The Signal, 1926-9-16, Page 21•117,- - • s. TH1� SIGNAL e Aroma Captivates AB EEN TEA ws 11 • GOVERICIL ONT. Sunday Afternoon uncolored, delicious. Ask for it. By ISABEL HAMILTON, (i,derich, Oat. wasionRlll)•t/■■■■■•■!•) min ■ n ■■■ )i •NE W DRESS IL 1♦ 4;11. thanks t,. t; 1. trill on lits -went', III1e ' mutt 11is,,1t '.» Wilke u/' tol•Inlw It lain., to 111111. -!ng 1 t Ili,+ woudruus work,. cacti one. ■ ite•weal ,.., all His wondrous work-. ]t Tn.- lu,crvel» Ile hath done: The rixiit•our judgpftolts of His mouth , a Itemh r thew each one. maim dui. I Pi ---- - S. S. LFs;WN FOR SEPT. lith. 1926 King tiUver{ia( II[_ _teeuut,.ify1444 own .tart in this n -suit. he time of the Turkish What Is shown 1s that the 1.11.,pral re - declared for a policy at cord and the Liberal muse were so ...ally."' 1844 unpatriotic gold that they only needed to he fair- st attitude toward .1k1 ly presented to the people, and that we bite 1 newt i... •. The have endeavored to do. We cheer - Irl 1 .atelia pointed out and tulle record the regain credo to the ept:tce of a British pre- Right Hun. Mackenzie Kinn and ii* without doubt Caused colleagues and candidates. 1 1.t•.'.on THk►--Review: Early laws- )� 1,4 of braeL Lesson I'aasagf-Psis` 115:1.5. Gulden Text -Heb. Ltd. 1. Jub 1th-Israel Enslaved in Egypt. -Exodus 1:1-11: P,.. 94:14. Wit, .Iaeob migrated to Egypt tie SHOT TAFFETA SILKS French make, exquisite quality, 36 inches wide, in shades' peach, t2 25 rose, coral, black, etc. Yard SILK WOOL BALBRIGGAN One of the most fashionable mater- ials for dresses. Medium light weight wool, soft and drapes beautifully, in col- ors and effects of sand, blues, heathers. raspberry, greens. etc. 54 in. ti oc wide, at per yard e� 1 L1NEN� H Hemstitch, bleached al nen Dam- ask Cloths. Size 2 x 2 yard , with half dozen napkins to match. S endid pat- terns. Each set neatly boxed. $6.95 Special value, each •✓✓ :1 or a Cignaand doer t ser $6.75 • id .he cult of eeuding a nilar saving on other Signal DRESS FLANNELS Neat checks in finest all -wool light 1 weight Flannel, 56 inches wide, new col- ■ orings, some silk mixed. All $2.95 ; at, per yard ✓✓ • X a W. ACHESON & SON ]r band consisted of seventy souls. -1t inalf$IU1* aim t1$111man ma*<aaa*11111iHHa•11■ tent. and. together with For those of onr opponents who the Jute of hsrlc's lesion ION destru• arenas weaknesses,a '-but ' i uta •runs and prlsp•r- 4eigLed the se'UMMe' of e (sustains scandal and Isitatitl of huatile votes followed prcvlou4 major Judgment. ala country. tit w better manner» sada broader stmt tLc.r number without actually 1 t du 1 Int its pian• atall,rl - r ♦ for the he had n e1 e1 h,stut4l uta the took friendly feelings. 4 ( For those rain that the king. lel hint, ug afraid r gel,. rations a, a reminder tow tee n Jilin building and furnishing of the Talc whe•have carried on a campaign of they might join against him in case of houses w,•re p*aw44l over whorl llof all thy might" thaw making 1 e1P/1 d 11 a stuck. the Egyptians lu his final • above all gills Israel la tvmman h 141 • ingly. giving of their gold their pre - u ,.. s,. r t - v none s w.r have dant fairs we It (Ought N ince hug 7 p p frai 1 d p their tract, and with all shy soul au del a rustile. a hoop t• reswx n ,4, • to refrain from rail use of the. Holy ' Name and enjoined to look to the hest Ciao* al.wea. their tine linen and their interest of thelr.souls sutl hodtev by lwork • ',bowing their appreciation of eland, r and insult w, can only I war with ,utc another nal Oil till s,• 1 tttnt we nope lids el..