The Signal, 1926-9-23, Page 64'••
-'+ .
..el 4---._.__-..
Stock -taking Sale of Note
Paper and Envelopes
at one-half price `
Kid Ftuitlt Note Paper. Regular ",1',' ;.'r quirt' and 25c' each
per pkg. of envelopes. Sale Price, onl. ,
Kara Linen Note Paper and Envelop.... .... Reguhttrr each
each. Sale Price. .•.• ••.. . ....... •• •..
Crane's Linen Lawn Note Paper and Envelopes. each
Elk• each. Sale Price, ,only .•......
Special Holland Innen Envelopes. Sale ('rice)', onli 1(k pkg.
Special Note Size Envelopes. Re•gul Ir '15e. Sale Price 15c
Optical Department
We are now open in our New Store and otT.•r you n thorough
eye examination. Glasses from !'t (KI up.
t'ou are invited to conte in at any time ('o:tsultatiou free.
Successor to Porter's Book Store
(Continued from pass s)
don Miller. /lee.. Webster. Jean Web-
stet. )far.' Iknv. Alan Reed. Ralph
in alerou. Laurin.. )tiller. Kenneth
ilalg.�'. White Leghorn,. - - fttntt11
Mar('11iee. Kenneth !lodges, Gur,It m
,eons. isurine )tiller. Kttehener Fin• Etta Taylor. Surma V,-*therhead, Yan War
ttigan. t'orn Thnmlwun. Any pet- ('ora Ftinnigt.a. 'Coro- Front -es Phil-
Thom. N'rl
1k,rothy \tiller. Mary Iow. Wilhite lip's. nnkttown. Margaret Thum. Fu- morn `et
Taylor. Alen (teed. Iwai.-( Miller, Ile•len Irh.mta ltlnh,ul. Helen Thom, Florence Myrtle
t'run*ton. Ierk cake ---.Janet McFar- ".•len Tho
1.1VE `ITt)('K lane. Nancy Klef. 1 /lire Maung. Helm.-"l`r..tan
Spring colt-ltouat l Fost.•r. Donald )tiller. Margaret Miller. Candy-- Thi- ter. Ylkhe
Th,.ugron. Willie Pardon. Halsor- i,ha.mia Itintoul• Marga rt Miller. Free 11'm. Hlggi
ern Phillips, Ern•at Iturain. Florence „e Mc4'
bn.k.•n c•edt -Willie Purkrn, H.*naW toaster* N
Forster. 1t.o.ald Tionq*on. Market Mclmnald. Emily Med'lire. !match -
St. )taste.
lent. Intake .Uta.. ih t ala Thompson. Viacom*. ('ratlrtun. Etta Taylor. Gan
Taylor. I'
George Alton. Ronald Forster. Guldle 1 Reed. Fisie Tint. Florence )fcltonahl. ltintuul.
'Puree••. %Walter Forster. Baton bog- foal Thompson. I'Ie-Margaret Mil- t'wttlawl.
Mildred Ve4Juilhen. 1MonaLl Thompson.
ler. Margret Thom. Janet M-I'arlane. Henry, AS
Melon Miner. 4.1.sw4w 1$..ljnitl*tl t1 •+.s.' - Sails,-_tr:i•'. Farrier.
sin Miller. t;...rim Alton. It.ef 'aIf-t•
pail int --(tanto. Lyons. Willie Taylor.
)t' her. Glen 1 'amerrn. Ralph Cameron.
1:idol, It I d Pentland.
'('boat murk Ryan. MArgaret M111er•
riitch tat teuttou--klupin-mla Rintoul,
Janet Meb`arlane, Margaret Thom.
Margaret Miller. Mar- 1It.hfe. Nellie
(`rulstou. Orochatenl insert iuu-- Wary
Finnigan. Jame McFarlane. Fltirrin•e
t'reneton. Cu1w Staley. !ultla's on
towel--Met•guret Tilton'. Janet McFar-
lane. Margaret Miller. Saucy Kiel: NI -
Vint. Apra--Jatt1W M1darlaile•.
Mildred NC/Quillen. Margaret Thom.
Margaret Miller. Jean 1'urtioa, Ger-
trude Finnigan.
Ittga• halter ---filen Cameron. SI\
uantd kinds -.Donald Mettonald.
pinaula !tinfoil!.McKinley Ramage.
\\'alter McF'arlrue, Lloyd Flanigan.
M. MacFarlane. Any model in
wood- -William Taylor. Willie Purilotl.
