HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-18, Page 11t. .v9 THE CH'RISTMA.S STORE ft>k SLIPPERS,. SHOES; - CURLINGG BOOTS and- SITES ndS TES First qutzltty. at the right price WI NGHAM YOUR F4 ILY SHOE STC011itE,. PHONE I2 , W4 44Ak flNOHAM ` 'laf1 The .stores in Winghonn the following date'. Dem '.ZOO, * Stores will be ;cloned'. Wedneida r aft during the .month ol,'IriPeeii'IrI: !' oma • nrin+.W,yrrngnOfnsV+wq,MnNli.rumwow.r.(tf!rru frA.ro.ru!.g.� NOTICE1 HAVE TAKEN OVER VIC LOUGHLEAN'SBARBER 'SHOP and offer First,Class, Sanitai y Barbering Service. Yout Patr' t�brl ag�.Is Appreciated.. QGIateCt.: George Tripp,.Prop.:, u11111.o�o�u�u�.rnouro.1#1; • INTERMEDIATE "C" KINCARDINE ., vs. W INGH A WINGHAM, ARENA : Wednesday, Dec. tri 3.30 p.m, , ,AI)YILTS 5tHe I:iJGiI SCfi'OO'I, STiJDia •. S" 2'' C ' PUBLI SCHOOL .. ' , r , . , . C; �C S.�UDEN.I.S FRIME,_x • • Meij's • Town Lelt�`ue 6, Brakes, 7; , ,Co -Op,, • 0; Rockets,' 5; Lees, 2; Sputnix'2, 'High .singles H. Taylor, 313; L. Reynolds; • •289; Tom' Jardin, 287; .High ;triples, Tom Jardin, 685 G; • Perrott, 644;' H. Swatridge, 633, Cominerciai League • The,. first . gime of 'the third Ser - les 4 res was, payed on; Tuesday night, Results as ,follows;. Jets 5 :'Hoo li an ,5• . Spitfires, ,� � g s, SP r s, 4%i Sizzlers, 2'f ; Drivers, 2; Jes- ters, Htgh, scores for the' night: Z.ad- les' high single, Mrs. V. Loughlean, 249; men's high. single, L. Craw- ford 284, ladies' • high triple, Mrs. J " Jackson; 618; men's high triple,: L Crawford,. 593. will.. ,brie !li.eace�t4r �(�deaatJlcty� to your' door — with 'more NEMS „SPORTS FEATURE`S. n for i mediat delive t; Phone one of the following,oarrier:ole:rhe �, • . • _ ry In• WINGHAM' .' KEN CHETTLEBU.12G'Il: 221 GEORGE Ck 'C I.Ii)1SUROU : 227 HitUGU 1'4C»ONALD 1250' PAUL JARDIN 147 BOB. r, PililAIL 418 MURRAY)(EBB t •419w LYMAN ,IAED1N 141 MAU1t,ICE ST. MARIE '677,1 `t ON.. MDFRAY 363 • 13011f nnooKS 672M •In'WROXETER tot- MOOSE 77r.3 'TERRY. CLARK 47 GORRIE 'DON WIH'I'FIELD 48r16.. ALL* YIA. MILTON 38r11 In FORDWIR�H' • DORIS CAEPSWELi. 111x4, DIANA CJARiSWELL, 11x4 Mr;; l►I rs. 8; Proeter Married 35 Years RELGRAVE---3/fr. and . 1VIr% CharlesTh6max and family held a farriily dinner and gathering at j their home''in Brussels, on Silnday, ►'December 15,, in honor of '1Vxrs, Thomas' parents, Mr, and M'rs; Stewart Procter Of near l3olgrave, The oecasioir w€i$ their 25th wedding anniversary;, whioh had beer, on 'December 3.4t6. Present were all their` family Mr, • and Mr's, Ross Procter and family !of Burlington;. Mr, Charlie Proeter of Oakville; Mr, George Procter of Guelph; Mies, Ruth Proeter of Stratford; .their broth- ers and, sisters, Mr and Mrs. Charles.. Hopper of , Wingharn; Mr, and Mrs. Bert Armstrong and family, of Wingharn; '1VI s, Myrtle Stark of Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. GordonImlay, h M x y, w o resides with his sister. Mr, and Mrs, Procter were pre- sented with flowers and gifts, KNOX CNURCG• flOEDS f ' CHR STMAS PARTY BELGRAVE: The tneMbers of the 'Knox Presbyterian • Church held ' their congregal;ional. Christ - !nes party in the community_ cent- tie on Thursday 'evening. Garner Nicholson was' chairman for the 011 "in . f o�v g programiiic: • Address of. welcome by .Rennie Purdon; carol .singing',was..enjoyed by everyone; recitation by Cam- eron Anderson;` solo by Margaret Nicholson accompanied by, Anne Wightman; piano solo by Marlene Purdon; : •noveilty;number: hy,ii3;onnie and Reg Purdon, Ronnie N=feholson and Ross Wightman,• quartette num.her hy•Mariene Purclon, Mar- garet