HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-10-14, Page 1• • ere Classified Ads. II you have lost anything, found any - lung, want a position, rant help, have a ouae for &de or •rent, have an article you wish to sell -nae the claeaifietc ad. columns of THE SIGNAL Sales Books Mr. Merchant, if your supply of Counter (deck Books int running low, let us give v prices oat a fresh supply. We repreeent I* largest. makers hi Canada. THE SIGNAL VENTY-NINTII TEAR NO. 41 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1926 SUFFOCATED OBITUARY IN BRAN BIN AT W. C. F. M. PLANT W. Randall Victim of Fatal Accident Wednesday Morning A fatal necbh•ut tee•urred at the estern "'nnnde Flour Mills plant at harbor on Wetneatlay morning out 8 of ehe•k, when John Wesley retail. M town. fell into a bin nt bran and wax suffocattel. k is not known jtatt bow the accident hap- pened, as none of his fellow -employees saw him fall Into the bin. When he wam ilfteil from the bin he was an- clleiloua. and be diem in a few min- uter. The deceased wits in his Afty- Mftle s rA10._ had been in the emylu7 of the WeetMr Canada Flour Mtils for the past three years. He is •urvtved by a widow and one ,on, Arleigh. The tuners? will ink, place from his resi- dence. Newgate street. no Friday morn- tog. Qierher 13th. at 5.90 a.m., to the no: It depot. where the body will bt .Lipped to Merlin. Ontario. for tater- meat. Coroner 1k. A. t', Hunter ordered an Inquest and the iollmvlttg jury was napalm -Ned: C. 11. Htanlwr (foremen). G. H. Green. A. J. Cooper. A. Tedtbutt, Jaif MaeVkar. Frei Crater. .1. Rdo- arfaew end It Drennan. The inquest was adjoaraed to Monday evening, (ietober 18th. i 1 OORNERSTOXE LAID OF FINE NEW HALL Generosity of Mr. Robert MacKay Warmly Praised by Speakers The eorneretone ..f 'MseKay Hall was laid with .Me ceremony on Friday af- t ternoon law. in the presence of a goodly number of citizens Resembled at the Atte of the new building at the earlier of North and Nelaou streets. On the platform were memlwrs of the town eeuncil and other prominent citizens. Mr. J. E. Tom. cheirman of the boarxl i,f trustees. Irealdel over the prie•reling.. wtsich ope•Isel with the offering of an eppr..1rlate prayer by Rev. ('anon HII1. Mayor 'Maci)wati, upon whom .tee- v,,Iyel the solei unite u( tits day. be- fore placing the stone gate 5 brief bits - tory of the project wlrich is now reach.. bar trsteen and to the lame of tbe people of (;.elrrl li lhankedl Mr. Robert Mackay for the getierodty and the loyalty to his 41141 home town wfilrh he PPP so well expressing in he ere•tlon and presentation of this hall. The odd Teruperwu.e Hall hall Ferrell its pur- pnet• for serenly-Ave yeira; perhaps. sold His Worship. the new hall would spree the lwdgte for another seventy ere years. The 'Mayor placed the Mone in poel- Ron and declared It well and truly r1 v. R. C. M.Dertuid. speaking- of old building as one of the land- s of Galerlelt. snhl there might glee emotion. He this Iltek with the past. which no doubt in years pilaf h a& been the mete of stirring events. mum folate to the new building with 11* outlook to the future. 4;oilere.lta old (boys seems} to hare in n arterial dt(ePar offe-tloa err their home town, and Mr. 'Sfn.Kay. who to lila early year. had gone to New Tor& t engage 11 In 'fr field.M. was prrw•nt• Inn the. led] its n storied of the affec- tion w'hlclt he heel for rhe tonne of his Tenth. "Thie balding." sail Mr. Me*- Dermid. "le to be (h,lte,ttel sell de- 1 robed to torr serrie.--- 0 r.'.t room for pariosis of leisure. for soda! nod Intel- leOtnAl obverse. 'Mr. Mnelene aloiree ner thanks other then that the people of Gnderleh aha 11 mnke the fullest tow of the building:. liter. S. N. Hardy spoke of the sent!- ". mowtal attachment In which dnnjtleia held by nni mut w had attended ,re•hool there years agtt. "l'b(• Old lntlkein wee deco 841 to three R'w, lint the new bnilling also might he gild to he symbolic of three Ir0--rentcmhr0 MVP (n pLe r to ksq, the re. memory green) : rest (a bnlld- to white' people may resort for ) ; and rendezvous (a meeting - r. It it -Wiser. 