HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-11-25, Page 1The Road to Fortune This is the title of the new aerial story to bo commenced shortly in The Signal. It in a splendid tale of mystery, adventure and romance. Be sure to read it. NNE -NTT -NINTH YEAR No. 47 f ionat GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1926 Christmas Greeting Cards Individual Christmas greeting carte, with your name printed on each, may be had at this oilier at reus(nulble price s. Ask to nee samples. THE SIGNAL TIIF: sl,;\ 11. PRINTING CO, L1\IITI1I. I'uhlishers. VICTORIA SCHOOL PROHIBITIONISTS FOR COMMENCEMENT lc ROBERTSON AND MEDD Candidates Endorsed by Heron County A HAPPY OCCASION Speeches and Music Accompany Annual Distribution of Prissy The annual tvnuuwtuwwrnt of \'k - torn, public ached!. held In the school building ou Friday evening last, was a very plin'•alt unto successful oe- elsiou. The assembly rtotu and ad- joining halls and atalrways were filled with pupils, traerrrn parents and 1 — trtrnl� of -t ire lw turd; and- were trrtgbt- rued by u very pretty scheme of dccoratiou. T444 elralararaa taken bg- t1Ls.-iaa.-!r. l'arr:e. chairman of the athool trustee board. who in a few words welcomed the parents and other visitors to the at•ho01. The opening uumber of the program was a piano duet by Jean frier and Jean MacDonald. w 14 r(sp8i.led to an en sits s (• e n •o -e. . "Ap11Ic Pie Order." by Master Billy Johnston was concluded amidst a +dliIs`of apidauae, and the young elo- cutin let had to respond with a. second .number., barer in the evening "Billy" was uga1,''a the program dud again had to resplud 10 eueores. "Billy" tsu't very big yet, but be can till a large place on au entertainment pro- - gene. !alas bother Hume, who Rave a vo- cal sub, also was recalled for a second uuu(wr. Miss Mary Clarke played the areomlwaimrntm. Other vocall numbers were glvin by a Quartette— Mrs. Dunlop. Miss Nairn. Meteors. ( Thomson and Miller, with Mr. Gibbs as necompauist- and by Mr. James F. -Thomson. These wen, all re•tirel with appreciation. A'pretty anti well- -scented_ drII' with eborurea give., lye a company of airl1s, 'twits] pleasing • %artery to the . program. Tek girls were trained [Or this drill by Misses Hamilton and Maley. two new trarh- '41 rs en the stuff of. Victoria school. Tho prescalnttou of prises and diplomas wase, of coarse, the chief 1)u..mesa of flue exodus. Mrs. lteddltt presented prises f,ir • general pron. Cleuty and deportment, to pupils of the Junior cluseea. whew she happily dcse•rIl.•d as "the Hower of the whole school." Mr. Reldllt accompanied the .presentation with a brief but ap- propriate address. 1'rineipl Mime of the Collegiate In- stilute L,t•eteoted the diplomas to the autcesaful entrance ctinditletea and in doing se coug[vlulated Victoria school mom, its splendid auece•s this year, ouly one candidate having failed to pass the test for entrance to Co;leglate lt+stlidle, Reeferrimi to the trip whiel, h' took to the l'aclfic Coast last sum- mer, he said it had given him a bcttt;r+ appreciation of our great country, but after seeing the Western Provinces be still 14.Itt•ved 4totirio Is 11e Iwst• Tart of Canada. ler urged the toys and girls to Make good use of their oppor- tuuili,s. which are so much greater Ginn those with* the boys and girlwof his generation had enjoyed. Mrs. Taylor. the energetic pt•estr dent of the %ietoriu (fume ,144)1 S,•h,ol� MA, presented prize's given by the ('hub and the teachers to the senior 'lasses. 1n a bright speech she In- vited the MIMI* and mothers silo are wit ndr.,dy members of the Home and School flub to bower members. There was much tsr Iw ,lune and ea• al/dance would be welcome. She ape penl.astor loyalty to the ec11,1,d and the t chera and an interest In the affairs of the 44.1414,1. The chairman at this juncture tend- ered the thanks of the school board to the Home and &boo! Club for the , The News of the Town Prohibition Union s Action Dismissed ! A Coming Event At a meeting of the executive of the Mr. Ju44ti a Smith has ght'u Jude- '•11-hy Nut, Jerry:'" la the tlltrig ling Huron brunch of the Ontario I'rohi- ment in favor of the defendant In the title of a threr-set eome(!