The Signal, 1926-9-23, Page 3•
ubbing rn r he Signal and
London _Siiser $6.75
e 25 Bente at t1F'Ctlbt of sending a
order. A sit filar slaving on Tither
The Sinal
Your Office Stationery
Now re a good tints !ur you to look throtleh
your 'tock of 'Office Stationery` HuA p1&ee
your order for'n•.w-ol•pliee+. We eats meet
atiy competition in quality and peke,
The Signal
The Money -
Losing Cow
�•; TIIE average product ion of milk per
cow in Canada is about 4,000 •
'pounds annually, but* authorities
are agreed that the higher the produc-,
Dolt per tow the greater the profit. You
can materially increase the productive-
ness of your herd by breeding better
lice stock and the lona] branch of the
1 Standard Bank of Canada is at your
se•rvice in supplying loans for the pur-
chase of stock which will give *greater
cash return for the feed and labor ex-
AN DA► tip BAN K
Kenneth 11.0Y r ceder 1Vim SCHOOLS OF WEST - I' \\ ebste r (711. Wm. McQnll►in, I
I 1 ii
(lardy. Isabel Tyndall.alunKuldt:-
Mildred Mlliien, yllford Duna, Kea
mu Fisher. Wilmer Rutledge, Mildred
balk w•s Flwcn l'friy,mer. Turnips-- t
Evelyn Mtl .W,,, . Gurdon M•.rrl'4n.. Barley. quart
-�Iealw•1 lO olwrla. 'Helen Bisset. Ise 1 Marie. t;:at 4111114-r
Walter Ihtf•r. Beton'
aLl.* cite
rota Kerr, Margaret Miu•h,ll• Denson Competitions in Public Speaking, i
Fulford, H4lea F'eagoo. Carrots--
l n Ruth
Ila ld Stevens,lnufr
The Prla, Ltd
FAIR AT ST. HELENS - •tn;trt--\\"iI11. Pnrd,wa. G4)rdnn
M :ris.u, ala/... 'hw+C i1'iIUe. Pur -
Make .1,. at -4:1.•r, Cam. roil. Frank Olver.
Retry a ityl v laldwr ,
n.Sports and Other Events. Fo•;d .•..n,, to
.•a r'- (n►14s10u.
Fur:) ton,
F'ultetr 1JoTi1 M. ',arty. Par*ttlyu- an Interesting Afternoon S i. ;d cern. N talky Ile r a . Clifford t:w e•t emu -1111,M Finnigan. l9iffunl
I:wi 8otehuar. !toy Errington. Vinnie al. nary. Ralph tams -rue. 111 culd-
21111Lu, Pearl Lawlor. Nettie 1'itb1a,W,
Grace l'friuuuer. (Inions -Mar'. Itis,
ett,- Cbarlie Milltan, Nelson Moulden,
Benson Ws)ters, Myrtle l'friww.•r.
H.r•t'1M Huy. FLOWERS
11-sleu issett, Norma 11111.
Burrs,' llafd7.41. ie Hasid, Franklin ! last.
Horton. Sweet Pea* -Leola Fulforai. large church shed. would l+*te dole
1. C. lsrtatxA--Imo's Marty, attar-
-I•hlux-Date Iforton. fern Thom, 4 11,e credit to a,Alistrkt fair, tlu.+tlltl--1.trip Marlkutaltl:atelseuio M1111on. leo-
_ Zlynia-carman Stet( Ruth I seri quantifs being ',reefed iu marked-
bel Miller. Alex Lyotw. Harold Rrkl•
Anuli Tall., a1`iastaioes--4Gtrrdo,a Dohle, ['bark*
Whin J, i; , deere JeIk,na:d. Alan Rew-st ulabr:Mire=
If(alw4 1/rts•hiuney, Lrvriysl }11111. Af- The T.a•know band w'++•.1•re'*ent anti
rkan Marigolds -Howard Young. Ruth I played at Intervals in the afternoon. Ikrual9L Hugh Maen.ati4. Gordtm Hirt -
thirst Phyllis lioliorl. Eleanor T)1r- i Three girls stud two troy' took part) lout. D. 1w•t ..---4\,ra Finnigan.
the competition In pub *peaking. •o• Jean gluon. Harvey Mule. George Al-
wbltb Mr. W. Ruthe d donated a inn. Melvin Morrison. Agnes Voting.
