The Signal, 1926-9-23, Page 7les
Bt4Si''!u ittkLt' �sxr+�ar+r,- ��
ty and District
Tlu• hunt• .lndrew Kahn. ut•ar wwreral week's through M'erterei tate
Ili::s:itru, elf , metric all the con- oda nud the N.'rih-rt). St•tri. w hu
tent.. arm. t}rt -+7' tire•.--attt. Kait4 lir. IC. C. Wlltutil surf (oath/,
e me e.vev., hurtled In trying to rave left herParch ue •ratu tut&rail of a vekstartago
I'ff. r
acme of i11. good..
ds -
A. Poet,. of Varna, had hie Ford els/attire for China, have received
coupe swim' while in afea*forth oue word by eaWt tort .ailing
will night rw cntly. The ,ear was located ,..tunsuprisinglled fr the
lit ( tt eut owing to the
next day' at Parte. none, the worse es
(v•pt that the tank ane empty of gar. ter sad family mill remelt in the Can -
The death occurred at Rattail on adian West. whew, he haw been eleit-
Tuo..Iay too -ruing. Nth inst., of ]fury Jag friends. e1 route ter Vancouver. un -
Ann Horton. widow of the latos•itubt. 111 such lime as sailing it cun.idered
Dullard. lu her severity-terenth fear. safe.
Doom/eel had beim a lifelong realu:tit WiINI:HA�
of fleneall twenty.
luny ?limey. of flint -vale. whose car
woe rtdef recently. received 'woPd St. 1':w;', church war #14.- .;,tee of
that it halal leen Coved derrrt's' at a .pretty wedding 4111 Satur•lay after-
Waterdi.wa. a few miles from Hatt- 144,1. :41itt•Wher linin wl:eti
ilto11. He went down awl fotuul the 1Isugl.ter of air. •stud Mrs. Richard
tar Dot much the worse for its nsagd•• Vans'o11'•, wear united in marri:10. to
NO trace 01•the thief has heen found. leu of
ik. M 'IMI' 1111,1 �d I.feF:a of Mi!"
n 1( t
Misses Mary Stewart and Janet
A1kenheul. of Brwwt1.1d, were walk- 11'ii 1,i{.•g. Sian. The crpton"ray was
' Ina to churd•h when a ear came from 1n-rfonnied ly Ret'. k'. W. a,•Irt$ter,
behind alt lilt Loh s'lrta. carrying r,ct..r.
M1. Stewart on the fender for n Mas. 1l'lrn Wilson daltgliter. of
short instates• before the (triter was i Mr. John w'lls'w• \\'Ingham. has re -
stole to step. the ear. Fortunately ,tit, v.•u:Iy beet) a1.1)0lut'.1 director of home
eras net seriously Injured. ''4'1V,e with the ('on•nnwr'44 Gar ('ot-
sin Wwinr..lev nftrrua,n. tiepaem- pony. Toronto- Miss N-ilwal nneceeds
beer • at the Iie't1..ai1 United Mho- leak+n In this pusiti.m, sa-3r-like
parsonage. 111e wielding look Mine Eaton. she le a,jradnnto of mat -
place of Miss Lillian \-lois 11I$E1nn. lit,
- ebb +t .I0+erl.err ..f 41 r. and MTs. 'iota,
4.1 Hr11sail, to Aaron Sv ,.-r
of Detroit. Iter. A. thictatr tiMW441.
The young ...vise will mak.- their
home at 1►etrolt.
- the manes-, Walton. Janet Itet l►Iirer,
youngest daughter of Mr. OM Mrs.
John It. 4llive•r. was united in rear-
rnage to /etcrge tenter MC Arthur.
Donald College. Our elle ae*terted head noises and was short of breath.
In building up the popular Lecture. t 1 wan this wa aboutE.➢' six mm�tbn
lrbam's whenVeg
and demonstrations rijoyed by a large I readabout 1'ydia
camber of Toronto homemaker*. IDat. etable Compound in thtnewspapers.
