HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-18, Page 4reitlk • ila Wit 'va es' ridalt 3,90 - aa'40-4, ,sr g into another ,air of the CI-Mee- t° the humid the coast, sparse jack pine mountain meadows are rQplao. by huge dripping cedars, blue bedorne overcast, It rained at least pace every day We were there. Sometimes twice; When it wasn't raining the huMid- ity„ was, oppressive. The valley 15 a beautiful, place, nevertheless. Great 'eight and nine thousand m foot ountain tower' above the valley. floor, their ,slopes splashed, with the bluewhite of a thousand gleciera. Giant firs and ,cedars blanket 'Mel' valley and mount the, slopes of the sidehills, • • A dozen subsidiary . valleYs open to view fold on fall of tree-clad, hillside, each terminating in ,an abrupt mountain wall •at the far end. And down' through the' valley runs the dark green water of the Atnarke, Riyer, which, 'combining with.the 'glacial at flo of the Tel- chako, ;forms the atartling aqua- marine' of the Bella Coola River. The 'Board of Trade was right When they called it 'a 'tourist's' paradise, The only difficulty is that 300 miles of road from Williams Lake" ' They .tell me you can catch spring salmon up to 50 pounds In the Atnarko, It also is Said tb con- tain, in'season,, rainbow trout, cut- throat trout, Dolly Varden, cohoe salmon and stee)head. -- ' I 'must :confess I was practically skunked in the Atilarlco River but the way I fish may haVe had some- thing to do with it. The valley also has salt chuck fishing for those who prefer it.; It has some of the world's largest grizzly bears, as well as goat, moose, deer and caribou. Peculiarly enough Bella., Coola` itself , •isn't the least prepared 'for any sort of tpurist promotion, There isn't an hotel in town, and the oay Motel I could see was a converTed hotase.,A Forest Service picnic *site is the only accoinmo- ;dation for the camper, although I will admit it Was one of the best kept I haye ever seen. There ate maybe a half dozen stores. in Bella Coola, enough per- haps for the valley's 1,200 inhabi- tants, but very inadequate from a tourists,' standpoint, %There is no liquorstore, no drug store, -no newspaper, no bank. But in spite of present condi- tions, the future is, biight.for Bella Coola and for the Chilaotin. Completion of the new road' is Undoehtedly bringing ' more and more' people to the valley. ' With, its scenery, its fishing and its,hunting; Bella Coola can hardly fail to Miss a. as tourist centre, Valley is like ,eonlit world, Thq' crisp tin gives wa phere of arid ed priced at „ $3.50 , alai Nylon lace trim vAN•Tnts ...... ...... $1.00 pair Lireattim PANTIES; 01, fine rayon ........... ,...„„ ............ elle, 70.0 pair Gtiv Mist NYLONS a. ... style leader in sheer Nylons ,:$1,00 0.1111, Good reprothietiens of fine paintings, 'framed in White and Gold, • Lovely lace trim Nylon Tricot GOWNS .......... ....... $2.03 each • neck . . a very...ince gift that will be long remembered,, Str.004 $3.0$ and $14a0 each ' three kites • MANY' FINE GIFT ITEMS IN FANCY ort[NAwAnip And GLASSWARE..'; FOR HER • GUITARS for sale. New guitars 25 to 50 percent discount. Used guitars $5;0.0 .up, See them at the Guitar Shop,, next, to Mi 'Shoes,. Isistowel. Open and Saturday., „RECLINING Chairs including Sklar and Laz-a-Boy, from ' $6a.50. R.A, Currie & Sons Furniture. 18b FRESH . OVEN-READY roasters for sale, Delivered. Apply to MeClenaghan,. phone '402J3. 18* lei's Friday 1'8* •T 4 hI 'FIELP the atadent in your fernib to better marks and more offl- • ,cient.' notes,. 