The Signal, 1926-9-9, Page 10!. • i a. •1 • • , . r r 10-T1mrsday-. Siplewls•r 9. 1026. THE SIGNAL •. GODERICHI,ONT. This Store L 13E CLOSED NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY FOR Stock -taking after which it will open under new management, as we have sold out. All accounts must be paid not later than Sept. I 1 th. Porter's Book Store "On the Square for forty years" NamiIwatIay for North Hurst Tho ofikial nonduatIooa for 'North inn wire held at Wia ism nn Tueeda y. J. W. King was pfiirrl -in ooralnation hes the Progressive.. and It J. A. Mace:wan by the Conserv- fives In the Braking that followed Mr. King one assisted by Mr. R. H. Ifs!1.•rr. former M.P. for North (On- tario. also Lr. Mrcelwan had n hos ^scorld" lir. It. V. Iwwueur. ••c-M.l.. of Sarnia. Mr. /leo. "(portion we. the I chairman. I1 MMONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colborne and two 1011'+. :Autbrose •eel Keith re- turned esturned Thuredny from a motor trip to Brantford. St. Catharines, Niagara Falls. Hamilton and Harlington. They also took In the Exhibttiort at Toronto. Dr. and Mr.. Halley and daughter .laeynl•line. of ('otringwond. splett inset week with urs. Bailey's sister. Mre. .t Al:t.fle. mail family. ; Mb. Agues ('reser returutsl last u ick from Strasbourg. Sask.. where .11( spent the holidwss, and after a few days with lir. and Mrs. James Ilrnwld+tnt heft en Monday for Toronto ,o train ay a nurse rat the (ieuernl ho e- pi011. She was aceoeupani.d by Minot .lean Pinder. who olw/rill lake the purse's eont8e. Mr. Hetlhuuth (t ti as and bis 6011. Ilel)muth junior. of St. Louts, Mo.. are spending a few dans in town. Mr. Omits came tip to Ontario to attend the fuuentl of his mother. Ifni. ,Harry Chivas, who dial. at Peterborough Au- gust :atilt and wan hurled at Toronto t4eplember 1st. and when he was so aur decided to come on to Goerich to revisit bis boyhood home. lie promises to come again next year for the Gosh•rkb Centennial. The W.Y.B. auxiliary of Knox church will hold ire meeting on Thee - flay. September 28th. SCHOOL FAIR DATES. 1811 Wroxeter • 13 Rlnevele __ Id Ashfield 1a 17 18 20 tit. Helena •' (oIborne " Heuer II a newts Varna Rlyth Ethel (:orris+ 'Walton Goderk•h Belgian ter Dublin Olin ton • township Oct. 2t- �'J 24 tai 27 29► 30 4 •i A Refreshing Night's Ride on Lake Erna T.&. s oel••)•1 Chat liss, tk..ms hese awlfato eo d.,saeod and eats, a cool. dans efassreos ankles in this morning. mad by the beak a your CosneCtkine from CS...I..4 toe Ceche Point. Pat-le•H.,. Toledo. n..retr sod otj.. point. Tome rag ticket 4 good ma our nommen. Each ...v-e..e, 7110 -•- Warw. atasd..d Mewl.Mst1R keeled et 9.00 earal walking ge Jas's $5.50 -Round Trip Pare, 89.50 New Ayllsombas liar end res with Special Two Ike, Rosea Mesh b.S.00 sad as% CtB l Toe. Clennelsail sod taaila9, Transit C•ims.any Wharves, So. Mica- Are. Brides Bwaalo. N. Y. Pose C 6. B 9eease In Daily Service 41,3 Ail Industries of the ' Country Increasing By OBSERVER CANADA'S WATERWAYS Article No. 1 There was never an easter propost- lion to prove than that Canada 1a marching forward, and has boss ter the last five years. Many evidences Ilave taeen gives in the two previous articles and the material is suf- ficient to provide several