HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-10-14, Page 7"-Tee
7t„ t e'CT",7.
County and District
Sleet art ('udmore. a papal of `S. S. ''Klmhrner. Rev. lir. Petrie ottklating.
•No. 2, Titekerstaith, fell from a "tee- Mr. and lire. Woltl.eufer will reslek• at
ter" oa which he Alla playlag In the . Kitchener, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
sclend yard and broke both bone' in The death 1,4•e1rred suddenly lust
ante of hilt aroma. I Tl.nrselay "'"n114 of MIsd 1141sT Compound Is a Great Friend—
A pone nq u't-tn healer'of -Hee t due• 'L"wl t -'' • Yr. au't - -'a It Stops Pain and Restores Healthjaw, MakVoIw, recentlyaplr,tuted Pra.nk n uo. 1•:rssaut valley, `Hilt
Minister of Trade and t'elinweree for was taker leek the eventing lx•fore.
(`auada. la to be 6/141 at Khurardlur tea ' II u1 Dr. Relweat•i arta lanced. but due,
Friday evening of tide week. Ing the night site peered away. Site
was tweutY.,ne' "" of age.
The large barn and sheia on the 1t•lugham fall fair had a record st-
earin of George Bell, 7th concession of ,,.tuluu,w Ott Frhlay. over rid)W pecrpdti
Tucker rlth, were burn/ early Salm, ' I,u•rh.1 thnuagh th. gatrn 'rhe Hen -
day ueeornh,g. (k tulx•r roto (;rxin, ele•t..' t1 Kittle lanai. of Iuudon. took lie down with it. I heard some of the
hay. Implement' and about 150 hone girt In the preat:ruu. There was an gtrls talking about Lydia E. P'
were destroyed. There was only a e„ ham's Vegetable Compound, and they
y exfe•1!Yttt rluowlpg f hurRtt soot cattle. told me to tryit. I have taken abo)Zt •
small luwrantr. a - .. w se n t of it and it has de;ge
The marriage took pace at the !t lStZt- €4 'f neverhavttany
•rt Ll'('ti.\OW `' me a lot u
manse. BretWroxeter.oft Set *tailx•r Binh. pains or sore back ndtf, and have not
Win. Ahrret J.. oro ite•'t daughter J.8n•r of -- been off from work a day since 1 have
Abraham.•Turul«eery. to J. •Greer The n.enMetlle hudneaa whkn'has taken it. I recommend the Vegeta.
Wylie. of the name tea -undo. flee. dart: vendor -red It. Lueknow for Mame hien it. 1 rd I the D. Armstrong uftclat.el. Mr. awl Mrs, years by Robert ite•wu will hereafter ble Compound
nd whens Rola, have Howie
Wylie will make thele home in Turn- be kue;tca na the Walker stare and poAvenue, Toronto, Ontario. 4
"The Advice of a Friend"
tier of eeatortb. ler". nnet Moo. Mt•reet is gown Or Itii1IN.
Potation un the 1 � r a f aationatltT
will .reside at lfliwleur, .
Mips Margaret lta,ers tui+ token n, pate t' Mta1--W
P-'"11141. oke stdtY.
Wit Reid ' where1 has a p--.;:01, iu Ni 1.n n' Where did they spring trout, soot ■Fresh stock of SheriJiPu Jelly Powders just in, 3
11 R Ii has t
r r
u ra
1 'y British Empire*. • 1. e generation, away
Thursday, ()clutter 14, Ha'U.-'r
in»1.rr■ sman tannas■■B>�■asstinlrm*
k►r 111(
►ar wkrn' Mt In the mists of tame.
1lirgoodpoo King Cseotge design, given III
1►r. M. Bunke N, ...qt. sof Hawilu,u; they have been handed down (Wm � 25c. A )Cas n:
.' tion to many of11 with every 25c worth.
gave .. •• 1 e► thew without a name,
House on•Thurada; eveufntt under the unmlstakahle character t a Another shipment of our speetal Black Tea to hetet, only a
at of the Au Ile•ait In Their Melodic eonatrueUon, that ■ 59c a �, , try a pound,• it is a Winner.