<t' to be olefin Union, held at Clinton on Mon- else of Graham v. Fssun. tried at the presented by the Westminster Guild (lay, the candidature of %V. G. Medd. recent assizes In G.Nterlch. Mrs. In the le•tiire mom of Kfox ,hutch on Progressive, In South Huron and C. A. Graham, of Toronto, sued John Eason, Thursday a0d Friday evenings of next Itober[w,q Liberal, lu. North Huron of St. Thomas. for $15.000 damages week. The )(Dung player* should have was endorsed. The following rewlu• for the (k'11 i11 of her husband from In- u full house. (ion was passed : Juries received in an automobile evil- -- -We, the members of the executive ►talon at Howell in October, 1tr2i. C. W. I,. Euchre and Ranee of the Huron branch of the Ontario There was n g,.od attendauee at the Prohibition Union, assemble) 111 Clio- W. C. T. V. Supporting Mr. Robertson euchre and donee held by, the 4'atho• ton this 22nd day of November. 11r26. In recognition ..f Mr. C. A. ItoIN•rt- lie W,mwn'r League at the Ilddfel ows ,lo hero -hie affirm our unshaken conch, p awns strong declaration in favor of the Mill on Monday reeving. The win - Ontario Temperance Act, the local Herr at mitre were Meta 1'. J,_fg1'e; ^:2'.-1-a giving IIS -its aedTve"lia . IwTSfr.74,a. Jeffrey. and the emisula- part In the election content. At the tluu prizes w•eut t.. Miss Theresa meeting of the penton on Monday eftgr- Webb and ('apt. Marley. prove of n.g varle„a arp•ytetaewt, In can along the proposed line of 'Govern- nr('tion with the campaign were mode. 1 Military Inspection 4IB41t C(wtrtd.' We r.'eognixe that no, t)u the day 411 killing. De,•emt,•r 1si. Militia inspection took place at the (.•uotlnuamr of the 4Int,,ri° Temp'r- there will is• an all -day prayer -meet- Rest street rink on Tuesday .'riling, 4141(•4' Aet is the supreme issue in the II.R in the Baptist ehu1'-hfrom i) M'Jor-I:enera1 Armstrong. 4:.1 1.1'., present Provincial e:e•tiun enmpaign o'clock a.m. until the 'lase of the 10114.. military dlatrlct No, 1, and Capt Law - and therefore heartily give our en- and in the evening a union prnyer- *1111. D.S.O., both of London. ieing horn 41(Itsatton to M. G. \levhl, I'rogrestrire meeting will ie held at the same ror the purpose. The units Inspeetel fano In the usefulness of the Ontario Temperance I 'r wouTl urge tide strengthening and faithful enforce= melt of the Act; and w•uuki Wasp - ROBERTSON AND JOYNT CONSERVATIVES IN FILE NOMINATION PAPERS OPPOSITION TA TNS FERGUSON PARTY Official Nominations 1144141 al V. nugl.ato Motor Trip of 1500 Mika wit Satuntay 1)r W F Clark 1 h 4,1,4 lee none eat Friday lard after a tori pleasant m41 - Cur trip of about 114MI tulles in the Southern States. 1144 took- the trip with his daughter, Moa Rett.,, whn has liven wtgag,•tl in City board of Ihn11h work at Toledo. tlhlo, for the Curt font rear* sere nR i oat Mich.. In the morning, they reached South Beni, Indiana. fur the first night. South dead is where the 1).11• for first started t44 pr.ctls' 1.1n profes- sion. as a young nun. At that time 1Nqudatl.,u ••f 4,1-•vt--'14.',1101,. "r Now 11.11as 113.tal,' From South !tend ' the travellers welt to 1'hirngu and 4f - le rtl. short visit -them.-4144} protw•.Iwt-- ...•nth en -the 1.11irnttl Highway as far as Louisville. l(el►u,ky. Here they i'b+iteI Nee Ih+ctrrr'r niter, Mrs ihnl. formerly \fin Alice Clark of Loyal. L,nlisvllle 111 a 1,1111lfnl city of 3119.1011 ps'ple on the Ohio purer. -\iter n resit of five days there they drove• east to IA'ziugll0l. K —.. rind had the pie K Ke reit. and ('..1. Iteb,•rts,n. Liberal can- prayer -meeting in the evening the elec. Itegilnell4. In outumand of Maier A. F. 411(iate for the riding of North Harm.-• tion return* will 1N• an11ouncel Nod Stltrdt. 11,• signallers, In command ------- there will he an Informal program of of Lieut. Erle Wilson, and the UNDER GOVERNMENT music and addressee. A general i,, 1- stret,hr- btwrer corps, in 4.11111 1101 of tat ern is extended- Scott. (la renee MacDonald. with the CONTROL IN ALBERTA ---- --- rrg{mentul Headquarters stuff under ----- In the Magistrate's Court l.t.-('sit. Heiman. At • The conclusion Miss Fanny Gray Writes Parente o(1 Reginald McGregor. eighteen years 4d the inspection. Gen. Armstrong lid ('unditiona There `e , of age, was arrested Satnrd.ly night dressed the men and 4xpre,s,d his Miss Fanny Gray, who 1(v at the I while, attempting. as alleged. 