HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-11-25, Page 1010 Thursday, Novc usber 1926. i To the Electors of North Huron t On the lit of December you will be asked to elect a representative to the Provincial Legislature, and as i am a candidate you hare a right to know my position and views. There are many contentious subjects to be settled -Gov- ernment Control vs. 0.T. A., the educational administra- tion of the Province. Hydro -Electric affairs, and Highway matters. Rat Mr. Ferguson says that the liquor question is the main Issue. That being thecae..., I wish to state that I am opposed to Government Control as outlined by Mr. Ferguson. Government Control should mean a restriction In the output of liquor instead of an increase. Government Control. to be effective, should be in the hands of those in sympathy with temperance legislation and not of those con- trolled by the liquor interests. Government Control may mean revenue. but it at the expense of the general prow ;verity of the.Province. 1 believe the 0.T. A., as endorsed by the people on different occasions and by large majori- ties iu North Huron. should be adhered to and strictly et: forcaf. I believe men should be elected who ■re la syn toothy with temperauce legislation. Hydro -electric mercy should be distributed on a more equitable basis throughout the Province. Revenue derived from liquor should not be applied to highway expenditure. Premier Feeguwm's township st1ool board bill is not work- able and should be withdrawn. Supplementary grants to teachers' salaries should be based ou length of servtee, of belency and qualification. Elections should be held at seseonahle times wheal the view, of the people can be ex- pressed. and, once compress&. as they have been on several oeraaions, should be rest,rt.fl. J Suttee the taupe was htsauwt. tie I realer or Ute l'rn- vitt e. Hon. Howard Ferguson. has materially altered his owe mantfeeto, though Cleat manifesto was put forth as the rewtit of the most careful consideration. Siren so. witb all his latest changes. i am unalterably opposed to kis policy --thrk•mperanee-issue•-and to any form of lioternment Rotttrol or sale of liquor for beverage purposes. I stand absolutely for the O. T. A. and I will support all such amendtsntts to the Act as will make it stili more effective. In the ahoy declaration, printed in all the paper., of the Riding, I truat, I have made my posi- tion clear, and 1 have nothing to add or retract. I appeal for your sltpport on the let day of I)ecember, 1.926, nit my municipal record and experience, and - oft-repea[ed-stand on the temperance` question, 1 C. A-. -ROBERTSON TEE SIGNAL - GODERICHr ONT. conclusion 14 the matter, It did appear to me that the man who understood it uotet before. The reports of these I NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 LOBI OR FOUND beat must be the mon who ion the O.'�,A. In Its mlnuteat at rising detall-the citizeen* returning have bean very man who dally in his °Mee listened to tiles of sorrow end pleadings of those glowing Ito their appreciation of the affa owl by the various liquor (unccwahns. L, this mai), Hou. W. F. Nlckle, route, the road. the eoorteay. the ae- AttornrT-(Ieutera 1. I had complete confidence as an honest. upright. real tem- ar�mtuudatioa and the eathu*Ltsw of potence mate. This Fuur-pulnt•Four Bill was his Bill, and when be .pteaeled the Blur Water route reslda•uts. t11u0h with all the earnertur•ws of hi* soul 1 the interest of true tewp•ruuee. 1 he- local traffic (bat formerly ,rut by leered him and vgtetit with him for sante.