HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-2, Page 22-Thurrttay, December 2. 1026, THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. L-_�
- feat in 1874. timer Ing vletorlously 1 SIR WM. OTTER I DID YOU EVER
��e i�llesis 1 years later? Perhaps Mr. ]leis' IS DISTINGUISHED STOP TO THINK?
Y ben believes that history repeats it -
four Crepes
self. By ■ Extra Values in Dress
1cJ'PA1rL18YED 1$48 . . . HURON "OLD BOY"ltld. bra R. Waite, 6etrert.r7
GOUBKlI'H CANADA 1 Shawnee. Okla.. Board of 1 1
ommc ■
Masaber at (anallao weakly Newt Conditions In China are critical, C rce
papers AssotlMIea and the British navy is ready to pro- Canada's "First-class righting �.
Published every Thursday mor g Man y F I► \I
/Subscription . 82.00 per year. To till lu the China shop something of Age t rD Bell Telephone Company•
. Nimes president of the Suu
sirs . tact British interests. With John ' Is Eig ht -three Years
pr e uwear
Uri .,d States and Foreign Countries.I IN
ma} be broken. utrt i _
per year, at INT fu advance. • • - ( From The TOrontn Star) t That the 'theta,* c
Telephone 3b • : Goierieb•
W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager Ping long• popular a quarter of a ten•
tury ago. Why, that'must be the
game Mr. Joynt was playing with the
liquor question.
The year 1928 has behaved pretty
The article from The Winnipeg badly all through In the matter of
Free Press published on this page last weather. IL It intends to redeem its
week draws attention to a subject ofd age. It still has a month left before
which no doubt has engaged many It passes out. It will have to make
minds. The Free Press questions the the most of it.
wisdom of attempting to keep Federal �
• • •
and Provincial politics on the same ' The Clinton News -Record misrepre-
basis. The Issues are different, and a gents us. We did not say we knew
voter may he with the Liberal party better than other people what the re-
in Federal affairs, and against It in snit of the September elections would
Provincial affairs, or vice versa. be. What we said was that we knew
' Coaservetre Tb'"Otstsrkrerho• age -be-- e1'e aboat it than The. News -Record
complete agreement ss to fiscal policy, evidently did. That wasntt much of a
for lnetance, .nay disagree violently boast. • • •
over prohibition. Why, In the name .
of common sense." asks The Free Repeal of the Federal Income tax la
Press, "should co.operation in Doml8- advocated because. it is said. It would
to LTD..i New York City reports • revival of livesfuller. happier, end easter life
day of , Sueli lowly things as matches!,
Congratulations to Gen. Sir William
tan the nobility of former days. t
Utter, "Canada's grand edp military , soap ■
man." will be lu orde,
this week and he will receive them in and glass windows were not au veryim
both quantity uud quality, from all long ago unknown luxuries. Only the
over the world, for on that day. he rich could afford a clock. and the few
enters upon his eighty-fourth year. enjoyed the dim and flickering light of .
From hie appearauce today It Is dith- canttlea. NIcult, ludeed. to realize that he has Writing and sen 3tng a letter was
reached arch an advanced age. an event In anyone's lite, and the 1
This "first-class lighting man" of great majority of people never travel• ■
fed farther from their birthplace than
rkd•etuber 2. 1928.
Ion politica in the Interests of a higher
tariff impose upon them the necessity,
In Provincial politics, of being to agree-
ment upon the question of suppressing
the sale of liquor?"____
It may be said, of course, that a
great many Conservatives did break
with their party In the contest that
bas just cloned. and the Liberal party
also was divided, though not so vio-
live stock show at Chicaps this
lently, upon the name issue. Liberals Werk by Herman Trine, of Womb ay.
who are not prohibitionists could still
Alberta. In the last slzteen years lbw
cote with their Harty on the under -coveted prize for the best wheat a
Standing that the liquor gnestlon was been awarded fourteen times to Can-
to be settled by referendum and so ndlan exhibitors at Chicago.
kept out of the field of partisan con- I Credit to Gas AndersenMkt. The present state of confusion (Lucknow Srntlnel)
among the parties may be taken, bow- Mr. J. G. Anderson deaervee the
ever. as nn illustration of the point gratitude of temperance advocates lII
The Free Press la trying to make. South Bruce for hie withdrawal from
There seems to be no sufficient reason the election contest. Roth he and Mr.
