HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-10-14, Page 64•
t R0
tt�re, za+,
Q -Thursday. :!dobe, 14.
. it.. -r•.,.
Wall Paper
Charming are the color-
ings of the Wall Paper we
are offering in roorrl lots
done up in bundles at ex-
ceptionally low prices.
See Our window Display
Our Optical Department
is at your service at all times.
Glasses from 03.00 up.
Cole's Book Store
'3ucet1mor t0 Porter's
l'enttstn Witnessed to Thousands of
Itruamis. OM1. 7.- '1'lu• Ielowlutl match'
heid at \Yrltogtu,l;>;ty b)' ttu' iiun,
Couutp Plow ktX -1TI,eipn - w*- nt" -
wonderful xu,•t' S. oyer 4,0at iu•'
Iere,ted eytt+•tato* bt-hnt lu attt•nd-
farms of re Wert. Mre Mrs. Murray reawl e1Adam
Shtlttict•, and wart- keenly allot d.
'1'weutc teams( ounlike'sl• nolle there
were six tractus in the trdetor claxse•a.
yams, ictiunooLllill. was,
the to k'keut judge.
Alex. McKereber. referee ry
Iw` +u
plowman. wua Mit a l It
plowman ou the ground.. hot winner
of several prizes, including the open
si*t ial dtuatttl 11) the tbdlert $IWI
asst 1'.. 11r. McKe-srM at !Instaror
high cat and first for
this elate, Robert Doig. Seafe.rth.
second for high eat and first, for itt•rt
finish: Alec. Ittuese•:>. third for high
Other results war.•: •
(lateral purpose. free-for-all in 'te1
-l. flet.. Mrlhtaald. llolhswnrth. who
was also nrie for the hest crown tee
this class: 2. J.lu+ l.sidhny. Myth.
also tlrt4 her beet Hnisl'. a sears ---1.
bpurpose, betters! puose, teen 19-25
Vert urminavay,tireF. towu,h who
Wait. also drat for ts•st ,•row'o
for beat shish • (whaler of the siker
cap sksnettr4-W' tbe Canadian Bank of
(tomraoree for title class,: 2. F. Hay-
den. M,tlrtworth : 3.trete MitehdL_
M01eawort h.
I Hon.. 1H to 19 years -1. t'IifTerd
i Median, ('reabreok; 2. W. J. Iie•ttuts.
' Walton. who was tlr-t for hest crown
.,•%" is 4..1. -
Canada's New Governor-General Arrives
,., ,..cs•'••
Theses -t sad Lady w•nuwste-..
(1) lrmprese •t heatlaaa. N "Web
the sew Governer -Demers. matted
liar Cmaaea•
Lord Willingdon. recently appoint-
ed Governor-General of Canada a
t0 succeed Lord Bing. received
hearty welcome to Canadian shores
at Quebec City, where he and lady
Willingdon arrived at the beginning
Mena R. Waite. Secretary
Shawnee. Okla., Board of
Dos coerce•
I Rorie antler 141-(114 sudAt:c•t-1. John
I Kelly. Morris township. filet thiel for
Rf hest crown: 2,, Roe, ttsrliff. who was
first for beet erowu: :1. Perry Smith.
, $.'afortl.. Whit ens Snead for test
crown : 4, tliford Hswett. iAyth.
Slagle -.hiving plop =1. Albert 1.y -
'Matti Rla_th. who t:ts third for test
THAT • city daoatd he welt lighted , crown: 2. Win. Spelt-. Morris town-
-oat only the atrt4.tt, but buslnres 1 ship: 3. Robt. Y,•Mlurray. Belgrave.
!sonans se well. w'bo was Arst for less: finish; 4, Rata.
1 laic bigot and exterior )icliurray. ltelgttety.•.