•' Mr.Jr. Jo1•ut then read the folltwlug way ut Toronto to the Muskoka diet- I paragraphs from Mr. Nickle'w Speech delivered in the Houle ou Felt 17, I9J5. ries North Bay and similar points is These are but two Iwtragraphs extracted from a thirty-six spite address appeal- now completely wad on the Blue fug to the mrmben of the Leg Stature to support Dls Four -point -Four Bill in 'Winer route anal its attraction* j 1 the interests of tDe O.T.A. and parmaneat oral tempersnee: 1 Mr. France conclude*: "The future of the loevl«( Iwtaiitt sentry( the 111ua (AI "The other clay. the Pioneer geld. and said leiw•ly. 'The basis of probether be 11'ater spots rests squarely upon timer Ire* is avarice and appetite.' Nothing (amid be lout more suetiitetly. The I who Prost dlrtctly or indirectly from basis as the problem today Is avarice and appetite. If you aualyee these the In11k. Continued co-operative ef- ehartcterletbw of humanity, you would realize the proper study of man fort and unity, of purpose can but re- 1 kite' is mans lienerally i am stating that in my Judgment, the people of Butt lu continued anti htereseed pros -1 tk,tario today who. want liquor are befouling whiskey and ak•ohol drinkers. perity of Me district -the Bine lister ' 1'am tryitig 10 tell you. Mr. Speaker. that 1 ton eonvittevd that foment some district -the prowler district of On - relief can he obtained against tees ever-growing tendency, that the On- btrio from every point of view that tart,. Temperance Act 1s bound to be destroyed. The pendulum is swing- hires the vacationist to Canada." tug against the Outerlo Temperance Act. and while the movement was caught at the full of the tide in 1916 and 1919, due possibly to the emo- PERSONAL MENTION tlimaism of the war. today it 1s almost at the ebb of the tide: and as a -' temperance man 1 am satisfied that unless something is done to relieve the Miss alargaret McKituton spent the stress, the (1111 rio Temperance Act is doomed to b. destroyed." wall -end at Toronto,. ( lit 1(1 had the !osier. tonne God-given gift by which through the initiation Mrs Geo. You1'. tut, of touWaterloo. the 1 visited Mrs. J. 1'. !frown over the of an Act of Parliament 1 could (sweep away all the pernicious effects of Intemperance. even by a de•Iaration of prohibition. I would do so; lout I realise. as 1 said, o, previous ,,rasions In this House. that the public man mu,t he a practical idealist. 11.• dues not live in a world of romance. He is dealing with human beings and the conditions that surround him, and after giving earefnl consideration to the development of temperance senti- ment in this Province. to c.ndi11otis abet faced the honorable ex -Attorney - General, and that face me. and will face those who -may sassed mr 1f eoadtttons remain as They are belay. T can retaclt no ollt7tFcooe�ttI1ttn-than that If some redre.+t. sum,' easing. is not given with reference to the On- tario Temperance Act. the Act. much to my regret wout& be.ttoomed to ex- tinction: because I believe the people of this Province are being driven to becoming whtwkey drinkers and drinkers of Illicit tiquur, because they ars hot able to get a beverage that la iatlatable. refn•ahing and at the same time non -intoxicating. (Applause.)" In c,tu•Itwion I beg to stay that Mr. Nickle, when the Bill was brought dowu in the Hulse and in prirate.cfutversatlon to your (wndUdare. stressed and emphasized the imtw,rt:,ace of the fart that the old Neer could be purclutsial and was being purchased and drunk in 1remenduu. epeautities- by the children of this fair l'rovitiee who cullectel tlielr 'tickle: and) dimes. formal into group.. purchased this bcr on which there was no restriction, and were learning to 1*- AUSTIN -4n Ash9rld, no ThurwUy, week -end. Mrs. Victor Duan and little ant. of Buffet... are veiling Mrs. ltt*n'r par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wu). Doyle. Mrs. ,t. Finlayson leaves this week for Detroit. where site will spend tbe winter mouths with members of her fatally. Mr. uud Mrs. Wise and daughter. Viola. recently of Cambria road, have left town to take up their re.eidrnce in Clinton. Dr. and Mrs. Bolster and Mr. T. Auaet►rotok have returned Nem I'sria ate& are again lu their home att t'hur.