Margaret )IIIAer, J.e Foran. Arthur
Brow n. John Foran. • I'atch oil tiro--
Niiphemire Rin 1. Jerry Crau*tou.
Gordon Hlutoul. Willie Purdue. itulldt
i'arneron. Wilfred i'entland.' Katt--
Arthur itrowa.
Nt,xitno. wee!. and st its--Euphenia
Itluh•ol. Hilda F'inniglan, Nancy Kiel.
Gordon Hlntoul. Neatly Met 'lure.
Leaves and wilds-EUAlemia Rinloul.
(lordon 11iutoul. Donald,' Mellcmald.
iJoyd Finnigan. }aro Taylor. William
Taylor. Local rocks-Gurelon Himont,
Freda Hinton', I nphemia Hintoul.
females Mt1lo iald. Arthur Brawn.
Helen l'hont. Iterirtl.•ial lays is
phemfa ltiuhtl. Gordon Hlutoul. Joan
DRAWING, AIT .%\11 1%'Jtl't'ING
Map ..f Huron--Itatph
Jean Cameron. )Inoue• 61d.
Jerry (Ininston. L Stother*, Mary
Dow. Map of °uteri.. -('l fietena Mc-
Farlane. (lien Cameron. Florence Me -
Miller. Ronald en l/unlsn. Man- Nklwlseu, Jean .)1r -
Gee. Alexander Neale. Map of Africa
-Tum Hairy. ?Intents. McDoaa'..1.
.Tran Wet*tter. Kupltemla Manual. }Wr-
iter' V.ele;. Wm. Higgins. Writing --
"White Sheep" -Jan. Ward. Verna
Andersn. Freie Himont. 11.-th Park..
Melba Fowler. Ruth Haulage. Writ-
ing -"National Anthem''--Itutl. )L••
()Milan. rltoleraa Smith. Edith Duruiu.
1. Walter McFarlane. Jean
ting -"fu Flatalere Field-"
airy. Florence McQuillan.
Mcelulllen. 1*aIwI Mitler
((Tile bred --Margaret Thom.
17.ri••f. ltglit, Margaret Miller.
Brown . hrvd -Florence Cranston.
Margaret Miller. Mutlugh•-Jean I'ur-
.bn. Itnth McQuillan. le,rotl y Neale.
Mary Nichol+.u. .tmy Young. Myrtle
McQuillan. Ter htscult+ - Margaret
Andreas. Pearl Thomllstru, Jean Thom.
growing )t .
of helpful tui y
_ - ----eat t•Irh
llaveYou A
Skin Troubk
Those wltu fear the. pv-ISIitllly of
w•.•e{ Its will !hitt they advice
dolomite a C V reteptttve. "He
that luVeth yleatrure shall la• a poor
twin; he that koveth wine and ..i1 shall
" Lt-- y�....y1tt
1 (.(loll moue)" but We love uf`it
KE('il'E. that la the root of evil,, `It
lathe ptaderiug to his ani-
mal nature Which dtw,nmlizot a mail
and prevents ham winning out In the
battle ut life. The nutu *ionic mild
is absorbed in gratifying. his senses.
o„u loses zest for letter things. It is
death. to a young fellow',. chances
al:, it gets the idea that life (r,lt-
tl.'-.lithe amount of a.uusetucat and
adea•ure he can pack In between the
!tour for quitting and beginning his
,lay's work. Right aow there be a
ttpleutlld opsortontty for a main show-
ing the stuff that le in hitt It takes
nerve t.sluy to give life the se•rityua
thought it deserved.
'Fake palatial C a a .i.. Steamer from MNMM to
=chow aye Stat-vpm ierrt•iy+a the morutoaa mai by tb. .
�r feet Meshed foe Codas Poise. Pot -in -Rev. To
points Your rdr ticket to rood oe our oratmom. k•.,
a rias els mid Tint dead; at 9.W
Fare 15.50 -Round Trip Fare, $9.50
Maw Tom** AAutomobile� Is. ad s.O sad up with BveadTwo Dai Rand
All the lunatic* are not in the In-
sane asylum. 'it has leen laid that
pAY heed to early symptoms rrrry''.nrlittle "uf" uu some poiut,
Of skin disease 1 At the first *aid It 1s only a question of degree twat
sign of any unpleasant rash, keels. our public inwtitutiuna from be-
ing crowded to their utmost
AVOID capacity. This *twins U, be
IRADK. ' an age of hold. arid people le t
are running about wilbt all
kinds oktwtintvr. from stating sawdust
down to going barefoot for health.
irritation or eruption, anoint it
with Zam-Buk. This quickly
soothes and heads of disease.
