The Signal, 1926-9-9, Page 9tMI.M1MMI
County and District 1,
Mrs. iltlsh lieEwen, of Bengali, has loch Intends pureh•sheg a' bum`n
returnee after a three months' trip to Zurich. .
Western Cauada and the Western i J. Dealer, • jr., .pw wet! -known i
States. {Lorne breeder, is aiowlog seveu of his
'knell' had a flower show on Au- . light ° Lutes it Td onto Exhibition. i
oust Celt and a similar ereut at Kip-' lie wile else exhibit at Loudon Palr.
pen was of August 31st. Both brought At the tome of Mr. anti Mre. Otto
, out very creditable displays of bloom.,Ritter, tattersall -el 14. flay. oo august
Rev. A. E. Johns and three Berns left 2)5Hw their daughiae.
ter. euura, was '
imville last week for Tac otua,Rel in runrriege to Rev. Rudolph!
ash.. to Juin Mrs. 4011128 and two •l, oto is stations] It Northern
other 'Anth n, who have been visiting�IWario. The e•eremon) was performed t
Mrs. Johns' parents there, and about 1 by Rev. E. F. J.,Bern,-r, pastor of the'
September 18th they expect to saU forI Ise heree rlettrch. Duxhwottl.
The death eeet•urred at Rippe°, on ' EXETER
Trhlay. s1luguet 27th. of Thomas 1 ••
/ohne at the age of fifty-two years.
$e had lawn 111 for elation two year&
Ela !Nivel u widow and two daughters,
liers. G. A. Cower. of St. (tathariaes,
fqd ]It�t' Mabel,'e. at home.
1�f home of Mr. mud Mrs. Jeffrey
J'ls1t of 1'ab.rue. was the aeene of
• pretty wadding on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 1st. when their only daughter,
Jay L. wan united lit marriage to
'William I:. Etherington. The cere-
Inecy was performed by Rev. D. Mc-
Tavish. The young couple 'ill render
On the grteru'a farm In 1'sbotne.
The wedding -of Miss Bona Evei7ti
B1ae'kwe 1. daughter of Mr. and -Mrs.
Chas. It.ackwe:I of Ilan. to Louis
Clark. ren of Mr. and Mrs. Mattlirw
(Nark of Tttekeramith. took ptAoe at
the Hetwril United e•tntr-h parsonage
August Slat. Rev. A. Si:aisle officiat-
ing. On their return' from a short
we-Idlna trig.. a ret•eptiou was held for
Ca. yawns( couple at the' home of the
brlelege,erm's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Clark will reside on the groom's farm
in T•skersmith.
John Poirier pw-sel to hie eternal
nest Monday of last week at filo, home
of his Boa -In-law. W. G. :falter, two
IItlea south of Winghatn Itefore hie
wife died. a few years ago. he was a
remideot of town. !trine, on John street.
Be was a vphtrd employee of the Bell
factory for many year.. and wart %til er-
intendent of the Rothodlsr Sunday
scha)1. 1$ceaecd wen in Me clghty-
set•ond year.
Abner Covens has returned it me• af
ter • vlalt of several week* tv the Can-
adian \Vest. \t'hll.- on hie trip he
met with men,y former WInedumire•s.
!tarry Sr tireb, a student of Exeter'
lliglt %(bwol, has taken an excellent !
wording las the Western. lltiverslg '
'e•h,jershltf lint. 'He retrive. RIO cash
1::a two A•o,ija' tree tnithru at N'estera
I n' t,rilty. i
Mika 1.aura Jeckelt left Inst. week to '
reet.,1 g month la Muskoka.
Mr. and Mrs. Ri. tttwere anei rna
hnt'e retmored W Fergus. where Mr.
!Nevem Ir w.w .it ttgt- 1 ,e, prig., it)at of
•flu- Iltgit Septic].