•h street. We regret to learn that Mr. :Ansebrok Is In very poor health. BORN come beer drinkers. Ile oleo laid great stress utwn the fact that the old t,f•r 1K tot. Mr. a.nt bra. Ymnt was made from e•hetniial+ and was InJurlon" to the system. The new Fowr- i Au tau. a daughter. h {stint -Four bur must be made from Malt and Hops under penalty of Tea de !t and ! h 1 t g aux f +gt could par • DIED Thousand Dollars for any vlutatkat. and to be sold in, Licensed places only under , no one under the age o eighteen yr o (+Heie. silo sfn•wfng the feet that it was positively non -intoxicating and an ad- vwoee"l and forward beep in the interest of True Temperance. 1 ask you. my fellow eleiors, to give this yuur careful and most earnest eon faders tion . DAN('HY.--Iv Goelerirb, two Saturday. November ytl. Lena -Janet Ilaneey. beloved wife of lir. I:c►ftus Edwin -'--- -- - • D DVID$ON.-Ie Colborne township, A NOTICE Too t'RIQDITOl4S. Notice to hereby glveu to all persons having claims agaluat the estate of Mary lkussey. late of the village et Ktptall. In the evutty of Huron, Wi- dow, decewsed, to load the same duly verified to the undersigned. ou or be- fore the kith day' of December, 1926. atter which date the executor will proses& ter tileteibate the suite estate among the la•rnmw entitled thereat. having regard only to the claims of which he them shall have had notice, end that he will not be liable for the proeetda of the estate so distributed to any person of whose Malmo notice shall not then have ben refeived. F. R. DAltitl►11', Gewlerich, Ontario 3t Solicitor for the void Executor. NOTICE To CRIDDITORB. IN TIIE ESTATE 08' DOROTHY ELLEN C'ADE. 11E47EA1ED. NOTICE Is hereby giver that all persons having claims against the es- tate 'r1 Dorothy Ellen lade. late of the town of Godw'teb. In the owner of Hu- ron. married woman, deceesralt who dial on or about the eighth flay of Mar•b. A.D. 1915, are regilred to de- liver to Barbara McIver, the adminta- trntrtx of the said estate. or her saal- sitor. on or before. the 6th .lay of De- eemi►er. A.1),- II16. a toll statement. of their e•Iain* together with iwrticnlars thereof, anti the mature of the sauri- ttes. 1f any, beld by them all duly veri- fied by affidavit. AND T.irRR NOTiCR that atter the said hast mentioned date the said ad- mliistratrix will proems! to diatri- al ST-WINGED ILADIATOR , CAB off Ford oar. 'tee tent Leave at SIGNAL OFFICE. 1a LOST. -A TWO-YEAR-OLD BLACK steer with small white marks an4 marked with tag No. 1 [n ear. J. J. ROBERTSON, M.11. No. 5, liodericb. CHARMERRI. ACCOUNTANT CRANK P. GIBBS, CHARTHRHD Accountant. 102 Ontario strew. Stratton'. Phone 1000. Rea. 13110J. AUCTIONIMIRINO THOMAS OUNDRY. GODDRICH, LIVE STOCK AND 0$INeiIRAB A UCTI ONECR Telephone No. 119. tlee attended to anywhere and every effort made to give aattdaetiom Farmers' sale notes discounted. ed. ' ROBT. ROBERTSON. ROBT. Auctioneer, will conduct and arrange any ala as the latest methoda to get the beat re- sults. See him or *rep a card and be will give it immediate attentloa. Farm ate.• a specialty. Eldon qt, Qoderleb. J Ili. $TALKER, AUCT1lONlflll8 • for bouseheld effects. farm soot.. etc., tor the County of Huron. Address all eommunlcationa to J. M. STALKER, Auburn P. O. MUSIC PROP. W. H. JACKSON. Instructtoa gI burr the estate of the sof•' el►teawd ulture,Orgaa,Ptano. Violin. Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio and among.. the Iersma entitled thereto. rssideace, 87 North street. Phone DSL she 'shall have received due notiee and in ne•rurdance therewith. W. BRYIH)NK, Clinton, Outeri°. Solicitor for the said Admini,tratrix. Dated at Cliatei. Ontario, this ldrd day of November, A.1►. 1926. 8t entry. I STRAYED . I on Sunday, November 21, Isabella Davidson. daughtt-r of the late 1,Sir William Hearst Defends His Old Cabinet Colleague Alexander Davidson, In her t>:ird pug ratup.i.ign of 1919, will ever h• re• memherel by raw•. I have known Mr. Fergttsni Inti- mately fur many years. and know bins to he au houuruble and upright gentle- man. a patriotic citizen, a loyal cot - league and a true friend. May I add that the Ontario Temper- ance. Act could never hare been en- acted. had It not been for the whete- hearted support, 5T,7e esststauea anti actIve iofq,•ratiou of Mr. F'er>,,tsat. Prior to the emotion of 19111. •while 1 was ill in loft! and unable to attend to my ptthttcdntirw he was htiay_dr:.fting_ Nelson street and Cambria road. At reasonable price. Particulars from LOST ANI) FOI'ND F. R. DARROW', Goderich, Ont. t.f. To the Editor of The lawn, : Tile Toronto Star. In its issue of Saturday. the 20th host., under the heading "Blames G. H. Ferguson for Hearst'. Defeat." quotes the its•v. J. W. Lowry. Prohibition candidate In• Yt. George Riding. as making the -fallowing atate- ent sus meeting tot-l(her1wiurne street (lad ehareb t "The man who assassinates! air William Hearst. polltieally and every other way. was the botoralyle or 411w. John Joynt Issues Manifesto to Electors To the Electors of the North Riding of Huron. Ladies and Gentlemen: - The Star must .surely have dune the Rev-. Mr. Lowry en InJusri,e. I -know Mr. Lowry and nothing sort of posi- tive Isnot will ei.itvita•e me that he used language with referener to. the !'rime Minister of this great Christian I'rut-inee wi nn(haritabir and uudigiti• neat and so absolutely witl t founda- _tlua in_ fact_. The charge. however. Is Ai, unfair and so false that it is ray ditty to Contradict its wititntt delay. No Prink• Mini -iter ever had a morn Ion! find faithful culb•tegne than 1 loot In Mr. F'en:htsa.n. No man (vet fun ht n'hiIr 'r or more ons tTpth fight for a louder than Mr. Ferguson fought few me -its- 19111. -N«1 --.only- -lois inion sup- port. politically.. but - his many per- sonal arts of kindness during the try- ,As an Independent Conservative Candidate for r,' -,'le tion to the Provincial Legislatnrr„1 herein :-,licit the votes and si .port of the ela•tors Of nog riding. 1 regret my handienp In receiving my nomination rat snch a lite date. • making it imp,stible. on amount of bad road" and Weather. to se*• the els•tors in person, and therefore insnc thi-a manifesto so that you any Intelligently know my-vtecrs. - _ As 1 see it there la only one conlentilins question b•A,re the electors rat this time. viz.: Government Control. The record, of the Government on all other legislation in my opinion shonlil mot with the honest approval of the stertors. My reason for (meeting an inelependent nominating was because of the tact thaw i am opposed to (Sn'ernmen1 Control, attd will not Lamport 1t. My record of the trust seven steers s is before you: I have Oaken the moat advancedi step I n the interest (f the e+lerinra of Hu- ron Comity in }wowing' Inver and more equalized rates for u!w'rn of Hydro llrtt and power, and "hill ever confine* to do so. - I love always been and will continue to he an ardent supporter tad ally p- ea e ease of tore most progressive legislation in the Intrust of meows•, for the bene- fit of sericulture " Itegarding Township School Marlat Thi ' i ---- plei to me: ansi I- Iteaa- gl, -o it ora. -snpp ort-whtate'ver, Hna{ to soi'port "my arsons that will tend to lighten the burelen of taxation. 