HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-11-4, Page 22---Thurwlay. N•.vember 4,'1026.
4hr.e tonal
limber of Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association
Published every Thursday r' '
Subscription price $".Ixt per year. To
L'nt. d States and eoreigu Countries.
Li.51) per year.• strictly in advance.
Telephone 3S , : Goderioh, Opt.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday. November 4. 1926.
Jtr. Ye'rgusent finds his- new liquor
policy launched upon a sea of trouble.
8n atrc.1t hap lee found the opposition
to the opining of "beer parlors" i
�� Y
�uF�e are n int exist. it Millaxi doing - h great ta•r are
u, mankind. $
iEven when ...tide arc 1101 fulluwel b)' ■
• graver Illncssos like itillueIzu or pucu-
monla, they -Inevitably lower the In-
dlvidual'* re-ist:uue to all 1•)ga•s of
,Prohibition Is Preferred •
1 Mtttneatadis-J.eurual)---- -}
l'rihibitiou ha. augmented savings.
It hos Iucro$-t'I mati)•fold the eon
-.4,11ml•ltou of go 1. anti products of till N
-arts. genii formerly went to the IN
saloon 11414- .upperps the automobile
iuduatry. the einem.) Industry. the radio jg
iu►lustrr, .nu;rlt whops and great stores.
7'he {:uta•ltnsing I Wb't-114 Americo hos
I+w u increased aula+tuu111111N, and ;
Toronto, for free hence the productive• priteen.cw hove
Write �saa)CaC�B, tate eurrc.pt11dingiy.sla•edetl up. test
L.ok at the situation'IIuuth,•r way. /tet
It,-trumt ut. f precision. contpticarod a
14)41:1 thluk it is rather smart t• r t' ,• • I, r'..rs had voted in favor of 1 luachlnerv. raulu,•t he entrusted 10 be.
Alloys+1,,. vstrnt M isrge majorities_ ! [nd41ltd men. ulcer. with denuded
u break the law 'and get :ncuy will' 1 I u. 1'erk�tw,n• however. sets him-
int I mends cannot he trusted . with motor
t." Quite true: but Low i. this icer la• als.ve the people and Lauer. a db ,nes and truck.. Dlr. Fort euuki not ".
1 • [l 1 t• ) ww•l'a wages for live u.
throughout the Province that he has
jettisoned this part of 1)11 11011 •y cud
now says+ that beer as well as ,lrong0r
Liquors will be Sold only by Govern-
ment agetteles under the permit sys-
-- - The trouble with Me. Feetetcwt is
' that be bas twisted and turned 4111 the
'timer u ptlan to such an extant that
Ise bas lost in groat measure'+ any con -
fidence tint -the- electors' of ttte 1Tn-
vinee may have had in him. At the
opening of the present -eanipl ign The
S'gnal credited him with giving the
electors definite ground upon which
they -mien -support nr oproae- iii.n Iwb
that credit will now have to 144' with-
drawn. for Mr. Ferguamr ha, rhlfted
his position so frequently that noberly
knows just where he will be standing
sty this time next week.,
The Premier made hie Initial mis-
take in not keeping Els promise, --te.
abide by the decision of the people as
pronounced by plablevite. Not only
did he pledge himself to enforce the
O.T.A. If It should be austainel 1!y the
plebiscite of 1024.---but:-let- promta'd
also that If the majority voted for
Government sale there would to "nn
return 'to the }far. or sale by the Irian
An any form." Both of these pledgee
' were violated by the policy which Mr.
Fergneon launched at the beginning of-
s.he present campaign. and though he
has now modified his prrnosals he has
undermined pnblk• confidence in his
pod faith. war depression In European countries
Not only do the mnjnrity ot-•Liber- may 11e - gttrttntted-- t.+ the num.-
■le. hut a very large number tit Con- tariff harriers by which trade (.n the
servatives as well. ft't4 that Mr. Fer- Continent is hampered. New (-unbolt*
guann line not treater' the people of harriers - were erected to mark the
Ontario "candidly and fairly in this new national boundaries- established
matter. and North Huron. with its at the crmdnslon of the war. and the
O.T.A. majority of over 11.0(11►, can be result has been anything hat eneour-
dependel upon to reject a policy aging to the ativot rtes of tariff "pro -
foisted upon upon the Pros -Mee bra poll- action." Realizing the injury s-hkh
titian who a.werrs to -Ice too ready to le being done by (teas artificial re-
tfaten to tY, dementia of tbe"1lquotYforte:10es. it- IinK ►rankers awl boss.' The former have not devoted enough
interests. - - - - -4
remedied by a system that is suplawed ro-t chalk -nee to the prohn dttott srµ ulror, o fru) +
to permit sale only to persona over Went .d this Province. city.' work to men drinking. either
1111114.11 ur little aleotod. Artisans. who
t*ant) nue )"ears of age? itoesnT I
Reverting to tire. nark Ager i
spent A 'mvJur. portion of their carte
Mr. Ferguson propose to unfiSree--T,
1 \1uuoncer Sun 1 • tin^, ecce) week for drOrk would not
be owning ._tikes)' .hares in Phtladel-
perutlt system!