�' Mism
C. ltata•It i- Lae 1 o r•:C:reed
10 tearn ...hoot at Desalae, In the Ke -
ret* dietriet.- fJle trick- the tent to
ForC'W liiam unit wall a«wmpanleed by
MTS. Roarer Northeott, who will visit
neative•t in i nakatehrwnti.
Miss Mary fetter lute It ft for (orun-
nn.wttagst she Mot been engaged as
' Mra. it toekden 'sats family have
1 left fir" Their -Titins' • 10 Rod I9 .-$an., f
Itavittg went the raatmu►rth with her
1 sister. Mr,. J. E. Munro.
1 The "Maas; flower ,how of the itlyth
Hortieulturvtl 144e.4,-ty was held to
Memorial fish op, Wwlnt-xeiay nod
Tlutredey etenIer,• of last week and
was very ..neem dfs'. The Horti,ul•
ttiret Reelvety has done wooden. In the
beautification Vf the village planting
dowers at tHRerent printer throughout
r:,.• vitiate- which had tarn . Samna-
4 tine of 'hum. Is the old cemetery. where
n nnmher IA' tenuttful flow. r lasts hive
been plaanted.
Dr W. .1. Milne and Ms-. Mary
Rev. W. R. hens and family have
moved to ('reston, where 'Mr. Ltenris
has purchased a small farm. His
health has not been mood. and et Is
hoped the Menge will be beneficial
• John I►umdrt tan returned from
Kitchener. wbete he spent the sum- (
mer. •
Henry Steinbach. 14th mncevsion "f
$ay, bat dieroaad of hie floe VSO' -sere
farm in two lots. Alex. Mawr. of
Windsor. ham pan•hase4 one hundred
acres. and Ille fibeen fty acre. hits bn tmtr-
cbased hjJ Jeffrey. who owes tie
•adjoinin land. •Thk purehabe prey
Car the 1110 acre%is $ . t(st. Mr. Si. a,-
Will k!D many times more flies
for the money thatany other
fly killer. Each pad dill kill flies
all day, every day, for three
weeks. At all Grocers, Drug-
gists and General Stores -
10c and 25c per package.
Broadcast From War Ship Is Novel C.N.R.M. Feature
Thuretl*J, Septenib •r h, 10:20.- J
Fresh stock of Sheriffs Jelly Powders just in, 3 for
25c. A good teaspoon, King George design, given
away with every 25c worth.
Another shit rot of our spacial Blasi Tsa to Itattd, only
59c a ib. Try a pound, it is a winner.
We grind our No. 1 blend CAN bean .fresh frith your
order. Fine or mans- to suit the trade.
Finest Seedless Raisins, ISc per Ib.
Some Tasty Lines for Picncs i
hand. 111
Meat-Itirlt Spread. Sandwich Spree. Olive Ii]utt, r
Peanut Butter. Salmon. Sardine
Tuna Fish.
Pickles, Olivers and Sauces of all kinds. •►ontale, Orangeade, Raspberry Syrup, Cherry Sy
Ontnge Syrup for drinks.
A good assortment of Fancy Cakes always on hand.
Just received it fresh shipment of Picnic Plates.
Vegetables and fruits, fresh fre,nt the garden, always
(Goods delivered to any part of lit,• town.
NI Phone 46 South Side of
Tradition la the British
harks back to Nelson and
raw features of daily routine on.
(ward ship date from the time of the
famous Admiral. However, the navy
is at all times equally ready to ere-
taaltah precedent and the (iomman-
der-fn-Chief or the North America and
West Indies Squadron, Vice Admiral
Sir Walter Cowan, Bart, KC.B., ;
D.S-O.. M.V.O., has gtven permission
Illor an event of absolutely novel
' cbaraoter, nothing less than a radio
broadcast from the deck of a war-
abip.• The broadcast will take place
m the night of Thursday, September
I4, on board His Majesty's Ship Cal -
calla, moored in the Port of Mont-
real, when a special programme will
be played by the Royal Marine Band.