Wilson's man} friends in Wia1him ' 1 have taken eight botea so far and
will be phseed to hear Of her streee** found great rel-ef."-Mra.R.J.SAL-
MON. 112 Lawlor Ave-. Toronto. Ont
ZLiRJCH M 11 l 1 1
THEY SUFFER Impressions of Canada and Canadians
NOMORE4 `�7►1 .�' hernig/lata ` +, '
Two Women Owe Hes - ate
to Lydia E. Pinkham's .. miCe udrestrily refer to rural .1i.• other haul. the Eusllsli immigrant
met. iiud rural people, wkb %'peau 1 worn, .:(d Vie•. starts out with Kreat
Vegetable Compound ( ant mint familiar, .4ew. 8114 end. 11 c„ndemntng Camila
'11, worn striking lmprssiou of lief Canadians.
St. Adolphe, - Manitoba, -"I was 4 .1114 le its lwmen.e use.. w•i•h ii- If lees 'Ifni. Was expended 114 se
very weak and had great pains during ,•-:ty' of evil end natural rewrite, s. ' ,wring immigrant. and more in re -
my periods so that
alyperiodssothat I:• Colutubla with Its bin .7,..t. thloili:..4lr ...cll. native-born. If more
I could not sweep • . rrow'th and $tfpentl„us u,•na.- Wien..., or •,,,n,r nl'were taken In the
the flour. The 1 \aertu'Mlih its Kurt ri,,r.,
pains were in the I r. •, laud..nud fertile•spot, • `:1•-
right side and ex- kat.° with Its pe'airie^. g.....1
tended to the left terms and oleo large tracts of e tae
and then d o w a-
wards. It seemed
as if the body was
heavy and upside
down. It ia for
these troubles I
took the Vegeta-
ble Compound. I
saw about it is a paper and one wo-
man prevailed on me to take it. It
her helped me in every way. the
pains are less, and I have more appe-
tite. It is a pleasure to recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound to�p they women. "-Lir..► DE-
LoaME, `1C Adolphe, Manitoba.
Found Great Relief
- Toronto, On t, -"l am at the Change
of Life with hot flashes, dizziness,
weakness and nervousness. 1 had
g1'o44th of 1'uaada anti lees in discuss -
lug Empire tp1144sth.ns. the Immigration
problem would I.• ed4el 1 Ike [1111 wee'
that any -4re•nii.•a. 1•fforte should. be
laud: Mauitobti n•Ith Its won• ,attl- m.edle t.. weur,- iuun{gratits to futile!'.
vate't nud-,. ttle4 eielou,-ibewh+lr +•:42(15 all our rc••e.ttr. v,. tietii a definite plan
of wasteful lbrmtfs; 'through On- of wett:4uo•nt ie. worked o,t'. feet
Iuric'. iwtuwt•,• .tretilea of r.. -I, fur- every weleou4• 1144 est•ndeli t„ ,settler...
4 ets.utd ►,%amp•.. 441th hero ,IIsi ;here but no bonus "r a'+cisu.l Immigrant
ih:e trto•ts of farming lands. to . 1,1 4In- encouraged. awl Canada would have,
curio with Its murep,.flul.hwt lin: still ..ane hold• of being a nation.
.•nt.l• farm homes. with K1itutesa of 4 N other irnpr,*siou of a gr.m1
ajtu•1.•c with it,. Tory batvkward teeth- owu,try jIWthcleutly' governed. is the
04.' a farming and lining -all these .tree,.• 11 of 1r�rrylsm std our ancient
giro. ono an impr''etfn of bewilder- metbee of gmr11me'nt. Pwryi•m
11144nt and a feeling of thankfulness that n'h1(14 can Pee Only evil in the uppo-
the 1k•relopmeut of the esoaf.iry lin. site one. Irrt'speetlre of quee(lone of
ton Inr11 us iw.1!y huad1ed at, It might prh.cipk' or leftlslatiou, Is till too
bay'• 1.•eA.