Whore skin la alraal4 /llama with.
acaotas at w y,•_. _e , Sore sr alas- Li
natal, Zam-Bek is tie Sae goads tail- One 6a• w1ly to Mak at the mWtipAi•
pati balm that gas right at tla net d
Iietroubs Z.a-ibaksap.Lllsaaas, cation 4f_rellgiuus ete•hi and read
s0/ grown taaw clear skin. some of the rilik•uNeua tenets and
Las-Tiak'otnar-rsadyawareersod clsftr/a PIO rah by aolw• of them. to
sacspdeaal►tsNwg,seel►lagaalaad• realize the It which hutain thought
agtls vales Imes wren We 11 • perms- las reach The brit for "moque-
N ewt plata fa wars _rase Mew. fhtug new" bee t great fascination for
Oat a baa rd o TQ6-t
es -day. and kelp it aiwys bawdy i tad' la hu*Inel ., science or retla'ftm.
ails. I. f----r--i. ort Hwy imus The pan who starts fad clouting is on
Stew.. 14 13 . sayer -'.weber, arae- thtii'grrnrr ground. Not one Ittta,thou
v a s 6r rail sees altar- sand of 'hose w�eo get the balblt etc
W oo tow air r
wag tweed to opss swot wit alit/ alar amount 10 anneka. Nesely font thou -
loom Ty.\y\'ra; ;d �sa-4.
sand year. ago the warning was
girls akin Is s sunrirtM er'y. w.ndded. '-He that tfllnth his laud
•hail have plenty of bread; but be
that fnlloweth after vain pursuits
•I:all Lure poverty enough."
The rtasein some meu', affair* are
m. Verna Smith. Writing always III a tangle is that they {sound
g tle Har" -Margaret Mi:- the pillow too bard. A }may tiatr
1 McQuillan. Tum Henry. , keep* the "willies". away. Get up in
us. Florence McD.nai,L No: ' tlan- to Ret your day's work wet to or-
('a rtrsnu--F.dlth Ihun.iu. I �a� e0..•
smtr se/ Zaa►�,asyaa, /ro.•/ �w/oer /seer• der. The wise man
tele. Neill.. McGee. Myleal lass asall.aMlsrsaablw toshal� Ol'1T TRIC Sita*: The way of the
Mildred McQuillan. Win. HAY. rigbte•ouw 1* made plait)."
Noting alpturberuill:npliemia NO man can h• rigbteons
hag who ams•gra the early bonne
away. The Iteril 1* ionic of the fellow
who hugs the bed Ip.the original the
latter part of SolomctfI p remark reacts:
"The way of the righteous in raised up
Willie Taylor. Clara Peet- ' like a causeway." Itis man who la
atom of ter .11 concession of )lorTis right,ou* L. diligent anti the diligent
nice) Ramage. Poultry Judi- tuwttsblp• .a w:,r ant� a -quarter from man always ae* what's ahead of him.
Re•hrter. Elsie Vint. Fel �,r Village, nus atrQtk Icy a C.!•ft• It may Ile ratty but it is elweye plain.
Eupht•mla Itintoul. Roy
- rgar•t Ville,. Ronald
Florence M l/011 Ni. n'.nn DEAF AND DUMB MAN
net Metarlane. 1 =mitt IiICT itig.-R.-ArRemut
speaking -Dorothy Allen. r &agave. rept. 17. -Thoma. John -
Itlalr Anita. George Alton. I:..rnbu Darning en stts•king-Jean Cameron, Elsie Vint.
ltlntonl. kld.tte Miller. Beef calf- lk,rlthr Neale. Annie. Sproul. Doll's land. M(Ki
Goodell I,ycats. Mirarlaht. Ar,s' -StarrTki(F. Marjorie NieIlolr1d. tnlg-dkrreenn
11 'illi.• 'star. (%'alter Forster. Senior Mealy IMhle•, Jean I'urdon. Alma Ile .Met:yr.
ts.'! ca+f--4lamt..le McF':irlane. Gordan Nevins. Apnk• Sproul. lietustltebed Nk•holtion.
Lyons. VFl!}ie-9'r. sur. -- ---A Nt'- 4 R
Fitt,-----Nevins._LlgttonLoles - Janet M.•Fbr-
Aunt,.-.lalo•t W1'111'1111111. IaurttteIone•, FYurwn.w MelInnald. F:nirlienila
I freight trate in .1 fatally injured about The logy Shuffles does not know which
Ruby Turner. Paredes 'clock yr*.terday w,
S. i 12. S. S No R• S.
\o. la. S. R. No. 1T. Any drill -S. S. hospJltal: '
Il�a►tl way t-• tate Nltfgkam way to tarn when be finally seta up.