mere. Bow toolish Ile political try of a leading Conservative paper that these recent years "saw business deprea- .ton. a retarding of employment, con- traction of Immigration. failure to pay oft debts, Inability to grapple with any mayor problem - years of ••uncertainty" and "chaos" and "log rolling" and "barter". A party as in bad •tree& that needs such bolstering. Besides It 1. poor business. for the people - regardless of political al- ftltattons-know better. Once again. let us tura to the proofs of the forward march. THE IMMIGRATION INFLOW Even the Ottawa Journal (Coe.) off- sets Its 4uigubrioue wailing!" over national conditions under Liberal rule ay saying "that ■ stimulating sign u that immigration is taking on larger prnportioas this year than for many years past. This movement. so time- ly and vitalizing to the whole country. is being accomplished by laersassd .airs of land fa the western provisoes and the registering of more home- steads than has occurred since before the outbreak of the war." That's the way to talk, and the facts warrant It, with an immigration in- crease of 65 per centduring the first five months of 1926. or a foal of 511,. 062. compered with 35.114 In the cor- responding onresponding period of 1926. • A country 1s not "wallowing in the dregs of depression" that continues te. attract a high grade inflow of new. comers as regulated by strict Uncial. gratlon rules. Canada is still a mag• .eem to be true. v How lucky Canada 1a m bee vast system of navigable waterways, peek - trade' to the very heart of the con- tinent. Canal transportation nine Ia own story with as Increased tonnage of 1.979.623 In 1626 ever 1934. or a total of 18.756,711 toss as &gems[ 16.110.061 1n 1924. The Welland canal tor Instance broke all rewords In 1925 for grain shipments of 136,000,000 bushels find It Is reasonable W anticipate that the 1926 records will Include some new records as wet.. The great arteries of trade. by lead and sea, inland and foreign. speak of our national forward march In this Important realm of life. Sven the government merchant marine showed a marked betterment te 1925. THE MIDAS TOUCH Canada nu the Midas touct in bur Sold deposits, which are yielding more and more of wealth. She Is producing more of the precious metal than ever, with 135 680.631 In 1925. as against 131.- 532,443 in 1924. In 1900 it was poly 124.000,00U. It fomes as a .Jrpri.e that On- tario alone. within only fifteen years. Num produced 1200 Ola) [AAI worth of gold, and the word comes from the northern Ontar0 (Old field of urge increases an the extension of the producing mines, such as Hollinger, while the air la full of rumors of new fields In the Red lake. Old Woman and other areas The Tukon Is still $ gold region: British Columbia is a steady producer, with prospects of re - mining the old field of the Carioca with improved methods The asternia that we are only begtnninr to mime • Minerals in the dominion or that WS have hardly wretched th. surfaceIn • preliminary prospecting way, would net to dwellers in other lands. OTHER MINERAL • LIVE STOCK WEALTH WEALTH - It 1s fair to check up prosperity And so with all other mineral., milt• by the live stock wealth of • country. tante and non-met•llte. The Upas- and here again