HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-12-2, Page 1The Road to Fortune Tbir is the title of the new aerial 'tory to be lwmllaano.d Shortly in The Signal. It ie a eplendld tale Of mystery, adventure and romance. Be sure to read it. SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 48 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. pECEMBER 2, 1926 PREMIER FERGUSON WINS ON GOVERNMENT CONTROL PLATFORM North Huron Gives C. A. Robert- son, Liberal, a Thumping Mi jortty The Ferguson Government was re- turned to power In the general elec- tion yr»terday with practically the sante numlwr of supporters as 111 the last I.t•Rialiture. With the Govern - Mew the policy of "Government cote trot" of the liquor traffic wins against the existing Ontario Temperance Act. and no doubt the new law will be brutight into effect at the flret session of the new Legislature. The standing of the parties., according to latest re- turns received. leis follows: C.uservativea Liberals i'rnereesivee Independent Liberals Labor Nut beard trete (Manitoulin► -.1 112 Huron pronounce▪ d agalamt the Gov- ernuarm eaedidatea--Marla aaa Gee In both ridings. C. A. Robertaoa. i4lwral, winning in North Hurnd over John Joynt. and W. G. Medd. Progres- sive, defeating Alex. Kerb In the south riding. 79 19 10 6 1 ELECTiON FCHOES swot n wetness! But Huron is still DRY. So fur there is no - talk of a recount in North Huron. And ale. Joynt's organizers eia(med-t he would Ret a majority of 500 In Ash - Geld: Christmas Greeting Cards Individual Christinas greeting cards, with your lame printed on tach. may he .had at this 'Alec at reasonuhlr prices: Ask to sere sampler. THE SIGNAL THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED, Publishers. The News of the Town Mlas Jefferson's ('artoons Miss Jefferson, •laughter of Rev. Selby Jefferson of town. is a clever c$rra,uist. During the vle•tton con- test The Montreal Witness and Tlw Toronto Glide- bad several of her drawings. North Huron electors showed they like a man who knows his own mind rather than one who wobbles. Mr. Joynt will no- w be able to get away on that trip around the worid. "Fergie" guessed r- ight. North Huron bangs out the sign: "No Joint* Wanted." Mr. Joynt is st- ill fellow ing Mr. rlckte-t,, defeat._ Well. we shall have an opportunity now of knowing what Government "control" really means. • Poll No. 1. Goderkh townehlp. gave Medd a majority of three -the first time on record It ever gave other than a blg'lory maiorlt,. Goderleh township - Is XVIII the "cold water township." (:oderieh Is the only municipality In North Huron that gate a majority for Joynt, and that majority was lees than half that reeordtsl for the Con- ecrvative candidate In September. Mr. Robertson Spear The aueeeasful candidate, after spending ■ short time with( ■ear of his Colborne township supporters who had gathered at Carlow. came into town and was enthusiastically greeted tot the Liberal rooms on North street. where the returns were bring received. On being asked to say a few worda Ire gave a brief address, In whkh he said the victory wile not that of Lib- entl» only. but of alt who bad voted for the -canoe he repreaeoted. "Yon hare put me limier a debt nf grati- tude whieh I cannot hope to repay. but 1 will .lo the best 1 tan as your repre- sentative and In this way will try to repay you for what you hare done. My work is cut out for me and I hope 1 shall not fall you. The result slaw■ what the people can do when they make up their minds to do it. . I thank yon one nut all." NORTH HURON The malurltiea In the various maa11- eipalitle. of North Huron. as nearly us ten Is- ascertained today. are as follows: Joynt ltobwerM•an