131.t'.I'. eeprtweet home that the wishes of the (tenor t ix reellset to the f'lleat extent the nee made of the hall. He ed flint the committee senile! not ton strict an to the kind of enter- ment offered to Phe. eommnnitr in hall Titres null conditions fiefs And fern'. of entertainment eenul.1 (+Angle r. Alex. lenmelers. who spoke of fns one of the .rid boy.. reea11e1 date when the late John TIM - held swat n• muster in the 4441 er arilnnl, in tb.. In111ding welch • now bowing roe,( . Although he woe tint nee of a31r. nldanee. t"plla. He wits confident that no entertatn- ttOent would he ?leen la the new hell tot wenel by ',Werner(' to Aurone. this. Tom aped.• ',Hefty of some of filp ways 1n which It WAS Intended leff the hall shrink' he neeeb. gad the Hng closed with the centring of Dnsoingy. Raved Without Operation . W. lInghs,n. 8* menden are- •tewoneM A goitre rem - aa operation. Thaw whn with goitre uibnnld writ. Tlnthsnn, et Soudan are - lee frill particulate. THOMAS 11l'ILNS The late Thongs Iturns, wloate death_ ,iturrel at his home in t;t.;erk-h on Saturday. ek•tuber 2nd, was we of the oldest residents of the community, be- ing stins In Lir ninety-second y.*r. He was born in Ireland, came 44111 to this country when a young man. and lived for some time at Richmond Bill. uear Toronto. In 1807 he came us, to toi- lsome township with his elle and remained there for a year. Wen sold out to a Mr. Marr. After spending two years at Toronto he returned, bought his property back from alr. Marr, and ever ince. uutll his re- moval tp Goderich seven years ago, be had been a resident of the 714 conces- sion of Colborne. lily wtfe died in 1918. A brother, David Burns, still Ilvea at Richmond HITT. A n ,. e, Mrs. ltd. Sood, of Colborne toweehip, at- tended him 10 his last dove. For 57 years Me. !turns woTSb pped in Otte Methodist church at Nile, but later he joined the Smith's Hill Pres- byterian congregation. Ile war a cap- able and successful farmer. The fun- eral, took place on Monday, October dth. from the residence on the Heron roe e . e services beeTng eonoumted -by Rev. R. ('. $eDermid. The pallbear- er(' were David McPherson and Wm. Waite, of town. Jarvis McBride. Mel- vin Tyndall and Edward (load. ef Col- borne. anal Robert Good, d Mullett. The Interment was In the ('olbone cemelsr y. MRS. ROLAND JENKINS! On ' Tburaday, October 7th death vitiated one of Goderich township's old and highly esteemed resielents, In the person of Elizabeth Holla❑d, wi- dow of the late Roland Jenkins. at the age of;seventy-fire year. and ten months. The late Mrs. Jenkles had been In declluktg bealtb for some time, but during the past few weeks her condtticm gradually became worse, until Thursday, the 7th. when she passed peacefully away. Pier since her marriage fie had resided In God- t'rlcb township, on the 1(1(h conces- sion. with tbe erceptbon of two years spent In (*Upton. Her hnsond prede- (wiseeel her about two years. She was a woman highly respected, and loved by all who made her adei,taintanee. mue h devoted to the Lome end all that pertains to eonamyulty welfare. and a zealous Christian. She Was n member of Wesley church. Clinton. tcurrivinc her are a family et three daughters end three Goderich; Mra. Wesley Stevens, of Mullett tewrtwblp; Mrs. Nixon We •h, of London; George. of Clinton; Har- vey, of Goderich township. and He- bert, on the twmeetead. Sihe leaves also ens slater, Mrs. Frances Wateo, Of bee Angeles. Calif., and ane lMe the Arthur Circle hamar y. (October 30. ther, Robert Holland. of Walton. T'ht- fnneral took place from her resdderte on Salurelay afternoon to Cllnn,n cemetery. Rev. A. A. Holmes and Rev. J. E. Hogg conducted the serni- ees enol the pallbearers were d= 114.- Oen*1of the ekseaned: W. J. Carer. Nubile holland, Reis! Jenkins, 'Will Jenkins Reiss Ferris and Will Ned - ME SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED. Publishers. The News of the Town Athletic Meet at Clinton An athletic meet will be held at Clinton on Wednesday, October 20th, when represelata11res from Mitceell, Seaforth, Exeter, Clinton and God- erlch Collegiate Institutes will com- pete in track and field events. There will be a large entry from the G.C.I. Arddent at Organ Factory An accident (tethered at the God. erlch organ factory on Friday mora- inic last. when the cable on one of the elevators broke as the elevator was at the wend floor. Mr. Wm. Webster and Mr. Cecil