there Is a story- of non of a total of 126.W0.000 1.0,32W. continuous growth to record. UW.OW m a more quarter of • century Estllnated value of twenty million is reassuring. not only as to the past need of horses cattle. sheep and swine but for the future. eapeclally rf the nail risen oto the immense total of industry la In iia infancy: it new g701.287.000. as against 1641.144 000 In arae are being discovered And foreign 1924. with only $268.00J.001: in IRaa. Tte money Is attracted to it as is the horse is not yet an extinct animal In rase. Canada. with three and a Malt mil- ; Increase - ircrease - Inrtex..e Is lions; the dairying Industry. with air ; the word from ever., quieter. Cop. annual production et 13110.000.00, .1 per for :.istafice yielded- 115.649.terf In talrly alle-lor the tt1iite.'arRI1 nearly Ill as compaie(-with rt&K,52tr in ten million bead of cattle: 3.755E56 i 1924. J/t, sheep make a good sized (lode, and 1 Silver -lumped_ ahead' StlE tel' • nearly tour and a half .million swine . worth 1n the sarr.e yea:. and elck.a - I ensure the continuance and growth o1 ; nearly M tee ta.). lie this. conasalmi • . $H11!:PPARIITON • • mete SHr:!'1'.AltlrCt►N, Sept. S. )ir. attd Mrs. Mowiel) Milli mud. tainll td Mr. lteutteil Mudie, of •11.•4 roll, *pent LabOr Day at the lomat tat Yr.•tnd Mrs. %V11- ness Blyth. • .t young dnuti'herr haw eome ht stay et the home of • ltetv. Lysol and Mrs• White. Congeal via Bane, ' Slr. Howard Anottrotsig and Mr. Ilarry AVrighr, of I►tetibit. spent the week -end tr+itin►. relatives a1 Kincar- iliae and tiheptalrvit.ml. Mrs, Hawi:ton Smith. of Dwlgmn- nou, 1. 'vi.itil a her niece. Him lulls Mrtwry. Mr.. Smith Is In her eighty' - fourth year. Mr. and )Ir+. If. • Iiettnett . •ud Mr. and Mrs. E. Bennett amid the week- end at the1:o ice of Chair mother. Mrs. 1. Bennett. Mr. Stanley Hayden lett laid Mon- day for 1 u, reit. where he laterad► spending a few duos vt.INag friends.• CARLOW t'AH1.11W, Sept. sad Mrs. Harold uaed.•1. of Detroit, visited bis uncle and Amt. Mr, nisi Mrs• Poul Maedel. recently. Mr. John A. Walter left Friday on the formeri i•xt•ur+ion to the West. Miss Mart' Itotrrt*tU left on Mon- thly to realm• her, duties asi pinciptl of tine of the tad[*'tell0O1i et Mayen Valle. She .peat the month of August with her aster, Mrs. E. }licher. ,A number from here attended the W.M S. conference mi Thursday after- noon fternoann in Victoria street Alun b, God- ericli. They report n very lntert•eIng :nod helpful program. Mrs. tndn w and .on and Mr. Sherwood of WatkerVllle. •,.jct t the seri.-Sud with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ke- llwajl, of Nile. The 1041011 are ..nl. ., J...epbine 11'e-tr. of Auburn. spent the week -enol with bow C00 ing, Doro- thy end ('htls►iuc It.•ls•riv.n. Hee. K. I'ouHer preached to • large and encl./ire audience oft Sunday, taking fidr his text the word,[ from Micah i :';="{loth Luh bend...• earn- estly." Mr. and Met. Cherten Me'bee left Friday- for tM+ W(•+at, where they will *1►it their. d DO f(ar,.�Ira.-R.•1)nrniti, near Winnipeg. fur sereral_weektt. 