HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-18, Page 10sa
on SOnday,. December 22nd..
Remember to save your used
stamps for the Bible SoeletY,
Family Gathers
for Anniversary'
GORIklE—CongrattriationS to
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Rattan, who
celebrated their 48th ,wedding an-
niversary at the home of their son•
and daughter,in4aw,. Mr. and Mrs,.
Anson Rattan, Fordwich, 94 Sun-
day, December 15. TWenty-six
members of the family sat down
to a turkey dinner, Two gratni
children were unable to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. .Ruttan Were .pre,
sented with an electric clock.:
Willing Workers
Hold Ekaion
GORRIE—The Eastern Willing
Workers held their Christmas
Meeting in the Carrie United
Church hall. Mrs. E. Whitfield and
Mrs. C. Black had charge of the
The follbwing officers were elect-
ed for 1958: Pres., Mrs. H. Robin-
son; vice-pres., Mrs, E. Whitfield;
sec., Mrs. T, L. McInnes; treas.,
Mrs. .W, Trimble; pia,n1st, Mrs,
Buchanan; assistant, Mrs. H.
Holiday bells and Sunshine bags
were turned in at this meeting,
Gifts Were 'exchanged with the
secret pals. A social time was
enjoyed and a bountiful lunch was
Our Best Wishes to you for a Very
anal a
jOappp anb firiniperotts 1958
ror service or more information on, our artificial breeding
service, call collect to:-
CLINTON FIu2-3441 or MILDMAY 130r12
between-7.20 and 19 a.m, on week daya
1.30 and 9.20 ran. on Sundays and 'holidays
Friday, December 20th.,, in the upstairs hail of tine Agricultural
in Clinton
A .nwoung for HURON COUNTY members }viii be held on
at 1.45 p.in.
The BRUCE COUNTY meeting will be held in the 'Community ..
Hall at Vormosa on Monday,. December 23rd., at 1.45 Nili ' 1 k
At these meetings you will heir reports on the Units Opehitions, ki
a: spealtet and you will nominate, a director to serve ,you on,1
the board of the Wathrieo.Catlia-Bteeding Assoeiation;-,.. • t/'.
Nine out of every ten high school graduates
will require a reasonable typing proficiency
in this busy modern world. With typing
courses readily available a °typewriter at '
home assumes a new- and important value.
Gordon Underwood
Heads .Brotherhood';
GORRIV---Officers 'of the' ro-
therhood of Anglican Chtirchnien
were Installed , • at a • meeting in.
Trinity Church, Fordwich on'
Tuesday evening of last Week,
Gordon UnderwoOd i the new preSi-
dent, ,presided , for birsineSS.
The Rev. B. C.tAttwell ; closed
With prayers and a social time
was spent With contests concluded
by Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. Miss Biva
Pester Wig a solo. Refreshments
were tierVed.
Mission Band
Names Officers'
atittRit—The meeting Opened
with Mission -Band Hymn and.
Purpose, The call to 'Worship Was
Liven by Jack ' Watson: • Mrs.
Watson read the Scripture, Luke
2: 8-20, Carola were sung and
Candles were lighted by Jim Par-
rish, DoMild Watson arid Linda
1ohristOn. Lathe Carson read
poem..,Jim Hyndintin ted in prayer,
Gerry Hindman dedicated the of-
fering, Mrs, Buchanan told the
Story on japan,
Officers fbr 1958 are as follows;
Pres., Linda Johnston, 'tee., Myrna
Nunn; treas,, Gary Watson; Wotid
Friends, SuSan TeMplernan.
Treats Were enjoyed by the
Children at the Close of the meet,
Santa Claus
Visits Cottle
ro Tot Th t., vvimomin Avwpte „Times, .*0.111004.4,. i6sr, Is. )1•1 47 11.7Wited Church', News , .,,,.. ., n • , • .
111.0 Sunday Seh00l will preaent
their pageant in the aorrie United
1 Church on Sunday evening, Dec-
lenaber 22nd., Fit $ o'clock, They arq
busy working on their beautiful
costumes and SPeetal choir music.
Wishing- Christmas serviee at. 19 ceelock,
More meat at lower cost is the result of
feeding the SHUR-GAIN way. Straight grain
fed to your hogs CAN'T put weight on your
pigs as cheaply as when it is properly balanced
with SHUR-GAIN Concentrate. For example
1,700 pounds of your own grain requires only,
300 pounds of SHUR-GAIN Hogrnix Concen-
trate to make 1 ton of the best complete and
balanced Hog Growing Ration that money can
buy. You save• on feed costs because of :-
1ess Feed Consumed To Market Weight.
1'o Market Earlier.
Better Grades (Eayning You More
Just give a trial to the SHUR-GAIN-5 Step Hog
Program y call us to-day and we will explain
how it can save YOU moneys
So why feed for wasteful fat.
