HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-11-25, Page 44--Thurs,hay. November 11124i. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Prince Clothing for Boys and Young Men Satisfied customers are a great asset to any mer- chant. That is why we sell Prince Clothing. We know it are good and people return. not to complain, but to buy again. They are so well satisfied. Prince Clothing is out of the ordinary, yet is very moderate in price. Boys' 2•pie:e Bloomer Suits $11.95 to $15.00 Young Men's First Longs.. , Young Meas --Overcoats All guaranteed to give .$18.00 to $25.00 $14.95 to $19.95 sat i -fart ion W. C. PRIDHAM & SON 1'i r. \\ itln the Sto,•lc- Men's and Boys' We..: PHONE 57 ASHrIBLp 'ou,t Mrs. McDonald and little son, Miss, of Peterborough. also are apetd' AsiarIVI:U. Nov. --=The Iwa•halsh lug a few Weeks with the lady's par - Country Club hetet a dance In the hall 1 ruts. Mr. sold Mra. Errington. tris Friday night.- There wails a good + A uumber`froui here attended the atleudance. conaidering the untavor• 1 fowl ottpla•r at Polon church last Fri- able weather, and the evcut was much day Might. enjoyed f ;. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Westlake aver loudly Mhos Lois MaeKPttale, teacher at J left our Midst on Monday and will Port Albert• spent the weekend at hrr ' work with Mr. T. Lamb on the Mc. +1t1!Utl: _hPilr 11tlntall, _ _ Maoris farm for the sisal year. r. \w(i the Mahout.. at-home at , lendesboro' u❑ N,,veW1)er Ili. Al'1tt'1tN. Nov. M. -Mrs. \wtu. 11'atsan returned home from the West on Tuwayay after spen.1hlg the, months with her daughter there. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw spent Sunday with Mrs. Show's parents at Kit- chener. V'. 1'. ltidd, 11 and it E I rratt each unloaded a carload of corn this week. 11'e regret to report that Milo. Mary are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. 11',-st- Mr. Wm. Craig whiteout huntlugou Maclennan. Of the Gravel rod M j lake from our community, but wish Tuesday carat of the villain shot a .animist 111 1.011 with a bail (silt'.I for them every .utreas in their new wildat, the first one to be .bot lu this • The futon F. W. O. met tit the home ! undertaking. ,list Het fur .auue Gibe. of ales. K. f'atheart on Wednesday, , A pretty glass vase and some other November 17. wlth the president. Mrs. articles were lett In the township hall lln MacRae. in the shuts. The roll Ault -Freese for automobile radia - John after the school fair. R'111 the owners call for them? tors, Campbell's Drug Store. ! A meeting will be held In Smith's 11111 t•hureh on Monday evening next.. A question which Is bothering a when Rev. E. l'oulter will speak on great manor is "\\'ill the electors vote Government control as be saw It lis the way they think or the way they Montreal. Everybody is Invited. drink?"--Chudham News. call was a answered d withThanksgiv- ing a T n lyttr• ing vers*. .\ spit -n(144 program was given turd til the • cen:•luslon 11f the meeting tray husle•sM served refresh• meals and a very pleasant social thaw was spent. LEEHIBN At'RL'RN i.EEilI'I{N. Not. 34. Th.. annual \1'lt['ItS. No‘. _d. -We are pleased thank-,fr,vl,g meeting of the W. M. S. to report the arrival home of Mr. Hee- ‘‘.as held last Wednesday and mat( well ter McLeod 441(41 his sister from Sault attended try the Males. Including some Sue. Marie. where he has Leen au in- Avoid Serious Results by Using from Nile and fort Alpert nuxiliaries. mate of the marine hoxloftal for thegab 's Own Tablets Thepreuideit took charge of the meet- i last se•veu weeks. y Ing and fulfilled her duties splendidly. j The young people of the community When a child shows the first oyanp• Thr address given by Miss M. 1:. , presented Miss Margaret Wagner with t.,ms of a cold. smelt at sneezing. red - Rola and the singing by Mrs. FI-- a shower of