The Signal, 1926-11-4, Page 41\'FaiTFiELi►. NAr. _.-Ur-. R. S. L ess(t»Hc.-..t.t--Tosoure _a. •• or. ed .min si.enary from Szechwan. China. gave n very interesting talk on her work in China at the three appointments of the-ttd.etrn circuit on t)rtobe•r 31st. Mrs- iongley was greeted by n large cocgrrearlon at each appointment. Miss /lolls McDowell was a Strat- f.rd risitnr nn .Saturday. 31r. Jennings. of' %•indoor. spent a couple of days lain week at the Kolbe f \1r. and Mr.. J i.. SleDowell. Mrs M.% ItttP. er.. is visiting her ,laughter. 31r.. Wm. Tny'or. of St. !Helen, ..n,1 Mrs Culbert and famtt3•. of Dungannon. visited at the home of Mr. O. and :Mt -e. Wm. McDowell on Snndsy. _ v- s• \\. H. l turrets -1i is rislting her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Crooner, --of Crewe. Miss (;lads. M-T)rtwell. of Holm,.- villi, spent the weekend {t her home here. Mr. and Mrs- Cherie. Wightmen• mines* Elsie and 'Mono of Whitr+•hnreh, C lies Sts. iiariterso t-J3ruesela.. end_ Mr. sod Mrs.,-Robt.-. Hoover.. _of_Drumm's. were Westfleld visitors on Sunday; also ler. and Mrs. D. McCallum and 1 chlitltPn. Mr. and ilira Quin and E (hllrlrett M. and Mr. and .Mrs. H. Hover. of Myth.I a 111[• Mr. Rmmerson Rodger has secured ' a position In Ooderieh. tC Mr. John Redmond has returned to HE.. _ his home In (' 1borge townshlp atter - being in the employ of Mr. Raymond Redmond the pant year, BAYflD 1 laallitasiame XXL''°'9'XX1i0X MILLINERY The new Whiter Millinery lutein. (lilt)ha:lxetl line anti trimmings. 1 rivet leads in auk dressy Fabric Hats !Sntiti lhtts have a metallic touch. Sii l l a Il 11814: n glretttt gold bright. it Illy winter eostuute. \•ou are e.,r,lially invited tet' in- spcet our st„ell. Miss MacVicar Kingston St. Goderich• XX., ,, XX Help the Boys in Our "Popularity Contest" A ,Note with each IOc cash purchase. There is still a chance for all, for the votes are only half out. Ask for them and help the boys win the Cash Prize. BUY AT, -HARRISON'S Coif and Service Marine and Gainer-) Wiring Electric Ranges-Eletrtrie %where ,71Ltlege of ell Undo. r \14'. Mael)ONALD l:lectrlcian Mae 174w\ Ooderkh Thanksgir ery Tains and Turbans in bright colors of velvet and metallic• So suitable with the win- ter furs. -Cat early and secure --a new Hat for the holiday. Universal .Millinery North Side of Square UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE is cosy. restful and inviting wher- ever seen anti should be in every rest roost in the properly furnished. house. There is a heitne;y" welcome a ut a_ stuffed chair or tufted, cut, ionv lounge, that savor* of old• fash' ted hospitility-To realizethir to the 11, inspect our stockrooms. J. R. WHEELER Freakier* Funeral Director Hematites Sere Ceder:ch. Ont. Jiii111111l1t111111111111111111111111111111t1111111111011iIIIIII11mm11111111111111111t111111111Ut1111111u1t1111111II111111t111111111111111111111L a THANKSCIVINS SPECIALS iIIIIIUUpiIIIAl1111111111111111iullIIlUtIIIInuull11lI11i10101111111tt1111QII10U11111Allllllllllpllll For Friday and Saturday, November 5th and 6th RA'i'i T.D. Nov. 2. -Mrs; May, of Toronto. and Mrs. iiolley, of Deetmit. who spent several weeks at TTolls, E Lodge. raturned to their homes on SE • Wednesday teat. a Mrs. Seeds, who has leen at Oro Station. reetnrned dun Saturday. WWI Annie 'MeLerni had a Hallow - P.1.11 party on Saturday evening- die. and Mrs. (leo. O. Benson. Mr. I E -and Yra. DiziP Stafford and Miss = Marie Stafford, of London, were week- • = end glusts with 'Mr. and -Mrs. F. A. Edwards. The Bayfield hraneh of the Can• adlnn itlhle Satiety held their -urinal R meeting on Sunday evening last. in the I-niteri'ehur-h. Rev. H. F. Ken- - ne.t,r gave an Interresttna midi -eau on the work of the Srnlety. The follow- ing officers were reappointed: Presi- dent. tr. A. Aida' rde; set•retary tr.