The Signal, 1926-9-23, Page 2• A,'
▪ -•" jpIffll
It Thu
4 -
Thursday Silc.etidicr 192li
,,,lABLIS111:1) 1848
Member of Canadhin 11'reldy News-
papers Association
Published every Thursday inorntug.
Subs:Tip:10u price $2.00 per year. To
• Unt...4 States and Foreign Countries
ge.."0 per year. strictly In adrance.
Telephone 35 : : Goderieb. Out.
W. 11. Robertson. Dlltor and Manager
Thurs.:lay. Sep': niber Zi. 1920.
No Other Tea as Good
.i• r.1: ohs rb. %Ir. Y. tatewart --rhubarb.
"tiowets. Mr-. K..lielter-atouatice to
i‘iitoe.'• sittiog room. $.10.041.
Jack Ft ---1 doz. taw. Mr'.. Wel-
ler. -at jar:, of fruit. Miss Stirling, -
1!SilillEA412A" ,
.' na•mery of Edith M. Camobeil. le thi•
I :11 i I i• •••ree alel kola 1.1 -ice cream.
, box.- era -weer # tem ft gat. turple-wyrup;
. N::rili lanai claireh Mission Circle--
, it„..oe. -.- vegetables. Mrs. Fielter,
Mrs. alcianglillu--baeket or clierrlie.
il:... flaualltim-leti cream. Mrs.
ibovi•rs. Jr. Jae MiteVicar--goeere
t'hdew- -12 hooks of Sefton. Mr. Geo,
OttluPltell fairdir---ellver tea ioa f••1
Schaeffer---alunilutiM hurek tray In
tl-wera. III% Jitiii.- -dowers, Mrs. 11'. L.
11•:to•ii---/ci- cream. Blame Bres.-12
Nil... Maui 1•••:ster --II:mita:eying of fruit.
• the path -1s' use. Mr.. Eagle and
. 11.1#s Cagle. • Ilemthou0-1ee cream.
IVointers Ito:pita! Anxillary----11 tray
We ask you to test this yourself:
▪ ,4vlet the iiistimis proor,„i
• tette, 0 tee towtds. blusters, 2 led
in real earnest. op aids for nitrites' apts., children's
• • •
Mr. Ferguson is '4'N14 the devil
and tit • deep heil Of bine bye -elections
or a general election.
• ' • •
Well. the other feliewa an• doing
the exPlaining since September 14th,
• -
and lee e jt.b Ire are settee- willing-- to
leave to them .
• • 1.,
Kil porty areal to have leo:I ah.t• 'Y Illations ,Icknoriledged
inflated Oleo of the value of thej Tio• foil:oche: 414.1lations4 Alexao
:lra liospltiti are gratefully le•knowt
ea:um/dug rt•velatIons aisa factor in ,
tile' election:a. And- %haelse F. 4 ral•le-2 towels fo
there In the Vonaervarive ettuipalgi ward. ifortk•ultural Society
attract voters? -1 hoN appl#4. flowers. Miss 311: -
'Juror) coall-1 41.4z. hot-water
bag covers. ilkaterlIch towitslilp Hos
4'ity *u Have Views'
1 • 4 Ferest Free Prot:Ns patal Auxiliary - 30 Jar. fruit. -2 cam.
I Nearly all vitt- papers are 1rru y ib le-44aq. twill:Lag- _of leudere end paste_
monis jackets. Mrs. W. T. Morney-
eitS IL"." WI". liars °It' vie" ig'isit frnft :nappleis for tilirses• t.ible. Mrs
• Shed and Impleftenta Burs&
fOroxeter. Sept. 141.--.% tarter driving
r shed and emit:etre burgy and merle
all his farm iniplemeuta. were corm
• pietely ilmitroyeit by Are on Wedn.....•
• iist. nft.•rneon on the tarn of Frank
- Earls. of Illowlek township. The fire
to 110 -tercel to have started from sparks
1 from n threshing_ engine. ltut. Jinii
gnined Push headway belbre Dein 110-
• the.' that two minoritiesone. nt
• The old age pemplons I'll: will no and wile are working for ..At.% advance-.