'The new Smith-, Carona pertable typewrit'ers pro., vide the very finek, in compact, aceurato 4typing equipment, Priced from $7e,00 up. Asit for - a free, trial at The Advance, Times office. Phalle soigesteoppeastermaseataeseteaassaseassetaae 1111.1.11111010211.111011011111111.111111111111. larzwf-z-iamrom-fkaiv.fozom eiWOOd'S GIFT GUIDE ,:nr,onx tiNE onn•Ancickon• and long eallaria Striped and Colobred DRESS SHIRTS ., good, quality shirt to'please Him. :„. ........... • .... 4 .... DRESS sOcif.8 Warmly lined PAllaKA, wind and wet resistant 0 Smartly styled STROLLER JACKETS 4 Sport ,plaid SHIRTS . Jots of patterns TOOLS, FLASHLIGHTS, CUFF ' LINKS, TIES, l'IT,TAIVIAS , AND MANY' MORE. a nicely tailored, $2.98 eaCh4 ,69c to $1.311 pair Fk ... . ..... . . „ .. $14.50 .0 ....- $11.50 each r $2.98 each ki• A, mod guards, etc, - regular $13.95 .. ; ... . . ..,•..„,„ this Week $11.50 (teas si Electric twit GAME, light flashea on tight ansiVer $1.89 each ' Genuine leather GUN and BOI,STER, SETS . •.. 11 elaborate, fall Set . „ gong, Spars, cuffs, etc.-as... .... „ $1.50 each OTHERS trent $2.98 each .4 t ilm.E. TOTS' WAGON ... steel $2,29 each STRONG WHEEL IIAILIlOWS .... . ". $1.98 each BAKING SFAS. ' s just Bitesa Mein's, ..........a.,.... 93e. and 0.98 Battery operated ItsITCHEN g101it ., ; . ' $3.95 each LAUNDROMAT , . , really washes ..... „.„„;„„ ..... . ..... ..........;, ....... „. $0.50 Sat vinyl Plastid body DOLLS . . , real saran al' .. 4 ; ioVedy costumes .„ *$5,50 to $1.95 - Otivere from $2.08 IN TOYLAND. CR6RINOLID M$1 GAE Complete .39 TABLE mad CHAIR SETS ........ .. .„ ....... .. $7.05 Palli WISb-ti, TRAIN SETS . ' .. . ' a2.98 ,eaeta DART PISTOL TARGET ,'GAME ........... .. .. $1.00 each' LARGE DOLL PRAM, steel body, springs, , Many more Toys and Games I wish to express ray airieere thaalcs and appreciAtion to „all those who" visited M,e 'and sent flowers, treatS, earda and letters rne while I was. a PAtjen't :rinindilltahmoug%etIslert:lilr Pai5wPiaty"sl' 13'1011.ers: menibered -÷-1VIra, Cliff Logan'. 18b 0 .0 ' PUREBRED Beagle pupa 'far sale,- , Eight weeks old, Apply to Ross Tayloa, Belgiave, phone 62431, 180 The first claY we, were, there the total traffic on the road:consisted of two. Indians on b rsepaele fol., lowed by an Indian boy of about 12, who., galloped by in a great h urN te•y, Next day • there' was, a station wagon , and a 'truck driven by omebedy "in a Stetson. Figuring the 't raffle was: getting' fob congest- ed, we headed West again, That, morning' ,we• drOVe' about three. hours' before .we 'passed a, car or, saw a, soul,- It was better than tranquillizer pills. Arpund Elena Kleene you, get your first good' view of the,. Coast Mountains. The Chilcotirt plateau is so high that only 'the peaks, ap- pear abet/a' the line of eVergreens along the horizon. " Anishian Lakels the last stop op the Chilatin Plateau, It's a small community, consisting' of about half a dozen log, buildings, looking for, all ,the world• like a frontier outpo'st in a western movie. There's -no doubt it's an outpost. For a long time 'It was the last stop on, the trail from Williams, Lake, and only Within the past few years has it gained prominence at the starting point 4 of two Ameri- ' cans who founded a ranch far to the north and told their experi- ences in the book "Grass beyond the Mountains," From Anahim Lake to iBella Coola the road is rather spectacu- lar, as it drops some 4,000 feet 'over the edge of the plateau into the Bella Coola Valley. It was a dg'it-yourself project of, the. Bella ,Cpols, ,people: For :yeaas Successive ; govern meats refused to„build a road cen- necting Bella Coora with the ,out- 'side world. They said it couldn't be done. Finally in 1952 the people' of Bella Coola deeided to do sorne- thing about it themselves. B,y aint pf much ?scraping they were able to raise enough .money to keep two bulldozers working, on the read, one 'from the 'valley floor and one from Anahim Lake. • The result is it dramatic' descent doWn the