t:tslerieh 3411 Winghnm Itrussels Myth Wroxeter -tshfeld Colborne West Wawnnosh East 11-awannsh Morrls Grey 581 Turnterry 220 /us- Ick 2..51 90 113 21 IIS Death of Mrs. A. M. Maellnnes Many friends were shocked to learn of the death yesterday of Mrs. Mae- Innee. wife of Mr. A. M. Maelnues. elle( engineer of the steamer W. C. Franz. which occurred at -llexnndra hospital atter a brief nineties. The fun- eral takes place tomorrow (Friday) afternoon from the ikmite revidenew. corner Wellington and St. I'atrlek's streets. to Maitland cemetery. Mrs. Machines came from Scotland to God - retch as a bride about right yenrs ago and had made many warm frienely who deeply regret her untimely ,death. ehw leaves. i eald.s her' Modiste!. two etildret, a boy and a girl. All Hada. e. Desk 1'Iu• 31nrine t'htb will open up their r•e,nrs on North Street this week, to prepare for their aunusl (-rules abut ''hrIa.ttaas. All marine m,-n.are wel- eouu•.--It. Morrison, Gollerlcb. Maple Leaf Benefit1 The -r,• sus a large atta-ndaq.w at the \lodel Theatre last night. when "The Engle." with Rudolph Valentino. was shown under the au»I,Icrs of Malde Leaf Chapter, AO.1).15. This pfeture well' be shown again this evening under the .n me uuspiees. Looking Over Old Re■p1tal Building A representative of an outside manufacturing concern was is town on Monday looking over the old hospi- tal building un South street with a "Why Net, Jerry.,, On Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. the three-aet seaway. "Why Net. Jerry?" Is 1..•ing given by t{sr 11'e»tmluster Guild to the lecture rotes of Kuux church. In addition to the play. there le a musical program. Official Election Agents Aix. Porterfield. of ltelgrave. is the ottk•led agent of Mr. ('. A. Rvbert.•,o. Liberal candidate in North Ilnron. and Wan. Mtejullliu. of West Wtiaa- nosh. Is the ofiiclnl egret for Mr..lt.hn Jay-nt, Couaervative candidate.' u e: r: At•Heraw --- A fuuctlean that was mueh enjoyed was the gat -home of- the Menem -tuns Canoe flub Wedncsetay night of lase asci. The winners at card. were MINI riew of purchaaiag It. He later- Richardson of Clinton and lir. Jas- vI•wrd several member.. of the heaspl- Donaldson, the "consolation." being ta1 Island, hat olid not make any deal awarded to Mies Irene Suolts and Mr. with theme' W. F. Saunders. Lunch was followed by dancing until atter midnight. WnaiU-Clark S+11* Huron Whiner io A pretty wedding was s.,tenlniud ( '1t the election held to South Huron •.•,.neral on Saturday for the sixth Older (toys -United elutselt pparee0401$4. dem. en -Tuesday. November 3tth. when Miss Pearl ('lark. daughter of Mr. Alex. (lark, Pine street. Goderich, be- came the bride of Mr. Oscar Winmfil, Alen of Goderith. The bride was gowned in white georgette, with sha- dow- lhee trimmings, and travelled in a deems of tust ecrepe anton with hat to match. The bride and groom re- a Parliament of Ontario Alvin 1l' 911 -`'- tees, who eons .d 1b constituency with Alexander Addison of Hrueefield, was elected by a majority of :,d. The plates represented were: Centralia, !Clinton. Crediton. Heiman, Senferth, , Egmondvllle. ('hisrlhurst, Klppen, Hnieeteld. Thames Read. Dashwood. Zurich. Win H, rep. 