1„ rub pleasure with their appearance and head of the iudlan school at )Zdmotls•, 1\illinm Finnigan'. store at Esmond- training, ton, Alberta, writes to her punts, t-ille_ Mr. Finnigan had been missing (►n Monday and Tuesday evenings Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray of town with good.. and (doll from the store for the signalling eorpr, which has been regard to conditions in that I'fovince wow' time. but could not discover any _ irainhle at the Collegiate In�tltute. miler (lover:mew ew.trOI. Moss 'clue to IhP culprit. Of Pers White- for six Meeks. went through a aeries Gray- Is well known in Goderich and aide'. and P.•Ilow hid themaelvea In of tests before !'apt. Hunt, of !A.ndon her views w111 be received with inter- the store on Saturday evening and and en Tuesday night the corps joined est. She w-rite•s, under date of No- ,'aught McGregor red-handed,. lie.' with the Other units for inspetlun by vemher 17: s Gregor. who wee 11 mask to disguise the district e,mmanding oflter. "Dear Mother and Father,--f),,n't himself. obtained entrance to the atom -- let the whiskey pewpl.- fool you into by removing 11 (44.3)4' of glass trout •a r Town Wino Again on Appeal ilei. lug (:l.vw•a-me•nt---eontrot-ix-y1 - w.sh-And r.-thein..—it--w1*o The 11Wli_ *4kdtor, Mr: ---D: E. cessfnl In Alberta. Taken before Magistrate Reid on Mot- linlmes, was at Toronto hist Thursl.y -"Some Interested people one .• teen- day. McGregor pleaded guilty to end Friday before the .tpp•ilate Dicl- Ir1g Cart wa•k vtat(•Ittd to, iNer-pIIrlor there ehargea 0f breaklag ]tato the Mee of the )l�,re•mt• ('onrt argllijg In 41f tar WJklrk hotel, one of the leading store and was remanded for a week the ease of the National Sl4,ltarlum hotels in the city. at e•Ioeing-ne tithe. for s•ntruee, against the town of Goderlch. This About one hundred mea and woolen •1 G(4114411 resident who hod taken was an fiction brought by the National came out—ten women, four of them some poisonous (14114114.1 1011 w -A4. Rdmit- MNa1rnrium against the 1444.41 for the young girls. -1 large ;masher of the te.l, to the hospital laat week and made un-hlhllwnav_- "-au-unlit/net patient• men were young and several too drnnk a quick rersov -ry. Afterwards he was ai:u. it wens claimed by the MAUI' to. walk struig4t. eLurge) 1,.•fore Magistrate Heid with tarhuu. resldwl In the town of God - "When 1 5(1444 in Edmonton before r, nu stromal (o commit sn1cirle by ,'rich at fhe time of hos , Imtaaiun to and we had pr.hibilion ice did 1101 see i,t*kluc nnrnate of Irn,l. .tt Hrast he the hnspitn1. The 1.11*ient• eamr to drunk mel on the streets.X • ,0tt•r.vl a !A1:1 of guilty. hitt hater he 4%ode'r' •h in the rpring 44f 1'r_" ,Now we-. -- }-said—li(• had Cern drinking r »tog "Premier - Ferguson ha* done some 1 alcohol. The magistrate has not given good work for the Provine• of (h1- 1 his derision iu the eau('. tarin, but he is no temperature' noun. I —i` i ahl4ereFfbijpe Ontario will stand by ; "Ttvastae Huntitag" In Gahrielu Those who saw 4'11 TS( 1141S11 11141 uuldly ie. her principles& Hud tnrn him down Cotntdeely What is mo41ey if Sono;' Ihreugh G,Nlrrleh and the tO4inity, or men and some1 are learning to drink who many have been accosted far goIn. i elms" by people whit a wild look In their and armeed wit!, for11444 14e flashlights 011 the night of Thursday. the 14th. may noun melersh(lid that tow 111- attack of the Jack Herald Wins acct Harrold- sun uflir �IIJr l`.... rnry wtnrw,P, 441)1 of Ginn. was the wilnu•r 111 the mnuln "treasure bolting." The 1 cross-country r}' run of the boys of 11t• etre and hnntre•sses were s1('I from April. 1925. ellen he was admitted to Andrew's ('.1I.'4'44 at Aurora,4olested. Do it meting Witco. Dr. Taylor's the hospital. The enol• first earl, be- whrk. !(ecrnlyt-four t1.hree nd a- alf Boase. whtett was kindly boa for the fore ,fudge Lew(,,, who held teat it Thr ,lh tancr Max threw nail a -half . pF11441'11 T err mi 0 nt1•nt on on the •1 w_. Ms wife Hud family, taking up h11 residence herr. Hud r•rnnin(s1 here 111- til August of 1924. when he 114911 MP 1I4. 