The Signal, 1926-11-4, Page 5THE SIGNAL, Campbell's Anniversary Sale Closes .on Saturday Night, Nov. 6th Just Received a Real Good Quality Writing Pad Empress Letter Pads- See the quality=- 25e -ViTue. Sale Price 1 each Lemon and Ammonia ! Gillette Razor Regular Ytk'. Sale Price 12e. G Sale Trice. ''3e I 4 Vinolia Castile Soap l Mouth Organ 17 cakes ..tie ` , 11:• - ':,e 11'',541 value. ..Stile I'ri;•'. .'1• i' Tooth Brushes vowel; to 35e. Sale Price T7( Elcaya Face Powder 114•18ulur L41.4 s 1. Sale Price 30c New Ampliphonic---More than a Prose- Strings -For Violin, Ukelele, Banjo, Banjo - graph. Regular $125.00. Sale Price ;98,OO ,Ukelele, Mandolin and Guitar Instruments 1913 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 1926 s CODERICH, ONT. • No. ;t, .pent the weekuud at her b. ntr ! PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG In I ut►uaw. eEOPLk MEET AT HENSALL , Was Lui. Mat.Keue.le. teacher a; Purr .1111, rt..pent the a, el. -clot at her , %.,I.1. v%, ii. t.'fio<IpriPh 1 h.:,,a as. Iglu .it jTwll. T'f r.4IM Y KINGSBR )GE 1 '' 1 t , isle s SIS1(t10 anti ICI, I'1'osiotlt'S I t'hurch held a K1.\1.rltltlUt:E Nov, 2, • The fr church hl ern ral took place on Monday mOralae ty I1• ., „ h the 1 ren Si ...in. h'* ttiWttry of ,V s. 1for aAd. L.` "I.!. r,,,, ,. , 1 3,,• 1 �h: in. er tl:,uili:o,n. welt, lived' for 'l I,reptdual; number of years In this nelubborhoud. .1• •114 rt: .1 cash opu:ed at• nepatl.y L tvtofl k41'In, her bereaved _,i4! 1. + • 1 1 •,, r i"''''• i" - I it ;ret I tU,�nr:r i:1r 1 1,4•T - ., . s.1 �1 -- \1lllliteel t/g'lwtowr. 1:f . -111 . h.I ,t , ,.t 1 a,:: I l 1'• Sotltries, , sl,rudl►:g u fr4c .I:fy. with . ' ' lit t �;11 _.,. 11 , v.t•+h•pt rejpltl• . �� _ h ,i•:rt. aura RoI11.1111.1.11,'t' :it }. c ti4itle- they' have - Mr. Frank Nireearthy left, this we. k .14r , 1 •d a {1; n ui, t. -ct. parol MO [� t visit in Iretrolt, Mich.li;,;t test tt jy ;•ir; to redecorate T� I. tl:. Edwin (:nrvey, fps returned to'', t. .i• ,lurch 114 -. : ut.,; po p!e are ; Rubbers Rub.t�M'[ a N'•'otel's Coolie^e. Toronto., atter rlerartrinj tett+-to:oufagt•n,tNj• 1i n [/G1r7 ,p*Mr z the holidays at borne. ,•relent eciellt. eyrie o 44 elt to 4► ha O � � 1 `1 11r \ iurrttt Quarry, Inspector of Sep other srelrnt a cepres, lie' rI;,�tc4ua Argils. srhuoll, lu,id .tu official v;si; t" rayl alive utast very act hr: • 1 1 Rubbers Thursdpy• N ,. .1 t. Fourth Year in Godecich i.i(11)( NA1.I) (1I131us l;nl,11.t.terAltU '1•i':A4'I11:i\ OI PIANO. 4t 44;.\N. til\1,1\(: w c(Ni \1 1'.i:(l .' l . -.l s.\ N (til l Lldi4 iiln:ll 'I'uil i�,n { • .,;r 1 '.1 li t • �I,11 III :-t • •II S. F. No. 2 on Tut „day. F„elle t g rlu.:,t 1 1 ,r;, ll; llad- 1 Mr. :n, -d- Mrs. J. ttolltnd: of Mount „t, ,,t 11, u•:,�1 -cns .i, solo. wmetr 11111 1's,mol. visite. with - lady',, 11 1• ate lh ai4 r.. iutel. Mr. Jack O'Neill. '4-. \\u. \\ elr- a 43uderie h youu; 'lies Helen Bowler: of the G.C.L, aloe. 1,,,,,,i,•,.t of the 1'.P.S.. gave a 1 the week -end nt Tier home. • very 4';..'14;ug addn•,r, sho,wiug 111,: thauie•laring 1'„11:x' •':1r :tend be 1 144041 svery t1 iug in the prrse•ut .l;t :he hot fowl supper and dance in the had to stand a_i±ifUet'i:e', 1141', chord. tari•11 (tall on Mooday evening, under bud to. do s.: our yuupg l440lIe.uecd to the auspit•es Of the C. N'. 