Nicholson, . Margaret and Anne Wightman; piano d$tet by, Margaret .and • Anne Wightman;. . violin number by Arnold 13ucio ae- �"';'companie 1 ny t Mrs, A. Bruce, !fhe Closing recitation was given by ]Malcolm Anderson, A' social time was =ehjoyed by, every -tine ,and lunch :was served,' after which Sante, Claus made a visit to give out gifts awl 'Candy. Swing Sisters Hold Meeting 1 1JLrMOR1=The fifth meeting of the L'elnlore Swing Sisters was held in the community centre at 8,30 on.1?eeerrrber 9t11.,The meeting closed with the ;repetition of the P,l�dge and the minutes: of the last meeting :by Ruth Fitch, The girls ,sinswered, the roil -call; which was "What weave, and why did. you choose this material'?" Mrs. Fortune demonstrated the proper method of insetting 'a zip-' per in a'- kirt. The home, assign: ,Ment and roll Ball were given and the remainder of the evening was. spent working on record books ,and on the skirts. The nein meeting is to be herd on December 30th at 2 pan The national anthem. was sung With Mao r)oubledee .at the piano. ", BUY ItOW AND SAVE ON 'OUR BIG SELECTION OF GIFTS FOR MOTORISTS Anyone who 41riv4ttaf car will oppreetafi gifts of our fine ac• Ces#tare* +'c SEAT COVERS, FOG LIGHTS, HEAVY DUTY ,TIRES,, AUTO HEATERS GENUINE GENERAL . MOTOI'�S PARTS and ACCESSORIES,,; th io �'�ery n� � the Modern Motorist t • Wingham,Motors Phone 139 ANN OFFICERS NAMED AT EVENING AUXILIARY • iEi GRAVE•--The.•.re,gular meet kw of,the ,.Evening .Auxiliary o the Woman's Missionary Society o Knox United Chueeh was, held on Tuesday evening of Last Week a the home of Mrs, Ralph McCrea With an attendance o£ 19 n ern hers: The president; Mrs Ross Anderson was infcharge and open ed the meeting with, a hymns and prayer, followed by an article Ladies Elect Group Officers DONNYBROOK—The W.M.,S, and W.A. Met on Ttilesday after- ; upon a the home 44 Mrs. Edw.. f Robinson with 10 ladies present. f • Mrs H, Jefferson was in charge k' of the W.M.S. meeting using the. Christmas program, from the Mis- - sionery Monthly, with several lad- ies taking psrt. ' Mrs, Stuart Chamney read the chapter from' the 'study book, sev- eral carols were sung and Mrs, ,T, Leddy ,gave a reading "The Littlest. Angel'', The minutes were approv-' ed as read and the treasurer's re s port 'showed that the allocation . had been `reached. Mrs. (Rev.). • Hiltz explained the work of the Sunday School in the .Home, of which she is district supervisor. Families where there are children' "Christmas Cards". Minutes were read bylvtrs, Ralph McCrea and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Robert Grasby. There were seven house •and 22 hospital visits to the sick and shuttle reported The 'birthdays were. remembered Members .were reminded of the hale to be packed soon, anyone having any suitable articles to leave them with Mrs, Lyle Hopper, The Baby Band it boxes are to be handed in read- for the end' of the year reports,'It was announced. that the C,G;I.T. vesper service, worild be held on Sunday evening, December 22, The January meeting ne Will be Ileld at the home of Mrs, Clarence Hanna with Mrs, Jack Taylor's group in charge. Mrs. •George Michie, convener of the •nominating ' committee, read thereport of the new officers for the. new year as fdllo s Past president, Mrs. Ross Anderson; president, Mrs, Gordon Bosman; first vice-president, Mrs, Clifford Logan; second vice-president, Mrs: Clarence Hanna; secretary; Mrs Ralph McCrea; assistant secretary. Mrs,, Clarence Hanna; treasurer Mrs. Robert Grasby; Associate Helpers, Mrs,. .Ted Fear; Christian stewardship, Mrs, Albert