The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-18, Page 1Vitritte and Wi...tmeter :New*
A AA /951
THANK Irpy—slneere thanks to
'JOtin W. Hanna, for his
donation of $5.00 to the fund for
the Intermediate hockey team, 'rile
total new stanch; at $46,00,
0 - - 0
BACK HOME-Friends of Dick
*Procter, of Morris, are glad to see
him back in.circulation efter a
long bout With pneumonia, four
weeks being spent in Victoria Hos-
' Lei London, • •
P - 0 - 0
DANCE-•-..8 formal dance is
eld .at the Wingham. District
' School on Friday evening
when music will be stiPPlied by
Paid Cross and his hand The
dance is. • annual., affair in the
High Schoal calendar, and is ex-
pected to be, Well attended,
Next week's edition of The
AdVance-Times be in the
'Mil on; Tuesday morning, Dec-
ember 24, to bring you greetings
front imanY of the businesses in
Winghtun and district.'
Due to the tact that the paper
will 69 printed a full day earlier
than usual all news and tallier-
Using. cop* Should be in • the
office by' Friday .afternoo4. at
the •latest.• The co-operation of
readers and advertisers s will be;
It Was a case of fileSt4ithe lucky `.
.for Lori Anne Guest last' Week
when she weir a $600 cash prise
with 0 ticket she didn't buy.
Lori, who must • be arbot4 'thee
youngest 'Tricky ticket'' w!rtn'eilty.t
the eountry, is the fetir-months-,614
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George.
Gitest, of Winpain. The ticket 's 5.
bought for 11 cents just one mongi
ago Lori's father;r:6,tit
Made put in the cbild'anartie:
At a presentation ceremony held
in the Whighani' town, council;
chambers .last. Wednesday., after-,
noon, Jack Walker, president of
•the. Wingharit itiverterg,• :and Sy
Robinson, chairman of - the
Men's drivP for whteh, the tickets
Were handed over a group of
cheques totalling •$600' to, lire.
onont who herd Lori" in. tier 'arms:.
Said Mrs. , Guest, "How •', very
Wonderful this, is. I just ;couldn't
belieVe it was ,true when I heard
had the winning number,''
The winning, ticket. one or ficte
which- Mr. Guest ,purehased,'"was
numbered 2687;. All this. week
Guest has• been,kept rbusy receiving;
'messages 'of congratulations a.
The draw was held in connection
with. the 'Kinsmen's annual Radio
Auction, on Tuesday evening 'of•
last week.*
Four-rnopth-old Lori, Anne Guest, smiles happily in her Mother's father, GeOrge Guest, bought the tickets in his daughter's name. The
arms as Jack Walker presents 'cheques totalling $600 which the baby draW, made in connection with the annual Radio, Auction, entitled the
won last week in the Winghern kinsmen's lucky draW. The child's ' winter,to $50.00 per month for a full year. —Advance-Dimes photo.
This week two similar accidents
occurred in 'which the, drivers of
the cars involved sensationally
esdaped injury as ,, their Cara
Smashed Into trek. •
Tweity,oneleareold E d w- as d
Diayer, of Exeter) and charles
Lean, a Brussels district farmer
were the &dicta 'eonaerned,
Var was driving townrcieWinkharn
on No. 4 Highway ,when his :car
Went out. of.control and crashed
into a tree, He- was uninjured but .
damage to his car was estimated
at $800.
J.A. Members Recei'Ve FAMILY LEAVES
Awards at St.Paul's
' FOR GERMANY Ties and stripes.Were presented
to members Of. the Junior Auxil- of7mrsfi .,Toaryniec,
Sanderson, tar y of St. Paul's Anglican Church rsC4,
of town, left. Wingham on Wednes- at the morning service on Sunday.