Kemp, two employees. were on the elevator when the cable broke and the elevator crashed to the bottom. Mr. Kemp was not hurt. but Yr. Webster received injuries to hie toot whkb wilt keep him off wurk for if few weeps. Assizes October !Luh • Mr. Juetice Grant will preeide at the fall *seises whk'h will Gies here on Tuenday. October 200. In addi- tion to the civil acolous, there are a number of criminal cases to ts• tried. A Frail Mower "Tees, my boy. I reckon pm can have her," sighed Old Man "Hawkins to lila daughter's suitor. `Kut take good keer of her. for due'. been riz kinder tender -like. Eight acres is all I ever art her to plow between stat -up and clerk. She can do light wurk such rs-well-dIggbn' and rteerewandiu', but she ain't used to no rough stuff. eu you'll have to toe gentle with her." - Exchange. Stratford Male Chortle Coming -f-The Seraffertt Male Chorus of thirty vulees will give a eouceert in North street United church on Tue•etday rrcnl11g, Nevendwr 2. This eplented orgaelzation under the diree•tien of Mr. Bert Wilson. baritone soloist, is one of the finest of its kind In Untere, and should he greeted by • targe audi- ence. It will be gestated by 1(r. H. C. Hamilton, organist of North street United e'lurrh. Repreee ting the Comedian Legion Mr. H. Brooks', Provincial field man- ager of the Canadian Legion British Empire Itrrvlee, L.'agii.. ie in town this week anal lit t'snvemting Lor hinds for this organization. This surety 1• now the child organisation of the ex -ser- vice men and nims to gather In itself all of tine variant' organizations of the returned elohtlers, on the principle that "uteio11 it strength." Mr. Brooke Is staying at the British Exchange hotel all this week -and any returuet_men who wish any information regarding appeals, etc.. are requested to meet him there. The Weekly Grist William Cole. storekeeper at Chisel- hurst, was convicted before Magis- trate Reid on Monday on a charge un- der the O.T.A. of baring liquor unlaw- fully. He was fined $50 anti costa. The charge resulted from a search of Cole's store 144' Inspector Pellow and a Seaforth constable. Two young ftdloww from near Sea - forth. Edward Howard and Baden Powell. were before the magistrate en Tuesday on chargee of ',teniing a buf- falo robes and other article* from a buggy in it church shed at Hensall. They wilt join the company at the county jail for a month. This morning William, Bruce and Wallace McDougall. of Goderich town- ship. were charged lwfore Magistrate geld with µplat ful trembly anti -arwrllsitte-Vjb for fee -et the next court of comtwtent jurisdiction. The cbar;e re the outcome of a Nquor case which was before the magistrate a few weeks ago. CHURCH NOTES In Knox church the services rose Sabbath' will be conducted by tbe min- ister. Subjects of sermons: 11 a.m.. "The Apostolic Benediction." 7 p.m.. "Getting the Plowing Ihere." Sabbath school and Bilge cdaa,ao• at 3 o'clock. The regularmeeting of the Arthur Circle of Knox church will 1e held on Monday. October 1V. at 8 p.m. Miss den. Adelaide Nairn will have charge of the meeting. :111 member.. are urged to be {,recent to complete arrangements fir the bazaar. Thr service% at North street Tempted (-lurch next Sunday will be as fol. lormrr : 10 e: "M Iir C•IUh. _timrtir Band. "Debts we i n "De c tMex and M sod n Ixn1. la can never pay" 1r the subject to be diaminsml -bag-toe lieu's Pisa _IWO.. Newton will introduce the subject. $nu,L,y sebool at 3 p.m. l'ublic wor- ship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The pastor, Rev. eelby Jefferanii, will conduct the Kerrie.* at Victoria street and Union (Goderich township) United churilee on Sunday next. His subject on Sunday morning at Vletsria street will be: "The First Volunteer Miatslgp Iland," and in the evening: "OW I'roferdant Heritage." .