HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-10-14, Page 8A •► hum,iap October 14. 1926. 1►1Nc1NNoN EAu. F. It (Costiancd from Page 1) TOWNBHI; COUNCIL • (N}DI'1RIC•HT41)1";SHIP ewia 1L'' sIl i441i41g iwve .(2). ewe limit The e)uuiI met at 11oLu.svl;le on (21, rant Iamb. Monday. A cumtgan1..tion fru* the Oxford D..w 114 440110n Young.•tu't'k Workmea's Composts,[ dol hoard W1144 ail purl- --aged ram. are.[ ewe (2). flied; alar one ruin;; wbaeripttou ,y iamb (21, for (*.median ]SIMIe1La11 Directory, Rw'r : (itrire for [.rat pen - ure-Ii TT -air. Jletla. recti tdedby-'$+. hrlor De authut 1. an> breed. John i u ' furl to (collect IP,' pet totat fit *heel, ]uhu \irQtt111iu. M Q Ellin Cor Haack* that tho 41e1 • Flury II. T81a SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. Local Improvement Sewer Notices ou all 4 .1 Court of idea ..••n will be held TOWN of GODHRICH :Alt. A OWN ut• I:uDE1[1C1) a .n 'Dome; taxes unpaid after December nib. r 1 .Iodgr•-.ilio.. Greer. TnN•knaw•. PIIS chfnery Co. was returned for male- TAKE NO bill from the Dominion Road 1[a - • iipwi..I -Pen bacon hogs. J. Alton ticm. & soil. Jaeger Reid; boar. any age or The following at:to nta were or- 1 4oreeb 1. Alton k Eton; sow. any age or tiered paid: Godertch lswnfatearhig t41 6• • 1l C x. sheep Inert J. Alton & tion.Co,, plank. Rerk:•hin*--Tlonr. littered iu 19226. ( violin. $10; J. Sowcrbr. sheep claim, J nn $441': S. Flmmeraon, salary. t58.30; J. .or & Son.N'urkodiine--.\geed boar. J. .11totr & ,Harris. overseeing, 1eo ':•4; Fred 11t41, Son; s.#c. haring raised pig, in 1926, ' 4th utneeuaon bridge a000uut. $240: J. Allot. & Son. lift and 51.1; tsar, Iii- }'red 13et1. other bride. *'4 Nils. tend in 192_6..1. Alton & Son; Mow. • $774. The total tare Is• erilkr r,d littered In 1926. J. Alton & Roe let ' and laid. (his`rewr are $36,w.75. Tamworth -teed [oar, 3. Aitpn. &I Couucil adjourned to au-et'Monday. flan' *ow, having raised pigs in 1916. November I. at 1. 0. [ R. G. TH OMI'4ON, (':erk J. leltnn & Rin : hnSr, littered in 192J6. ' J. Alton & Son; sow, littered in 1926. • J. Alton & Ann. Strrrial -For exhibitor wItang tittost prizes. J. Alton & Son. Judge -Geo. o. Greer. IAMtnow. F ONVI, IA•f r*.. *iodic. ehk-k ns. Yrs. W. H. Tresblekj; leeliorna. brown. ehkk- eac r, Tidr: Plymouth 7tocks. hxrret. chlekeesk-Arch ltiMillen 1st and 2nd:1 Minoreits. hbtek. chickens. A. (iuttwert A Son. A. 3gc'Millen : Orpintmns. huff. ' dickens. Mr,. W. H. Trentidap: Rhode Islwn.ls. ehickena..1. 34.1MI14,ti ; i.eghorns. white. Md fowl•A. McMil- lan : Plymouth Rork', barrel 0111 fowl. A. 144 -Millan: Minors*-(. Medic. old fowl. A. ('vibert & :Son ; itantams. oft fort. A. McIIflan : grew. Jas. Al- ton & icon. A. McMillan; dock•. F. Todd. 3..Alton & Son. Judge -J. Lyons. Lukn raw. GRAiN Fall wheat. white. D.'AI:Alli,.ter: tall wheat. red. J. Alton; spring wheat. D. S1•'Allister: 6 -mw blr!sy, 11. 'MeAlN4trr. J. Alton; oats. white. .7. Alton; teas. Shall. J. Alton; p•ss. 1*rge D. McAllister. .7. Alton; timo- thy se4e•I..1. .Mon ; flax seek D. [Mc- Allister, .1. Alton : ;pelts. D. Me.111is- ter : Morn. Dent. J. 1,yons. ,T. Alton. Judge- -W. Trralen reo. IAtteknow i►ATRY 10 lr.'. butter, i. CoogrsNm. Mrs. •PlieP. Bake; ,5 lbs. table butter. In prints. \Vllfrht Drenunri. H. :Ct0tluer.. i. Coen m : 20 ilk:. peeked butter. H. Sltothers. Mrs. Th44.4. Quake. 1. Con- Roam; .N iris. faner tnhle butt. .I. C. 'grim. •Mrti. Thos. RIakP- 1,4.11 3 i4. i tintter Jr prints made I. owner of Thos. Holt separator. r44 tor. ars. Anker Ii I An s i RLike. .loam. -41. 3. Flrlilnter. \Vinefiam. Woitelteled two week) BOII<N (ac1M►NAI.1). -On SauuM1 y. October 9. at Alexandra hast to Mr. and �lrs• Gorton MacDonald. a daughter. MAIESIND K1TLOCOH=K1 4 - Ji lu-_maui .