The tranatttstamon wit] be effected
throe' (?(RAS. which on this ocra-
stlan will be tied III with CNEO, tor -
a great
ing to the moat populous
North America the opportunity of
fir -in to a most unusual broad-
The Vice Admiral accepted the in-
vitation of the Radio Department of
the Canadian National Railways
most graciously and expressed is
pleasure at the unusual opportunity
of giving entertainment to such a
vast army of radio enthusiasts as is
preached from Montreal and Ottawa.
;The musicians will be stationed on
'the tipper deck of H.M.S. Calcutta
where three microphones' will gather
in their performances. Telephone cir-
cuits will carry the music to the
studio of ('\-ItM and from the latter
studio linen of the Canadian National
Telegragths will connect with MRD
at Ottawa and the latter station will
engage is a simultaneous broadcast
°On its regular wave luta. •
bead, under the direction of
Illandmaster Herbert Wright, L.R.
A.M., will commence at 9 o'clock
with the march past of the Royal
Marines, and atter a programme of
light and serious music, will con-
clude with a medley, -Sea Songs or
01d England." An added feature of
.this programme will be the rendi-
tion Of the bogie calls of the British
Navy with an explanation of each
An address 'will be delivered by
Lieut-4Commander W. V. lfeaybeard,
RNR, entitled, "Our First Line of
A year ago C NR.M broadcast the
band of HJdS. Calcutta in a studio
Programme, the Bret broadcast Of
'such a character, while the coming
'broadcast 1s said to be the first ever
'transmitted from the deck ,t a
British warship. ,
\1 • away on a trlp`to Montreal
N. D'„rk, Washington fad Phila-
Mrs,_ Mary A. Young. Biytb an-,
teeemed' the .•ngumement of Iter dalyth-
eer. Myrtle Acna I:.,w. R.N.. to Cher
henry Murray. Tor.mto, the nurrtagv»,
take (eller early Chis month.
t►r. end Mrs. Wilford. who have
1 .11 he'nre from the mitufon field on
••,n ,. left lust week on their re-
t • o Weer China. Theile eldest
daughter. Marie;. will remain with
her zrandmoth•r. Mrs. A. iI. Curr. and
a t te'nd school here.
Mr- ant. Mrs. Andrew P. ()liver, whu
*ere ►:kiting friends here the past
month. hale left for their home at Los
Mieb.Mlir )rie• Bickel has been en-
raged a
teacher for school No. 7. Cbr,.n'r- have
trip to the western'
States of Washing-
1 !'n 1 d
MMX1MM111111■rN1111111111111X1<1♦M1XM=•1talwas%iiBl(mrl♦l(it■ ton encs Oregon.
M1 ' Mrs. Roderick McLennan (formerly i
III . Mime Elizabeth McDonald of F?gmond-
ProSpentrTor All
UR IMPORTS can be paid for only out of production that takes place in Canada.
All salaries and incomes can be paid only out of this same source. It is the
source of all wealth. People's energies are applied to farm, forest, mine, waters and
factories, and thus wealth is made. If one suffers, all suffer. Each one that prospers
helps the others to prosper. This is where all buying power comes from. It means
construction of our homes and our fortunes. -
By protecting pi:Auction, the United States has built up the greatest individual
mi and aggregate buying power known to man. The way is open for us to follow and
:N yibtain the same results if we will but dose our ears to the theorists and skeptics,
`¢ g cjional leaders and disorganizers.
1. • $it Wilfrid Laurier said that the nineteenth century belonged to the United
±•and predicted that the twentieth century would be Canada's
Vote for MacEwan and help Sir Wilfrid's prediction to come true
Abraham Lincola
"1 do not know much about tariff.
Xbut I do know this much—when we buy
1 goods from a foreign country, we get the
1 goods and the foreigner gets the money:
1 but when we buy goods made at home,
1 we get both the goods and the money.”
1 Vote for MacEwp and keep
a our money ij Canada
M - to
1 Smu ing
xand Rum -inning
■ have robber} the C 4fian citlzene of
M $2011,000,000 in the t 5 years.