.„4,,,.,„., r.thud . ha=
ahun'h. •There w:: :t •+— t� rr� ,tu ,ce. oho e. runt our i'n. t tient-Coffee- dean fresh with your
'---•--•� t "Ireland wu : ..re rr. Fu•• �•r ee,arw• to soli file trade.
ac ry fury parted the mists from my work every time 1 was sick. • • urned froom bre xl Int on
a ranee,with the
iitww Windows, 11 l fere uu lt peri o but with
•tam t -aa iriah, '
Many t thein are very old. J
Toronto, Ontario. - "1 work in a - ate Cormack says that
factory and 1 would have to get away
$LITH _ singing when the tint breath of hit
F nest Seedless Raisins, ISt Mr lb.
..-- 1 t■ about her . t
The dragging -down pans and cramps Earl Spofford ! tet f or coasts," not she has 11 31Y k
bbaa h b i Q 1�'• the hills
oa» ,
back was • Cleceluud, where s 014'1'1."1 e aft r e, iiuioug
were very d, but my
terrible. It hurt sothat 1 couldn't aev.•rat monismmonism •, the ca le, and the quiet cabin, be-
el berry. - wilt he ennducted hr 4. S. Wigs, who
i Jolm Smit. of Hewsall. hada ,niaup "Inc' front °Mita Mr. Brown Is re -Hanover, Ontario. -"l was terribly
( Alineas.isttug at the threeLing 4111t11e tirint frem brains' der the pruseut• aired and a few odd tinea 1 almost he ran his Turd coupe into an engine At the rectory. Lnrknow. on Setae- p1 gin a familiar frlebd of the ca tars.
farm of A. Ibrw4IIWe, London red. A fainted. 1 used W do housework un- _lLLt-ihe C.P.R. eroNao one evenlug re- A feature of many old folk songs
pulley flew• of and strikhit 'dui in- day, Geuther 2nd. ate marriage watt til a few months ago and sometimes
solemutzed Of Fba.-nor. daughter of I had to leave my work andgo to bed. iently. M. Jobe' ,.:. was returning is the great compass of voice that is
fileted ,t deep cash , his Its/. Medd• to lttyth from the t • rth and Olt reach- required to sing them, the range of -
the late Mr. and VK. Henry Cooke .if I am now a mender k the knitting- lag the errardnL
cal t !ATI ile. was itte fo rg and Mr.me.1 • was watching n ten extends to two octaves, or more,
of -
Suitt wird 1'• laid aside for sine time. tow. •,w_ .1u Tyler, of T. ler mill. I Periods
d8be or six years from
_ tow. sou of the 1.,'F It eery Tiler palatal periods before I took Lydia }Yretght firelight -twin and '" ^ttrc rum rota of -which taxes the singer to the utmost.
• ..AL.Lbi: t'•" �•ll.i ' ou SelNwel'er}.�- t HSaeravllle.. Oat, Ret Freeman #_ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound the cruu•tug and t not melee our and demands complete cotrol of the
20th, Rev. it. .t. i,mtatty pe•rferamvi the i Traaery e,t,,e,.t1L The_ happy _srluptl by the advice of • friend. I got re- :.tk'r euglne cowrie:: from the west. upper register of the volae. How
marriage errv•wony uniting Mini 'Rita left on a trip to l ltie•ago.•Kensue ('Ity~ lief almost inmmediately, and I tell He erashwl tate-ate 7de 0tthe-minirru-did the bards of lonL'_ake_tnaoage
(allele Hartle, younger daughter of and Fil)te'rsVHle, and on their return my friends what a good medicine it with sun•h force that the cont■• was. this? Voice production and 'breath -
Won ('ulcer is. You ma use this testimonial if buckled up end c• n,ptetely wrecked. control, as we understand them to -
if Mr. -Johnston bud..r., -Fibs---r»ket<. that each . inge�own. 1d t1* probable
was sereerrly ('!4 t" glass and w'e'e suit his own voice and ended theme
badly shaken np end bruised. Die
•pe from. death wile almost a nor- embellishments to the song he tang:
ole which is characteristic ot all early
}•sant n..uea,• soh , yon. �r:•fofolk songs.