McCallum felt that they had strong
numerous campaigns occupier front
rank among distinguished Canadian..
He served as a Cauadlan soldier for
upwards of sixty years and among his
proudest reeolleeticns la the fact that
be has had Canadian troops, under his
own command, reviewed by three dif-
ferent suvt•relgus-and at one time be
was a rear rank private in the Queen's
Own Ride*.
He was born. near Clinton, Ont., re-
moving to Toronto with his family
w hes - twelve- "ease -0kl- --i% .attended
Toronto Model School, Upper Canada
College. and for several years was a
member of the Toronto volunteer fire become an Integral part of our burl•
brigade. ' tress and Rectal life. In, the compare -
In Queen's Own 1
He then became private in the .'rad tlrely short Interval since 1870, the
telephone has grown into a nationwide r
Vueeu's Own Rifles of Canada, 'Pte. recess y.
Otter became sergeant, then in 1884 he
a day's ride by coach. 1111
Today; we take an many things for .
granted that we seldom realize bow
well off we are. how much better off ■
we are In regard to the material con- .
forts and necedwtrieg of life than were ■
our grandfathers. They knew of no
such thluga as the street railway. 1
electrk light. automobile, or tele-
phone. And this condition of well -be- :�
big 1s improving day by day. 11i
No one now marvels at the fact that'
two people Mn 'illi To`elltK
though they may be on opposite sides 1
of the continent. The telephone has 1
All Wool Crepes
36 to 38 inches wide 98c
This is a fashionable all -wool material in
a desirable weight for dresses for Women or
children. Now placed for December at very
much less than regular price. Greys, navys,
browns, sand, rosewood.
Knitting Yarns
Monarch, Silvertloae, Dove and Down,
Corticelli Silverflose, all shades
Baldwin's Beehive 3 -ply and 4 -ply ' 30c
Best Mill Yarn •••• •• • • $1.00 per lb.
Scotch Fingering 3 -ply Yarn, lb..$1.25, 61.50
Superior white all -wool Blankets with
deep borders; pink or blue, whipped singly.
Size about 56x80 . ••• .••• ••• .............$7.25
" " 68182 • $9.50
All -wool Grey Blanket., ti01.80 •• .••$6.50
Floor Oilcloths
1, 1 1-4, 2 yards wide, square yard 55c
2 1-2 yards wide
Dress Flannels
54 inehea wide, light weight. fine all -wool
for Dresses, in plainpriced,
lyardrs and $1.50ncy check
and 11 95
effects. Specially p
Women's Coats
New Burberry styles in heavy plaid back,
all -wool velours, deep collars and tailor-made.
December sale, hall value, each.. ....... $10'.00
Wilton Hall gunners
Neat patterns and colorings to harmonize
with any rugs or walls, heavy British make.
27 x 72 ........................ $7.50
.. ........
27x90 •• •••• .......• $8.50
27 x 108 $9.50
Combinations and 2 -piece women's, chil-
dren's and men's. Penman's, Stanfield's and
Peerless, at new revised mill prices.
attract the millionaires of the contl- itegimeent, which later bedame Mr It
neat to Canada. What this country I"}��•/*>•lt11/1WR/MM. R>)•*1/RR*1■
e t _
needs however, fa nota policy of sub- was cummissionedl a lieutenant. Redwing the Surplus
sidlaing millionaires, but otm that It was then that his active service
ordinary man a commenced. Troubles at the border Doreen. if you married a man with
ails give the plain, as a sidelight of the American Civil les• money.
fair chance. War required the presence of Cao-, • orry, mother; (let -
t/ • ! adieu troops. and Lieut. Utter served 'aid will soon have less. -Humorist.