. doubt tte mititrodureit tit the coming ; men!. Ititral people„ rural tares' ofn3.
sesali,e of l'erlisinent. Will the Sen. 1 rural titIV'llweni'lll are $03a)101 their"
i ken. entiretyotitelde their experienee.
ate dare to throw It out • the tieeonsi f Thu taii"bout ..ritutr.optutuu-, but
time? . ' 1 they Mean "4 -Ili oplittlon." With the
•• • • ' • .'rural districts they ere entirely out of
tomb awl thetr opinions which hire
The Toronto Star and The .1.,Outlop• '
s. tot #414-et-tat-t4h• Ile..., of (44.....- wit.: Wee
Adwyrtkee Nat "P g "14fidtd right .. lour -We- of Odes simply notatiolikse adierrt:,. W..IV. Fisher -$4.00 milk
the Liberal enlist'. Anal the retrUlt44 1 tloir rural - ticket.. Mrs. A. role. Britannia road
• show that • their #.autpaign was ef -
L • --4 pillow (rime. Mrs. Ade ni Foster
-rlinharh.sjelly. Mr. .1. Iteynokla.---
patients otrul
et:Wt. Misses • Ethel and Laura Far
rovr-.1 white iron bed, 1 set large
testers. 1 mattress. 1 quilt. I Tedeide
table. 1 urinal. sputum cups anti rfie
1 sitter /peke: swum eup. 1
l'a..krest. Miss Edith Parise-LS.00.
Mr.. -W. eartor -1 doz. oranges. 1 qt.
apt -erasure. SFr, W. Tinak--T
*Mel...had...the op toured we
thdt could be saved. Only a favorable
winol tared the taunt end adjacent
Imilditigi from destruction oleo
An oratoil• one who can explain to
11 !tether just exactly how he wants
his hair cut Kitehener Record.
fretite. too.
• • •
(httario ti.stsn't a'iltvertinte
itseff tan Vigorously Ite nark* Mies;
neither hnt it otev•tiort net
tales of wholesale death and &sin:es
tion by storm. •
• •• •
coneen-u_the" JO:metals 1j4 eritieize
Mr. King if lie *taxa •aataf- from the
Imperial Conference: and 'will 4 ritielee
him if he goes. Mr. King, wiii prob-
ably teake•his decision to go or :tuy
without reference to 'the .4Coneervntive
• • •
Iliprror over• I • f
The Wingh ttn Advance -Terme tamp- -
meeting last week 'on the result of the
election in North Httron..sakl:
••Tlae fonstrvativeso of North Har
_cannot hope -to alii until they erase to
quarrel ammo: then's:rivets. The old
1 wire was epetiell again 4#11 Tue.-day.
wheii a Imitator of Mr. Elporton'a
symtrithisers. who felt their man
shoubi have he.s# given *weber
!r•hance. came eon and. voted and
t worked for the kelt-Ion of Mr. King.
; At present it looks: as though•the Hu -
1 r..,. are In the Liberal eolumn to
Otey for some years."
The Menet Peaty e
(Toronto attar)
In the electioes that are just oter
the ',files:IR, of Of:tart° -hid. toonsething
assiiiisasasium•••amintimmip•O ass*
Showing This Week Some Very Smart esses in
Flannelsi-Balbriggans and Creties
• The ttew two-piece Dresses are extremely
• , cermet in many style. Sizes Di to
a 40. Prices range 810.00, $11.7.1 and fl
al Black Silk Knit Dreases. Sizes gg to 44.
IN Very new and pleasing. glweitil tiC
sm $9.75 to .. liti•VV
For dresses, etc., ete., the Flannel that
will not shrink or thieken. Mauve, rose. blues,
11 sande, greys, white, 'ereairn at pt'
' -4•
New Frcrieb Kid with fancy double scal-
loped top, finest quality, in greys, e3.50
browns, black . • •P
• •
They are very handsome in
with No. color hand -painted effects.
Prices 75,., #1.50, $2 Fto ....
IOU Table Cloths on sale, heavy We11.11..1,
dotible damask satin. all linen cloths. in
patterns. Cloths are size 2 x 2 yards. e A .7r
Regular $6.04.).Each.................. trt. I a
Size •2'• 2V2 yard*. Reff• $7.7'().
Each $5 95
Napkins to match. Dozen $5.S5. ".
▪ 11111110/1111. IMUIL1111131111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111-11111
The Prime. • Wales ti scheduled
to make s rbait tt the Holy Gault but.'
stilt tights ally Of .the holy bospis...:-
Brant ford Entputtftor.