'huff's, 'emcee• lord' and Exeter. turned the same.day to Goderk•h. and The ltlue Water route is popular In I Pn the evening a rreeption W1104 held rat Huron and (truce, and the erdd water , the home of the hrhke's slater. Mrs. route also wine In these counties. Wm. Brownlee. Mr. and Mrs. Win - mill are making their home on Cam- Toront0'a fifteen seats all went eros street. Tory. as urinal. North York, however. elected a Liberal by a good majority • The Conservativee made a dead set on W. F. Niekle in Kingsten nnd de- feated hfm by over 26011. In the re fereothim of 11x24 Kingston went wet hT 142. All of the Cabine- t Ministers erre re-elected except Hon, Ar, Jamlew,n. W1111 Was defeated Inttlouth Grey by Farquhar Oliver. Prkgresalcl•. by a majority of about n00. Premier Ferguson is rne_hrte'- ln- Gre•nt-flle• with a majority of 1400. W. E. N. S n4 -lair. the iywrat leader, hos a majority of 2.iIl01fn South (hl - tare. W F. Roney leader of the I'rogreaelves, got through In Prince Edward with a want 44. HEAD OF HURON DIOCESE CHOSEN AS ARCHBISHOP 2114 Might Ree. David Williams, ALA., G4 1).D,. 1.I.1).. I).('h-., Lord Ili»hop of 2NI lluron. hat Ia•en ehosell by the• (lianas• -of 1Nsheps et the e•ctiesinstit•sl Pro- vince of Ontario of the Anglican Church as -1rehllshsp of Huron and pales. Business at the Harbor The steamer Sweden arrives' this (Thur.dnyt morning with a cargo of 24.0010 bus. of wheat for winter stor age for the G,alerleh elevator. TUIs Is the second steamer to tie the winter. Thr J[idlund King also arrived this morning with a titre., of 45.000 Ius- of flax and t4:t.(M0 bus. of aheat for Aee1dert)t_4. Rd. Munro The ('lintuu-Nvws-Ktg-ard of last week -luso-th.-Collowiug referent . former Goderieh boy. a brother of Mr. -)avid Munro of town : Mr. E. Munro met with a serlouw ae- elule•nt ou Tuesday. He wall up on a ladder taking Ice not of the eaves - troughs when the ladder slipped. tar something happened. and he tell, frac- turinga w e rl t end shattering a knee- cap. cap. 11e was inkrnealltltely rustled to The Member -elect Broadcasts the hospital and everything loeslble ortn C. A. Robert AM). member -elect fur f1011for hum, but y Inst he injured hr was snff.rinR greatly with the 1nJurfd North Huron. was Balled on to steak knee. The Xray showed the cait to be over Dungannon radio broadcasting so shattered that a portion had to be elation, 3 11 Loa 1l'elneetda y- 511ght. r•morwl. 11 was a neat unfortunate The broadcasting wax done by remote accident. but it Is hoped that his re - control over the telephone at 'lurk- e•overy will he n. rapid rax 1oe.ible- bolder's studio, G.uderk•h. Mr, Rob- ertml.n In a brief speech thanked the Goderiek Dealer the Top-notther electors for the splendid Cote they Re - Mr . Jae, ('. ('arrie, local defiler for spoke heftily. Tide amateur broad - Limited. Shetwtn-Wllltamf Co. of Canada. ■.p here fur pasting statins, 1a owned by Mr. M. Llmite tt Toronto, recently received, a 1 Colbert of Dungannon and a number .-iter )From that Arm with referents. or radio fans In the dlstrlet h.•l the to the sale of ShPrw-In-11'Illfatteem' broadcasting, paints in Gudorieh. A paragraph from the letter Is as ftallows: "In look- • , in orbs the ce.• Ithe esieriel elevator. This steamer will cher for the hetet of the lakes as soon as It Is unload t-ihe foilewing steamers are expected 1 with cargoes for the Goderieb *de - 1 tater: Altadac. 194.(5)► bus. of wheat; Hrk•raks•. 54,.(M51 lens. of oats and 175,- ; 000 bas. of wheat; Kamloops. s. 74.000 1 hos, of wheat and 42,150 bus. of oats; Pruobs•oL IM4.(IM) ha., 01 wheat; Itis • fns 1'. Rooney. 2411.151(1 Ions. of wheat. ' The steamer D. H. Hanna Is dor at he Wextern (amidst F'lonr Mills tie t•eltnr with a cargo of 00.000 bus. of ole*t. The steamer Camelot.. ' whish left i here last week. ran aground near Sault Rte. Maris net Lake Superior last e'rlday. It wax released on Saturday mad will be taken to dryduc•k for re- f Metnga,litan of Ontario. Ile wle.T _- _ emit. Arehblshop Therneloe, of Al- j 340 • ?:"_I gouts. nhu resiguel a short time ago. 31aJarltt- fur Rtlerts,n--18ec1 The -1relibi»holt w111 cunt hlue to re - Poll No. 1 2 8 4 6 t:ODF.RICH side at leauden. Archbishop