1. `al I"•r de 411 5 uud hr 4v.lswatt, Butte the young 4ci1! he• served from 4 to 9 eiclak and peq.76e or Itumu 1'n•shytcry could ma's• Ileis Sheep -Lined Coats at $9.50 Made of heavy brown duck, sheepskin 1 i n ed, knitted sleeves, all-round belt. Sizes 36 to 46.$9.50 !tens Mackinaw 11 I ` f f - Coats at-a- at $6.50 • Made of heavy mack- inaw cloths in dark grey and blown checks, a 11- round belts. Sizes 36 to 46. Special... 56.50 Boys' Mackinaw Coats at $3.95 and $4.50 You can get them at M. ROBINS Solid Comfort, Good Quality and Reasonable Prices There are the staudnrds by lticli weTu,r,•TuiTt up a fairly"'t at 1irak 111 a ,t1.1rt time. Our . rut1,J1t•d eusu,ulcrs l( our best -advertis4wat avt. When W need of men's• nowen'a. children's, owing girl,' and T)6744 Foot-. and !rubbery call and see linea. W I. can give you better tor. lee, isomer..: �e just opened our new 111111 ,.f farmers Stud work- men's Ituiebrr I1o,ltr and -Shoes at Saving "dem- is Our VIP ase goal ful workmunahlp- at reasonable prices. Let us' Nee your old shoes before you discard t14.m. Wr may save you money. Bring ' In your old goloshes. overshoes, robber 1xx/ts and have them re- soled 141141 repaired as good as new. Your sris,wrs ground as goad 1111 new, foe. r Shop terial and care - The East Street Footwear and Repair Shop 44'444 .lhl 111, lmoia 4'burch t .\ItLAIN --- - t'Alt1.l)'*V Nov.` :t. Mr. G.,rirvn irt 1'rturrR ti'rrtle't1 Ott-f4terf4--414uvt.n• • 1044 at Toro -ditto last week. Mr. and MIt. John (:ramp, pntl S uud Mrs. 811,64. 4.f, Defrolt. relied with air. and; Mrs,,.(;ord0n Young a few days -last week.' ► 1'4.00411111.M want' • dIspeneed` inty Smith's 11111 cbureh.'on Sunday. with .a good attendance. Misr Lindsay. of 1.neknow. I•+ visit- ing at the lame of •lin 1141 --airs. Jar- eltr►ele. 4 Two Indian women vielte oar. bnrlr last week. coming from 1317th. when they had been pulling 81x. They -rnmr down through the wood: les-dauy for ginseng. a plant the root of which i- highly valued qs a medicine. \air. ('lack took them In and )jr... Ciark gave them dinner. for wlhir\ they were very grateful. Later Mr. ;'lark g(4 then a car ride back 10 Blyth and they went zea their way ri joieiug at the kindness shown them. It is rare - 1y we see an Indian woman nowadays. WEST STREET HARDWARE Now is the time to get your Broken Window Lights Fixed WE DO GLALQIQ• We Carry a Good Stock of -taus ALF. TEBBUTT & and Putty SON Ilardware•. Paints, Oils and (aar- TELEPHONF 486 WE DELIVER xxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXx GODERICH excellent music• w111 1a• 1.1 141'"1' ,lure up ;,'the best. Among the attractions there will he air. Jack \M,:Ucrwid snug iu -1de11 tarried a beautiful applique quilt, di- (1111 voice "Thr Xiuety uud Nll,e. 11atad by tt tuernl,t r. :ttlmistou SOc. FoUowhtg 'chi, the rrjtorta of Sun- -- Berry---sehorot.--weee ' niran-- 11t r' ..1..r I/l Mli.1NNON Snuda)soh.ld wow- workers left last 1114N14;A X41\. -- Nur. ! a[r. aad-ITeer it --n t their ptnt•es.