�r slog* his ishell
No. 12. 13.8$ No. 4. - - 1 The late Mr. Johnston had been to
London liar told La
the train at 111•lgnrre. lie warted to
walk to his home. walking along W-
eide the traeki. Brian deaf. Le .lid not
1 heir the C.N.H. Loudon freight train.
Whirl run him dollen. lin was picked
tip by the train crew ani taken to
I lllyti. 1)r. R. V. Rrtlmnud .4 Wing-
hain wM* .•ailed awl ordered him taken
to the IVingham tute•pitnI. He dleol.
h..werer, jrtat before he readiest tie.
hospital. •.
As it was tt railway accident. the
law reff lrea that an ingnl•*t ler held
and .one was opened halts ley 1Ir. W.
J. Miler. coronet; at itelgrnve.
The bite Mr. Johust.n. wit- sixty-
four year. user ,u,d :1c. -i w1111 his
loonier. •Henry. He was t*otb deaf'
anti ,+nal.. though active• and strong
for Ills years. He wa- a native of i
Huron ,eenhty and w,�• tllitunrrird.
Resides the (brother x1,11 whom Le'
lived.. he is aucvltrd h.• tit.' -,:her bre
thrr 111.1 ane •liter.
.11 1. 11:might that the acc..Tebt win
due 10 tit• tact that the Ire:gitt train.
was bee. it usually going aLtug-atatut
is o'clock In the morning. 'Mr. John-
ston. thinking that it Lad lee+reel long
ago, elle out looking for it. Hr had
just about. r•actird bora. when the
I train strnrk him.
"Then, ` i Learned How to Shave."
"I had developed the habit, like lots cf fellows, of shaving year
after year with the same old ``safety".
i/I was out camping with a chap who used a Valet AutoStrop
Razor and was very enthusiastic. 'Just try- it,' he urged. - '
"Resultsl What a difference) It is all in the stropping, I learned.
- - -
"I'll never go back to the ordinary ``safety" because I'll never be
content with the blade giving only a few shaves, the blade get-
ting duller with every shave. Believe me, those two weeks con-
vinced me that I had been in a rut as far as shaving is concerned."
This is the experience of many men. Maybe
you are in a habit rut. Have you tried the
Valet AutoStrop Razor which automatically
sharpens its blades without removal -cleans
too, without removal?
Why keep to old fashioned ways? Just try a
Valet AutoStrop Razor. Note its superiority.
Valet ,
Mets r -
sIwtiser strop for
j�jng blades
is supplied as part
ti/ every set.
Roe as t•omel•
Sold the world over Complete Outfit., Ilse
Da Lusa Medals. =PAO app.
Millions of satisfied users
La. *lliphtevl from
jobs itujwle his t.rogress on every
side. Brother. if you are, having a
hard time with conditions. get up 1111
1 Dari the .lay's battle
iil arra". Cut out an Lour of the
"night before- sad pick up the drat
hour of the 'day after." and wonder-
ful thit:gs will hapten. Quit your
lazhiese an4 will be as the
path that "shineth more and more un-
(be per day. "
is often called the succeieful urn.
Itut there la wealth 'aloud riches
and a name., that is far better than
Pirtle. It was this thought that led
.the wise arra to say "Medea' is the
principal thing, therefore get wlarbm ;
and with all thy getting gt•t under -
',sanding." True wisdom makes a
right use of Ito. things of life. right
uoderatandiug puts a man accord
1 with Ilia Hallows.
Sctfislwpsl f. innate to humanity, in a small village some years ago re.
and ,emery lath. circnntstatice brings it Orions re rkva were held on the Rah -
out. The stn of the rare le greed- ' lath. for Rant of a tetter edifce. In •
gee ell If gain. greed of treason•, greed 1.1 aemitb'e shop. The old �e -
of fume. There 1• no reason why men s . win was a tt.lieyer In adeer-
should not honorably tl*boa a» Sp 11 es rrllRiou. gat
NOT THE Inc..elfor .isvres. bit SOFT ,alt bis rail wagon paint on
' thing as TALi. Fialurelay afternoon ALA MR
thrown aside in the I np _the nigh : "The Gospel
race. and it (*soma's a mad saampa.le dullyl�rraebed here every Sunday "
for nest oboe. 'e. it brings mon to the Thee was of ,t,;rs• a lough at the ex-
lerel ,.f the jungle. There are men t.enst•-.1 the preacher as well as the
wt.. are As tatted upon their own mei- hl*ck,mlth. A eorknt•y, happening
fish purposes and aims As the hag' 1 along. surreal bis Ings •nd wpetlwl cwt
who gets In tasty and hones into the ' the nniSiuserment Turning to a Mw
trough. The man who tan tomer the slander he romsrk rl. ')t Jose. 'r'/
market. squeeze the moat nut of hl.' got a tern inn many in if." til if of -
gain out of MP ertslifore or etnployeco untnrtunate fellows, wring the n.t.t tea hnpnpwna tint sr•rnrnns have a hell
tcw. many fora certain chase of hearer..