Sir William Arbuthnot Lane hn.;rc, pitia Rapid Transit.
• - • • ' signed, says cable news., from the Brit- I-
The underworld of New York and
-hutitir•i elessdtientiuna in this caul-' •Io Medical Association. 1 Chicago wants drink. Croups of
patlgn aro almost restless. IIn icor. .T16• ""11/11 -of- tr-•\\'itliam 10, sporting men and ofd -time rounders-
• :u.• to a dlttaturial orde how the want drunk; Quite a mluority. sum -
versa _lr.,:. wet f uu:ursallve wit y;,w.•ra1 Medical COuncll rhrestt nftil ; fowl up. _ watt( -drink. swats aei':f-in-
Libc•ruls, dfy Liberals. Laborite. ,t. ,;:.cipline fur any physician who -4•11. ' ,lul.eut rich men want drink.
1 l I'ro"ry.. c nedepe•ndenia t. 't.,.¢ 1.- I Rn• the women Bad -cMtdrelt ikon'[
we , pre•.<," ata to sew drink's return. Neither
of rarlott+ dttiTtr'+ of wetness:..r dry This. means that if any do... or 4rites •
uhlbdtionists, 1 sited 1 w� l Jo the artisans and laborers who have
1444*• .-*tr*1Rht ♦'r d
Farmers (if The Farmers' Sun will
allow us tli mention them). tMcak•ra•
tion -bees Ur'rl. sol --what- Any-
body who doesn't like the
system "tight to be satisfied. .
r to or article for
soy leue c t'• n4. , Men ern .., liatt.•d from a curse and
tatta4.. Lo will t e punlshel by his coL ; who are now getting• aomethieg worth
leagues. Ir tueau" an ab..delte tltr.rcc• I while out of life. Neither really do
bet neel' medienl selener and the gro*t 1 the realteirs, the merchants, tile em-
nat. 1...s. -r .«f 44414k117. .•rsn-the-Asan, ra. -
two•pattty I English medical men have .url•ly -
i reverted to the itnrk Ages. 1
• • •
Want Naturalness in Woman
luvestor. aura , nn e
11 •,hun
trareTl}ng 41...udoit t:. 1'I ' 4
bond sale -man with his plausible talk I \\'e ,ii•te•t a naevi a against the
and winning w'al•'• Surely It iv wlwPr I painted face. it is a nwseullue retie -
t nits cin - -
waltzed mouth as the. nre of the
.htndardized female eyebrow and the
standardized female crop. They sigh
for a glimpse of natural lips: naturaT� That the desire fur
tn-denl with n local bond dealer whom l a-ri es nreary of the stand
you know and whom putt can always
find than with the stranger who is
here today and gone tomnrr,w-. "Just
L.1. -at It. Waite, Secretary
Shawnee. Okla., Board of
the other day the arrest w•a. reported ''il''''k-'. and natural eyelashes.is universal.
They wish that Britannia would That people everywhere are paying
nttwn men charge-,I-wkth misrrptwwnt- rule out f i. permanent waver which 1 more attention to their buying.
Ing the value of bonds titeeshad sold stake. woman look like a waxwork That t trough the advertisements the
to some Bruce want? people" The „bah -dresser's dummy. Even the sight people of the world are being educate!
broker In your mei) town may not 01 n at•bnnl girl's pigtail relieves the 111 iutelligetlt buying.
mnnntonv of the feminine lagdacaI*•. That nowadays it is a well-known
better business
hold out such glittering- promisee And tt pntmp ma -Iden rshllatates the fact that advertisements give depend -
big dividends. but all Is not -gold that eye that 1' sated by an eternal pro- Wn,l.• Information atmut dependable
cession of underfed skeletons merchandise or *ervke.
• __-• • . - _ That exprieaee bas proved that per-
sisteut adrer•ttsers render the greatest
During rett•ut years it has beery- (New York Tiniest 1 possible service to their cu+tomer).