\Y Union ehnre•Ii. nt 3 ncla'k. the W.M.18. thank - offering meeting rw'111 be held. -tTRlknRertnir meeting church W.M.S. auxillary will ure roam .on.Tues- day evening. October 211th. at A o'clock. Mrs. Kanniwin, of Toronto, will ad - (tress the meeting and there will be a uustent program. A social half- hour will be enJnytsi nt the elate. A cordial invitation Is exteenticd to the congregation to he present. A apeetni chfferen's defy service wtft be held in 8t. George's church on dnn- day nett at II a.m. Alt the Sundae school pupil, and theft Parente and all member,' of obit. (lergea e•ongr'ga• lion are eernrwtly requested to be present et this service. The first pur- pone of the dny 1. to bring to the nt- tenHon v,f the metre mcntdwrship of the church the trent lmportanee of relig- ious elueatlon. and the resps,u'hhhllty of emelt church member tone nein this wurk of "perfecting the Ktttgtlen." A spectre sermon will be ghee' by the rector. Rev. S. GODERICH OLD BOYS PROMINENT ON THE LAKES Same of the Finest Freighters on the Likes i Their ('omwran Ira n d Editor of The Signal. Goderich, Oat. Dear Sir. -On October 7th, while upieouol in the St. Clair River, we met the •tenmer "Lemnyne." whiefl11' the largest vessel on the Great Istk's and is in charge of Captain Ed. 1(ob- I1s.a1. • Goderich boy who attenok'd the Central school during the sane time art myself. Neelleaa to say I felt quote eltred to know that a Goderinh boy was In command of the largest ship on irtsh water, which of course"T1s old stuff the "W. Grant Morden:' et tura Goderich make their living on steamboats and who are about my own age, tad tho bunch that played riugehesa where the summer hotel now sands, I find a few who have made good in their calierg. First Is Captain 14.1. Robinson of oho aur. "Lemoyne." the largest hike freighter. Then Captain W. 1: W- heel', who noel to live on Williams street. Hie fattier Is Captain Wm. McLean. now of Ik'troit. "6111" ear had the honor of bringing out new the steamers "Calcite." "W. F. White;' "Carl D. Bradley," "B. H. Taylor" :utd "T. W. Robinson," all self-nnloat•rs of the largest tyle. and all but the "Calcite" being of the 10,0004tnn clss, and chances are he w-111 bring out nn - other one in 1927, which le to he larger still. Then comes ('eptain M. R. McLean. hotter known as -Mae," who has Whet the steamers "W. F. White." -Carl D. Bradley," and le now on the "Il. H. Taylor." Then ('aptnbn Alex. ('relgle, eh(' was Slightly- before my school dry.• brnrtght nut new and le stilt In com- mand of the Aagahip of the Rein flet. the steamer "Wm. K. Field." And (laptaIn .1. 4'. McLean of the iteamt•r "henry $tetubrenner" is another Glsl- erlch old ioy. 11 is quite notable that the flee( four boys mentioned Are in cnmmnnd of front of the finest freighters ,m the la kes. Melting encem to more of the aid town hors, 1 remain. RPegoe•tfllly your*. DAVE. 111041,0P. Captain Str. (ht. A, WYss. First Euchre of the Season The first em•hre of the Brawn was held at the Masonic Temple on Thurs- day night last. under the auspices of the l'atho?Ic Women's League There wax a large attendance and the affair was greatly enjoyed. The prize-win- nerm at dards were Miss Mary Hussey end Mr. Wm. l.annan. Excellent m11sic for the dame which follewtd was given by the Retuond,MeDermld oreheat ra. Victoria Home and School Club The regular me•tlig of the Hume and School Club of Victoria school will be held next. Thursday evening. t)etolwr 21Mt. at Victoria wheel. at S o'clnr'k. It being Dental Week. Dr. Graham will give 4111 aekiress ol. "('are of the 'Teeth." There will also be a spe•Ial program of songs aid melte- Gone by tow junior ,pupils. All mem- ber* and prrents axe urged to attend. An Invitation la erteudel to the mem- bers of tbe. Home and kteboo}.(}ub of intra! school ' Magistrate', Derision Reversed Judge Leek bus glveu judgment upsetting th.• ,ennictb us by Magix- trate Reid in file cases lu etutu,rtion with the liquor export warehouse which did Moines". at (kxlerteb har- bor last ye-ar. the convictions toeing meds ha April last. For GufeLnee of Youth Copies of the 'Moral leek. for Youth." as compiled by ('olllrr'a Weekly, have leen framali and pry - welted by the 411sL•rech !.ions ('dub b, the sehtoL. of the flown. Two copleg have been placed at the (ollryiaree In- stitute. two in \'b,•torla retool and one in Central school. 