[,[thorn. on Saturday. October 9th. 1926. by Itev. W. S. Alp. Mar) Mildred. daughter of Mr. end 'Mrs. Albert King, Hallett t)iwnahllr. to Mr. Albert i IIIough. I DIED JEl►tiKINS. Li (:odericli township. on Thuradny. 1k -tot -Or 7. Elizabeth Hol- land. widow of the late Roland Jen- kins. aged 75 year* and 10 months. lt.\NILl1:L.--im Goderich. on Wednes- day, (k•tober 13. John Wesley Ilan - dell. FOR SALE FOR SALE. -OXFORD SHEAR- .' ram boot,. and ewes : Shorthorn ) II1, tee months. and Torkshire swine. both sexes. J4)IIN F ARRiSH, Lucknoee Oct. 1 OT FOR SALE. 131. CORNER OF Anglemea and Albert Strome: a-- ae4se•d for two hundred Bolters. :[hall sell for sixty dollars., IV. J. AN - 'r --_-THISTLE. 309 Cron.w.41 St.. Loncoa. Oht. 1. The of the Tuwu of Goderleh has Cuu- •iructe(l ns a !*44141 improvement sewer on P14 "11 IN ST1tEET 1)FTWEE.N WEI.- I.1Na:1v)N bTurI T AND A POINT Ono FEI''T EASTERLY. 'Due coat of the work is 3925.01. of whfh $372.53 ie W 'tae Paid by, the horpwratloa. The special rate per foot frontiers Is 44.416 cents. The special r.sessmeut Is to he paid lu 20 annual lastalmente. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work 1* 2() years. 4. A Court of Revision will be held ON TIIE 2DTII 1)AYY OF OCTOBER. at 8 o'clock p.m.. at the council burst. Town Malt, in the Town of erk91. for the purpose of hearing plaints *aloes the .proposed meats or the accuracy of frottage meawiremnits and au)' other e0 1.1441111 which persons interested Sial eftsire to make and which Li by law -.•c•tr+ttaable_.by.lha i9LL[I_. Dated at Goderich this Ile iras�l October. is* • ...14 L. KNOX. Clerk. ON THE _"9TH DAN 1 rF OCTAVES. '1'h'-. TH\T 'ownedI of the Corporation at S o'clock pan., at ' TOWN OF GODiId11Cif TAKE N(tTICE 'CHAT 1. The COIIUCli _of the Corporation of the Town of Godaich has con- structed. as a local improvement sewer on LIGHTHOUSE STREET BETWEEN WELLESLHY STREET AND A POINT 550 FELT EASTERLY. 2. The cost of the work is $848.93. of which $353.47 is to be paid by the corporation. The special rate per foot frontage is 51.33 cents. The special ,i e$ neat Is to be paid in 20 annual instalment*. 3. The estimated 11144ime of the work is 20 years. 4. A (hurt of Revision will be held ON THE :10TH 'DAY OF OCTOBER. at 8 o'clock p.m., at the comwil cham- ber*. Torn 11x11. in the Town of God- erich. for the purpose of hearing com- plaints agnlnst the proposed asaess- IIMutsor the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other com- ROPSitIRE )[BEAR- plaint which persons interested' Das , The cost of the• work is 11454.04. beers, Town Hall. In erk-h, for the pnepoe• plaints against [lee rw•nts or the actor nie44$ureltPnts Sad plaint which to sd desire to make and eppcuizable ter the C4 T 1Mte1 at I:otimaitb October. 11)26. TAKE NOTICE THAT council titin) 1. The l'uuneil of the (brloratlon Town of GSE- of the Town of t:otJerlch has eon - ..1 hearittg tom- strutted as a la•:ll Impruveweut.sewer , r,,irot14d 11se''U- on „y of frontage PARK STREET BETWEEN CAM :7u7 ulber cosi- BRiA ROA!) AND A !DINT 200 :uterest11) tiny FEET EAST OF l'AMIAILIA ROA!). el41444 Is by law 2. The ecost of the work Is $104.41. rt. 44 which 137!4.61) 1s 4) be paid by the this DRS day of : corporation. The spacial rate per foot frontage is 54.18 (salts. ' The spechtl I Ilu 20 annual L. L.'i:NOX, (Perk. assessment is to hr pa Instaltnents. Tt)\1'N OF GONE'''. if TAKE: NOTICE THt.i. •1. The Couaell of I1r Corporation or the 1bw•n u[ 4. .,,..rich has coil' at 8 o'clock p.m.. at the council Chain - Di Mined alocal s * lal hl,; rori•ntent .sewer Town Hall. la the Towu or (Jou• 0a erk91, for the purpose of hearing cum- LIt:HT114)I'SH AINI' 001101 R(1 p)taints rgatnst the prOpw)ac.l asarss- S.THME:TS iIETWE}'N WELLESLEY 111414144 or (he accutwcy of frontage 14TREE7T AND LAKE HANK AT wrasurearot.ts and any uther PVm- N'Mt41` END OF C01:,11RG STREET. plaint which persons Interteted may 2 The CMSof it, w,,rk is 11726.11([. desire to make and which la by Lw of which $111$.76 ha ',p be paha by the cognizable by the Court. melioration. The sprout: rate per foot Dated tt Godcrfrh this 1311h dal alt roatiig( la---:*--titre.