medal a% lbs tlrst p4ia• ' TTils „'way Maugr.l.ia---4lurdot. Miller. McKinley
W.1111-11.T-D011-11911kP11 0 $• 1\i^• R• hiatus, Joe Karan, Win. 1lnttwL
F:c.•ell.•at weather. combined with well. Alex Neale. lint 11'hyard. `troy
1'1 l u ia,m w•l ldb attend' any ef- b. MK. pinl---Arthur 14rowu. Herb.
fort of the boy. and girls. brought out 1•'mu+geto. Alan Rota.
a seer ;i•'u .1
1411441 fair 1•f the 11'4.•4 1Vawunnikh Arthur Brown. Ala�eed. Herb. Fin -
held hu4)1s, hrlfl at St. Hell fila on F'Gley l.ignn. Mile'' M Mark. Glen t'anteron.
The exhibit'. slu,wa in the }UNITS( A\1) \'FA;ETMi1LES.
Alex Lyons. '
} attendance at the eighth an -
4.1.11 Cameros. levans hadl-
l'1 Jahn Hutchins, Louis Fut-
Fifty yards dash, girls 10 to 12
years -Rett )leha•r, Fern Thom. Mocha
Fiedler. Cbrtstiur• Rtrherts.m. Pearl
I w,or.
Fila ods eka,tlr,buyK over12 years
_ - - D. rt•agsu. Frank Flick. Ivan Bean.
7 Carries Off the Shield Teseher*' art• -9111e. Annie Mac -
Parade Competition
r F rank Watters. Duncan Mullan'
II 1 ouiuld. K. N. No. 9. Mina F'wlna l'wmlr
krll. 14. S. No. '2. Mies J4RcrM.u, 9. $.
Xu.l 7, Miss Harding, ti. S. Ni. 4.
tel r hts.l fair for Colaw.rne E1iri(„h,tt}tt•tt rat', boys'-1Flam{d
as held at Smitb'w Hill 014 andl Roy Allen, Rea Strtughtii and
14411""'"., Inst and w:u a Twslle Hoy, Russel I'frimmr•r, and
.crew. 'the weather ens Frank Waltegt*.
ypra. wa' a Ian:" atni'I- Three-legged reel.. girts-Christine
clt,:dren and ;Will?... Refa•rtwrs end Fwe maw I�uretta
well up to flue ii ,'' F•Ifek and Nettie l'itbladu. Margaret.
can. ttruaghiu and Ft•.dyn Million.
I la'ud'e t.vk plr.v Ms,nt i Ri:Iay rice, Iwtw.,•rt rt'huu!s-lloug-
followirtg seen ,cbui 11 'it Fe::gaii. Hamid Allen and Fern
M :. S. N.,. 1. I. S 4 No. Y Vitae of K. K. No. 8; Franklin Flick,
volt.•.l ' :4. tl. I(. Nu. 4 1 A*p!e Olhe Hlll and Marla Fichte' of S. S.
�a1 o. 7. N. tS :X11. S 11'elar Ni. 4 : /'arrrn: Hoy, 1r alrel Mc V1iin•
Kit- 9 4 lhialop l • T) C rev s11.1 Frank Welters- oS-- S4. Na. -3.
, _Pair* . and (4414 _ _1aWwtug lung jump, __boys-1Tiltner'
w identified by a bate Hardy. 11 ft if hist • Hoy .Allen, 11
doll. tbrw/lmlt*--Marean•t Mitchell.
Lulu Jewell, Norman Durst. Cairn -
data -Eileen Feagan. Emerson Dural,
irtwid Attie irebe.a-liarsshl_Jlie
yeas, Vesta Tabb. Denson Fulford,
l'Ilfurd Hurst. w••wos-Mildred Hal-
lows. F111111 re. Atty, Erlt• (Paid,
Jew Farrlsh. uu Million. finks
--Helen Jackman; Hertrwa Fisher,
Jlyrtls l'frliaiter. Lela Jewell. Hanel
Lawlor. (lallardia -- Chr1,tk+e Ro-
t p
berto's'. Frames Mcl.arty. Salpigl ds , ellen Ia(!. Willie Taylor. N. Wile. Corn Staley. Blake Alton. hal 1
-Maryjiltiatt 'Harvey Young. lieu I 14.„ Nn. 12 chi soaks nn $Ir 1agar leen. Thum. • I'eret111,s-Ronald Mae.