•fion wilt trach 1 from under his sway, laid plans to lie - them and more generous spirit. To Boo pro" seeming o ., • ' ale of Canada es a whole. ad hunt alis- t othiug but rather worked to the i Med t xUdu. 13:17 14.•114-115.tiaetlou ,.f party, race ur creed. we.4I- ultimata'_ e3traordltrarc--dsretetratrt+t . -Exodus 13.1. trod oar "eon7ratulatiuus for a remit t of the Hebrews into a nation of• two The tdloldreu of l wets well ou which ensures thew a further period mllluu-s oIsrael f souls. their way to -the Israel 4 land when of good tr••cernn:Pu' and prosperity. July Illi -4 hiklttoexl and Education God turned tbiw out of the direct of Noses. -Ex. ::I -IU: Arts 7:22.• •' , sops for tJi,'m to learn. (one was the -Prov. 22:6. 1,4t44,n •aR 4,ith, and this t'aWr to thew Tl•e-••'-•v, ,. ,, .'f tatram and Ja•he- I -.in •,_ ••k._ �anna,,,.u.d them to march Ilei 1 I th Kings edict Ited the my pus }w _ 040.servative leader electors that the I(obb -snare and a delusion." !4(41(flts were very real. re made trltndo for hlm-4 (Mowers by rlviug Credit was due instead of adep.t- disp aragemeut' and uie,- .%uru.,t 1a -TMC Deliverance • at the WORK WORN /"" >� tnitt4 414111 ]1 r. Rtnnr candidates in general i ntnrte frlm the I Find New Health by Improving cell b t this s buQKeQ and from I Their Blood tat if they were returued J( you (eel run down, it means that that would he further re- your blood Is thin and watery. that had the advantage of re- your vitality is low. You do not sleep erity on their side. A well and are tired when 'you rise' in might h1 some way 11e spared. The (vonaervative blue -ruin the morning. lou find no pleasure la Kings Alaugbter found him. wa'Leon- rRhout caee't._1?4t condi- your meals and are 11at1Pss and- dip strained by rho mother -love possessing ten have shown Its IMII- plrlted at your work. Yon have no her when the LeTAese lathe 4r/ed.fls people 1444e not yeti fur- energy' to enjoy yourself, site hooked into the basket. to adopt ppld sti n of pato as there were roans nt•ed4rl 1Pk keeping -one day I, 1e♦en fits a day of. rest and communion with find. ' Aug. nth -The Tea CarSIlIt4 sale. Sept- 1916 --Obedience to law. l)utir* Lo Man. -Fotodux 20:1'. 21. -Leviticus 26. -Leviticus 19:16• -Loc, 10:9. The fifth crintmandmellt enjoins bun- Ma11•••nota to Goal la restated in this or to parents. which 1s the foundation ill: and nun,' promises of trwporxl of social life. '"Che hand that re11* .111.1 sierlttel bleaslnl7e 411 follow the l was girl when r k t,f ttte•e (r+melx,,.4e". Cts fie* 1 C"w'arda tin. e' „'° as 'e 11 the cradle rules the wurhL-- e^1"hrw that every male child at birth le thin way of es,tap• from the pursuing The remaining five comman.tment% given. To there sr,• awhst great and throws Into the River Nile was tai ptllne At Moor(', up lifted hand. forbid *nine doing. wron(t thiukIug terrlhle punlsnmeu.eWl t. that athrt- sop Wes. They mauagwl to hide nim for in which he held (1* rsl u,a•d ou form- x1.4 wrong desiring between mail and enet saeabl thby ihn•a4: the wrauan% three months and then construed blur er occasions to *04-14 tuinuk'n, the man and enjoins love as the fulfilling the Israelites