Canada again has the wheat -grow- with the 2nd Administrative Battalion
Ing champlunahip, won at the lsterua•
ofd agara 1864-5. f tietler becameeg adiu-Ile bad just tee Truth
n appointed on the
taut of the Queen's!Own Rides and ` "road" staff of • firm of wholesale
Mother -1 think you'd IK• happier, --
for an effort to keep the same party claims upon the position of "dry"
saw active service again during the
Fenian Raid in 1806, taking part in
the historic engagement at Lime
Ridge. He was promoted to the rank
of major 1n 18811, being thea but twen-
ty-six years of age. In 1878 Major
Otter was appointed adjutant of the
eenadlan team at Wimbledon, and the
following year he became Lieutenant-
Colonel In command of the Queen's
Own Rifles, being the youngest man to
attain such a high rank In Canada up
to that time.
Fought Indians
Lieut --Col. Otter commanded his
regiment during the "Pilgrimage
alignment for Provincial as for Fed- candidate, and everybody will 1ldmit Riots" in Toronto in 1876 and at the
that each bad. However, for both to I
Grand Trunk hall Bell ]t remafa in the field meant almost ter- flour -milling cantle/ Of Canada. the
eine In 1877 In 1883 he went over
commaudnnt of the Canadian team. Toronto Saturday Night of last week.
question le to be out of the way, what candidate." Mr. Anderson's action It wall in that year he became con- will b• of interest to many readers of
other lames are of such importance as should be greatly to hie credit should mandaut of the Royal School of In-
to divide the electors on recognised 4t come about that in a future election Pantry at Toronto, organizing C" The Signal:
he will be a candidate. Company, Moya! Canadian infantry, The barrels of flour exported, by
party lines? Otuerving the course of -,.., _-_ - - with aehouc of instruction attached Canada in 1901 amounted to 1.100.000:
affairs In this Province in recent ieetM Liles 11(aekeatafe Mag During the Kiel rebellion in the In 1911 to 3,000,000; In 1918 (the peck
years, with the growing population and (Vancouver Sun) • Northwest Territories in 1885, Lieut.- war year) to 1}(/826.033 in 1921 to 6. -
political influence of the cities, and Rrltl*h Prose wercices are full or Col. Utter commanded the famous Bat- .OWL 00; in ']0_- to 7,878.'580; in 1923
Bat -
anecdotes; about Premier Mackenzie tleflord column and made a forced to 11.069.054. and in 1925 to 10,199.-
the tendency more and more to nettle King. British picture services are re- march across the prairie from ' as 092. Canadian mtil* made new `re
eucslions of policy from the urban plete with views of him from all katchewan Landing to Battleford, a cords of production and of export dur-
viewp,int, I. has seemed to The Sig- angles( distance of one hundred and ninety IHR the war. it was thought that
The Premier has been taken to the miles, in five and one-half days. Ile thee. Fords cou141 not be exceedfd
nal that ul..sa the rural communities
sometime' frigid British bosom. Lon- commanded a tmrceusful re•cronalsanee for many yeses to come. They have
are to lose their influence almost en- ,burs frankly Ilkr. Mackenzie King• against the Indian chief found- already been considerably surpassed.
tlrely they must organise in such a It Is a pretty definite answer to the maker" and the action at "Cut Kolfe It will be observed that the ezport
way as to ,neke themselves beard end sombre forebodings of certain jaan- 11111." for which serviee he Was mels [rude In 11rLi was about ten times the
diced jingoes who prophesied darkly tioneel In despatches and r(sommrndevt volume I in 1(11►1, less than twenty -Ove
felt. It Is unfortunate that It should that the .1'rrmfer was going over to for the C.M.G. and the rank of eolnuel. ?wars previously.
neem to be necessary to array the i.ondon with a bagful of anti-Imperl- Then he eommauded the Turtle Lake \Thr table following gives in detail
country agelnet the city, but farts and alietie convictions. column. which was sent to pursuit or the production of Dour by Canadian
in the long run. it Is the open -mind- the Indian chief "Big Bear." milts since 11117 and the experts in the
conditions stns[ be fnreA. When weR acme Jerre. This table brlega out
ell fellow w�lo dm's not hesitate to
speak of tete country. too. we do not frankly diR0u59 grirraneea who wins With the ooutbreakyof Queen
Af- clearly the decided increases in the
mean merely the townships. We !n- respect for his country abroad. mean war in 1.81(11, Lieut. -Col. Utter was Production and export figures during
elude In the term the towns and vile If Canada had sent over to London placer) In command of the 2nd Special the past few years. particularly since
leges of counties In which the rural 501119 ubsedlulnup flog -sneer with a (4crrlee Battalion, Royal ('aeladian the poet -war slump in 1920.