341i.. Jana Toning .pint the week- end •under the plarentai roil. The Ti -iron al •'gold. -e -Wer," the borne of Mr aid Mrs. .Alien RKkain. over the weekend were Mr. and Mrt._ lames Wilson still three children, of Coehrano: Mr. and Mr.. (ierdon Pill - min and [why girl of gloat, Mkt.; Mr. and Mrs. Allen !Moon and four E children, of Port Carling. Mr. and • Mrs. I)lmcan 1 rawfordk anti three t children, also Miss Pearl 111•40...11 anti I. Mr. Jn.. Foremen, all of Flint : Mr. and Mira. Andes $toII and three chl'drrn, of l'utlingwood; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and two children. of Nile: and Mr, Top( Wilson of Car- low. Mex [troll Mr.. Dixon nod Mrs. 1'rat wford are daughters of Mr, FOR SAIF awl Mr.. Willson. It was a happy L r int tr'r'itr ` DORN I- 1A.111TE. - .1t A'ictorla lips3ltal, Lou, ! rIRANH P• olaaI, OlA&TiBAD- dos, o0 Saturday. September 4, Accountant. 1114 Untsrlo street. 1)YJ45, to Rey. and Mr.. L. C. W.Ilite• Stratford. Phone 1589. Lcs HOW. Nile•• a daughter, Ilary Eitsobeth ' aistty) • AUCTIONI ICR1NlO • CHARTBRM ACCOUNTANT DIM THOMAS GUNDRY. GODRRICH• LIVE tlTOCE AND 08 NARA; w1'13E1'. lu (loderich, on Friday, Sep- AUCTIONS/1R - to•wl.tr 5. Annie A. Wilson, beloved Telephone No. 1111. wife of Mr,. 4.e a Steep. aged 2t} Bala attenatd to anywhere aad ever* yearntt effort made to give aatldaetlnSI Farmsra' rale notes discounted. IN 111311014411 ('1 A1tKE.-Irt laid* wtynort' of u dear husband aid ittttIe 41dr. B. J. Clarke. of ltueloM?li. Nle went to reit a year mgt:, Seg8ewls•r 32, MM. Short and sudden wee the (all of one wt (freely loved by all. Tb,• blow was great. ole stork reser We settle thought hie d,slh-so near cud ruly tho.ue why loved can belt • Thr pada of bidding a tart farrweIt. Somw may think that we forgl•t his When a1 tinea they nut' us smile; But they little know the Sorrow Thal smiles bide 111 the white. -WIFE AND FAMILY. e; • t PUBLIC NOTICR AhK RoltERTstm ''111: At'C- 4 TiONKNR about your male and how to straw 0. Elba street. (hsl- erkea. IMAM wanner AORNT W4NT1CD FOR 17 a popular Ilse of Dadnlsttrl Radi- ate& Iles suuae. A high -gam -178 able bushes for energetic. capable ahwman. Territory protected. DER - LIMITED, London, Oat. 3t DOART)P.R WANTED MAN PRE- FBRRP.D. )Seine,, hemp. Every convenience, Naar lake Apply at THE KH:NAL orFl(IE 3t * WAN11: 7D.-Y(11':NliMAN WI*1 " ear for a torte Rrnwhlt orpelaa- tim. (Flee) tale with future. ltJaperi- crs•.• upneeetswry- We (nein Jou. AH'' of SINGING. Write MIX 10). SIGNA1. OFFICE. }:roily Dowdy Mice continues Der ILL HAVLNG 1N AUCTION dame.. at studio. September 7, 1925. Rt.}t'1'. Itolfl?RTSole, 7'be Au tfoneer, will •minuet and arrange any sale en the latest metbola to get rhe best TIP stilts. See Glut or drop a card mid be will give it Immediate &Ural:kin. Farm males a specialty. Eldon AMp: Goderich. 1. M. STALKER. LU(k'IONRRR. IF. for household effects. farm stalketc., for the County of Huron. 4 Address all communications to J. M. STALKER, Auburn P. 0. OPTOMO1RY OPTOMETRIST.LOOLE.R.0.. OPTOMTRIST, OPTICIAN, West Street. Goderlcb. Rotor Graduate of the Canadian. Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Eye, examined by the latest meth- ods. and the proper fitting of slams at moderate price,. Ostarto Bogue of Examiners Certificate No, 875. MUSIC , Instruction.1st. PROF. W. H. JACKSON. Instruction. given In Voice Cu1tusr, Organ. Mae. - Violin. Guitar. Theory, etc. Studio and residence, 37 North street. Pbone 311A t' p C. HAMILTON, Organist North 81. RJ. United Church. Concert Player and Teacher. dol Residence at Mrs. Colborne's, St - Patrick', street. rale try 160I3J4RT4w)N. lir will Standard Bank Building. Auburn, Rive you rstlafeetlos. P.Itlon street. IUnt• XPERIP)NCED MAID lift It Gt)N-� DRUG1Md PIACT1TIONEB - =Ai, house work to go to fie= roll- Apply 311614. IIIAS. LANE. N. TI7N$ON bolt• ' 148, It A. 44 CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- �i • 3OitAD(► II(►I't!R• WEST LESS THERAPIST • al .tree(. 1;o-terk-h.. Basta: rot want- GODERICH ed. Good quiet home. Cuert•*leat lo- cation. xxxxxxmcxxxxxxxxxxxxx•! Conservative Meeting V in McLean's Opera House Monday, September 13th AT 8 O'CLOCK TO BE ADDRESSED BY R V Lesueur, ex-M.P., of West Lambton E. R. Wigle, M.L.A., Centre Huron Miss Clayton, of Listowel the Candidate, H. J. A. MacEwan, and others , the bacon Industry. lone big ,nickel corporations pre .pend _--Dux. sales of live cattle are._1te:..mg. m•tlo,cs_o4t_elpea.aonr- creaeMg year by year now that 'the development of the iloo0 mine to the British restrictions have boon the S.rdhury - dattrtct which it if In part removed, with ahig$nent► claimed will De The -greatest mica• of MOW* m 1925 compared with f. foe, •mine m the world. Lento expanstall�° - Irr-1924. lend- 55 404.1• In 19'19. Pacgers ' Ole tinter *ay at-Yllr-renrtmg planta of meats reported a fair year with ort Port Colborne. Lein w.nt ahead aaeat-exptuta-04,3.048.lir_ the -year -esdts4=weo,iy *mote arta-arse-arra-ideas - October. 1925. of over 6JLAW.W'. metals m proi.orNon DAIRYING -INDUSTRY in the realm of tueta and ron- WU-tatlics all except coal showed an in - Speaking of the dairy mdua ry, •1 crease Int 19:5 over 19.24, ar-d even now exceeds the total mining tndustry In the atter the yield value waaclna..- of the country:. that la. 1301) IY:(1,(r' l to the a5ttatb i.k/ [/.ark. A.tn'rtca made as against $228.000,000 for maing. and i Dig pump with The renewed activity with a dairy production in 19110 of only ro ,h1t- Nerd- natural gas the seen-. 764,009,000. aa.weta_-fie-een.nt�-elsy products acid The exports of cheese and nut- lime ter and ailed products malntatn The federal deploy minister M [nett lead until the fifty-milltnn dollar mine. is the authority for trie sate• mark hen been passed. Avery report - meT ihT"oda •p day Ise one o[ from dominion and provincial author t,:y rte-st ,nporm.rt mining countries tally An the prairie provinces ala ,, +n tar w0al'1 any that tts uneergrew1nd Mee tndlcate steady Mere/tees. • p,r- which helps to make the int of the •'. sic..• 're h:,cr Inn pct scare ,ly Deco 1 ,0 14(4 husbandman a not unenviable or.e. Ad of tv lifts Delp. to warrant the TRANSPORTATION I claim of a: naacn's forw,:rd rharch. PROSPERITY 'THE STEEL INDUS t RY I The pulse of transportation acro he•1 A e,. et. ...OP yen! ,. anticipated for t' speaks the health of a land. Por.,the (':. natlan &tett industry to 1926, Everybody welcome. 1 .idles especially. *herr there 1■ •t•ttvIty tr. trio ml..inn l the p. -a ...pia pnrd.t lion of which i& r3' y F Y i el products and geode there must be , on t• .• •lpgaade. ------ i • correeprlerding 8Ntvlty m Inc tnrtl.l To.. production 'rr the find queerer production. and tit., happy ronditiOn 1 of 192n Showed a'Rdl.thly Incus.