1 am a supporter of the Government's legislation reducing the Automobile License Fees. and nhto the removal of the Amnarment Tax. it has always been and will continue to he my motto to support all mew- ', stores that tend for the betterment of the people of the Prnvtnee. and most par- tlettlnrly for the 'People of my beloved riding of North Huron. i appeal for ynttr vote end influence on Dec. lit. Wade.. as to this signature: D. C. Taylor. Iam Faithfully Yonas. JOHN JOINT. At the official nntninntlon meeting at Wingham on November 204t, Mn. Joynt gave Lis reasons for supporting the "Four -Four" measure as follows: "All my life 1 bare ben n profmind temperance man and a teetotaler, and have never lost any opportunity both by precept, vote and example to further real timp•rnnce. Being en Independent thinker 1 kept an open mind and ileteaad-attettively to the pros. and tons. In my searching tor a proper, nano 11Wriet-end -Iayhrlf Plans-tn enactment. I know Mr. Fergitwm as I know few other men. pool am proud to ca11 him my friend. Ile is a aman with „ high settse of twudic duty and a sincerer stet .:truest desire to adv-aner the moral welfare of the Pres -ince toot help his fel to w•-alan. It- -would.4,e-bass i..ptatItnde-on m. (wart If I permitted to go uueltnlleugat to unwarranted a charge with refer- ene.' to the attitude toward me of one i eve•r nonol a loyal colleague. and a true fried. t - b• a (' arge is report..I to have hen toads In a rhumb of which 1 have the iteettnr-be--+,t i-itu,uhtr fiaetuiw•r. W. H. Hewn-:. Toronto. Nov. 20, 1920. Q'1RA%IIt) FROM LOT 27, CONCIS - 1.0 SIGN 2. West ifawauush, os. No- vetub•r 911,, a black Angle, heifer, IS mouths uld, .List beard of un Base bteDONALD.-At Na Dee ma 'Sitar- tine °ear hiumtaerbitl. WIN 40, per- ch;, Ner'�mtier 20, Allen Leonard son having heard of ur sero the wild McDonald, eon of Mr. Alien Mc1Jon. heifer kindly cemmunkate with the old Goderkh, 11:1erbigieed' JOHN HOA1tli, R. R. 2..\uburu. Out. Phone 1fi-9, Dunllan- IN MEMORIAM - --- HETIIERIN.OTON.--In loving memory of our dear tatter, Jo,wph lletlnr fugton, who passed abay one your age November 29th, -1tRd- "He le sheltered by flu Rock of Ages, Anchored uu God's( gr.lden ,hurt•; Each passing dug ',thee: us nearer To the day we'll part ne. more." HIS -1 _NCEDAI O -I TERS. FOR SALE HOt'SF: FOR SALE. -APPLY TO J. S. BEDFORD, Cobourg street. Godertch. tf FOR SALE. -BRICK RESIDENCE FOR e•or'nee JoL $Doth -west cosier • DRUMLINS PRACTITIONQ DR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG - LAMS TEIBRAPl T OODERICH 'equipped with electromagaetila baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic ergank and nervous diseases. Lady in attendance. Office hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m excepting Monday and Thursday af- ternoons and evenings, and by ap- pointment. Residence and once -(ernes sg South street and Britain,* road. MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FOBSTJaR BYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT j Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Tbroat Hospital, Loa - don, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tsi• epbone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Godertch, oo tis evening of third Monday of ScsB month till the following day, Tuesday, at 1 p.m. ll'Nf).