The Signal, 1926-9-16, Page 21•117,- -
e Aroma Captivates
uncolored, delicious. Ask for it.
(i,derich, Oat.
wasionRlll)•t/■■■■■•■!•) min ■ n ■■■
4;11. thanks t,. t; 1. trill on lits -went', III1e ' mutt 11is,,1t '.» Wilke u/' tol•Inlw It
lain., to 111111. -!ng 1 t
Ili,+ woudruus work,. cacti one. ■
ite•weal ,.., all His wondrous work-. ]t
Tn.- lu,crvel» Ile hath done:
The rixiit•our judgpftolts of His mouth , a
Itemh r thew each one.
maim dui. I Pi
---- - S. S. LFs;WN FOR SEPT. lith. 1926
King tiUver{ia( II[_ _teeuut,.ify1444 own .tart in this n -suit.
he time of the Turkish What Is shown 1s that the 1.11.,pral re -
declared for a policy at cord and the Liberal muse were so"' 1844 unpatriotic gold that they only needed to he fair-
st attitude toward .1k1 ly presented to the people, and that we
bite 1 newt i... •. The have endeavored to do. We cheer -
Irl 1
.atelia pointed out and tulle record the regain credo to the
ept:tce of a British pre- Right Hun. Mackenzie Kinn and ii*
without doubt Caused colleagues and candidates.
1.t•.'.on THk►--Review: Early laws- )�
1,4 of braeL
Lesson I'aasagf-Psis` 115:1.5.
Gulden Text -Heb. Ltd. 1.
Jub 1th-Israel Enslaved in Egypt.
-Exodus 1:1-11: P,.. 94:14.
Wit, .Iaeob migrated to Egypt tie
French make, exquisite quality, 36
inches wide, in shades' peach, t2 25
rose, coral, black, etc. Yard
One of the most fashionable mater-
ials for dresses. Medium light weight
wool, soft and drapes beautifully, in col-
ors and effects of sand, blues, heathers.
raspberry, greens. etc. 54 in. ti oc
wide, at per yard e� 1
Hemstitch, bleached al nen Dam-
ask Cloths. Size 2 x 2 yard , with half
dozen napkins to match. S endid pat-
terns. Each set neatly boxed. $6.95
Special value, each •✓✓
or a Cignaand
doer t ser $6.75 •
id .he cult of eeuding a
nilar saving on other
Neat checks in finest all -wool light 1
weight Flannel, 56 inches wide, new col- ■
orings, some silk mixed. All $2.95 ;
at, per yard ✓✓ •
band consisted of seventy souls. -1t inalf$IU1* aim t1$111man ma*<aaa*11111iHHa•11■
tent. and. together with For those of onr opponents who the Jute of hsrlc's lesion ION destru•
arenas weaknesses,a '-but ' i uta •runs and prlsp•r-
4eigLed the se'UMMe' of
e (sustains scandal and
Isitatitl of huatile votes
followed prcvlou4 major
ala country. tit w better manner» sada broader stmt tLc.r number without actually
1 t du 1 Int its pian• atall,rl
- r ♦ for the
n e1 e1
the took friendly feelings. 4 ( For those rain that the king. lel hint,
ug afraid
gel,. rations a, a reminder tow tee n Jilin building and furnishing of the Talc
whe•have carried on a campaign of they might join against him in case of houses w,•re p*aw44l over whorl llof all thy might" thaw making 1 e1P/1
d 11 a
stuck. the Egyptians lu his final • above all gills Israel la tvmman
h 141 • ingly. giving of their gold their pre -
u ,.. s,. r t -
v none s w.r
have dant
fairs we It
(Ought N
ince hug 7 p p frai 1
d p their tract, and with all shy soul au
del a rustile. a hoop t• reswx n
,4, •
to refrain from rail use of the. Holy '
Name and enjoined to look to the hest Ciao* al.wea. their tine linen and their
interest of thelr.souls sutl hodtev by lwork • ',bowing their appreciation of
eland, r and insult w, can only I war with
,utc another nal Oil till s,• 1
tttnt we nope lids el..•fion wilt trach 1 from under his sway, laid plans to lie -
and more generous spirit. To Boo pro" seeming o ., • '
ale of Canada es a whole. ad hunt alis- t othiug but rather worked to the i Med
t xUdu. 13:17 14.•114-115.tiaetlou ,.f party, race ur creed. we.4I- ultimata'_ e3traordltrarc--dsretetratrt+t . -Exodus 13.1.