14140 gave 111 41xty aid Tstds++ John $t. Marie. Jean 1'aroemu.
npon ROW, Dgert-oj� Ryerson, founder nips-\Valter Former. Gordon Lynne,
of Ontarfo'r. pgpl seMwrl eys14m. Alt Anna Irvine. Jean Webster. 141445 -
the a,14$e'sars were upon ('nadiau M)rtle McQuillan. ' Laura Martin.
historitdl Aalres. fair John.A. Ma'- linen Anders.m, Claire Pentland.
by Fiala
sttl%Je•t of the "dr"' Helen Thou. Elsie \'Int. (ari l'
of 8.8. No. 13. who was (;rate Young. Margaret Miller. Mali,
never front home gardt'u-Fowl Bissett. Rrot•kk teen thlnl Nacr. ('lora Pent- l yoM1 . Marie Ryan. Hr1en . i er.
laruredta Flkk. F.vrlya Hill, 'ladle I land. K $• No. 14. Alone Tecumseh as ,trthttr Itantage. Nancy Kiel, Tenet
MuanU1 w. Orval Mcrae..Helen Bis- her satbjer•t. and McKinley 'Rama
of Tlu,arhwm. • /Inions--l'hrtssi.• luteus.
sett. $. $. No. 12. dwelt "on the life and do- Ruth Ramugr. ('ora Thump*011• F1nr-
PO1'LTRY i iin � of General Wolfe. Ruth 1I-Quillau. Joke Foran, i4Mh
Qa•kerel-Nelsai ¥ouldell, Lrrett► Two *t-h.wds. Nn. 4 and No. 12, took I'hllllps.
Karr. Franklin Horton. Jelin Tislrrdrli: apart lu the drill competition. and N. 1'i O1\'F)R!(
Orval McPhee. Pearl restage, Pullet 12 won that plaice. Aston-Kitehrarr Flnni�tn. Melba
-Nelson lAwlor. Jean Houston, Orval Brief mblresses were given he file. } ,,w Ire. uukrterwu. •('ons Staley. Mar -
e. Loretta Kerr. Franklin Hor-�.1. R. King. M -1'. -elect for North Hu- caret Thum. Goldn'in Peat's, Soret
ton. Pen of thew• --Nelsen Mennen, t ren. and Mr. John .1oyrit. M.P.P. Mr. caret .('I+known. Margaret_ kapott.
IRm.•rwn, Dunn. Jean ,Honetln, Roy 1 King spike of Canada's great weal?'' .Van -Rrwl. 11.(.'11 Thorn. �Rnes41 letr-
A111n. White Ieghorns-N*•llem atoll- I of rettouret•s, and Urged that Il au- 'ler. teed. -Elmer horem. Jean ('nm- 1
den. .\rnold ABM. Norman Durst.
editing should bend thole energies to ,•non. Mcatlr MtQutllin, 1'rrouirn alt•
WIiiTe wramiwtte+t•- S _mankit1LJ no, uphnllding of their runutry. t1•' . Marls. 'Llr.nia-IFnr'thy AIIRn. \Val -1
Gordon lultoc.lie. !tarred Rocks- emphasized the value of thrift and ma Treleaven. Arthur ltmm�, Mary
ureal M. Phee. Bob F`arrleh, Dace 'tor- i economy. Mr. Joyut said he land a) FfnuiRnn, .FMn•nrf• ]Iealnllhru, Feta
tun. Verne Jewell, Nelson Moulden.' first been donbtfnl of the miter's. ,f Tnytur. Afrieen Marigolds - Neely
I.loyd . 1(Wlwlge. Any pet-Dardilas ' these rural school fairs. tint they had Tedd, Marc !tow. unknown. t'o'wn'
freeman. Handl Agin. Verne Jewell.' developer!. beyond" all cxlretatlon Lod tis -liras. 'MeNee. Frances Ph1Hp.
Bert alc('als'. Franklin Tlortou, Ride- e.0414 not but irav, n great lnflueo(' l'nteeinve-liorethy Miller. French'
ant McWhinney. *MICK- to the Prnvinee. Msrignitte-ekrineu Haines, -Gertrude
Finnigan._ Walthr Fusthr. Vcrls•n:t
Mpriug ,r,lt- Howard Young, - Fm ly Them. t'a
raven lrrenl t eat kern
1. - --
Real Estate and lasuraace
. W. Craigie
sE1F:\" 1'1' NIX'fll YF:.\IR ]t1. ;Ts
A number of good
Houses for Sale
or Rent
Fully modern house on
piston street for wale Garden
and garage.