-n.•ntror. Yrs. CM. Ferguson; they with the reotdent ministers are the managtns committee. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas Pieter. of De - 1r trolt. were week -end vlattnrs with the latter's parent,. Yr. and Yra. craend. l[r. Gad xrs. Cotton. Joan and Bad gmmuutmtlulIMM11tttuulclttttl111MIIMM1ununllllounuullallnlluutuu11111u1111W1wn1u11111nnulunlltllgtUltlr .t f Thur a) .N Mittel' 4, MIL, THE SIGN:11. . GODERTCII. ONT. Overcoat Week at Pridhams'. -.- With our final shipment in, we have a sp!•cially good showi.ig of Overcoats. Here you will find the very newest mod•ds find the smartest fabrics at a range of prices to meet every need. Particularly worthy of attention is our display of blues, which ate greatly in vogue- this season. Prices $18‘00 to $45.00 W. C. PJDHAM & SON •Tbe Store \\•flit the "e6" Men's and Boys' We..: ' PHONE 57 MODEL THEATRE WEEK' OF NOVEMBER 8 TO 13 - - ---Manilas-sad_1ottedas Amerll-a R _greatest actor JOHN BAR* MORE with DOtJDRES' (4J$TEI.1.0 pe in sue^uf the greatest de -sea pictures ever produ-ivd. The story euneerns the Test and worst or awn aboard the vessels of the whalibg fleet. See "THE SEA BEAST" GLEN_ TRYON in "LONG P., NTS" • Matinee Monday at 3 p.m. Admission to "The Sete Beast- will Ereuings, adulis, :1"s : children. 20r,. Matinee Monday. .\dun.•+- sic; child- ren, 1."1e. Wednesday and Thursday "ELN -TIN -TLV In the storyof forest threes and ferocious -wolves..-wolves..A ririd drama ef_ talds 7n the cattle e.irnttry "THE CLASH OF THE WOLVES" -TQ WALTER NIERS In "FRESH FACES" - Fridaw and Saturday HOUSE . PETERS AND WANDA HAWLEY e in a xtnpendotu story or life among rite intuits -dm -km with n (-limnsyou mast not miss "('O.MRAT" Century ComedyComedy"111 :STER's NOSE 1)11E" I' 'THE REVIEW Matinee.'.t,;ndily tont Saturday At 3 p.m. COMING-THH Tt NNEY-DF.WP- SEY FiGHT" We Specialize in Cream Goods OF ALThl\1)- Cream Sponges, Cream Tufts, Etc. E. U. Cleveland BAKER - -Phone 114_West Street The West Street. Electrical Shop I have taken over the ,- business of Mr. Robert Tait in Electrical Appli- ances, -- fixtures,Wiring. etc., and will continue it at the same stand on West street. i have had several years' experience in this business and will aim to give satisfactory service to all -who entrust their orders t0 me: - -- Estimates f o r wiring, etc., given on application. Please call or telephone when wanting anything in my line.. - Frank McArthur Telephone 82 West Street ,t1 • 1 F 1 -F -QST 1 thrix 'w titer. Mrs. al t• l;reg.'r, anti • t'ataau, pudoq, ,erre In the village ion • thin n -tires hen. Friday, eloaluX tllslr, cottage for the » 1 \ ., . -N1 r. mod Mrs. l elude a Targe number Crow here at- ..Durr. '• •' i , -fired with their.. t u,le.l Itr(ek e•hiirt•h .iuuiwersa y neer• pr: awl, Mr.. King anti iotas petty, .Ni e t Drruuau, +f , ,•s. et: Suu t.iy, -lieu •rIti•e.'ttuuratr or Detroit, spent the week -tend at their \i , tTavlslt. of Exeter„ a former ,.„tease , tt tt :II i.ace• raid w dattth• \1 hite:hureh minister, took the ser - urs,, 11, •\, Slott la a�lendlnit a few • I jl 1. ed tit r. t'il'es, no also gave his lecture ou t L: l .