trod oar "eon7ratulatiuus for a remit t of the Hebrews into a nation of• two The tdloldreu of l wets well ou
which ensures thew a further period mllluu-s oIsrael f souls. their way to -the Israel 4 land when
of good tr••cernn:Pu' and prosperity. July Illi -4 hiklttoexl and Education God turned tbiw out of the direct
of Noses.
-Ex. ::I -IU: Arts 7:22.• •' , sops for tJi,'m to learn. (one was the
-Prov. 22:6. 1,4t44,n •aR 4,ith, and this t'aWr to thew
Tl•e-••'-•v, ,. ,, .'f tatram and Ja•he- I •,_ ••k._ �anna,,,.u.d them to march
Ilei 1 I th Kings edict Ited the my pus
}w _ 040.servative leader
electors that the I(obb
-snare and a delusion."
!4(41(flts were very real.
re made trltndo for hlm-4
(Mowers by rlviug Credit
was due instead of adep.t-
disp aragemeut' and uie,-
.%uru.,t 1a -TMC Deliverance • at the
WORK WORN /"" >�
tnitt4 414111 ]1 r. Rtnnr
candidates in general i
ntnrte frlm the I Find New Health by Improving
cell b
t this s buQKeQ and from I Their Blood
tat if they were returued J( you (eel run down, it means that
that would he further re- your blood Is thin and watery. that
had the advantage of re- your vitality is low. You do not sleep
erity on their side. A well and are tired when 'you rise' in might h1 some way 11e spared. The
(vonaervative blue -ruin the morning. lou find no pleasure la Kings Alaugbter found him. wa'Leon-
rRhout caee't._1?4t condi- your meals and are 11at1Pss and- dip strained by rho mother -love possessing
ten have shown Its IMII- plrlted at your work. Yon have no her when the LeTAese lathe 4r/ed.fls
people 1444e not yeti fur- energy' to enjoy yourself, site hooked into the basket. to adopt
ppld sti n of
pato as there were roans nt•ed4rl 1Pk
keeping -one day I, 1e♦en fits a day of.
rest and communion with find. '
Aug. nth -The Tea CarSIlIt4 sale. Sept- 1916 --Obedience to law.
l)utir* Lo Man.
-Fotodux 20:1'. 21. -Leviticus 26.
-Leviticus 19:16• -Loc, 10:9.
The fifth crintmandmellt enjoins bun- Ma11•••nota to Goal la restated in this
or to parents. which 1s the foundation ill: and nun,' promises of trwporxl
of social life. '"Che hand that re11* .111.1 sierlttel bleaslnl7e 411 follow the
l was girl when r k t,f ttte•e (r+melx,,.4e". Cts fie*
1 C"w'arda tin. e' „'° as 'e 11 the cradle rules the wurhL-- e^1"hrw
that every male child at birth le thin way of es,tap• from the pursuing The remaining five comman.tment% given. To there sr,• awhst great and
throws Into the River Nile was tai ptllne At Moor(', up lifted hand. forbid *nine doing. wron(t thiukIug terrlhle punlsnmeu.eWl
t. that athrt-
Wes. They mauagwl to hide nim for in which he held (1* rsl u,a•d ou form- x1.4 wrong desiring between mail and enet saeabl thby ihn•a4: the wrauan%
three months and then construed blur er occasions to *04-14 tuinuk'n, the man and enjoins love as the fulfilling the Israelites made when Thee sate:
to the care of the river. hoping that he a-nat.:4 dorid,r4 and they tuar41hed over of the law. "Alt brei words which the Lord Hath
i .tiara' follow-
said still we do." Should they accept
uu dry land. but the F'.g,-Isell& 6th -Toe Tent of !11eNdttg. the punishments and repent and make
ing were ,frowned and G,••t'• word ful- -modus U. ronft•sslun (set would nut reject them
filled. "The Egyptians whom ye have --Exodus 32:1L
seen today. ye shall see them again no Atter the ehlldrea of lsrue! made nor tike Hla presence from them.