---The epeeist Ortne4.1., 1956:._,_____ __-._- ------ seae*emelt is to be pari in SO annual • L. L. KNOX, Clerk. 1nebi Imre t s. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is 20 year*. 4. A (hurt of 11 -vislou will 1* hell ON THE 29TH DAL' OF OITOIR'7R, AUCTION SALES Al t.1ION s.\1,1 OF A COMFORT - . u . t'tt-r1'll3R ANi) HOUSE- HOLD FURS rf DRS on Otbbons Moes[, Goderich, on SATUAD.IY. OCTOBER 11th prop•ety of MR. ))AVID WILSON The Cottage is on a nice lot of good garden ground Contelns Rainy room. I bedrooms. _ closets, kitchen, cellar, bathroom and pantry. Everything hta town in good shape. g water and a garage for two cars. Terms auuotine d at sale. The euruiture will include: One large Oak dacenprrt ; 1 round oat ex- tension table ti oak dining chairs, leather seat*: 1 sideboard ; 2 rocking elixirs; 1 new I:noleum, 41yx3'A y'asds; 1 wooden I.r.l and dresser. mattreaa and springs; t Iron bei and stand, mattress and -!•rings; 1 new Quebec heater and board; 1 new Quebec cook store and furl.lture; 1 new 3 -burner Florence oil sea's; 4 Wtcheu chalet; 1 tall -leaf table; I drop-leaf White seis- ing machine; 1 ironing -board; 1 jardi- niee stand; di•!1e4, cutlery. glassware, and numerous other articles. Every -thing must be sokt. as Mr. Wil- son Is leaving t.)wa. Terms on furniture. cash. 1'. OLINDRT & SON. Auettoneera. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work Is 24) years. 4. A (lou of Itevaion will he held at S oaTioc•k l'. . t ,: h,• cout,•il clime l,ers. Town Hall, :11,• Town of Ga(1- erieb. for the purpose of hearing coin - plaints against the iatopos d a#est• m•n .t44 or the accuracy. of frontage meu measurements and rav other com- plaint which person- inte4lested may desire to make and which As by- law cog141Z14ble by the (Sport. Dated at Goderich :his 13d)t► day d October. 19926. L. L. KNOX. ('lee[}. TOWN OF OODEIII 'H TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The Cornwell of the Corporation of the Town of l;wierkh hat con- structed as a local Improvement sewer on ANGLF:SEA 8TRF:lT BETWEEN V14T1►RIA STRDE':'I' ANI) NORTH I STREET. Tows (ir 000moon TAKE NOTICE THAT The Coufctt of the fb of the Town of Goderich has con- structed as a aa'el improvement sewer on PI ER STREET BMW EEN Y'I('- NA TORI:\ STILEiET AND ANGLESMA STREET. 2.The cost 01 Ore work is $11[X[.09, of hkb 1676.[104 Is to be paid by tate i. rporatiou. The special rate per foot on frtage id 43.243 e•t4ta. The special ns,.e,*weut is to be paid lu 20 annual sra1men ta. 3. The eatlmatel tlftVlme of the work is 220 Jean. 4. A (hurt of Revision will be held QS THE 29TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1926. at li\o'clew•k pan.. at the council chain bels. Town Halt, In the Town of God- erich. for the purpose of bearing com- plaints againet the proposed ■sseaslt melds or the accuracy of frontage aesaaurementa and any other com- plaint which persons interested may dealt* to make and whlcli la by law etgnisable by the Court. - R SALE.-.9Hdesire to make and which is b law y I of wlueli 1(144.(13 1* •, o be paid L [lir y Dated et Goderich this 121.1 day of •LINfl lamb and Oxford ram Iem9. 4•ognls:dee by the Court. FRANK L. YOUNG, R. R. Nn. 5, God- Dated at Goderich this lad. day of . •rich. October. 11)_91. L. L. KNOX. fleck. BLYTH YOUNG MAN FIR SALE.-PUREBREDOXFORD DROWNED IN MICHIGAN itlyth. 0e1. 11. -News was receive! #ere on Saturday night by Mr. and Yrs. Lorne Si-rengernr that their eldest sou. Frank. had met with an :w- eigh at. by shirt' he lost 11144 life. He was engaged as it bookkeeper in De- troit and on Sahlr.lay he and his chum were Drat dock hunting i a boat. They saw some (beds and .toad up in the twat at the same time_ The boat (•eprisel. and as Frank was W44014011 down «111.111:1011111111101 14144 body did J1oL ons• rap MUT_ at time ••f writing_ . Sail .not- helot r11•oi•Pte't. Hip corn - renew msnnq.s! to 4-1tc1. hold of the \\ skit of the Toot until assistance tame. Serimj(eollr is survive! by his whlow And a young UM.. in -Detroit..-ills per.et*-+oft bore doting the -night -by- motor ear for lh•troit. Down rain and ewe lentos; also yearling ram.. Ar It(WOVIE, Hay- field road t R. 1t. 2. Goderkh 1. 3t VOR SALE: RRi('K RESIDENCE I on corner 111. Smith-w•Pst twiner Nelson street and Cambria rood.. At nws.nable prier. Particulars from F. 1t. DAIRIROW. Golter0'b. lint. t.f. DAI1T •BFGGY FOR RALE. -GOOD a1 new. Apply at THE SIG` • DESIRABLE PROPERTY F O $ 1.. L, RT`(J:C. ('telt. 1et,rk f."0years. ICOR SALE. -HOUSE, STABLES j 3. The e*tiwatel lifetitut. of the ' 4. A Court of Revision will .be hell against the e' and lots Nos. 28, 28, 29 and 30,1 work- 1e 2L years. 'RIF\VN 4►F 64.1'I:RICH ON THE Lw.rfH 1)AT OF OCTOBER. Bntehaumn. w18' .G•rl on or about the 4 A Court of Revision aria be held ji IOt la y 1. TL's eo:::. of the (',.r s.ratlon hers. Town Heli. in the Town of God. October, 19^•6. to deliver to the under- TOWN OP GODERICH' - TAKE NOTICE THAs'! 1. The Cannell at i1P Corporation of the Town of Golerk•h has con- structed as a local Improvement sewer on WIl)t* 1t STREET BETWEEN CAT - .LEY STREET AND iIRITANNLI ROAD). 2 The cost of the work is 519017.34. r+ re tis. ma .t is : o! which 11at11.22 is to be !Slid by the e,•,t:ul:aoli• iW' ;In 1'ourt. by trot oration. The epeeist rnte per tout I corporation. The special rate per foot frontage Is 54 (int". The !Twilit nsse. tueut is to be Laid In ..l') aanunl 111'.r:llmenl,. . :t. The estimated lifetime of the work is 21) years, - 4. ON THE 21rT11- nit or 0CT0Blg 1 Me, . . at 3 o'clock p.m.. at the eouncItclum-_ her.. Town Hal:. In 'the Town of God, erleh. for. the lnlr.ise of hearing com- plaints again.: til. 'proposed assess-. melts or the as-ufecy o{ frontage measurement% :nit any other c•am- 1 plaint %bleb 1:,•rsnne iutcereest(.4 tiny' 1 1k 1 11441 IsLaw , SAL}:. -Corner North Sed Nelson (k [dols r t k•tober. 11126. 1•. 1.. KNOX, Clerk-. TOWN 4)}• G(►DE)R14'il TAKE NOTICE THAT P coo o The 17brporaru0n of the Tom( of 3o4lerk.h has '(rld- ki-m.1ed as a local improvement. sewer on ANGLFIIEA STREET BETWEEN VICTORIA STREET AND ('.IMiItIA ROAD. 2. The coot of the wort is 51105.36, of which !434.111 is to he paid 1,7 the i•nrls.ratlou. The apetial Yate per foot frontage 1. 48.1 csetlt4. Thi mei:tl --a*Messuwot is to lw pail in 2t) annual WANTED) \NrrEL.-l4.1+.11S11 1D1 . $l:4' hare ,*$litteyrp cll. Hence. AAA/ to P. O. BON 130, l:odet44 h. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO' CH4KD1TORB. A44-perseaa ltavlrig +[Shue against the estate of the late Elisabeth Doug- las, of the town of Ooderich, deceased. are required to send to the mid -- signed statements of their claims w)tt- lu nue mouth, after which time the ad- ptlalstrstur will distribute the estate without reference w any claims /g which be has no node.). Dated 24th September, 1026. C. SEAGEIt, Goderich, Ont., 4t SSlle4tor for the Administrator. AITCTION 8.11! Oa THI'RBDAI • .4YI) 31CR 21; _t ag r ._ at the home farm of HARRY SALKELD elft roof. nom-mtb'-eoatirof - 4 oberich. 1leveaty-five Rader steer* and a few heifers. Tete+•• cattle are ell good colors. dehornosl, and were personally OP PdTET air iya laic dit the Toronto Stock Tards. Herr are a0 Western cattle In the 1 . No reserve; the cat- tle w1R he sold to the highest bidder. Remember the date, Thursday. Octo- ber 21. at 1 9) o'clock *harp. TERMS-14.•cea montlue ,relit on furnishing hankaMe paper, or 3 per cent. straight oil for ('ash. H. SALKELD. T. Gl'NDRY & NON. Proprietor. Auctloneera. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FRANK P. GIBBS. CHARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario street. Stratford. Pbone 1580. Rea. 13364. AUCT1ONEERINO THOMAS OUNDRY. GODERICH. LIPID STOCK AND ORI'ERA&' AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere sod eery effort made to give saildaotto& Farmers' sale notes discounted. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREIDITORS. Notice le hereby given to all p eroin44 having claims against the estate of Thomas Burns, late of the town of Goderich. is the county of Huroh. de- ceased. to sen.! the time diode verified DR. A. N. ATKINSON to the under44lgaed. on or !we're the CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG - 30th day of ik•tnher. 1tr;8, after which LESS THERAPIST date the exe9lfnr4 will moored to des- GODERICH tribute the amid estate rmoe.x the per- Equipped with electro-magnstle haws. Electronic electric tr•eat:s ab ROUT. ROBERTSON.-- --- l� The Auctioneer, will conduct and arrange any sale On the latest methods to get the best re- value. See him or drop a card sad be will gtce it immediate attendee. Farm salt* ■ specialty. Eldon Yt.. Goderk'b. 1 M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER. • for household effects, farm stock. eft., for the County of Huron. Address all communication. to J. STALKER, Auburn P. 0. MUSIC pitOF. W. H. JACKSON. Instruction ll given in Voice Culture. Organ. P1ia Violin. Guitar. Theory, etc. Studio eat residence. 87 North street. Phone fah DRUGLESS PHACTITIONER sons entitled thereto. harem regard which taw r then e•I (rf h *pais only top the ane chiropractic Chronic organic Sat shall have hart 14Deice, and that they nervous diseases. Lady In attendant& will not 1w liable for the 1'1oeeeds of Ogee hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 pia.. the estate w) dfstrlltntecl to any per - excepting Monday and Thursday a- xon of wltt.s•• a'lalm* notice *b%Il out ternoous aad evenings, and by ape then have been Sirlfd 'ointment. Tb A RAT'S. cool[-. Erb, fl,terl.,. Residence and oaks -Corner at • p Dated at 1.,, ..•r., h this 121th day tit ht44talm••nts. • 'fruettaae• Is .53 terrain. The •pke•tal , atreeta Appic to H• JA , 4ia111u 10 mutual t 1 IGstalmo rata. • 11)2(:. ' 4' I 3. The estimated lifetime of the Solicitors for 'hayed) McBride. ex- South street and Britannia road. e'utor of the w[It of Thomas Burns deceased. Dated rat (iolerldh. October 12. 11..(1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF THF ES- TATE t)E' ELi7.Afir:'mH BUCHANAN. LATE: OF THE TIIWN- Or GUI)- ER1C11. IN Till: t'I►1'1NTY or 111'- RON. SPiNtrTIAt. I►!r('EAtIEi►. - TAKE NOTICE that all creditors and e1he144 harh,a rams nr tine 11 E111S114•tti Reid's Survey. to the town of Gods I - ' 1926. h la of Sett', nibor. i926. ere 14 -- rich Apply to B. C. M1'NNINGS, 1 ON THE 29TH DAY OF OCTOBER, TAKE Nt)Tlrl !HAT rat k a'( 1..L nano, at the [nock'!! Alam- gmirei (*1 or before the 2Ist day of --Goderich. or JOHN- TORRANCE, I Wet I RC1 I 0'MFORTABi.E. Crich - -{tk. Nat kr. '•t••c'e atul ties •oily yoople dwPTitnrtt t i R rad !neat tons n amt MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORST-ER EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital. anlstest at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Loa - don. Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 2117. At Hotel Ilelfird, I:oderich, on the .•4.•4 141 of third Monday of each un,u t l' till the following day. Tuesday. at 1 pup. at 't o'e10ck p.m.. at tis• council chain- I of the To441. .oder!. I. i:n: ern- retch. for the poops• of heating corn- mentioned solicitor .nit parti(•ellan4 of AOR _!earl-P'f'f+FO C . for the purpose of hearing tom -ion meats or the 4444.111144 of frontage ANI) TIKE Nl'Tlt'F: that after Stich Aetvlyding to all the tnik most pert i p I Vlanl' iwer*.'own Ha11, 1n the Tom' of God- structsd a. a 1 mproi,-u.ent sewer '1!Sint• t,g*Inst the proposed *114.44!- their claims. Clinton. LE(JAL to against tbt' Drnp.ar1 assert <►YLE:T �Tltla:l i(IT\1'F;EX Wil- nlensnrene•u14 mod 44117 other tom• tall memtlnneel drat.• the r44i*Utor will n or the ae•uracy of front.,. ((►N S'fkFE'1' ANL/ 11'ItIGHT plaint which ne-r441'nm inte•rewrtaT tittle proc..d to d144trHmn• the n44eets of the rjRNEBT Y. LEE, sly fed nor tlo.w• in .'1 -Malt Galerich. Alia ort acres o 3 i TREET desire t.. oak.• 111141 which 1s br m w- raid deceased as:on: the pettiest en- Rarrtster and Solicitor Reporter. • } of nn nruretamts and our other cum• i Reenter. {astute land with an -abundance lel t w -I lei sous interested nine I c,4utrahle In the Court.I tided thereto heti[ T regard only to • 10 King street sot. Tomato 2.Tela- �.- 1 r(3Ti mat's--e-town: Terms to suit[ l' 4 1)e __-, _ _ _ _. - - - t imreha*ertk Td. GUM ART. T.E;F;Rr'itX. Olt. 13.-41r.1*asc CLEAVING TOWN. MUST BE SOLD. 31411.440n and clans[ ter' • Marie. from I Brick residence On large lot, 31 it water heating, two toilets and bath. Bunchy. ry tuba, fireplace electric light, hardwood floor.. One location on Brl- The school children -ti(1l enjo two [Sonia road. Enquire at JENNER'8 holidays sAalo, -The er pT be y11'SiC STORE. clol•4l on Thursday and Fray to sl - low the tetteber44 1t. atteed tIl1 ettpyen- tion rn T:61(Ffieh. - There will he no (hutch merrier here 0s 'Sunday Iss4111Seot.the IlnnJs( sorry errrleq. twine held at Nile.--=--= Rev. I.. 4'. White nam lack again to Ids servile here lost 'Sabbath. feeling mutt Metter In health for hl* two weeks' holidays.. He will attend the 1'redlytery meeting at Rayfleid on Tueeday • desire to ma__��k,pp_�a_ni Ac11c1t is try Inc cognisable by'-ehe Court. corporation. T111, •,rets! ref,. Ler foot 1 2, T1IP t •� 1 ..f 'sr wool[ L•_1 121.2.1.. Tr eel ar (:oterk•h-[hitt 111la hones Maln 7793-7794. af...alt44k 41_.1 -k. to. t!e-PalitliF the �-!�j' the maims of whkR h» -shall then ham D •' ' _ _ notice. and that t i•- =aid i=rt•rrtnr------ - t►rf+r#n•r. 1frfF. Dated at (inclerleh this 12th day of frontage is :Mr.(ti etas; The swots! ' L. L. KNOX. 'Cleft. 1 not he Halle for t said newts to any DI I)LEY E. HOLMES (hhober. 1920. a+mies*tn(•nt t! to t.• Itt D1 215 amntn{ person or perMll.• of whose el44ltns Bs relater. Etc. L. L. KNOX. (';eek. '14 )ISN O} (30i1F:R1('•Ii Jlullett. called on hi trrnsin! here (an instalments. la I notice shell not hay,. been rim -eh -ell by Otflce-Ilemliton *tree[, Godericl bland 1 3 the I lifetime t 1 I him or his solicitor at the time of such Phone 27. 0 4.441 1141* • 1 r due o the TAKE 'NOTICE THAT work is 20 years. t dl*tritrntion.• 1 e' t ' 1. The Conneii Of the Cnriwrrntlrnt r R. DARROW. 4. .1 ('ottrt ..f lt.•rlsion wilt he held of the Town ..f G .14'rleh ban ism- f ; . i IMAGER. K. C., BARRISTER. rich, °uteri*. ON TIIE 29TH l'AT OF' (C•TOBBElt. , SOLICITOR. Notary Public aa& strneted 8s it local Improvement sewer Solicitor for the said Reecalar. m 1, 4.' • or 1. • Souttcll chem- on I CGnderich ter. office -Court House. N'iM,(FwiTteN--/MEE?ET HET WEE. i hers. Town Hall, it the Tow,. of God- I *ANTED hearing sum. I iIRIT.IXXL► ROAD AND ELGIN -__ 1\'F \UF sP}:('1 11. 019 1( Al, 4)F'F'I I7 High•gradi vet -filled epeetnettes and eyexla ons with twat fiat 44ph4•rleal "-.ietis(es for buil 14.00. .111 141191 41774 of fraows and tenses at lowest pole.•' Ease examined by our well known ape•lallst, Sir. Hnglison, formerly et' heal export for Kents. Toro11T1I llenr) Morgan & Co.. Montreal. Runt optical work to ire nhtuined tool rt moderate prices. Thur.thy. F'r1 1day. 4October 2t4, 29. Smltb's Art Store, Goderich. For Sale or Rent First-class Brick Resi- dence in 6oderich Modern; 4itTwtar,' ,1113' 1.I:1I1 . Very easily heated, evt•n ill en1)1,•st weather, FiNE LO- CATION on Nilson `t one block West Anpzl 1, :I i1 Church. Apply to Judge Killoran ('nurt 11..11 `iratl(onl Auction Sale of 35 Head of Cattle at R. R. Sloan's Fruit Farm, Goderich Township. at 2 o'dock on Saturday, October 16th CONSISTING OF 3 Milk Cows A Number of Good Steers and Heifers and Some Young Cattle ase bills for all particulars T. GUNDRY & 9ON. Auctioneers R. R. SLOAN, I pro rietors S. R. McMATH, I P TU1\'N OF GODERICH 'f:\K1 N(YTiCE THAT 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Galerkh has tnn- mew st rll(1144 14 iS Ta -%t T 1t6 on 111110N Rill}► itFYI'IVEE:N br.IZA• 11E1'11 3TREPT AND THF. E.I. i,Y TOWN 1IMiTS. 2. The met Of the work Is 14723.74. of which .173:(.18 Is to he paid hr 11w corporation. The spe'ial rote per foot frontage Is 53 (cents. The .p ectal assessment_ la _to. be._pabl:lu-_.20 It44tnlments. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work Is 2e) yen... 4. A Court of Revision will he holo! ON THE 29T11 DAY OF OCTOBER. 1926. at 4 o'clock p.m.. at the 4•nun(•11 4•h44m- here, Town Hall. in the Town of God- erich. for the purpose of hearing COM- plalnts naminct the proposed 114444'4.4• ment44 or 111e accuracy of frontage m.•n44urenn•rlts and any other com- plaint w hleh persons inter4-stist may desire to make and wheel 14 by law taxnlzabie by the (bort. Datil nt God••t1 thin 12th day of (feet ober. 1920. L. L. KNOX. Clerk. BARRISTER. prick, for the pure se of R. ETC TOW)( of OODERiCH TAKE NOTICE. THAT 1. The Connell of the Cnrpnratlnn rat' the Town. 01 0ndwrtr►r he* r rat• t titrttce/I as a Inca[ Improvement sewer on ()CEDE(' STILEF,T HE7'WEF)X WET.- i.iNGTON STREET ANT) WELLES- I.177 STREET. 2. The mit of the work 144 11231.:x0, of whic44 1-11122 Is to b• paid by the eorporetlnn. he spools! rote. 111 fou frontage In 49 rent.. The apeel*I nsawement In to be paid la 20 annual l,I *lmMte. 3. The estimated lifetime of tete' work Is 20 year*. plat11 t is aglltnrt prolkrst *4•444!44. 1 -�yw est Of --tete work to 1.1*47.413. ri1RE:)IEX WANT • is 711 ac grate,' diTriinta4P .,f whlc•I. $329.45 is to be paid by the TIONS will 1 mea 111 rem.•ntr nm any ether loom- c„rLaoratlun. ' The epeiial rate per foot underdgned t° I:I.. - A['PLICA- ..• received by Me 1 aeon. November 2. on the Ood.rkch rawhit �.itd r int n t ► tg1L friontnirr ix 9917 *pests Th f 1 19211, to till a ram,. Fire Brigade. T. F -3f tary Goderich )'Ir.• 1•rpartment. • 1I S1 OK l"OVNi) c• e- epeeist! desire to slake ni,d which Is by low- nes1.isment Is to he paid In _N) annual (nguizal'Ie by the )'Dart. Instalments. Dated at (1aleriee the 12t1, dry (.f 1 3. The estimated lifetime of the (etcher, 10241. 4 week 20cy'vnrtr.