'Mr. •M..W. Howell, proprietor of. the. Misner Manufacturing Company. re- cently sold an old hie of team engine M Henry Fortt the motor ear man. The engine is of 'extern horsepower and was manufactured In Goderk'h in 1$:.'t at the old Runciman foundry. Me. Ford will ha ve it placed collection of antiques which he has leen assemblIng for some years at Iit o rlorn, Mich. PERSONAL *ONTWN Mrs. K. It nue, of 1Aftlua. is visit - int; friends, in town- ' lir. Dan Elliott, of Wrefeet, kpetit the week -end a1 Ills Lie here. Mr. Harry Foa. d -Itpeh'we, &Jttt•., spent the week -end 1111. iiewp. Mr. J. Alex. iluule, pit Tee Leaden Advertiser, Is In town fMt a few days. Illes l'amerun left $St Tut.Mey to 4144•4111 two or three weeks with frit -ride at Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. about, of l.apter. Mich.. spent Sunday With Mrs. J. %V. Vnnatter. Rev. John Pollock Jaek, of Ingersoll, slaked le Mrs. Geo.ir Jelinston this week. -+e .r Mayor MacEwen wiffeat Ouawa on Mondwy In atten at the Con - recreative ma/0m--. Yr. and Mrs. Espial( . of Tor- onto. visited their re Mervyn at the week -end. --- • Mies K. Price, oto ford. spent the week-esde -with kite. t t M Snaln Harry and Bert i Detroit to spwud the friends. In Goderich. Rev. Father Maeltae, lectured from rend with London. Is spending a few days town this meek Capt. H. J. Fox. of.Illsolsly, Vee.. spent a few days In fpwa 110- past week. Was Annie Freeman visiting her aunt; Mrs. *Airing, rvllle, and rekttivew at Toledo. e Muss Helen McKay id& on Saturday for London after .peaiies u week at her tome In town. Miss Nora Phelan, Detroit. 10 vlalting her nephew, 'Frank Phe- lan, Brack street. 'Mrs. H. E. Jenner anti jtamlly have gone to join air. Jenne .at London, where they will .In tut geslde. Mr, and Mrs. D. ,MnedOlted left this week for Toronto. whiten taken apartments for theeekka lire. Mooney. East atm guests the past week Henry Fraser, of Inv Mr. Albin Fhn sped` his parents and left o teeday for Detroit. accempantel by mother. Tife Mlssee Kathleen Beatrice Hoskon, of New York ere visit- ing friends in town for a , days. Mr. and Met. IL J. 031 returned home on newsy' after a • a. to gag laud. They were away , mem*. J3. an, of Maple Leaf Chapter, LO.D.R. The regular monthly meeting of t1* Maple leaf Chapter was held at the public library on Wednesday. October lith, the regent. Mies Saunders. pre- siding. It was decided that we should give a donation to the National Insti- tute for the Blind. oleo that the War Memorial Fund should receive 150. Mrs. Cockburn Hay' and Mrs. E. HIU were ndflel to the it of councillors. The ('hatter Is beeline a rnmmage sale on Friday and Saturday, October 2'21id and 23ntt and it Is requested that nnyone baying goals to contribute eltould notify the regent or the secre- tary. who will see that such articles are called for. -A. I. Wurtele. Secre- tary. Mrs. Eric Wilson's Reception Kincardine Review-ltels,rter (Oct. 7) : Last eatunlny afternoon Mrs. C. O. P11ke7 ,and Mrs. Eric M. Wilsoa re- ceived at the home of the latter, cor- ner of Queen and Gordou streets. " Y. G fillan introduced, the quart .-,1iolF Dental Heakb Attention is again called to Dental Heath Day -Wednesday. (dotter 20 -In connection with which the On- tario Department of (Health is co-opere• Hon with the dentists of the Province fx calling attention to the need of bet- ter care of the teeth by means of pro- per diet. correct living. systematic cleansing of the teeth and mouth. and other means. The local dentists are co-operating in tee obee •tante of Dental Health Day and are prepared to give instruction on mouth care without charge. Past Mester,' Night 'Tuesday night was past- masters' 1 night at Maitland Lralgt.`No. 33, A:F. Chuff -Tilley • A wedding of 11lusiml Interest took place at St. James' Anglican church, Stratford. to Wednesday, October (1, ett211'.4(we _.when_. Mlaa. (110.13'.. Jia& Tilley. daughter of the late Andrew 1l and Mrs. Tilley.and Rex Alger Cluff. g B.A., Mom of Canon W. G. Cluff and Mrs. Ctuff, loth of $1reeterd, o were united in marriage. The ceremony was- performed by the bridegroom's father. the elawreh being Mrentffully decorated with ferns and autumn 11,1wert, Tine bride, who wife given In marriage by her uncle, Fred Dutton. broiled charming Ina bete el Paris gown -Tor palest pink georgette with suture hat of Minded rue.