HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-11-4, Page 7• • Mrs. Junes Nieie.l. of Morris town- ship, died' (k'tuber nth in her fortieth year. ' Jacob Phil-'Leits•r, of Crydittw, diet October 2slyd art the age of sixtydour gran. Ile war• unmarried, farm on the 4111 concession of Grey township to Thema. Vodtlen. of Ethel, fur $1.300. Mr. and Mrs. Ww. gray. of Mullett, have reeiyel a silver service medal won by their sou I.:dwintd In the Great \Vat. Edmond died a ft -w months atter his return front overseas. A debate hetweet the United church young people of Wroxeter and those tit Bluevalc on the subject. "Resolved. that party government should be abolished," was won by thieuegative debaters, representing Bluevale. At the, 1'nitrd church avenue, Wal- ton. October 2nd. Rev. W..1. Maines united in warrluge Miss Mary E., eld- est THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT.School. fractured his right arm al the' I ,.,1..,....1111171i11111111111111111111111■111111111111111 ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Walew 11r,llay. \"' •tidier • p,artmtpt of \\''w• lwbinsgll'e 1l1dhk WOMN COULD County and District Ib completely destroy - -1 rd work un the � HARDLY WAIK lock tit two ewes and toe hu ug and ci hard were to rt of cul - ted. By a uuttlNr flit flghtrrs, the destruction of I b buildings wits prcveuttel. Seven. •uf age and .Mrs. Kttig sixty other vest y rNit. Five head. of cattle belonging to which place a brigade arrived with , ptUbhllUp slid sled net -idly frees rut ing theta apples. his family 'lived over the store. Three ut the animals were baby they lust everything. There wits i(►. utlaura- The 51M1 luyytrauce. but this dues not utwr- , •s c berm c lodged I' covet the loss. as a large stcx•k 1 U * from A. ctrl! was Brut w Brussels, u Ralph Willis. of Stephen township, cbrmtcal rugine, MIL and wee - seeds of the apples hal X 3 -t In the stomach, causing d 'dowel' l' of nue tit the an opt -tell nod a pailful of se'etls removed. Several neighboring 001101ugs were The wurriage of hens ala., only ttuuglltt r of firs, 'Wm. !laugh, 9(11 concession of Turnhtrry, to Harold T. GllkIneon, eldest son tit Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Atkinson. of the saute ettttces- slonh was solemnized at Te•swater, by 'Rev. 1)r. Forbes. 1111 October 20th. - CLINTON Th. young couple are making their home-uu-tlle-gruuuia farm In. Turn- : Miss jbNsstc Slitklalt has returned to berry. New Yoik t'lty after d cislt with her W. Simsen was eroasing the ('.P.R. ..,... . el bel The fire Is supposed to have Mrs. Horn Tells how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health Hamflton,Ont-"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham'a Ve -end ta waald not writs while cranklug u car, Nelsen,' Huukiu, tun of Thomas lluu• kin of t',hnrne, wits seriously Injured .I ii when a %amen In .-artwhichhe was dray- ailing howif edith a a•ath eats att•tle•k fly ' Sheriff's Jelly Ioirders uu tutu. a sire lluuklu wua.tbrowu out I and suf erevl a trut-turcelter and au in- it jury to his shoulder. The team tilt ' [ away anti the eager 11118 hazily` I 1 3 Jelly Powders for 25c and ■ smashed. Our of the huracs handed-■ oat its buck In a ditch of water and a glass fruit nappie free 1 was nearly .drowned. ■ -iFgt.J':a••isrr 1•rLo,)1 0[ the UNtgriu ■ Plowmen's .