"Christiana, .twake, Salute the Happy
In the early part of the eighteenth
century. two men were often tO-
(tether in. England who were about -as
. •
• •
Which busts of angels chanted 'from
With them the joyful WHIM* first bt-
Of God Inearnate and the Virgin's
different in appearance as men eonld San.
well tr.. Three were John Wesley and
John Ityren. Wcwiey was very short Therreo tbe watchful shepherd* It wig
Atka slir,ht. immaculately dressed in •• I•!4•
conventional 'arrival clothes. while Who he:H.4 the ang"ile bead" el/lee•
• flitter, tip nee fir than they have laad
Byron wao eonspicnousty tall and
storm'. doings at Miami and sympathy for a good many Ferro past., 1u --g good thlimpt of a Saviour's'
with, th.• wiffeeere are mingled In the This time they were aaked to vote wore a tow slouched bat which. as
1 imtada, Di. ws.tot,rti ontsri„ pelipk. not on 4 for Liberal candidates. for E. F. Demon imps. had a rim pro -
-_--:-_-T- ' ,,
with a feeling of thankfulness that Libera I printiptee and Policies, NO yacht. His face was as striking at. his , This
jecting like the pro„ 44? o 4.4„.ing To you alai all the Uatlutla Ul..441 earri:
day bath God fulfilled His
' they *ere asked to approve at the hat. for he had a ruminating look 1p 1 Preilala•d word.
this country appear* to be immune rib, the Liberal ...,_0.. -a a bit,and_i_...7_ withimirso_ This dai7 Is bona a 54110ar-# Cbrlsc ili*
.-- - ----------•. • 111,
AI -peril tlirrernmentin offlee.-- LoraL"
---- from Plait eataaterldies
• tuiklmily mouth-- •
It teed te be (-barged against the In splte of.hls oddities. John Hilton __ •
He spake awl straightway the celestial
portv that it was for tariff reduction was always: a gentlemen and no mean
. The Signal agrees e ith The Toronto
when triteoPition, but became Pro- scholar. was the wet of a liuen 'heir
merchant of Manchester. neer which , In fiYtal'sof J"3.• unknown belorn'..c°a-
eity he was born in February'''. lain.
• Thf praiser' of redeeming love they
just eleven year. liefore John, Wesley.
While he was still a student at Cam -I „_:.11•141.
bridge rid% ersity. he invented a new I And aeurt".liril°1° orb vette IOW° till
system of shortlinne. whirl' wee need I, -rang..._,..,,,_,1-
estensirely he students and others. I 44424444"44 814447 4444 tb.4r math'm
The biographical dictionaries refer to -I gi'14•
!Pence upon earth. and Mtn MO good
lam as -poet and stettograple•r." and
he was Mal: of these while 'still at! wUl.
*mein tIattnclusion (het a large far-
•• tor In the 'merest. of the !Ahern! party
at the pony last aeek was the reallia-
) • .i • ' tem of taberel-prateten -aertiel- twee-
lation. When the IJOrtala '.:n1
tectionist %hen in office.
• This time that 4-Ianrief• timid not 4*
The• Mackenzie 'King tlovt•rn-
meta Ina through the Itobh1tudgettk
reduced tariff taxation. Lile•ral polier
eipressed itself In actlim--not
point ti- t•a welts that would fottow owe HI tariff roductioris. hat in re.
aproti. Get t- -e•gbeetion-- -they
• l'eneionts Hill and In reeking to make
„outit inittin_g_t•ther. tasationi_in Ita Did Are
Mak#: Bole or 11•• heath:key Wlien permanent 11 1141 non.partisah the °fib
they „.i,rt. 018 -'rival 1mM:flurry fur fielding general
examplet itf 'the 1.••i•eti•-• that follow
, the !rutting 1111.4 .Neciltiot. of !Altera'
polielew-the la t ions roduct ions of
;station brought :Mont hy the Itold#
• strong "'wing in Ontario imek to the
budget -their .la. -en. wan immediate 14,4141,4 parly. Th.. holt for
and mthstnidial. Fie h. r perform:pees awl are topper:A to en-
' for the„Lile•ral tarty 1.0.1 follow upon courage action and reward the parte
rtus Thmtn. tit*TItt IlArr;e. tom -MAW
on its Dative heath. In defending self.
government 1n connection with the
const it tit Mimi issue.