111 t0 support himself or hitt ram- 1 Cly= fie then lett G0411•rieh for hist gin- Icy. leaving his wife mid r1111,113. - big Wt11 mother -in -lone, w -toll lives In God- erieh. He reuu111111 In the township s ,.f W+taley until the end of Fehrnary, 192,1. when he returned to llodrrich 1 ,11111 4.4.11-,! with 1)1s'wife itl a L»-'-- s ,TN had rental i1 the town- Ile starved In G,wlerleh until the tit of ' • Into' races in the finned "bine grits region." They also risit(1 the ere. llaccnrt .:eek farm. eoinprIsIti' 4.s, pens, all beallitifnlly feared with burn fen(',- painted white. The buildin •r.' nearly all painted red. On t farm ern, IN' soon 1.714) therougllh o running horses. Including the are: horst. "Mau ,i War." pnn•haset 11 cost of '_$42,INN(. and 11 1414.111 111'1/ valuable brood mares'. Another Interesting 091 1 1111 1 %v tinin'd sus the original "11141 Fe tn•ky Home." about forty IL 110/1 s0ut of Louisville. tvitfi nn 4411(ie0 111111.111 darting Intik two 1111ntlnsl years . Th At the ,•tt►.:.i u,'miunlIan* for North Huron. held al 1\'iugham uu Saturday. .1010 11y11 1. 01 Lu,•know. Conservative. toil ('. ,t. ltolwrl44un, of Colborne township. Liberal. tiled their papers In' the soeakhig which a'llowe'd Mr. ,1oyo1 was supp44rted by Mr. Geo. spot - ten of 11'ingluuu. Mr. Ito1N•rtsoi had 0o platform supporter. Mr. J0ynt rend a statement to the effe•1 that he ons opposed t' 4 .41l'rnuN•nt control. Mr. Iteilwrts.ae_danit with eKtaratluu. 1rydTo-We'tr{e : ower.'l'r.vltu't111 Hunn- •4$ and other 1'sm•s, as well- as the Ilyuor gnestlou. Ile grid ht• had nu Strong Declarations at Wednes- day Night's Meeting at the Opera House I ode r the auspices of the Goderleb bru0, h of the 14,4 ial srr'ieto Council n pnblte sleeting l0 11,. IIIIPTPAIa of the• IPunwraue esus,• oa- held Iu Vic• tuna 4 1N'ra !louse ,11i Wednesday roiling. It wa,. fairly. well atteudad too wit s!m opioid sobleess•M yore 'given by Principal J. P. plume, of Goderleh, and Rev. Hugh t)obaon, of Vaneooves, rinartrtWith the i'wlaerl' tiro party 11.4'- It,•v- J t: I'.,nI Pr's -14/'"1 so4 .w 1)111 wps being supported by ninny Ilfe- the platform. IN•sldets s111(44e nlre'ady long Cuu•ereatic4.4 111 * .po,lug 111)11I1.041. %ern• the fo110Wintt: Mrs. frontier F'.-rgusoi, who and not con. J. FL Colborne. Mrs. J. W. Hunter. Dr sinter the rank and (le of the party 111 A. '1'. Etum,•non, 4:. \i. Elliott. It. J. dot, rmiallig his policy. llegew, J. E. Tom, J. Dustow, 11. R Pulling Ikeesaber 1st Suilows, Gro. Gould, A. M. Robertson. The ,nolle s!aou II ooh• ,•au rfullt t t4', R.•cs. F. 1'. VIII..• Xrlhy .effetw.h, 1'. F. Clarke and E. l'uultt•r. . :rctlon. 11Pxl 1Vrdurshay. The polls '1'h,• nlreth,K w'YN upwaeN) with tar o+wu;'a1 S n.w. and remain open 1:Rerhtg u[ Ike L.nd'; 1!rayr led ly nonoil i ..tit. Thr It ..i:. I'onllir. of preamble. 1lnriug .41 1 ,iI (I1g both: l; he eve:ttlg Mrs. 4'. 11. Iniw1N•r and +;o,lrrii9n will le sit tar follow_; %Its. 4lter.4 F'. t' Eliot r,u,tere,l a No. 1 sit Miller's , 011 play - R* tomo duet, Mr 1I ( iismltt ills h.;ia stt•1•et : No. _ ul Fh•Le:u1's vs"."" sl store, outg:ton street ; No.:i Al to%u mg the pion.. *(rompanlmrnt. Iw1I. Fast street • \u 4 at 1tothers' Chairman, lite•. J. t:. Fond. In hie op•nin$ remarks. stated that goo. mewl - 1'. 1.. Walton. store. West street ; No. tag RI* 11,43• a p lineal one. and was II at Ilnard of Trade pans. West street : not held in the interests of any eaa- No. 7 prat. W. !'riddle': mourn„•. Wil. .dilate. It wan held for the purpose of :r-'s„u stmt. dis•u4..h1F the nu•tho,” 41f 1)ulrolliIg t4'- .'4u 1111111 1140 sill. (sir rtllWa the liquor ironic. .as fair lock ads he 1 - yO1)" mild rrmenttw'r ' there hnd t44'4•tt 11 :attars and travellers, will be open movement on foot to control strop sg Thursday, -Fridley and Saturday of g t. at weed .hop. 1'irt,ria' 44t1,et ; No. 5 111 nt pone, made famous by the weilIknorwn song, is preserved by the Gioverume as a Plehtseeing resort. Dr. and Miss ('lark motored strair north through C t f 1 latailt,.o. l►nyt Ohio. 1111 town* of alelnt 50,000 pooped Goon. to Toledo (3.10,11110 o. They h: no Mishap of any kind on the trio, 41 there were sph•nd1.1.'ont.re•t/• 1.411(14' Ile 0443. - tats week 10 the ns., out's ot11.a at the oun:. Hud rnnoum measures hail been tort 11 tall. The boon are from 'S. to 5 Introtuewl to help abate thea evil. o'elok and from 7 1.. 10 o'N,N•k p.m. Personally. said Mr.. Ford. he could 1'noviafon I. nude in the Ontario ant approve of 1;oreruwe; control. ht ,.1tNlltm_ Luc under salol yuulilfet,p ub,ieh 01144 III.' 1.sll,. I11 tar pro -eat 01111 11. ops ;n err. 0v rlZton ndnnatl• eleeforr at rural ells winos. t'l,ttiou Further I 1 11 I. 4111. Lima ,.1).l Fhd..: 1 _. s flumes__ he crtN}r1 _nut- *nsgonrt n tince•uu,eut are not on flu.