-- 1.. I. KNOX. C'erk. I 4. A Court of Reri*lon will ire held ON THE 29T11 DAT Ole OCTOBER, 1 1926. rat e4 weiock p.m.. at the (0nneli chats- , hers. Town Hail. in the Town of God- ' *rich, for the pnrpooe of hearing coal - plaints against the proposed Rowae- ntenls or the 1e•urec•y of frontage meneurenrmts 81111 any other row plaint w1i1:•1. re•rorate Interesteal may tlla((KK STitFFT 'teat... to make and which 1s by law WITT! BRANCH TOWN OF' GOOF:i(1Cli TAKE NOTI('E THAT 1. The Cannell of the Cor}s.rnthm of lh.• Town of );ode ich it I• C,u- ltrtwhri ms a 10c1I ':spror n14'l t *44rer on S'1'ILEI-T4 IN WELLS SURI'F:T HAST EROS[ I:4 NORTH .IND )-041zah14' h,T the C•anrt. NOr'rn. I Dated at Goderich (his 124h tiny rat October. 19211. 2.The coat of ti,,- work EY 91974.21.1 1.. 1.. KNOX, Clerk. of whieh fe4314.Z.! 1. to Ix• paid be the ' corporation. The .•..sepal rate Der foot , frott*ge 1* 33.9 ,„rats. The epeeist 1 *s1.Pssment is to Is. paid In 20 44141171441 ` lne alt*enta. 3. The estlmat,l 1lfetla.e of the work Is 20 years. 4. A (bort of Holston wi 1 1.e held ON 'FIVE 2PTff DAF-rIF nt'TOD}1R, PITBLiC NOTICE Nf Tice 19 HEREBY GiVEN THAT rafter this )late 1 will not he re- •p.nslhle for any debt Incurred by my wife or members of my family. JASPER K IIRiNDLET 1924, (:oderieh. Oct. let. 11►26. *t 9 n'eln(ek h111.. rat Ole eonoMl (Ilam- I MTS. Tnwa Hall. In she Town of (10x1• erkeh. for the perms! Of hearing eom- plalnta agnlnst t • 'rap'«•.i *.*ess- menta or the *'ttttpry of frontage tnea*uretawtt* and lay other coon - plaint whist iK Iaterreted may d,.lr to make sad 1. Is by law tv►galsablc• be the Cajge. Dated 1r floderiel�t* 11th )lay of (lrtoteei', 1926. • L. 1,.IgNOX, Clerk. STRAYED HEIFER AWrf;AT. -- RTRAT111D from the premlwea of Robert Hen- ry *halt the 19th of Monist a awl hei- fer with white head. coming two pear - old, Any peo*on knowing of her whereabouts please phone ROBERT HENRY, Dungannon. 70-r-1. R. R. No. 7, Locknow. 2t F• R. DARROW. • Sutreeme 40-i.-L-1Diiuean. Phone 97. ORiee-The Ronan.. Goderleb. COt'ND.-+A Si'1I 4)F Mt)NI& Ape as ply at THE S14.' I.L omen FOUND.'1 A 5111'.\SE, BF:TW EN Port Albert 1441.1 Kina'sbridge. aeT- erat week's ago. •t .1 t)'('ONN(►R, R. R. 8. Goderich. '1elep hobs Dungan- non 53r0. It TO RENT Maps & 'Maps BAIIINTIR., ET(•. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS ,a., H.A. Hamilton St.. Golericn LNSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. McKiLLOP MUTUAL FIRM IN- SURANCE CO. -Farm and Iso- lated town property Insured. To RENT. - SEVEN -ROOM ED Officers -Jas. Connolly, Pres„ 0od. A house on St. George's Crescent. retch P. 0.; las. Evans, Vice -Pram. Suitable for amid! family. Apply Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. HURON INVESTMENTS. LTD. p Rec.-Treas., Seaforth P. 0. HOtTRE FOR RENT. -FIVE -ROOM u frame hone.; has electricity and water inside. Rent 16.00 per month. Apply 111(8. FINi,AY/ION, South street. 2t HOUSE TO RIINT. - CORNER Routh street wild Elgin avenue. Furn*ce, hot water heating, modern- eonvenleneea. Plc 'Ho light.. eft. Apply to MRS. JAMES STPIWART on the preml44e01. 21 F('RNiRHED 1101'4F, To RENT- Seven tons*: modern conveni- ences; hot alt furnne'•. ()n Trafaltr*r erget. Appy MHO( - M. 1i1Dh1.F,- TON. '1t1M.e 196• 1t Directors -A. Broadfoot, 11. R. No. 8, Seaforth; John 0. Grieve. Net 4. Walton; William Rlne, R. R. Ne, 2. Seaforth: John Rennewlee, Brod hagen; Geo. McCartney, R. R. Ns. 111. Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Harloet: Murrey Gibson, Brncefleld ; Jaime Evans. Beechwood; Jamas Connolly. Goderich. Agents --J. W. Too, 0oderieb i Alex. Leitch. R. R. No. 1, Cllntos 1 John Murray, Neafortb ; E. Hinehtuy. Seaforth. Polley -holders can make all payments and get their cards reeetpt- 1d at R. J. iferrith's Clothing Stets. CRntoe ; R. R. Cat's Grocery, Elam otos street. God411(41, tor J. R. EAk to General &tors, FJay*eld.