Al tarso, new barn and' o,
water bowls in stable, one-half
mike from store, i tNiT-h 1144
school, three from shipping
Also 5 acres land, one mile
horn town, good barn and
house, fruit town •.nd berries.
Moo 20 20 bounce tor sale or
Beautiful farm, 114 acre*,
brick house, one mile to store,
+shoal, church, station. Price
Elevator aid A. W. Chaos stock.
Sparta C^"-••••- i r tr lCattrte .Tent. 4'•• -
as • 1 liter fierily. Halter -broken colt -W11= .t aerie% of ra( 4th auw._-.Helve Millar. Sena it
en • or two'. f the nu- ft x tuft • Frank .11rn 11 ft 4 ler }144 1 He ward Tunng Market competition. the whiners' bring as fol- men Farrier. Harold Finnigan. Hugh
1^fe ld RA award4tl t.. I Bunning long Jump glrtw--MartsIamb ern.,„" morellos. Charlielows:jlatl roet r.
s ter. ns,; Fern 0m. Franklin Herten, re yn -
s held In Mr. ' 11 Ins. Thorn. Kenneth F).:her. Be-
hall. Two pupil* ensue.- ns.; ar :;I'v'es, Russell low.
• mer }tartly. o i nuktwwn. ('inks-lVN-
Jefferson. teacher. Flt U n 0 t Th ti ft ' i i - Heels E 1 Hor 1 Fifty-yar.l* dash. boys. ender tot fr,rl Pentland, Jt,an Weheter. 441111•
Thom, F nu
were to roe, Fern w Seers-Rustrl McIntyre. Blake Alton. lanlfA- F.lsie Vint. Snlpigl4)sis-t:or-
Held dud wast ' Itsnufryt long Inm1a 011e11- Geo. sou iw,aw--l'arwan rttrcR;c Hamill Eldon Miller. Carman •Haines. Harold den Miller. Flotertw l`rnn+ttnn. Vns4
1'rt LS
ft 3 i J P 1dk1L. 13 it -
Finnigan. 4101 lMiller. of asfer4•-Jena 011. VA r.
blit alleekliig ft. I ts. Har Id Allen. 12 ft. 4�1nm. Fltl'1T ANU VE/;F1'A141 k.S j F`Ift} carets Anal. R1rts ender tip Xeli!t• *1)4 4*e Veronica St. Marie.,
Tom was the Ex -pupils' rare. gills -M111111 (100(1. .pl,lty,•.F• fi), J. w.•Iti T rl^tl McI cite I dear ^flu's I'eptlnnl. }1a?n:nh Rrid• F lorrnce M. Tl T.ATR F 111 tr, nriu IOU -
Muer Hardy, 14. R. girls --Minnie (ww.d. Isabelle Mc\Vltiii- f twelve
nt'*trnt, gars a •Oer.'Mnrle holier. Dori.. Hill. lsorothy
tett the value of Walter*.
1- Seined 144, 9 rifest nmfarnt '1
terse. agrienliunl spnt`t* com)w• Y. S. Ni. s.
the ,onnty, w,:•• :n ' M'inur were au follows:
it and kg .- Mee- e. (;It.\ NII CORN:
Verne Jewell. Ilr- 1 Jean !limbo'. .snore to wow, ,peel. Barletta Neale.
-• , Vt• . rude Finnigan. Margery .. Peale. 1"
Flft -yard% dash. boys en to
tables-IntME. Willie Hardy. 1 ;r ((?firma-1Aut.til St(r.l. Chas.
11(rMF:('fN' SI'1F)NCia. years -i F. Sproul. (ion. Alton. Allan
.)vele--Fvelyu Hill. Willie Hardy, I Reid. Tom Hi•nry, 1lnrold Oliver. Wil- alt•/Jutllan. Hush knee ' tie. Jean
t (red Pentland- Wehster, Ralpl. camenat. Myrtle Mc-
It;ettb. l'antw.l Musci Turnor. -Wills t Fifty -yards dash. gide ten to Twelve ((+nihil.. ,Ener-•R*'rd.--t"wri+rt-Mur'.