• voters' list may "spear 71" {u" on ehtiKlou da} noon 1N'i1,g 5a111•hel which in preserved to e'staldish Govern - nil foer by an elector la_ the meal eontrvJl. fol pine polling __.. Printing, Heim. all `icision w'husy Inline I. ou the Inst. Mr. J. 1'. Mame, •priueipnl of the THE PRESENT IMM(E (•,oI•rl,h Collegiate institute. was the LARGE WINTER FLEET first speaker Introduced by the chair - Man. "1 nm not accustomed to vka- LIKELY FOR GODERIC13 1'ts41N`1';dk.,r--,,f-Tian-t(ittnal. - ens.inc Matters of the day en the pltb- Thar $lr,—i wish to stale very lie nlatferat. awl 1 appear here as * briefly my ped 64111 on the present is- LargeQuantiliers of (:rain Arc (:Ding son, behove the electors of (►ntario, supporter of the ttnturio Temperance Through the Ele'v-ator sly reasons for tN•fu n'ALtst Gut- Act." raid Mr. Iluule in explaining his T1day 1Thurs)1nyl there arc ween - R 'steamers in the harbor, sot 1.1 the oade(1 with groin Hud nue of them to o*dh,g at the Godericl elevator. Th leamer 11811 Bros. arrl feed this anon ug with 11e first winter entragr era rg d :115.1100 has. of Wheat. This weenie s about .dal feet In i.10411, and Is 1111 If the largest that have been here 1,, 41110• time. The following-stcftturs arrived fh nest week w-111, cargoes fur 11.' God erfeh etevar(.f: rontee. 111:.11N0 has. 0 eons . It1RgRnij\her, -no 4111 Tax. 0 cheat ; I'unnd .e. (1j 444X4 bus. of horde crutueut cunlsell—arid-the pollh•Itttts& . 7hls .%et. he .aid, had teen m~whn 11111 1141 to press this measure uporu a er1)rt to till silo. It had•alolishel this 1'rovlu•e are as tollows; 1111' bar. utiie!' he hoped would not re- turn: it had dune a%av with the 4 , 1. 1 have seen personally Govern' •;(renting ..'stem•'• and furtbrulor,• meut control in ,,1N•rntion, I know 11,'re 1,ad 1Ns.a *•gr,•nt treaties itrtntt. t from hats,} but front father's -place hi the township of St, ten r ont prsna l itog since the 4(ntlri' Te•mpe•r,nee ,tet know ledge, e r 4' miles, and the, w•iunei s time was 2."-42, o, ns 011 with a (I1.4thei f was n qu tl f I 1 Jack Wetted aMr. Galt melting in their erns, as Part of the larttrttt as to where his gold medal. and his e,n•rbng foe --torsi„ With-41sept—_res11(tu•v -w'-otti+t__ae;--end that. as he - mono wlitT*•Tnilt'ribiol on till' Waflaretlaihlight44 for the "clues." which wets;Ipat-tressed-Msdpat-tressed-Ms tteinttm, in .\tlgnst rap. The prises, for -the- Flynt were. eery eleverly arranged and -planted" of 1924 of 4(8311:.- 4(1111 Ills father In pro scute} by HiN Excellency the Gov -. I rrltor-Genera,l. hy_Mrs• Kerrigan and Mr. Galt. t1) y--4tau1•y towe/shb, for the Mmrt time - -- were iel to "ltldgewond." where Miss lie l:ad left to liter. he wens not A resi- *key" Galt and -Miss Carol Fleming dent of Galerich. and. therefore, the difficulties Hud to A willingness to take mingled the accltlnulut,td wealth by both was not liable for him mnlnteU- s:pins in one'n work. their • brilliant'fr.ndwnrk. After- ono.. On tar np!eal It wpm foamed ln'peetnr Tom presented the Robert wards all rxcr.11rnt sawn" war pro- 4 that. Ito matter what him intrntinn in Park memorial sliver meed. won by ridel.�ir rhos. wl:n conal s&till eat. AIIgn*t of 1924. he changed his trid- ent Mar•I:regor by taking the high- Thos.' w1n dtstir11111rh,�) thrnlitelves '('-1111' 111 February of 1112:1, tut the Af est markt at Vieh.rla 44414414)1 nt the by their promotive as well an In this peal Court held that there wain nn v • eutr,uloe examination of 1926. He opal& III Appreciation of the generosity .1 Victor Lnurlston. the donor of the 1104:11. who elms keeps In memory the ate Robert lark. formerly princhnt1 ,f the Goilerlch No•hools. Mr. Toru —great- work -leas- - 41441-ai+d'-±K•eondet Mrs. -Taylor's appeal 40- Ike mother. and fathers for their eo-operation. Rev. F. C. Elliott prea'utesl the WS - tory prise donated by 1114' M*p1,' Leaf Chapter, 1.41.1).E.. and in doing so paid a tribute to the I)nuetltere of the Empire for the work they have done nod are doing. The study of history. he e4,01iuuel. brought the student In eouta,t with the men and women of the past. gave him n3) Insight Into the (•htn'aeteri, the nehle'rmet(44 And the failures of these figures of the past. The tune who dove not know tar blis- tery littory of the past 1s likely to he dumb- founded by the events of the present, f,0 It I, true that 111story, In Its essen- tials. repe,lls Itw•If, -Mr. Elliott urged A ¢ri:u,•r nttentlnn to the ht1t0ry of Canaan. Iter..!. F:. Fond presented to Lucille meeih urld Ih, pride given by the Wo- men'. Institute for the areon41 high- est marks at the entrance examination. He said It WAX a happy thought 011 Ihr part of the Women's Institute to of- f,•.' 