•'t an Suaetnc• "'Chia. ateusura of a' Mau'.' on Monday •.i War: a Wernher rreun,;; to a full house. L1 _�ti�R Int'; at <ludt•rirh last _ iyho hail been - n r. Mrs. '[ h.Nt. }•tau- 1.E1•'ItI\RX. Nov, a--- kirk. T. Helie foot weeks. rl•turued t' ;,.r ryharned hotuee 8tst week from lk•• u`Frit:ay !mit. s trait. where she repent tl short time Ai her sister. rt•tnnu•d.Ileum on Monday. 11r, and, Mrs. ('!eveland Th•htNeurne. 31 r. 'Myer Goldthorpe is on a hunt- \Volk.errllle•. here vh+ttors. In our (ug, trip at '4tetngama. - pus ern Saturday afternoon last. Serrire in Trinity ehuseh ,sill ,Y.nr \li.s Erma }'rn•wnn, who has been 11erb-St^,ih•rs rad lil• -.1 -with Mr. and Mrs. • it Monday. , e (1! : 01:NE TOWNSHIP .i the)•s In ll.,ro It, • \ \(INs Xurit l'erglI II left oii SWtday t•• v1s!t friends M. Landau. Wilber and Frani: Erwljt and Art fie is t of i(8. per, were !u the vJl- lage on Wednesday on-11-i1ffltt , es` tsslltlou. \\'illlaw 3tr11teul and X(ntun Ilea rd. who spp•It several weeks iii tbu 1Veest. til; \;; 'i•tt\VN:I11t',-Nt; 2. -• Nathan Joltats. of, \\'at -isitiutt their 'laugh- l.arty wax givens en U .t.1.,‘ e'.!.• 111 the• home of Mr. t1:'• ltruntiller t'lr.ut' e'lub. •lye rain '11"i as 11.1:11 at have liked to. Thu=e 1,•'w1re :L, re had n real goo.1 time. fI:• •.wif-1 were our .lit Cuh Sre--. .:r a uutttls•r.attended the supper aaa r: :a Aoloiru lit: 1 i- .:a) , and x.•1001[ it good time. 31 r. J.dot' 'Ft. heyof NI i;aw' e•;e. int »r 1i+•ul ►rnatmevtt ht 1S.`" -mance at 7 p.m. ou Sunday. November.. 1 . spent Inst week with her par- 7th. Rev.1'. 11. i'atu�l will condo/ he• �s#I t.ts byre. servit.e and there will be spyclallug 1'hnukd.ptivlu1P uwsir. Sunday will IN• at N► o•el.N•k. The Y. 1'. S. held their first meet - XX" ST. AUGUSTINE •I XX sT. AUG STINE. Nov. 2. --Mi. Wilson attended the funeral of Mr. D. t+. . f !bile Park. on Friday last. \I s- F. Reil, of Ashfield, is the :n. sr of her :nett. -Mrs. Mason .MeAI- I:.r. • lir,. G. Gre,i vs. Mr. J. Greaves and Mks Mary t;troves v1Flted Goderh•h lll� on Thursday last. IL: on Friday last In the haat went of the 1'ulteej church The f4'1 i.' 11 of - deers were appointed: 1'r,•stdeut. J. Watson: %tt•* pre.Jdknt. F'.tua S. tell• met: tre.tsurer. t.hen. McKenzie: sec- retary. Helen Seeds; leader of com- munity 'tinging. Mr*. F'. ti. Pauli: or- ganist. F. H. Edwards.. it was dt•eidtd to hold at soeinl on Vrtday. November Belt -t anlall f,y will be charted for I,rttnttay, • of those who du not wish to Joh!. sir-Jr-NettPett-a-me et +r -beat az-UM: -444,4440h. spent the week -end ittAkt l�unie of Mr. and Mrs. W. McAllister. { Mrs- J. W. Boyle and babe arrived , home from Oink•rk-li hospital on Sun- Misse•s May and Bnrnaelette Boyle vi-ole.1- Mullen friends last wt't•k. Norse Jeffersin retarded to Wood- , stork last Saturday afterspending a month. Itnihlays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Messer. of Blum -ale. spent Saturday 10 the home of Mr. 404 __ Mrs, Coo. May and two children visited friends- In -this vicinity last week:, . .t masquerade dews-wi!t he held at the hall, -St. Augustine. on Wednes- day evening. November 10. • Priz-s -will be given for the -hest fancy (.0a- m:ties. The Wingham Radio orche4- era of Nee pieces will furnish the . music. AUBURN Al Itl'1IN. Nov. _.-,Mr. and 31re. T. $-l;trtr. i.1 Scaferth. were week -end .