The nsult is that there has been a
-1-Tn-Bethietiern strati:AT the fliffithidlia4
After entitle. 1ie went to the .
imephenis ran.
Contineet te atudY tfiedlilm"' """ • To tee' the wonder God bad wrought
though he never won his diploma he
• fur man.
was called "Iha•tor" for the rest :•4 his
• And fo ..... I. with Joseph and the
life. 1ft• returned to Ertel:eel. efts .
bleeped maid.
married in 171s. nod at once began to I
• !ler Son. the saviour. In a inamser
earn n living by teething system •
of sherthaml. His PliPlia 04" Theo to their tio• lee still praising 1;rd.
fire guineas and swore an oath to keep
additional inataino.ota prosy..wive ,wilttli_it;iiietiliTttinr4t..tilii.iiii nf
tills4;ethe fmartmtni: itiirn'onirry:lierm We:op arPnne very And theft' glad hearts with holy Pap-
1110- leerier,
legimiation In the leterosts. of the
•ture I•urn.
ere' political up:vent:la in this Pro- men. were prite-ti amtressi try
rine' was largely 14r.tught alootit try hie mblit ie.. toe erblently entertained
• the feeling in rural parte that the 1.41e for him the warmest affection. l'rne-
• • • 0 uray we keep and pewter in our
Pr:I! partv when in offiee had too often tkativ *he whole ::f John %Wesley's
TI. tonere) Se•is. Re. or.I appears
.14I1B0f4: 41.t.ItiehlrfetrItable frotlit ron's short- 6"1-1 irmttlfterm 171' ‘4"-Kitif Test
•_ _ Inlve becn tal.ett 1#y sus I.v the: _rho .1.„,ott.t.tio„twr psytt.
r •
!" "The Conseri`utive0." 0 „is, coltni •'1911 with the at
• ? of the ehs-tioris 1.104 week, end X,, n... u,itkin of that :sort was made in-reti was !Min. but Trace we the Rabe. who LI. retrie,ved
thInkrt that the eurpria.• Is, getieral. against the King -Rota. Government In be 1. ei wide religions synpatithe and our lose
ortny six- formed close. fridnif.hip. with tansy
, Ont.
l'ornard! be our ,wateheord.
Steps arid voices jolUed:
Seek the tlilltes Ireftlre us,
Nett a look Wino':
Bunn the key pillar.
At one ailay's.head;
Who shall dream of shrinking.
ley our Copesin led?
roma t h rough the &wort.
Three* the toil and tight
Jordan. lows before ne„
ZIon heinali with lib.
-Henry Alford
O. !eternal who bale created
rue to rho work of (Ind •iter the
manner of men and to serer Thee in
this goneration, and according to my
capacities: girt inc Thy goer that I
auav be a prudent vender of My
tittle. so that 1 may best prevent or
resist all temptation. and be profitable
to the Chrbolan Conizeonweeith: ansa
-by dasthargIng all ley duly. MY
glorify Thy nanw. Marne
• -Jeremy Taylor.
S. S. LESSON MR OtT. 3rd. 11/26
LOOM Titie--larael •Itoungegbig
Toward Canaan.
Letson Passe/re--Numbers 10:11-311.
Golden Tree -Numbers 10:29.
The camp of the children of Israel
hail hero terehed at Itinal for a whole
year. lees ten days -teem the third
month of the fir* year of the going
/rim Egypt until the twentieth of tire
second mouth a the following year.
l'hIs kart • long time .•f innettvity.
teetint time. • time in which tio
were being fitted re enter
ifeenulawl land. They had t
that divine I. -reline and It
tient-Or 11111 to. co hand IQ
the ninth ehapter it wr
and over that "ace°
mend ::f the Lord. tiler
tents. and aci•ordinpf-lo the compositor&
meneof the Lord. they journeyed."
iil' fide teetIne Gnu. Dr.