* m GODSAVE T1-1 E KING! x does set prevail when "the dreg. of II the to41 bloat furnaces In operation. r(y ldl)Alt I deprea.lon" arc tieing .mended What , Few, t.•Il:nos realm- the Wee or Im- tfktlflalla tf1[If10/1121rlfltritAmfltsf11xrf11xxr x Nso IdoINS Suss Bell R/n cru 00000 with . company of V€RSOTILEa VA RI E TY . M C a 1 THEATRE SEPT. 17th (Tax Ilncud.d) e stony do our rellw•aya tell. far I pnrtetl a of this industry or that over example^ a tht•uiand Sauterne were engaged 10 NM. 0(117 that car loadings IfP.4 in the mancfacture of Iron am! have shown a an-ady Inerebo. .vetyj etrtl and their pr•oduca-pt witch 3091 - month tar Lht+ Iasi ante es ev tv } u„i d. heir ped toed the inch 183rd that et Itself Is a most mignnflc.nt produ !ran wins Sf rpleh esu 136*. -n sten, but the trains return. .r• 475 62. + equally sattofactosy. ',The Canadian OiL WEALTH a gleet m wee tern .• National reports Ings of nn tea, masa* pay emit, dnr 1 Teen e•nat about ill t The press leg the flr6t sot months ad 1924, wltn Is full or reports of acuvtty tt► We the high .st gross records m ala I rr.at+vvg• new field of resource de - history, and with • atilt aercrtrl•nt p vrbopnn-nt. sale that should he pro-ntly acrer. 1 11 is Mont *igniftcant that the Hui - Mated with the carriage of the 192•, son's Bay- Company hao arranged for trop. the ex;•masit ion and development of 104 Think of the net earnings of 011 rights on their estenstve western this system Inc Jim.-, 1926 of 51 941 0T7, I land?he Nova Scotia government a* aga)nat an operating deficit of 116e e a Mg contract with Ns 00- 11432.Tf6 In Juno of 1925. * !betty oil Interests for drilling in MN The C P. R tells a :alatlkNy petweace. sod ao has Prince Edward Mmtlar •tory, while He *took conttn• Island. a nes to maid a high value President Alberta rings with as story of Tur- Beatty hen *,alt'ordered several ocean her Valley, with Weary wells In pro. boats - passenger and freight - at a cess of drilltog Sa the actual results coat of around about 115 000 000. That , from Royallni No. 4. 404 to station khat an 1f Men a penap.etles Mut- the promining Wainwright field and We" for thee[. Reith of the big the deposits north of Edmonton. And �sfera/ aro sled spendlag mane who shall say the Mea word W taws mrlaea more In equipment and es- said or the lit well appadT Mama, M ingot leo ever growing ' SWIM lesaann. LOSAL - ,! IAiyAr. Se1)1. 7. -The carps are pretty notch all In, 1h.• fine w.,.ttler of wide week helping gristly in the work. Ill';., i:yier *as up frost _Detroit last Week and oh her rett,rn was a.•- i•rmImh1,l i.y Ir.•r moth.•r..Ifni. AVru. , F. Youig who elil visit in the rte•• f C(►W FOR RAL}'. --D['}: TO FRESH- DR. F. J. 11 rostrum hpde Ire wee**, �r L re -opened SeptrmM•r let for ! 80N tbalmic and Aural H tai, • at Moorefield Eye Hospital BM_ (golden Square Throat Hospital. Low. don, Eng, 53 Waterloo Bt. S., Stratford. Tao ' epboac 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderic4 tam i 7 p.m., Monday. September 20, an 1 p. m. Tueeds , September 21. LEGAL rR\EST Y. LE L Barrister and Solicitor' 10 King street east. Termite 11. TIM . pborMaln 7733 -77tH. FOR TALK---1!iAi tJMsEX COACH • 1'1.