Peed the SWUR.OAIN way
(jet Mare Of Your Pigs in The Top Gracie
- " riotamo
and that 1958 will it,. a
a truly,
one of rich blessing for both
You and yours,
istLIA Fo
firiu c4t
one and all
Mrs, Ken Elastic and Mrs. W, C.
King spent Tuesday of last week'
in Weston 'with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Blythe, Mrs. Hastie remained until
Saturday and returned home with
her son, Tom, who spent the week-
end his home.
Mrs. Gertie Roseborough of
Owen Sound visited her brother,
Mr. Walter King and Mrs. King
last week and called on other rela-
Mrs. Wm. Michel of Ethel is
visiting' her son Mr. Cloyne Michel
and Mrs. Michel. Mr. and Mrs.
Clair Michel and baby of Bramp-
ton were Sunday guests at the
same home.
Mr, Lyle Watson visited' his .bro-
ther, Mr. Harry Watson at Bloom-
ingdale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs
Robt, Hayes accompanied hint.
Mrs. Milton Watson returned home
with them after spending some
of Warden
GaRRIE—Mrs. Fred Hyndnitin
was hostess for the December
meeting of the aorrie .United
Church Woman's Association. and;
Mrs, R. Adams was leader for the
South Friendship Circle's program;
The meeting opened with the
Carol, "0 Come Let US Adore
Him". Mrs. A. Ityndman read ;the
Scritpure taken from Matt, 2: 1-12,'
and-Mrs. Glad Edgar offered pray-
er, Mrs. C. Pyke gave a reading,
"Christmas Cards", "Joy .to. the
World" was sung and Mrs. R.
Adams read a poem 'The Strange
A story, •`T ..Was a, e ,Strange.
was read by Mrs. Glad Edgar, tell-
ing of the gift "of' a treasured teddy,
of her lost son given to the baby
of the poor fariaily they were en-
tertaining .for Christmas. It was
the means of finding a grandson
and his four children, and of ,the.
joy it brought to each . member
who shared .with , others: "Silent
Night" was sung and Mrs: T, L'
'McInnes, -president conducted the
business. • •
It was decided to send. one tenth
of the.balance of each year to the
needy, this year it'will amount to
$150. The annual Meeting Will be
held on January 15 With thelW.A.
to arrange pot luck. supper.
W. A. Elect Officers' '
'Mrs. Trimble gave the floWer and
cheer fund report, Mrs, A. Hyn&
man •gave the treasurer's report.
showing a -prosperous year.. The
group§ will 'have 'a joint meeting
in March. !
The following officers were el-,
ected for. 1958: Pres., ,Mrs, T, L.
Mannes; Vice-prey., Mrs, C, Pyke;
rec.-see., Mr* R.- Adarris; assistant,
Mrs, Gordon' Edgar; fin,-seo.,: MrS,
F. Wildman; treas., Mrs. A. Hynd-,
man;, parsonage coin,;, Mrs, W,
Strong, Mrs. C. Michel, Mrs, J.
Edwards, Mrs. Glad. Edgar; pianist,
MrS. Hynciman;, assistant, Mrs..
K, Hastie; flower- and cheer, Mrs.
Trimble'; guest sjidakers, Mrs. 1-1,'
Robinson, Mrs. Cecil Grainger;
press sec., Mrs. .G. I3ivown,;"" ,pro
gram, Mrs. .I.,..JohriatOn, Mrs. C.
Black, Mrs. R. Adams, Mrs, A.
Taylor; nominating torn., 'Mrs, G.
Brown, Mrs., M. Irwin, Mrs. A.
Heibein; auditors, Mrs. W. C.,King,
Mrs, C. Michel. ,
Mrs. Buchanan closed the Meet- . ing with the Mat verge of "Good
King Wenceslas". The hostess; As-
sisted by the • hutch committee,
served a delicious lunch. •
Gcnotm.-Yfrs. Chas: Selliteter,
instructor of the class in First
Aid held here in November, pre-
sented the 18 members Who fin-
ished the cpurse and successfully:
passed the examinations With their
certifieates and pins from Vie Red
°°s8' The?' are as follows;
Mrs, Norman` Carson, Nirs. Rich-
ard Carson, Mrs, Lionel Johnston.,
Mrs, Alex, Taylor, Mrs. OloYirie
Michel, Mrs, f.yle Watson,
Harry Tetnplernan, Mrs, Mildred
Edgar, Mrs, K. W. Carson; Mrs,
Robt, Edgar, Mrs, David
Mrs, Hari Underwood, Mrs, Gor.,,,
don Moir, Mrs. Hector Hamilton,
Mrs. Allan White, Mrs. Melvin
Taylor, Mrs, Luella Sanderson,
Miss Margaret Dane.