The Other., driver' ' Chat:les
Lean, left'Comity Road. 16, about a
mile and a half. west of 13ruaselS,
his' car ',,,spinning ,into a tree just
off • the roach Darnaga to the aile-
I.:ean car Was placed at $250:
'Both accidents Were inVe:stigated
by 0.P.P. Constable Carl• Monk, of
the Wingliarn Detachment
for the first •time the inernbers of
the Wingham Girl Guide CeniPanY
have made up four decorated ham-
pers which willbe "Passed' on to
the, needy by 'Envoy Newman of
the Salvation. Army. The girls de-
ckled this year to combine their
gift giving and instead of exchang-
ing, gifts among each other to, put
their presents and goodies._ into
hampers fur those in need during,
the Christmas- season.
WE GET LETTE/IS-e-Like Perry
Come, the theme song ,ef the
Wingham post office workers
these days has something to ''d6,
'with getting letters, but they, go
much further than Mr, , Como They
get letters, cards, parcels, maga-
. eines, and they are getting , them
in. such vast nembere again this
year that surprising they can
\• still sing., , ,
hire been estimated that :there will
be at least 600 pupils at the Wing-
ham Distrlet High School. To keep
pace with this ever increasing in-'
flux of new pupils, it is under-
stood that the High 'School board,
is Considering plans to increase ac-
commodation ,facilities %et , the
School, Just what form. the plans
are to take and ;.when they• will be
'put' into force has not yet been de-.
:GOOD NEWS—There ' were no
accidents reported .frorri the Wink-
ham General Hokipital 'this "eyea.
Nearly every week of the year
eenneone is admitted to out .hospi-
tal suffering from some type of
injury and a. week without one
must be some . kind of a 'record.
We hope that ' next week we can
record- a similar state- of ,affairs,
Please be extra careful_ over the
hOliday time. .; • ,
• ,day, 'lest on the • first, stage of a.
The aika,rds were presented by 3,000. mile journey to ',Soest, Wes-
Rev, . C. F. • Sohrison, 'with Mrs. tern 'Germany, where She 'will join
leador •• o£ the, husband; in• ;the.
R,C.E.M.E. Canadian Army. S.A., pinning them in place. • • •
In Knox Presbyterian Church,
Bluevale‘ on Sunday, December 22,
at 8 p.m. Mr. Thompson of Gran-
brook to be guest Soloist. --F18*
:Lea VVedt esday evening four.
members 'of:" the Wingham Lions,
Boys'•; and Girls' Bard were pre-
sented tho'silver-med A' re:,
suit of their efforts at the Band
Festival in London last June.
The girls who Were honored are
Julie Cruikshank, Marjorie Moffatt,
Joyce Procter and Lloye Stobo.
Congratulations to these fine
young musicians who have been
making great •progress in the local
Lions Club Band.
The annual Christmas concert
Presented by the 6 children of the
Wingham Bapeist Church Sunday
11.4.clgetili* n Barber
Buys Business Here •
George Tripp,, of Riclgetown,, has
purchased , the :barbering business
operated 'by Vie Loughlean until a
few weeks *ago,
Mr. Tripp will move his family
and household effects to Wingham
as soon as he Is able to dispose of
his property in Ridgetown A
hearty welcome is extendedto this
new member of the husiness fra-
On 'Friday evening the Sunday
School 'room of the United Church
was filled 'to capacity with perents .
and 'friends Who. eagle to, enjoy the
annual. Christmas . concert: The
euperiatendent, Zarin:4g,
• The audience ,was heartily' wel-
coned by little Joan Bennett,. The
children of Mrs., ftintours begin-
ners' class sang Three motion
songs, "Running Over", "Deep and
Wide" and 'Climb' 'tip Sariehirie
Mountain% The members 9,0Yris4L
Alice Armstrong's class, &eked 'in
pyjamas, and nighties, sang a
chorus, "Ten Little- Stockingi", as
each one hung his stocking on the
line, , ••• ,
-Miss Lois Walker's class. joined
singing about "Honey, the Poppy"...
