The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-11, Page 12ii0Sra HALL ftefilular Sunday Services Moineitibering •the tmro- I4 4.14. Sunday School 0,10 iflospel Meeting at' 7,00 p,nt. Push Thursday •everting at 8 p.ul. Prayer Meeting and Bible studyk 1 01.0.111111.001,1111 - rog •Tia MST IN .)0011 • , .cheistmas. Oak MKT and :BARB 59c. to $4,50 ORDER,. EARL REMINGTON'S • LG,X., 41111181111101111117 One of the highlights at the 4-H Club's presentation of awards made on Friday, evening in the Wingham. District High School was the awarding of Club -Leaders' Certificates honoring five years' voluntary service as 4-I-1 Club Leaders, Awards were presented to. Ken' Stew- , art, Seaforth; Stantey Hillen, Walton; William Boyd, Walton; George Underwood, Wingham; Harvey Johnston, Clinton, and Harry Strang,,, of Hensall. The awards • were presented by William Montcalm, of Toronto. A •.• NYLON .HOSE — trx7::,otil.lisigtarebtara4ned: • Daitcre to see oar wonderful, selection of New 'LINENS 'including, -Bridge Sets, Pillow Slips, Table, Cloths, Runner's, •etc. — all at very ' attireetive prices. UMBRELLAS -- In exceptionally ' . styles end shades • smart $2 98 '$4 95 to , • GOWNS &PAJAMAS FrOm coay flannelette • and siguggledown to beantiful .sheers: $2.98 $6 95 • Priced front ..... • • to, HANKIES — One look at our HANKIE BAR will 'Convince you, we do have a wonder- 50c fill assortment. Priced frinn ..... Lae Crowd. at Hot Slipper qoxv3az—member4 of the ,Gorr Tie L,Q,D,A. held a 014csssf41 bake Sale and bazaar on Saturtleai after, boon in the comniunitY 1144. A fine het supper was. Served at the sup- per hour, when a iarge number at- tended, Christmas Wreathe and decora- tions- were used in the ball and table decor was in the Christmas theme, In the draw for Christmas cakes Donald Templemari Won the large cake and Wilford King the smaller one, The L.O.B.A. wish to thank all who bellied to make this a success. OUR BUSINESS TNSURANUE MEIPT. has been 'organized to give beipful,„ specialized service for the protection of PART- NERSHIPS, 'ICEY MEN, SOLE OWNERSHIPS - Be ASSURED FRANK C. HOPPER ,Representative--- Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. jrmogmEmemimmtrmomokomm,imimmomulueamoarigar4gut, The Famous "PRESTO" Brand Electric Skillet 'FOUR appliances in ONE plug in wherever you use! A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS VALUE AT ONLY $15,95 „ A Special pre-Chritina* 'bulk l*nry' has made Paulson Elettric "Serving you since 1935" • OUR 'PHONE NUMBER I71-J tmtompsoommlismAmAtoporrorltrommmliommtr,zovmmmorkvai, this ' low price possible. $2.98 to $5.95 HANDBAGS Such is, practieal gilt and available In plastic! calt-or morocco leather, in such ' t9,0 $10 95 attractive styles. Price ..... %a 6..08 to • , SLIPS — See Mir BHAUTD4.11.4.1ncy Stipa' from the usual fine selection #,T1111!NliMtianniMhimo top,enfomoi.406100.001011......Woollioku•mr-04msp..eo lme.sumi.limt • , Taking Vitamins? 'Take the kind that give you 9 vitamins; liver, and 12 mineral.% Super-Plenamirts, can help your whole family hum' ttain resistance to infection during these cough and cold dap 'Mrs. Mat Newton Is .1958 President ,GORRIE—The Dettentber meet- ing of the Guild of 'St. Martha, of. St. Stephen's Anglican .Chitrch, Wag held on Wednesday evening at the bOme `of Mrs, Harold Davi& The Meeting , opened With prayer and the president, Mrs. fi'rank: King, had charge of the,devotional period and of the business of the evening. The Scripture lesSon was read by Mrs. Leonard Sanderson and the roll call answered with. a thought on the Nativity. The Rev. H. C. AttWell edndlieted' the election of officers and the following were elected for the year': 1958: President, Mrs: Mae Newton; vice-president, Mrs, Harry teoretary, Mrs, Wlinner• treasurer, Mrs. Verne Clark;: Audi. Cot, Mrs. Leonard SanderSon., The benediction Was pronounced; by the rector and lunch was •seived by the Hostesses, PAJAMAS A real smart looking.Seleetion ot Pajamas in broadelolIN $3 95 „r- MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS— A "real hit with any man. Fan:outs 'oStardast" or fine bretnt. 