THAT ere
sighting of business houew at/"'vs in-Tractorcines+--1. t:•trdou MI4 isrin,
crease business.nolo wax Hat for 4e -a croute at..4 tin-
TkIAT better lighting is alluring'lab. and winner e►f the Masss•y•Harris
It not only attract* new cu,domert to and mai.„. xpPciab: _'. Sylvester FOX.
well-fightetl falsities* houses. Lett when Hrnsarla: 3, Rdwarl Rolland. Walton'
a city is well lighted It Isakes 4. Lawrence Ryan. Walton. •
attractive to new llntattrioe, to tn' i The 'onngrat p .wmtn Ran:1'ltte
vestorx. sod houtes•eker1. ford How. -rt, agent thirteen. He' was
THAT rhea hotter a city is Iighlett the I the w luso•, of the T. Eaton Co. q.w•lal.
more it will attract favorable *Steil The best ft•alli on the grounds w'as
tion tenni the outside world.own d by Wta. Mitchell. Molr.worth.
The Netter at city. i., lighted its' world...,,,,, The prize list totaled t~t:,er. and obis
ter its civic pride. did nits include gx.•ial-. .\ e01l,ettt11
The ia•ttee a cky ix lighted the. more i taken up l thee.. _irk to help d«frac
prsalprrona i etlwtetes of the mat.•11 netted *4a.
prosperous It will lark. AfollirmeilliMMORIO
100k does: much lu aid a chit pr"gra'l'rt•stdetp R. 1. McIbeia1d, ('rat.-
,ar -' The better n stove Is lighted the bet- i brook. and Seer. -tar‘ 1.. 1:. C,tIr,liff.
_.... ter it will be known itri e+Pls. were ru.i•a,xibis• for tits 1
liner Empress of deodand. They
proceeded to Rideau Hall. Ottawa,
the official residence of the King's
representative in Canada. The news
of the appointment of Lord Willing -
don to the highest representative
post in Canada has been
enin accorded
wldePpread approval bothCanada
and in the Mother Country. and his
arrival to ('attadlan shores has been
greatly anticlpat:'d. liThat this an-
tlelpatton hat been mutual was con-
firmed by Lord Willingdon in an in-
terview with the Press on board the
Rmpretits of Scotland, just prior to
her departure for Canada.
"My experiences in Canada in
ear:itr years were exceedingly pleas -
DM. and I am looking forward with
very ranch pleasure to my stay In
4'anads' " Lord Wllltatttdon stated.
"I understand that a great part of
the governor-Ret.eral's duties 1s to
set about the Ilominion and see the
RF:TT}Ad I.Itd1Jns(; iS' .A (147015 great sueress of ihr• ,'flair.
IttlotINErls. IT iDRiNIIS . iHV1- I Different in His (vase ;II
IHRN1*1 IN Ctill k'esitT. H.ki'1'lNESS I ••Aha,'" And hr laugheel fiendishlyANI, Itl'TI'EIL 19t'tuiNFtili. IIs, he rd from the morningpaper:
!teller lighting Is always a big aid ..• ea
Che hurginr shot at tile man !sinewin tusking a city bigger. better.' Life eat rare,? ty the tartlet strikin
I,riwhter and Imel•r platy in which to I ngnhlst n letrteu of his elot'%Iea
-WAIL" suable!} his wife. "*hat of
"What of that?" sali he. as beifetr:
his Malar going lip steadily to the anise
of. 1.1.. neck. •'5i11, nothing. swept 1
That ,he button rout hive he.•❑ "n:" ,
Ur,' end prosper.
iCi.pyrigttt. 1926)
The Heine Totten
Y»a rlaved not Athe•tit in her golden
Ina aT
Here tenderly that - tlwte the 'tre.-
tined town. wll.l. r
Want.- is
rr1 Lives 111 their hearts 111 stint and
sweet retioo u.
• atm KA %tested se -
Thr market .quare. the warms in the te,salb� cuss teem
nedled last,- ' lots
r ahem at bedtime1 e
'Mese nP the things ,.0 ,loo.. their
Children's Colds
dawn.. we•tstgbt .Antos*
Tit• streets Ilk, ntitsie wbem their l ...-tt br amain
I v*PoRV�
la art. are fed.
-David Morton. in 'Tee Town."
!t f
If I Only Had
the Strength
� er
vim• -
f OUSEWORK is not
drudgery to the woman
who 1s strong and well.