11114 prise. Frequently (herr wan not much difference between the first and eeeond stndwdi. snit the sinal student deserted som1• recognition. A g,•rnt ,heal of the work of the world was done. said the speaker. by mea and wt.me, who hnd never attained the front rank. and It ens fitting that those who 11Id not Attain to the highest pin CP. 4410111d re41'Ire encouragement. The nett s{wnker was Rev, 1t. C. 11,fiermid, who admitted a 1('-0041 from golf to the work of the 44tndent. After hitting the hall, he sattt the atrnkr most le "followed throngh." To apt! time most 144 *doled. perseverance. There would be lions In the way, 1mt sne•Mn In life would he duo• larecly in the 444*ntntc facing of these e'tnplimentell the boys and girls nt VicTorin schw11 WTI' irte (Moil 11-1 11)111144 mniuh,inel In the school. an'i upon the good, attention and dili- gence witl(h they displayed. He men. Honed the winning this year of 100 of the three Carter scholarships for the emInty by Golir1eli collegiate len !route students and declarei that the schools of Giwlerieh never did potter work than they are doing at present. The recipient of the medal, Olive MacGregor, Rare a neat little imeec•h 1n renpinee. ezprensing thanks to Vic- tor f.enrtston, the donor. Rev. C. F. Clarke said the people of (iodh•rlch friwalhl be proud of their shade. not only of the beautiful building and grounds of Victoria school. but of the work which all the schools of the town were doing. He 'iter/ ,ant the boys and girls cultivate the habit of doing their work well. Her. S. 14. Hardy spoke briefly in presentine the reading pride, -81141 ushers whn /11* IIP brief nddreleves were Mr. W. H. itntmrtsnn. Torture' Miller, Thnmson and Sello54-1. Mr. H. L. Salk - end and Mr. G. M. Elliott. Mr. sn!keld'p etntrment of his Intention to offer n prise next fear for deportment on the whorl grnnnd- was received w•Ilh hearty epplans•: Principal 1fon,housr, tchome poowl- mitt with the poplin was afforded by •Ihr hearty reeenflnn given him. tend, prat thanks to the donor* of the prise* and to throw who hal taken tort In the program of the evening fir 44Is0 A11dr44**,'d same words of con- ¢101111nflnn and ndrloe to the members ..f the graduating cons. The prtw•.44nge elo.,d w1111 the alnaln¢ of the National Anthem. (The fall plat of iwla'-winners In nn- avoidably omitted Gila week 1 /111.1 1.11144141 1)n.. 0f wheat : .Howl smith. 147,(44X1 I.41.. of %holt and 44, 000 ons. of barley: Saskarrhewnn. 35. INXI bus. of barley and 77.414X4 ons. .• wheat: Laketon...- 24:,4101I los. a silent ; Xn.kad/N•, *77.4111Ni nus. o Wheat nerd :t3,/NRLbua. of 'rye; Irau Bros.. 2971,01M) Imo. of wheat : W. (' F'Lani..1.iV.1MMF.bug. un,wie•io and Liar key. The strainer D. 11. 1141:p1 arrives un Tuesday '44.1111 a ( Iron of 1105. INN bus. of wheat for the 1V,steru ('on Ids Flour al ills. Thln boat was dor lyre lust Friday. but _gait_1(1_.Mo' and light Lost and the lakes e'er. it lend to seek shelter nt ports 'n route and thus was delnyrtl. Manager G. 1.. 1':rao4:44 of ih, God rich elevator' reports that pro+Iwcte re very bright for n large w'inte'r leer til. year. lir has already re clued a --number of enquiri.' from snots of grain vessels with. referent.° 2. The o1(1 Il, ruse..y.t,n was Gov- ernment control. Imo everyone knows how 111i• Government could not control ttre tra1►!t'. TI.ere 1, 1141 proof that it neo Measure '.till be different. Any reformatlun l of the-boenr.his-- been jamb, 1.,y 1,144,' 1'0111 1111.• uutsidr Hud fear 11 1004 4111 ,Ihr inside; not from our lota_uf ohmage of principle.. The LIqu.mr buflness ls•Ibe s'III,.I, men slur still., ' Ruralise the 4).T..1. tins nut (441 n irthroed. Mr, Nickl•'N 0151✓alnt,lneut is i1 fan he enforr,'4--hwut hr gran nayp hr -petite not rely- 1111 the Got,•rnmrut • to old 11uu, This is I very strung Ju- ,ttc'tm,•nr fitaliist Mr. Feygnsnts. 1 .114.1 aside the 4).'l'.A. before It has hien enf/treel:' 4: BecNus• id the stlein,i• of the so- ' en 111.11 14Is•rty League Ind 110,deT11. 1i11111141.. Why tire they silent? 