more forever." the gulden. call Mese, pitched- his teat
at some distance from the camp and It
became the meeting place 1*4*44ee"tbe
Lord, and Moses. There be Inter- Ex e4ee
ceded for them because of their great
aia and God answered. saying. -My $lYth
preeenee ellall urn with thee. and I will Kincardlne
giro thee rest." Mous pleaded yet I.uoknow
again that Coil would reveal His (fluty 4eatorth
to him and Ivan rade to hide to a cleft
;s mercy in forgiving their great
sin and cnu11nuInc Ills presence with
-them lu th,-Ir Jo trheylug.
Thousands of men are run down byLim Tlurodeb--the. sa u tit6-Toe Oi>rltag d the Mama, • obliged to meet -the anxieties of word-. Thousands of wo- Miriam, who had Leta ort to w•ub•h Ans.
1 by the Customs revels-
flits he was aided ley-
:Mere who made *Mae-
unfounded charger. It
4 that' his probable re -
rinistrative power is a
tiler of himself or (hose D•y41e14
ho were Inrolctd 1ti this breath. i July 111th -The Call a1 11iMas. Sor y y of the rock and see Ills *bedew, as it
lir---4*1tc's-the tribes.. -.Ail -sot.- submit_to_.this -_Get new Iously fwd. Two conditions were Ripley
i>vitit_3i�1��4:1�•1i. hetl to lila gilt: they weoeto ratter were es (sod psertt hy.
lit -
twee and conviction de- blood and with it new vitality. Terre arose• while tle+arilpg sbeeyt was at•1246-Gita for We Tabevwsele Brunet -Is
l just enough each moraine to Jag that Se/t•
Ike ttke•t+fl.,n of t#t"`c• t• ne'di W fnMed fiy-*'WgAIAPP a day. but on the sl:tth tiny Ake were to
men are broken down by their house- b7 ter mother..... -John i:26.
hold toll. with lirei limbs and acfilng 114C•me oda nurse until aaeb time as he The children of Israel complained
hacks. thousuuds of girls are pale. list- went to live at the palace. where: as bitterly that they erre failing laine-
le-. and wl;latut attraction. 1t all the Adopted sou of 1 haraoh's laugh roil oil *4 tr way re the promised
Marva -
means the -moue thing -thin and wat- t,•r, he was learned in all the wisdom land. (sod heard*11 [holt e i
Cry 4,1.44. ritallty run down, uuaem1*. of the Egyptians and became mighty and rained lrd theta 1 iurtnl• and
poor appetite. palpitating heart. Blatt in words snit in der{k fort ear(' theywere thuo tairaeln-
!gbe's own mother -Exodus 16:1-31.
Sept. 21-22
tient. '�28
Sept. 2!414
Mept. 1.3-3 4
Sept. 25-11
-Sept. ^.tt-!t
Sept 28-
Sept. 3O�rt. 1
11111- 1
..Oct, 2
y. Oct 7-8
Oct. 12-11
tt t gbe He turned j -*mad= 36.21.19 Zurich
[lowing *041441 be greater loam* Pink 1'114* build up and ,enrieb aside to Uuvr,•ttgate a hnslt 4,nrnine -Pegs. 3.9.