%1.11..1. at the haute ut bif- sister: Mrs. E. Law -on- Mrs, *dater. sr,, ere- companying them hutue. :Mr. and Mrs. J. lketutet spent a few days with her mother. Mr:.1'. Strati - before it arritrtf for WWI. herr --else, are-�going__.tu._iilake their borne now' /turn. -hi ('ullstrue township. at tilt - ' he• home of her mother. Mrs. Fowler. it I daughter:, to Lr, and Mrs- 11. Ilea/lie. c!tt Thursday, Debater :Nth. Mr. Chas. H:,wr.en has Instatlwt tt ' radio In his home. The supper and eeneert of the Wo- men'..* Institute• was a decided stttwe,.s. Ite•eeipt. at . the door were 5140.. Mr. 1tn444- ! King is the new 1r,-. priett;r of the Auburn House and gets rOMession at 011CP. ,lluitrldge is Improving in health lately. 'Her friends will he glad to see Iter out again. NILE NILE, Nov. 3. -Thy Hallowe'en so- cial law Monday niRl.t was a howling tnct•ess. though the rain .fid dampen a few spirits- Two witches and ' gltosts and fairies appeared and with P.R,•tt-MOCNT - Jack--u-1at:ter•n, and weird mush- the ANATIMANO P.11tAM/1!•NT,- :Ver. 1.-1.M,' and Mrs. Jas. Martin and son Harold. of Yule. Mich., • motoreel up and visited for a evuple of &-,Y 14Ulr'31rs. Mar- tin's niece.- Mrs. Neil G. Me•Kenzie. of Laurier. Mrs. \Vltvte. of Holstein, who had young folk spent a veru Ray evening. The abaetlUfolk err Invited ,to be there next year. • The Orange hoz social/ in the lodge 4.ruum esu }Yiday he St may !ring a fine new moon . We /certainly Lope ' s0. A Cooing Event.. -A• grand concert • been visiting with her daughter, Jura. I wilt the oven hi Xi,#e ehurrh on Thum - I Elmer Farrisl. of Courey's tbrne'rs, 'fay evening. Nngemb.•r 11th. to tele - i for 'some time, returned to her home brate'the completion of 'the new shed, to Saturday. Professor Grist. a master violinist of Mr :nut Mrs. Jas. Drennan. of ' Toronto Conservatory of Music. will Lanes. visited at Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 1 lie 11 Btarnarda recently. _ -- - 31x, Jack Henderson and Eileen •� i f� ., were the guests other mother, Men G � Ja.�. Mt�:[raur at 1Vhltechnmh. et the week•-eend. ` Mr. and Mrs. ('haroe 'ttitchie. of I sun-*)z--tw•o Itoare and a -halt of rPal sr of the even- ing. wit)e.11ev, D. 'McTavish. of Exe- ter, will give bit popular lecture on t "The Lldi gage of Life." Everything ; `mow _ _ from fc It kna REGAINED HEALTH --- - IS NOW HAPPY The Experience of a Quebec Wo- man With Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Jura. 1. It. Bernier, fill D'Argutifiia street, y'ut•(tee•. is one of the thousands of wotd-n who, when she found her , itealttr failing. resorted at once to Dr. " 1Villfams' Pink Pills. and naw• finds herself in perfect health. Mrs. 1h r iii r ,aye: -"1 was very weak, subject 19 headaches and was unable to sleep Q. Testimonials in the -newspapers I�persuaded me to try Dr. Williams' Pink 1'111-, and the result has ixen Moat satisfactory. 1 have regained my Itealth, the headaches hare IeD me; 1 sleep well at night. anti 1 .hare gained in weight. Nature/1y I am feeling happy- I strongly r,t,unwend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all weak people." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Piles for anaemia. rheumatism, neuralgia. tier- vouanee - Take them as a emir ifyou are not fn the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and arront. 11 ynn•will send net your name and address a lit- tle iook. "Building Fp the !Maui." will he mailed to you prepaid. This little INNIk contain* many useful health hints. you can get these pills through Any dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box from The 7-)r. Williams' •MetKcloe Co., Jtroekrille, Ont. mes to religion. from a bottle- of milk for the baby to a Hod - Choice ('ut Flowers, W e d d i n R%loll. were guests of Mr. and Mrs, ; wholesome entertainment. Admlatlou Bundles, Floral Work, etc., on short ' Clair Irwin at ,the week -end. ' -J410 rents for adnits. 