The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-11, Page 7Vie Ina 4111 abbanct.mtinto DiVE1VIBIalle /1, 1057
Car'S Damaged
At Zetland
Uts finind the roads in a very
slippery condition en Saturday.
Mr- and Mrs. Maier SleightboiM
and family were -driving ileirle
across the bridge at getialld; w110 /1
4 car, driven by George Nvang of
Wingham, slid Into the west end,
end ef the bridge, meeting Mr.'
Sleigethelnee car in a side-swipe,
Both cats were damaged and Mrs.
SleIghtbohn received a burins on
her forehead. Her nose bled pre,
fUsely, but none Were Seriously in-
Ofiicers and Committees Are MRS, G. JOHNSTON
Named, b K WA IS GUILD PRESIDENT . y !sox Church BM...GRAVE-4%e regalar Meet-
Receive Awards
For txhibits
.WHITP111-14.113,014-,-Leroy Hin-
ton' was the winner of the OUren
County Hereford Assoclattoh.
41' r 0/PhY for having the Champion'
4-H Hereford calf, at the regional
fair at Seaforth, The Ontario PePt.
of Agriculture gives a money prize'
of $4 for showing a registered
heifer calf and the Canadian As
sedation supplies a. Hereford civet
fey the winner. They also received
a ball-point pen and a year's sub-,
beription to the Hereford DigeSt•
Cameron Robinson, ,on of MI'.
ahd Mrs. Mason Robinson, receiv-
ed a prize of a showman's tang,
with, his name engraved on it, for,
showing swine at Belgrivve fair,
Crawford McNeil, of this ciAtrict,
received a show-stick for showing
a Shorthorn calf in the 4-H group,
and Jim, Kenneth and Dot:glee
Coultes, who showed Shorthorn
calves, received • the Association
donation of $1 and a shoWetick. Patsy Marshall, of 'RM. 1, Kirkton, a member of the Exeter 4-H Club proudly eisplaea ti.e A, Y. McLean
Trophy, which she won this year for the second time, and the Bank of Commerce Awsnel, donated by the
Blyth and Atititirn branches of the hank, to award winners Bill Strong, Donald Carter, and Winston
Powell, 'all Seaforth.-Advance-Times photo.
W. IcObr, Mrs, 3', Wheeler, Mrs. 0.
, Krug, WS, M, Armstrong; grenP*
five, Mrs. W, Scott, Mrs. K. Whael-
er, Mrs. 4., Cilultes, Mrs, B, Scott;
'group Mrs. 5. Conk Mrs, 0,
Michie, Mrs. J, Michie, Mrs. C,
Procter, Ntrs. C, Chamney,
• The offering was received and
the lord's prayer repeated in Uni-
son. A special eqllection was tak-
en tip for the gift fund, The
following were named a committee
to pack boXca for the shut:in:, Mrs,
Jesse Wheeler, Mrs : George Michie
and Mrs. Jack Anderson. It was
aneoenced that the missionary ter
Prayer for the new year is Miss
Emily A. Maxwell in India. "
The 'Christmas service of wor-
ship, taken from the Missionary
Monthly, was led by Mrs, 'Cleorge
Michie assisted by Mrs. Stewart
Procter, Mrs, Herb Wheeler and
Mrs. J.TVf. Coultes. The story "Out-
cant of the Hills" Was read' by
Mrs. James Michie. The meeting
closed with prayer by yrs. G.
mg pf the Ladies' guild of Trinity
MgiicazChurch was held Thurs-
day afternoon at the home of Mrs,
Clare NranCamp With the president,
'Mrs, Alex NetherY: in 'charge. She
opened the meeting with prayer,
Mrs. William Bryclges read the
Scripture. The treasurer's report
was read by Mrs. Cooper Nethery.
The groUp agreed to cater to the
Motile. Federation er Agriculture'
banquet some time in February.
Christmas cards are to be sent to
the shut-ins. Rev, Breit' de Vries
was present and reminded the
Guild of the need for' financial as-
sistance for repairs to the rectory,
It was agreed that. eevetal bills
are to be paid. ,
Rev, de Vries presided for the
Installation' of the following offi-
cers for the new year: Prea, Mrs.
Clark Johnston; vice .pre., Mrs.
Clare VanCamp; sec., Mrs. Rich-
ard Procter; treap., Mrs. Cooper
Mrs. William Brydges gave a
reading, "The •Hope of Christmas"
and the roll cell was enawered }zry%
naming • a Christmas quotation.
Rev. de Vries, closed the meeting,
and lunch was served by the host-
ess, assisted by Mrs. Glen VanCanIP
and Mrs. William Vancamp,
Improved Living
Conditions Shown
By Hydro Program
Soudan Christmas
Described to W.M.So
The December meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society of
the Wingham United Church was
held on Tuesday in a setting of
lighted candles and Christmas
greenery, Mrs. W. P, Burgmen
presided and opened with a brief
Christmas message, The devo-
tions were taken by Mrs. Wm.
Wellings and Mrs. F.. Edgar.