00 Cloth in 'No Don fah:cies, or good quality broadcloth; Priced • up SOX We tarry a fine of famOusjimine brands In 'nylon, nit wool, or blended wool and iiyhail in Stretehles . 1000) $1.50 oot, $2.00 regulars. Priced at Sion .• Atli Man ,eilloysireeeivilig a neW belt, ettictiittili frent oar annul liinkliaCaskirinielit. Aft popiditt. et:lours On itaildovith 611'13.11°16 84.1"' $ I 00 $2 .00 $2 50 '$3 50 :Prii;ed ... ...... ,„.„, • 0 P • •Pi • 701r•r"l', • GORRIE—"What would we miss if Christmas were banished and we were not allowed to keep it any More?" was the 'query in an ad- dress by Rev. W. J. S. McClure at the Christmas meeting of the Gorrie WA, at the, honie of Miss Margaret Dane. He said we would know little of God's love; the word Saviour would haye little meaning; life would be hopeless. 'He, closed with a note of triumph, 'that Jesus had heeorhorn; that God had given His only son, and with His b i rth came love, and hope. Mrs. Mel Taylor presented thoughts on the motto "Keep the family yearnings within the fam- ily's earnings" recommending aud- gets and personal allowances and letting the family have simple fun together, doing things together and being helpful to others. The president, Mrs. Glad Edgar,, was in the chair. 'Roll call was answered with, a •Christmas verse. It was, announced that 19 ,girls Were completing the 4-H course "Working with Wool". The rug making course will be held after the holidays. Twenty-five were in attendance. Christmas carols were sung.' Mrs. Robert Gibson, Fordwieh, gave:a deinonstration of wrapping Christmas gifts, Christmas decora- tions .and -table, centres. Mrs. H. Ferguson; , MI.& Andy Elgar and Mrs.:-Norman Wade assisted the host* in serving' lunch, There was ab,eXeliange of gifts, and Tins GREY. W. J. s, MCCLURE ADDRESSES MEETING On ...0.0,•••••••••ea•••;•••••••••••,•-•-••••*•-•••••••••••"r".••••••••••°••••--"`"*---'"""'`'''' brought •firr 'ChriAltias 'cheer. 0111111,111111111,111R111111111111iiiilligitiaiiillattilitilill1111111111119111111111111•1111111•1111141110111111M111111111111111111111111MilM11111111111111111111 MIIIE• #11 *I; New equipment has been added to our plant — a new product for the Wingham and District Consumers . . HOMOGENIZED JERSEY, MILK. ; What is Homo Milk? Why is it so extra good? Homogenization means that fresh, sweet whole rich milk •is put through .a special process which forces the milk' into such tiny droplets that the cream and the milk are completely and permanehtly blended. They -cantilever again separate. To yo'u this means that every drop of Homo Milk tastes exactly like every other drop rich and creamy. it Means that there is really cream in every drop, so that the flavor is better and always uniform. Better for drinking, better for 'cooking and easier lo digest, Il is recommended for the baby too. Of coarse for 'those who still •prefer Cream Prop Milk, we will.continue to process and distribute this product, as usual. TRY IT TO-DAY, SAME PRICE, SAME• HIGH QUALITY. 