• maline. -with crown of rose pante rill -et; The brim was caught with a w're'ath of ex- gnisite French blue and rose flowers. The hrfde carried a *hewer bouquet '.t wt- g4Nwev- wfth her daughter. Mrs. Wilwote and eira It. Besse nt Stayner, Mrs. Pi1- key's sister. nein Mrs. J. Maekenabe of Kincardine served tea. Yrs. Clar- ence Carruthers and MIs'. Jessie F. Bell of :(tayorr and 111...144$141e Ander- son of Kincardine anointed In the din - Aug mum. din-.nin-mum. Tho rnom w•ns taste "fully decorate, in pink and white and the dining room in mauve and yellow. while a prefusi'm of ret gladioli and otters ;etre color to the reception hall. The pleasant weather afforded a favorable opportunity for meeting Mrs. I'llkcy and Mr&_ Wllsen_. WW1' here jmt reently t'unw to Klueardiue ,to reside & A.M.. G.R.(. A large turnout ,of the orethren✓ was present to see oil Nle chairs fillerd by past master,. Three candidates were given_ the flet degrec In a gratifying manner, tlrtawiug notch praise from thoae present. After'r' lodge the brethren adjourned to a ban- Inet. follow -eft by atmrr--me rhes. Those eeeenpying the chairs were: Wnr. master, Wor. Bro. Dr. (tallow; senior warden. Wor. 'Tiro. J. J._Mel:wen ; jun- ior warden. V. Wor. Bro. 11. C. Dun- lop: S. D.. Wor. Bro. T. 1d. Mitchell: J. D., Wor. Bro. Charles Saunders: S. 8. Wor. Brn. John Galt ; .1 S., Wor. Bro. George McVicar. Olfdal Visit to Alexandra Hospital - Mba Munn. Inspector el nurses' training • schools for the 1'rovfnc' of Onrarin made an official visit. to Apex andra hospital last week And exirelt- mod- laeretell -se Wei/ pk eweb 4'lth- . the privtston matte for the training of nurse.' here and with the nllintion arrangement with Victoria, hospital• London, under which the pupil nurses of Alexandra hospital have the benefit Of s course of Instruction at the Lon- don hospital. .Mies Munn's inspection Is_ forthe purpose of atandarditaug.thc training schools. eyeing that proper facilities and materials for h. -traction are provided. 41111 that the a.teeatmo. dation, for nares le W-' to err mark in all reverts. It le understood that she found condition,' at Alexandra hold- ' tel thormtghly satisfactory, Ragbag Wales Cargoes as follows were tmloaelad -at tips Gmleekeh skvator ilte pawn week: Tray, from Duluth, 135.000 bus, of wheat aha t1:4AI10bns, of batt; Mete Bret, from Fort William. 4/4900 eats. of oats. 44,000 Maa of wheat and 20, - BRIEFS (100 ins. of flax: Renfrew. from Fnrt WIillam. 133.000 boo. of wheat : The Victoria Helpers class of Vic- toria street United church will bold a bazaar nn (41ttnMay. December 4th. The Wete Huron teachers' eonven- tlon Is !wing held ab Vitoria 'school on Thnredar Anel Friday of this week. The Arthur ('help of Knox ehur'h will hold: Its annual bazaar on 'tabu. stay. October 30. Please reserve the date. Fred Tonle and W. Rpt. Shsrmen won apennrt prise In the seeon.l event of the bowline tournament at Cargill on Thursday last. Mrs. 4'. Rhynes hss pnrrhasPd from Mr. Gen. Goold the honor. ns Elgin avenue next to Mr. T. B. Mitchell's reeldeoce. Huguenot. from Fort William. 1110.001 bum. of %cheat. The pte•ntner Riverton moderated a eerie of 2:0lawl bus. of wheat fit the Western Canada Flour MIAs elera•nr on Wednewrinv. Tim steamers Sarnlan at .1 Maple- enurt sr.. exewctel with em-gi,Pw for the Gakkrleh elevator. Soundings of tit.• harbor are being taken by Government employee. Gond pregreee IM being twee In the reconstruction of the river beediw•nter and the north else.. About -Ix hund- red feet of eonerete ha. beer. bed et the outer end of the river beaks -Ater. while the cement work na the north pier 1a well under way. Colninbtn rosesend lily -of -the -valley. The-mnmr oon trf teeter. Mrs. N. -i -en they hare filter. d as her and Mrs. Que, wwk with DUNGANNON HAS A FINE DAY FOR THY ANNUAL Vali FAIR Full Day's Program Concludes with an Evening Concert and a Dance The heavy min of Tueedny night "threatened to extinguish the Dungan- non fair for this year. but Wednesday dawned clear and bright and con- tinued Ane throughout. 'rhe result was a vary pletwnt day for those who attended the fair at the big red hall. The exhibit', were well up to 111e standard of pr'rfoue exhibitions. rad In cattle the showing was larger and letter than In recent yewre. There were CPO some very Rae horses in the venous ,batewe. t The pipe Mand from (Tinton was present end dispensed stirring mnste, erect-reee- end the red tunics of the pipers made a brilliant splash of color. There were several booths for refreshment and amusement on the grounds. The track trestle created much- In- ternet nternet. In the borne race the entries' were: lsabenrer. 