rr1Y t"
Pinned on the ,,+rated conceit/don /ram "J -.rim tkreP
4 -the l,4trJe.It aea.aat. W the. huuudatc, jeirwl In au autom.,:,,h, accident two classes. Weeping music, which tr
f A quiet w•wldlne nook place at the }�w'ke nge1: is retvv,•rin astjefaetnrlly. sung at the Caolne (Keen). The
home of the bride's nuts Nr. erxl The choir of Queen -street church. cao-Iners, or mourners, and those
rain which Irrpt►n t., tall heavily Bur- Mrs. J. Genus. Adrian, Mkh., when with a number of the• young people of who alt round the dead -body, and
lug the aliens+on. but at( a • large the church. met at he home of Miss slag, or "keen" for hours, and many
crowd had 'nme rhreaatf the gates tie- ,Mrs.
daughter. Warren. became the Pearl 4)Idley and pn•-cried one of the Irish serge have a peculiar wall suit-
' the /yin tell the .lock Y will not lddr of FrwlrrlJ. \tieseloh' only ••heir members. Harry. Baker. with 1' ed to such mournful occaelonr.
he at a lueA tisanelallp, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Waw'loh • tiruntain pen. Ur linker, who hits Laughing music is another kind of
of Zurich* 1 on the opted' of the Bank of ('om- Irish song. There are generally heard
Mt. and Nn. vni iilrlwr, jr.. lett 1>t'e•t
;last weak fir a motor tri to the State -" men* Isere. 1s ttans'errw! to Princeton at dances. The rhythm 1s lively and
At the Mem . Perry Me. ? ""fr- EXETER 1 as teller. is sung in a spirited manner and ae-
Lea w +t e f Ilelgrare iPhih• pit• of 1"IrtU,la, and If t!tey like raondltlo0rt '
!tore they will probably remain
itrs. A. S. Rae ,.1. who recently FlilJ€ t talc Lav Iwa a sun
underwent a seri. operation 1, the if music waste �tetu' the
hospital at Londe! returned blouse air they breathed. The lrldh claim
and 1, greatly lint. e,'el. that their teachers of music held the
('art $4:6111 VOW ,%11.0 had been rhe highest rank as such in many parts ('1
played us a hart • in i:e«h'rte•It. is England
he art GI thed yearr teacher 9
uiteuing up +( ah"' ++t the, 11e Mllluu an old established profession In Isa-
Some Tasty Lines for Picnics , - ■
■ hfeat•wieh Spread, • Sandwich Spree. Olive Butter.
■ Peanut Butter. Salmon. Satdiuea.
l'ioklea, Olives ntid at►t't•e bt all kinds,
Igmonadr• 1►rattpteeade, Raspberry Syrup, Cherry Syrup auul
Orange' "yrup for drinks.
A good assortment of Fancy Cakes always or hand �� ;
Just geeeiveel a fresh shipment of Picnic Platte.,.
Vegetables rued fruits, fresh from the garden, always on hand.
Goods derive red to any part of the town. •
t,. r
•,ei �
• J. J. McE
Phone 46 •
South Side of Square M
';k land. The chief Instruments taught
• i,� has dK+rn ergo"art'
rr 1
In the !umbering I•usitieas- at Reeks" Instruments have changed a good ydealutulu Howe, .Uis rig. ie ap.ef,ding ' ileal t 1a a
some tittle with hi- •.rother suet i:ikeer
herr: ' by the piano and violin, but to the
F Me M111an, w s e l the harp,and the bagpipe Both
their or n condition,
and have beau practically supereeded
Wm. Johnston ha a close call when country distrtets the bagpipe is still 1
Harper ltay` Steellers. of Morris town-
ship. Mr. snot Mrs. fullers will re-
side on the 2nd eteieeeninu of Morrill.
Robert Steele. who for many years
enntlae•tted s blackeanith business at
AwM•ries. is removing with hie wits
rind -weer-14*-D tre.tte-+view-llwf-xaUl----,
reside In future. Prior to their dP The /hurt h tall fa r was 'spoiled hr
partere they were honored by a large
gathering of uelghburs and friends.
who presented sn addreex and a gen-
erous parse.