ll'illiams has taken a Joynt Robertson vital part in the work• of- the ('lurch 107 103 of England in Canada Since 1887, the 180 121 year in a Irish he cattw to thew century 172 112 from Wales. • i11. ministerial life 182 111) 100 AS 205 s 1410 7 114 • (18 Advance Pall 16 3 WH 1201 Majority for Jot nt-340. ASHFiEi.1► Joynt Rebertstt11 foul No. 1 72 91 2 'i,1 14(2 3 62 91 4 77 49 a 7s 44 31t 57 Z 28 '45 400 519 3ItJority ter Rotrertton-119. WEST WAWANOMII Joynt Itola•rtetu Poll N.. 1 89 t(0 2 RR )40 :1 (13 :t•i 4 34 151 5 25 112 0 117 21 3(11 424 31hJ eity for Itobe•rtson--58. MOUTH HURON he South Huron W. 1:. Mi•.kk Prn- gressttt. has a majority of about 1725 over Alex- Neel). ('tnM•rratlt'e•, The maJorltiee fur the various municipal!. tint, As given below. are open to cor- rection on further returns: Meld Neel, Clinton (1( Sea fort 11 12 Exeter ,, 144 MIAyeel() 75 ilensoll 91 Gewlerk•h Towneb(p 50 Stanlel -101 flay ... 13 Stephen 111* 1'shorne Tu ckersmitk Hnilet t dile )1t lllap N 1811 Rut 3laJorlty for Medd 1723. •r, ARCHBISHOP WILLIAMS 31ost Her. Mold ll'llllams, Arch - he of Huron. It Is nuntno•el. will lea• Itetallel as 3letrolarlinu1 of the Peelt•sl5slitml of Ontario et province Nervier,. to le conducted In St. Peal's 1'nthel'al. 1anulon. uu the (Welling of Theretay. December 10. (Inc of the Int' gen assemltlegl•s of clergy asel laity ever mothered in the (ies.•..• Is expect- . d tt Wither*. the Brent. Itiaht ltet'. J. C. Farthing. lllshop of Montreal. will preach at the Instal- lation services.. while the ofil(lating e•Iergy will be Rt. fee) ..1. E. Sweeny, ilJ,ahop of Toronto. srnitr offk•Iant; Rt. Rev. J. C. Roper. Hisliop or Ottawa: Its. Rev, C. A. Seager, Melton of On- tario. and let. Rev. 7). F. Owto, Rlehop of Niagara. deter Intek to 8115, when he was or - /kilned as dencon in the 1'hunh of England In Wales. Hr was elevated Ill Int• priesthood In 18s1(1 And wile cur - Ate At Llan FYestlalett. Wake. before e,ming to ('awa(I*. The son of John and Mirgnr-t W - William,. the Archbishop wn• barn • nean l,amlteter, Cantigznshlre. Wales. and received his early education at the Lamp. -ter °remnant School. later at- tending Oxford -University, from which Ur received his M.A. degree with honors. Sinew comlultto Canada helms rwr4sel the hltiearary degree of D.D. tram the 1'nlreratty of Weet,•rn Ontario, In 1t05. and twee yeah% later the degree of LLD. from Toronto t'ni- versify. Illi first lost in Canada was that of professor At ,Huron COI 1P10.. which le teak. in 18(7, eoutlnuing at this work until i8Ir2. In whkh year he became rector of ht. James church at Strat- ford. eta Archdeacon of Perth he acted In 1tak3 atul 115)4. 111 January Q 110.1. he was rousrranrt as Bishop of Huron. Archbishop lPtiilents ale an author of note• uud gained prominence In his bnklet "Khat the ('hunch Snlnde Fur." wheel( he 1,11blluhet In 1910. The same your he •.at_ort. a e•ammitteee ,1 lgoillt-.l Na prepare a hymnal for the Aug)lenn Church to Canada sial. twua rears later. was a delegate 5 file leans -inglk•an Pongees* in iAandon.. Eng- land. (ht that ocaisitn hP WAS presented tt King Edward end (Jue•u, ,11avxn.lru at ttuakihighnm Palace, 1 )ul t-tnnd lttg in Ilia work have Igen his e•nerge•tk• efforts toward the pre- vention of tulerculosis. He was mar- rit-I in 1889 to alba.. Alberti( E. Our - well. of London. Ont. It Is generally agreed that his ■d- in istratitn of the large and Import- ant !entree of Huron hos leen emi- nently .lwcearfanl. DM Is In no small any responsible for the ',trout NNy- men'n negotiation in Huron I)Itaee•lve: the most active organisation of the kind In the whole Anglican (linn•h In ('»nada. Ile has been a lumber of nil the important