1Rlren by Ole st hnnl l-IMn• p
snored bl■ imperturbable eprusel - M -seal, every member of the-clses old Graham rend Jim Alum. (;md_Iramc bourse and barn with one
some plumes for ID2. ]ted been successful at the entrance Silas T.. Ttnhtnfnn's Prize": a nil tliree•quartere acres of land. $10+10.
tfiMt 1 eronld.getPrintery •1gh•ri by the school) 1.4.011a rd L1:,ctte,ttahL !tr_ 111.. err....
hat." terms
Dr. Field spoke In high Madeline Basho,. Good frame holm and barn with teal
tertos of the work of the school as 1 (all b em(I in nrnflcfencc and drrortment• acfee of land.
1 1
tfleoft+ltflrntflesf7t rAnitorC dittflrt,nt flr>t1tt11d IIt1�ltrfStef7tffMw
t�f1d 11I111t1 rf�lr rff'1is.
E Greeting Cards
Personal Greeting Cards with your
own name printed on each card ------------
From One Dollar a dozen up
10 Place Your Order Now and Avoid
the Rush of the
Last Few Weeks Before Christmas
We have a larger selection for your inspection
than ever before
The Signal Printing Co., Ltd.
shown by the standing of the pupils.
nine of wham took first-class and six
eon. Jim Sheardo
second -eines,. honors. One lad. Harold
man. Jr. ili.-
Taylor. who passed on his year's work. IL-Rtssle Gllddo
teeing 111 at examination time, would S .Tal Gtt fur
no douht also have received honors the ielat pond flcho
had he been able to write.
The valedictory addrens was given For collection of we
by William Sutherland who spoke of
the aremoriea the pupils carry with the Honer trent SCI1001
them front Central school. and paid $ )Its. 1'urres1-Ebb. Ross,
tribute to the training received there
which they find so helpful now In the -Sr. IL. proficiency.
11w nwn late where each must "paddle
(With Apologies to Kipling) y' farms an very rine, well -imps, wl and . ., - _ _ 1 I Edward \\'Island -Jr. i1.. ptofl gorse Toe anion* and very cess tonne for
Commnnily singing of "My Wild 4f yon the keep your kalr wfen il-Ciencyr payment of required. Ask wised them.
irlsh Rosy" was led by Mr. Jack Me- about yon • ` For all particulars we or write
Dermad. who took the solo part. Mr. Are Shearing theirs and wanting
SlcDermld acted 54 accompanist F
throughout the erenhng. and hes play-
1nR and singing added'' much to the
ecening's enjoyment. '
The address to the graduating class
was given by Rev. F. C. Elliott. After
Prize* for attendance . given
J Willie Wh-tesldes-,Tr. 1 1.. st•eone
I school) : Ftr. If. -Ralph )tender' ht proflelruey anrh di•fortmut ticod frame homer and Iain with thirty -1
n and Arthur Fire- *i: acnes of land, $3000
MIs* Kate 1\'at'n's prises: Vrr sir. loner. barn. garage, etc.,
ohne Gltd+Ton. Jr. Gladys Morgan --R tf., deper•teeut 7
re •
nearly new, nidi artesian well and twell-
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
Established 1869.
-- --Wad Office„
Waterloo, Ontario.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
L..t Street. Phone 250
Goderich, Ontario.
1 t -five acres of excellent land just outside I ---
--{try (elven by Dnu itis Johnston -Sr. 11.. deport- y
>� Grporrlioh 113;IN1.
and proficiency.
Club)-ilnrold meat.
Munk Kee -Jr. i1 , deporinwet.