Mrs. C. Hedgins' class -of girls 'en.-
(Please Turn to Page Seven)
Mrs. Triylor, with her four
Children, Ronnie 6, Judy 5, Cathy 4
and Wendy :6 months, joined 70
other soldiers, wives from Western
Ontario in St. johns, New Bruns-
wick, where they boarded the
C.P.R, Empress of France en route
to Liverpool:England, The ship is
expected to deck at the English
seaport on December 20th.
Mrs. Taylor is making her first
trip abroad since her husband join-
ed the eerily five years ago.
IVIr.• and Mrs, Taylor were mar-
ried in the. Anglican Church, Wing-
ham by Rev. Lancaster about
eight yeari ago. Mr. Taylor ' is
originally from Lucknow.
Hoeeeholders are asked' to note
that ' .garbage collections which
would normally be handled on Dee.
25 will be taken, care of the pre-
Vious day, Dec. 24. Similarly at
New Years the collection schedul-
ed for Jan. 1st will be done on Dec
31st. • ,
School was held in the, church
auditorium on Friday
eve church
last week, under, the direction of
the Sunday School superintendent,
Frank Collar, About 70 children
took 'part in a production entitled
"The Characters of,.. Christmas
Meet Christ." The play' Was staged
ih five Separate parts having the
following, titles, "The Shepherds
Accepted Him"; "The Wise Men
Expected. Him", "The King Reject-
ed Him", "The Innkeeper Neglect-
ed Him", "And Yon?"
During the evening a collection
was made which will go to aid one
of the church's missionary.
The annual Sunday. -.School en-
ter tainment of St, Andrew's Rms.
byterian, Church was held en
day evening, when a large gather-
ing of parents and friencla of the
children assembled to hear a fine
Prograci which opened with the'
hymn "t Ceme upon a Midnight
Clear" and Prayer 'by the chair-
men, Dr. A. Ninno,
The following program was en-
joyed by •all: Merlon Farrier's and
Joyce Crother's class, song; reci-
tations, Ellen Cruickshank, JUdy
Reid, Barbara' Fagan; Mrs: Bate-
man's and Mrs. Balser's class,
pantomine; exercise by four girls;
song by four girls, Mary Joan Cor
rin, Joyce Rarrett, Mary Ann
Cruickshank, Joan CreickShank;
song by Jimmy Henderson and
Douglas Elliott. ,
Recitations, Douglas Movybray.-
Brian Mel3urney, Tornmy, Haugh
Miss Pringle's Class, A Christmas
Acrostic by nine children; exec-`"
else, The Christmas story by seven
girls, with the song, "Away in a
Manger" by the class; recitations
by Roger Hammerton,, : Douglas
MeBurney, Peter McCarter,: Bert
Vandericolk, DaVid ,13alser and Ann
Welwood. .
Mrs. Leitch's class, group reci-
tation: "We Three Kings," sung
by Jphri Campbell, 'Charles Con,
gram and Keith Scott withiDick
Scott at the piano; Miss Virilson's
class, group recitation; Miss
Scott's clak, an ekercise and song,
"0 Little ' Town of Bethlehem",;
Miss ,Ford's class, , group , recita-
tion; Mrs: Gorbutt's desk group
recitations, "Seeking Seat's"- and
"Christmas in 'the Heart".
Choral 'reading by a group ,of
girls end, tins;Mes. Nimme'a
A' Play; Mr, Gorbutt's class,
song; Miss McLaughlin's class,
two• songs by a group of• boys,
A-Ong ,in three-part 'harmony by,
a group of, girls; 'The Booke' of the
Bible, sung by four girls; soles bj
Jane Anne Colvin, Janice Bender.
son, Joan Richt; double duet
"'God's Word"; recitation, Sonja
Ross and Nancy Donaldson.
AWards ;for perfect attendance
at Mission Band arid Explorers
were announced.
Mr. %Vanderkolk's • class,, song,
"Songs of Praise the Angels sang:
and Miss Isbister's elites, presented
a playtet, "I, Come Seeking",
After the program, Santa Claus
arrived and oranges, candies and
nuts were distributed.