- ....oder fell (t P6 t THANKSGIVING Drcr SEEMS BRIGHT AND FAIR ALT►lo' THE WEATHER' DREARY THE Kell GLADLY E R SHAW TO MAKE 1T WARMANDCHEERY ye ar...J,ut titters rte -tap--and-+adux- Mrs: Is. !tickle. of llamlltdu. who led 1 Sunday (441oe11 spoke e•-jx•ciallc e.f twy Is•etl r1tg rrlends here. returned I classes. one for young men. t oiegiate home 1111YtLMw1.i of 11144 w.ek. Yrs. A. J. Vott)tl.! of t3inkrici. Who was visiting her atuit. ,3tfs, told. Tewiraveu, has return'.. borne. _ Hiss Annie Pulley. of Brantford. Is vlatrlug friends here. ,lir 1' h... Wilton left y, Monday or that: week on a hunting extted•iitoa 10 • X.rrhern Ontario.. -itt ecpc•t•ts by be away three weeks. Pity the Motu* tint •rnsr,r•s t`harley's Tiath. )Ir. and Mrs. C. Pentland. of (41/111, by. visited • Mr. Pentland's mother. Mrs. [1. (Wein. last week. The Ladies' orange Lodge Is having a .concert int the 4►rtltgr Hall on Reed-• iewtay evening: November 141114. We are triad to report that Mrs. Hold. Treleaven. who has ts'ru laid up with a were knee, 1.1 improving. ASBFIELD A!SHFIELD, - Nov. T. -The services in Ashfield Presbyterian church on Sabbath were well attended both morning and evening. Rev. J. France. of Toronto. occupied the pulpit and gave two ez<ellcnt sertstons. - - The October meeting of the 'Lenton TF.W.O. Club - was Reid at the horde of Mrs. Tom .Macl)onabl. near Loch- alsh. on Wednesday. t)etober 27. with i :11e president. Mrs. Juin Maeltae. In the chair. Tice roll 4-a11 WAR answered with heusycleaniny harp. atter ...hien 1114' e•orrel4.ondence WAS .read. it was 414.14ed to send a bale of clothing up uertlr and fruit to Go.lerleh hospital. Thr masquerade dance bold with! 11..• ausp1C4•a of the ICinrall Women s I, -Mute was a decided sueees1. $Huse .4 n, supplied by the Hogan, 4ve-plece or••heetra and was much erMoyed and ' all report having a good time. The prises were aw•urded__ti . follows: Ladles fancy dress. Irene Mogan ladles Comic dress. Sadie Johnston f ge•11fh' fancy dress. Edwin Garvey: gents' comic dress. James ;:rant. 1 Mr. James (;runt, of Sarnia. wa.s ,pending the week at the home of his I,arents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Grant. Hem- lock eat-1. 4k City. Miss Flora Andrew, teacher In 8.8. I4TU1ens:s age. and one fair eetng wr- men of about, similar age. the -4. (-bust's butte being organized. Some of the Sunday seln.4.144 passed sttrplus wuueya over to church budgrl and minions.. ,Blyth Sunday echoed had its plate in reports, •Tbe lssdies' Quartette of Blyth. tleath4tne44 Herrington 111141-4.'trnting• •Miltw•s Taylor a11d Sumer-. faruntil the anrtienre..-alth-n---number.--"The Shep- herd's Care." At 4.:0 the outstanding ;speaker of the tiny. ltev. F. W. Gilmour, B..&., of London. took charge of the meeting, being m11af heartily received. Mr. tatnuuur: Ie•ing a very fluent speaker. held his audience with a .hurt talk. He left many helpful suggestions and gave' the yang people every eucour• Mr. and Mrs, F. Ross and bonald agement. The math thought of his 1 144414 Sunday at Luckuow. 1nddresa was giving the young people The euchre party under the auspices 1 tlrst place, and he urged that the min- a the Women's Institute was fairly Ismer he present at alt m(eti,ga to vie well attended. Those present enjoyed !courage and uplift thew In times of 4 f oh Good lean („al :1 plea -ant evening. diseouragetueut. After a %hurt 4111• I COAL f "le• f 1 Ok et cal Thanks-v:43g 11.4; - The family reunion.