sltverwar• on November 1 it bf the eyes, clogged or. running haft and Mrs. Number, all from 004117111 in anticipation of her marriage j nose. prompt measures for relief way erioh. were very flue. A reading given , 01 November- '23rd. avert eeriotts results. Mothers_shouhl by a Nile aux Mari member and two 1' word was received by relatives in always have on hand some simple. safe 4 oolhls,,. f,•.ru tneo.lw of-'-ttre--�en-of the t...th'-t-iFanoaMr14- }.41441444--a+C(,etlras-^'•-te -••_-_rue. lmmtxu.tf• and Ad -dee Mission Band helped toSaturday of Mr. Wm. Stalker. His use- ,, tie -tile meeting most protkald,. and-M'0Tbm'. Mr. 1r rntks'r. and tfi 1 Baby's Own Toldets-set- 414104'1F HOW Tn RELIEVE CHILDREN'S COLDS FAQ, o RQ1 fpr cal # Mrs, Alex. \tneKetzlc. who has bees wishMrs. rs. 11. 11. Taylor, leaves to - Ifs a Real Stove and WI ort her return ' to her hone at enJ4(vuhle. .1 liberal collection was Abalee left on Monday to attend the contain no opiate's or narcotics. are i ('ampbcllcillt. taken at the close of the m.e•tittg and funeral. tnstele:sa and harmless. Mrs. Juse•ldl then lunch was served 1, fbe bast'.' Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson were K,•a• Cadieux. Holtuke Maim. soya:---"1the Price Is Right 1 -- PEMBER'S Announcing their new representative, MR. WURM who will he at the BEDFORD HOTEL,GODERICH, on fi Friday, December 3rd, 1926 Mr. Wont' is an expert on Hair Goods. All your orders have been under his supervision for years. Here is an oplor- Blackstone's Furniture Wgi rmty to see 1 ' fmrronall w1erehe caw ureas and a nice social time was spent. I forth visitors for the weekend. • bore used Baby's Own Tablets for my Her, Le Itoy \white w111 is. sinking ).lr. and Mrs. W. Ituhlson were the ' children and thol them a very sails - pastoral calls at the south end of our guests of her mother. Mrs. McCool. of factory =edit -ins.. When my little toy t village thls w,ek.% • Clinton. over the week -end. _ hada cold 1 gave him the Tablets at i stn SIM/thy. December :,th. church The ktnitland ttiver resembles the . [tight :and he was well next des. 1 *eerier will be held/ tit're•at 7. `1,-sttritrlr-treshet--'now. - - - = -- give them to the children for twttett- j Miss Fanny Fothertngliam. from :dt.1 No political meetings have been pation and they always do good. 1 mary.s. is s's•ud1ng 1 few days In. our held in -Auburn so far: but thew. An- think Baby's flan Tablets are much nelghlorhpod•burn was always a "[dry". place along easier to give a child than' liquid I The' farmers are w\ 11 pleased to temperance linea. me.liciue. 1 recommend the Tablets i have groat weather to finish up their . Dr. James Wilson. of Brampton, I to all 'mothers who have small chilli- ' silo -filling this week. formerly pester of Ih,vercourt chnrrh. •-fen .and helleve they should always be /. r , 'Toronto. where he preached for toren- i kept on hand." __..-- Knox Presbyterian church on Novem- i medicine de•nlers or will la' sent hr 1 11..1 Robinson attended the winter ( 1 Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. W H ITECHCR('M rye years. will ot•cupe the pulpit of , Ihaby'a fawn Tablets are sold by all d t d' ,I Ive our o era us ati ova ua atu•ntlon. He iys an artist in the business. I Exchange 1 He walleye a beautiful display of the finest Hair Goods to show you, and at the prowl„ II of t ioderlei, such close prices as will surprise you. Give us a call or telephone the hotel 196681110111torappointment. The W. T. Pember •o01110ms Stores Limited See The Signal's Christmas cards ' 129 Yonge Street, Toronto Help the Boys in Our "Popularity Contest" A vt e with each IOc cash purchase. There is still a chance for all, for the votes are only half out. Ask for them and help the boys win the Cash Prize. BUY AT HARRISON'S Cash and Service AV roccoccrociiii:coccoccoccx Lavender Lingerie for Christmas Gifts We have just received a shipment of - eA Bloomers, Teddys, Slips and Nightgowns Neatly boxed in individual Christmas boxes Owing to tremendous demand for "LAVENDER LINE" the manufacturers advise us that we may not get all the linen we have on order for Christmas. Therefore, we would advise you to shop early while we have a complete assort- ment to show you. See Our Window Display of "Lavender Line" F. E. Hibbert WIIITECHUR(H. Nov. 23. -Mr. Er- la's With at 111.10 a.m.. Everyone wel- mail at 2.'