An interesting feature of the .
evening WaS the bringing of white
gifts by ,teachers and pupils. These,
were packed in large cartons and
sent to the Cecelia Jeffrey Indian
School at Kenora, Scott Mission,
Toronto and the Children's Aid
Society in Goderich.
'4 Vhe Belgrave L.O.L, Christmas
.draw, euchre and drinee will be
yield in the Forester's Hall Dee-
ernber 20th. Braee's orchestra.
4reryone' weleoine, ;F11:18b
`'Overnight parking on all streets
except Edward Street IS- rioW pro-
d m fro 1,00 , to 0.00
found these streetsanter-
tee g with snow plowing; will be
tagged by the pollee. —by Order
The Town Couriell: F4:11:18b
pursuant to a resolution of the
I hereby proclaim
as a Public Holiday and • respectfully
request all citizens to observe it as such.
H. Gowdy, Reeve
• Receiving ties, Which are' given
Co the younger members of the
group for memory, work, were
Lenny Lou Sims; Mary 'Showers;
Brenda 'VeriCarrip and Lee Wenger.
Wendy Fuller received her tie
and first stkipe,"Brenda Hall her
second stripe, Wendy Cronkwright
and Sackie Saint' second and third
stripes, Marilyn Higgins third and
fqurth stripes, and' Alma Jane
Elliott was 'presented, with • her
second, -third and. fourth, stripes.
Each .stripe is awarded for a
portion of. memory work and cer-
tain 'phases' iii a scheduled handi-
craft program,
Rev, Johnson congratulated each
of the girls their accomplish-
mente. He said that they had em-
barked into missionary work
through the Junior Auxiliary and
it was his hope that they would
continue to be active in this work
aid later belong to the senior
missionary societies of the church.
\i.a.ny of 6he young people to
Which , he had bestowed such
awards of merit in former arish-
es had eventually devoted them-•
selves to full-time work for the
church, and he said that lie would
be pleased to see even one or two
of this group do the same,!
Mrs. Lockritige has instructed
the ,Junior Auxiliary since last
spring and has thirteen members
in all,
'Al! property-owners ate, hereby
ncitified, that• it ,sia ithlaWftil to re-
move •snow from"their property
mite the street. Anyone violating
this laW will he proseetited,s-by
Older The Town Council
The girls and 'leaders Aif the
inghain held their: an-
nual Vesper Seri;lee in the 'United
Church on Sunday evening. The
ongregation• enjoyed this service,,
was prepared by, the .Nat-
.gonni4ee •and .used
44Sr..zaroups, eye
provinces of .Canada.
Dressed' hi the white middies and
navy skirts of • the C.G.IT, Uni-
form, the• 'girls entered the church
singing the processional hymn, "G
Come,- All Ye- Faithful". Marilyn
Chananey gave the call to 'worship
and .ppening prayer, Carol Craw-
ford and Julia Cruikshank related
several • passages of Scripture
which told the Christmas story. •
The kirl„, formed the choir and
presented three Selections under
the- direction of choir' leader Bill
Conron and organist Mrs. W: W.
Currie. These were: "In the Bleak
Midwinter", "Of.the Father's Have
Begotten" and "Hail, Gladdening
Light",' The choral reading of
"TheIVInknificeht," 'was well pre-
sented by" the• girls also. •
The:;aciagregation joined in sing-
ing ',several carols 'and. Rev, D. 'S.
MacRae 'welcomed them to the ser-
vice and thanked the C.G,S.T, and
their leaders for their lovely pre-
sentations: The leaders are Mrs.
V. Reid, Mrs, 3. Reavie, Mrs. A. D.
MeMurchy and Mrs. G. W, Tiffin.
The offering goes to the C.G.I,T.
committee of the Canadian Council
of Churches which gives guidance
to the- movement through-
out Canada.