made when Thee sate: to the care of the river. hoping that he a-nat.:4 dorid,r4 and they tuar41hed over of the law. "Alt brei words which the Lord Hath e i .tiara' follow- said still we do." Should they accept uu dry land. but the F'.g,-Isell& 6th -Toe Tent of !11eNdttg. the punishments and repent and make ing were ,frowned and G,••t'• word ful- -modus U. ronft•sslun (set would nut reject them filled. "The Egyptians whom ye have --Exodus 32:1L seen today. ye shall see them again no Atter the ehlldrea of lsrue! made nor tike Hla presence from them. more forever." the gulden. call Mese, pitched- his teat at some distance from the camp and It became the meeting place 1*4*44ee"tbe Lord, and Moses. There be Inter- Ex e4ee tr ceded for them because of their great aia and God answered. saying. -My $lYth 1" preeenee ellall urn with thee. and I will Kincardlne giro thee rest." Mous pleaded yet I.uoknow again that Coil would reveal His (fluty 4eatorth to him and Ivan rade to hide to a cleft ;s mercy in forgiving their great sin and cnu11nuInc Ills presence with -them lu th,-Ir Jo trheylug. Thousands of men are run down byLim Tlurodeb--the. sa u tit6-Toe Oi>rltag d the Mama, • obliged to meet -the anxieties of word-. Thousands of wo- Miriam, who had Leta ort to w•ub•h Ans. 1 by the Customs revels- flits he was aided ley- :Mere who made *Mae- unfounded charger. It 4 that' his probable re - rinistrative power is a tiler of himself or (hose D•y41e14 ho were Inrolctd 1ti this breath. i July 111th -The Call a1 11iMas. Sor y y of the rock and see Ills *bedew, as it lir---4*1tc's-the tribes.. -.Ail -sot.- submit_to_.this -_Get new Iously fwd. Two conditions were Ripley i>vitit_3i�1��4:1�•1i. hetl to lila gilt: they weoeto ratter were es (sod psertt hy. lit - twee and conviction de- blood and with it new vitality. Terre arose• while tle+arilpg sbeeyt was at•1246-Gita for We Tabevwsele Brunet -Is l just enough each moraine to Jag that Se/t• Ike ttke•t+fl.,n of t#t"`c• t• ne'di W fnMed fiy-*'WgAIAPP a day. but on the sl:tth tiny Ake were to men are broken down by their house- b7 ter mother..... -John i:26. hold toll. with lirei limbs and acfilng 114C•me oda nurse until aaeb time as he The children of Israel complained hacks. thousuuds of girls are pale. list- went to live at the palace. where: as bitterly that they erre failing laine- le-. and wl;latut attraction. 1t all the Adopted sou of 1 haraoh's laugh roil oil *4 tr way re the promised Marva - means the -moue thing -thin and wat- t,•r, he was learned in all the wisdom land. (sod heard*11 [holt e i Cry 4,1.44. ritallty run down, uuaem1*. of the Egyptians and became mighty and rained lrd theta 1 iurtnl• and regs poor appetite. palpitating heart. Blatt in words snit in der{k fort ear(' theywere thuo tairaeln- !gbe's own mother -Exodus 16:1-31. FAIL. FAIR DATES Sept. 21-22 tient. '�28 Sept. 2!414 Mept. 1.3-3 4 Sept. 25-11 -Sept. ^.tt-!t Sept 28- Sept. 3O�rt. 1 11111- 1 ..Oct, 2 y. Oct 7-8 Oct. 12-11 tt t gbe He turned j -*mad= 36.21.19 Zurich [lowing *041441 be greater loam* Pink 1'114* build up and ,enrieb aside to Uuvr,•ttgate a hnslt 4,nrnine -Pegs. 3.9. ay. But having sized. apt the blood. which brings with It new and tet not bring eon*nmed. A voice, gather and prepare a double portion Fordwich and keep the seventh day holy unto the When Mover returned from his se- w'i41 ew .•. .1... t the tit rs and their shorteom- 1 health and vitality. The man. *o- the voice of God. ,9114s1 him and raid •rs evidently derided to 1 man or girl who takes Dr. Williams' he was sending him to deliver the He - per of two evils. and m•- - l'ir.k• Pills is never run Blown. Their brews out of the land of Egyp'. Maws •'s signed pledge 11rt: he frien.ls notice how energetic they are. argued his unfitness in several ways nue reit:nth-say the in- what a fine appetite they have and but God ove•rrnlwt them all and as - reached -Mark 13:3-1. the Customssltrt.c.• and how nitwit tL.y' enjoy RE,.pure, hoses He would (ertalnly fee WI:nTr-line chrl,tn•11 of Israel reached p Y V A s E L F t}t,o �,, -' - :,.,:.:T T-11411‘ It *4444 Moat�aSina1 3160.1.21.14 l,, -r -i(1 1a* cane to' ns." Idealer in 4n.dicine. or 1,y moi! nt 54 called and prepared to he the datilverer"wee him and heard from 11% ('*n lips will 1•X1,4444 swift and 1 cents a box from The I •r tt• 'lam' ,•t t!;t. , hildretr of Israel. 11he greet deliverance they had ex- lcu,ption of tits and of M. Qi -tile I',,.. Rrockvi!I. ter Iola 25th --The Passover. 1 1,4 P(rneWl in Furv'pt nod in the wilder Lord. „1nd sojou_- Aug. 15th-•lethrn'•. Wise Counsel. I W1nt he gave to the people the in- Isentartno41 -Exodus 18:1.27. - There will 1,4• "t4:n-r' -Exodus 12:1, 2; 21-28. sues* j.lurn,y. He sae! how great *4444 riot:: with d, ti. rte tp'.r NEW TP.EATIYlENT -1 Cor. 5:7. 1 the tusk Moses *as atcomptishing and 1 p uhlib stein . •The 1. After the ninth plague upon the ;(.1' .wl h►m not to try to be both la*- r ,.title h n- Milk I or. FOR SMUTTY WHEAT 1.:ayialatr. God commrtudent_Miotte•4 1+1 i Ricer 81141 Judge. hitt to chr».tP out r n ttr"r.ul_h I:o:lse •Iowa_ I -pion* *1.1... utaae44sh men To help him. _-_ prepare the f+rnetftes for ----their de, v• eentidelur in gut•er11- � str'.nrP.. for Phnrnott would throat I 11^•"'s An* the a -i -Qom of this advice draft and enforce -a pmm untariu farmers h.,.• for years lace;- 1 1(41,1 e,k. t 1 it. ;Odell *ill he free from 1heavy .' thou Nut On finding the first-born In I 1"" taking ipso- . 1, account •'. 'very Egyptian home dealt. As Moses { Aug. 22nd -The Ten ('onttnandlnwtts, icer - _and l,•,rterings as growing :moots ,.hex. These losses 1 lace seaittoli, io th, agrregatle ,..„ h •�+w;n mitt run it -enacted • Iamb was saerificei- the i nutie• to Gad. )IoiKhet. ilk intim nmst.'' we'i Deer one nlil'iou ;Inline.. and it- rest n- . blood 44prlukle1 np(In the 11ute4 and • -Exodus 20:1-11. -tit .dual 44(4 u . L.r.r tl,ic. tt .tts.r tint :...-or l-"-11'• the flesh roasted. and eaten -leant- 6:.i. wt whit- r(. utt i party. 1 e''er true pet.el • were A1f1r(seed ready '-F.utr ,nurtnnrtusar s---d**F--w4t4 • tarn 1'rinnanit prier r,;, ' t' fn'_t :. to 1.n tr44ats Is -v b1.h,•1 on for a boccie.: exit. Title Nast of the men's date to G.al. 141 them God calls • the honor end re.;s,:..i_ ft -..m ,'8 bushels to :nftml bushels. If t.t-4,cer was to be (,hserveI by future i israe!' to lute Him _*4th rill "thine 1.:: conferred upon blim 1,4 ...s h •44 weir not easily preventible i' ,l..' For Ids fniittre this w. u:d nut•11• r,1 had. batt the trtatm.: It a eept the Mama him.given le;ow 1. /he late.t .illformati•,,. !smite is at beret -1 . •Ill..' 4uLkct frum the uutnrie Ag'r psrlv'4.. n'...game«---_T..-t'u:IuraLCollege, and it is passed, on is Js.tN-wo-heio d- tar w•o,1.L ti ••- lints• that farmer., w'1:1 atali4 111e of r o-r•-osevee-te-tit( e..0„rep', , I: an.L enct:__th mice' th.• i.•avy di - oft•, b.Ji•,aiLltn.I b:t'!ll*eat! ""t:ia• on sunny wheat. sill heli, t.1 mince careful Aireetlon* fur topper Carbonate Dust i orni,ler,d administration Treatment e • The ins' *hold be nl,l,t;,rt n' the 1 "1 Heard the voice el Jesus Say" ; deierluiued to improve matters by set- raie of to or three 011 1:11.4., p.•r bushel 1 hr. Honitins Honor. the atH2or of tine it. Aimee that tie children already IHI'K%L \ I(T(►Rl o• wheat. Place the grain to bel this hymn• was burn at F.dr bnrgll (n knew (rymn44 suited to their inte111- - - • rented in a barrel nr ehntn, nls,nt n ih 12th. MOS. He diel in gem . and • experience. It was for anion \,Icwti.erl iKfay to Alas on Jesus, a hymn lwtcd ns outstanding. even 111 that ill- F tie land whleh ha* produced so many is now• sung by children the world over. men of eminent spiritual and Intel. ,here was a distinct purple behind sur• uC writing. the deL;It ushel at a time. Add the required lu*' .fv4.rntnellt 1s mount, of eopp'r (alrlsrnate dna and p''440'l. 'ben revolve the barrel or churn until ve dune l*eller In the )1ari the ,last 144 thoennghly mixed with the nares fIHln kr lt1�i, ltleye held grain.- Aft(•F�ht+ir.aitment the grain and In Quebec and have may b(• bagged 811.1. sown nt once. Ma- I:i,•Illar gains to to,unrio. she, te. *died *li'.nerh t.1I chines are now on the market for ap- t po , Established (A►arch of Scotland .w and be spent 1❑ Order to e+itmureppe a l feu*. I plying dust rapidly to largo gnsnticle's t was Inducte4 to tie parts" tit' nets,., I group of disheartened mission work- „ry *on by the Bight Hun. I of seed. I w'nerr i�fle remained n"td - r""' ga era at. Leath. Hymn -writing ixrame IfleT mid Illi eon,.:ignes 11 C Tier may I,P *emend , wars wagon those minister" alto at the t n iwblt with him and be maintahlel Is *Ai welt defrPrved. ,1114- froni 1.s -al dealers nt 25c' per pound. time of the INsnlTttbtn formed the! a wonderfully high standard .xonsl/1er- tret a -ns the bent In many t t:'•'u`Il in `"'u"• places as high ns ins (borer of Scotland. I .ng his lame hotpot I heard the 1 the-rigtor& w4r*.-.tidt.nttr. ?i i• htln2 ••barred. i and unarsummg give credit for its *Megan - from taxation. The debt of n ot been. 4oeressed under T.ih- It1l7ttaUon. sail the_es{wn& also gone down Cud txxntlun t.t N\iIi.Li R. Sept. to The s, hood remained 111 his nh4CUPP toantry pile- ago for rliristiaus to emphaslto this re4ncw1 by 411104( 5254941)44oi' fair wt!; Ts• 1,•14i at C'arl•,w un 4t,ttur- ish until, in 10136. the call eame for not P. yet It is QlAknit to believe that K Roth budget alone At the i slay netts. him to eomtttence a new church In his *4 beautiful a hymn will ever lose Its native city. Charm and appeal. The 14)114. quiet years at Kelso had done much for his spiritual enrich- ( "I Heard the Vole" of JPaus men'. hitt he lived with a peculiar sense of detachment from the present 1 heard the voice of .toms say. world, and In moat of his hymns there "Ovate unto Me and refit : Is a note of homeslekttess for Heaven. ' 1Ay down, thou weary One, lay As one dlsdngutabed (Title write*, Thy head upon My breast. - "Boner's hymns are like those that I came to Jesuit as 1 *ns. Came nut of the sectuslon and other- I Weary. and worn, and sad: woridlinl'e* of the medieval mimes I found In Him a rewtinx-pla('e terles where .the monks sang of the; And He hath made me glad. growing ev11•d the outride world, of . the ab Bent Rrldagroom and of the glories of jet 144* the Golden." Sev- eral other X7vtl by Dr. Boner 1nM- este much the same trend. Aflame the heat4tnewn of t4.4(' are: "A few more year* 44ha11 roll "Thy way. not mine. 41 lord:" ' Tlere. 