'Homogenizeci Milk Nithillotoittomitoolitiotioniorktoilisliolaiminafistiotionowit • • • • PROCESSORS AND DISTRIIIUTORS OF HIGH GRADE. DAIRY" PRODpeTS, e biln• Aibrall-Pfr-VAll*** 'W:044.4 a'OR141,- OFFICERS WALLED BY EXETER. TEAM GORRIE—On Wednesday ever:. ink, December 4th, A very hppres-: sive installation ,e0reinfieY was held for the offleers of Howick. Legion Braila 307, An installation team from 'bteter :branch Was charge of the ceremony, Fred O'Brecht, of Durham, provincial president, and Cheater Mertialn of Tara, provincial chairman were: preseat for the occasion. Zone Commander Jack • Bateson and Membership Chairman Don Ad- ams, arid, several Wingban/ con- reties were also present, Officers for the coming year are as follows: President, James Clark Cre-elected); 1st vice-president, Ed. gilinar; 2nd vice-president, ''-'04'''`Z-4114,144%afP Ken •Calbraith; :sgt.,-tit-aries, Har- old Keil.; treasurer, Thou, Ritchie; secretary, Hector Hamilton; chap- lain, Bert Harris; color bearers, Gordon Underwood, James Vittie; welfare officer, Wm, Austin; pub- lie: relations, Geo. Inglis; executive committee, Mel 'Allen, Geo, pane, Wes 'Helaine]. Super Plenamins Regular ' Cost us Mae as per day- Family-4ize bottle of 72 tablets...., $4;791 Economy bottle of1;44 tablets, $7.99 Five weeks supply of 36 tablets.... $2.59 • For children. tl to 12 Super Plenamins, Junior .9),itumins, calcium, phosphorous and irolt 72 -tablets $310•' 144 tablst"..,•• I • • If, 4.11 :.• • • • $5.49 :36*tablets • $3,79 Ga your jimily supply today! United, Church Nevus G9RRIE—The Woman's Assoc- iation will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred HYndinan on Thursday, December 13 at 8.15 p.m. South Friendship Circle will' be In charge of the program, The Friendly Fours are holding a Christmas party in the church hail on Friday, December 13 ,, at 8.15 p.m. Mission Bind will meet on Thursday; December 12th after schdol In the Church Hall, and Tyro. Boys at 7 p.m. Baby Band members are kindly asked to leave their Mite boxes at Stephen's Store before the end of the month.. The Canadian Girls in Training are holding tneir‘vesper service on Sunday, evening: , December 15th, at 8 p.m. It is hoped all will take advantage and attend this Chriat- alas service. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koch have moved to their home in Gouge fAm their farm near GowenatOwn. Miss Irene Holmes returned td her home in TOronto,, last week after spending a few weeks with her brother, Mr. H. V. Holmes. Miss Mary Thornton of Kitchen- er spent, the week-end with her mother. • Miss Ruby Taylor was home from London for the week-end. Mrs. Lottie Thornton, Miss Kay Cathers, and Mr. Bob Gathers visited the latter's father, Mr. John Cathers, in Victoria 'Hospital, Lon- don on Saturday and found' him to-be improving. Mrs. Chas. Lawrence is ill with pneumonia at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jennings and the Rev, Harry Jennings, Lucknow, Mrs. Alex Taylor received pain-, ful 'burns to her hands and arms with a pressure cooker at her home on Saturday. Miss Shirley Bennett was home from Toronto over Sunday. Mrs. Robt, Ferguson has been confined to her bed' for the past ten days. Mr. Geo. Tdwnsend left last week 'to spend the winter in Flor- ida, He was accompanied by Mr, and Mrs.. Walker of Listovvel. Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Attwell and Paul of Brantford were Week-end visitors with their son, ..the Rev. E.• C. 'Attwell and Mrs. Attwell at the rectory. Mr. and Mrs, jack /*the, Kenny and Karen of Weston and Mr, Tom Hastie of •Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, and MrS. Hen Hastie. Mr. and 1VIrs. C. G. Moffat, Mary Lou, Elaine and Jiminy, of Wing- ham were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs., Archie Miller, Mr. and Mra, Wilford King spent Sunday with Mr.: and Mrs, Victor Sherd at Moorefield. t Mrs, Etta Day is spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Milo Casernote; at'Wingham, Mr, John. Martin, of Wingham spent the week.ond with Ur. and Mrs. Earle King. Ittelt Johnston, Port Ctilborte, spent the Week-end• at thehorne Of Aft and Mrs, Cecil Grainger, Warden