',from:: a (Iij.9t C'anadian's, No leglF
That It leas *leen Ia"M•ieutly is dtw•m.:.el oa its marls* or do-
- 1lftal t the next mnut rt
,tont. - Frau the rarlp ri
hopee were entertained for the devel-
opment of this
large tracts 'were
the present. Otte
( of our lender, have. been couvincel of
Its poesehllitles. This le proved by the
1 grnnrw given t.. the ('tnade Company.
!Megrim's ltay 1',.nlpans. (;,1'.Y.. and
Thursday, September '-•1' , 101 T
1 isika/amaIlli'•//iImlla<laA1•//1.1•Ang
rant #etre tn•-rits. bet tis f.. how It will dated
r Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders just in, 3 for Y
$ 25c. A good teaspoon. King George design, given N
' away with every 25c worth. $
• Another-hipntent of our-i,eeial Black Teato hand,' only •
a• 59e a Ib. Try ty pound, it is a winger. MI
IN We grind our No. 1 Mend Coffee kali fr,•'h with your• $
• order. Fine or coarse to -nit Ow trade.
• Finest Seedless Raisins, 15c per Ib.
■ - ■
Some Tasty Lines for Picnics ■
1 1111;at-wicll ii,r,•nd. iamlw'ieh Npr44e. Olive Butter. ■
Il Pe-nnut Butter. Salmon. Sardine-. 111
I Tuna Fish. X
• Pickle., Olives and Sauces of all kinds.
r Lemonade, Orangeade, Raspberry Syrup, Cherry Syrup and II
iA Orange Syrup for drinks, 111
a A good assortment of Fancy Cakes always on hand. II
IR Just reeeivel u fresh •shipment of Picnic Plates. $
11 V*•gt'tables and fruits, fresh from the garden, alw'tty, on hand. ■
a (loot's delivered to any part of the town. II
II 1
• J. J. 11 cEWEN
rites whin. nn Ili,• taut: and indrp-tideut thtni:AF '
:i'r • that �ytr system 01' ;,1.1:1c11:25
hrg 13:1 re wPgreat .snwtn. T 1 1•t
gilrtsytw'ay. doer. to lrnoppaaa t. led•latr fur ns 11n.1 1120 jY� R <1 XY �Y> 1 111!• 1 Mll1 iII III
realizes that very fete 0' np*Oae til. l'glslatknt, ii.poIli Iii tg,
a life Semite Ira-sinnslhle to anyone
to enema or veto this legislation. and
having a goiernur placed over to.
whom we 10•11 her s -loot nor eo01roL is
not at ideal method ter a young grow-
ing country of the size' and possibili-
tl-s 411 l'auada,
Do Cities Require Proteetien?
This pttriytam has succeeded in
dividing the rural 1•itire•ns and resulted
In building up cities tun large 10 1.•
supported by the produeere. One baa
_fluty to spend the time 1 have epetlt
amongst the pio,w'rs of the u0rtb.
I.,th 111lners 111111 farmers. to know hunt
proteetii'n 41111 never be eeenred to
them. After tratelking through the
country .welt only a few years ago by
the dlm4trons fires. welter the .trug-
gtea made by the p•uple to snake home.,
out of the wilderness. and with the
fear of the *nine danger still hanging
over them. and coming hock to Tor-
onto with Its wealth anti comforts. ooh
wonders why a policy of protection n to
rule marnlfactnring industries. Is nem
Ce.wat}-.. . • •w, . t •-
One moor Impetaslon not at alt from- •
pllmentary to oar ferment was given
me In all Provinces the .loventy meth=
.'ds- of terming and untidy surn'uhd-
erten fr,ely expr•»eed now Iwlievc'a Phone 46 South Side of Square
Rev. F. 11, Meyer. of I►a,liw•uo'L has
been aPpointel suls•r•vlw.r 411 the Zarch
y'onneest 01,11 of Mr. and Mrs. Peter ,J wungt•Ihal ewgreghtiou until other
McArthur. all of Morris townrl-p. -arrangement* are inside.
The ceremony was performed by Ret'. Fara ja.a•hler has .old his dwelling.
W. 3. 41win.-'. The happy temple will l.akeabop au¢ i'qulpmeut to. Everett
reakle tat the gra.!' s farm un the Dt>L. Halst._pf Detroit; f.IDlerly of I1'easall.
4nnctawlou Of Morrie. - mat is honoring with his faputl,y. to
• ,A -batt neeldent occurred[ at (;feel. Kitcheuer. The new proprietor take-'•
ou Revteaslwq- loth, when .10.. E41- October 1st.
wards' motor ear west over tin- bridge fetes 1V/wlley, w•hu e•
died rently at
abutmful and dropped ten feet. turn- Stretford at the aIle of eighty-nine
ung over In the river. - Some men who ye ars, ens formerly a -resident of
were viewing at the time raised the Emrich and later of Hensen. before bin
auto andrescue) Ser. Edward*. Two removal to Stratford_ Ite•fere crowing
little Lq» were standing on 'the side to Etuit% be was engaged In farming
of the for and they dire thrown cleat le Cullinane towh44hip. He is rurt'iverl
of the auto into the river. but were lay his wife and two daughters. Annie
little the wore of their unexpected E., nI London. and Mr*. Fred Lettsdd.
bath. r ` ! o! Stratford. '
Zurich was the scene of a great IAB
EXETER I` oral jubilation Tuesday, night of leer
- - s. - week, Thom. )( 311llan.�►t l'tvrious
The wd.ling of Alto Muriel Mr- t andlditte. ('kite downthidt Clinton
arnun. daughter of Mrs, R. O. Me- with it band of pipers. and a hilarious
\Vtaulpog to William G.s.rge time was sprat celebrating the great
-y. son of Mr. and Mr*. t• n•,! •'i•'tory. Hay tewt.-thin. gave Mr Me-
r ey,, of I- o.•ts•r. took phew Sept+m- MIUan a taa'jurity of liver :ion. _..
her 4415 at the home of the brl.le'rt -
alother. the a•erena.ny la•iug p_rfa.r
-"ab - Rev. Dr. .1. W. Aiken". lir. a
P. Iiirney hare darn 511,4111g In hie -
n. their hotwym.s'n trip.
tuart Stwtil..irt-. who w'a1 e'utined
for eland six months with
le now alio to be up a few
each day.
('liutoln braaeh of id•otuinipa.
, which line been in business -tot -
n -Ins' lot-
tare in h' he c111se1 in slew
. The manager, A. McKinnon,
go to W4ri4141' to fake chars.• of a
"Kiss 1'l.•!n F"rel 101. 041171,41 to St.
row. t" melon.• her dvtl4s on the
ff of Alma 4'"Ilge.
Mr. 1t A Ik'Il tine returned from
rth Illy. where site spent the last
r Maguire ha* retnrnert from :1
of several months w111t relatitc-
e 1'nited States.
le Anna Rose, only dan(th►er
ry 1'4,11111 of Illyth wee gide
e.l WptetutsyJ- Iffh 1O S?
Murray. s„n
'reran... Iles. H.
The young coupte
r•lny September h
th,• bride's [tae
llfjlt,•tt, Arlt' lain
a• united 1n mar
Soun-, Rev. Dr, I
and s. smug et.
n'm'a farm in 'lRulb•tt
F. G. Kershaw aro
('0 from
.1. F. Daly. the Ford dealer.
has sold over one hundred care this
04aeon. This Is Om beet rear Mr.
I)nly hie had sine.- he took the F'urd
alroney lu 1910.
Mrs. F'. J. Kers::rk,- hes returned
Port .whe -o i t).^
work It d- - az,
vr4ceittt rg In
U%'rxraLr cf Irl
fnr euali44 .
Pr. Jos. Aur. Siroia, ot- St. Isi-
dore. Que.. writes: -
'I have frequently owned Mlrarl's
Liniment ■nd also prr.rribe it for
lents always wi•h 0.: ,r. -+.t
igettf;irie results. and I consider
it the hest all-round Liniment".
C. A. Kine. M.D. also recommends
MInard's in the following words: -
`I have used Minard's Liniment
myself as well •s preserlbed it In
Mr practice when • liniment was
•nl'rud, and have never failed
get the desired effect". r
IL '�ir•�EN�
nrieCh t hL.
cause oftj'
liver. kidne
0f their eflc
eta. a box, all desk
thin other {,.*lite to -railways w'ay's ant e41 "sl ra-
thin from{miles Even If their emu -
luras after rptpbalirut the unmet -r at patties' were factors to the early' settle-
Vaneo4ver SIMI Victoria. - Ibteit. yet the 181.2 rf-m:tlfl. that three
Mr. -and Mrs. 1.utht:r paibbins. after
.pending several week* it the hetar of
Aire. K.d,btns' sister, Mrs, 1'. M. Ches-
ney, in Tuckersmitb. have rrturnuerl to
Wm. Meliougail. of F1Kmondvllte. 1s
laid up as the rcrult . of a fall at his
home in which he frit.•turtrl hie lily.
Mrs. Mn ret Matelrepor. sister of
Mrs.- Mary 11.mance of &a forth. tiled
reently at 4'I.V.•I:,id, O., at the age
of i reenty-4linr years. Mrs Mue-
eiregur was. (born ea the old McMichael
fattu in Hallett towaahip. and moved
.with her husband. Henry S. MaeG e-
gor, to Cleveland many your* ago.
Mr..Mnel;regor diel it) 1102. Three
tees atnl three daughters survive.
The u,ttrrlage ,'f Lillian E.4 eldest
daughter of Mrs. M. Nutt.n. lilaeas-
dine. to Joseph R, Grummet, son of
Mr. anti Mr.. Daniel Grummett, Wa-
furth. n.,k place ee t-mbe•, Nth rat tic•
1 grants ielu4 glycin- for tlw purI.Me of
tieing settlement wlthu1n consider/1-
r1 of development led to whet every-
e&e naw' admit,. the worst mistake
tede. and that i., stuttered anti hale
nye. ,
hattan srttl +errs: 11 IMP. www
i rtu A
lianas -villages. ml:ls, mines and for-
Vara,* developed and Abandons -41
and emigration lat0 other pltii•es I.
still encourageiL In oely one plat..•
that i -visited hart- hualuess methods.
'rat settlement been adopted. anti that is.
In th,• part of Vaucunyer owned by the
4.1'.I(. Here nn land 1. offered by
t1; -vii for sale er settlement• until the
demand for the last lmlrro(('4111aw been
met. Theo the - land adjoining Is
I cleared. l•velbrk +trees raid not aryl
1 pireiL sewers bylit. watermalus hold.
f �l_w_•trie_ 11114J4 and tele'... -
1 provided iv*. and the lots offered for
1 sale limier t'rorrh•ttd •retrulatlon, n* to
, the neat of the dwelling to be erected.
Empire Anthracitic
Stove sine. A ear just in.
Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump
313.00 • ton.
A first-class fuel for .t.,vN
and furnace..
Let us supply your wants in Fuel.
Prompt service and reasonable
Telephone 178 j
home of the brides mother, Its -v. A. 1 Tills. gives ;alt settler 02 purchaser the ' Ingo. ddoubt no uubt to lack of help to
E. Millen officiated. Mr. and Mrs. 1 .tart cost of his Wee and he ►a as- care for the land held ami impp fled
ritmmett are making their hume-lie'111I14 Of *1'tlie f iNiMM-r+mt'elnence* in be worked. Had land been held in
neuforth, • - 1st the price paid: Do ■ssesment* kir
- wirer motoring along the highly*, rr•eemrets ,aer-tMlde st-*Ilf
rant of lienfurth, during a'Leary rain- hQR alroed7 beret prnrlded fora In
.term one day hast week. Mr. and Mrs. dtstlnCtion to this take the example
Fie'her Towus.1.1 of Tuck rrntuft! . of 1'oehrane. which is practically two
had an unusual experience. A hydro towns aeparatel b7 a small lake. Sew'
1,0p, which luul lie, ,mr dl*loldgerl tall age and all ether Improvement* emit
,vlth it crash on top of 111+-ir car, all be provided on lett 0ldle•e of the
F'or ,211*( fly nu elle, was w•ri..u.Iy in- bake. and while Otter side • w..uld
jawed- make • suitable site fur a town the
Iwo-Tm•5t1i.n:i puke aaythl1X taut a
Lt'CKNOW com)eet place and add greatly to th'•
emit-of•tln• h.:mes The some nnfnrlu-
Jolts l41ylit. M.1''.. tats returner*nnatd condition, extort in the rural wet- j
ihuagine•ws trip to Melee and the tienteitt aft sell. All [he Innd hnlylmg
Mnrttfine Provinces.- been thrown open 'fee aettl.-uo•nt and
Sandy Ida'sou of 1A'IntiileK. an old-
. i.eing inure or lees taken. the demand
time readdelt 41f Lueknow', »lent te nwrw,a rely ar.,*e for •trenslwrtaf tier
pest. weiet with frlen''a herr. fita•illfies. postal. telephone
Mr.. Wilfred t;relw.m. Jean anti and 'shipping fa••iln'it•s were provided
.100k liner retnnaed to Vancouver after far heys rad fh.• amount requisite to
.{•ending w•s-o al weeks with n•lativ,•s protide for the aurum number of vet•
and friends here. tiers. The country waft not developed.
Ltt•know /pave Itr. 11811. !Abend cions 3 exp,lultsl snot n7.1- tletd
.1 Wore in Nur.¢ Imre,', '18.7 votes in 1 "1*•.w1 rap. and tic• same reeceta again
1 the eler•tlw 'ext week. Dr. P1n1Ier, 11iiTTritSi tl: 'r11i a411e i'iipol(1`T,ns i xisT
t_ouw•rtnNye, had o;. and Weigel.ins the mines and (ore.ta. Mining
d. tract* are leans; openers daily while
.core. of mine, rat whit promise Jiff
being lett n11deiciend within n *tone"*
throw of ralTo.,v','-N.•w livid. are
b,an+d rind the 1121411.- inter,-stwl Irl
214444 1111114.0 %'hale the old "nes for ini:k •
of capita! ll• +unl.•relop.•d. aul the,
wmntry as'.•n41 with
the Coat of 1)24' .11111:' transportation to
Moth while .n. -'her are being de-
The same cotniit!nn. exist with the
for.••ts. ltnmensr !rads lire run over.
roads are hull:. the timber wastefully
rat'cin nl_ de o• e•
centty from , trip M Great Rrlhaln for.•stlug. soil ;and .nitable d,r gr,w-
antl the (N ntinent. etas gone on to iaK rimier Is "jenel up for doubtful
et�(iaksttN![Lwhrrell��rhll continue Ir{s-Inn nr tr growrap in wit•
studies In preparation for the mini,-
law. it Is. tndecd. no wonder that the
try. whole (4,nntry Is snRering from its
tra•lomirtati'n cit*rge. and full- can
Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher announce
'he engagement of their daughter
Marion to E. Albert Rey-m.ldw Tor-
onto, son ief Mr. and Mrs. W. A. lirv-
mld•. (inelph, the marriage to take
place in IOctober.
MI-. Nobel Macintosh returned
bete- tri week from. A trip to (`ilitfor-
uie, Vat:. „over and Alaska. file was
neeemisnii»I on haw return by Mrs, A.
C. I'atereen of Vancouver, who will
speed 4.011e• 'irrle with her daughter.
Mrs. 1Vm..MaeNenfle.
s Spells
ts. Kempton
her, Hantsport,
pville, Kings
N.S. writes:
y husband suffer -
from kidney and
✓ derangements
lame hack, for
years. Nothing
to help him.
read in Dr.
s Almanac of
Chase's Kidney -
r pills and he
them. By the
e he had taken
boxes he was
n, again. •
4'that , you
tlbs>b bjr ti►tpid
W U1h1V
Miss l'ntee Mingle.. line n•'nr' 4r1 M
months with her mother here. ('hathein after spending 'e•reral toe hn' 1110 condo
n0omly ivor*etbeforennkfih.• people hitiaven: reltnrr-
lteed their mistakes. Eleetrh• rndlnl
railways have lint obtained the foot.
-held- they might hatednna tint trunk
1 all a 11antmmohile-trtf c are taking
as large a 10;1 a. the r*ilwny'S might
tare don)2' e.
"Paw. where does ink come from?'
"Prom Incnba?ore. son. Now run
not with the huy'."-41119. \S'41r:wlnd.
Let Baby's Own Tablets Keep
Your Children Well
Little children eery gni,•kly 4444 out
of worts. lay prompt treatment they
esti nomallyl Jlt*t aft1.• .et right
again. M of fhai". uphill'-- n riot• In
from the '1"110.-•11 or
greater (•*t4'em. Oren rail Icy the (nor
eminent only when nestled. progress -
while perhaps not PA 4q,ectaenlar,
would herr leen greater.
Still another nr:fivon. 1.1.• Imp(r4.
pion Wan the la.•k of wirer/1.10g.
4plendid buildings are erected and no
intimation is given whither they ore
pttbllc ijn11.41ig. or apartment•e F.ven btueue•ss .places do not
,idvert!se their prii,1tu•t- with display
!,ds. or catchy phenols". Plsew of
.eerie beauty or bletnrlc•tl interest are
lint painted Ont• by Witte to the tome.* i
or traveller; even towns, excitant ike
railway sialine, mightt tie )newel
through without icing1110w'n. .1'..r -
haps our neighbe.r- to the ...nth err by
too much eds./Tti.4m. hurt 11 little more
JnetItInble pride in our ...sultry. oiir
prt.luct. our towns fund our firme
would. lead to latter either" -hip and
more heantifed *urromeliig.. n. well
s lmltrm'*l ptodtirt4.
ftomenne remarkwl: "Ir nic.•s etas.
knew what stenographers r.: illy think
'of their hutthand*. they would fen..'
Should Be Method In Sttttesseist
The lack of mr'lo't in our 'settle-
ment has lel to nr.eulielde settlers.
Race dIarecteri.ti'' of Immlgranta
Ifll .exist, foreign !angina.,• almost
predbmennte, nn,l a-dmlIatlon 1* pre-
vented. Not only 1. title existent in
t:nro(r•an or A.intk• p.wl4es, hut In the
F:ng4esh lmmlgrnnt "1 the type sent
I:rrn- who are hahly tl>1' *144.0*
pdntieern to lir found In Any nation.
only the poor nr the ehlftl•ee have
Iw'en ene'ntItged by Mur gnverttntents'r
to and great ' boasts and ilag-
e Is why a goal deantar. walinnes are perteelpntel in I.y both
rt Ing pre4, ri1.-! by thisParties ne to their effort. and a.eoln-
Pfner caster oil nn• the P11s1yrtent. In (Attaining the... English
meet to tiring ill.
itd►7'n Own Tablet, do the
mo'w.'rk, hnt'altMuu 4rouhle to the
t r 410-'otnfhret to the little one.
en tate Baby% Own Tablets hat.
a* there la `rte nenM% tl.te
I* en grin *her -Iain,, fol
tt nae.
act's speelto for ehilephooi indite/.
'Mils, rem ltMg. mordIpetlM, colic.
Ids.'teething paras, ere., there is no-
thing to eaten! nears Owe 'rabble.
They newer do harm and shears due,
t'rakfna' pe1.1,' who hate teeelre.l
their early training. If any. 1n the
either of i'tnglend and tr neplanting
them to the nen' lands of ('ends and
leaving them to their own roarinrree
and direontent in dl.tlnetion to the.
take toile example of the Jwpsneee
fruit -grower* of nrltl*h Columbia.
Thews people milat noeeewarlly be, am-
hitioda end 1„rwawed of amine mevtna
or they wonlc% not he there. A Compe-
tent anpervts)r fa retained wlt►o spode
his tlme In advising methods of ruld-
a,tn•1 To Butts Gtr sole} by Mil• ration and expenditure and 1a always
eine sleeker* 4,r by mail at Merely • on the outlook One fetter methntl.. end
lox from The Pr. lam.' MMIeino advisee tenant living until the hind Is
Co., li eedrflle. Otrt thoroughly and intensively cultivated
to worst."
suis•. D4*JARDIN1
Thousands of people, in every
part of (',nada, are rapidly winning
back health and ,tritigth with the
help of "Fruit -a -five[[,'
Mrs. Napoleon Ueejardin, of
Grand Falb., N. R. say* she took
several boxes of this marvel oto
fruit medicine for pain in the bark
and (onatipatinn. "They did me good
immediately and h am relieved e1
these trouble.. Now i always keep •
bolt of "Fruit -I -lives" in the homes."
This genuine fruit medicine -
made from fresh fruit juices, In-
tensified and combined with tonics
- is Nature a own remedy for cor-
recting Cnnatip [inn, Pain in the
Rork, Rtomarh, kidney and gladder
Trenblea; for purifying the Mood:
and butldiwg up Ute general Scapi.
Get a lox yourwelf---take ahem
*Hording to directions -mad [tee bow
r+ekb yea. too, will tool better.
$c, ,ad 88e. at all dealers.
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cosh by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Wt. guarantee our Ilydrn !amine
for 1•.41 h"ur•. imp
I Kodak --
Give us a trial and
let our work speak
for itself.
Telephone 187
J. T. FELL Goderlsk.
. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All t'alls promptly attended to
day er night
Blore 3*5 Residence 366w
Hamilton Street. Goderktb
for library". parlor, reception ur draw-
ing room, for odd nooks and (*niers
around the house, empha.I zing the
North ode of Square Goderici
idea of culture, but making the home
,t all the wore expresalve of comfort anti
eonvenlen.'e. We have a varied se
lection of these tables, arts -deafly de-
signed and snide.
Read The Signal's Classified COLONS
Brophey Bros.
brier. carefully attended to
at al' hours, night or day
Furniture Funeral Director
Hamilton Street. Goderich. Ont.
BROCKEOStreetW.• STP.OE. Bea 601
Shingles. Car of N. Il. Shingle*
just arrived. Johns -Manville
Asbestos Shingles, Roiled Roof-
ing. A,beetos Roof Covering,
Galvanized Rldgerow Nall, ere.
Get Priem Before You Buy
East St Phone 369W
- for --
Massev-I larris Machinery Trost Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies
Farm Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont.
McCormick --Deering Farm Equipment
(live us a call if you require any new Farm Equipment. or
Repairs Aliso a good elean supply o1
Rope Twine Oils White Lead and Turps
A (leneral Line of Hardware The Service Store