1 Let us have a onest and Efficient
X Administration Fa the next 5 years and
Xstop all this.
x Vote for MacE aft on Septem
M th next
Too Low a Tariff
Has Driven
our sons and daughters to the United
1 vile), who has re urned'1ram a Euro•
. pa trlp and has since been vielting
iu eeaSeaforth sial victnity, loft last week
it for her home at Winnipeg.
▪ Joe. Fitz(rerald ba. obtalnesl
■ tion at the Border Clues and has 40-
roved there with his fatally..
ire ` e'e,oper Iuts tensed the Mitten -
bury Idols* for ten years to Iaeute
Rouse., of Hnnover, who will take
possession the middle of September..
Mr. Iter--,, hos t'.nducted• a hotel at
Hama, r !or some years. Mr. and'
Sea.--C'.eot«•r,-who have not leen In the
1 heft Of h•.•atth of ;tete. intend motoring
! to ('aiiforuin alit the end of the
I month alai will spend the winter there.
I Mr. and Mr-. James Livermore have
re•eivc.t word that thelr son, E. S.
Livermore. is in the hospital at Saska-
toon suffering trona a light altaet of
typhoid !laver. The young' men. who
le an 41-.. .oeto Hall student. bas been
engneed itrntlalon week' in the West
during the summer.
Vire was etiye. r.. ':1 Monday nl•ftt
of last week in A. J. Cooper's store;
hot wn, estInruished in short time by 1
the Are brigades I
Frei .\Cen. son of Dr. Axon, while
playing shoat the bswung green fell
$ and fere•tnreed bis arm. Last winter
he hreke the same arm, but in a dtt-
- Vote for MacEwan and bring
le them back dome again
13,904,837 bushels ofialrl
wheat were imported "in bond" 1
,United States in 1923-24. It vias matt- ' M
ufactured i•n t o flour in United M
States mills by United 'States
'workers and on being imported the
teited States Government 'rebated to
the millers 41 of the 42 cents paid in
duty when the wheat entered the Unitised
States. Vote for MacEwan and help
to atop this. Provide work for C,bnadian
workmen, Canadian railroads, Canadian
mills, Canadian ports, Canadian ships --
Fort William, Goderich, Montreal, Que-
across the Atlantic, Liverpool, Ion-
: Pall. '
terent phis.
QI'orit on the new Collegiate hullding
Is progressing rnp k y,
The last meeting of the. Clin 1n Wo -
now., Inaitntc was "grandmothers'
day," The •ild.est grandmother prevent
seult. Mr.. Jas. Lrndnay.
The nen* Baptist pastor, Rev. J. it.
Mcv ertni k. ha. Arrived and has taken
re or his duties in conhectlgt with the
Clinton :1111. I Auburn Baptist ehnrche•s.
.tttele M. Motile. wife of Oto. Col-
elonal.. died Attempt 34) In the Clinton
hoopital. in her thirty-eighth year.
ltilrold Borns has secured the poet -
Hon 111 vice-principal of one of the
Fort William retools.
kit and Mr. '.(. Turner h:, re the
a"mpethy of many friends In the
denth of their little daughter, oleo
pawed away a week ago.
The heal Fire (Inmpany is About. to
undertake etssfling rip the Treleare•n
milt pond of the atamps and deenyed
timber and to convert it into a clear
,Maly a water suitable tea bathing end
hooting. With the aid of a powerful
tremor and a steam above!, now
available, tl le hoped the p#nJwet wilt
be carried through to templet fon.
At the Church of the Ascension, Kin
totem. the mares wan Meeh ted of
Luella Pesti, only dangAG,r of I,ev1
Ilbyte, tom. R. J. Lloyd of Lueknow
elite -at am of alt.. \I. :'t. 11.e:de'thy .