Following the presentation at
the gathering in the L,O,L, hall on
Wednesday evening, a •Christnias.
party was, held, Carols were sang
and refreshments served,
Mrs, Schaefer and the class
Were highly commended by the
Red Cross for the high standing•
.at the exams.
tajitittP3-.4 lovely Whiter 'day
favored Oaiittes . visit .to Uotrlc on
Saturday Afternoon,' He arrived ,
in ix, Model 'T ear, of ittielerit.
tap, '01)Hatririaa- 'COMA.from•.-ettRX.'
Souhd..SYSteru, *high 'headed the
proteSSIOn added to the teStreltieS.
!ht .sorsossaity hot was 'picked
Shildrotto tee thins ShOWIng'
Eskimos aria irndidttir. 'Tres4 'veto
later distributed,
`;..14" .; • 4:; .0.0 j.4a • •
time in Bloomingdale.
CongratulationS to Marion ft.ut.
13-year-old daughter of Mr:
and. Mrs, Russell Ruttan, who won
two five dollar prizes in •the Tem-
perance Advocate Dominion E,ssay
,and Scrap Book Contests 'for those
13 years and over. Title .of the es-
say was "How Can A Teenager
Best Meet the Drinking Problem
for Hittseif and Others,?"
Mrs. Jack Musgrove is Spending
a Couple of weeks With relatives
Mrs. Don Irwin is resuming, her
school Antes this week after being
ill with pnerirrionia for tell 'days. •
Mr, and MrS. .Leonard Ruttan
attended the wedding reception for
their granddaughter Mrs, Allan
Koehler, the former Cavell Rattan,.
at the home of her ,parents,
and Mrs. Arthur Ruttan, Dundalk,
Mr. and Mrs. Koehl4r will reside in
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Edgar.
Frances, and Jin/tie of Guelph
visited the former's parents, Mt
and Mrs. Gordon Edgar on Sunday.
Warden and Mrs. HarrY "Gowdy
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson.
Wroxeter attended the Health Unit
banquet at the BedfOrd Hotel,
Goderich on Wednesday noon.
Mr. and MrS: Ernest Harris and
Leone visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan'
McGill Winghani,
Mr.. and Mrs. Justin Will spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Renwick, Con, lath.
Warden Harry arid Mrs. GoWdY
attended the banquet of Warden
arid Mrs. W. A. Walker of Wel-
lington County, at the Royal Hotel,
• Guelph, oh Thursday and also at-
tended the ,banquet
and Mrs, Fred Heaman of Middle-
soy Co., held in the arena at Park-
hill on Friday evening.
Mrs. Harry Faegan, Barbara arid
Bonnie of Wingharn Were Supper
Vests on Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs; Roy GoWdy,
Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Graham of
Toronto visited with
the week-Grid.
.Mrs. Percy boirner of Toronto
spent Tuesday With her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. HrrieSt King,
Mr, and. M6. Moririan Wade at,
tended, the banquet and Christmas
party for Kitchener
cord correspondents and their husk,
bands in the Royal Hotel, Listovvel,
on Thursday night.
dongratulattons to the following
aorrie girls who were suceess=
ful in passing the Western Censer-,
vatory MUSIC piano eXtinia,. held
in thievalef Grade VII Sr., lion.
ors, Faye Vdgar: drade VI Sr.,
honors; Carol Robin Grade V,
Jr., Rah Edgar, Mrs. Xora."Mof,
fat of, Bluevale is the teacher,
Mr's. Gordon BroWn, teenurvilla
and Mrs. h1 'art Whitfield left oh
Saturday by' piano fronx Mahon
for Itarniota,110triltoba, Where they
Will visit with reiatiVeS for,,tWO
WeekS and attend CO troth Wedding
ariniVerSarY Celebration of Mt and
Mrs, Stun Bell, Hamlotti, Mrs. Bell
is Mr Runt Of Mrs. Whittisia's,
''here be a Cetabrittinit
Holy Corthrithiltrit in :St, Stephen's
Adagiidati Chinth at 9.31) tan, on
Cirristnias Cite.
Urs, 'Gerald Galbraith, Mrs, Writ
Martin, DraYtOn", Mit H.
Wrintaten FfM, Bracilar Galbraith
Offielit, Tuesday in .Haraiaa*
New Adders:Too!
Sinith•Corona now offers an
inexpensive- multir*key ad-
ding machine.
Soon income ,tax bookkeeping
will be atidecl to your, prob-
Simplify 'them vitth ri portable
,carrying case a All the features normally found
in a standard_typewriter are included in this most
Regular size key board,• one-key tabulation, touch
control and choice of five colors . luggage-style
Three Models .to choose frond at $9930 $ 12.50 $127.50
SMith-torona guarantees the fine type of
equipment which will last for....earl;
Invest in the future with a new Smith=
Corona Portable.
rug) Displays for Your ..Coneenience •
itIgham ,Advancemilimes
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