Pointed out that much of the after- The ambition to "make colds as rare That most people realize that value
as smallpox" is said to he the moviug ; Is determined by; what they get, not so
force behind the proposal of the much whit they pal.
titem'laTdSvnndatton to organise and tr That well advertised linea are the
support extensive and (ntenslve aclen- ' kind that give full value.
title research into the -cause and pre : That continuous advertising 1m-
ventton-of common colds. I presses the public with the fact -that
That this ailttpent yearly takes a n everything in t advertisements is
cnormoeis toil is discomfort end in I just as represented
6'(311 OF THEIR
luso of energy Is Well known. That ft BI'SiNLJSS 1
one 'of the most dllfknit to guard ARE LEADERS
against is also Aceeptel. But many WHO THINK ENO
persona line.. long felt that medical'
and My men alike have• been too much
inellne•d to regard «folia aa Inevitable:*
7 -Copyright 1926.1
against the exist IDS conditions.
eYto,e..ti�e study of rnitla in all
men men of Europe. 4.i h --whom "-
number of Americans ohne are nem
dated. have c.'nil inPd in a manifesto
attention to prevention or cure and the
(atter have not realized the dangers
and re•spintalhdlities of infection.
if. therefore. some organisation of
a to 'entitle character c•amundertake an
Only fifty days t,-Okebttaae.
• • -f-
1 There can be no rreu�r! inter ye, farms. and can find for them the pre-
ersays one aenren•e of this manifesto. rewires whi••L. unte.st the les:tone of
If the weather would dry up for a I 'tin politicians pditicians in allterritories. old- -
few days. that would he another thing iand Ilea', re•a:Ixe that trade is not war
we should have to be thankful for next i but a pnMeas of exchange. that In
Monday. • 1 time nt parr our neighbors are our
at • •
customer.. •and that their prosperity
There ia_nn spirts -1n the wet cam- - in a condition- of 8nr own well-heing"
psign in Huron county. What is the
use of struggling against the O.T.A.
only to have the Canada Temperance
Food for Serious Thought
-A-et come Into effect?
(Hamilton `lpoectatnr1
- - s • • .-JIOn•- DIS--NIek'ie'fre ignatiun t4. (•vyf
eevalingly to tw regretted. but not 1
M r. Trewnrrdta 144 -lined renominn• more .o than is hit. loyalty In his con-
tion in South Huron beratme he had vi.;tuns to t1P rnn'mendei. As Attar-;
promised not to anpp,rf (Invnrnmeut nPs'GPnernl far tint• yta.r he ens io
n p,sltinn to know• :,y, 71. r 4.r not the t
control. TMs is +t Item ..:roux slap xt nutxrtn Tempoeraow• .let wa% ¢alae
t'remiet_�t'rgieeynn ester, _Ja_iHintiitut :'leglsdatlon-.a11r1 whty,i:P-Nisee•l M-
fnrwnnl his present' poli:•y has broken [+pal of approval on it he pr0cidcs food
a whole series of promises t for alTdnu% thought.
-- • • •
The Farmer.)' Sinn. which decries Other ,._..es than Liquor
(Toronto Globs-)
otht•rparty (Irwin nations. in 01147 Tr•rt- Mr. Raney shows that the F ir:cos.:,
le -
Ing the V.F.O. Twople throughout It Government is deserving of defeat tthe I'rnrinee what they Shooed or ('enasus0f tit; r Ilnrs:
er) itIs largeactions maaljorityong toothe
glomi 1 not do in the present cam- the exposure of wrongdoing by cnn-
palgn. We ren not know of any ether servativesi In cenneetlnn with Mini..
party organ that teles to net, the ►o%." Rank matters. lr gave rontrnet� r ,
a. The Sun hexa. --,other than the lowest bidders so as to
please party friend.. it gerryman'1-
• • • 1.re1 the Provinee in a way that was
it may not be mtwh consolation to Prejudicial to rural eommnnitle.. it
the farmers of this tlIatrlet. who, have n11twed ('nnaerrativ.• members ie. pro -
fir finanelalty from e,'ntraMs for pnh-
been gfcatly delayed to their work by ler• works and from dealings with kw -
the wet weather. to know that condi- ernment contractor.. And It kept
firms alp war.' wait irr-nttmrTwita. .1•v.a riding• without representation
7n the c'ounthp aonth And east of ilti- 'lanaertatnInngtr%of perioflntad:rlu. in defianee of
• qhs•
fon. It is reported. water i4 stantline
in the fields. making the usual fnrm
operations of th' fall season impoe-
• • •
in Ills True (colors
((`hesley Enterprise)
i'rentier Ferguson hos at Int (some
4 ons in his true colorsile has always
been in sympathy with the wets.