mouthful of servile platitudes, (Inn- Regiment, and took that fine body of th Preelection and Expert" of ('anadian
element b affil strung. The town of ,,,In would have got nowhere. men across the seas. where it gained Wheat Flour 1917-19x25, Years
Goderich, for Instance. should ally It- Itrltish human nature. like• all other renown. He wee promoted to the Ending August 31st
human nature, admires frankness. rank of colonel. was wounded) during
Barrels Barrels
self with the rest of Huron county
rather than with the larger elides, for The frankness' of Mackenzie King bas the lighting In the Transvaal. was Year Produced, Exported
wen for him the sincere •liking of the twice mentioned' In despatches. and 1917 17,(187,338 8.024.602
its prosperity Is bound up with the British people. was created a companion of the Bath. 1918 17.880.012 10,826,633
welfare of the county as a whole. A While In England on the way home 1919 17842.828 0.872290
strong country party, under whatever 1 For Eeonomk Common Sense
from South Africa. Col. (liter was 1920 13.127.320 5.572,8ti8
name it may emerge. ca opposed to (Halifax ('b nen9r9e., thanked by Queen victoria. In fer.on, 1921 V(321.750 89018,580
i During the Federal election cam• to whom. with hla men. he was pre- 1922 18.01(8.212, 7.878,500
the party which Is governed hS city Wen last summer it was urged as a ge'ntwl. On his triumphant return to 1923
19.075.814 11. (>89.(Kr4
opinion. Is what The S:gnai believe* reproach ,against the Liberal Govern- Canada he was Presented by the Teter- 1924 19.072.103 11.990.842
is called for by the coudltione which ment, a. it Clad been urged atilt more ane of '06, Toronto, with a sword of 1926 18,582.849 10.160.862
prevail in then Province. Such a
emphatically during the Campaign of
1925, that Annie eighty -odd countries
party should not be a farmers' party; ,n the world had Increased their tar -
it should include farmers and towns- life, that Canada was the only coun-
popte iadlserlminately, aU whose la ---try. which had reduced Its tariff, and
consequently that the Canadian Lite
forests and whose toenail of thought eral policy was all wrong and the only
lead them to oppose the imposition rap hope of nalvatton for the country was
on the Province of policies and ■d- the adoption of a further dose of pro-
tection, as advocated by the Conserve -
large centres of populations. five party.
The people of Canada In both elec-
Ilons voted overwhelmingly against
this idea. That was Canada'. answer
to the propagandists for high protec-
tion. And now we have perhaps an
• • • even more impregslre demonstration
against the Idea which the Tory party
Spell 1t Christmaw-not Xmas. "ought to foster here, namely, that
• • • the whole world was turning protec•
After two political campaigns, the tlonlat, in the form of oa remarkable
municipal election looms up. Such is London • todgnp4 I bype Mad ng tienkers
lire. ' and businessmen of Europe and Amer-
• • • ' lea.
We have had quite a spell of poll -
This manlfeatn; which Is sold to
have orlglnated with Montagu Nor -
tics, Let's talk of something else for man, president of the Rank of Eng-
• a change. !land, declares that what the world
• • • and more particnlarip Europe needs
' Let us remind you to do your Christ- 1" tilt largest poa.fhle freedom of
mats shopping earl and do It with the c • Tre' roatruroe leave which
p y- the countries of Europe beep adopted.
the home merr•hants. I they point nut, have been the chief oh-
• • • I notelet' to 8nanelal and in lal re-
, cnvery. The netting up of riff har-
Fifteen years ago. or lea*. could any- Hero ha. .n "crloualy bamperel
one Imagine a Liberal audience ap- trade and producttoes ibat this
pleading Sir George Foster? group of Inflnrotlnl hankPn°yb•ve felt
• • • It Incnmbcnt upon them tet make a
I general appeal 4n severe a esneerted
Mr. 3elghen, It le announeod, ha* de- effort to bring about a return to eco -
added to make hi* home at Toronto, eco-
nomic common Renee.
whet* he will he connected as counsel A orient tat say, that four hours' sleep
with • large finaeciel concern. Let'. a day Ise enough for anybody. Cer-
a -wasn't it Toronto to which Alr tainly! One can take the rest at
JobdeMacdenald retired atter hi. dee- night.--0Ioatreal Star.
chemists. end title was bis first call.
