HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-18, Page 8anee-times, Poo, 1$ 1957• Do Your Christmas Shopping in Winghatn. *400404.144160mtmootitrrztotoommorovaAreirompogicwww, Red Front. Phone: Our Prices Are Lowey Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery Save 20c, ,14 Prices effective to cloing time Dee:-24 StOye will be open evenings, Friday, Dec. ;20th, i Saturday, Dec. 21st, Monday; Dect 234 11 1 ' Tuesday, Dec„ :24th, 14.72,s-Pprklue,170-R3-.7,01WILIVP011-3e4*M-20.:VmatiM707-`0,-,07*..:V,,n0Y1,`.1i4 I • TV LAMPS'. . w$3,95 up SEWING BOXES,satln titled $2:9.5 to $5 95. • ' "••••••••..4•;••••••. Zi TV STOOL . $10.95 • Rocking ...11611 CarriaSes, Bail Strollers, Baby..Jampoii. )11 It Chairs,. Coffee Tables,. tothitins, Magazine Racks, sewing'. loites;',.Miteell . a er e Furnishingi Phone 166 WALKtlit 1114"1" *MOW btu 71 4 1 elildkOW triilatjtAlt0 10,10 ftb0(1t0',0100UMPOIr r . : MINCEMEAT :, 1Fla$e Leaf - nio'sizol* PEANUTS IN SHELL :?`resit Roasted NAVEL ORANGES Sunkist -• Size 220 • tY. •'1 CELERY), large size ,12's California Sa'0,e • • ..5-PEC•JAL 0 CICARETTFS, Ali pointer broods - reg. .V.99,:eart-41 — 5c t?• pumpKIN 21cl Stokel,y's Paney 28 oz - a.* ..,M. .rar• • Mr. Stokely's :Fancy. 411 oz, • • . TOMATO JUICE. 3 PEATCR•lit' FRUIT SillIEN 4 .0 39c Golden Fowl STUFFINti 29c Boneless - Cooked READY TO SERVE; Reg, $1.59 $1•39 lbs. SPECIAL • 43c 33c g 53C (biz 1,1 each' 29c • in‘the' biick Julia 'Critik4hank and „,Carol CrawfOrd,.Who. also tooltps.rt iri the special Service„. . „ w —A.dvance-Times photo.. , . 04:4404saa*r,4!r.eff,;'.5.1crok _:4goic 'NANT livoNnaFqt 1 FT ' • 03.070-.70.' .0' • Special arrangements 0. 4 AROENS, FLOWERSHO roz-34.1grzozwor4w,T,444-r.00000,400,0004voiozwpmse IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE CHRISTMAS FLOWERS YET • Be sure to visit us this week • Phone 887 or '75.112 Ingha•m • Our prices are a happy suifirise., See you soon --- Give Flowers uneal Wgdting BOug Couple Presented PORDWICH— The community hall,Pordwich, was filled to capa- city on Friday night'to honor ?1r. and ':Mrs. Harry Bost. They were presented with a chrome'' Anson Ruttan read the addresS. Mr. and, 'Mrs. Bast both Made suitable replies. CardS and danc- ing- were both enjoyed during the evening. Eleven. Tables. at ,Card Party PORDWICH-- The. progressive eudhre party held in the commun- ity hall had eleVert tables in play, High scorers were: Lady, Mrs. Harold Doig; man, W. A. Gibson; consolation, Mrs. Ross Doig and Garfield Gibson; special, Mrs, Ivan Meehan. Girls Present, Vesper Service PORDWICH— Once again the C.G.1,T. has celebrated its national Christmas :Vesper service. Patsy Harris, led a carol ,servicd withMiss Violet Besvvitherick at the organ.. During the .r;roceSsional hymn, aboilt 30 girls took their places in the choir loft to lead in the beau- tiful vesper•service. Patsy Harris, Doris Carswell and -Sharon Pollock the presidents of the three groups, led in the service. ••• The Candle Lighting Service, pleting the folk who •through the' years have kept the flame of. Chris-. tlanity burning, was giyen by Jean Greer, Elizabeth Ann Cooper, Anna Espenson,, Phyllis.Wilson,. Marjorie. Connell and Shirley Eurig. . Dur- hig ,the service Mae Mister and Marie Brown sang a duet. The 'choir contributed several numbers. Dianne Carswell, jean Siefert and. Bonnie Inglis•were ushers, The girls lit their candles as they left the . church during' the reCes-- sional hymn. The -Tyro and 5igrila C boys at- tended the service in a' body with their,leariei, Anson Ruttan, 'IMO* tO VOW • by Prank Sinatra Ejtt‘ivdied: Pio% autd, Resin d.* and 11141 WARREN HORSE 10140014At ROAD, itittqw: Sclineldees Pear Shaped Tinned HAMS On Sul-may evening, the Canadian Girls in Training presented a vesper service. Those who took part in the ceremony are pictured here in the front row.They are, Helen Hotchkiss, Karen Beattie,' Greer Dunlop,' Jane Hetherington, Susan McArthur;' Sharon i FOROW1CH • Mr, and Mrs. Bob Canipbell and family and' Miss Helen 'Hoffman spent a day last week in Kitchener and:also visited with Mr.' 