almost-sheer' face of a gigantic slide, which should not be undertaken , without ,blinkers anyone whO 'suffers from• a.fear Of heights. . But the fact that there is a road, and that the piople of Bella Coola were able to 'build it, and thata they are -haw provided" with a land route to civilization overshadows the speetamilarness of the aimed itseslf. • "u. • Dropping ''into the Bella Coale FOR SALE TUBED, FURNITURE. Buy and sell. Agent for Kincardine :Laundry. Thane 185, '0f .9arb )/fILIt FILTERS for sale- Rapid 4410"-, 6-inch, 7901 tr'4.4aah, 85b. Alexander's Hardware. „,1..rrit HASSOCKS and fpot etocas, as., sorted colours and designs, As low as a3.75. R. A, Currie Sons,, Furniture. 18b. ,A(EAT FOR SALE-Good beef by the quarter; Hided under license from Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers,: Top quality. Laweat, Prices, Raynard'Ackert, RiPleY, phone 24r30. • 17rrb FOR CHRISTMAS give •Floor Covering, Linoleum, Sandran Plastic Carpet, or better still a. Broadloom Rug. The Wallpaper Shop. 18b OCCASIONAL Chairs with walnut or upholstered a'inns,• Assorted 'colours And materials, Only, $26,00, 11. A, Carrie L Sons Fur- maitre. 18b RED cORDUROT, figure-skating riutfit;' size 10 for 'sale, Worn Only once, Phone 1197, 18a TYPEWRITER, Royal de Luxe Krtable for Sale. Good as new, $69.95, liamrnertim Studio, phone 199; " • • 18b PLATFORM Rockers, assorted colours• and materials, as low as $3.1 60 R A Currie ,& Sons • • , - Furniture. 18h COMBINATION radio and record' player for sale, Table (model. Good condition. Phone 561J. 18b AIED OUTFIT for sale. Full panel, bed, high riser steel slat spring, 180 coil, rolled edge, spring,filled mattress in" 4/6 and 4/0 sizes. Only $49.95 at R. A. Currie & Sons, ^' lib' Wingham. BEAUTIFUL Pictures, ideal for your home, assorted frames and sizes. As, low as- $4,50. R., A, Cur- rie & ;Sons Furniture. FOR' THE' BEST PRICES on new •and, used. musical instruments, aecessoriea and repairs, see Ross :Mann; Wingham, phone 735J4, 3Orral8b CHRISTMAS TREES,for sale. Or- ders -taken now, Apply Bill Loelcridge, or phone 458, 4:11:18h 14.411,Et M•ALEafroy Terrier naps, for sale., Eight weeks old. Apply r..1, McDonald ) R.R. 1, Blyth, phone 17r15, 18b TURKEYS-Buy LaicllaW's, order from Mitchells, Deyells, •LoCk- ridge at Red Front, 11:18b VEDAR CliEsTs by Lane and ,Fted Seal in Walnut and Light Oak, only 103.50, R. A, Carrie & Sons Fur:a:ire. 18b PRJV'ATELY- owned• 1956 Buick Spetial F'Otir Doer in eXcellent • condition. Automatic traasrnia- alert and fender stirrers. Vefy low' Mileage. Cheap for cash„ take trade. Reason for, selling, Owner'supplied with ear d on now rob:. Phone 6773, al" 11* • REAL. ESTATE HOUSE and small business ,in Wingharn for .sale. Will, sacrifiee far $3000 cash,' No Mortgage at present. Phone 4733, lib LIVESTOCK lion SALE HOLS'PEIN Bull •Calf for sale. Apply to R, ,T. McMurray, phone. 735J3. " 180 FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM HOUSE for vent on Alfred Street. Roll brick siding, three-piece bath. Posses- sion immediately. Phone 159 Teeswater, 180 APARTMENT. FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent, 3 bed- rooms and bath, living remit, dining room, 'kitchen (modern), oil heating, well located, wired for hydro, Apply H. C, MacLEAN, Realtoa l: Wingham, Phone 145 • 18b HELP WANTED MAN W ANTED, Unexpected' change causes vacancy in Huron County. Splendid opportunity f year-round income For d write Rawlegh's Dept. 4005 Richelieu, Mont • SCHOOL, CARET. WANTED . Mo ris Townships School Board w" I receive applications until January / for the position of care- taker in each of the 'Township schools. Please state salary, Duties to commence February 1, 1958. No application necessarily accepted. R. S. Shaw, Secretary. 