•Itan alr(•et. Equipped with electro-magaetla baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic tat nervous diseases. Lady in attendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.a, excepting Monday and Thursday aL in 'good shApa•. Mntlsahal eoridl- tertoots and evenings. and by ap. pointaaent. Non o. k. 1'. TURNER. Residon.. and mace -•(lamer el I:o'tlerlth. BABY BUGGY FOA SALE. -000D , South street and Britannia road. • an new. Apply at TUB SIONAL 1 MEDICAL EN September 15. ROBERT- I KIK EAR, NOSE, THROAT t4. Eldon street. 11 I Late House Surgeon New Yori Ow t ..r s rn 1Ur•110n1 M d the fall t• ren. The teacher In 14. S. No. 1 is Mr. J. R. Orr. of 43ttdaich tuwhsbip, Thi. ilr- -Mr,'-AR-. first ' se 'l, Milli M.• wish lilts every 1111x - Fifty yeare ago two )'Lung Istya ieft thesis part. end well to the West and they have lived in the eleli.6ty of W- inne ever silos'. They returned last week. with th._!r f nt6;i,•.i, travelling by automobile and letve been Making rap their 0141 haunt.. They are Harry i C,OR 0ALtE,-RIP'* TOMATOES AND as pkkling eotu1lebera. -1(4)BERT- SON'S. Eldon street. C-111 FOR SALE..-BUiCIIP.11.oAD- fir STEIL. 1924 model. four cylinder, with epeeist fat Opk'x tioi.h In grey, yel- low and Hoek. I'r14c 1(VR►, Apply to I PORTER'S B(N)B SToltE. and Andrew (tart. whose tether wag ort )R $AIA%•--lt}BIS, (' MMODEtt, the first wagon maker at Imkhs 11111 fall ear table, cupboard, easy Naturally, they w•.• a grit many ehahga... They v,.lted their uncles. Mr. Percy Stewart. of the filth conce.- .10u. su,d Mr, rolquhoun Stewart, of Nile. Mr. find Mr+. i). Devlin and fnmlly, of Stratford, are visiting for a few tktye at the lt.rme of Mr.. Jas. Yotnlg, Mr. Jan. Connolly and his dung fire attain wi.rking on the enmity road,, which IJtey are widening to twt•tity w•1•en feet frr♦m Lo•ITti to No. 1 4. hool- TLIS .1 01 make It q,,' of.fhe belt pieces v1 rasa slm.n en:-` letle,,...•rt► .ion. The ferment. of this -- t• ill t o1TTn igood force next Tuesday 1n sup- port of Mr. .lobo %V. King, the Pro- gretslt'e egndl,lnte. for Parliament- • Mr. Harry Shields is having hi. store and han.e at the earner pointed. Mr. Ja.. AI.I'j,.,. has the eotitrnt•t. Th.•..rot:on 1111y will he rria.e•rvtel at 1•nll..rile tow/Whip errn,tery next I+nn-- day nftwrnnnn, at 3 n';'to`k. Rey. R. l'ottiter will toe in e'ilrge of the air- • vfrn. and the minding will be led by the ,•hair of Smitli. 11111 (811100. Let fvery(..dy help in plotting the ploto to ahnpM (J.;fnre Ylnn,loy- e 1•11.1)01n1 outfit from is•eburn l0. linin thro.l*re nlong the SRI enn- (0..1011 tilt. week. 1'r0.p a to for the ripple (Top. 4 1P- 'laily this winter tttrlr•ti.' , One prior. Turnips bore, leen laldly inle,rd 17 Mee and well fen a4Mnr crrip. Pliatarc*, liewever, nee (xi-epthirally grind and lire etoek iA ht (hot; host of omtdltlnn, frame bonne in goat repair. ion .r urn chair.. ro.ker., lamps, pinosomes, inva- lid rimmed... chair, hooka. R. Me- i-N►NALf► ( Thin l0p). R. R. 3. Ooderieh. FARM Mit SA LL' -A"1- ACRES; flet -.•tale. Innot; toll nelo[eaary 11111411MRa, FIrn mllell*Orb 101,310d- , 1 a(liod- t•rk•h on Rine Water �ilghwilddo.e to ...hoot and church. Eery ferias to 're.p.uerihl, p.'r.'m, Ai4EX. HORTON, KR. 3, Go derkb ; Oo1b Fns mnnielpal teephoae 143. ' '. 