. vents a box from The 111'. •ne. fair at Toronto for a few dors baa Quite a number Prom here attended elute seek. Mrs. ['lark. of Exeter. is visiting la r daughter. Mrs. John Mason. ire .Udi11 Pardon. of Leamington, spent the week -end with relatives' here. tilts Irene Moore spent a few days this week with relatives in Paramount. Mrs. Stuart McBurney and children slant a few tiny% this week with her 1 parents. Mr. and airs_ King. of Turn - berry. Mr. ('has. e'anipbell. of Marnoch, [net with a nasty accident on Thurs- day last. when he took his rifle to the horn to shoot sparrows. Ile plaee1 1.11 against the wall and it went off and hIo Inst of this IndetcJtnp•er ..'r kits i • left hand and the rest of It had to be1. u lire iT:aTt Y Mr. 1111.1 afro. Jolp, Falconer. who spent lust week at Orangeville with their daughter, Mrs. Elgin Wcllwotat. r, turned last Satarday. Mr. and Mex. Thos. 1tolrilsell 1514941 -antrday, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim 11: 4444l4/n: of S1411'or1Tr The T.' P. al, of Wits eehu'rchTnitel March are holding a bazaar on Friday, lheember the -haseatent of thelr eltnrelt 1 • n•.•. - WESTFIELD - WESTI'th;l.Tt. Nov. _''l. --alias Ella. So.t•rby With a 11'ingham visitor over the week -end Mr. Wm. M,1MweT is inatatllhg the Drier, light. klr. and Mr*. We+lay $taekhous', of Brucefield. vislterl rite former's t)o-r-Mrs. ,lamer .4tttlersrnr.-mt-on I:,st . Mo - Rev. tits. Maltw,t. of \slam: had .liaise• of the service lit N'e•ttield 1'nitel church last Stthbn:h. us the pastor. Rev. W. It. Alp. had the anni- versary services at Walton. \Ir. Leslie Buchanan visited .his tit 10 other. 11r: /oho rtuehanan. of Wing - i0 11:1111. 1111 Sunday. Mr. (laird was a Remove 4i.:ror on bnnarla. Mr. and Mrs. J. !inhaler. of Dime grunion. visltel their elnng41 -r. cera. Will Kelly. on Welneselay Ina. ' airs. Albert Walsh visited her sis- ter. Mrs, .1. J. Campbell of Aylmer. a -rnnttlo of days Inst -week-. - 11 was with deep regret that the people of this vicinity lea d of the (150. P. 'ra. • Edn-nrds was n resident of this Rim - !madly for many years. Much sympa- thy is extended to the sorrowing fam- e lly and friends. Misses Mabel and E14'44 . Walden 1 spent Sunday under the parental roof, kfrs. P. ('lark, of St. Itel•ns, is xa -spending the winter with her daogh. ter. Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Mr. Raymond Redmond had n nar- row e+VWiae from hating a firs ,.n San - flay, when him furnace pipes took Ore. THE CASH STORE PHONE 86 giViCCXXX5C5OCCXXXXDOCCOCMCMCC 1 CARLOW CAIlla1 w, Nov. 24. -Mr. George ('Mkey. of Detroit. has been renewing old acquaintance around Carlow. Mr. .\mom Stall• of near Pol11ng- • ..nal, Is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. A. Iviiann's. -Mr. (Jordon Wilson, of i)etroit, Is spending a few days with lift parents. Mr. and Ctrs. A. Wilton. lie has with him his brother -In law. Mr. Hnde's. also of Detroit. Mrs. Walk'. of Wroxeter. la spending a few weeks with her (laughter, Mrs. W. Wcailak.. The $antsy school entertainment and Christmas tree hill take place on Thnraday. December 23. Mr. Tom Wilson *Hoped ■ carload of hnckwhe44f from McGaw this week. \ars. i)nrnin and Mrs. .tzar and Ilt- tle danghter. Marjorie. of Saskatoon. have been visiting with their slater. Mrs. Errington, the peat week. They came Rant to attend the funeral of their