Bieman; Christian Citizenship, Mrs. James Coultes; community friendship, Mrs. Norman Cook; 'literature Mts. Ross, Anderson; supply, Mrs Lewis Stonehouse; pianist; Mrs George Johnston; ' auditors, Mrs James Coultes and Mrs, Ralph Mc. Crea.. ti The following are the groups with the. first .named 'the leader: Group "one, Mrs. Jack Taylor•,.'Mrs A, I3'leman Mrs, W. Walker,. Mrs. IT, 'Vincent, Mrs, G. Bosnian; Mrs G; Pengelly, Mrs. E. • Cook, Mrs, A: Dunbar; group two,. Mrs, L, Bolt., Mrs, J. Coultes, Mrs. T. Fear, Mrs G. .Nicholson, -Mrs,; F. Campbell, Mrs, R, Grasby, Mrs. C. Yuill, Mrs S. Pleteh; group three, Mrs. C. Walsh, Mrs. N. Crook,, Mrs, K. Barbour, Mrs, R. Anderson, Mrs, H, •Walsh, Mrs, G. Johnston Miss A..1Vfe 'i.ohol, Mrs. J. Walsh, Mrs C. Walsh; group four, Mrs. C Hanna, Mrs, R. Robinson, Mrs. R MgCrea, Mrs. J, Lamont, Mrs, T Smith, Mrs. L, Stonehouse, Mrs. 0, Logan, Mrs. R. McSween, A Christmas service of worship, was taken from the. Missionary Monthly, with Mrs. Cameron Walsh as leader assisted by • Mrs. Jaynes Walsh, Mrs, Norman Cook and Mrs. Ross Anderson. A° story, "The Outeast of the Hills", was read by Mrs. Harold Walsh. The meeting closed with prayer by, Walsh. Mrs. George • John- ston led in recreation and lunch was served. . Christmas Party - At Fear Home BELGRAVE Seventeen mem- hers of the C G.I"T. •group gather- ed at the home of their leader, Mrs, Ted Fear, for their Christmas party on Friday evening. ,%stn Hanna and Patsy Logan led the group in genies.. Lunch was served and Mr,. Fear acted as Santa Claus to distribute the gifts. FORUM MEMBERS ASK SUPPORT 72% of the forums reporting their findings to National Farm Radio 'Forum ..feel. that current federal government farmpolicies are not meeting the 'farmers' needs as well as they should, The forums were asked in what ways their needs are beingrnet or not being met through federal farm policies. 37% of the forums (' thought that solve of their needs are being' met through such polio- ies as the price supports on dairy products, hog and poultry pro. dricts: the Canadian `Wheat Board; and temporarily through cash ad= vanees on farm stored grain, For those giving a negative ansa, wet'29"/a felt that freight, rrates 'are too high 27% Of the forums said that support; prices on hogs and eggs aro not meeting the produe"� et's' 'needs but are of valtte to the. packers. The price spread between eoat of .piroduotion and pride of: protltict is too great and should be investigated according to 19% ,of the for'ulns. Thef'or0nigwant loteer Machinery mines, better farm loan and credit policy, iinpor't controls, stabilized prices, Aria ttiore adver- are enrolling in this service for the winter, W,M,S, officers elected for the coming year were as follows: Past pros., Mrs. Wm, Hardy; ores,, Mrs. Charles Jefferson; . vice -press„ Mrs, H. Woods and. Mrs. S. Thornp- son;; see,-treas., Mrs, S. Chamney; torr.-sec'y., Mrs: 'E,, Snowden;: stewardship sec., Mrs, R. Cham-. ney; Missionary Monthly sec:, Mrs. H. Jefferson; citizenship and,; temperance, .Mrs, Morley John- ston; supt. pf Heralds, Mrs. Wm. Hardy; " organists, Mrs. J. R, Thompson and Mts. H. Jefferson; Plower fund comm., lVfrs, Gordon Naylor; supply' sec.,, Mrs, James Leddy; press, Mrs, R. Chamney:,. Mrs. R. Chamney presided for the W.A. meeting, which followed. Psalm selection 693 was read in unison, Mrs. Hardy read "The' Sfory oI. the Christmas Candle", Mrs. H. Jefferson sang_ a solo ac- companied by Mrs. Hiltz and Mrs. J. Leddy read some verses entitled "I' Know 'Something Good about You", Mrs. H. Jefferson, past president,. conducted the business; when plans were made to buy a piano for 'the Sunday School, the ° committee in in charge to be Mrs. Ti. Jefferson, Mrs. S. Thompson and Mrs. E., Robinson, After the closing hymn the fol lowing officers' were elected: Pres,, Mrs, Tom Armstrong;; sec.