41 rt'itI RALE _- rOMFOIITAB. Tliree-piper iotrol;--*fd elerfriv'light,. Hood .table and henhouse and room bar (iadr'rleh Rink grin Trttp� A last risk e`tapowetl of A. alit.. F llneet, O• Newton and rook rare Is the lawn twirling trot* the Toronto Star trophy. l'aL .iron tae Taranto Ow tseOa7. A. J. t� and H• Sate* mei +ret *Sona YI tI«a1f*• R. Porte. woad prime "1/ tournament es r1*dlly TO t�1vseC... • n (44►b)P1R1(1H'T'OWNs111P h"he t,rw•a*hip (remelt met at llnlibeir vine on September a. A. It was a holiday. only routine marten. were dila pool of and the following . rMtinte were 1M1.1 : llnminlnn Rood, Machinery ('n•• 7 oernpw'r.. $89: tlanada ingot iron (nh'prt, *43,20; R. MiAillater, .•emelt t0M, $R; .7 8n Te•hhntt, n,er. wring o0 road. •318.76; John do.. 710: Peter Totine, cement 1:',' 34 Sam Etnrm'r.nn. .npertnit'#,et,r, 31M1; dell Bros. on hridgn nrr•nllat. *800 The clerk was Inatrnct, i to Div* py errrars on the roll to he erdirctneli titlete., (l',ut,r l tit n sdJnnrned to Maw nn Oct Solo - r 4.. t 1.70 p.m. R. O. THOMPSON, Clerk. two 11rs, Situated In a very dl•.Ir*ble I,h•atluii, et, of $rock .tr•Y•t and t'nmhria road Apply to JOHN lie - 1,1401) at Alfr bhntt'.. Trafalgar .i reset. 4t fESIIiAI*Llf PROPERTY F O R 1 SALE. -•Corner North tiff Nelson Aosta. Apply to W. ii. JACKSON. COI{ SALE.-HO�R, STABLER and 1V,1 Nos. 28, 29 and 30, Reid's Rilke,, in the town of Omit - rich. Apply to B. C. WINNiNOI, Ooderieh, or- ' JOAN TORRAN, Clinton. • FOR RALE. -TWO COMFORTABLE dwellings In Rood locations In Godertrh. Also forty acres of gond mature land with an ahun4anre of Atwater, egos: to town. Terms to sit urehlnr. T. Gt?NDRy. LEA \VI G 7OWN„MCS'. BE SOLD. --Brisk re411dttoce on large lot. water beating, two toilets and bath, lanndry tubs, ireplace, electric }1ght, hardwood floors, fine loatton oil Rrl- tontia road. bitpitre at JENN*R'S i MUSIC noon. COR RA1.F,.-RrtkFli. nf'i1,DiNG, a 10a12. Autism, for garage or fnr.l- bone.. Apply C R. Bl'ItK1HOLDER. UWII ,, ted Oboe 0003) A[11[ w at Al per 11 THE O0fl R1011 00.. i I (Foot et Lasko.. it • d R 8A1J! -emit ell UR ISO DU Y E. HOLIIES Barrister. Rte. ' Oftice--Hamilton street, 'Oodaleb. Phone 27. • a •r4.-- • IBTR& lie amt Hoare. 1?E.tGER, K. C., E SOLICITOR. Notary Casseyancer. n -CI (0detirh. R. DARROW, • Hu'ee.sor tO Pbone 97. office -The 8gnari. 4 M.. 1 41, A • lee 1►)1 ed rat er1 tlr re h r tie ov it BARAINllae, 7)tr. R.C. HATS -I; C. HAYS n., B. A. Hamilton .4t., Goderien thpe & Flaps DIOURANCR, LOANS. Inc. INSURANCR. LOAN$, ETC. OP MUTUAL FIRE Ile- a RANCE CQ -Farm and JIM - .en property insured. O , a, Connolly, Pres., 004 •rich + . 0.; Jae, Evans, Vlce-Pond,• Beech P. 0.: D. F. YeOrepot. Set'. Tr k, geafnrtb P. O, Dir ors -A. Rroadfoot. R. 1.. No. 'tib; John 0. Grieve, No. 4, Icon • ililam Rha, R. R. Na 2, './ fnrf*; n Rennewles, Rrol' ha7en Oeo. M rtaty, R. R. No. 8. • Seafor Robert .Ferris, Harlot!: Mntray G1h,on, Rrueefield. Jarrow Evanal bwood; James Connolly, Godericb Ages W. Tso. Geda'rlt111i Alex. l 11 ``R�. No. 1, Clinton; John M , Sea `Irgytb ; E. Mixt Seaforth. dot d��rrt ran make puniest, get [belt roads 04 at R• 3. ' .reales Clothing tin; R. Cntra theategp. 011eet. snicb, Or l• B. • Store, ltwslMi. -'4 . y 1i F"