father. Mr. James \fallongh. of Dungannon, a few weeks ago. Mr. i Maple Leaf Chapter, I. 0. D. E., ' presents RUDOLPH VALENTINO in "THE EAGLE" n - and a - Lloyd Hamilton Comedy f: in MODEL THEATRE, on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 1 and 2 0 0 1 ELE("I'ION RETURNS ANNOUNCEib Two Shows: 7.30 and 9.30. Admission 35 cents. See the Beautiful Line of Gifts for Brides made by members of our 11'onien'm Exchange ---16ss-S. Noble •••••••4st••• A Cedar Chest Would Make a Very Handsome Christmas Gift Bridals Eschewers Block. God.rici LADIES' AID BAZAA_Z North Street United Church Saturday, November 27 Salle of Ilome-made Baking, Aprons, Fancy Work. Candy, etc, Tea served from 3.30 to 7 o'clock We have a nice ranger of ('hri.sl- mac Gifts and we invite you to i/rrtAt� and see our goods. J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director Hamilton Street. Goderich. Oot, `?e!,tile OMOtale v IMMMMIMI MMnMGMMunnuMnnMMmuuumnnMMMuunnnmm11nonuummin1M li mnmmmnnnmNnumuununnMM1MMMMMIUMuuuuuuuunnuunMLW THE S. A. GRAY CO. Fall Values ammo mimm • iuuuumummMMIlni ll New Winter Coats We have just received a new shipment of Win- ter Coats purchased at a low price, but the quality and styles are the best and the season's latest. You will find many unusual values at Gray's during the coming weeks. Needlepoint Coats Trimmed with the best of opt.(; -tau enllar- and riots. selling at 'sines at 135.00 to 142.00.l. Now to $32.00 Duvetyne Coats Richly furred on culla and collar, satin ole t.uxe lining and Muriel interlined. Nott selling $17,50 to at $21.00 ,A Few of Last Season's Coats Of good quality and fur -trimmed. Last season $875 nt sold-fro$25.00-to-93.1.00.. Now -selling at . . Silk Dresses Cloth Dresses During the coming weeks of Special Values in Ready -to -Wear we are arranging our best values on separate racks according to price. We have about 100 new Dresses in stock and at the advertised prices they are exceptional value. See our Ready -to -Wear Department upstairs. Silk Dresses at_ -4i11.75 included in this assortment are crepe satin Dress(-, flat crepe Dresses and Canton crepe Dresses. Good $11 75 quality and -tyle. wriee t nt Cloth Dresses at $11.75 Of Santoy, point twill and chariuoie', good range $11.75 of shadh•s;. Splendid -value at -Sweater Coats Heavy pure -wool Jumbo Knit or fancy lightweight "14•:,1 r. for men, women, boys or girls. Selling at one $5.75 priee See Our Special Values on Fur Coats End of the Month Values r- �tsria 1. -FANCY BED SPREADS, ut good Targe size. $3.75 Colors rose, bine. gold. Selling at, each... 2. -FLANNELETTE 21c a' '25c 111 striped or plain colors 3. -COTTON CREPE Splendid for making Christmas lingerie 4. -LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE Full range of shades and sizes, pa ir 5. -COTTON -FILLED COMFORTERS i'riced for end of the month 6. -TERRY TOWELLING Splendid for r, 11.•r towels 7. -MEMO CORSETS odd stork sellint at HALF-PRICE 24c 95c $2.95 19c and 25c 8. -KIMONO VELOUR, 36 -inch Regular 55e, now, yard 9. -CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE Odd stock now elearing at ...BARGAIN PRICES 38c 10. -CHEESE CLOTH DUSTERS •r 5 yards for 11. -LADIES' WINTER BLOOMERS AND VESTS 12. -SILK HOSE odd stock clearing at, pair 13. -PONGEE SILK Full 34 -inch width, yard 14. -HEAVY ENGLISH FLANNELETTE 28C Full 36 -inch width. Regular 35c, now.... 16. -CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS Now selling at 1-3 OFF REGULAR PRICE 59c 25c 49c 16.-CREPE-DE-OHINE For dresses or lingerie, yard 17 -LADIES' HEAVY VELOUR KIMONOS $5.75 Splendid value at 18. -LADIES' UMBRELLAS $1.69 nt Aher tips nod ferrules. End of the month vain,• $1.25 See Our Big Table of Remnant Values This Week Phone Th 56 e S. A. Gray Co Phone 56 IMMO i= uMnMmmunmm1unonmiuumiM1iMmnuunMnuu1in an aaaa�ivaMauuumnmu1uiwuu11uww11i uuwMunmivaaaiui1auauu a