Klnlougi. The ceremony ons 1er-
fornsed by Rev. Wm. Townsend, rector
of the chum)]. kir. and Mrs. Llotd
will make their bome1n Lirekbow.
Good reregrev. i- h. !ug uelo'e ill lay -
ler; 11w :•.,yet io.:t t..:It re Campbell
.stresLai 1 it is h.a.t-that thy -work -
will be er.mplete`eel ',fore the closet of
the mason.
kilo Ifargaret Mu, h, •,at.. who re-,
(putty dIsretetd of her 1e me here, bas
erne to Torallro, Wbrei she -wilt re-
side. - -
Thee Lothians whose; rr-ofenetl on
September 1.0 with the sane stuff of
teachers as last term.
The Imekuow Hortieuilltrlll Itoavt•ty
is holding its annual flower show on
Friday eseningof this week. Il
Mr.. Mat•('ow-nn end 'humbler.
Mary. have relurued to their home in
Itnmkntehewan after 'mending -e•v,-rel
week, with the termer 's brother.
i►nrId Scolio.
Perhaps Sae's RIO!
As may welt 1e inetg reel, Walt, I.
Hann. the well-known-..Auwriean
golfer. hat, n rare fund cd sues•dete•n
relating tOthe game.
One of ,'Hi, last cenworo" nn ex
,tremely Itepper,y major who, playing
a regicide for-tttJhstnttlttl stake& WHO
none, twiLpleased When alone hole
won kepi. -.h ing forst few mime/re by
n wotnan who wtnnb•reed caret• =,ay
down the fnirw•ny with R'hahy in her
71 ems.
•'4'unte nw•ny, maelm rn." 1:e • ailed'
testily. "Iturry up with .Lt,' Latey of
The w•omnn glared nt him Indig-
nantly. •
"Haler oursPld"—tdw
"playing with that little ball. and in
thoe;• ridlcnloum short trousers,
it Is to be hoped that the close-.•rop-
peed feminine pate doesn't feel ns fun-
ny yrs it Idwlty.:-Detroit Free Pre.-.
Slenkfrg et starvntlon rations,
what do 41141 moths think of One-pleee
Lathing :ells' •1-tomer_ewes Star_
Empire Anthracite
Stove size. A car punt in.
Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump
$13.00 a ton
A first-class fuel for st,.v.s
sad furnace..
Let us supply your wants in Fuel.
Prompt service and reasonable
Telephone 178 j
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
We guarantee our Hydro lamps
for 115(1) bourn nee.
North side of Square Goderich
Rend The Signal's Classified Column
Brophey Bros.
srdere carefully attended to
at all hours. night or day
BROCK Street. P.O. Boa 101
Give us a
let our .wdrk
for itself.
J, T.
Telepbene 187
J. R. Wheeler
tuners] Director and •
All calls prompt' attended to
day os Licht
PHo. S
Store 335 evidence 855w
Hamilton Street. Goderich
Electric Wiring
We specia los is Wiring of
ell kinds. I4tnagive yon an
'•-titn,tle for miring your
hotter' or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors,
Dynamos, Electric Light and
Burglar Alarm Systems
\:! Wark a;uerautexel
Cook, Iron and Toast by
We have an assortment of
the best Electric Irons and
Toasters made in Canada.
fae,tritdau Wert St
(louse !'bone 254J Store 82
8. C. XXXXX and XXX
Shingles. Car of N. It. Shingles
Inn arrived. Johns-klanvllle
Asbestos Shingles. Rolled Roof-
ing, Asbestos Root Coveting,
Galvanized Ridgerow Nails, etc.
Get Priem Before You Bay
East St. Phone 369W
for -
Massey -Hari is Machinery Frost Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies
Farm Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Goderich, Opt. .
McCormick—Deering Farm Equipment
life, u. .e call if you require any new Farm Equipment or
Repairs. Also tt grn.d clean supply of
Rope Twine Oils White Lead and Turps'
A Genera/ trine of Hardware 't'1, Service Store
_� erre stere..