etammIttees of Pro- vin(•Ini Synod for years post and haw leen Intimately aseoelatel with Arch- blshep Thornelee In eetfetring with nnthuritics In the Provincial Depart- ment of F..Mention in recent year. in sn eariast endeavor to ewers. mare 111hie training in the day setwe,ls of the Province. Two years ago Archbi1linp WYIMms eteellneI the unsedMlted offer of the Idshoprit' of Bangor. Wales, his native country. one o0 the 'Pretext Amt Alrong- ust dlewetses to the Old lend. Ho Is the 'wily Canadian canon of RC-(ies,r- ge'• Church. Je riablem. other.. dhan ('anon Gould. Tnrnrrin. who was a wI.- sttnarr in Palestine. for many years.. In !fw•If a leeenllarly high honor. Nater and light (ommisslon R mtatratite wa►ee report,. • At the meeting of the water and for the (Mettle diylaon for the past light eeammiseltn on Thursday night year. we are eery pleased ill note that last n rusher of routine waIterwwet -�°r port -hasp of smell o dealt with. Theappllaatien of J. R. were the top -floe -ter In comparison North Huron's Winner ' 9,414110 • r • 1 1:, A. it4)HEItT80N -4414 for North donut Charles A. Itutsertwaa. x• the .uteawful candidate for North Huron in yes- terday's election. was born - and has lived all his life In the township of Col- borne. 11se e represent," the third generation of Rota- ertsons on the MP farm. where his grandfather settled ninety-two years ago and where hie father. the late Alex. Robertson. stffi nb" nlmt e•1f-wen -he SIIWO his early years he has taken an interest In publk affairs. ant) for the been last elx yearn he ham en a member of the township rouuetl. In 11425 he WAS elected Warden of the c ty of floret.. Ile l» especially interested Iu edwatloaal matters. and for two years has been chairman of the county council's committee on education. Another of blotactivitiesIs in em xee•tion with riIrahartlttg. and hr has tarn captain -of the Colborne Itl&• Aaweaelati(wu for several cram, The lad$ wino presider over his Sees home on the eth cane•swion of Col- borne nu., formerly Mist. Julia Johnston. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Andrea Johnstonot.('arlow, and they have two daughters. Dorothy, nhu is !mantle., Gunlerich Collegiat!mantle., and Chris- tine. • Mr. Rolwrtsou (the Iota till call him "Charlie") makes no at- tempt at oratory. taut says what he has to may and does what he has to do in • quiet way, and the majority of nearly 11(5) with which he ram. through yesterday Is evidence of a quality of thoroughness In his make-up. COMMENTS ON THE RESULT • Ilgluus offices and whose activities in The DAMPut tetuperance ere supposed Tegi1 .61ebe To give weight to their words. whether Those who. nu onraelve•o, believe :ayukcn in heat or with deliberate pur- ptase to deceirr. TO the PitizenA of that the decision Is n dfntlnct setbnrk Ontario we »ray- titin is your lar•, 1)0 not fall to render to it the respect doe to a statute set up by the people. Con- ' form It to yourselves, nee your In- --Brrrmer-Ter-ser that netwhotransgrt' -tt are brought to Justice. and make it • your etsiness to see that the liberty you have twee railing for and hare now obtained is not (dewed. For our part. ne believe that not altly sill etlfrvd sl1w,. tut the IH ttegge•1', hilt alset that It will tnake 1►utario more sober• neere lar• -abiding and more �p- ioacmes-• The Goveru- ment mow not shrink from IIs teelou- oibilftiew. It has protests' esed tint the tented 11 -is ti. ne.nme ,tees the liquor traffic will be Ihrongh a ('ouuniesion heof -11'rtstna_liLnlu n_1hl• trust- ethux._it.f__ ie -to man n'ho wilt faitd:hhfully' watch. over the operation of the 'Is- m su 1111"75-ro 111fleoutr tg, ilF-uu�tettuess to temperance reform will learn the result with keen disappointment. If It `ere poeslhk to hope that the ren t R. W. P. r.,ratlnr, nt 1.