1 mast he- mnrfstfr!l: -lind i hawo n very strong suspicion Ilse they nrr'bnvk of tar prv•aent mor" 11 tar I'renler. .i. 1ti•canee Goterl140eut rvNilrl! Is not the platform of the Cenuerntt'e ivory. it'Is MI•. Ferguson and his 11s- ,4wia111s who bare hrokeri 1Ntrt)• Ilu,ic and, as 1 Nee 11, every Conservative :otter regard Included Mro. Taylor, the ilencP of an iIltntlon to Oiling, hl' s Mlpre•s "1 14011r- rind Carol Fleming. resldenee !ermnitently from Stanley. .•z-el.M..p'.)t., "Ik -y" (:alt, ladythr mi. to (lod,rl,lt and 41 1/(111 tamd the snarl- e ''1441114..A1111/1 %V11rtele•, 1:Iallys& maims, taritm's appeal. npholdin. the roe- n "O11r(a" Allen, Dr. Tnyh.r, ."Fluffy"' M11011 nt ills Honor Judge IA'wis. The f Flahill and Dick \VurtrIP. PAPP mean, 1111144 n an59ng to tar town4, '',f Goil,rl.h. R. fhe portent la likely to ° tel- 411 far Rsn to art'nmmolaI here- ' (I,Ntrrteir Wonwme -1_.--.-• will meet at the home of firs. A. _. McLean on Thursday, December S, at 3 p.m. iter I„ '•.4ne In gr1 rid oC 44.1. w Cann hitting w- w..t or iernr!y nn,ting ih sit' h n enul, info force. The speaker men- tioned Premier F,rgusen', slur upon the young pw41ptr of the Province often Ile•..stale,l that the - ..tttg lntif,•a-wnnttt --- Viol .--nn1 keep 'onlpny with tar 'young men nnl s. they hnd tJttska, 1st woul,l Treat worry for any '-11, 1eut of the (1.('.1. who was seen with n flask. Ile fully believe That this slur Intl not apply t0 nay of Ihe_1Ntl.il•s of the i..r.1. :duel! of fk4i evil that was laid nt the door of the 11.'1'..1, tuns doe 1.1 Fede•ra1 !PAIS 14111101. In erasing Mr. Ham, said he hod hero 11 .nplort•r 0f flu. Conservative-ywtty eves-484w,•e tl,•-- _ -- w -a* born. I.nt he venni not Nnpplrt t1e poser}• tot the llr•111 control. Mr. Joynt. the 4'ons•rv*flcr ejndidate. had announced 1111nwdf os• figahut Gocere9))4.d control and he did riot donne Ids .foeerity. but hr wens allyl n Ferguson (stork, u4'. There- fore h1• -(the speaker ---was foredo to - give his support to the oppositionhe. can.1' the Ferguson Government must be def/•,It• •' net•. Ilugh iMbson. of 1'en,onvo r! wens the next speaker and Introduced himself SIN a 11nnn1 old boy. Jlr. Dobson slate) shat lie was engage,! in 014.1111 ser'Ire work in the 11' `t posdf„u who 1111. thirty vents Fath In•trny,tl trt� tells _year 1"1- Irar►n11> Y•Sr iNomrme Mil e — Ind during thea whole period would both extorts 44hlpm,m(44 0f grain over And in the lute m44101 of Conservatism parey.rn %P vineess h( studying of 1144 \fra- on a burden 03) the town for his main- railway. art very brisk at ores- ( for 1 believe tri I•ri,clnrs•s 44tnlyhs,Cal qmn- iManet. t. .\h nc.' rip, 0f 10I it'd/111i cit Pa / In same of Its pbwks ti They have 1/1111111011•11 t von- t* 1 ✓nn PPP no SA1VAlinn for /rid In these 1Vestrrr Provinces. � 11 The Electors Have the Last Word 1' Mr. •loynt, after trying for some time after his nomina- tion b}- the (`enaervative party convention to preserve the attitude of "the open mind" on the ehief issue of the elec- tion, has now decided that he is opposed to Government eon - trot He is still, however, the nominee of the Ferguson party in this riding and it is at the personal solicitation of Hou, Howard Ferguson that he is a candidate. At the official nominations on Saturday Mr. Jgynt stated that he was still a follower of Hon. W. F. Nickle. But !chile Mr. Niekle is twining in opposition to a Ferfiusou candidate, Mr..loynt is the rSminee of the Ferguson party. if air. .loynt personally is not facing both ways, the charge still rents against him in connection with the or- ganization that is behind him. While he is trying to capture the "dry" vote, the organization is busy rounding up the "weer' vote. Men whn a week ago declared they would not *np;x,Ft anything but (iovetsthent eontrol are still working setively for Mr..loynt. The aituntion seems to be that an effort la being made to ae'eltr, support for ,r "wet " Govern. ment by. means of a "dry" eandidate, Whit rejoicing there ' would he in the camp of the "wets" should North Huron, hitherto one of the staunchest anti -liquor ridings in the Province of Ontario, elect a sup- porter of the Ferguson Government! The people of North Huron have the issue in their hands, ao far as this riding is cnneerned. Mr. Robertson stands squarely in Rapport df the Ontario Temperance Act. Mr- .lnn,t'a *ttilntle is open t0 tetiOna question. adel %1111 