Alexander M•Igrenawya tbltt the sta-
tionar, cloud made a stationary
ramp; the moving cloud ere all in nue
tion. No matter whether the time
was long or abet' many delys' Inaction
diet not oohaunt pattenee. meekly re-
enrring ehangen did not breed longings
*as taken up'frour the tabor:tar., Oil prayer. "Rise up. hord„ and
tire tterigsolle." and he was hoited by i, euetuiee be se-atter:A : and ;et i
Mose,. to aecompagy them. Ilorrea lei:that lost Triwed. 111710 benifeorematTni";e4.1
till. inVitation told lioloh where they Gum
"We are journeying unto the piace 'reel
which the Lerd said. 'I will give it ' new et' thietbsebitlelinenhe "o•tilflaorr:eteni 1:1,11i:
you. -. Ile also told him why the in- In ths• continue! lerseme of
tbo'itas.litliat•rtle was giren. He wished WWI.' among Own'. Their ferrety was 1
the gond. thing* tluit were number.. theme' they were. thou
iu store for the #•hildrea of Israel. 1 upon theueands, but in the far
inti,:o4gime.tmhio:uf:rittithe.uis,orditattbawthe w.pok111 endoji reth.crothut IIPta and ahiiiiiill
_____-- ....
t000l roneertting tempt" Moat% bad i .
another reason for giving the invite 4
6011 tile 110 did not state 11 until flu- , WORI.D MI.S.SIONS
One African's Aehlerrawnt
Nth declined to aecoustrane them. He- i The story 1, told 1.7 "Rid 1
bah k#1,.%, as pa. my, every foot of the I ford" ef Kanutra. a fut; leo:4rd
teh•apyprly,•mi nags..41.#1•ti %foam. atnldte awl tibldoeengnemb mosell11:: grtiitall rimofitlifleroniNdllalli.:tirilt4.6,ilri-tl: r:ahrsa
ghuni.11.t•oh.ehl#11":111:1 lin,:ti lett.leje :Piriel•lahruomsf nfill'..p."4 $
a• he Raid. "Leave us not. 1 1.ray thev.' a pack of playing leek (lir
:'rre4;rnettiel:wiammtilh(in"Ithi.linw"i"li-eleilmlitti"3.1. 071 from the 1-0111.1t, and by •-li Om
than mayeat he to um tile:ea.! of eyes." to tee. Later he wont south he taught himeelf the ligmeill f
When nest the Invitation was Risen I and an Atnerkun milseos
KOMI metuldina 1## himself trent them, t 140 oPPowitloil of
eoupled ..'..ti it wa. the promise of i who taught native boys
but with the repetitho a the Invitee! *lipm• 1."11e3• Is to
tIon was (lie ossura:. e that assal 1 lu'rionr• i'"'"1441•lit
would come to nim from Jehovah. b•mise 103. There the
t-Innt...b. a r ux114.thrilm...:atvrinetr. wJelineonwlei 1#1111:1111n.r100 rabititlirvaffreel.lir,Tinlellgiotohari •
hope gave him •
strk•ken aro' for tbe
It was no indication of lark of trust
'the -pillar of the eland n• a true "ow ih'y 11111'" bare SOOmt
117.13(7:tgruJIIPatenaert"1:7tifl'hluxile141:1#1;k7.1:1:4171tfilige:11:771iTtfri:11:10(1:Pai#0strgilli°11.1yet. iRwt11:17::;:e**Alifin:e°411:-;111tr::1:811:1"heli.bliCudi.:;"*Ii:lhi
•Intide that led Meetsa te_nak..and Luse- ...„1-0,4,de 111.0' d'Itr'''''"t 14'
roving bend. of roldwrs. It was the miles 144 rivet) there.
From fits poor manger to Hits bitter for repo., "At the cononatelments of
Jel.Ovalt they eneamped and at the
Tread ilk asPl‘tr'd by M. commandment of J. -been!' they joar-
grace. they kept the charge of le -
Till: man's treat heavenly state vain h.:vah."
Then tnay we hope, the angelic hoorta
flm0#na. •
g a triumphal
Ile that %vas born upon this joyful
Around us all Elia glory shall itteplay:
StIVeli by Ills brve. 'noes:int we shall
Eternal praise to Inuiver* ARIFIghtr
tn. ot 1.41•}01,41 that preceded the ri•- ' cram:
that they would le rc'tirned in larger
numbers than in the I; sr 10.ction and
• hopool err nuaissraty .ver nil. While
the tined the Liberals e't tweeted was
TE -11- they might fare :is last
time. 111/1 Ilrey Se•treeiy expecied
hat. Artn. Ir tray* rpst iarge
44 h P441011:4 VoW•t It 1141 tempera -
1.1.11 ele,eti000. • liti I,•• differed WilitO from his own.