•g»lisetl thoree eeetteg would do the thlags ['realer Fergu- son pront.e--that It vomit' I.•seen drinking. banish brotlegghlg. mid la - prove the morel and e•unomir life of the Prorinee-well and good. tar !aril. would not 'then have red:eel to regret the deelslon. But If. as we fear. Government eentrtl of liquor nu•:ina liquor emend of Government. suit the partnershiia e.tnbli.hel with the "Trade- result. In the hedrvll• ear•" men( l.f Iwtllti(•s nnd en grievous Inetry to the home life of the lae,;de nnd the itdnelrial life of the 1'rnvince, then Me l,-rgusaii. "bis Government. anti those nssnr.l:ted with film ha nil-brd- rhat Jag 'h•• Pege)Isti tela Jw. held-wf-aSerbe t.. :wennnt. The r•sponsibllty- newt rest upoe them. Landon Advertiser tit, Ferguson Get-erunhent has Ia.•n authorised beyond gnewlinu to proceell WWI Its scheme, and II will lino. the tluiy ofxednrit,g to definite fora the nelanites, 'and 'Rifling Ircogrnm Which 11 r. leergnsnt submitted to the people. 1 IIci1'alably neatly thousands of good ell lxen4 V0941 for Its enndidates in the heit.-r that there was seal' tntl,h• .•ht Government "control- to tame the de- feets.of• n Inn• imperfeetle'administer- ed Lecxns. Ihe• Govrnm,nt. excepting 11n( tn.lulor. ens he.stila' t.a it They - will learn that PVI -11 th. OMarl° Ten - A t ns It has hatu._rnfumed ens Infinitely heII.r than nny schene elri.h legallxe the sale of liquor for beverage pnrtsees. There will be an auormo11s nnd Iinni.d,late in,renee lu eon.utTSlen. anal there will he mu ael- ditiannl stimnttis to Illicit traftlekleg. ,l g,'hrnttien which lino green tip elthtatl nit- eersotell knowledge tf pe•-Iarohtbltleh rauditlone will see Ibis rhnoge for the worse. The new sp•• tem will and alight to be judged 111- nTndls. and them. will la• swiftly op- pa rent, Toronto Mall and Empire I'r.hlhilien. never rutt.d In the soil tf Ontario's impulse: xceteati •f•, and Ikerefore purer looked up to as A haw .er-ftlUI rl authority, lax Aow--4ar•i."eJe•I.bt dal the lwdl.. card its blare by to taken It x temperance trolley Which. after (1111 disresdnn. the lwogale Ilnte nptrnt•.d. The existing IJ.T.A. ens Hartel, habitually and universally clulnNd. said trot all the effor't I ?,f . fh se •fir I t n Atnarutyx-G.ue•rnl who had 'dike In Ihe hist ten years (noel COM. p el observance ..r i1 by a eery large part of the twgwttntime '-Utes' Verge - sett (:nverhnwnt kept to (ner.ening the outlay en enforcement nicotine, str•ng- 1hanleg Its force et poll(•,". Inspectors and theeciltes. nnd punishing offend. w eh stet nail stn• t't.rily. hall the MutIi,, . of the isantleylers k.pt expwnnliug, the stile of poison alcohol weft nn Inure/king. and the vIt•tlms growing more nnut•nts. The voters of (hanrrlo have dte.reel that this frightful state of sffnire meat end. and, ae repeat, the Government anal Ilse cwt time In hreaging It to nn rend. When the sm.1111meutm It propts•s for that ptrtwt•t• are Amit Into effect the people of Ontario who here Ville' for this champ must then feel 1s- I to vin.11- emte their lambs• nnd to vindicate their own moral chairmen -T.. which has been let wlktly Aspect. e1 by men a ile•e ly. Mustard for water service to bit coal with any of the towns In Western (►n- seal w•as lwswwt. n. well as w•verai tnrin nnd• eomrort cert. favorably with npplle•ation. for ele•Irie light se•n•Irr, some of the eftfes. Knowing of -1 raspiest from the town masse- that renew that i:oderlelt is an spa -to -,trate the etmnllsatn hove the lwslir. Sea k town rind the people always keep their %vireo conne•ttel. WAs harried to the -liners and' bnlld(ng. Inking