\ss"cintit11 lord u tine day cath. Fee carr nasi. mesa stuns from an overheated furnace.. without it now. for its plowing watch. badly scorched sits their whitlows broken by the lieut. Bert Malt ti'. house had a swore scorching, and hitt blacksmith situp was on fire several times. about a mil" cant of Gerrie one mora- Dr. R. A. Worthington and Mrs. hag recently when his car stalled right Worthington, of Canmore, Alta.. were est daughter of tat r. and Mrs. \\'m. Mc- Call, on the track. A passenger train was re•,•nt visitors in town and vichrity. it ('alt, and Archie J. \'rung, Win of upproarhlug and Mr. aimtt„n tried 10 is tldrtcru year" steer I)r, %Vorthtug Mrs. Mary .\. Young. of Hullrtt. 'Fit• push the oar tiff the track; bili tailed tau left Cliutetn. BRt'SSB1 new couple will resale on the Young 1 to ekt sit. Ur gut to a plat* of safety himself, but the car wee carried along the trucks and practically eh•ntolisht-d homestead in Mullett. The debate Iwtwe•n a team of speakers representing itrutrlt-ld l'uited church Young T'e,ple" s,Soclt•ty ant-r.1ems-Awns tet: Aatlrew'a church. Bayflrld. en the subject. "Iteselved, that Dirty- goct-rnutwlt should b• eboliahel." - eats won by the afflrma- tlre. wthktr-wa--l,t.lnbl-b - the Tinter - tel.! te1.1 young people. While returning from Stratford in en nutothubile Inuit an McTaggart. of Cray township, caw a ear approaching fu a reckless wanner. and turning out to avoid a eol1 ituuu he meet his own. car In the ditch. "Mrs. McTaggart. er -Wet wltb Dim, had pec -arm broken and was taken to Stratford b'oiipital for treatment. Oily a few days separated the death of 'Mee, Stephen L. King, of Tttrnberry. and that of Jter husband. Mrs. Kittg passed away ,mldenly uu (k•tuber '22nd and Mrs. Ring on the 25th. Both lied been in poor health, and It is thought the shock of_ his wife's death hastened the pausieg of 'Ir. King. Three daughters and one M K[seventy before the trails euuld be stopped. Mi, and Mrs. l;eorge Colvin. well - The village of \Vroxeter had a (1116- known residents of Ilruasela, on (k- astrous tire on Friday tight. (Molter letter 23rd, t't•Ie4n•ated their gulden :'111.1. 11 started in the dry geode dr- ,,,•.Iding. They have- been residents. of Brussels ever sitter their wedding. Of their twelve children six are Billie. and there Inc also uinete•n vault - children aid- pit F great -grand hiltl:- Tht• escasion was marked by a family gathering and the presentation of a purse of gold from the family. Thursday afternoon of last_ week was the last of the weekly halt -boli days in Brussels for 11124. Most of the weekly holidays tide year were fav- ored with ane weather. - - II Ior Balli a Center,' the Standard. Su((rtinf til'treatment DrCHASE S OINTMENT BLYTH 1 had a female trouble so badly I could hardly walk and 1 was all run- down and could hardly get around to do my house- work. I would be in bed three or four days at a time. I was told by a friend to try your ' egetable Compound. I did, and by the time 1 took two bottles 1 was beginning to get around again. 1 took ten bottles in a11, and now 1 am all right again and doing my own work. I have six grown-upa to work for, so I have plenty to do. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham s Sanative Wash, and I think it is go00. But 1 owe my health to the Vegetable Compound, and I think if more of it was used women would be better off. I would not be without it if it cost much more." - Mrs. NELLIE HORN, ..13 St. Matthews Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. Do you feel broken down, nervous and weak semi -Wm s? Lydia E. Pink- ham'e VegetabluCompuund is excel- lent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and per- sistently. will relieve this condition. C which wap held October �3ud on the farm of \\'w. Welsh. two tulles north of 'huh. 