An acelelent which 'might easily
bare proved more sellout; than It did
occurred during the threshing ane day
True village cowbell ,le offering a Po like, it will help others. -
prlxe• "1 al for the hot -slogan- for Miss J. PEARSON, Victoria Street.
situs to be enacted at the entrances to Hanover, Ontario. C
the village•
n. P t
flan up laMl`ele to Bald t3. wrsw twos . The tnwn'eht rose superintendent Meso Hillary Horton, who receatiy i CHILDREN LIKE
me'O. AIM rr t`emisfo and J. E. l from p.. De CHILDRE Lear
lam. had the misfortune to tall from has ermjdet,rl the s,,t1g of improving uuei.erwebt an . operation in �"Mtoria
the tem tot the tarn floor. Both re- the Bronson ilne fro& the Zurich road loveplta. b ulin, Is making a good re- BAB
h Blake. h cornerat serer//
e lee a bad shaking up and hrulses, q Bort tu, s e, e•v,-.q c t t•
I Blake. whi••Ii w of terrier attention The Exeter ('enMne Co. is finishing ,
when e M have
also had the mite later. This week work is being the IArgest peek of Born In Iia !theory.
fortune to have one e.1 1415 wrists The 4 mpenT• had over 4)111 sere" 0)11'1 Because They Are Tasteless and
- brnkpn and It will Ire anise trine baro
be edit be able IC do too .worts,_
companled by any instrument that
;;, :. Is available. The 'round of music
with a strong rhythmic accent ap-
peals with great force to the Irish
peasant. Their feeling for rhythm
appears to be inherent. They can't
keep their feet still when music of
this class 1s being played, and it is
said that an Irish peasant will gladly
take down his cottage door. so that
he may hear the tap of the Leet as
the fiddler plays his inspiring notes.
Sleeping must Is another eters of
Irish music which consists of those
low, crooning. plaintive airs, that one
associates with the cradle, and which
has sung a popular appeal to all 1
classes. These tunes vary greatly ac- I
cording to the district in which they
are sung. A tune sung In Killarney
ars perfectly safe they contain n" would sound very dlUoren*. in Ath-
lone, the principle &totes would be
fh� w of s& Ayr .nue -----n au*Eranon t r•- - - oilret_ the sante, but the varlattoga, or
! t: t.. -w" fnlne e.
— year and the erop watt a good one. Are Easy to Take
W. E. AIlw..rth, who left last week 1
A building In the business ae•ctloa of to take top missionary work in Ws- ,
Dublin. belonging to Mn. Mary Car- WHOP a kart-hewn/1. wits pre•eentel prior to his 4011.• of the atronte..t points in favor
' pester. was de•ntroyet by fire early 5l departure with an addr.-se and a, Bible }o1 aur medicine for childrenice that it
i- is so •agreeable that the mother does
Wednesday morning of last week. The ws�stcua � from the Young People's Society of { not Lar to force ir-down the little
building. completingdr,' a Askeiatorp. bar: 4's'-'- Main street United ehureh, of whichP
ter shop and /eNote'*/, went • np In he was president I one'• throat.
dames gnk•kly: Mrs. Carpenter and her • Batry-'s Own Tablo•ts lore no drug
oUT oma •°
son. Walter. raring scene difficulty in
taste. may be crusher. to a powder if
escaping in their night attire. The - r+" "s 'semi �* ''^•*°7'*'t desired. and' babies like them. They
Sr* brigades from Mitchell and Sea. A _are fort
forth 'related In cherkfng the blase.