It should also 1* i»eetioned that be
was always honest and truthful.
"Have you anything for grey hair?"
asked the white-haired cbemlrt. "No-
thing but the greatest respect," replied
he truthful traveller
t •
W norgty M
She was young and pretty, and her
couru>ilon when she tistr-no small
change to pay for her twopenny ticket
wns quite charming.
"You couldn't change me a pound
note?" she asked.
The conductor couldn't. "But don't
'•\'raw Calc pair me
worn•. ne sato.
the twopence another time."
"But you may never see me again,"
she Bald.
"Well. what odds?" be replied, in-
tending to be gallant. "I shan't
break my heart if I don't."
Flour Milling in Canada
As Goderich is one of the important
ernl affairs.ran run way riots at e•
How, thea, Mimed the party nes Iain defeat for both, leaving .the rid- from The
he drawn? Premising that the liquor lug to be represented by a "minority to t✓llmbledlon again this time as following article, reprinted
honor; by the ladies of Toronto with Flour Exports by Countries for 1925
a servlee of plate, and was madeBarrels
hnnnrery member of the York, Tor- ! Barrels Exported
onto Golf. and Toronto Hent Clubs Country Exported pee Capita
and 8t. George's society. !Canada ...,.10.160.000 1,102
Knighted in 1913 I Australia .. 4.626.000 .797
Col. Otter was present by invitation Hungary - ... 2,027.0(10 .264
at the coronation -of King Edward and Argentina 1.6z5.000 .119
holdings this In connection with any
other induatrje
Avenge of all
Canadian Flour
Manufacturing Milling
Companies Companies
Held its Canada 64.8% 91.5%
Held In i'nittdl State* 24.4% 3.2%
Held In Great Britain 9.6% 3.8%
in other co9otrles .8% 1.5%
Distribution' unknow$ .4%
100.0% 100.0%
It will be of interest to consider
briefly the important place the in-
dupery oecuples room the standpoints
of the total capital Invested. the num-
ber of plants W operation, value of
ptoducta, etc. The latest complete
figures of the Bureau of Statistics
purveying the flour milling industry
were made available in September,
1926. and relate specially to the year
1924. At that time, the number of
milling plants to Canada was 1.4(10.
consisting of 457 flour mills and 852
grita and feed mills. These mill* in-
volved a capital, Investment of 564.-
3.56.541 and employed 61811 banes. to
whom, In the year. salaries and wages
were paid amounting to 57,806.939.
These mills had a total daily capacity
of 121,973 barrel. of flour and cereals.
The raw materials used cost 5150,-
050,430, while the value of the flniah.d
prndnet* amounted to 5180,847,549.
The flour melee produced} 19.932.193
barrel* of flour of which 11.900.842
were extorted, leering for home con -
gumption 7.941 351 barrels. or ever
four-fifths of a barrel per capita. 1
In the United States, the production
and consumption of wheat are close
to a balance. Moreover. there 1s a
very ckeldrd trend In the great wfleat
producing area. of the i'nited States 1
towards mixed farming. Only a abort
time ago. the i'nited State* exported
as much an 43 per dent. of her total
annual produetion. In 1925, the vol-
nme of ('8{(01(9 fell to, abort 11 per '
rent. The growing population of the:
i'nitedl Staten Is providing a profitable
domestic market for an tncrcasingtrt
USN 1111111111111111111111111
Peva other Styks__
- Sharpens1 tsel f
AusoStrop Safety Razor Co., Limited, Toronto sea
Queen Aleexandra. ' He was made a United States .18.901,000 .122barite proportion of the production of
brigadier -general In 1905. Command Jugo-Slavin • 008.000 ,nig I the flour of the American mills. This
of the 5th infantry Brigade at Alder- Italy 1.876,000 ed
StatiP* as •ual ltrelnatlonegular lsrge exporterofshot, England, was offered to him in F France
. • ('48.000 •�1 1 wheat and flour I. a factor which has
1904. but a decl1of it. in 19(Kr8 he France 4418.000 .012 I a moat Important bearing on the quer-
wens commander of (18 Western On- India 894.110(1 molt
larlo military district, becoming chief Statistics of the part twenty-five tion of Csnadn's probable expansion
of general staff at headquarters, 1905- --yearn show that the export trade in of her exports of wheat In foreign
10, and inspector -general, with the .flour is growing at a more rapid rate market.. The American milia are
rank of majorgeneral. the Drat in the.• than the production of wheat. While cren.lnq on the one hand from in
militia. 1910-12. He was Ito the exports of flour In 1924 had grown (1,- IHR dnmPstk cnn.lt1114 reap while
vested as Knight Commander of the to over tem times the exports of flour the advanCanatage
An mills should the
Rath b ills MildewyKin tto'tr age of leming competition In
7 g George V. in 1001. to the ROMP period the pro -
In export trade.