prvosler- englnwr with' instruction tb etmply ons' we are not surprised rat this, and with the reluett- The ace 1s We npprerinte the fact that you hate passed Included the October power hill always !Akre trill nth -a -n beim; a of nor froul the ILE-1', Conagission of (►u- :ielt-,'nt11 it and sales ."and that tacit, !t3,4ri•t.5.'i, you will Continue to do Public Spy■king Contest 0. C. L "Lt." The m.i•Htag of the G. C.I.l literary Society last Fridley evening was fir. A largo arndienrr was present In the lecture room of North street -Muted tahurih reel Mnndttr evening to hpnr Thi -t' '7i 'diner--tet-its--tinsels contestants in n public speaking can- were present. Aleeirnt f'nt1 ens' test. The Speaker. erre Miss Delight. 'Trade-""" "ml In n corieise• way thank - Mittel). of 11et011a street ehnriit. '''I the pupils for electing hln to the whose subject anti "The Lengne of n01e• of rite -president. Nntinns," the 311x. 1111111 Measle. of .1 debate. "Resolved. Ihat'tht• miser North street church, who took as her has been tot mere L:Irio to society Gitlin.: "The Ritrle-A INwrk fee Ynnng-dote lues--xla+tdthrift" _•was won by -Itweple;" hath- aaklretows were ex- . e- -:i%s whirl sus ytpheld_Itr EIsle- ue iYri:g1y creditable. well Ihnnght out, Winter nnd r.teth Hunala•r, 11144ing • wt!! arranged. laid well dclicened. the :0!ninalir,. The negative ads. The Jndgf•se-Principal ilnme Anil was br.irely- elm inpinnel by forst :tut. Messrs. 11', F. Nnfte! null W. D1. Rob- it-t'r••evteF by Herein 1'ran-fonl and ertwan-gars the verdict to Ibis. Stanley. Clarke. .1il4.en Stdw.• sang a 3iuteh. Rtv. C. F. Clarke presided. pie'tistng mole laid I)elighl 3I11tth gave nnd tau mumins1 uunibers were given nu htsfntuseuttl. -Billie- Wrlattr•r --a solo by Mrs. Adams Aad a .past- reed the "Jnttrusl:•• whI•i, present, -4 tette selection by Messrs- .1. It- ninny humorous par:e,raphs. Evelyn Wheeler, (•. M. Robertson, G. G. New- Dent. wive a talk to the teethe. "The tan and Geo. Belcher. •lnrctret." whieli nils gilrn Ite the• -_ •school by Ihe Godson- 1?Ie•tatier & Kelleher-tiertho�q, Ti' neit Co. Tiu1 '11/14 match nppre•i- St. Ihtsli's chtnrh. TornnT/t. was the rated. .l humorous "skit" bronchi the seem. of n pretty we•deih:g on I'! -III program to n close, 1tiaglas Nairn tiny tnortlhig. November 2416. 11 -n null "Biel" Sturdy were two nrm'y re Miss Dorulhy Berlin'''. daughter of '•rniting nlBeer"' mut ":Nell" Kale, Mel ('net. Itert McManus and Clarence -Caaiker were -11W -different men ,who menthe' e' to join the amts. This was extremely- funny. The singing of the \-tiautl-.AellwW #ought the pregrsm- to A (dose, Mr, and Mrs. .1. 14. Prrthuu. Spaietne rnac. In•rnnne the bride of Mr..l:ttn.s Kelleher, sem of Mrs. Kelleher ,aid the late •tears. Kelleher. nnd formerly of (lantern -h. Father Forestall. itlk•Inted and 1)a-. .1. F. Ilnnre of Tor- onto 1'ulversity-. an uncle ,uf the laride, played the Wt.14Iing musle. IViit-n the bride entered, the church she removed n P..Islt•y- wrap. an heirloom shawl Which had belonged to her +treat -surf. Her weddIng gun -it w'ne of white geor- gette fnwhion,d With n tau -tier skirt and ennght at the waistline with an ornament of tannage blossoms. The bridal veil wax of dninty whlte tulle eanghn with silver leaves and orange Re blo.sonit, The bride carried a hon. qnM of Oplolla rotes and 111y of the taluses. el Ise Isabel lkirthon, the brlde.mnl(1. ea.. gowned in orchid geergett. and wore a wide georgette lint. Silver sllpp,•rs nett wort. ail she . nrried a bouquet of mauve chrys- nnthen tax. Mrs. Iteritin wore a aklack crepe remain gown with green trimmings an,l n black hat. Her now-ers were red roses find violets. Mre, Kelleher ons lu blat•k 