groin IPnt',' herr ,loll'. Mr. G. L. ('arsons has reeel 'el word that the Iteminluu Government Iola asset! nn •.rejr-in-•nunell to the effect (hot I'nite, SIR UP. ve1sse1A are permit- , ' led to bond groin for winter storage' before the dose of navigation Itt fhe present 3enr at tiny' I'4unlliul port. i tool unload 44 h enrgo at a ('anadiatr 1 or United States IN.rI ou the n•44urltte Grin of mitigation next spring: 1 t0 1 unload at shipper's option et ails of Pitch sorts nn 0r hefnrP the�l4•uInK of navigntlon next your. The ,ontrnetors connote 1 the lay - ng of the cement on th river broil,- of wa(tr 1x,? Fridny. TIS(• entire length of thin hreakwntr'r iry/now of concrete. u 11 few' fitly. thy/ reconstruction in merete of ihr I .r part of the north per will 11r (44 pleted. the party 11111 0411 nf-tl 1:•._.JtytaAll. of the Ittrnn44b tenld,s of the p emend Premier In dealing with the mint qu(4411on. To my mind. not • on has he broken his pledge to the by his farmer' record. heti-Tie has dulled' the voter, of Ontario by this lust men.ure. . And 1 further say Mr. Editor. 1 1.11 II err 101 15' Ally pe1'.,I, 44'10 501'.1 11¢m like 1:.,rrrnm,nt eonit•'1 11. .n1) wired to shy people In (Mtohr of 1924 441111 vote ether's Ise new and he 4111 'si.r"lu. -I trust and pray that Mr. F'ergnsen will he defeated. for only to 1,is driest coon 1 gee the sn15*lion of Ion• i'ri Alai•. from the (Nita of 114vrrn- 1111'111 control 044 found nail seen In other l'rorin1rs• and also salvation for the ('m4 se r'n 115'4' there are strong Conservatives w1N, f• fly 1404or cast another vote for the ('nnperrnllve Party- If the present 1111v1 - pure gong through. Thanking you for your veined space. 1 am. IY11' he's. e I('114 4111' present leads is w,1,n'? here lo, olgo94 iII ' loti40,1 N• IP.drr,b l.. - II 1 M 11111 YS - flrnn. rilck longer playing r,•eord. Cam Il's Drug Store. 1 1 t't forget 0i. Victoria Helpers' I, afir Saturday. iirs-ember 4th. to be It In. the vacant store nett unit's • har,Iware. Monition street. Mr. .1. A. (Tlshulm annfnneetp p elenring-nut este 0f hos ',fork of loots, shoes ansa rnl,M'r44. ells ndrprtlse- mend appears on page 2 of this !sone. "The Eagle." by Itndolnh Vntpnth,n. and a eomedr by i.Inyd 111mllt011 will he shown In the Model Thenar 111'x? Wed,*-,4At And Thnr44d*y, 1hr44mh'r 1st and 2nd. under the 9(1119(1-441 ..f Maple Leaf Chapter. 10.1).E. The Pontoon returns w111 he ennnlln,•r4. Admission 341 cent*,Ro'NI romp for ever y p41r*y. ror. mark yon. i•ourle very slneete/y. E. A. 1'I►t'LTF:1t, 1'estnr IlcnmIlt,r and Smith's hill Falter ehnrehep. Ornlerh•h. R. R. 4, Nov. 24. 1924{. The hoz nodal and lane, n,lt.'rl.e,l IRO week to he held In the Masonic flan thin (Thitrrdiy► night Is post - ported to ■est Tuesday night, 70th Hirt. .A4iiIt I m : (kntlem,•n fi(k' ; ladles wltb Alien free. Admission re• fended to gentlemen imying hole.. A INNIr, paNfld. party. he sd. for unite 0f the great parties hap ever hacked Government sale of honor. II was the 11.111..r inter- ests that Here behind I. Ile de- un11n.ed Gever,meIt. 441Je m1,141144 IN•- dntrmr'it pato ?I(• Ilorrnnu•gt Int,, fh'• 111.414.,' bus9 -,s the Tuyleg nn,! Pilling of honer. The weaker root moor 'InrnnO'nts felling of Inerenool. eNett- legeing and incidents frons ,Irmken- nes, In the %Ventre 'hrl:tem Aren't IM anyone tell you that Gov- ernment control does away with dis- ns(,-r,, for It doesn't." .sold MDob- son.r. ob- son. (referring t0 the 141'- en? crisis 111 On1atio, floe mnk,i- urged event; oneto vote ngalrod the Ferguson ean- didnt,.. Premier Ferguson. he said. ,Rets 14411 11 r.•'Irfrtlu of torr )1ollnrs hu yo0r onto livens.) he It pm rote for hhe pony hen 4'o (hot thMv rater In the 'Ions Interests of the Province. The honor of the olh•r folk44 11110nt stoke. sale: the speaker ha elo.Ine. Mr. Wm. Camt'4' ll mad.. a fe.'r r,. marks In reference k, Mr, Joynt's present !:o, fon. In reply Mr. IA.h• sen stpr,d tan: *Ithnngh Mr. Jnmt nowde'Inred himself. opposed to a (lovernmdnt soles system. he ANN 1101 entitled to the support of Upholders of the O.T A. Even if Government rale were defeated In the 1111,e, Mr. Joyot w•onIo•von. to keep the Ferguson r (la• &Armen iti !pewee. and wIthntit Mr. NO,k'.• In the conned. the Infinenre of that tiorernment would he a4111i.4 the enforement of the Ib,T•A. The meeting ""nchulod 1,1 h Donn. Anthem are' tip heneMetlott,