When Premier Hearst decided nn n
policy of Provinefal prohibition in
1910: (Inn. G. Howard }'erguson. who
{VII!' a member of his t'ahinet, was op -
rained to the measure hat did not dare
to openly oppose it In the Legislature.
la the election of 1923 he promised to
abide by the will of the electorate and
though a majority of 41111110 voters de-
cided in favor of retaining the O.T.A.
he declared there would be no more
plehiseltes and that hp would enforce
the O.T.A. Now hp states a Alley
that Is strongly (mimeo(' to the O.T.A.
How can the pledged word of the Pre-
mier be believed an oily part of his
new program' in every Province in
Canada excepting Ontario. where a
polio of Government control bas been
)fade a Provincial Act, It was only at -
The Prov inch.' \tiniaer of High-
W11V4*0110110.•911 last week that the
Gov,-rnment intended to iota 529 miles
of road. M the i'rovincial highway.
aywtent This looks 1W .• needless ex-
tra(*gnnrr At * time when the Pro-
vinclnl debt I. Inrrensing year by
year. The announcement is evidently
timet for (Ise l'rovirw•ial eleetlnnw:
but It i% dor.hffnl if the people w111
"bite" very eagerly.
• • •
At Anrora the other day Premier
Tergt•son, presenting the calm for Goy-
ermeat control, wild the youth of the
profuse* resented legal restriction.
What Site Preferred
Miss Young -Which would you pre-
fer In your future husband. wealth,
ability; or appearance! '
lel, ]laid -Appearance. ms d
but he's got to 11ptlear pretty w,on —
(;uelph Mercury.
_ ____ _
■■1•...imia... ■....■■....■1•)•)<•l♦�
Special Sale of Furs
NOVEMBER 9th and 10th r
HE season's opportunity to buy your Fur Coat _in II
your own town, as we have made arrangements withIN
the Canada Fur Manufacturing Co. of Toronto, recogIt
nized as leaders in values in Fur Coats. •
We will place on sale a range of Persian Lamb, plain 1
or trimmed with Alaska Sable, Grey Squirrel or Kol- ■
insky, also rich Hudson Seal with new fur -trimmed ■
collar and cuffs; Muskrat, French Chapelle and Rac- ■
coon. Bonafide reductions from 25 to 30 per cent. r
on every Fur Coat. Every garment is fully guaranteed ■
\\'e C.,rdially incite• yon to inspect this big display Tuetiny and Weinman)
"Bites" Silk Hose
Double wear double stock-
ing. Sand. grey, black. leZ 50
Flus 1 2 to 10. Pair tl '
Women's and Misses' Dresses
New model- and st les u -
fancy flannels. wool balbrig-
gan, silk crepes told ge•orgette.'-
-New bolere'hh►Uw-a+t«t
effects. Sizes 16 to 40. !'rices
range 110.110, s1:i. i S,1Lgn
115.00 and L
Con!binatioa Underwear
fetid iren'sfinest union Coto- •
1 binalionx. Peerless brand •
Sizes 4 to 14 years. $I. QS I1
Price ranging $1.00 to 1 •✓✓J 1
-- White Quilts
Extra tine American white
k•riukle Qutlta _Eiize._22 z lest
Made of long staple cotton :
launders beautifully. .$4).7
Special, each__
11111•1111•1111111 Malin ■111•11111111M•i1•1lll■■MIN
Stray Shots
from Solomon
The things that stay longest with us
are those that smart and ming. and it.
we only know bow to net' them' they
may be of more [tae to us Hutu honied
II lot by readlug uhout loads and move- I
menta. but his weary back anti legs
ail: teac•11 him the are of getting -the
mortar to the right spat wheu It Is
Don't put all your r:eek In your
window. There are some people
whose goodness 1s all in their faces
and theft religion In their nice man- .
ners. Hare you the K,a,dsi That is
the great question.
SHOW Not *lint kind of a
words and soft experieoa'a'a You may WINDOWS. slaw window
learn a great deal )lout T put up At the same
WISDOM wisdom from others. but time lots of people make the other
ON TAR atter all it Is the "bump•" mistake of putting into their %Induws
that count and the shopworn. hack -number. dust -covered
knocks that teach. Some of the great- 1lneet that send people across the wa7
est misfortunes that t••me-he peupkere !whew they want the right .tuff. There
Lathers and kind friends. it
good are psoPlr•who actually Berm t0 believe
takes a storm or two t.. erring out the that guuiiueaw 1* sume•huw associated
good yuriltles ..f a ship. "The rod with boorlabness. tugubrionanees, or
and reproof give wiwlnm." L. true >a erawling syropbaney. There is nnthing
the other relations of life as well as in more attractive than RexalnPso and If
the home. It is a pity We can't tape It la really Inside a man It will show it-
lessons U1 sunshiny n:uks from self. it is 1TkP the smallpox. it has to
hooks ut pleasant-etperient•P, tint most (came out: It It goes In cut you It will
f us have found out :bat the sad con- kill yrxl. Beware, though, of the
feraalon, "1 Lave played the fool," pre- •'showy" 04.11 as you would the showy
sages any real progrtale or achieve-
ment. People expeet .to find witeloin- eon's.• gn}' .:lots hide dirty under'
on tap [herr days in magastnrs std t urs A man silo talks mu b 1. apt
On rtiapoutiencr; idols. and figure to have little lnslde bis ItteW.