In June. 1813. aloetins of wh*at had grown to atont
Wheel the world war Dame In 1914, seven time* Me 1p had tion In 1901. The Canadian milling Industry has
Sir William Otter was appoluted di- That Canada .4111 Predominates in though
achieved its present proud position
rector of Internment nperAtIone, serving her old market.. Fetch' no Greet RC1-
th°ugh only 58.06(1,(100 scores or lora
In that capacity- with eharneteri.tk fain. 1. ahown coneinelvely by the; titan our fifth of her total ? arable!
ci -ler throughout the conflict. He now table below which Indicates her par- sees of 00.Of10,000 acres of arable
h :ds the full rank of general. The tieip*tlon In the total flour Import. of 1
!noel Is AR yet under wheat
.len. Thiel
gree of LL,1) was eonfkerr(dl upon Great Britain! Is become Canadian wheat has qual-
hlmahy Toronto Univereity. He wears British Flour imports. Year Ending Itlea which are unexrel►ed anywhere
many decorations. Aligned 31st, 19215 In the world. with the ?Pettit that
All Canada will wish film merry Per Cent.
wherever Can1Ainn flour h8comes
happy returnn of the day. From BArrPis of Total known It IA thereafter demanded by
Canada 2528.445 42% I PaRPr".
United State* ....2.175.746 807a The high (loamy of Canadian flour.
Au9traliA 96•'5,664 18%
202.132 47e
Other ('ortotriew „ 111,706 2%
What is Mae?
With a lid on each eye.
An a bridge nn his nose;
With drums in his ears.
And nails on his toes;
With palms 011 his hands,
And poles on his feet ;
And large Adam's apple.
That helpa him to rat ; flour In the world are facia or eonAl-
Wlth asap on each knee, the rase of the flour milling Indttatry,
On each shrnilder a blade; however. the CanaAlan holdings acre Linn. which. ennddered together. make
From the bottom to top. over 91 per cent. of the total, whlrlt (fhs' outlook for her milling lndnatry
He's the Queerest thing made. is a considerably larger percentage of - hlghly prnmlaing.
Total 5 980909 180%
Cannelloni.' hold an average of about
04 per cent. of all 1ncM*trial neenrlt(9*
ia*uedl by Canadian eompanles. in
the large potential wheat producing
areae .4111 available in. Canada, the
doelining exportable *nrpina in the
United States, the ever -widening ex-
pert demand the growing MAP of
wheat flour In the Orient. and the fact
that Canadians thenealvea are the
greateet ennanmer., per capita. of
Four Christmas Baking
If you select your Supplies from our Fresh and Whole-
some Stock of
Raisins (balk and package), Currants, Dates, Figs, Peels,
Cherries, Cocoanut, Lemons, Sbelkd Nuts,
Shortening, Spices, Lard, Cbocolate,
Cocoa, Almond icing, Extracts
Sparr's Grocery
"The Store
Hamilton Street
Telephone 146.
of Satisfaction"
Goderich, Ontario
We deliver in town.
Just received new shipment of
All colors and sizes and very reasonably priced..
The newest thing in Skirts for misses. Small checks
and plaids with inverted pleats in front.
New range of satin Hats for both matron and miss.
Priced at $3.95
Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East side of Square
amnxnu ixnmmuuxuuu