0 i+Kd, 1 see Thee f*(e to face;" "1 was a wandering sheep." and "When the weary seeking rest " Previous to lis ordination Romer served as ruperintendemt of a Sunday •rhool Flo was much distressed be- calm. the t4h114,en *towed so little in - terse.. In the *Inning. He realised that the fanit was not altogether -Roeder so *sly the tkntl.l*` -Pasha* and • a tow tlfgios• tureens wire used. He •ermine Zt these children that Bonar w note. "1 q nn4 ht+ life must ever be rPmem- wh I 1 t 1 ualltiew eC tie q nearly evert hymn witfeh Honor ...un - every 1t.mar mitered the ministry of the POPPd. 'He wrote "Go, lnhor on. spend I(ENMIU7..R 114. was ., *InppOurlp humble a voice of .pedis say, Arlt appeared In and whatever fame came to him was 1818. The same tender and pensive unsought and. indeed, an far fie he i ponging Is manifest here as elsewhere *Pati anrerognlaed. Many calls to In tris work. There is lees tendency Li{ts,'rr 1•nurche44 came to him. but he hslay than :h,(A' was eighty years TO HEALTH 1 THIi nl':NAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. Through TheMails - The service of the Bank 'of Moetr. Is wide and cooapre ensive as the postal systems itrlf. This soak* ambles customers riving in inose* dishma _ss to transact their banking by mas theystisf casay as iI could make personal vista. Lit Writ for oar folder, "Banking by Mail." L V. LMaLIE, (; MANAL(, 4iODE1 I('l BRAN( 11 ONT,- 4 stt�hmd ever_ IOO �� REMIT ol► HOG eflIPMENTS ' for week.,* .ltl)g 4c•pt(nll4•r 9. Item: M,•- .411- 1111rh11 (saw burn (bunty Total Acres, 121 4'14'1 1:417 $ .l..•1 Wood •22 ::1; ;Mat • Thh-L smooth 7933 7t• i Hearty 44 3 r17 re heavies 4 14 •Logs 7 .4 to s ..0feelers • - 3e •Pr • u Ful low i ,.e T. Its t + l Lanni iA 1''111y o1 11*mm th yenta. -N', foal-Ilr. -11r. J. V R'UIr1d ton F r . Mantis. M ear 'richt ls•rt W. Frank At Manion Stogie dn. Haroia ■ Tesco t • Broad Rodgera -,1 H. belt W. -1 }Jeri* rt, l Filly Bros. II Chisludgm elapses 4, ('ow in year- - 1\ Wm.'I'ht Bull ea Thorn. B41,I, Cow in • 'ands (4.d --dirt. 1--- yearsti ('u w h A French y4lator made a trip of id and n 2.75 miles a day and a half. He ` must have nate at about the sped of (:.ow g a metml g note.-Ifrautford Expos- and 2141 Isar. - furor s- Jlatas. W Bo Mr. Tumor,* and Mr. IMmpsey years-$ prof a to he in the pink, so one or Yearling • th other e11(ntdd emerge black and Sheer cal 1 b with peps rha, • dash of rel.- k Son. s. rolt Free Pres ' ,-ow, any land 2nd. • 1e the e•ountry is alone. Mrs. E. 11. Walter *ne in Toronto l which recalls the ,ialmy visiting her son. Herold. for a few the Laurier -Fielding teafine. days' n•ntrains home'on Thursday of Me trade balance of nearly Inst week. 910. and the drastic re.luctlnn Mr. 411 I Durst. spoke very accept - 047 l,4tla ucP nf, tri 10 wUh airy la the rhumb here oil 1» very ed tat States are evidences of morning big. Fie Rare *11me very y. But. a* Sir Wilfrid rdThtil cthoral 1. Ref 44414. 