'Flier'. were a y;uud number of competitors as ni-!l as of .1tietarnra and everything wcu.t .R well. W. A. 1)k-klestal.' of 11-kwv,,91. eye- the judge. " and he evoke highly of the work done by the plowmen In the various competitions. waking sI*.•laI we•utioe tit the plow- ing dune t.y Roy 1'y'nda11. of Seaford'. In the bays' class. the finding of the body,ot their 1011 Frank: who► was- drowned rw�yhilllee duck- s , 00 i t, . i - it -t hil9'-UIwe funeral took place at Detroit. Tbel deceased leave/ a widow and oat child. F.rangelicnl ehurh had :a IdK dny uu Word has hewn received that Dr. E. I 1Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor. former Euuday last. t• heti *hair ho uta• tit oil (' Wilford sailed 011 October 14th residents of 'Styli'. now of 1011a.i'hl which has been rebuilt during fl11 tit p• ZI'Rl('H The II/ .•1' \Ir. and t\Ire. 1'harltr Frits. Zurich. ants the scene of au tn• Wresting' t•ce•n1 ,tn Sat Unlit y. '1h-tuta•r LKtrd. when their only daughter. Doro- thy Hannah. was united is marriage tt Dr. Haney ll. Cewe•n. of Zurich. Bee. F 11. :Meyer ,tt 1Msha•aed sus the officiating clergyman. The happy eveuple• uftt•rwa rds left by motor on a hont•ymuon trip to Rochester. N.Y.. and other points. anti amain -tbetr return they will reside in Zurtch. where the groom 1 Our Special Blend of Black Tea at 59c per . ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 in ,, lb. lata' .t -'s' in -r lb. 1 ry this tea; it's a w'inllt'r anti is 10e' to 21k• cheaper than the package tea. NI \\'e••gGitui .aur Ite�t ('o1Te.• fre-it for your, Order. It has II given satisfaction for years. ii .1 large S tit. Ledtic of Vanilla or 1e'l ton'Extract for Z5c 1 aistt a large 1 Ib. bottle at 50t'. New large' walled BRAZIL NUTS, this year's crop, at 25c Ib. . 21 burs Snap, \Icl'.weit', Special, for il.00 ■ 1 49c 1 I'alultree Teiilet Snap, per dozen al Specials in dry Goods aBlanket.. 1-tidtrttear. Overalls, Shirts, Socks, Mitts, II 1;1.tves, rte.. at right prices. NI J. J. McEWEN ■ al Phone 46 Redpath &1ug:tr per bag. the cheapetit it has been for yours. South Side of Square ■■1•■/■11MWS11i■/■■•II 11■SMIN1 * 1 - _:iir and Mrs. I'eter Dekker'. Jr.. celebrated the tenth anniversary' or- their r their wedding with a gathering at their home uu aluuday' (-vetting of last wt•rk. Albert Siebert. after spending the summer here with his parents. has re- turned to 'Montreal for the hockey se•atiolt 111(1 will agntin' play With the l e•htampinn 'Mant.us. ,tu which tenni 114.1 , • made a brilliant rte.ord Inst winter. The 11 .11 of the Zurich from Vancouver fur Colne. Owing to II flan., recently erlebruted tlar t e I the last few months. was reopened the unsettled conditions In China. Mrs.1 anniversary of their wedding. and rrdwlicatrd. The sats,. skim hats Wilforel�and children are remaining in The men who have the wort in hand t1 b,',r (nlarge,l snitlt,' tttiltt•d anti the \'auerouver for the resent. I are rxp,erleuting great difficulty 111 I p new bridge over alai. , congregation naw hear a tine church me. A mnye.aent is on foot t" have alt for Detroit on receipt of the t w•s of ( Creek, owing to the .cotenant rains. The detour is umpassnble for the same ado survive. r. ng was I reason. sits cora. including the God - to. village. The actual week cannot 116• .•rich -Owen Sound bus. are compelled I g I ♦ judge. to delivering the charge �' ■ ■. ■ 11 ■ i 1 ■ 11 ■ t 11 1 ]♦ ■ 11 t 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 = I tit, gu over a mile east through the side done until next year, but surveys and to the )try, said: "Gentlemen, you road. iswas arrested for steatite pigs. The offence seems to be getting a common one. To• Slimy Church,* in Fleece. Churches in Exeter, Eng • are said to be more numerous In proportion to the town's population than any other town in the country. and twelve of these have come under review with ,a view to amalgamation or demoli- tion Scone of these are sparsely at- tended. but all are of bistorte or architectural value. Three have been definitely threatened with destrue- tBon, namely, St. Mary Major; St. John. an eleventh century church with an embattled tower and turret; said Bedford Church, which la one of the few "upstairs" churches In eIt�nce. St. Stephen's Church, wbteb la built over an arch, is also suggested for destruction. v d s them of drainage for the 1 !(one of Them Wnerld Ede nate. other preparatIone can be this have heard the evidence. The indict- * fall. went says the pr nner iTHANKSGIVbe madeING I SP ■ ■ Month of November Opening With a Flood of ■ Seasonable Merchandise at Economy Prices at NI i • • 1.1 •• •• •• •• • 1■ 111 • • • • • 111[ 1 • • Roval Co. x„ Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Dresses Dresses Silk Canton Crepe Dresses, beautifully trim- med, and several shades. Thanksgiving Specials $9.95 Sample Silk Frocks. Excellent savings are offered those who want an 1 exclusive $95 and $14.50 low prices.... Balbriggans, twenty in the lot, ail shades. Sizes 16 to 38. Regular selling $10.50. Very special at .75 Cloth, flannel and homespun Dresses. Regu- lar $6.50 to $14.50. Special at ..$3.95 and $10.00 Beautiful party Frocks, in taffeta and geor- gette, at very moderate prices. Blouses in 1.in.ene.tte, two grades. Sale price $1.00 • Blouses of silk -knit, good range of colors. Sale price ... , , . .. .. • • $2.75 Silk Scarfs -Fifty in the lot. Allle shades5c $1.00 - ular $1.75 and $L98. Special Fur Coats-Severafisample fur -Coats on dis- play at remarkably low prices. Also we do all kinds of alterations on furs. MILLINERY --Fiats of felts and velvets, all .1tAeles, smart styli-, reduced as low as nearly half-price. WINGHAM LIT'Ii1NOW The 11120 Chnntauqua In Winghatn -• mint Dr put a et•:p to otoerwieo' had e deficit of $130.10 and the guar- Mr. and Mr,. W. A. K,•nrne•y hove gentlemen, we shall none of as b I "The deme Is coming when tht See the Beautiful Line of Gifts for Brides mace, y ntt'Tnb ers of our Wontrn'a }'exchange Miss S. Noble British Exchange Block, Goderid nntors, of whom there are between gone to Montreal. Where they' will re- I sae... forty and fifty. art- being asked to pay ; side. $3 each to make ends meet_-_----_--_�r* 1' .. s attersou of - Vancouver. -vwbo 1 l - Wingham has had another burglary, , %pent the past•month here visiting her I IuearA'e More having been broken into 'laughter. Mn. Wm. McKenzie. has one night recently and some grocinee , left on her return to her home at the 1 taken. The only clue lett behind was roast. some footprints. .tt Metropolitan t'itIlt•d church. While returning home in a ear on Io.ndon, on ttatunlnc. 1h'ohrr 18th. tm I the Wingt:nm-Teeswater road .1. Pick- III ick- MS.rtf V,. eldest daughter of Mei'. 