ISmita hark 4'11110 -Ther. AMID. R Ni-ihow. Jeaw W. b•ter, Lenora `(tethers'.
ca 1, ,I :N,•;,unt alonldwh.
pro- Wheat. site I
be is put,/
,,loin kr , ('.1
Prise. eselierm4 1
A rt.-IF4 . D. Par- IHht1P)'.
lir .tecta
that he
••I' I.' by amain
'2 10'. sad cal•tarllr
balers In Sparta
u, of %pert• we. rna off
afternoon. 1114. winners ire.'
n;s stash. Mop* ender left%!
lhhrst. 14111 Parrish• y
IMf•r Fisher.
, alt girls ender 1fl
,rp i new•. Frances Mar-
n,ati, Norma Flshwr. An -
:duel. loo)" 10 to
rn_ Ilo7 Drrtn•
mita Fisher. /:rant. Fisher, Margaret Years -Florence MciJu111tu• '•y itmt rb Y`.ia1. rend. -41n RF•,•.l. 14•re of
heir'., 1 1 Jean Webster, F • Phil 1
Ethel HI11, !boniest
altlllau. 1 r u.'on, r lh
f 11 rfY• Icor 6.9. •1 � and two pnllrtwl--
tellla Renee \\'till;• 4Inrdy. Iles. F•dith F( -Prem. Vien•nce Cranston.
Slaty ir, ,.. J. MU \\'el.ter. Charlie Me
tuuy-- 1 4ecrnty-flee yards duels, h.�t% etre
nrrt Srdmiti •Y*fgnr.4 Mitchell. Ksthflat• Robert- twelve -Allan Mehl. F• rt!••r Sproul.
4111ilhw, N.;Iy T,wl.t. Hugh %la.•('r.'ll.'.
1 .4. 1{t•Itrthil Wilmer `'nn. Pearl InMk,r, Kathie"' atilliau• 14t• l'olwrll• Hugh Kt r..•it. Roue •clan ite•.1. lei urine_.]lilier. 11,411tr1
wee '1••haur. hath. heuf 1 ii'ttiTe breed -Pearl .. bowler. Willa aid Pentland. Eldon Culver
"1'' R.ks-1 ihel *1 'ler. I:or-
`itL'u tz ii'itnwr Hardy. Bolton. Mnlfl T.rm ,la odor. Clay- Seventy-five yard= dash. I Iris . ,er - (c..nttnued 011 page 111
'art-T.maw LaawloBur- ur•t■�•t1 Million. WttttllP Hardy. Mary -Bir 1 twedre--Janet Mel'ttr'arrf Ila rine -
ef-Thomas Lawlor. Field 1 1 pillar Norms
it ('lir
stat, The stn
rant tarts-N0rnan Hill. 1(11* Wilson. W44t11t0.t. Barbara Nealc.._Mattrt,t1 Th
Hazel Lawlor. Pearl' Lawlor. Nellie Qnlllin. corn Finnigan. N.. Ae ('r,+n
Willey. 11 lee llnrdy. Oatmeal sten.
�•.wtkttw l..n. luekni:ul, Ilnzt•t Lacir. .Roy re1nr rate 5.1:
ary 4)ust ou. .•run wee. I, NoI•ma Hill. \vi'hr 14,114)1. (•l+ristinf• ('nlcert. fl 115411 ('olwra'1. flu h 14 11
p111t-F'rnnkllu Herten. Rebert*o11. Linn .1114 1. School lunch , nett), 14. S. No. 1X it;h e Green.
ft4.l soy loans. sheaf-- -Kenneth Fish. r. Luella Fisher. Hngh M<1't•ostle. Toru 11. a.t•yl: S. S.
1. • - Christie. Robertson. Norma 11111. \\'il- No. 17 (Chas. McNee, F'r:n;k 1)licer.
%ND VEGETABLES .11 Balton. Kathleen MIlilan. i Elmer $pram 1.
NF\i'INIl Girls' relay rater --S. 4. No. 4 (Met• -
H {?m Tnhh. Kenneth
keret Thom. Mildred equilin. Janet
T)strning-F(h41 F`i'her. ('rr,e•hetel ! g M 1 M J
H N. Horton g, 5f. McFarlane o. S. N. N4). 14 11;race Young!
tyiav Horton. I* ll. I hues-X.1Willey. Pearl Lawlor, Corn Stahl.. Dorothy .411en 1..8. 8. Ni.