arid Mrs, Harry Dowdy heatre TWO IliboWS each. Hight kCillit at 7.1$ WOHATitti /44.11NPAY,riTYISDAY AND i.VXONNSOAY,• 'HACH Will burs., rrl., Sat., Bee. 1243-11 ;Bob Hope, Katherine Hepburn "'The Iron. Petticoat" Slapstick .comedy with. Bob '111:9PQ .as an• Air Force Pilot In West Germany, SINGER SPECIAL Christmas Prices R. New Portables 0,1 and G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham NOWW.A.,in Phone 770 Available only at 'your Ftexall Drug Store hORRIE iii attended Warden and Mrs. LOrnd ilendersonla banquet in the 1.4ion ceRnewdrE PRA'! . . On WethieSday evening, Decem- ber 18th the annual Stinditi ,School. gathering take th,e form .of a on' "Japanese Men in the Newe, potluck' dinner in the conuntinlity taken from arteheal:Istueddyueabtodost c,pwebeprei.e: ,tt n.7.gnre.rii:ga:„uWonhenaarie) mienalvihtee.ras of and very industrioas,, attentl: ''•••• and have time for • beaUty„:', have a wonderful sense' of flower : arrangement, 'Some of .the PeProfF still cling to the customs' of :their, ancestors". Mrs., Lyle Watshh modelled a Jaiiatiese gown, siippqa and fan. 1 ' • Mis. Edgar,. the' president, ,• took charge of the business, Arrange - /tents were made to ,send cards to the shut:ins.' Mri, PA: Tayfor gaVe the report, Mis, L. Watson Mission Band and Mrs,. J. W. V. Buchanan, Baby Band , The officers for next: year are as, follews: President, =Mrs, W. J. V. Buchanaio,'.iSt vice president, Mrs, Gerald Galbraith;. 2nd. vice presi, dent, Mrs. -deo. Brown; recording secretary,' Miss Marga.rtit Dane;: assistant secretary, Mrs: King; envelope secretary-, , Mrs.' Tom Edgar; treasurer, Carson; co rresPeraing secretary,, Mr's. T. 'L.MeIrinea; press repotfer, Mrs.:IH. Ferguson; 'assistant " re. porter, Mrs.. diad ship, Mrs, H. HanditOn; ship, Mrs, .W. Trinible;.' literature',- Mrs. I. Toner;-Missionary Monthly;, Miss Margaret Dane; •Asseelate Helpers, Mr's.' 1-1.,,A.1;insoii; corp munity friendship,::,Mrs. Mrs. A, TayloistipplY ,c'enintilttee,• Mrs. L. Walker; Mrs.. C. Grainger, Mrs. Wes Strong; Babi Band, Mrs. J, Toner, Mrs. Buchanan; _Secre- tary younger', groups, Mrs. G. Brown; pianist, Mrs, L. N, Whit- ley; assistant pianist, Mrs. tie; nominating committee, MrS T. - L. McInnes and Mrs. M. D. Irvin. The roll call was: answered by number of visits to sick. Luneh was served by •the hostess and the committee in charge. GORRIE—Mrs. Giad Edgar was hostess for the .December Meeting of the W.M.S. even: ing. Mrs. L. N. Whitley- • played quiet music before 'several 'Christ- mas carols were sung. • Among Mrs, Buchanan's remarks MRS. GLAD EDGAR HOSTESS TO WM.S. RN El) • S 04 0-MVO -V -OA --r:4 -7140 1r, rog eve kje.4 )474 k =AK kr. It ? s la ter than you, think! So here are, soine very 'helpful gift suggeStions for" Fier ; lary 'will hold, their annual meet-. inglat •the."boine„ of. Mrs. Nerinan Wade oft7Thursday at 2,3Q -p.m. Roil , call ' to ,be answered 'with a Christmas verse •and a Christmas gift to ,l he Anglkan chutch GORRIE The Woman's durst GEORGE WILLIAMS First Class WATCH REPAIRS Located ia'Mason's Store Owing "to laek of specie Watches and very. small Cleclis' only. ,Vt/ELLERY-7- You ()AWL )io wrong, giving rich leaking. Je`wellery by Motto Bars athi Limo, soptolitt o set4, nom k*Su chi. Niel TeelitYq, red'often . Congratulations _and 'best wishes fol l ow obi goo. .11 , to Mr. and MrS, Ceell Grainger, Iota iatiltririe, 11 who eelebrated their 25th" wedding grb60,61-:,17 no- libtk ten .tintliv4sary on MaildaY, Deeeinber gy, to nth, With a family dinner at their d rug?' pod v.eon • at Petrolia, on priday even= •fttglaiiiiri linct 1: YOU CAN DEPEND() Wit ir.400ys ta'i1 to Cabinet Models — m.0 — Demonstrators and Used Machines We h. HENDERSON A Phone 665 Wingham P.Ammt teson's Model Dairy 4.,a1;•'„k,:r