__ The big, turkey dinner. The hospitality and Cheer of a well -heated house. Are al)U ready Mr -the holiday' Get your coal supply in early and make sure of a happy, corn -`I fortabfe Thanksgiving. CALL THE grgereVel Report of Junior Room of l'. S.S. 8, Anhtleld, for Sept. and Oct. , Jr. 1Ii. a total 410. pa-' 341111-11elenfi Anderson 412. Claire Pentland 4442. An- 1 r 1111 Reed :3 Re•59. Amy Soong 267. Sr. 1I. (total 541. pas. 3391-WI1- '1 ma Treleaven 4441. Marjorie Olne1en-a. old 4:39. Marjorie Mt Whitney, 412. Mildred .t l r•o1 247. 4:er'.nde Fluui - gan 11411. 7.. sir. 'total :sit ). pas-.::24,--Dnvhl • NivInt 2-1. .1.t1. CMI. .agar+ Imola 4r (' g 14nr an•Nnlnrs 1':1. Mary j Ward 241. 11eW1rt ;yard 10. Sr. 1. I;, 4,1 ►;. 1.1s, 1771 -lark Patio: 242. Peru: -Anderson 241 (Beth l'.1rk, 206. Jimm a aritlfon'21M4. Myrtle Caldwell 173. 1,tvilte Cnibert 143- ' Willie Reed 125. Melba Fnwlrr 110. John Ward, 47. l'riure•r (total 44n. T1a?s 24110--Itar- ltd Fitlnlgsll :t2 . Jimmie Ward 319.1 alaleolm'afei�eu k 341. • "A" Ila•: 4 •':hl 1771---1), a Ntald .1ei 17^ Gds rre:eu4 •u 141.4. Bertha , zea m ne a 1 a 4 z Jones 121. Viola 1'r1.01111g 1'13. Billie Me- ('lite 9t llhcrt Hives 9:1: Jean Ward 5� ►I4 ia. Heed S3 Somber on r.•t:. 34: average attend - vim L1114 l . 14session MUSTARD lun with prpyer. U I COMPANY At A o'clock all re mired to the 1p4„e_ Goderieh J. Int. where a banyurt wap given 6y Phone 98 nasion Mr. Gilmour closed the atter u the ladies of runnel eltur. h. During i the tear-ttzlm the fluorinating emamit- - tee met. 11 11eing comjs.serl of the min- cent. Eliza.. 11 Bowler 72; Jack Coillu- i•:er, and the presidents of the vari- sm1 71, hale,. ileDonald Ail• un se•detle•s, 1 Jr. 1%---1)uncaa Rimped' 77 per .13 "7 o'clock the event._ meetingrent. George M••+:r'►"r' /2 4'e'i111 w •Iropegedwlth hyniu.2r1'. lel by Car- 9owler 1• .' ' 111'1 their- The report of the nowi- gr. III. 4:r,,.,• \l.4 reg.,r .0 p4r � ' 1. new stock of MINER BRAND Rubbers has arrived Miner Robbers ars Guaranteed Tilt v are pressure enroll Th. .% :tri' the best 1 1,1; •,•1. ,,. r.., 1 )tete i4 nil. Fall Footwear \\ .44444 to ,t, in tit, ,1nality ap,1 pr'' • . W. Hera s Shoe 1'1.•11.• 43,4 The Square uatlillr comnrtINe 4414 ::ices by Rev.: ,Int., Donald :N,•Kny I; :lo:epfi .Meln- .1. Ma4farhlne, of 4'linhul. ns follows: tyre• 63. II/trill' a4•Ke•111111 :tt. - Flom 'prt- ith-ut. Rey. 41. 4'. Me•lierucid• t - Jr. 'IL -Margaret IIII bete tp) per. 4.,sh•rit'h: president. Mr. Wm. Weir, .rent. - 4:41erich: vire-pre--Wert. MIs, Henn . Average 'at fetitian ,•e. Ian. Ihulsral. Hun.a11I4 secretary• Miss, 11711"111l:. .'t lights'. Ti'xrlcer• Lural, llerrli,gt,, 141yrh : measurer 1 - 31t. lhcrry Strang. I:krter4 commit ---"j - ..:3. N41, 17. ASHF'IIILI' 11r. Wm. Weir. the pre•stdent of that. ►r A. ra Miss• Helen Mc1)ermhl. Goderlch: MW The, fo llowi g Ia the _report of the Eleanor McEwen. t'linten: Mrs. It. 1'. 14nPfls;-f tt. ; No. 17, -Ishii. la, for ll.