ay. But having sized. apt the blood. which brings with It new and tet not bring eon*nmed. A voice, gather and prepare a double portion Fordwich
and keep the seventh day holy unto the When Mover returned from his se- w'i41 ew
.•. .1... t the tit
rs and their shorteom- 1 health and vitality. The man. *o- the voice of God. ,9114s1 him and raid
•rs evidently derided to 1 man or girl who takes Dr. Williams' he was sending him to deliver the He -
per of two evils. and m•- - l'ir.k• Pills is never run Blown. Their brews out of the land of Egyp'. Maws
•'s signed pledge 11rt: he notice how energetic they are. argued his unfitness in several ways
nue reit:nth-say the in- what a fine appetite they have and but God ove•rrnlwt them all and as - reached -Mark 13:3-1.
the Customssltrt.c.• and how nitwit tL.y' enjoy RE,.pure, hoses He would (ertalnly fee WI:nTr-line chrl,tn•11 of Israel reached p Y V A s E L F
t}t,o �,, -' - :,.,:.:T T-11411‘ It *4444 Moat�aSina1 3160.1.21.14 l,, -r -i(1 1a* cane to'
ns." Idealer in 4n.dicine. or 1,y moi! nt 54 called and prepared to he the datilverer"wee him and heard from 11% ('*n lips
will 1•X1,4444 swift and 1 cents a box from The I •r tt• 'lam' ,•t t!;t. , hildretr of Israel. 11he greet deliverance they had ex-
lcu,ption of tits and of M. Qi -tile I',,.. Rrockvi!I. ter Iola 25th --The Passover. 1 1,4 P(rneWl in Furv'pt nod in the wilder
Lord. „1nd sojou_-
Aug. 15th-•lethrn'•. Wise Counsel. I
W1nt he gave to the people the in- Isentartno41
-Exodus 18:1.27. -
will 1,4• "t4:n-r' -Exodus 12:1, 2; 21-28. sues* j.lurn,y. He sae! how great *4444
riot:: with d, ti. rte tp'.r NEW TP.EATIYlENT -1 Cor. 5:7. 1 the tusk Moses *as atcomptishing and
1 p uhlib stein . •The 1. After the ninth plague upon the ;(.1' .wl h►m not to try to be both la*-
r ,.title h n- Milk I or. FOR SMUTTY WHEAT 1.:ayialatr. God commrtudent_Miotte•4 1+1 i Ricer 81141 Judge. hitt to chr».tP out
r n ttr"r.ul_h I:o:lse •Iowa_ I -pion* *1.1... utaae44sh men To help him.
_-_ prepare the f+rnetftes for ----their de, v• eentidelur in gut•er11- � str'.nrP.. for Phnrnott would throat I 11^•"'s An* the a -i -Qom of this advice
draft and enforce -a pmm untariu farmers h.,.• for years lace;- 1 1(41,1 e,k. t 1 it.
;Odell *ill he free from 1heavy .' thou Nut On finding the first-born In I 1""
taking ipso- . 1, account •'.
'very Egyptian home dealt. As Moses { Aug. 22nd -The Ten ('onttnandlnwtts,
icer - _and l,•,rterings as growing :moots ,.hex. These losses 1
lace seaittoli, io th, agrregatle ,..„ h •�+w;n mitt run it -enacted • Iamb was saerificei- the i nutie• to Gad.
)IoiKhet. ilk intim nmst.'' we'i Deer one nlil'iou ;Inline.. and it-
n- . blood 44prlukle1 np(In the 11ute4 and • -Exodus 20:1-11.
-tit .dual 44(4 u . L.r.r tl,ic. tt .tts.r tint :...-or l-"-11'• the flesh roasted. and eaten -leant- 6:.i.
wt whit- r(. utt i party. 1 e''er true pet.el • were A1f1r(seed ready '-F.utr ,nurtnnrtusar s---d**F--w4t4
• tarn 1'rinnanit prier r,;, ' t' fn'_t :. to 1.n tr44ats Is -v b1.h,•1 on for a boccie.: exit. Title Nast of the men's date to 141 them God calls
• the honor end re.;s,:..i_ ft -..m ,'8 bushels to :nftml bushels. If t.t-4,cer was to be (,hserveI by future i israe!' to lute Him _*4th rill "thine
1.:: conferred upon blim 1,4 ...s h •44 weir not easily preventible i'
,l..' For Ids fniittre this w. u:d nut•11• r,1 had. batt the trtatm.:
It a eept the Mama him.given le;ow 1. /he late.t .illformati•,,.