18:24h WANTED, MORTGAGE WANTED $2,000.00 required for a first IVIctrt-.• gage on a 100 acre farm Talue $4,000.00; will pay bonus and good interest. Apply Box No. 73 Advance-Times. 4:11:181s APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon. Thursday, January 2nd.,' 1958,, for the positions of Secretary-Treas- urer and Manager of the Wroxeter Telephone Co, Ltd. Applicants have privilege of applying for positions separately or together, Also state qualifications and salary exneeted. John la; MacTavisla, SecaTreas„ RR. 1, Bluevale, Ont. 18:24b AMBULANCE SERVICE JURRIE'S AMI3tTLANCE, Wing- ham, Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636. 13rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCIC retrieved promptly for sanitary. disposal, FREE pick up on larger arilinals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals, Phone collect. Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited, 6rrb MISCELLANEOUS 'RUGS SHAMPOOED in. your home, Phone 64031. 6rth IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- Art A, Scott, Wingham, arrb STEWART A. SCOTT can hove save you 15% on your 'Our or truck insurance. Yearly Or six months policies and available, Special rates fot farmers, For further information phonb 293, 29trb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Ask:elation "Where Better' Hulls Are, Used". "For artifieial in setainatlen inforniation or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone The Watetleo Cattle Breeding' Association at: Clinton Htr 2..3441 or Mildinay 130r12 be- tween 7.36. and 530 ana, We have all breeds available-Top quality at low cost." 2drfb , FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask abou t our. Low Cost Financing Service with cothplete Insurance COVe.rage. STE:WART A. SCOTT thane 293 Winghani 25trit Boa Holders' Nantes Not Given Out 1 t IN atrial* against Mir railita to divulge the nume or' addreat: of airy advertiser rising nit i• Adeenee.tintes Itox Nundaer. riogio do, nOtoek os for Vele I ititinetinitiok ii,00ltoonot000toroamotool0000toh NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OW MATILDA •FIN- LEON, late of the 'Township of West. Wawanosh 'in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant 'to ,the. Trustee Aeta that all creditors and others haVing claims against the Estate of the late Matilda Finleon, arc required to send particulars of their •claims duly verified to W. Bushfield,. Q:C., Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 4th .day of January, A.D. 1958, and that after such date the Executo: will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regaid only to the claims of which the3 shall then have had 'notice. DATED. at *WinghaM, 'Ontario this 14th day of December, A.D. 1957. J. W. BUST-WIELD, 9.c., WTNGHAM, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor, a • 18:24:31b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Knowison Joseph Eueston, late 'of the Village of Gerrie, in the County of Huron, Manager, deceased, who died on or aboat the 15th day of November, AD 1957, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 28th day of December, 1957, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing. Immediately after' the said 28th day of December, the assets of the said Testator will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall theiT1 have notice. DATED this 10th day of Deeeni- ber, A.D„ 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON. Wingham, Ontario. SOlicitors for' the Executor 11:18:24h itiN14-1LIE AND DRAMATIC .'The Complete Beer Poole" is the aame.,It is a "unique and dramatic presentation'''. It will he published in a full-siaed volume, to appeal to Women. This bock .Will be Very eompre- hertalsre and Will giVeavvotilea ninny interesting facts about