1- ell ran into the C.P.R. train at Dean's (;amble ttnd the lair .lohu \V. *;nmblt-. 1 crossing, a sheet .cHetanee from town. Sormerlf of-lsadtnow. was united in I ■ i The car was thrown in the-7ritih. 4iade tentage to trruucls *'lair :Milne o Iy wrecked. end Ur. Pickett had an Ripley, eTil-rst son of Jtr. and Mex.- ■ : arm broken and received some severe Dutid 'Milne of Lnek nett. The raced- Lrnieei. 111moty was )t•rfnrwwl Ly Rev. itrure I Dr. Margaret Calder uta. called to Hunter. On the evening of (molter ' :I Inniafnil. Alberta. by the serious ill- isth u reception was tendered the new wits of her sister. who died a few I Hunte at the home of Mn'. WM. Jew• hours before the Doctor' arrival. 1 int, of Lue hone. over a M. Jew. Mrs. ('tarenee Shdekleton diel on friends being present. Mr. and Mr.. dred ■ my afternoon. after a lingering 'MIInd are making their. home at Rip- 1' * illness. Deceased cl wan In her slip- ley. -1 I alith year and bad resided inia dnWing-; Tlu.-Suntinel- /says ••,111 sail that on hum nearly all her life. ix Ina ngir the night of the street re -opening in 1 ter of the late .Mr. and Mrs. James . eu y. li t atP1► were taken lit excLatige fin Pride daughter survive 1 ones. The thief with a cheap or worn Rev. (fen Wardell. w-hn had been} *tat goes to a ear parked un 1111.pastor of the Baptist et here the street. -examines the coats and wraps.wraps.last lane year,. peached d hie farewell and titling n cont that 'illi" Lim acrmmi on Sunday night and leaven make? un exchange. Thi fait that this week ,far Turultte to take charge i folk (',true leu& dfsrtnM•es to gath.•rioe'- of it rhumb there. ,t and meet hies makes it dMoil .•t• r lit recover ankles taken In this nay. t -five in the Lot Coats,Seven yointsrnarvellas, duvetynes, velours, suedines and pinpoints, fur-trim- eedlep $11.50 to $29.50 fur -trim- med and beautifully lined and interlined. Prices from OUR ADVICE IS AN EARLY CHOICE Lu,know a number of good overc•'at- 111r 1 * East Side of Square IM Phone 500w IN1111/1•tett1N>r■1/r■■■1■i</■■•11111•■1/■1111•it■1■11■ ■ i ■ i SEAFOR'rEr tin ride of the foe•T trine thieve( of title , ■ Mrs, Geared Weir will spend thetypeti liable he :thnnt t a as Well ■ winter with her daughter. Mn". 11,r.) type talk }fto eave emit or valuable111(1 ■ Latimr, r, in South 'Carolina. I w raps In theft core w..• that they Th. 'Misses Rest lett fast week for are safely Ibc-r-- kr wntchei. it is ■T, antro ot�rtere they' itin t1f! klmttlrttl►z a hr'taller to altars the . - I pxddic ago ns s nr .T tfih•ting �' winter. ;1:411r1 og. i1i Mr,. W. E. Southgate. Jr., anal child- ` At the Perth county plowing mulch. I.( D. n-hn -twutt w•ve•rat woks at Mr,. oat ,gate a biome on nn o . ad le Logan lownshlp 1 letobei rill I ane of the rstltpr•Inor+ was a. 1 Island. have returned M Reuforth. _aec,l. fr.pu Iwo/ Lneknmc, *rho stow• I near ysixtye • II h' rammer hero. night n take part $ left last week for Torontta and will in IL Mr. Rusted eon ,e•ond prize in Mc f ud the -winter in -Harbin:---- - -! ti, rya,. -n- -lltRtr+'nt--ptow� thin -.rtl. 1111 The (T stlFircettrretl- at -!)14-r t fire' np,•n a a1T.-Nie ti•pm Wit" nttllnllmtl October nth of Minnie Augusta Nash. 1 the held plow mom .