!smite is at beret -1
. •Ill..' 4uLkct frum the uutnrie Ag'r
psrlv'4.. n'«---_T..-t'u:IuraLCollege, and it is passed, on is
Js.tN-wo-heio d- tar w•o,1.L ti ••- lints• that farmer., w'1:1 atali4 111e of
r o-r•-osevee-te-tit( e..0„rep', , I: an.L enct:__th mice' th.• i.•avy di -
oft•, b.Ji•,aiLltn.I b:t'!ll*eat! ""t:ia• on sunny wheat.
sill heli, t.1 mince careful Aireetlon* fur topper Carbonate Dust i
orni,ler,d administration Treatment e •
The ins' *hold be nl,l,t;,rt n' the 1 "1 Heard the voice el Jesus Say" ; deierluiued to improve matters by set-
raie of to or three 011 1:11.4., p.•r bushel 1 hr. Honitins Honor. the atH2or of tine it. Aimee that tie children already
IHI'K%L \ I(T(►Rl o• wheat. Place the grain to bel this hymn• was burn at F.dr bnrgll (n knew (rymn44 suited to their inte111-
- - • rented in a barrel nr ehntn, nls,nt n ih 12th. MOS. He diel in gem . and • experience. It was for
anion \,Icwti.erl
iKfay to Alas on Jesus, a hymn
lwtcd ns outstanding. even 111 that ill- F
tie land whleh ha* produced so many is now• sung by children the world
over. men of eminent spiritual and Intel. ,here was a distinct purple behind
sur• uC writing. the deL;It ushel at a time. Add the required
lu*' .fv4.rntnellt 1s mount, of eopp'r (alrlsrnate dna and
p''440'l. 'ben revolve the barrel or churn until
ve dune l*eller In the )1ari the ,last 144 thoennghly mixed with the
nares fIHln kr lt1�i, ltleye held grain.- Aft(•F�ht+ir.aitment the grain
and In Quebec and have may b(• bagged 811.1. sown nt once. Ma-
I:i,•Illar gains to to,unrio.
she, te. *died *li'.nerh t.1I chines are now on the market for ap-
po , Established (A►arch of Scotland .w and be spent 1❑ Order to e+itmureppe a
l feu*. I plying dust rapidly to largo gnsnticle's t was Inducte4 to tie parts" tit' nets,., I group of disheartened mission work-
„ry *on by the Bight Hun. I of seed.
I w'nerr i�fle remained n"td - r""' ga era at. Leath. Hymn -writing ixrame
IfleT mid Illi eon,.:ignes 11 C Tier may I,P *emend , wars wagon those minister" alto at the t n iwblt with him and be maintahlel
Is *Ai welt defrPrved. ,1114- froni 1.s -al dealers nt 25c' per pound. time of the INsnlTttbtn formed the! a wonderfully high standard .xonsl/1er-
tret a -ns the bent In many t t:'•'u`Il in `"'u"• places as high ns ins (borer of Scotland. I .ng his lame hotpot I heard the
1 the-rigtor& w4r*.-.tidt.nttr. ?i i• htln2 ••barred. i and unarsummg
give credit for its *Megan -
from taxation. The debt of
n ot been. 4oeressed under T.ih-
It1l7ttaUon. sail the_es{wn&
also gone down Cud txxntlun t.t N\iIi.Li R. Sept. to The s, hood remained 111 his nh4CUPP toantry pile- ago for rliristiaus to emphaslto this
re4ncw1 by 411104( 5254941)44oi' fair wt!; Ts• 1,•14i at C'arl•,w un 4t,ttur- ish until, in 10136. the call eame for not P. yet It is QlAknit to believe that
K Roth budget alone At the i slay netts. him to eomtttence a new church In his *4 beautiful a hymn will ever lose Its
native city. Charm and appeal.