25 tent- for notice. i 3trs. TlarvecMiller. babe and lien, ;,iiiihiren. Don't MIPs this rare treat. Florist. GEO. STEWART ' who have been visiting with her stn -4 Ph.n. *51 eller. Nr.. A. Stein, lere returned 1,0 l WESTFIELD Thanksgiving Supper IN - ) Kingsbridge Church t1\ - Monday, November 8th "�i'{"'r-.-r,.•-1 commencing at p. m. MUSICAL PROGRAM Old-time Dance with Excellent Orchestra ELECT RIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS, ETC. GEO. W. STOKES BROCK Street. P.O, fog 401 their home at Lanes. In , ndr•rson and 'nih- ttrine i,f llnfralo. au.i a rs. t and ehitdren. of Toronto. were' guest - of Mr. and Mr.. Jack Henderson. w WHITECHI•RgH WH!TE('lll'Rl`ll, Cd1': 1. -The ser t'•rsary.-erviees 1)! Wbitee•hrtr.1 ed'.•hurch will be on Sun.lay. \. %ettlber', 7. , a.m. and 7 p.m. i'rof-TTTw-.TT appy, wilt be the -is•- ciat speaker. f3ti-Monday a hat no;s•r watt hp heid in the basement. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuleouer and Er- in Sunday with rs, John Fa cover. young people of the T'nited we+tt to SI. Htlleos on Friday Mr. shit The i7rn- eye • ng last and put 'on the regular w• - 'kiy program. after which a de- ' ghtful social evening WA, -pent In mot contests, Mrs. Hugh A. Anderson and babe. I of Buffalo. and Mrs. Will Shaw and } Rieman _pj-2ptnn to 1•.tnrn to thele _ant r. itijtln2wftb , e e , it is DC:faC)OcxXXXXxx5000CMCMC::=COC,CMCMC5cxx ti ■ cial Hosiery Values - FOR FALL WEAR Ladies' silk and wool Hose. These Hose have the appearance of an all -silk XHose, as the silk is woven over a fine wool which gives you a warm and dressy Hose x at a reasonable price. Ladies' fancy checked silk and wool Hose. A real daily Hose for street and sport wear. Also ladies' flesh -colored cashmere Underhose at 75c pair. In Pure Silk Hose We sell Supersilk and Orient. 35 shades to choose from and every pair guaranteed. The Cash Store F. E. HIBBERT Telephone 86 • air if r xxx mtxxxxxxxx x xx xxxxC R ■.r 1. 1. oat Specials Just at the Beginning of the Season. just When You Are Ready to Wear Them. We Offer These Values Needlepoint Cloths, trimmed with 4os- sum color and cuffs of the better quality. Coats that sold in most cases as high as 138.50 Now ...$32.50 Coats at $23.75 Finest all -wool Duvetyne Cloths. richly furred on cuffs and collar. satin de luxe lining and flannel interlined. Splendid Value at .... $23.75 Coats at $8.75 Coats of Velour and fur trimmed. Sold last season for 120.00 and 125,00. Your Choice... .. $8.75 each Coats at 1$17.50 of all wool cloths. A splendid range of styles and shades for women or the young miss. Specially Priced at - ... $17.50 Flannelette Blankets Large size, new stock , $2.19 pair Pure Wool Jumbo Knit Sweaters For men or women. Special .. $5.45 36 -inch Flannelette White or striped ....25c yard Pure Linen Towelling Per yard 14c Silk Broadcloth Splendid for gift lingerie. . . .69c yard Linen Towels Special prices 29c,`45c aed-69c Comforters Size 66 x 72 $2.95 Odd Stock of Chamoisette - and Kid (gloves Now selling at .... , , .. I9c and 59c Heavy Duchess Satin For dresses, slips or lining .... $1.45 Ladies' and Children's Wool Hose now at unusual prices. These are odd stock Phone 56 The S. A. Gray Co, Phone 56 DRY GOODS READY-TO-WEAR HOUSE FURNISHINGS ai▪ smn • IMMO IMEMM c: AMMO M▪ INIM s .s