-treas., Mrs, Tl. Robinson, Lunchwasserved by the hostess assisted by Mrs, S. ' Chamney, and Mrs. Wm. Hardy, ,The Donnybrook Sunday School are holding their .Christmas tree entertainment on Monday, even- ing; December 23rd, Everybody welcome. tising of Canadian farm products by the government So that there would be a large world market for farm produce, Five thousand farm- ers discussedand reported their opinions on "Federal Action for Agriculture" a• recent "In the News" 'broadeast. GIVE USACALL... Whenever You're Ready To STOP WASTING FUEL DOLLARS Let us give you a FREE HEATING SURVEY today and report on the condition of your present heating system. Remember .. the only man who: can afford a faulty fur- nace is the ,man who has 'Money to burn! Wo Recommend & insttal QUALITY HEATING Whether it"be a low-cost Gray. ity Furnace or fin ultra -trod. ern Anthea Winter Air Condi- tioning Utlit, We guarantee it will test you less to install, and far less to operate, than any other heating unit of the NAM* opacity! PERCY CLARK vionibuig. Bleating Mr CJilirtiitionito WI Sham . Phone 155 e Folding Aluminum a AWNINGS LUMBER Telephone 260 FLOOR • WALL, TILES Aluminui' SA'S -I DOORS BUILDING CUPBOARDS Wi�iitgham -r,kret`,"i--Inorkrozwa,E.op`.,m:°ia^F+ R? AFP 400'.;.!ln HELLO, FOLKS! MERRY CHRISTMAS 01; Tli►"s- week being the week bi,fore 'C htisti ii.We are offer'n g tli oiit^..Custinners Priem and ' quality to:' meet all Festivities, that, you may he participating. in. • A 'Ouaritity of ;fine NaA•el Oranges, all Sizes and Prices; • age California Fano', Celery. HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 29e, TASTY B.ItOCC()I:LT....,.,: HIGH= QUALITY TOMATOES S ."5c l,b. For ,your Chrristma. Treat,; don't forget, we, have ample:. supplies of Ammo NUT`S 39e lb. • CALIFORNIA GRAPES and: CRANBERRIES A Special .Offer' will be presentod to All Our Customers SATURDAY, DEC. 2I - 160 TOYS GIVEN AWAY FIC: ' . ' Also Your entry form_..,; vein •1e drawn, fix a Imiihel of::. FANCY: SPY APPLES. Last week's winner,,: on the 2nd bushel of apples was' Mr. VunDuyn, of Wingham �.), ALSO WE MAYDLE, CANADA BREADFRESII DAIIa` ' COME IN AND- SEE may. , � &.: .,Bond'. s ;�trurt Market: _ •Phone. 207 Free Delivery Wingh�am . . ,yp R. trr SERVICE ON -THE -DOT FOR. CARS ON -THE -SPOT WIIEN SNOW and ICE CAUSE SCRATCH- ES and SCRAPES "r0 YOUR CAR, WE CAN. MAKE IT LOOK BRAND NEW AGAIN. Wingham BodySfrop I'ltone 746 "Sid Adams, Prop.'. Winghaen m CHOOSE YOUR OWN,XERM ON .ANY FAitM LOAN over $1500 at TRANS CANADA CRElliT Need extra cash for your fat'in? Then solve'your financial problem with a loan from Trans Canada Credit. Right novo Trans Canada Credit is offering:, special terms on all farm. loans above $1,5U0. Payments can be spread over as long as twohand. a -half years, +and. can .be made in, any one of these three ways: , 1 QUARTERLY 2 HALF.YEARLY 3 ..ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS -Loans of $1000 and less are available oh Triitie; Canada Credit's monthly payment terms. Don"t letthe lack of ready money prev'ent'you from baying seed, stocky or any other far* requiretpent. Get• the cash you 'sued, at `F'ratti Canada Credit. THE ALL•CANADIAN LOAN CbMi'AN'k' TRANS'CANADA CR t. CORPORATION LIMITED, not scivAnt iiGlrbEtitrltt, ONVAilittl PRONE 'OK