'arid Mrs. GeOrge Moss in Galt, Mrs. Ross ,Nulin and children of Gowanstown visited one day. last Week with Mr. and Mrs, Torn Hut- chison. Christmas. Party For 04,1,7, Girls vo13pvvx-x—Thg maw, held their Christmas party last week at the hnfiw of Mrs. Anson DeMer- ling with 3Q members preSent, A delicious pot luck supper was Served- Mrs. Ken Graham assisted in the practice for the vesper ser- vice, which was held StuidaY Games led by Patsy liarris, Nan,' cy. Sothern and, Jean Greer were enjoYed by all, Gifts were ex-' changed, after which the rneeting• closed with Taps. , liife Group Met At Parsonage The 111-C group held their meeting at the parson. age, , jean "Greer acted as pre* dent, Carols were sung RDA members answered, the roll call, after which the ,PPeirie$ 'Willi Otis..: OUSSed, " Rill Wallace led in the worshi service. An interesting •dimeiiesio on ,,Do Canadians Spend too WO on ChrietMaer 711144 ' was led 1) Mrs. Gardner„ Lunch was Serve 'and the meeting closed with Tao bi • tr . PHONE WINGHAM 1065-w BRUSSELS - 140,8 The New RECORD RELEASES are All Here Rock roll, .bei-bop, diVielaini, We don't tare what you like, we have it: "A 'MERRY CITRISIMAS" by the 'Pour Ares "-WE GET LETTERS" by Perky Como liodgera and Ilatninerstrin's Carousel "SYMPHONY Volk GLENN" BELIEVE"' - by Peri-34 Coma Itidtairt,'Shaw's Christmas *mils and Cannily 'viii OLE ROLLS" by Cary Lombardo and lilig,,Reyet Cornidliaba RiNO Al+tO I" Iledgete Mid Illarninitratelti PAIRILOtiS OfilitSSEIM • Trinity Guild. Elects Officers FORDWICH—St. Anne's Guild of Trinity Anglican Church met at the bbine of. Mrs. Peter Brown on Thursday evening for its December. Meeting, The president, Mrs. Jack. Douglas, presided and the Scrip' turd reading Was given by Mrs. Peter Brown- The roll call Was answered' by "A Thought on Christ- Mat." Members were reminded or the bulb drive and asked to sell as many as: they edtisld by the next Meeting. A• leOter from Mrs. Prank Russell was read, Rev, Attweli conducted the' election of ottletra and the follow- Pt Were named foe 1958: Hon prea,, Atte. E, Attweli; preS„ Mra, Wellington Itargrave; first, 14ffre,•4 Sothern ketorid Viee•pres., 3,fra: Mr S. 5oit ltingi. treas., Mitt Reatilee 'Wa4o PrOAS tel)crrtet; Ifirra. W.. SOthetA, Miss liAva teeter, was in charge. of a short ptograni, aitet which members, tatehanged gitts. Rev.; Attwell closed the meeting with: prayer mid ilinela 'WS betted the tioottesk invoistotit Ir. *to, hew Oaugits„ Miss Jean Sanderson of Kitch- ener spent the week-end with Mr. and mis. Bob Sanderson. Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto spent the weekend at her home here. Mrs. William Sothern and Nan- cy,- Mrs. James Vittie and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart spent Saturday fn. Kitchener. Miss jean Brears •arid Bob Big- nirle of Kitchener and Mr. Earl Brears of Stratford spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Bal Brears. Mr. Scott Keith of Waterloo spent the weekend with Mr, and. Mrs. Alex Keith. Mrs, Scott Keith and Randy s returned home after spending' he neat week here? Mr.. and Mrs, Bal Brears spent one day last week in Kitchener.i, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Mitten •of St. George visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schaefer, Mrs..Clintort•Jantzi and ft,imily of Baden visited 'over the week-'end with Mr, and Mrs. Hiram Eastaian. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallman and family, of Listowel, visited Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. E. Hargrave. Mrs. Chris Severt is at present Confined to Listowel Hospital, with pneumonia. Mrs. George Ashton and Mrs. Emma. Williamson spent a couple of days last week in London. Mr, Al Ferris spent the week-end With friends in. Toronto. Mr. Jack Doig and 'Mr. James Grant of St. Catharines_spent tfie week-end with NET, and Mrs. Ross: Doig. The Pordwich branch of the Bible Society dollected $125.Q0 for the cause:. The officers in 'charge Would like to thank everyone who helped. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore were guests at a dinner given by the kitehener-Waterloo Record ,for correspondents at the Royal Hotel in Listowel. Mr, Harry Sans= left last week for Stouffville, where he will spend the winter vidth relatives.