1)ser, Fred Bissell. 'UV,' 14111. lkotl'% �.ress'-Eleanor , 12 (Rnh
ls, Edith Flick, Helen "ryadall. Kathleen Tyndall. Myrtley Turner, (Barbaro Nettle. 1lr-
Straughtin. Ir. pots• Cantwell, Dime Horton. 1•lt is Fuller, rima Wehater).
Teaeherg r
"Nelson Motklen, Olive '11111. $. No, 12). Nibs Buck ingl•am IS. S.
n ,ear' -Frances Hnnet4)n.1
3 stalks-Frnuee. ilom-
e•ru-William Banish,
Arnold AVM, i(h•11ard 114, -
Mil H V 1
oil son
,the C
•time a )
knots 4
+nrA 11d
tl� .
syn, Lloyd tooled''., Knitting-I, Robertwm, Christine ace- alis= khart (S.
lace fo
Mildred Sa1Mws. Nteelle ertee -Tame'Yd
Jewell. Mildred Si'lowa. Ieulw'1 Tyn• Gentletn4n.411•'s race, over sixty years
.'11'1. .thea 4i11l1nw�. Nelson Moulden,
Margan•t MItehr•11. (:nest towel -
Frank Walters. .limn 44J4.'4-• Car
Chrl-tine Roberhwl.. Margaret Mit-
chell. wean G1ltrlts. serf M4',1'.. Relief mapn11Yane' M,-1 . sty. Pearl Tntwlnr' of Smith America --Norm/ Fisher
Petch_otl giughnta-Christine Robert- . *mut, Munuin}tw, K.aAlfaL_T}'m'.a'.
s.,n. EI%fe lJ1uli-1 N4s1l1e Willey. Mar- Kenneth Williams. Edith Vick. Myrtle
gnret Mitchell. 1.11re1 Tyndall, Nelson - I•,antwell. \Vriting - '•tenallitle
Moulden. Apron -Margaret atltehell. Itrnok" - Mtleln•d S*Nows. I.uln
Nellie Willey. i.ultt Jewell, ('hristine lew.•Il iashel Tyndall, Ren' F)r-
it ti, rtsw. Frames McT.arty. I ritgrnn. Oliva HI11, Rutty Errinktun.
MAN1•.i1, TRAINING I Writing -"Woodland 1tnin" - 41141
Any outlet in wood Kenneth Far- Walter*, ,Harvey 1'Ittman, Vi•11i.• Pit-
rich. Roy P:rrIugtnn. Frank Walters. t,lntto. Elwin Pfrlmmer. Marie Fisher.
It9issell l'frimm.rr, L.•slle Hoy. Wren TruIsefs Martin. Writing - "Lend.
li.msr - Norman Duret, KennMb Kladly Tight" -Marie F'Isher, P.•nrl
Fisher. R ol'e halter --Nelson Moulden. Tww)nr: Aima t(Allnas. Tis' Ittm Al'
Slx MI 111,P(1 kuotte-.Orthal Mei'hee, Niel- lin. Hamel Lawlor. Bernie,. ling-
7(11 Monhten. Gordon 1.n Rocque, Ger-
arch. tWp4tftrg--•'Chudt'pnT's }1.,ng' -lto-
dun Flakier, Ddward Emtoer%nn, Car- T.antet* PIkk, Olive 14111, aalw•I -
son Hwy. beets', Area Pittman,. Fern Theis.
NATI'RE STUDY !Ain Jewell. (Yrapnnn dsr:wine or C.n•-
Reagure-Ii1Ratil Pfritn• ms -Norma HC ilflln. -
n+er, �Iwflntnlyn InP141sser.1F.th4' 1t11. .Inn Tr I mens.i11Clwsln PeRlmme'r.PlflladDavtinr4
Fielef. fat nut'sq, Gordon Tidier. Horton. t dill le Parris$. ',keret) of
Native w Pi • (Jna14, lnnfa Tnl- 11n4i-- lhazel Twwlnr, Thelma A14rr.
ford. Jame* 'lab, Kenneth Felrri++. ;arson Hny. Rent yc('a1,t, Rernite
(intklt YL Russell 1'friimn'r. fingnrth. F. Iva INU lister- ltnw
Wild owe Fvelyn 1.nng, Helen sell 1'frimaier, Isabel McWhlnuet._
lltrn»glu I. Pfrisniadr. A!drintde Mildred Sallow*. 1enlwI Tyniatl.