%1 hen a hlarkh•g c!al.• ttoit "t t1. hack
ani Palls yaw a got i ft t.w. get Away
lino. a quirt place at:.I. take a goof!
1 heme.' '«ok at y ,itro-If. At.k yonrw•If
I. 1f pot are jest th,• man you ought to
ts•. When } on are the batt for ei:1 , r
', a hnff.. new nr malice of wiel..1
, nu•n rejoice. -Woe unto you when till
rr/t•n ,1.n11 si*'ilk well of you." when
I.ou find a man who has mi eneemica,
yon hare eine of tbo., dear little fel-
',,wa Varnished with an and* dubber
' 'nsthatean he adjusted to agebillgt e
•r iitr,fgM OfThe wind. "it .grantees
to hear the rehnke• of the wipe. tial
far a man to hear the "one of feel
Every I0c
r Packet of
t Th. only things roan tan ah
k ep talal to hire ere a dna. a w
• NMI lila, h. Qn, hr (`hron
The township councIT mei on "S,
temla'r 11th. with' all the mend., i
irre*t•nt. Minute• of previous Meet II Z.
5 ew -rpmf -appro.-or,. A !.yin .,
was rayl and passed. tlxit.g the `'
lowing rates of taxation for the pr.-
'j"»nt rear: Conn1► .ts
ty rate. 0 A-1}+1
` township rate. '1 4-111 mills: gt-t.eral
school rate. 3 i-1(4 mils on the .:.•:lar.
Bridge debentures and ordinary =. ton1
Tates -net 9-xti4 above, Shear nm onnty.
Ratepayer's will notice a *light in-
c•re•ase• of troth county and i.aoshii
rates bolsi Mellor 'tries.
Thrtw other bylaws were al.- read
and Jasa..L ria.: Confirming the ap-
pointment of collector; anthoriztng
the collection of R ter emit. on ■11
tuxes not paid 1.v December 1:1•h. enol
one for the i*,rrow1ng of sufficient
-money to finatsw taw township
imail the take* ore forthcoming. The
collector's 11uld ens *ccrptrd aa mine -
(Graffiti of $4O were made nu form-
erly to Winghsm and Itlyth fall fairs
toot 1111 to k.•lgrnve achtwd fair. The
following 'tenntnt* war• paid: rl.e
Itlyth Standard. printing "mere' plats
at,.i el.lvertisiug, 1131: i.toilant Cork.
cmgpenlnrlon for injuries received on
read. d14; Alex laeter. cutting hill.
concrtMon A. 1100; 'rite Corrimatptl
1? pp Co -entreats, $M'2.4A; Tile Dimly -
too Roast Yachlurry Co.. drew
acraper. 27: patrolmen -P. W. Kent t,
11x.114: W. McGill. $221.25; (I. t'onitet.
1t•...hv : S. Meltnrney, 112; 1'. Caller.
11t3.2.I: T. irhhlnson. 11110.4.. C^onn-
cil will hold Iia nest meeting on Oeto-
IN•r 12th
A. 1'4"RTRRP1 IIA), (Aleft.
IMFF would y.m Ilk.. ter• teak of In-
trNltlt'ing the Hitdn ltiwort 41r Tirn-
ralyaogndl %'ivarnghar-echtrys to the
Rn.Man dancer. Wile • Plasknweltitbit -
Jahle?--Hanfirun Tiersld
tllnlLraflt XXaflatgl/frorl AltrlrtttlX'
Announcing therri‚
Fall ani Wi
have now on display
range of samples that aff
variety and makes selection easy
New Notes of the Se
troduced in The
The dolman sleeve, the boler
original touches give these
...... -_ -_.
Matron and misses s
shades, as well as conservative
Some are lavishly trimmed
others are plain.
qur store a
lk, are In -
and many
ovely new
d black.
An added feature o
by purchasing these sam
the same styles will not be
Greatly Appreciate
r Store