-PAIit OF MEG RASSF:N. Owner may have same on pet, Ito hESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR - property and SALE. -Corner North and Nelson P 1 3' paying for dhf. Alves streets. Apply to W. H. JACKSON.. --- LEGAL tisetuent. Apply at TiIY, SIGNAL. __ _ -I'IINEST M. LEE, -,OB SALL--HOUSE, STABLES Berrlater and Solicitor TO RENT and lots Nos. 98, 28, 29 and 30, 10 King street east. Toronto 2. Tele - Tu RENT. - SEVEN -ROOMED Reld's Survey, In the town of Gode- phones Main 7793-7794, house on St. OeuAte's Crescent. rich. Apply to B. C. WINNINGS, DCDLEY E. HOLMES Suitable for small !sonify. Apply Godertch, or JOHN TORRANCE, Lliatua B.rrteter. Etc. yard, HLRON-INVF,'TMENT*,-LTD, -- j Office -Hamilton street, GodaticL Iwith her Mother during the past sum- ( met. and the other' utetnlw-rs of the I fatuity were herr during the also ill - 1 noes. Mind Parsons, of Portland: 1lregon : Cecil Persons. of 3liddieton. N.N.. and Mrs. H. ('. Brewer, of 'Mout- reed. are brothers and sister of the de•- c,•a,t'd. Lord. At.h,lstun. of Montreal. is a cousin. Mrs. Daucey wau a mens - bet of North street United church. She wits' especially Interested in the work of the Daughters of the Empire. have Ing been one of the original mem- bens of the Order In Goeh•ric'h. The funeral look place (roto the fatuity resider•- to -Maitland cemetery on Mtttd„y afternoon: the ftinernl servi- ces being conduetet) by Rev. C. F. Clarke. Rev. Selby Jefferson and Rev. .1. E. Ford. Mews Esther Hume sang rend. RtmrtT--hint,•• Jars; r iji a fn.urtt.e hymn. The pallbearers were Judge Lewis end Messrs. R. C. Hays. Gen, Williams and C. Witrteles. Antoug 1 these present were ('apt. A. E. and Mrs. McGregor of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Renwick anti` Mr. II. 1.. Ileowiek of itespw•ter. - PUBLIC NOTICES ANNUALM1'IITING OF H,uSPITAI. BILL -POSTING PLANT F(1R SJLE 1 Pbbne 27. In town of ITED,1CD. ApplyC. E. �t SEAGER, K. C.. BARRISTER. MARLEY, LIMITED, LLouden,,Ont. SOLICITOR, Notary Public and Conveyancer. ot11ce-Court House, QEGISTERED SHORTHORNS FOR , OBITUARY Thc• Hilnllal mre•ting e.f 00'.\Texan- ••a BALE. -Two bull calves, extra ...,.erlch. MiS` 1'. M.KF;(11'GH , - The death (w'urred trr-tlra 1toiip`1 at Stratford ou Stingily afternoon hast of Catherine McKeongh, In her six- tieth year. Thesleet-Heedwas born at NHr,I)a. but hail lived prnetl('a11; all her life in St. Mom's and Stratford. and she enjoyed the esteem of many friends and tiequalntatces. At one pions site Was very- active In musical .trete•,. She was n bov-alIP•r of Immne•ttlnte 4'oneeption rhumb, Strat- ford; eine sister, )!other Angelo. of 41..Josepit's mitered. f:odrrieh. and two brothers, 4'. J. Melieough of Buf- falo. and P. J. M-Keongh, of (-Wage. martin.. The burial took place at Ht. Marys, after the service of requiem mass- In tin. Immat•tthrte t`oneeptIon bureh at Strattufd. 11111, L. K. DANC'RY The sleuth occurred at her home. St. Vincent street. on Salurtby Inst of Lena Janet Dancey. wife of Mr. Lof- tus F;. •Dtneey. Mrs. Macey had not beau in good health for some months. but It was only a little more than two we,'ks ago that her Illness took a seri- ous turn. The news of her death was received with great regret, MA she had endeared herself to many by Ihe•r gra- eluns, gentle disposition and her kindil• nl4s.s tenants all. She was born at Sorel. Quebec. n d,,nghte•r of the pate Edmund Nin n's, aliter of The Mont- real Gazette. and wns married to Mr. 1►ane'('y Julr S. 1)045. Resides her hushand three children survive: Mrs. 1'. ('nsgrain and Mr. Wilfrid Dance's-, of Montreal. •c• 1 Mrs. H. L. Renwick. of Hrsp,eler. Mrs. ('awgrain hall been BLUE WATER ROUTE IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE POPULAR 14'outinueai from 'bilge d, linreat distributed n very- large num- ber of enrolee of epeeinl literature from v'nrt,ns Rine Water Inunirit.ali- tles. It is ron'era'atively- (wflmnte) that three ttm,. Hs many, local tnurlsts made the trip tip over the Blue Water runt- this nor than have ever been ,tri Marine and Govern' Hospital As- sociation will be held in the council r1aitm air.... town hall. Goderjch. on. Fri- day evi'niug. Novetuler 39th. ltr26, at step &clock pm. It is specially de- sirable that as large an attendance as pox. i;ae should b• arilRhge'et mud all utewlwrs