they can exchange-uugg.•t14 of gold for The citizens of Tlmmlriw Ont. are
copper cents. A hta1,•e.rtier esti learn Some seem to imagine scolding Is a In the midst of a whisker rowlur
habit peculiar to women. There are rove, More Soviet propagand.''-
men naggers as much 111 need of the ltorder (cities Star.
ducking stool and bridle as any wee
man in the seventeenth century. There
are men in imst-
\RF: 101 cess with the
\ 1T(' ITCHES? rateateher'a 111-
stinct who think
i; part of their duty to 1sninr
.m th.•1r clerks. harass their creditors
and nag their neighbors until
they are known frntu 1Itn to Iteer-
.heba as Incurable scold. And na one
dog �v III n.nnlly start 11 whole neigh-
borhistal howling. so these men pro-
taa►te_theev11 habit of fault -fending nn
111 (bore muter and about them develop
: the unpleasant and nnfreltfnl trait.
Gas -441 .+f-[1,s'-hahIt-of +aty4og-°.loci''
Cultivate ■ pleasant -it voice and cut out
the rasp. Ina out the furrows in _your
1 forehead and you w111 be a better,
richer and more useful man.
that we net only desire wood enuugh
for the 'season's needs. but we want to
Corner the supply and sell enough t«
our neighbors to put aside • goodly
sum in the bank. Thcre are some p•o.
pee 41(10 ap'nd more than half of their
time figuring the amount of money
their neighbors are making and bow
:trey do it. and go to bed worrying Ise-
cause they have not managed to keep
up with (he race for gold. He i.
wise man and a happy one who eat
look upon lila neighbor's preeap•rit$_�_-
with gladness and who, when he lis..
done his beet himself, is content with -_
the reward that comes to him for on
honest effort. "A sound heart is the
life• of the fifth; but envy the rotten•
nese of the bunts."
An Espenaive Legato
A Port VeNlcolt woman who was
bothered by a cow invading her gar
den threw a pail of scalding water o*
the [ovine. causing aitch Injuries that
the aid of a veterinary was necesetry
The nwn•r suet and rern4e•re•ti dna
ages and fees to the amount of (70
leas an •lluwan.e of $1:. for llamas•.•
to the growing vegetable,. It la r1n
doobtedly annoying to have a gnrd.n
destroyed. but even that la no excuse
for taking vengeanel' on a dumb teas:.
The offending lady out off Hghtly
though it will an exp•ns.1ss. 'brow -
('ullingwood Rulietin.
Awarm welcome awaited Queers
Maria of Rumania, when, with
princess Tleana and Prince Nicholas,
she stepped from the royal train nn
arrival at Ronaventure Station,
Montreal. t"ha.ring thousands lined
the route which the royal party took
from the Canadian National station
to the City Hall where a reception
was tendered by the city, and again
an the party drove Through the
streets of Canada's metropolis on
their visite to universities, convent!
and other plaeea. Photograph shows
Her Majesty as she left her train at
Bnnaventure Station, accompanied
by Prince Nleheism (left) and Alder-
man Brodeur ([tight). tower Witt
Prince Nicholas as he drove the
powerful Canadian Natlnnal locomo-
tive which hauled the royal train;
Right: Her Majesty, Princess Beans
and Prince Nicholas on the rear
platform of their ear attached to
the Canadian National Railway
train which tamed Hent across
, The most senseless and hurtful
1thing in the world is envy. It eats Its
way into our very vitals and %polls ns
-t for anything worth while. As an old
writer gnalntly puts it. "A little wood
will heat my oven. Why
ROTTEN should I murmur bantam.
BONES. the woods are not miner
The trouble with us 1s
It makCE '
them smile`
It's sure
worth while. ,
Riker's Syrup of Tar
and Cod Liver Extract
Riker's Bromide Quinine Tablets
Two well -proved remedies for coughs and colds.
Sold in Goderich by
_ r