Mrs, A. D. MeMurehy presented
a Meditation entitled "The 'Mean-
ing of Christmas", which was the
heart of ,the service.'
Six candle-lighters took part in
the pageant of the candles, Jane,
Hetherington, Greer Dunlop, Karen
1Beattie, Suean MacArthily, Sharon
Riley and Helen Hotchkiss.
Following the benediction the
girls sang the recessional hymn
while .filing out of the choir loft
and each girl had, her candle lit
from:: a central one as the church
lights, were dimmed,
After the service the girls ?arid
their nitithers ,net iii the*. Sunday
Sehool room for carols, Gihristmas
stories,,' games. and a delicious
At the request of a number of citizens 1 hereby
PROCLAIM ' There, was. a full entry hi the
Western Foundry Trophy bonapiel
held at :the Why., aril Curling rink
last Wednesday, The annual tro-
phy Was won .this Year by Harry
Sifton, and his rhilt fiord London.
Plated second in -the Wile' O'eloelt
drew waS,11 Wingliati rink, skip-'
ped Uytion rtasmltn, With George
14owsciti, dOrd GoditIn and Andy
Sieger, ' ,
In. the 11• o'clock draw a kink
skipped by, 1C,rley Ci'aWfOrti, of
Witithalti; was first,'. and a ,triver.
ton rink skipped by d, lVfolracigean,
was •seeelid,
'Akre he lio Walk delivery'
on' Clithitnies Day by the FOXteti
for the town of Winghtun
eid hereby call noon all good Citizens to observe the'sathe,
R E. 1V el Moor
Sixty boys turned out, on Satur,
day morning to practice hockey at
the. Wingham arena between 11.3d
and 1,30; Four teams were shade
up and coaching was given 'to the
boys 'by Dave Carr, Doug Lock-
ridge, Pete Carmichael and Pete
NaSmith% Next Saturday morning
a shriller session will take place.
The session was one of the first
scheduled under the new minor
hockey set-hp vhich is operating,
under Recreation Council sponsor-
Team No, 4 defeated 'Team No. 2,
3-2 and Team 3 won over Team 1
by the same count.,
On Saturday this Week Teams 1
and 4 will play •at 11.30 While
Teams 2 and 3 meet at 12.30:
WEDNESDAY, Dec, '18tii-
8,30 - *hickey, Kincardine vs.
VVinglia in, • •
'-THURSDAY; Dee. tatli— •:
7.00 - and" Bantam
' threkeY • ,
1811.1DAZ Dee 20th-, •
4,00 - 3.y15 -Public Skating
t1,00 10.00-4141teratediate prac-
SATCROAlt, Dec. 2Istee
200 e 4.00 and
0.00 - 10.00—Skating
IVIONDA14, Dec: 23rd,-
4.00 3.15-,,Skating
8,00 10.00,-Skating
l'iltSittit, Dee, 24th-
4 80 10.60—Figure Skating
2,110 44W-..-Skating
Lain:tie Reajiley daughter: of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Reavid, ofl town, was,
placed first in the Little• Peolile'S Colouring Contest,. a painting tointie;
tition sponsored. in this area by the London Free Prek• LYtida's entry
wilt be forwarded to Cleveland."flit' Inclusion in ,the: •Nritleeitat Little
Peoples Contest which is tO be held shortly, —Advance-Tinter photo
Oki i<ftiSt Santa Chine is &At-
li* to WreXette ' inot Saturday,
beethiber 21st. 13e at the Town
.Hall at 2 O'eltiek hi the afternoon
for 'pictures and treats,
the,' stores in Wkoketet Wlil
biz •opett evenings. , froin tveceinber
*iv to 24th
The nierchants of WroJteter are
&fag 'prites'of $10, $6 and $4 tor
tlik best . -decorated • residential
pierrilaert visible frOni the street.
Judging *lithe done Monday even
Shirk are open Clitlattiliaa EVA
OW 10 15,i11, and New terte'S EV'e
Until 0 to.nt.