She takes a pride in keeping
the home spick and span an
giving it the artistic touches
tihich make home attractive.
But when strength fails and
you feel tired and worried
there seems no end to dis-
agreeable work. You seem
to never catch up and every-
thing! wrong.
Wishes do not restore
wor'aout nervous
Dr. Chase's Nerve doss.
By using this great restorative
1tt4Bn arty you can stool regain
boli!! and vigor and take hold
of the household duties with a
master hand.
Nervous head gsndep-
lessness, indigestion
the discouraging symptoms of
exhausted nerve. disappear
because you halts restored
the nerve forte tp the body.
You can get wetand beep
well by the use of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food.
Use it when yet feel tired,
nervous' and irritableb d Lou
will soon ralis6 y
Chase's Nerve lbod is the
most popular d � re-
e�ostivea. eo di • �..0
dealers orThe Dr.- �' Chain alettilise Ow._
Toronto !. Osa.
Sunday -
:: Afternoon
}dy 1SAB} IlAM1LT0N,
•••11. -
canary for hlneelf. ndIaammlooking
forward to maty
this direction."
Ia 1913 Lord R'%1ingdot was ap-
pointed Governor of Bombay, an ap-
pointment whish he el Governor 1919.
when he was appy
Madras. He retuned from India in
11114. That his :enure of office in
India was moat popular was confirm-
ed by the Miran. an official poten-
utte of the Indian Government who
has recently been visiting in Canada
and who opened the National Elhlbi-
tion at Toronto this fall. The
Divan. a former Premier of the Co-
chin State of Southern India. became
closely connected with Lord Willing -
don regar.ling adminiatrative smat-
ters. in tribute to Lord Wtlltogdon
the Diwan stated recently: "I am
certain that the King's new repre-
sentative la°Canada w111 prove very - 1
popular. His edmlatstrative abRttty
was very highly regarded throughout
India. Ile was Governor of Madras
when the popular reformed system
of government. a modified Aystsm of
home rule, was established"
Loudon bade a fond farewell to
this popular English nobleman. when
they len Waterloo Station for the
Empress of Scotland. His Majesty
the King was, represented by
count Hambleden. Lieut -Col. L C.
Amery. Secretary of State for Do-
minion Affairs, was present Premier
Baldwin was represented by Lt. -Col.
Sir Ronald Watlrbonee, Dadr W111-
intrdon's suite on board the lines was
well-nigh smothered with flowers.
these including a magnificent display
of carnations sent from Premier
Stanley. Baldwin and Yrs. Baldwta.
'r" "q •
Women's, Misses' and Juniors'
New Fur' -trimmed Coats V i1
De Luxe and silk Crepe lined throughout and full
interlined. Several beautiful styles tp choose from.
Some are straight of line. others show a
outstanding fullness
over hips. This is a sale offering the utmrn-
portance to the woman or min seeking
in style and quality her -money will buy
r r1 Dresses, Silk and Cloth
and everything that is new in all the wanted shades
Prices from $6.50 to $10.95
Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East side of Square
eteso171ed to Ma rale and would obey Atoll not ahy roan,tae able t0 Mandl/4.-
tand 1/P- 1
snore readily after the removal of fore thee all the days of thy life."
Moses. "Thou -:salt pat some of What be began be wax assured would
shine honor up.:t him. that all the ; be carried through if be had faith and 1
congre-gat4on of 'he children of Israel eeun+ge to do ex .Moses hail cum- t
may In obedient " Moses was alto t" mended him. "Only he thou strong
charge Joshua -•k --use the ministry of and very courageont. that thou mayaxt
the high pries Though he was full observe to do according to alt the law
Of the Spirit, Tel he must do nothing which Moses, miy' servant, commanded
witIteut a'4t1*$ stanxel of God. Their thee: horn not from it to the right hand
going ,ret, and their coming In must all or to the left, that then mayeet prole
he under the guidance of God. per whithersoever thou Korai."