t1on bt, goo earri*la Dine tin. intr., •1111. Rnhy Errington. Cellee-
farto 1d e.i►- Myrtleyrtle im- i tion of ' pictnre --France, Mciwrty.
mfr. i •Ratteila., Lnln Joe in- Loret4a Flick. Jas. Parrlah, Fern
JnrioiNt !4 slaw Kerr, lid om.
t'i'le i tImlet, 1 V)1RI'FTITION M
F't el.ot
I/iIA t �Rr AND tVBI'1'IIfA Peddleliprakhac-lditth Marsh. \\'tl-
]s. MAtt. La Ito•,(pia. mer Handy. Judging • comperitlo*r-
T%.lythe McCabe,
R*oen Herta---4'armen Stec ens, Dumwn
Minton, Roy Frrlhgton. ('Armen
118.-117.110,..z. , Mnrvsy Manly. ',erode -
Life Insurance Comp'
A Strong Canadian Company
hrcorporntt 11 1•0.-9
Ras Brwee St. Goderich
e shall
a your
ou can
Bo .k., Saln
W. J. Powell
Auto, Life, Sick and
Accident Insurance.
Phone 292
Nelson Street, East
Geo. Williams
Ila -4th r u,
Fire. Life, Accident, Automo-
hi c. 'and General insurance
• .. Agent
°ince,. North Sheet. Phone 53.
The Mutual Life
Assurances Company of
Establesiked IN,.
Head Office, •
Waterloo, Ontario.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
Eats Street. Pima 250
- _Gtdariak Ontario.
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
You carry fire insurance 011 your
Dome but no Insurance on your
life. Your bome can easily be
duplicated but your life cannot
be restored to your family.
Be contingent and carry adequate
Life iusuraw•e.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
We offer unsold portion of --
Canada Steamship Lines, Limited
6.) Gott -Bonds, Due October 1, 1941
Price $97.00 to yield 6.30
Huron Investments ',Limited
BoncLpealers Stock Brokers .
General insurance
Royal Bank Bldg., Godericl, Ont. Phones: 430 and 441
I'r Hi)' wire contlecti,d ns with 311 beading Nock :4111 Grain Nebnngra
$18,000,000 -
Lines, Limited
First and General Mortgage 6 per cent.
Gold Bonds Series A
The Arnsstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Life (`un Life), Accident :and Auto-
mobile Insurance
Farms and HOUR.' and 1..d, 10 (dal
erIeb and Vicinity for sale.
no on
Ktle P1AalalS. , George McBride,.
yep itatle•dtr. of North .freer.
lea -Marl. Maedis!, Ben-Ntranglen.
100 acre., moistly clay loam, wire fenced.
well watered, good bitakllr gs. 5011
firer. Bnildfaga (ted timber nn tide fano
said to be worth more than is being asked
fur entire property. Coater badness.. Im-
portant b clone. Prise for 4141k male,
4270(1.00. • ••
120 Rens, choice property, 4'060.00;
100 acres, 424400.00:' 4A scree, 4:11J00.00;
4111CnM, 4'2100.00, Pie.. etc.
tante nnmher of fares. listed to select
froni• atop ?nany houses and Tots in (lode -
A few small plate, elope to town with
all newer, bnilrlinew.
• Blacksmith Rhnp with .1.111 hem at-
A good place to quickly locate any
ptnperty rehired.
Oftire days: Wednesdays and Fatar-
flay@ or any day by erects! mgnest. revery
evening after six n'clock.
1 For all particulars roe 4)r writ..
J. W. AiI1MfrfRONO,
OAlee: 1' are, next doer to The S. A
(�y Co, store. Square
P. e, en 44. &Amish. Out
1 �
Canada_ Steamship Lines, Limited, is the largest
company in the Dominion engaged in inland water
transportation, pacing a fleet of 1(19 vessels. The Com-
pany also owns Valuable passenger and freight term-
inals, wharves. (locks, warehouses. hotels and coal
handling facilities at various plat es on the Great Lakes
and St. Lawrence River: also a four -million -bushel
grain elevator situated on ikaset\old property, The
Company is strongly entrenched by the ownership of
terminal sites, chosen with great foresight many years
ago which could not be duplicated to -day.
We Recommend these Bonds for Investment
Price 97 and interest to yield over 6.30 per cent.