--The- contents= --orf- }T h t' - entaIdlaf--- - ---
I t-_-wtete-the 'rLe ik+R f -a flan.' -a
-__._waneBestowed- destyed. The.thte started from ---
tbat. bake•overa. J:. ac. Karr Ix e n t f uta r. atm M s
_._X TMh1rtF to he n 'pride larptlre and a
WLNGHAM rte. Maw ended In dent!: So a meant mother, Mr.. Clara MontRemi ll of room. safe rented? 1'..r "mnrb dlerrders In
e rte°" T'^ i Canadian investigation showed- deet,./ to gulag to Montreal. where they
r shlldr-en sour little boy had been
♦t the mann. .,f Sr. Ar.otrd•w's Pries. Thele were c.ut cases of lntoof ty. wdOii tTneerlaty morning. October Aft. at • given hermit e-athartfen )tut these tab-
diseasees - of consumption - of ty , lets worked more efevttlye•ly without
tl'Cr fbytertaa rhur•it. on Wrdnrwtat•. Sep-' phold.. They were els,: where a Et. Paul's r„ttr•h. the ttrdd.ng }1ok the s.crrr griping 1 can 1' without
tember 211th. Pala M.; eldest daughter t person had sustained some slight place of Marlon ie,ulter, younteet them to all mothers of little Children:'
Tom of Yr. noel Mrs. flannel Nrlturnay. injury -o cut. a burn, a wire -prick daughter of air. snot Mrs. H. J. Hibbs. Baby's Own mothers
is are sold by
was united In marriage to R. 4e:reg.) -and where the wound, being to thordon Leroy Hall. n-uunger.aon yf medicine dealers or by mill at Z"r
Shied, 8(048 01 Mr. .and Mix Imbert thought not serious enough for care, Mr. and Mix i;. E. Hall. The cern•- cents_ sa _finx front The Dr. Williams'
Shiest!. -- - ' cul treatment, had Deer neglected.' ninny was Iwrformrd Icy Rev. L. 4': - iia
mood -poisoning 1 Meik'tne-tet., lire•kvflie (Mt. •
Mr. and Nes. J. A. Brandon and Mr. fsoeing and death rssultsd. HarriM,n� -1'iie roimtt won t1r will re -
Mrs .-j.., , Wl ._yon ar your children sus side In • Clinton. the aro ' ►/clap on
r' turned frith a motor trip to Wegern tato any Injury, ensure against In. the staff of The News-Remnl, Whit► br tin` yatt ever rarrme n
Canada. ' faction by applyitit Zan lfuk. T6ls At St. Paul's church or Saturday, good golfer, the language will slwaye
°reeler 2nol. Rey. 1-. ('. Harrison I come in handy Can yon are changing
Whet; Rey Mri wwt was drlctnt it balm soothes the pain• stops bleed -
car on the highway eolith of Wins lag. and by destroyint all germs snlrmuirsel the marriage of f.etitia i a tire. -Sault Star.
hamt one night recently. he turned to presentsblood-pofsoning.etc. Hence Family elder daughter o'' Mr. and '
...7 speak to his a ouppanl"U. Geo. ltoy.i no time need be lost from work or
6na and ill dolnit an lstll.'.I the Onto over pleasure by the who ms Zara-Buk.
the Mlle of the read. where it turned Alt dealers. 110e. box.
over.- Mrlsrers ire and hand WPM.
Mr. end Mee. W T. O'Neil have left opiate or narcotic. 'they sweetestthe
_l- . Mr. and Sim IL J. Ru Myali•tand it•T. aayr�: -�} hate• fomtd Baby'; t)wt►
Injured. but otherwise no serious h.
jury was dhne.
At the heit4 let iter. -Helen Nrdtk's.
Wtngsani. her niece. Mary iaalwl 1Vat-
-__ann. of Waterloo -4M - npiteed fn mar-
rlage to Norman J. n'ettlauFer. oT i
Make Money
Nen or wofliefrogent Irontrrito tali• orrl"ra-ior- aitrActiee:
exclusive line of up-to-date Christmas cards. Very liberal
commission means good earnings for workers.
belle to.4iay io - __
A. Talbot & Company`”"
382 Clarence St. LONDON, ONT.
Mrs. Rniwet Hunter. to Albert Vinton At Oxford there is a.school nfifth
Lona•ks. eldest son of Mra. Lnttekstand trains public tp,•akers to withstand
the A. e'- townies atf I v. true terrors of he; idling.. The hecklers
got tttflt way wet tat � srbo
.Fri g.
The y,.nhr couple will rashle on the 1; any
grower It farm mor ingol.lxity. -Hamilton $pe''ator.
The Clinton ''•hoot /811' took place
�f —
well the, deoft letrfet. i'a,
on Monday and Tt
x lirural'sth Clintoni hele* whore.
nrrnnhllr srhonl.