The 14)114. quiet years at Kelso had
done much for his spiritual enrich- ( "I Heard the Vole" of JPaus
men'. hitt he lived with a peculiar
sense of detachment from the present 1 heard the voice of .toms say.
world, and In moat of his hymns there "Ovate unto Me and refit :
Is a note of homeslekttess for Heaven. ' 1Ay down, thou weary One, lay
As one dlsdngutabed (Title write*, Thy head upon My breast. -
"Boner's hymns are like those that I came to Jesuit as 1 *ns.
Came nut of the sectuslon and other- I Weary. and worn, and sad:
woridlinl'e* of the medieval mimes I found In Him a rewtinx-pla('e
terles where .the monks sang of the; And He hath made me glad.
growing ev11•d the outride world, of .
the ab Bent Rrldagroom and of the
glories of jet 144* the Golden." Sev-
eral other X7vtl by Dr. Boner 1nM-
este much the same trend. Aflame the
heat4tnewn of t4.4(' are: "A few more
year* 44ha11 roll "Thy way. not mine.
41 lord:" ' Tlere. 0 i+Kd, 1 see Thee
f*(e to face;" "1 was a wandering
sheep." and "When the weary seeking
rest "
Previous to lis ordination Romer
served as ruperintendemt of a Sunday
•rhool Flo was much distressed be-
calm. the t4h114,en *towed so little in -
terse.. In the *Inning. He realised
that the fanit was not altogether
-Roeder so *sly the tkntl.l*` -Pasha* and
• a tow tlfgios• tureens wire used. He
•ermine Zt these children that Bonar w note. "1
q nn4 ht+ life must ever be rPmem- wh
1 t 1 ualltiew
eC tie q nearly evert hymn witfeh Honor ...un -
1t.mar mitered the ministry of the
POPPd. 'He wrote "Go, lnhor on. spend
114. was .,
*InppOurlp humble a voice of .pedis say, Arlt appeared In
and whatever fame came to him was 1818. The same tender and pensive
unsought and. indeed, an far fie he i ponging Is manifest here as elsewhere
*Pati anrerognlaed. Many calls to In tris work. There is lees tendency
Li{ts,'rr 1•nurche44 came to him. but he hslay than :h,(A' was eighty years
TheMails -
The service of the Bank 'of Moetr. Is
wide and cooapre ensive as the postal
systems itrlf.
This soak* ambles customers riving in inose*
dishma _ss to transact their banking by mas
theystisf casay as iI could make personal
Writ for oar folder,
"Banking by Mail."
4iODE1 I('l BRAN( 11
ONT,- 4
stt�hmd ever_ IOO ��
for week.,* .ltl)g 4c•pt(nll4•r 9. Item:
M,•- .411- 1111rh11
(saw burn (bunty
Total Acres, 121 4'14'1 1:417
$ .l..•1 Wood •22 ::1; ;Mat •
Thh-L smooth 7933 7t• i
Hearty 44 3 r17
re heavies 4 14
•Logs 7 .4 to
s ..0feelers • - 3e
•Pr •
Ful low i
,.e T. Its t
Lanni iA
1''111y o1
11*mm th
yenta. -N',
-11r. J.
ton F
r .
Mantis. M
ear 'richt
ls•rt W.
Frank At
Stogie dn.
Haroia ■
Tesco t
-,1 H.
belt W. -1
}Jeri* rt, l
Bros. II
elapses 4,
('ow in
year- - 1\
Bull ea
Cow in
• 'ands (4.d
--dirt. 1---
('u w h
A French y4lator made a trip of id and
2.75 miles a day and a half. He `
must have nate at about the sped of (:.ow g
a metml g note.-Ifrautford Expos- and 2141
Isar. - furor s-
Jlatas. W
Bo Mr. Tumor,* and Mr. IMmpsey years-$
prof a to he in the pink, so one or Yearling
• th other e11(ntdd emerge black and Sheer cal
1 b with peps
rha, • dash of rel.- k Son.
rolt Free Pres ' ,-ow, any
land 2nd.