•l.areu. Hensall ; Miss lisle, B.A., the month 44,41" r I:veter: provident of Y.P.S.. Seafnrth. Jr. -Ht h-Me-Whin_uey til {"'r • Crich Y. P. S.. and pr•sitcut of the Sr. Il`: -Jack• Johnston 72 INT rent.. Y. 1'- S, of tlnron I've-bytery�, wax Marion Johnston57. Elmer Black 4:,. Then presented i.y his pastor, Rev. H. sr. 141- Mseenret Juhu-ton 711 Iger r, Hrt►rctchl. at[d wth ,no 1., d wqk •ten L, Dilly 1 ton Tat, mer .Lack 4• hearty applause. A;";t:111":... ter kind reworks and Neilson Pea nom Itttsi 41.4• • from the (11441m,an the nuetIng w'Sts Ir. 11.-Ilusse•1 Dennis 71 per !rent.. its,, ,rI p, over In t!u• nw' pre•sidral• oet ton Brown 4141; t11ec. 31. M. 11. 14T'RN1N. Teacher. u 5OCCurustJtl�ruactaJolt XXX why very ubI} condnr,ed the re•. fY r/tint/kdl.dlnr/1tsArsAllhltizhrl[tA, �"�" I Nov. -t. -Mr. James Mallougb. one , , Jr. 1•r. ltubc Demo is. t:oldorn Den - THANKSGIVING u.ainder u t f R SPECIALS THANKSGIVING _ a e Newest Ladies' Coats and Dresses and Men's Suits and Overcoats at the Store Where1ou Save Money Ladies' Coats Latest sty in satin suede, needle- point, v_ , marvella, lustrosa, chamoisue . crushed plush, cordella, etc., trimmed with .opossum, thibetine, squirrel, sable and Mandel. Ladies' Dresses Latest styles in the newest shades of cja>r--gid dust, blonde, autumn leaf, jungle green, rustic brown, peonyad and sandalwood, in georgette, crepe - back satin, flat crepe, etc. Also some lovely evening Drease Come and look these over. Men's and Boys' Overcoats The newest goods in men's Coats. A good rage for men and boys in all the popular shades. Men's and Young Men's Suits In men's and young men's Suits we are showing the latest styles a n d materials. Men's Gloves A full range of men's Gloves in cape- skin lifted, suede, pigskin, in all the well-known makes. A Grand Fur Display fromHolt and !Renfrew's Watch for the Dates We have made arrangements with these well-known furriers, who are makers of furs to Royalty, for a display of a large range of their fuf•goods at our store. A. CORNFIE D f h.• ,ro ram. ui , -come Unto Me." which 1.111 followed t -_ ,pri•ndI.1 address. by lir. Jack Me. I %„1. 9 No. 1. 4 1,1)F,ttl('11 TIIWNY'HH', ktr-44- t 4.4.eictt,-<,M "rhe - WA/114/1t }- Hmlor.., -7:3- peer• -sow+'- t `p•-811- 51.41. Spooner School' 11.• fsuut,.l Xe LS:-lsubrl M.Michae•I 87 per .hut tke education thrived front this ,etut.. Lena ('r:ubbp•k Ki, ClaJfon school for every organization of the Irllthwnit, 7:4 1ter111c.• Moore 71. 1,11111'111 amt, t•rgerl *iieh a so l7 to send ` Jr. iV. Jug I4altuu 75 per •cent., t u Jinrgarw Icer} • i:n. Phil Itis,ctt 7n, r- Uung:enuon's "1'14'4 rrsidenin. The 13I T I4 1 artier' Quartette Rant ' M 111 I Itir`Ykt T,,,ehrr. pas•1ei1 away Wednesday of til/ Welt• lir -Tim home ref Mr. %14 . rt--McQuoldr 14:11 tt. t i m of .tsldield. fie erns ill e t I4 a few days. The funcra (HIT 1.Ike yiue uu satnrdn4 afternoon. Mi.. L. Dresney has returned from the 11'est, Where she spell; the last 10o months. 1 delegate. - tion en Toestlity, Pr. F.J. It: Forster,. for his sulojeet "Modern At, the North Perth Liberal eortren- I 4411 like 62. Marlon latittprey 57. ' The Carmel o•hoir retooletssi an An - to contest the riding nt the eonoing !mint that home retuning. with family I well known in Goele'rlelo. was chofren ple and 'Their Critics." prominent temperance worker. Ile r essentlial to young liver; than burgh '; Fi.,,,k ..11,.Inetutid 70, II Arthur Hick. 05 te.r epfit. Provinelal eleerlo.n. Pr: Forster is a worship atyl godly influence WAN more I will 1111.e 040 his opponent Hon. Dr. .figurvr• I speaker and tato. a special interest c.!:,:r.rk.e. 11..t. letullielll,Coo.