of the Ass..elation. also the general public, are - urger to attend and make this the rad letter tiny of our organiatiow,. R. J. ME(iAR cO .. I'resident. ele•retary. N(YrtcH iS HEltEIIY GIVEN THAT a Uburt will be held• pursuant to the Ontario Voters' IAtte Art, by MIs 'tenor the Judge of the County l'ourt of the Yount}' of Huron at, 'Jae Court Hansa (kotferie•b, on_ the 17iit day of Ihfe:utter, 1trp0, at_1Q.3(1__o'cluck in the good quality, roan color. from rests- P• R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETo tered stock. Also a number of fe- . matey. THOS. H. TAYLOR ,a SON, ' Sucreesur to J. L. Rlllonn. R.11. 1. ilelgrave. Te)ephene 3 on Phone 97. (;'a AVingbaw central. 3.1Otiose-Thr Square. Godertch. Volt H.\LH-A Ll )ll'CE11 NCMBER I as of purebred white Pekin ducks I - *WRVS & Napo and drake, at *2.0) smell. 4'. 1'. CRO- ZIER. H. R. No. 1. i►ntgannon, Oht. 1 7lcl. Underfelt Rural 7+cr13. 31 h S MORTOAOE POIL HALM. drawing 0 per cent. tntere•st I good security. Apply rat SIGNAL OF-! Cg. LOANS. ITC, RARRitItR.., ETV'. R.C.HAYS-11.C.HAYS IR.. B.A Hamiito n St., O(wirricn VICE. forenoon. to hear and determine corn - elands e1.rrrore and (unbeaten'. In the ' ,Pu'rs List of the Municipality of the Town of 1:nderieh. for the year 1920. Dated at Godertch, this 25th day et November, A.D. 1928. L. L. KNOX. 91 Clerk of the Town of Goderleh. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY ltl�a /O'NCIL. TheConnell of the (corporation of the Comity of Huron will meet In. the h. council ehtmb'r, Goderirat 3 (i clock in the afternoonof Tit relay, the 7th day- of December. 1920. All accounts ng„Inst the county must he in the nrb. hnof tit.•.Clerk not later than Mons day preceding the meeting of council. GEO. W. HOiiMAN, County Clerk) G°derle•h, November 20th, 1926. Brand new white brick res- idence, has never been 'occu- pied, situated on the Reyfic)d Road in the Town of Gode- rich, si : rooms a n d hath, hardwood floors downstairs, finished in ivory enamel downstairs, and white Up- stairs. Ail modern conveni- ences. In connection with 1 y2 acres of land. Purchase of land optional. Apply to Wilfrid Donaldson Bayfield Road Goderich, Ont. INSURANCE, LOANS, HTC. 1eKILLOP MUTUAL FLRI IN- SURANCE CO. -Farm and Iso - town property Insured Otcers-Jas Connolly, Pres., God. erlch P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice -Pres-. Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Sec. -Trete.. Seaforth P. O. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R. R. No, 8, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Wliilam Rhin. R. R. Na 2, Seaforth: John Rennewtes, Brod- hagen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No, i, Seatortl; Robert Ferris, Hariock; Murray Gibson, Brucefieid; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly, Ooderlch. Agents -J. W. Yeo, Ooderleb; Alex. Leitch, R. 11. No. 1, Clinton: John Murray. Seaforth; E. HinebPy, Seaforth. Poitcy-holden can make all payments and get theft cards receipt - ed at R. J. Morrlsh'a Clothing Stora, Clinton: R. H. Cult's Grocery, King- ston street. Ooderlch, or .1. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. r1Gr.aen BGG X ihMMMX Children's Knit Bloomers and Vests, 25c each Santa Claus will Arrive Saturday Men's Heavy Work Socks 19c pair Afternoon at z o'clock Christmas Candy, 15c lb Cream Fudge 25c Ib Ladies' Woollen Bloomers...... , ..59c each Patercrisp 39c Ib Long Sleeve Nightgowns, flannelette .. .$1.00 361111111101 1'V ' V' r. vy1' F i /tit n . X ales at..•xa• • amt ..X.. STEEL'S CHAIN STORES (;t)Ist(Itl( 11 ON1':\1114) Heavy Knit Scarfs, all shades 98c each x Children's Hose, 25c pair Fleece -lined Ladies' Hand'chiefs, H..n.titch.J Enda French ivory Clocks, guaranteed .. $1.00 each Christmas Post Cards 5S a�J5:7