'titan. Mr. Chattels Mallon Attended the great. After the Nervier'8 reception was held at the home of the !we'ra parents her the relatives and s•few Mende of the family. Fee travelling the bride (donned a pretty rose frew•k Ind little rose hat and a blue. coat with a large fox collar, Mr. and Men. Keileber left net a welding trip to Etr"pe, ',there they will •Ilett nortbern•Awe•dte, t)ryt. meek and countries Its the south ne Europe. -- CHURCH NOTES et .lcrvicc_+-Att._he ILIpM1St clout -la twist -- Senility at 11 men. nnd 71a.m. The sermon subject in the evening will be ';The -)evil . Itlg Prettiest." 11,1'.1'.IU. meeting ne 3lonebty night, Services at Vietertn street United eluirch o•xt Sunday will be rtnelnt•ted by the 'motor. at follows: I9 a.m.. fellowship - wenn,: 11 'cm.. public n-in,.lil esermen. "The 1'neeamhnhl( Rlehee of ,Ulnae: 121 The Itle•he...r. .In the SaIntsr:" 7 p.m.. pntiltr woe - whip --sermon, -"Fite Slgrts of the Times: (:11 in the iteligisns of rhe• World." Sunday ta'hool nt a o'clock p.m. Service at Union e•hnre•la, Geal- erheh • trlwnSht t. I(1 3 teclea•k p.m.: Sunday school at 2 o'clock. The merrils•or at North Jerrie I'nited church next Sunday will Ina as fol• lows: 10 a.m.. Men'', (•huh, ehnrrh PIA PAPP and 311144m Hand. PnMk worship at 11 a.m. and 7 am.. to be ewtduw•trdd by Rev. F. Z. 1'1yrlale, /if Exeter. There wiU he a operl.tl Snn• day ...level anniversary eerily, In the nwtrnlag at 11- o'clock. Special mask wn1 AP riot t,-rpd hP the gamier choir. and Reginald -'usher will tender a v.• -at nolo. The Rttnday rebid Nervier hl the afternona will he wlthdfawa. and the a el...taws and evils th:it spring therefrtm, BRIEFS Don't forget the. Yictorin (l.itter.' Luxaur_ etturday, lh.•rmlw r tt)a, le be I,t14 in the lae.ait store next iluut'w hnrdnnrn. Ihttnlltrnt street. The lacunal elleretie:ne•It tf, Salt- ronr ltiui,l:n -Hiatal- a III 7s-• hell- on Tii,s:i , Itrseniler 24th. Friends of the wheel till pl.aw• keep the datein mind. Theiw.i'.0 liand of North street Felted-elut eh is giving nut entertnlu- sent an rrltt Ir. Ihsem fir 10th. nt 8 o'i•lock. .1gmi.wlun 2:e and 1s-:. Et'. ryIs,dv eelcelne• A 1'hri-t11111+ eriteptnlunitul alll b. held in the tit,rell nt Tayler'a Penner% on 1)e.seebe•r List. Thr chief fentnre of the program Will II; a play It he presented by the young people. PERSONALNTiON , Mr, ;eel Moe Johnston of 1),-trtil- spA•lit the o ee•k-,•ill In town. 11r. Fronk Int-( 1 IIty is home after awes utg the ita4th t11 Ih. takes. _ 31 r. Erna a Pritchard, of 1i'tod•te, -k. spent the e,rk-.end with friends lase, Miss I'. .1. Polley has returnee them lulvslt v( here she epettl sr te•rt. 1 week*. - Mr. Jos. 11atVii-sr. Jr.. hie reu[n,al from Toronto, when,' he 515.111 a couple of trek.. 11r. .1. .1. Sutherland. tf Toronto. tens In teen for the week -end. the gnash of RPyl.leor 1'un ls.. Miss Ilk Ire itevuolds was at Tor men Inst week and attendedh t the Kelleiew lterthou welding. Mr. Jawph Finn. of 11.1n lt_ e1. -11r Ila Week •11.041 With Ifs parted., air. uol Mrs. 1' Finn. Mr, maul Mrs, Wm. Farr it ft eat Monde) to seem' the winter Stith their dnnelier. )Ir.. Hearn. at Stratford. Iuandon Prep tress: 111s. Matare. of Geletrlch. wilt 1. speeding the w'In• Or In town. is at 111.. Me•311lia, '. Keit /erect- ' 111s. Grate Strang 'wile ..tae• trent 173elp11 for the week-.h,l tit was ar- etmraltaled he MIM KII» $tnelalt, s fellow-lesehh•r on. ,he Guelph (bllegi- rite institute staff. Lu Knox chnr,F m•xt Sabbath the. sett -bye will be io.tdueted Ay the sun' Ish•r. Inhjeets of ..rm,rdre: 11 Seat. "SIw•Aking ht. Authorityr 7 p.m.. '•hie tering old, -{'rule." Sahhstk •,110111 Apd Itlily .•• '-•t. at 3 l.'.•lock. • _ s 11,4P 10.