There will, nothinz Tory nr protec• It, way Intereete.1 the work of the
tionist about Mackenzie Mate. Imrty P'.•.loyt. attended their servIces fre-
during that pi...doh. The charge in- ettentiy. ntel war. keenly, sympathetic
"r"1•1 Wk. ti" tl4P- 04ceen-tn-^of toward them at 1 t ttrii7'when they were
yield.••I too much to the rattle:it viow. ro,•eiving determine:I epreeition and
Of its I'rogretwilve supporter. from the ;ammo.
tbe West. that a- it may, Ter. 114. In 17441 !tyro'''. brother dled And he
rmeloritylialn South Huron was a stir-
prise eren to Mr. MeMIllang Intimate
-friends. The Newultecord most as -
A. •
mociate only with ConservatIvea. and
• - with Conservative. tit
tha t The Signal had information
eve epic, before the elr.i ion, from
the town In whklt The Newe-ft,,
it publisheiL that Mr. Melfillan wool
MeV * majority of one thetheand re'
'tare:* Anyone who really believed
that A Tarrqr Flicks' would detest
Thomas %Malian nitiefitive a grade,.
Idea of tho ke-ti 1. of the *OW flu -
von elector:10a As for the gonorai
MIR!. Alf 4011(4 pretend h. koove what
the ConPervativer ea -meted. but we (In
• know that Liberals who had n !wool
• .111OPIT.t.of the field were quite confident
that no. rennit4 wotal bo ftivonthle to
their pa rty. Foreen MP made by 5111 h
l'Ahorals gore Mae-km.7.1e King from
12o to 130 rtraltclit mipreirtera Nova
Nentia was elrpert 4.41 to dg eonehler•
ably better for the Utensil. than it
and the Liberals hoptsilikr a tow
More robs from Britlah 47r:tune-ea
than they got. The remit!. in Quehee
and the Prairie Provineee weer
14* Plfillirted, OXIV(14 thief WInnipwle*11
ectwrted #dect "Md.' Flower. Ten
data /*fore f pollint Liberal heed.
quarter* or)ttn lord eight Imre riling In
Ontario and hoped for nware--arbleh
they sot Opponents of the Ifitekeorte
(.veriook no. signincato fa,t that poll- Inherited sufficient pmperty to MB kf.
clue that plenest. the l'rogseselvs: Itini comparatively From
Ple•Ised tlIso the coin:ties of Ontario this time on he devotes! a rrent deal of
tiesethused n hig return nnwernent to his time to writing psetry. Ile seems
the Liberal party. And on not a to hare had nn extraordinary, gift and
single queation that was before the practically every subjeet whit% inter-
tiOttittrx .did tho__Iiing._ Pato* -IIIM flerKIWK-in- oreasion for
its °flexed effort to please the, l'roortue writing (Metre. No nth he corn -
sires. take any verifier] other 41,10 the poised chiefly' for 1114 0Wn timusement
sound and Muerte ground of Liher- and that of his friend.. nod seldom
, a son.
printed hit verses.
ir In exprewit:g, no we hare, the 1t.1., Ile died In 17l14i and ten years later
that the Coneerrative party will learn his poem's were forileetrel and published
something from the reverse it 11/111 met in two volume. at Manchester. There
witb. we Must al.,, hope thnt the 14). vrttn a gond deal of native Wit and
ern} party will learn n grs•a: deal from
It. present slimes That which it
rnust•lean: l• that it. greatest atteelde
comes fermi being aggressire for Ws
enillsm 'er$ day when It, on.. /ash -
el e
deetereligione feeling. Rod while they
hove few remiere now some of his best
stork has been preeerted. His beat -
blown work woe •elbriettants. Arnim."
wrath Is 11111. Nie 7110,f pogo -
In; lirmlY ahead with ever, go' ler of flirlAttnaft camas, it is said to
measure 4)4:14aitroestes betiore• the twee Written In 1745, hut the fun
Wen* -est tee of It as a hymn into nt
Ant.ther man ha- comp
Fngthili ('1,:,. 1, •y sent
real news item wilt break
swimmer fails to make 0
lirtemita 1750. A yonng manmimed
lend the lohn Wainwrirlit who hail 90111e p.4rt
.the only in the miteleot morel,: tiw• Church
when s of Si. Mary the Vinton. now the
-Chet ha in
. s.
The Klteliener Tbreord tt
roodeNtrlari It the on, 111,. kn
motorist is art,
, he know. mere than #0
moterlses.--41a-en Sound Su
Stay If with flower..