A few of the listed tarns wit necessary
de (given by Jt1ss %' A. \I'atson's prizes: buildings are: 45 scree. $2100; • 45 acre*,
��luh and hJ Helen Thomas -Sr. 1.. defortmeiit +2500 ;is acres. $300); S3 acnes, ;Kite);
MIs' •F.. R'IptRln,a prizs•s: 10(lecres, 1125110; 10() acres. 111(11) Id)
1111 Ilose.acres, =3(XX); 11111 acres. SIAN0; id) acres, 1
' Dorothy ()eorgt-_ writing. $511)0; 120 odes. 1171700; 2(4) acres, CARO; I
Herbert 1'x11 7 Serer11n,oirt Tnrn.'r •NN) overs, 11isIst; ort. -Many, 411 these:
you to, tau.
if you 0011 hold your tnngttr when oth•
offering his ormgratulettons he re-
minded theta of all that had been done
for them. and of the opportunities they
hod enjoyed. and urged them to make
their future worthy of these opportuni-
ties. lie spoke of Ideal* of servfee 1 in you
that had cable In early years to much Except the will which ...IT, to yon. GODEBICH TOWNSHIP
ere mock you.
But make allowance for their mock -
Ing. too;
i1 you can force four heart and nerve
and sinew
To keep your hair long. titter theirs
Is gone.
And holm on to it when ill( re'', nothing
for week tooling November 25. 11110: Real Estate Apot
God- Me- Au- Huron
Office: l'jalairs. rn•xt door to The S. A
erieh flow burn t'0untV' (;ray Co. settee, `ynnr,•
Total holm ...17 174. 72 1+100 Godcrich.
Sele•et bacon . 0 :Nr 11 414 P. O. Bee 89.
Thick smooth N 115 52 11'43 1
Hrti1'101 .. S "t
Extra henv les
Shop hogs .. 13 0 i
Lights and feeders 0 1"
men ms LIvIngstone and Lincoln, and "Hold on •"
Paid thnt all men who hare counted
for good hare had ideals of Nervier-, of if you can talk with crowd* and•kecp
aceompllshment and of usefulness. ynnr locks ton,
The chorus. "My Task," was ming
by the pupils. who rendered the* very
bentttlfnl tong with much ezpre1(slnn
anti feeling.
The prises for proflrleney were
presented by Rev. R. C. McT)ermid.
who emphasized the value. In these
stays of epclalIsIng. of all-round pro-
After the anteing hy all of "Thcrc'a
a Long. Long Trail." prise* for depart-
ment and attendance and special
prises were presented hy Rev. Selby
laterite). Mr. Jefferson wlahel to
say a word for the pnplls whs fanned,
het Mr. Tom Informed him thatthem)
warp no fallnrea In the class. in a
Or walk with '•Sheiks" -nor )nae
your common sense;
if neither foes nor loving friend" tan
hurt yon.
1f women duh you "Freak" in Pelf -
it yon ran Pmll8 with not a hat to At
if you ran sigh Mut never plied a
Tours Is the Earth and everything
that'' in 1t.
And - which Is more - tore')) lee a
lady. Meer.
--Tey V. 1.. She•phceartl. In Harper's
(intended for last week I
GODERICH TOWNSi111'. Nor. 24.
-The fowl supper and entettninment
which was held lust Friday evening
In ('neon church was m dPulded 411C-
CPIn spite of weather condltious.l
Supper *115 Pervert in the achnothuuse
from 41 to N o'clock by the ladles of 1he
congregation. Following the sniper a
greed program rens given In theehnrch
by the 1'.i'.I'.1S. Rev. S. Jefferson
meled as chairman. The prograte eon -
abated of a dialogue. "How the Grown
Folks Minded," a°d 11 111(7. "ruder
Simpleton •" with Mat and
vocal selections by Mrs. 0. Harwood I
and Mr. end Mrs. Chas. Cot and Tter-
tha. The proceeds of the evening
ed to shone $115
Mesolithic. , emotion
Geo. Williams
Dealer In
Fire, rife, Accident, Automo-
bile, and General insurance
()Mee, North Street. I'11one 5.1.
Stock Brokers and Bend Dealers
Direct private wire connecting with Toronto,
Montreal, New York, Chicago and Winnipeg Stock and
Grain Exchanges.
Our board room is open to the public from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily
Huron Investments Lirnited---_
Royal Bask Bldg , Gsdsrick, Oat. P s.ss: 430 and 4A