1t ie not n4rooKory The school is ; opened 44* and 144 statlst1cy t0 pro1e a pros ,r,•Il improved f by the net. arobattback ehleh 14 eNdent to *11, and ' n,I furnace. The and the* are hack felt on the farm, in the fay "n th4. }04' atntn. nod the attendance the attire aa4 In the home, is rtn,I. • con44tkutional 1*44ue the 4.ih- k a 44cott14 poettlun, bated up- s• precedent. Mr. Ring and ids argued tee quention with I dignity, and the d tiennelen educative and will give 1"4n- t better understanding of the ins by which they are goy. Is In (him western district of have aerial moose for eon - Tho notable galns m*de kr thin a veritable atronrltold Mem. and there de gond ground • hope that the revival ',lH ly extend to other mete of the Th„so who attended. the eerviee at the (`olhorne cemetery. an Snnday af- ternoon la44( report a very trod ger- vino and real interest. hire weather, alt)mngh role nn4 thiretening, dt4 not keep the people away. The service% et Benmeler and Smith's Hill United ehurehea next 4un4ar w111 he eon4ttete4 by lir. A. M. Robertson. Mr. Trotter will eg- et44t In t1t. dedication *uric•,•* of a new ehmtrh at his former charge. near M1ratfegd: The fact Chet there in no ranee lllre home Is why so tunny people go ewer from it for a holiday Roeder Cftts Rivertlage,14 1 4o *sire to 44ar. c+ 1 beard the votee of Jetett* My, 'ebeld, I freely give T1p living water;�tbirac one. � btoop down. end •nk. and itvs I caota-to J. sod I Of that life-giving Ity thirst. *44s q revlret t And now I live la MM. Say" down T heard the voice of Jenne "I am thin dark wnrll'e TAKtt; Look utile' Me, thy morn *11411 the And *11 thy day be bright!'" i looked to J0*11Ft and 1 font in flim my Star, my 84111; i And le drat light of 1tt! I'14 TVI travelling days are dames Children eat Ke often WITH juicy, r rich milk or what a deli Kellogg's '. " ••r make! - -- Kellogg's crisp. Never death A new -"Long Dista. iSER U our markable On the ma!�rjty t _ cities, the l 65g 14 ' whom details of th at once endear ours I 'Section while the ' - ,' ! lime. The rest of seconds. Eportion ng handl is. Extensive cl equipme and in made fact. Your note n eed Service while you hold the line istance ase finding peed service a re - Is to distant ce Operator to re first given, ablish then party holds the only a ?natter increasing traffic is d speedier __ t - 4 elf Fat at pion An 1'1ms:-- export Ind 2nd. Shen rI', Rani -Ian 2 shears ling ea iIamb -all Rano. Shearing !tato Inn hK ewe .., nth -T1 Ewen Vow, littered i pigs .1 11,•1111 4r. Arrow T. MUk Morro, m4k-M lu4lan e. chins, r1 Mob, Ise 4lalae 4)1 Ga1nP ( r WO. sten (' ty. ,a•k miter g Distance aria 241. rearrangement John yW of our staff have "liver• t 1115 an accomplished ilantb*i 4 • pat and S. (3. M brown, t 11"web', cnn411. Aitken. hen -MI white. • , Leghorn H Way comb, h 2nd. IN Hie ries e• • y Qona*l .O.;Jsa,1, .td g. : n• 4., ilafortt Pia CORN ' ora -A. Rr FLAK otth • ,Tann I1M4m Y rim Robertn . t 1twos, B e.n.s. tassel bwood; .1a lu,l briny you such .s*ew.Mr.I --ouch crisp. insisb418 /1.9.•. Th• 4.a ewe 44.9.. hove ..at*• a1 th. w 4*, each. of ssfr mei • n( the reful umbers d always ow the dis- Distance to get the Id the lied call" is the ve used this Ser- 1• HseDO1IALD Igsa,sr ANT 0? CANADA b 4t R. 3. ntaa : R. tercet, mal' Store, • .;1 • •