11. Kaltting• !God. erteh : Fin Worthy. Roy Colvin. Teva - water; King -Worthy. Alex. Meltae, Te•swater; anal they lintel -eel in this order In each of the threw heats. Wbl- trid McLean, of Goderich. was the starter. There were eight contestant'. I 1 the men's half -mile foot -race, and the first flap finished in the fallowing order: 1, Leelle Schnitz; 2. Albert (!len; 3, Melvin Colbert ; 4. Chester McPhee: 8. Calvin McIntyre. it teat a real race which tested heart and wind. Scholtz made the circlet at n splendid pace and flnlshed strong. This race was a good addition to the afternoon's pro- gram and should be repeated at future fairs. The hitching contest did net take place. There was a full house for the even- tag entertainment. for whleb the pro- gram was given by the Kenney-Wtlwon Entertainers. The program was a cartel mtP and suite{ some twtter than others. The proceedings of the day conchtded with a daisy, ',filch was Plt- joyed by n large eumlwr. The gate receipts and the proceed,_ -- -.- ? et town. Mr. Joon L. Salkeld, 31.P.P., of tier. aldSask.. Is Visiting his relatives of the '8eikeld families In town and VI- Mufty. •Mrs. Johns MaeDnnald. ort '$e•otts- town. Quebec, left on Tuesday after a -visa of ten days with her mother, Mrs. Mooney. •.Mr. Fwlward Lacey. of Detroit. Mleh.. Smut the week -end with his lelren sts, Mr. and Mr. s. . ThoLacey Ox- fordttree•t. Mr. and Mfrs. F. C. 8. Enna. of Tor- onto, tomtit the wl!eit4Tia1 at !tie home of Mrs.Evens' pnrents, 3k. and Mrs. H. C. Heys. -Mira Ethel Whitely. of Dyer's Bay. spent the week -end at the home of her tetr:u:a.. Mr. anti Mts. J. E.-Wbitt4y, Huron road. Mina Eleanor Dougherty, of Wesal- xtoek._ spent aeseral:__days the mo4- week at the home of her mother. Mrs. ug N.Do hertMy. Nr. and rs. C. M. Holertaon and family motoresj to Termite this week to visit the farmer's brother, Mr. Er- nest Itolwrtson. Mrs. -\V, •F. Fleming and little daughter Gram, of 1/wee Sound. visite, her psarents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Healey, the paten week, - Mrs. Jolt. Edge and dnogbter. Mrs. i. Tran. of Toronto, called on friends In town this week. They *add been el1It4ng--rehrtires trees llntt=armmr;/ Mrs. I►'Arey Mclaughlie has re- turned with her children flu .fhnr home near t. ullinewnott titer poa dhth _lw the summer nnrping her 1tt/tber, the late Mrs. It 1'1e -but Tenn li The Prlae I.Ist lows Th:r Ilan .1 prize -winners is as fol - General Purl✓ u110R._ STF)Swo-yea. r -old illy "l L.,. (.r grhtIng. 11..1. ihrruli, J. Forster. f?r''1 .1grttttttnrtt--Brood marc. A: Irert, Gordon Young; foal of 1026. Gor- don Young. A. Culbert: two-ye'er-old Ally or gelding. R. Taylor. Gordon '- Young: one -year-old fitly er gelding. N'. A. Culbert ; team In harness. R. TaylnG iiterry_ IlmuRtttt-r' !treed mare. W. --- A. Cohort, John Iter ju111hn : feel of 31)2(1. W. A. ('ullaert. John Me Jufllllu ; two -put -obi filly orgelding. J. Forster: - Ja^o•b item: lest individual In smogs, .1.1 and 3..luaeph Gaunt. R. Taylor • team In line/teas. : W_tn:_letflg. J. -.F .ster. Jns. Agar. Judge' 41 $. $ilk. ?lar MORO!t Rand nod e'arrlage•--eltrn mare. 1ttc4 J. for+ter: foal of 1926. Forster: tweeye'urwdd filly or ding. W. A. Greer; s ngle horse I artless. W. T. 3G Lo an. H. K•Itth , J. Fenger: pair mntrhwl hnrxes .1. Fnr.ttor; laolc delser, Mr..'T.:MrLasw. Mrs. i1. Knitting: getleman's hest outfit. W T. 31.4;A ,1. Forster. dip m! :'Rest colt : groins \etor•" two years null under. it. J. Domain. ..tldge-John Gillespie, U'ltlterhun•h. / (TATTLE 13nrhnrs--3f1h•h row. W. A=.f'nthert-- let and 2nd, Wm. Webster; tw'o-yewr- old heifer. Won. Webster. W. A. ('Id- rettat a -year old to"if"r. W.,A.-(41114ert let and 211411 heifer c.ttf• six mouths nod 111,1. 1Rut. 1V01.4.t,-,. W. A. Cale •1 rnf e• n t Ruthertntd M.Cnnkey eiL" 3fontteai, Mrs. 31: Kearney the week- P1Vtor of the bride, wore a ruse gir,r- end at Toronto and` ro. 4 on Mon- ct•tte gown beaded In t•rystals. wit -b-, _Ilay. ac'ee,mlwnhd- W bet daugltter. bine•k picture hat. and she carried a Miss 1loroth3•. vtho had 41.4 visiting bouquet of Ophelia roper. Howard friends in the' city for see'•n1 weeks. ('puff of London supported the bride- Dr, W. F. Clark acted sx judge of groom and the ushers were Dr, Don- ' light horses at the Glencoe and .11viu- .el4-.4afer. of ikrattwrd- ti ,4- l'anslt4-antro fairb and then zrese os, fn P.m. Menzies of London. During the, ,dpi- lite, Midi.. '1'olt1", O., 8101 the horde( lug of the register. Mrs. Olin iirewn /('(ilex to visit lila cern Dud slAughlPr, ling very sweetly. A reception way and other rPhtlrPr. bit returned to afterwards held at the home of the 1.31.1114.ou Wt-tlnt.dsy, , bride. Mrs. W. M. Dutton. nt nt atc►rrlinr, saplrrinrer,denr .of the Orme. wore a handsome g4wii sof. Alexandre h,ngdtal,' Ix nttetnline a sliver grey lace with smelt stat of meeting' of the Ontario }ttaspltnl As. violet panne velvet and/feather ten. sex'Intinu nt'Tnrmtn til; 'seek. Dur - Mrs. ('hff, mother of the hrldegreim, Ing her absent" from tl.w❑ Mlsm Hof - wire a black Patin gown with Sp endeh enM i ittrberty 1a serene sups rot bare nveerdvs,'w And corvette. of orchids. tendert. \ dainty ballet luncheon was MPnsp Mlaa .1gttus Flick. of Colborne town - to the grlcb.t111 dbning•rdon. atter which ship. has returned home after a visit Mr. and Mr.. (3uR left int it rout„a• of se-etral months with 'Wits,.., in trip. The bride wore for travelling n coterie" parts of the 1 tt tsd states. chis centume of bine creel. Romaine Stip open( your months a oh bee slier, with email bat to mateb embroidered C Nhrtle'=, itt i.na Ang,le,', In gold. bine <sett with (marvel trim.se•eersl wcekx with her 'alt, R••r. mews. They will make their home At IL Ilurtho•I. In ('olnr,utI sad sPvirnl 147 Water street. Stratford. The nut- week. with releticPx nr Kansas and of town great. were: Itis' .4. M TII. In the Vette of Michigan ley et Lethbridge. Nie. and .lir.. .1. W. 311". Baby! TOM. whn Ila,1 been 'lett. Thompwon Anil Ills• .\nnniwlle Theme. Ing her parents. Mr. and 1116../. Elgin POO of Toronto: Mr. and Mr. D. 1,. Tom. for the lamb three Ineaths. left 1l rrrrh. .leek Tilley of ('ollbutgstnil : nn TOPAvlav for Tnrnnto. rid RMI rleit Ilnwnrb (doff. Mier Dorothy Spronll there and At other pain's bn gP ••piing sn4 Don/1141xetzIes of Lundeen : 418e Ina few works nn her n r tell, to Heid and Mrs. held of God (9tIna. where she will rr.une her hoe- ferret..rrleh 311.. Grrfnule Paton of Mitch Pinel work in Peking. Miss Robinson, p11: Mr nn(t Mrs. W'. W. Alnelalr nn41 11f lit. Jahn. N,R., who accompanied Misr Ruth Sinclair of RrnA•el.; Mrs. MIR. Tom on her trip bane from Jahn MAvierrr of 1letrnif: Mr. and (Thing. •'scent (he lnel tire•' we'ks with IoM. 4'. *tete of At. Marys; Mr•. J. ler. end will return with eser to I's, P. Gardner of ('hleagn: De. end Mr.. king. where Ate Is engxred'in similar J. W. Shaw and Mrs. Shaw of Clinton. work• bull calf. six months and over. IV. A. Culbert ; heifer ca•If. under set the. W, et. ('1t11i'rte Wm, Welwer ; Iur11- calf. under six months. W. A. Cullen 1st and Cud; herd. 11'.A. Culbert. Jersey--dilleh cow. A. ('ullrrrt .4 Sten. Aletelepa-Anj(M--F, Todd took *N- prlxe---Mikis COW MI. two -tear -old heifer (21,-,aearrslsi heifer (2). heifer calf (21. bull calf. sic months and over. bull cuff under six months, need bull. herd. Herford -'Mitch cow, J. Lyon's. 1. 2 and 3; twn•year-old heifer. J. Lyons 1 and 2: one -year -At 'heifer. .1. Lyons 1 Ind 2; heifer calf, six month,' and over, J. Lyons; hull calf..lz months and odes. O. Kennedy: heifer rail. under P1x months. J. I.yoils 1 ami 2: hall calf. ander six months. J. Lyons: Mill under two years. (I. Kennedy: herd, J. Lyon,'. Grade Cattle -431110i cow, W. A. Culbert. W. Wt4,ster 2 'and 3; two- yeer-ol.l heifer. Ash N.M11Mn: one- year -old Leiter. Arch 3k'Millnn. W. A. Culbert : reeve calf. ander 1 year. J. Lynne. A. McMillan ; heifer riff, un- dher 1 yesr..1. Lynne. W. A. Culbert flitted ox or steer. J. Lyons: fatted COW or heifer. J. Lyons; two -year -014i gteer, Ar•h MrMlllnn ; nn, -year oil stem. Arch McMillen. W. A. Culbert. h(prvhnit Herd. 7. Told. W. A. (hl- hert..1 Lynne: best shorthorn re.w, W. A. Culbert : junior herd. l'. Tadd. Judge-- Dan let Tr,•..tain. Glevee re. SHEEP Leteeiter-John tMeQutillln Lok all prize.- eget rem, shcarling ram. Agee (Continued on page Sy a. alt'tdret't'4