1e the e•ountry is alone.
Mrs. E. 11. Walter *ne in Toronto
l which recalls the ,ialmy visiting her son. Herold. for a few
the Laurier -Fielding teafine. days' n•ntrains home'on Thursday of
Me trade balance of nearly Inst week.
910. and the drastic re.luctlnn Mr. 411 I Durst. spoke very accept -
047 l,4tla ucP nf, tri 10 wUh airy la the rhumb here oil 1» very
tat States are evidences of morning big. Fie Rare *11me very
y. But. a* Sir Wilfrid rdThtil cthoral 1.
Ref 44414. 1t ie not n4rooKory The school is ; opened 44* and 144
statlst1cy t0 pro1e a pros ,r,•Il improved f by the net. arobattback
ehleh 14 eNdent to *11, and ' n,I furnace. The and
the* are hack
felt on the farm, in the fay "n th4. }04' atntn. nod the attendance
the attire aa4 In the home, is rtn,I.
• con44tkutional 1*44ue the 4.ih-
k a 44cott14 poettlun, bated up-
s• precedent. Mr. Ring and
ids argued tee quention with
I dignity, and the d tiennelen
educative and will give 1"4n-
t better understanding of the
ins by which they are goy.
Is In (him western district of
have aerial moose for eon -
Tho notable galns m*de
kr thin a veritable atronrltold
Mem. and there de gond ground
hope that the revival ',lH
ly extend to other mete of the
Th„so who attended. the eerviee at
the (`olhorne cemetery. an Snnday af-
ternoon la44( report a very trod ger-
vino and real interest. hire weather,
alt)mngh role nn4 thiretening, dt4 not
keep the people away.
The service% et Benmeler and
Smith's Hill United ehurehea next
4un4ar w111 he eon4ttete4 by lir. A.
M. Robertson. Mr. Trotter will eg-
et44t In t1t. dedication *uric•,•* of a
new ehmtrh at his former charge. near
The fact Chet there in no ranee lllre
home Is why so tunny people go ewer
from it for a holiday Roeder Cftts
Rivertlage,14 1 4o *sire to 44ar.
1 beard the votee of Jetett* My,
'ebeld, I freely give
T1p living water;�tbirac one.
btoop down. end •nk. and itvs
I caota-to J. sod I
Of that life-giving
Ity thirst. *44s q
revlret t
And now I live la MM.
T heard the voice of Jenne
"I am thin dark wnrll'e TAKtt;
Look utile' Me, thy morn *11411 the
And *11 thy day be bright!'"
i looked to J0*11Ft and 1 font
in flim my Star, my 84111; i
And le drat light of 1tt! I'14
TVI travelling days are dames
eat Ke
WITH juicy, r
rich milk or
what a deli
Kellogg's '. " ••r
make! - --
A new
-"Long Dista.
U our
On the ma!�rjty
t _ cities, the l 65g
14 ' whom details of th
at once endear ours
I 'Section while the
' - ,' ! lime. The rest
of seconds.
ng handl
Extensive cl
and in
eed Service
while you hold the line
istance ase finding
peed service a re -
Is to distant
ce Operator to
re first given,
ablish then
party holds the
only a ?natter
traffic is
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Fat at
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Shen rI',
Rani -Ian
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pigs .1
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lu4lan e.
chins, r1
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4lalae 4)1
Ga1nP ( r
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g Distance aria 241.
rearrangement John yW
of our staff have "liver• t
1115 an accomplished ilantb*i
4 • pat and
S. (3. M
brown, t
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white. •
, Leghorn
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CORN ' ora -A. Rr
FLAK otth • ,Tann
Y rim
t 1twos, B
e.n.s. tassel bwood; .1a
lu,l briny
you such .s*ew.Mr.I
--ouch crisp. insisb418
/1.9.•. Th• 4.a
ewe 44.9.. hove*• a1 th.
w 4*, each.
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to get the
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call" is the
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4t R. 3.
ntaa : R.
mal' Store,