' estittilta were ,ice.. -
anti much Interest was taken to the
carious cnmpttitlont,
Joaet.t, Plewa. a former resident of
this district toed ri'teently at Mooao-
min. Seek.. In hie Mxts'-fifth year.
Mrs. J. (Vise. of (Nslerfeh. and sirs.
!Art Siong. of (Tinton. are sisters of
the deceased.
Students May Enter at Any Time
Why Not Attend the School that Has the
Highly Qualified Stiff?
The only School that teaches real Practical Business
Training from start to finish.
Where high School Students and Teachers are taught
specialized expert training in Business Administrstinn and
Secretarial Science and ire sumo( a good position, rapid Pro-
motion.and bit income.
Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General
Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teacher's
Course and Special Courses Arranged
For full information write to
B. F. WARD, B.A.,
Phone 198
John Follnn.1. for over fifty year•
a._rewldeat of S, aforth died here on
September Y1th. nt the age of eighty-
four year'. He war a native of Deo•
onehire. England). OOP son, William
_T7iTiartit: "tart amt= rtanlMtcr: -titre fF-1.-_
Rooney. !soh of Cleveland. eurtive.
M1:'s ('Mr•i1R Margaret l'nre•ell. eid-
er dnrtgtrter of Mr. and Mrs: John Poe --
ern. of Seesf,rrth, was married at De-
fmit on September 29th to ,tib, -rt Jo-
septi ('Rourke of that city. The young
couple will reside et Detroit.
'rt people of Seaforth were
startled be the midden and unexpected
I denth of Michael Broderick. which ex••
curet at midnight Tneselay of last
work. after an Mures of three dept.
The dfecetmed was born at. Hamilton
sisay-three rears ago. being a son of
the late John Broderick. for halta-
ecntnry one of Mitebell's moat
prominent rerddents. He came 10 Sew
forth in If'93 and /opened n harness
business which he bad conducted ever
since. He was a prominent figure in
the public life of the oomalinily,
aercing for a• number of years on the
town eenttnell and for two terms es
Mayor. He seerved alar ne the 'gelignite
school and Collegiate hoard.. was
the promoter and an official of
the Turf AeeoeIation. wee secretary
of the Seaforth Agrlcnitoral Society
for a number of years, and was an
netivt nupporte'r of the oonaet vative
party. He Is survived by his wife end
one son. John.
On Saturday, October tat at the
home of Mr. and Kw Kenneth Pertn-
e„n, Tbon41011. Ont., Emily. dsusht •r of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plant, of Toronto.
heeetne the bride of Dr. Edward n.
Merner, tats of Mr. sad Mrs. J. J. Mer -
8. 1 .
Mur MI
adornments that are ntways added,
frequently obscurer tree -=teal- tune 10
such an extent that ft Is only by lis-
tening attentively that the sign itarfty
is detected.
Many Irish folk so gs have been
Incorporated in °penis, and other
works. Handel hat, ad Irish Jtg, to
"Ade and Galatea.
wrote a fantasia on Irish Tunes..
Beethoven and Haydn used them, and
iretand bas produced her awn big.
men, In Field, William Wallace, 1i1-
chael Bette, and coning dowp to more'
modern times In /such men as Stan-
ford Victor Herbert and Hamilton
MKT, nbf ToTdtger Dr. Annto Pat-
' tarso'' of Cork, who is said to be
the first woman to pass her examin-
ation as a doctor of music.
COAL nix
Empire Anthracite --
sew. elan A ear put is.
Pocahontas 4 -inch Lump
A first -clear fuel for „t,sves
and furnaces.
Let us supply your wants in Fuel.
Prompt service and reasonable
Telephone 178 j
Marine and General Wiring
Electric Stumm-Electric Washers
Fittings of all kissds.
Pbsese 174w Dederick
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by E:eetricity
Iron by Electricity
We guarana/ our tlydr. lamps
_.. - Tor l.drfbours taw•.