heer that every woman .shaulci know. For example It will have chapters on (1) story of ,beer, (2) Beer at its, beat, (3) caking with beer, (4) food for beer and (5) beer drirdca. What 'really, lies behind this un- usual project" Will it educate our women and stimulate their appetite for beet. That Is the hope of deurse. Could it be however that the Beer Batons realize that pro- grass Is being made against beer on this derifitiatl One fact that stands mit IS' that beer sales in ,America cantina& to decline, .An- other faa,, ten tittle known and ,ptiblicited, le that Morellos and rlerriPetanee organiaatirela are 'slowly but atitelYsatepping up their alcohol education programs, Wit- ' nogg. the intensive Work being. done Ontario Wand and high flehiscila under rho auSPleca of the Ontario Teriiperaride *aeration, Also the plane for a PraiVitteial Yealth Conferened the' alcohol ,prebleort to be held Toronto December 'to 'According to ,Dry toteiiiii 4Aduott.404 the antoopie...-Adit • CARD OF THANKS • wish to thank .all My friends and, neighbors who 'remembered Ink with flowers,' giffa' and cards while a Patient ,in, Witighani oral Hospital aad avhenaI Was a patient in .Vietaria,,HoSpital, Loa- den and" while convaleSel g.atthe home of ,my daughte ••In Stratford; also, for the flowers stint ; to me when "I • 'returned '`. hoinea-Mr's. Frank Sturdy, •• ••18b Maurice' Staintori-played hockey-in "Wingham for several seasons. 'He will be seen in 'tonight's • line-up against. Kincardine.' Mae Ritchie--a native of Tees- water and a pdpil'of the Wingham District High School. • He has been playing' as a defenceman for the Wingharn Club ••for the , past three years. Ierly Payfegie foto nod to Wing0 hanl teeently aren't Teratilt0 Where 'he WO Working, Jerry-has played for Whighairt toeing tor several years and' is expected/ to be,on the tee 415k once the proper facilities are pro- As for the Chileetin, there is an appeal about that widespread tableland which, iceepS its ,own people from roaming very far 'afield, and brings back the visitor for a second, look. Not even in tne Okanagan la , the sky bluer, the air fresher or the feeling of freedom stronger, As Slit the cowboy confided to us, "I mare wouldn't want to live anywhere else." And, in all his eighteen he' never has, -BIRTHS CASEMORE-In Wingham Gen- eral lioapital, on Friday, Deem- ber 13th, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. James Casemorea R,R, 4, Wing- ham, a son. CERSOaT-In WinghamsaGeneral Hospital, en Saturday, December 14, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Corson, Teeswater, a daughter, de ,G1-100T-In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, December 10, 1957, td. Mr. and Mrs., Peter de Groot, RR. 3,..-Blyah, a datigh- SEWERS-In Wingbani , General Hospital, on Tuesday, December 17, 1957,, tO Mr, and Mrs, Mac Sewers, Wirigham, a daaghter. • T'HearnOsAlbinPr.S1047-19I5n7, Wtoinmghr.aman Gd al 'Hospital, on Saturday, Dec- • ' William Thotripson, 11,11„,. 1,, Winghain, a On. Two hunters had been out the` woods fot several hours" 'and one of them had been growing un- easy, "We're lost!" he eried to his emnpanion. "What on earth are we going to do?" "Take it easy," said his composed' friend, "Shoot an ektra deer and 'the game waraen avill be here irr a' minute and a ' Gatike paid ' ler dead; Kick.' nr, disabled horsei or .eows: Free „ . ,,:equit•pea , 'Phone LEROY ACHESON 'Atwood 153 collect 'or • GEORGE: 1-i,ISLOP Wroxeter 2r15 Feh22 A.' II. Mc,TAVISII BARRISTER, sOLICITOR and NOTARY TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 TeeltWriter 1214 rorieter,-,Every Wednesday alteration, 2,-4 palm, or by appointnient r NI, A. It,r,•. 