Say it with meet,.
MAI' it W/Itb lames.
Ray it with tate,
May It with illation
Ray it with drink,
Tint to gather the et"
Say it with link.
oohs "the
melt who
" If he
.me of the
1•••1 rat. Win- the rot.- • as Byron
bad nritten them and waw th.•ir meal -
14111•1••4 for lo• an n Christmas earrd.
Atol an on Christmas merning. 1750.
Itrron WAR awakened by the ehoir of
cnoreh tinging hie hymn to the
finr ruge--4'ompr...r.,1 by Mr wain-
wright -which ha. .o'ci- sinee leen
nssoelated with it
Chrlaelang. Awake. Saha, the nippy
Obrirlan.,4 awake astute the happy
Wherenn the Stn vino, a the world tram
born :
Rita to clor' the mystery, of lore.
At Lem the sign_ le_aet_ont...soui (firm -
and they' JOItrneyed north towards the
wilderness of Parc: !rat on by the ark
hleh the eleud--Ii(ing. In -.44111*'
14-211 Is riven the order In which th•
tribes marched with their separate
standard," and appointed leaders at
thelr heed. When the time ease for
them to make sump: the'o triton an nr
ranged themselves that the Ark was in
the Ceittre.
Holubthe brother -In-law of
was with him at the time "the 'i',11,1
fix Ecoornica/ Transportation
general direct:on that we., 'rid:carrot
by th.• clout Then at peer the leader
was justified in taking aavalmage of
soy human knowledge :itorghtt cleft,
within reaeh. We are not told
Whether Hohai, 44# nt 0111,
to 0.1411 1.11111 and his own
'.001 4,? Ark wail 1111,1e a IIIPIlA00
FAO/ forlitHrd 11110V..1114.(0 end eeeh
rind ambition ter mere
les missiotrary to secure
thoy to' VI It tell Is' 'artist
to Hampton IrodItlale.
Earnir.g his Ilting all
tts.k a ...tom in ear'. -it
went to l'oIntulota. where
the eovetest B.R. In
whole ideal In sakiar ths
has lam to pe back itai•
own people. but- sot mere"
Western lines.
1 God Itle.* the. Menne/am
-tile man who :Inlet NI
gntiona to hit fnroll, 1,41
MOM tr 1111 a matter 0.
does not consider hi
preferment. political
m the newatiapera.
Eras es Veu and I
When Noah willed the well-known
11.• had his treuble. as wr•11 se 70
For da4s and day. he drove the
Before he funnel s plat a park,
After Every
It doesn't
to keep yo
Nature o
kttle heti)
A Flavor joy
A Wise
"Pa." said young 1lI. "wait
golf hazard?"
toll his whu• pore!,
of the stuff I4i1,t•4 h
the lockeernom*. won
owl wren
Rad N
Nike was MorkilO:
pelato patch whet. 11
holin menhir nil tie•
trim n hialt*441red 4'n
Mike became nnea
-rtopp Ws 11(11 lint! 4101.1"..."
"It I* " s.ld Mike.
t tits "14. n
toirelg. brother Pa
ran fell by his handwrIthag
irently o
w the
• been,
elIFOROLFT woks li an ammtmosiOt
fir Noe rill And sho Phlter -
hnk. do.ed bodies ea Clerinelat-1, la
the lowestpricd cse in the world having
Rah', bodies. You will ea apposin.
Duro finish in osiers on 1314ssaraler You
will disosese faeuriews ispasigenty-hasil.
maw tairkaaltror 'isestior ittiner-osey
raw on the loor--alla blinds on the
dows-4: Awn Iglu la the roof --4 rah
rail sand i hoe ress-s11 is the Chreht
Chowrola Misr no ssqpineleas .41114
foTtesstracrwawful Ourrreigemealam, ao.ho
gewstissi gotraillft =sags ;a
Th. sirw.dig.
:11rmilLolessei stattasthlyi Ansa
seossrin. sal•miliZAR611"11
aesumgd sad throttle haws
P steeldAbi:itzi -
• bums - with bircar
mat ~Lear (way.
I Cb.,-..i.t 1. alarne..
•4 1h• lawsit .
ath Chorrasia has isgwr
AC Pim el
time644 C
II Casa $le
. hal" In "0/4
P•••• Pwatece
*olio 11-
, " .1111111