‘kie,,mi7.5.iial...;..r 1.1.4.:111.1. (1r- in Menton- ot Mrs. .11. Maw- mho, Ruby 11..i.enth tit tiotterlt Tom Fr... Ada rorrint. Voielr Stratford. 110. 27. inetatirY 4,r gang in enienoliot voicto " l t ra Good (1uality' Bufet- Sts stamped un• 11114.0 7•,tl41r and White. at 1e1v.ay Stantpe,t White Bedspreads ut Cushions, Centres, Runners, Towels, Laundry Bags Everything suitable for Chrisl- mat Gifts Wranele•l 1 t,ttona, all le.olor.1. f.'r Smith's Art ad Gift Store )1,-40114 16 It's a Real Stove and the Price Is Right Blackstone's Furniture 0060111,00.41100111411 ontiiig 111•1. :11 Mts. Mabel Ladies' )11nxillary ..1 tile Brotherhood 1 of thanks to Me\ for coni1na 11 wi:4' Mthel:::11.m:itelnt:11:t7o.hg7t. the late Mr4. James 1 Moore f Mande figt,,„... 1,11111 Yosterolay afternoon when a new Rev. J. Foote. Mr. 1 Arkansas 00714te. lace in the Stratford General Ilos- 'lea' 1 ektenoled an Invitation too .111 Hoe 'rill semiprivate 'carol W1111 formally denvor Lodge 01 *Tat (aril. , year. Atter the einglng of li. 1111 3711 The late Mrs• Moon'. 4111" Psiled I 11r. Fitote twoorght one of the mord a war Ito. July ..f this year. wog the i hisipfni ena froplrIng meet.lturn a first president of the Stratford lodge. cloee by prenonneing the boaoslictl where, the gocio•ty really startosi. lithe MISS bril'II.1 IIKRRINGTON, W115 111 01111 !fin.. grand proktrient or , • Pecretrtry. the interinationaii society and grand SCHOOL RIPORTS I work in this comas-11ton that the kr her the new huslilfriT ward. .i were prenent et 'Ile cersmotty, WV 1 Sr. ,IV.- Margnret Simpson 43T3. f„,.fliell by (*Aeon W. T. CIO' of et. Elizabeth Bowler 363; Jack eollinsan . Olin Bowler 364, fietifife MeGrIlinr their home, by fire recently. were cavil made the recipient or a $10 god picce by the pupil.. of the !oval sou 'Phe Robinson fnmily leave snort!, roe n.dertel*. Where ttol 1444.4. beoie It hi iti the new wing of the !Hopi t SI and Is A fine addition to hos- llbrae to the memory of the founder of 41,.. .flete.sy It po. to be loioltril AA the Mande E. Moore 4vard. The commit- ":41op Where You Are Invited to Shop- te.e. la charge was compilers] of 'Mrs. C. M•41reltor 30111. West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Oat. i.i•ttit end Mrs. W. It Veil*. Wouph. Mr- E Graham. Mr.. Jahn Pr. -Morris Howler. 11111y Collin 1100. 337. Sr. 111. --Grace McGregor 321. Iton• nld McKay 2'40. Joseph Mein! y 2116, David McKenzie 264. Jr. 11.--Sloirgaret 11114.en 282. Sr. I -- Ethel McKenzie 406. lowirld Ladies' and Men's Wear The late Mrs. M.10141 WAR tor some graphy..history anti memory work. 1V.-Mariaret Simpnoo 75 per • You Cannot Afford to Have Your Feet Wet and Cold Protect them with a pair of "DOMINION BRAND" GOLOSHES, OVERSHOES or RUBBERS A good -fitting Rubber lasts longer. Our aim is _ to fit all shoes correctly Felt Shoes, Slippers, Moccasins, Etc. Phone 168 New stocks just in. Something warm and every member of the family foi rnsv "THE I.EADING SHOE STORE" • • •