be was di- Jnahua was ihre told to conform
Msxrt dlu at•cormttg ■r
sawn to His ..overe•igu sway 1 re^tet and stens resigned his icadcr- himself 1. everything to the law of
To choose on. s command: tiringwn Ills skip into other hands, paring over 'God. making it the rule of bin life. 1
Sirs-11-01- line. wondering, __ -A the members of bit own family. leav- fle win in the midst of bin bus life!a f
clow' wise. how strong His band. ' ins them it. the rack of common Ile- 10 take time to meditate upon
-Paul Gerhardt. 1 1 Patrick says this lat..It was to be a lamp unto his •
h had a principle fest. and a 1
vis( li t sop
9how 122.•, o haveIlett atm hit path. and -by i
paying good heed to its commando and
• MAw,>rr givers. lete; *4 -wig* took wltle9, Mtlee-1 hla_alHrve all -other lair•
t estate by sting them before the p..pte for 1
Gat prnmisdd him ane-'
help. 17 Lord. all who are in place.
•utlmiirc ret haw humbly before
'Ther ,.eking n'tssl"tu and grace. to en-
able them to walk worthy of the trust
given into their keeping. Through
.1 snot Christ our Iartd. .\men.
S. S. LESSON FOR OCT. 24th. 1!•-6.
Lessen TItle-JIwhlla. Israel'* New
l.erader. -
Leeson Pasta ge--Ntudmrx 27:1S -
If 1 their f miller' in to.me Allan" of their direction
tt P
:slat great; t a• noels h thry tbrmaP+tvtas--sets, la -lois life-wuik. "For then thou
pe.s.,o«•s1: fano hereby it appeared shalt trate thy way profiterole. and (,
Mose•x anted tot from himself because then thou shalt have good success,"
lie arhtl•n-: f -.r himself.
1- After ib•• death of Mose. God spoke 1
dioses. i•-tighna as r oats fins d In 1900 the (Idiom- ritnds'tttn l'briv.
Roses. Ti. ugh Yt*ri l,nd charged flan Awwniation in North •tnwrk•a I
J.+ -hues to :,p;oroieb God throngs' the RAP organised at Hamilton. New Turk.
High 1'rl.'st. c,•t, for k:, encourage- Sept.:fid t0 6th. Few' people realised
loll.. tont r 10 elm w h 3 tAcanee t
lion.. n too pr... -4 t0 ca err ,u "Now.
H hid d t I
i i- -h 1t+P4 0f the
at lit
a : *err fhb' &sedan, "rear
therefore art-. realized the InAOen,v that was to come ,
� the
that- bit life -work was drown* neat alien, ilia ••a•:• i for faith. He was to w•rrn rn n thelvrty unknown tom.'
14t I.:ot,• he did not lord; ;but for a arm. flip Jor.,,n whose hsinkt were at clots. New rat velyunknown noon to ars
suitable sine.•.tot. He niigiet have this time Hy. redwing. It being tb. dents. New
,the Among the officers
dour eio. sele•tiug one from am .tag the time of hnrve.. 16:1!,1. Gntng (mot well-known
w 1lwMi were uhat. hewo, Roo,
rulers sal /lodges whom. upon rhe ad- Jordan WHO g+•ittg int" CnT,aan, and Hatt• 1'u ii, Ind Wang. IM. lien Ix now vire of Jethro. he had -et ever the Gal had said Ise bad given it to the Mals. tilt•� oel aJ it a l'hs'ii 1 now
people or orae ..f his own filthily. lye children of lx.•.tel. "itv.•ry plane that latsy $i Guidon: Mr. o ('lt ase E•n- •
stead its took t'otte.*et with 4144.- wbe the rule of _doss ieof shall trwa,t-upua. � Gm Guidon (Mr. ' n. Pre i Dr. -
alon. ,'sold choose 8 worthy and rem- that have 1 gi•N tanto yon at i said Kao. President of Southeastern Na. ;
t et s•nt leader to take the chleir,n of unto Mese*" tfsa,tl r.'.Id ntty. t�ao the ter Has. ___
irrsvi-+err-4114.-40 rd•'J-A►14-411 -14- - - (Ind gars !+.411111 Iltr L'r,+miae_ .1tal- ..+,Pres1 w►- (is:vsank ng -:tineas,,
1.1 keel, them true to Himself in their 111,r presents( ,voald 50 with him In lAm•an. 1• is lnR: lir. Yid. General 'ter- ,
new strrsundlngs.. oleic great won to which hr lad Is.t•n rntnrr of the National Y.\t.C.A. 0f
(.oldno Teat -+toxin 1:9. tern. and n this people.-
a t time the a art j
1aat1011 amd Petit fewer people 1
- t t from 'Nae ,,rest firer: who were in the
When *4. '' was ware.! of Gat very Ia'ginuiuc he eat facr,t by situ Iniektug in that group. Then they
An Oppodvoity of a Litetime
of one, two, three, four and five -
Light fixtures
G Wall Lights, Bracket Lights and Drop Lights.