4.04611,1k . F E viiTi4otrr SENTI N/1 1\11- IS 1,•11.C_A PIPE' , 1.414.10UT 1-013ACCO We can go on loud and lengeaboat it,t1 1‘11,11:11sY41(1,440;1(tiltitittrrS010) fi notirtrimlieseirle, prnrjolualsnirevil fil jaudilt ;t1o1(°•;sn'nulii‘ltifenir) mobil; " efficiefiey and profit. Retrnaker 24% . , , $390 Beeiinaker 3,,Z% • $4 20 Beef Supplement A 32% $4.45 • WI PIGHilin " MILLS FEED tow **now • SLHAIN Niasolo Will you be raking in 010,000.., 15 years from novi? 1,‘ You can rake in this kind of harvest ten .er fifteen, years from hoW. About $10 a week will bring a guarcnteqd mum return of $10,000 in 15 Y'ears. Talk it over Saba .wIth an investors representa- tive' ...4„:'year. best,. friend financiallya!4' 'Calf or. write: os. Phone 141 '4.44ING,11A111, ONT. John W. Waines nitestors syractiebte bp 'tANA t l• T s" st4o.oralca WINNIPEG, niericEsIN:PRINCIPAL CriltS : ,IIETHERINGTON Ilatiriktera, Selieitots, Etc,. Phone 48 4: H. CRAWPORIG, ();0„ 5, IIETTIERINOTON, 04. J. IC BUSIIFIELD QC. Bat biter, Selleiter, Notari'; Etc. Money to ibealti Office-Meyer Bleat, Winirhititi WERECON HRE Insurance Company An' all Canadian Company *bleb 1840 , line faithfully served, Its Pellea*, beibleist for over a eentirry4 Iterui Offiele a- Terente: 4 C. MacLean InsnrattertAgeneY Wfnghatit Dobbin IS Stiii (Continued from Page banks of the Chlleotin Elver, near a side road leading to a place called Chezaeut, It was a very pea.cefal sppt, =4.V.Taar0K-WZITZtrZ.e4041=%-!% *51 ' A . SALE Butterfly Chair; a$.4s. baby high • chair, $7; baby play pen 4 $3; bed springs and MattreSa, ,$0; drill stand, ,$14.; Poeket,sliae. caliper $4; t 1tadio, HIFI set, $100:- carton lag- • gage barrier, $5; plastic garden t hose, $2; electric aoldering iron, ' $3; 'refrigerator, working, '$10: fibte rtig, 8x10,.:$15; 1,000 booka liad. priced. Call Bob Vaa talYtt Wirighaiii 099, ° lab tD . , YOU KNOW that David OrearnStera Certified Watchmaker, alatiarantea to keep year watch iii *Odd running Order fOr. One Year? free service guarantee aideas to all new *Males, also Irlitare:1 thk,t bat/Oaten dealt- , arid: reeemictumet Bring in ouraun t watt'' 414401,Y atrid take ad.. ,or wait- Alitt, guaranteed Arrh 'COMING EVENTS YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the best for spareribs and sauerkraut on Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings. Corn. mercial Hotel, Formosa, 012/57 WHY NOT tune in to Chatham CFCO, Sunday at 3.30 pan. 630 on your dial 4;11:18;24* SALESMEN WANTED, RURAL SALESMEN OR SALESWOMEN EARN EXTRA. big cash commis- sions by writing baby Chick or- ders, full or'part time. Leading breeds including easy selling Hanson's World Record Leg - horns. "Write to E. W. Fowler, Box 101, Mitchell,• Ontario. • 11:18b lye DAsH- ODERICH, SEAFORTH, surroundingb. am $50 to $76 a week, our wonderful line ,of y necessities,: gift boxes, cos- metics. Wherever you may live r there is an opening for you, eta its Write, for free catalogue and de- -453-901, tails. T. Gardner, Dept, F., 1600 cal, Que. Delorimier, Station . c Montreal. 181) -FAA/ILEX PRODUCTS LIMIT- ED, Montreal, Quebec. 4:11:18b (3E READY for 1958! 'Start with a' permanent year-round busi- ness, AmbitiouS tepresenta needed in CLINTON, WOOD,..EXETER, G GRAND." BEND, WINGHAM You can selling de' nd CARD OFT HANRS years, SIMPSON-In Winglarm General Ilospitaa. on Tuesday, December '17, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson, Kintail, 'son. , . SLAWIK-In Wingham General Hospital on Thursday, December 12,-1957, to'IVIr. and Mrs, Vende- . lin Sic:wile Teeswater, a claugh- ter. STRGEDER-In Wingham Gen- 41.1r eral Hospital on Thursday, Dec- 1B110111110011=1111008 ember 12, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. , : • John Stroeder, RR, 1, Fornlose., 7 2706 WALXH, filqtz WiNCHA (141A I CRAWFORD & BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIREcTORY