The Signal, 1926-9-16, Page 7• In In S after Miss hat lug 1st. John V merclul h Ilgaor of Mltehef,, who take,, pewee- ! i Sion at the end 08 the month. Ifeury 'Weskit,' et, Cwetance, luta pureliaac4 a house In IIleafbrth and in- tends to retire from the farm this fall, Ills son Hntty will atilt starry on t farm operetlons, 'rile t usual plowiug niefth of the Iluren Plowmen's Association aei11 be 1 held at the Iarui of Mrs. Wm. larryy.. butt a mile W4'u of Walenn. nu Tltttjrp' 1 day. (k•tober 7th. Itlehur ! 1'o11.4'k, an o14'rtskletut Hensall. 1s' laded away September r (Jtti 1n his severty•seventh year,1- He was a well-knownta hnrsequ. Whit owned a tutelar of floe aulmalsi„A widow survive - The resldene•e of Paentastur Waller at Wroxeter hid a narrow mopes' from fire .sue nr'reIng reviler, tie the result tet flames from a ('all oil, otos,. The fire alarm was sounded sail the See wgtrgot under content estiri any serious, •tentage was dune. (�a__..4�e+iefalay afleiiewmAletesol--1_ bee Stb. st the I'reehytorlan manse, Seaforth. Kathleen Elizabeth.. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James 11. William- son, snit, of Men:Weis was molted in mar- riagP to Alvin John ittlmore. • seen of Henry 4'. Stimnre. of the same towa- tiblp. Tire ceremony w -as performed y•pnd District :shirk of Henson, t. risou's farm on the 2n4 conct.sion of filthy sprained ankle. T er, of 1Vinthrop. died idtat t(eldewter . lith vs' illness. a e i.yuu. of Londetthoro', unit irlwr • nht .is.pi:¢ uokertgotth. The Induction of Ifev. W. A. Bretu- ter. late of (bbourz. into thepartur- to of Brum-Bela (Silted. ckurch look pare 1111' Friday evening, /Septeber 3rtL. Rev. U. Telforsd, of Myth, pre - bled: Rev. 13. A.,Lundr. of [tippets K .ens the IntInductionprayer; Rev, Mr. Flbsnox, of Crediton, read the Scripture e•asoa and ',emoted the sermon; Rev. Dr. Hamby. of Blyth, addressed the minister, and Rev. W. K. Alp, of An- nan. addressed the a„tigreg.itnes do 11'edt:est:4, Nepleraher lst. at be home id lir. and Mrs. E. II. Epps.Vanua, their only daughter, Eva Mar. was mielted In starrier.- to Melvin El- lett ('lark. 'dest ants of Mr. and Mrs. io.rile /'lark, Varna. Rev. J. R. Mil- er. of (*imamuncle of the bride. of tl*t.sl. assisted by Rev..1J. Ihtrrnnt the Putted church, Verna. The os-41.1114nmusie was played by MIs• Muff -lee Madge of fleesall. The young nntple left for a humeym..on trip by motor to Toronto. Niagara Fulls and intermediate points. They %A 11 make tiwir home near Varna. nlug as a uursta s g has **hi tlx New limn - el at Hensull to' John M. 1 by Rev. lir. Larkin. 4 The death nc4-nrrest en Attaint ;1111. p iussa , Anthte t;owal ,It*.' completed hie four 'years' apprcaticeahlp to Fbzi drag store and leaves tdtortly for Tor- gatw to attend : the-Coilmte of p Thomas Lee, a native of Broilers. died re a ntly at Arcola, ,+ask.. He went to the Weet in 1882 sad stw- cetNb•.l as n fernier. his farm twine one of the largest in the distd(t end noted for Its Hereford cattle. 'LIRE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. 'l'lwr"lay. September 16, 19126.--11 OPERATION LEFT tiny }fit of last week. stugl t.,rtof in marc f•heto it yllt. wan ntttttu tau years. She was k e:au�l. er o[ in marriage to Willie's Audrea 11144 Aber. Smith of Iteu.ali: ' ..f t Ilutou, out of the Isle Mr. awl, Mrs: tbnthtuation teen+vt re -opened fust T,o•tun•Lane. 'Ds eeremono S.M.:MI- N R VERY WEAK •w with Mimi It treelf as nIntel � "t•d by KEN: Pettier tiaRm•y, is'-• and. Miss Patten, a t .'utt .as lasi■t tui. ' t+isted by Kev. Fathers .G;ats ltd i E Reny Lutists Jatk.on. of Blyth, and lht11tkir. Afft r the • canuu •.uy the Letter Tells of Wonderful Relief After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Coadaton, Ontario. -"After a se- vere operation and a three weeks' stay in a hoopftal 1 returned home so weak that 1 was unable to move a chair. For four months 1 was al- most frantic with pains and suffer- ing until 1 thought sere there could not be any - for me. I had s ery severe pains in my left side and sut- ered agony every month. One day when 1 was not able to get up my mother begged me to try your med- icine. My husband got me a bottle of Vegetable Compound at once and I took it. I started a second bottle, and to my surprise and joy the pains in my side left me completely and I am able to do all my work without m belp. 1 aa farmer's wife. so you -' lee [can't be idle long. In all, 1 have taken nix bottles of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Com_eQm.und, five xes of the Compound Thblets, two- bottles wobottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood w Medicine, and have also used the San- ative Wash." -Mrs. L. Leagusese, Box 103, Coniston. Ontario. u ofJames It: Grasby. n resident of the btb Ilue. Morris tewnsldp. following 10 operation for the. removal of an ab - areas on lilt peek. IXe,•aael wa. tarn In Hallett township in 1►alti and movedw' to Morris toashlp twenty -our yearsago. His wife peeslspen-ei him and ( three (4eltdrin are left. Tbt'a ii. 1;rah by. of Hullos *pa Charles. of Blyth, are brothers. , At the United , beech snubs. Kip - pen. ot: Sept( tuber "Sth. the aeaMage took Oars. of Margaret Ethel. winnow daughter of Mr. and Mr.. Robert Mc- Donald of 1'atarne. to William H. a. Greea,a, of Mr.' and Mr-. .1. J. Gown of Tue4tersmL•b. The ceremony wan pt•renrm.-! '.t Ret'. R. A. Lundy. on their rotten trot, NW wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. a;meth will reside on the Hnntly t:.'r.1�..•nL.-�.•troit. was n rteent visitor with Lot -know friends. Bey. C. H. Dhitiruu i. who 1121•• 1.•4•11 charge of the Ashflel(L l'nCtd• ('her -h circuit. has nc.•eptel au invltatinn to heroine assistant mister of St. And- rew•e rrnite4 church at Moose Jaw. Sisk. .He wlH (•loss his pastorate here next Sunday and will take up his dtitiei 14 Monne Jaw at the le -ginning of •Oetoher. Yrs. C. 11. Mellpnald and Miss Mc- Donald and. family. Imre returned to 1.nekmow after smenllne a month at 11,•Ir'ottae.• at 11'osagn Beas here..l,. other relatihere. has retmtrhed to her home at Chasm. dank. Mrs. Jaynes t1...,,a looslas nwidenee.to R. N. Itonettt• end will spend the whiter with her daughter In Stratford. • e The ilapeaitor last ,week bail the following item: Mr. John Murray. of Egment'ville. has a aquaah vine grow- ing in his gerdeu that ou Wednesday measured 38 feet long and is *4111 growing. To see how much the dant would grow in a week, Mr. Murray one Saturday night placed a stake In the gruund at the tip of the vine and on the f,ollowtng Saturday night found that it had groan 5 feet 4 inches dur- ing the week. Vi 1- would lite to hear from any a(•ctisn In the Bounty that cin even appr�ch this In the produc- tion of garden produce. ' • ZURICH• John Hey, sr., has puretatael the r, sident a property- of Mrs. Enema J. Horner at the north end of the vil- Inge. Sirs: Kama J. Horner. of 7.tlrfcb, was wedded at the Evangelise! par'on- nee. Dashwood. nn September 4th. to F'reieMck Witham Glthtilev of Detroit Juatlt► q'peo.p,re Sludadr.:ot Iltlgdrn,' 1•ae,Kv !smote lett ••u a muter trip ti. were united in tuartiegt' by Rev. John i'orunhi 4411,1 Xiagini Falls. They will Richardson, .tf Iiretuleo t'ultel+•Luroh, mako•their !wine In Clinton. nit 44 -Member 1st. They will r•••td,' 111 The wedding took Pale quietly, at Rrli<den, the Mame of the brl+le'e mother, os' s. pt, 416. r :'ud. of HE Pearl, youngest EXhs� ` •,ungbt.•r ..t Mrs. ('ort.fsh ata, -the late .14tute, 1... '11:•41. to Mel.flle E. McFail- 111•s Stella liregory, who •.. 1.' the •!• „r e'•••'I.. uwu, ,tut. Itav, 4'. J. iunuuer at (;real Bend ut.,: 1:'..;. r. 11 .. • l•.. stlisiate.l. Mr. null Mrs. ha- returned t., Stratford to resume V ' . !. t tt.11 resile :.t (' •ok.tutcu. ti -r work on the teaching sear• ..t 11,• liegfate InMitute Tuesday night of last ,t.ek lire WHERE IS YOUR"PEPS? ill out in the workroelt. . f Miss 1, llaud't millinery store. Tit.• wood. • esrk of of r, theMBroom ames wwereheext;e_o«hid LET "FRUIT-A-TIVES" BUILD UP st the ere brigade. YOUR STRENGTH AND VIGOR mitt Prier Lot.. has inketra-noaW- • • r. asremeher in the Elliott B114111#,••t- •'. !I.•ae at Toronto. W. H. Sanders has returned to his ••tt,• at Denver. Col.. after :: t istt with iIIt mother, Mei. Gen. Sanders, and •.tier relatives here. WINGHAl1 Ingham lies l."$ au ! r.•.hl.. • Iy the death on Septemt.t•r soil of A,. elt1I ttld Me{lilltvray. The de(•eus.•.1 In his ervetnty-eltli; sear and had lived In 117ngloon for •ul...ttt Heft n `- century. The WinIhatn town ■one. erlwl that eating it»ttwt $, 44tet1.,wn- -i,all close at 12 ..clock widr,igkt every eight. ' Alex. Mnrdie, who luta been 411e clerk in McKiblttt'> drug wore .the List fuutr years. has gone to attend the ('ullegv of Pharmacy at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. A. Patterson have BLYTHws Si Its Margaret ('oan hareturned her position as teacher in a Mildness l of iege a t Brandon. Man. , Mhos Vera E. Hamby has returned from a holiday spent in the Canadian West and at Chat 1114154.. / . •'. •`• ``\• Man., after siwuding a few weeks mitis 4;,, ,) a Mt*$ iva CMONO friends in Wingham and -vicinity They were accompanied to their hone- in the West by Mr. 0. Strong. CLINTON Mr. and Mrs. G..'rge D. McTaggart announce the ent.ultemeut of their daughter Wanganui t.. Douglas Gordon Higgins, sin of 11e• late Thomas M. Higgins of 'Porous.), the marriage to take place the latter part of Septem- ber. . John Gibbinr, ('itilton's oldest na- tive-latrn citizen, met with a painful ae•ident a few day ago when he, fell from a ladder while picking tipples and sustained a fracture or his shoul- der. Miss Louise Beaten is asalsttne Miw Ward Is. the School of (' ommerre in tl.te absence of M:-. Mone. who but had to remain at '...rue on u0-t•'mnt of the illness of her frier. so J eepi's chum it .c4. 1h.• seem. et a pretty wedding .... Saturday u,orc- in 4th 1 lu•n \nt.a Iw. re4la m aniama ■a■aaaiciasa )♦saraaao a ■ 111 mFresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders just in, 3 for a 25c. A good teaspoon. King George design, given away with every 25c worth. • .tu tie r-ltiptuent of our special Black Tea 1, hand, only • 59c a ib. Try a pound, it is a winner. \1'e grind our No. I blend Cake Istat fr..1 with your iN mi order. rine Or coarsecoarseto suit the trade., 1111 iSome Tasty Lines for Picnics A Olive Batter. w it Sardines. 1111 GROCERY SPECIALS ▪ Faaest Seedless Raisins, 15c per Ib. Meat -wick -Spread. Sated lel* Spree. • I;cauut Butter. Saluron Tuna Fish. • Pickles,Olives and Sallee': of all kin.1-. 111 I., in. made, Orangeade, Ka.4 t;o-pls'rry Syrup, Cherry Syrup and II 1Ontnge Syrup for drinks. , a (xl assortment of Fancy rakes always on hand. • a a .lust relived aIii•-It shipment of .Picnic Plates. ' a 1/ Vegetables and fruits, fresh from the garden, always on hand. ■ a 1A (i(xxls delivered to any part of the town. J. J. McEWEN IN Phone 46 South Side of Square 111***1/*111I11I1 111 ENNUMN1R111/1�*1�1 *1/ • a "I must tell you that 'Fruit -a -tires" increased m• appetite. gine mesnore snore euergy and better colour and I hate gained a lot" Miss E.a E nond, Magog. 1'. Q. When did you begin, to lose your vitality, your enjoyment of life? When did you notice that you were paler, thinner'. Of course, you want to be your former cheery self. bubbling over with energy and the happiness of good health. But how.' "Fruit•a-fives" will bring back your normal weight and appetite; give you the soft, velvety skin that glows with Health; restore your Strength and vitality. '•Fruit -a -five,." will correct the troubles that are keeping you pale and listless and miserable. the In- iigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Headaches and Nervousness. "Fruit-a-tivea" da intensified fruit juices, combined with tonics. 25c. and SOc. a'box - at dealers Kr. and Mrs. Gilbuley will reside at Lanre May. wife of Alex. Smith, g psr., w Itetrnit. Morris ttownehipdiel soddenly Run- elder.langhterof ths late Sir nisi llrs even►here r - Antos spatial* *t Miaard's i.' For. rob the forehead a la water. For t loathe the face with 'lend place rr pied of Saturated wit Hinattd'n laf Mae cavity. , Quik WIWI assured, g_ Nesbitt Woods leas gone t0 Toronto. whore lethais it pns'ltion air se of teaeitts. An Intereutlnc, S'vyttt took plow at '1..• Dryad:00,414,m ' ('athnlic church on September 7th. when L*tnta. daKh- ', r of Mr. end Mrs. Frank t'orrivean. '•r Stanley township. became the bride' of Edgar Meese., son of Mr. and Mas. 1 Nelson Masse. Hay township. SEAiftORTH I s--. The marriage was solemnized at Ox- ford: -England. uu .\ttgttst loth. of Dr. Mary (rowan, daughter nt Mrs. Cowan and the late Jamie. Cowan of Seaforth. to t�T r- NitRh SIS? land. of the Llrttef Institute, L.m71nt. England. . and Mrs. drew X. Oliver hare most to tat, rt... 1' Lis Ants- t'nllff'T,1;/'�t..cisiting their ,fit-tl',, e. • Mt Irene Ireland.l who spent the past yenr risit;ng heir grandparents. lis. and Mrs. J. M. h. veal.,. i;. and COAL Empire Anthracite Stove size. A car just in, - - Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump $13.00 a ton Briquettes A first-class fuel for •t.,vea and furnaces. Let us supply your wants in Fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prices L. FLICK Telephone 178 j Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by E:ectricity Iron by Electricity Kodak Finishing Give us a -trial and let our work speak for itself. J. T. FELL Telephone 187 Godarli. Trail Riders Finish Romantic Journey HYDRO STORE North side of Square Goderich • Read The Signal's •Classifed Column J. R. Wheeler Funeral lllreetor and Embalmer All Cull, promptly attended to day or night 1114INES Store :13.71:13.71Residence 353w Hamiltonton Street. Goderich /. . 1 NO- -.4 Brophey Bros. Tin:' I.E.%DING fP'l'NEK.11. UIKL(" roR8 ANIP F:M11.11,MERS rrde•rs ea rvfully uttendel 10 xt 411 hours. night ur day (d)I)ERICiI Electric Wiring We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let us give you an Pollinate for wiring your house or garage. Private Telephones, Motors, Dynamos, Electric Light and Burglar Alarm Systems All Work Guaranteed Cook, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of the best Electric Irons and 'toasters male in Canada. ROBT. TAIT Electrician Weet St. ilouse Phone 2'14J Store 82 l.%aIiey Rj X11Mdown to M thifterminan . parer• rength ousehold duties a ith a hand. Nervous hen llacht's��eep- nese, rndtgt•. i all e discouraging `t-mptoms of xhausted nerves disappear ause you have restored the nerve force to the ,the can get well and well by the use of Dr. Food. e• it when you feel and irritable soot) rsa11� 's N : pool Acavalcade of 250 horsemen, the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies, whose long rides and ex- ploits over the twisted trails of "The Top of the World" have become clatter, returned recently to Lake Louise from their annual ride, thus adding another romantic page to the history of this organization in the West. Their return was strangely silent and different in fact than one might, without thinking, expect. No undue ceremonies or song terminated the mountain journey of these men and women from all parts of America and Europe. for being true nature lovers they had. in their communion with the silences of the mountains found the solace therein. The spirit of their order. was, they knew, "a reverence for the majesty and beauty of nature". Their homage had been paid and their journey ended. They would revel in the memory of it sileetly, for they had learned, as someone hu put it Mat alt loya like great vet silent. • B the ' is of the Riders on ail at a times ran high. While pod on the fiat heights of Pt. Margin Pass a rodeo was held with ne earl of local ae.tern color Harry Knight, Canadian huektng blas champion, Gay Wettdiek of Carty Stampede fame. Bill Rugby OM Buffalo Child l.nnty,Lance, an(1 twiny other well known figures in the -west sagamplisiied the Trail Riders. ''�r'11�r rake was carried on at an S • ..,a....+..•r. altitude of 8,00u feet and brought about an important discovery amongst the scientists of the party. It was found that a horse that bucked font feet into the air at the Calgary Stamp.le was only capable of a two - foot lea pp at this high altitude. Guy WeadieS'waa in eharge of this novel stampede above the clouds. is The great Pow -Wow which took place in the Ptarmigan Valley on August loth, combined the Riders of two parties which had Net out from Banff and Lake Louise with plans to meet at this point. The two parties met on the second day near Baker Lake. • A picturesque scene they made with their bright scarves fluttering as the long line of horses cantered down the trails. Perhaps moat picturesque of all the group of Philadelphia school girls In their breeches and cowboy hate, all expert riders and Splendidly mounted. Each was eager to earn the gold button of .,".. roe a .ytn,t..w .moa .. �frl� the Trail Riders given to those who have ridden 500 miles in the saddle. Artists, writers, scientists, explorers and others of international reputation, made up the parties. In the ranks of these loyal devotees of the trail were men with such distinguished titles as Duke de Leuehtenherg, Count of Beauharnois, and the Marquise P' bizai. Other prominent members w recently completed the ride at Laky Louise were Morley Roberta John Murray Gibbon, Lawrence J. Purees and Madge MacBeth all well known writers, and Carl Rungius, Leonard Richmond, R.B.A., A. C. Leighton and other prominent *diets. The directors have derided that next pear's ride should be a six day one through the Assinibofhe country covering over 100 mills. 4)n the third day thin party will he joined by e three-day contingent through t Reg Earth Creek and )Lt. Ball. to- w ELECT RIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS. ETC. • GEO. W. STOKES BROCK Street. P.O. Boa 601 Shingles B. C. XXXXX and XXX Shingles, Car of N. It. Shingles Just arrived. Johns Manville Asbestos Stingier.. 1tolbN Roof- ing, Asbestos hoof Covering, Galvanized Ridgerow Nall., etc. Get Prices Before You Buy R. STANDISH East St. Phone 369W • ROBERT WILSON for Massey -I lams Machinery Frost Fencing Forma', Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farin Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. . M to • • *1 • • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR McCormick Deering Farm Equipment (hive 1114 11 Call if psi require any new Farm Fquipntent or Repairs. Also a good clean supply of Rope Twine Oils White Lead and Turps HILL'S HARDWARE, AUBURN A General Line of Hardware The Service Store t'1, 1