Irons, Toasters, Grills, Toaster Stoves, Portable
Lamps, Hot Plates, Flashlights and all kinds of elec-
trical appliances.
These must be sold regardless of price
Next Door to Post Office
!lour•' mom- 2"4j State )•2
West Street
A Refreshing Night's Ride on Lake Erie
'11th} smt+W C • 11 Lis Army ie-/t-dsr elsvedeDdl •sJealat►
prod^dwell reeinanl.tastoabsasseates.wrslbet eWeek asM
Ors••tdeaabe nClewersd Iter Qum ratan. ?weirder. Tetssb. Harsh
sme aes ethert= praaosaies1 at 9110paieewwiasst
Farts $5.50-Rorsd Tefp Pere. *9.-50
New awfiTrio Arterimo als
;S0 sed AO
sod itis 4odd Toe Der aarosl
Ills sed illttMar
Mie Ave.
a Air 6sni
i Jdus.w }trattel t" tst
�aayita3 -bet ,filled. ,At G.• bad hexa, w'uh Isle. 1'hius • iK m'.. ..satl
th''•.nrt for
• eh, Mash 7 to 6, a groan t4Chris-
r s•
tian tlriental stndewtt from the Col-
lege. of town tepl•s'tarottnIf India. ;
China. Jwpan. Korea and i the hilip- ;
pine !elands, met la the State Confer-
1 the taco!. the 4:4s1 sot the Rrirltt of all
dlre(tlt:g ass! ttuttahiit a.. it; 01
1 Mali.rali. set a man over Me cntgreontion, through the w e1PTne•sen porter:110 it the RrisahlllM4inn of Shantung. •h i
which may go out before them and would be with Joshua in hi• tags it
which may go ill h -fors .1h. n'. atsl -.11:11:0 them the new 1snd. -I will
which may lead them on:. a1.11 which, not fail thee. , •.1 forsake the•."
tn:1) bring there in: Mat 11a congress- Ili• abut hoot God'. awt,tis.•.• that
tion of ah( IA,rd Me not a. •hrty'.whhch do si s-nly w", it overcotae hies. fret ems.. of Orientals at ('s* (s41PRe, eQar
here nes shepherd" 116-17r. In this ,stir, thnt he ..0141d trt»m;ih. "Tht•rs' 1 Rapid.. Iowa. and were the gnca of
prayer Messes•. a.•knowlcdgwl Net' ow ,
irreumtt•y: of Gal over mets nod t!Nnt Ile
alone ,'onld thersforti- aj'i 1111 the man L be/Wed et Het Io.. t "0 shcphever er 1 h
sleep 1,1 nslug this express:on he .
showed hIT yeanting concern for the 1
p' "pie over whom he 11114 hs.•lt oir
win led 'M trader in the begli.utng of
their wlldcrnets phirti •y. In answer
to tip. prnrrr sial ittttructel Mo.c. re
ordiin Joshua, for he is •':1 man its
whom is the spirit." Jos -Iota had
shown 1,Imsel1 tet use a ,ntui of ,•utirage•
Felt MIA ' 11 Maws'11 to tight with
ten4ek: he had shown his (111th in
itllea'aing against the report of rhe
evil tlJert stud his humility nlwa>a In
hitt belling toward. Mor, s, This west
aFP character of the nwot e$p,sn whom
111P ettoke of 11x*! fell. I
Antes* wits inatrnotel how to ordain ,
him to his oflk'e. 11P was 10 lay his , f
hand upon hitn In token of the triune- 4
feeling of the government fromn the i '
one to the f4/1P1'. We aeer
was t0 prrtt
hint to l:lraaar. the priswt. and Lire
tam ". that they might rveoeirn• him'
ao chime') of (iod std ronteat to that f
shot..•. He was to tit's Jo+hos a I
(barge - ihr sheep were to Ira solemnly
e'onttTIItttd to the tlu•ph.'r4's tarp and 1
1.• was mtde areonnttbin for them.
Meol•t eat in take Joshua into ptrtner-
s41p wrath him. w1ite he Bred. acting
nit bit arid,tant. shot thus reeeleing a
share of the honor given to Mores.
The 1e°P1 would thee become ac•
Rub the scalp with Minerd's
our tl-t7:::a a wrck. It removes
D: ndrufl, alts !Mates the scrip
and ,,lakes tbe hair soft and
Wt'R0' s.
the people of Ceder Reptile. I
Fifteen y, -ars from now another
tours will he written el who they are
Iand what they have done.
The following fa tate report of S. S.
(n. 7, (•.tMterne. for September: j
Sr. TV -Vern` Lee E2 per cent.. I
Dora Hute•hine 4R.
Jr. IV.-1te'te Flatlet R7 per rest..
Myrtle (:oral 62. Eva 1'ettmaa 60, Mn-
fort ihtret 57. Roam) Lee 116,
sr. 111.- Norman Duret 70 per
rent., John Hutchins 51.
Jr. 111.-W11s Holton 417 per enure•
Roby notables 62. Elmer Lee 73.
Sr. II.-Rmmer.os Duret 77 per
runt„ Adelaide 1lenghtnn 44.
Jr. DT. -Melvin (lood try per ,vent..
Harvey i'rttman 64. Verna iluoisine
Ali. Rimer Fieh.r at. Dorothy rawer
41 (shs•ent).
Sr. I. -Harold ltteevea. 73 per cent..
Rnhy Yonne PR. Norma flee 54.
Pr. (/41, --Rall Durat 412 per sot..
Corn Pettrran
Pr. (R)-Tmotlat'el Flatter AP per
(tent.. LorrIni Fisher IMI.
Number on roll. 26; avenge et-
trnAante. 21. Over 66 pie cent. eat•
Itfact0n. •
Own Sound Motor Coach Trait Cowry
Owen Sound, Walkerton
and Goderich
1 eau P
- Effective Sept, 14, 1926
A.M. P.M. Leave
Awen Mond 7.* 4.114 AO G ieh
,j n 5.th b111 4.56 L.yal
Teeswili et r
W Imbue
Retina •
L20 4.55 Asians
7.20 4.00
7.M 4.11
7,K 4.10
5.10 4.76
..... 6.76 1.11 Rlyth 5.211 42e
WM 1.75 Retrieve 5.40 1-06
0.11 6.16 vii inghuin 5.65 6.56
0.50 6.10 Terewater 0.5r 6.41
.. Arr. 0.110 1.30 Oreeneek 11.46 6.10
Ire. 6.N Walkerton Arr10A6 026
10.01 7.06 Ltd. 6.46
10.56 lid Ilenever .10.56 7.06
714 Rhsweat MU 7.111
5.10 Cheeky 11.41
K 7745
1.21 DsMtareeLei
....11.60 5.40 .Invensey U� 71
5.• `
12.01 5.15 Tars 1111.66 S R
it.10 0.M RI**•+•� WA 0.11 Owen Mound 11.50 0.10
• 11.75
owe. _
WSsghow a tTeamster ....10e Between sots!, UVr -.Us
Dade, to Odorklt lie
STOP AT CROSS ROADS --Stop me at any mat mad or farm
gate and 1 drop you snywhPre on route