The "Princess Pat"
Quebec • K
Cook Stove
his the outstanding
value in stoves
4 this year
Blackstone's Furniture
on the Broadway of Goderich
North side of Square (.oderieh
Spongea and Snapping Shrimp. I -
Whole colonies of the tiny nnaQping - :-. --
shrimp. Alpheus. were foun.d by • -
noted scientist, Inhabiting the canals Read The ',i0n.►1'a (lassifled Ctams
' of sponges la -tropical waters. These
' gregarious shrimps, he discovered,
swim freely about. but always re-
turn to the individual sponge which
, 1s their hive -like home. Numerous
other forms were aJso found to use
these subway paffageg as a haven -of
refuge at the approach of danger.
One sponge -hive with Its homing-
shrimps was secured and placed in
i an aquarium aboard ship, where the
1 Colony continued to flourish. This
discovery makes known another of
nature's queer liertnerahtps; for the
sponge which the shrimps use as a
home N Itself a marine at tho"gh it ■ponds Iia adult liteal, fl:edel-
to the rocks In one place, like a
plant, and the .canals which shelter
the shrimps are the many mouths
th.vuah which --the sponse .
"After a lone and weary iilneas,
Caused by had I►igeatton, and after
baying tried al'. kinds of remedies,
1 decided to 1 oke "Fruit -a -twee',
and after thre. weeks' treatment,
felt great re 1d, To -der.. 1 nm
lis perfect heal;!, and nm proud to
My that the r,,+alt is attribut.b.e
tis "Fruit-a•tite which i re -em -
Mend very sire eerely. Mme
Ma, 27 27 Rivet `t , Montreal:'
1f you have poor Tligeetion e•
Pain after F.^tingR try "Fruit-a-
U,es;' the won,' cal fruit med'rine.
"Fruit -a -flew" •- nature's own rem -
.41y — the intensified �u1rs• of
apples, orange-- figs an prunes,
combined with voice. it will sive
you welcome and quick relict
Pc. we 50e. a bears, all details.
Door Key Lore..
Most of ua, when we use aTatchkey
In entering $ house, have no thought
of the historical signtfcance of the
action. Yet the Welker us k sym-
bolism entirely Its own. Examine the
images ot the Egyptian deities In the
British Museum and you will notice
in the hands of some of thea) a crop
With a etrcular handle. It represents
the Ankh, or key of life, one of the
oldest of all religious symbols, de-
noting the .power to open and close
the doors to heaven. The key had a
magical meaning for the Greeks apd
Romans. Their gods were often giv-
en the title of Keybearer, as, for
example] Janus, the find of gates,
who etas suppeyed to unlock the
doors of war and peace. in early
i'hrlstfan history the symbol of the
key was associated with St. Peter,
with hie two keys of gold and iron.
A Left -Legged People,
A writer of a letter to the London
Spectator says: "We are right -
banded but we are left -legged. This
to the reason why e*MlerFbeypin their
mar hes with the lett toot, why the
lent foot 1* placed fn the etlrrup when
mounting a horse, and why the atop
of a blryrle Is on the lett side. Our
left leggedness 1s the origin of the
almost un1 1 cuatom of toppling
to the right la walking; thn left lag
t )••Ing stronger than the tlgbt. the
' ter(ency to go to the right Y the
' tiatarai reran."
Brophey Bros.
Peden; carefully *1 fi%ueted to
at all hotrs, night or ilay
!rushing '
Give us a trial and
let our work speak
t for itself.
Telephone 187 Gedseli
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly attended to
day ,or night .---.
Store Rii Realdenee 355w
Hamilton Street, Godertch
BROCK Sorest P O. Box sQl
Shingles :d
Shingles. Car of N. B. Shingles
Just arrived. Johns -Manville
Asbestos Moiled Roof-
ing, Asbestos Roof Covering,
Galvanised Ridgerow Valls, ass.
-Get Priers Before Voss B.
East St. Phone 369W
— ry '
— o�r — i
Matey-l-laft; s Ma- :11nery Frost Fencing
Toots p Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies
Faint Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont.
--- — 4,i411/6mr/.,
McCtlraiick-Deering Farm Equipment
—1T177dt :, , i?1 if you-Tdvpttre arty new Farm fiquipmeto r-Og-
8.h1 ,s}R Al -o ,e gond ellen. tatpply of
R^p' e�4tp a•
,_..s v ►lite Lead and Tarps
11 td 1111
a... The Service Store