- the match. COAL Empire Anthracite Store 1111.1. A car lust ,n. Pocahontas 4 -inch Lump $13.00 s ton. Briquettes A fiat -class fuel for 144118111 and furnaces. Let us supply your wants in Fuel. Prompt service and reasonable price-. L. FLICK Telephone 178 j Brophey Bros. TiEI: 1.EaUINt; FUNERAL I)1RE('TORS AND EMBALMERS ►rdera car -fully attended to at all hears. night or day GODM;RICH Rip- Ell)R 1 I bf It ulln \7 • Mn.and Mr.' T E heron and little 1 ales with his tehm the J. R. Wheeler I danghttr. who spent the s It bef,trt the nt.utL t 1 J I►! Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electrics( %V.' gnarpute• roar Ilydr,) tamps for 1:0N1 hears IUP. HYDRO STORE North aide of Square Gederieh Kodak Finishing -- �PJ Give us a trial and I(t our work speak for itself. - -3; T. FELL Telapltsos 111 fodrin b. 9' ■ wite-44_ErJ_ Remelts In her (hirty� I ■ 1■ • a ■ •/ ■ ■ seventh year. The remains were brought to Senferth for interment. Mrs. nurnett Wats a resldent orf this town before ntnt•it g In TNlrnir Attottt Ove years ago. Iter aged father. \Villinm Nash of rlarpnrher. =arrives. 191x0 a sister nnri two brotht'rt. Captain T. R. lnekenn. of the North- west Mounted Pollee. died Oetnher '25th at the hemi--of_Ais-aliater, MIaa .fatktini. in E>tmendvIlle. where he had lived the last few yeah. ('ap tnin Jnekenn ens neer ninety year, of Ago and had had a long and Interest- ing career with the !demoted Politer. After retiring Rona the force he agent it number of yearn nt Itny'fel.l. inter removing to San Diego. ('ill.. with hit. shier. Miss (1lr!otte Jnr•k,nn, and spending twenty year, there. After her death he rt•inrned 111 reside In Eg- mon eta• i l le. EXETER ■ One of the old hendmarke nt the 1♦ we'•d side of the tomo was removed 1 n few days ago when ,lege PAatnn and \\'m ltn.sell cat .lawn an Fngll.h ID cherry tree Hurt seventy years old 1 which had been planted by airs. RI- atnn's grandfather, the tete Rr1. (ill 1< ley. It was three feet it diameter at 1 the atnmp and forty feet pereMft the to inn. It had not been hearing for same yearn lint the last •ear it yielded at fruit twenty -ell pall* of Inscious titer- s ries* were picket from I1. t Leonard Prang son of Lewis Prang of Znrieh. a ,tuient at 12eter Blip Fine for ratarrts when pelted in a spoon or snuffed up the nose and vapors tahalei- .•s Head and Chest -Colds Relieved In a New Way A Salve ...filch Releases Medicated Vapors when Applied Over Throat and Chest. inhaled as a vapor and. at the s2me time absorbed through the skin like a liniment, Vicks VapnRub reaches mimic diately inflamed, congested air passages. This is the modern direct treatment fol all cold troubles that is proving •o, popu- lar in Canada and the States where over 17 million jars are now used yearly. Splendid for sore throat, trnstlitt', hronchttia, croup, had and chest colds, catarrh. asthma or hay fever. Just rub Vicks over throat and chest and inhale the medicated vapors. It auicht)/ loosens up a cold 1 . ICKS VAPO Rue OVER 2/ Mauav JARS Ustn YEARLY Ilateral Director and Embalmer 111 calls prompt'v a/tended day or night Store 335 Noaldence 3115w ritoNits- Hamilton StrNPt. 0oderlch Shingles It. C. XXXXX and XXX Shingles. Car of N. B. Shingles Jnat arrived. Johns-ManHlle Aebeeto!l Shinier, Roiled Root- lad,-- Asbestos Roof Covering, -fltlranlr.el Rltlgeratr Nulls, die. Get Prices Before You Buy R. STANDiSH East Si Phone 369W ROBERT WILSON - - for - Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR McCormick -----Deering Farm Equipment n- a rail if you require tiny new Farm Equipment or Itepnire ellen a good *'lean supply of Rope Twine Oils White Lead and Turps HILL'S HARDWARE, AUBURN A (.enens1 Line of Hardware The Service Store