A very interesting Christmas
message was given by Mrs, Thos,
Bowers. She told of several Christ-
mas legends, including those of the
rose and the poinsettia. 'Saying
that Christmas time *is memory
time, Mrs. Bowers lighted a white
candle in mernoryoof Christ's birth,
The guest speaker, was Miss
Laura Collar, missionary with the
Soudan Interior Mission in Nigeria.
Attlee, and at present on furlough
in Wingham. She spoke of Christ-
mas in the Soudan, taking as her
subject '"Behold I 'bring you glad
tidings of` great joy to all people".
Her first Christmas ireNigeria Was
very inspiring. Every Christian
was in church, where the hymns
Were sung in different languages
and where the children presented
the Christmas pageants, Miss Col-
lar also showed several groups of
slides depicting the progress of the
mission work in that area.
A solo, "The gift", by Mrs, Thos.
Jardin, was much enjoyed. The
business was conducted by the pre-
sident, Mrs. Fingland. The supply
secretary reported that eight car
otis of clothing had been sent to
Overseas Relief, as well as three
parcels direct to. Korea and that
more quilts are being made.
At the close of the meeting luneh
was served by the social commit-
The multiplicity ,of ways in ,
Which Hydro power can be used
to enable the people of Ontario to
"Live Better Electrically" are
being featured in a series of in-
formative and educational adver-
tisements to be published in week-
ly newspapers commencing in De-
cember and continuing through-
out 1958,
In carrying out this program
which reflects the fundamental
place occupied "by electricity in
relation to the progress of the
province and the 'welfare of its
citizens, Ontario Hydro will have
the close co-operation of the 'var-
ious local utilities.
The first of thee advertieements
carries a, timely message for
Christmas shoppers in that it il-
lustrates a, tew of the many fine
gifts, in the 'form of electrical ap-
pliances erinipment, which will
bring lasting service and pleasure
to 'thg"-reciplent's;"both adultS' a:ti'd
child ten. These suggested gifta
include power tools,.. &fans, frying
pans, coffee-makers, blankets, mix-
ers, heat lamps, tnastere, television
Se.4 and many others,
. Hydro's educational program ask*
sumes an important significanee
at this time when far-reaching de-,
velopments herald many and • still
greater benefits and convertienc'ea
that will enable the citizens of On-
tario to "live 'better electrically"...
Brussels Visitors
At Rebekah Lodge
The semi-monthly Leting of
Majeatic Rebekah Lodge was held
on Monday evening, December 2
with the Noble Grand, Mrs. Jos-
eph 'Schneider,, presiding. 'Visitors
from the Brussels lodge were pre-
During the meeting the degree
team under the leadership of thc
degree mistresses, Mrs. Mervin
Templeman and Mrs, Wilford Cas•
lick, conferred the degree on three
Candidates for the Wingham lodge
and one candidate for the Brussels
ledge. A very generous cheque was
donated to the Oddfellow's Home
at .Barrie. It was also decided that
Miss Lauta, Collar would be the
guest speaker at the next meeting
which Will 'be' the Christmas meet-
ing. •
Following the meeting a 'delic-
ious lench was served by the lunch
conunittee with Mrs. H. Aitchison
as convener,
Quite a number attended the
reception, held, in the Langside
Hall on Friday evening for Mr. and
Mrs. ,Lloyd Huffman, newlyweds,
,The-reception for Mr. and Mrsi
Enamersen. Simmons was held in;
the Memorial hall here on Thursr
day of last week with a good at...
tepdance, After lunch Gershom
Johnston read an address and Fred
Deacon, presented them with a
purse of money. The groom thank-
ed their friends for their kindness
and gift. ' •
Mr. R. H. Thompson and Mt: 3,
D. leeecrole attended the Huron
Presbyterial meeting in Gederich.
on' Thursday last.
Map Y -wfu, be interested to know
'that Jphn Garton, son of the late
'Mr. and Mrs. 'George Garton of
;VIThitechurch is' Sports editor at
the Leamington radio station. Re-
cently Mr. Carton 'was heard when,
he broadcast 'the game played by
'the Russians 'at Leamington. He
•has been 'eleeted this fall to the
Learnington 'council ,•and received
the' Sec'ond highestt. Vote. We 'on..•
• gtatitlate him.
Mr and-Mitie-dereld • Irfatean'''ar
Foes t spent the 'week-end at the
hOine of her Parente,. Mt. and Mrs.
Allan Pettison and With other rela-
tives hate: •
Mr. 'VVilliern Purdon has had a
'Very, sore eye ,for .the pasta two
weeks,, as an ulcer formed on the
hall 'of 'the eye.. ,
Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Payne of
l'oronto 'spent the Week-pnd with
,Tiffin friends in Kinloss.
*Mb and Mrs, Russell Ritchie
Vieited on Sunday with Mrs. James
Ritchie of Lueknow and Mrs. Chas,
Tiffin 'visited: with -.her parents,
‘;Mir. arid Mrs., William Brown.
Mr.!Carl.Weher. has egain taken
eVet the chopping, at-the E, S.
•V,lratt clipPbet here:
Mrs, D. Willis and 'John visited
M. and Mrs. Jack 'VanCarnp
and. famili of ,Whigham viiited
Sunday with 'Mr; and Mrs. Clare
VanCamP and family. -
Allan'Campbell, who has. spent
the last few weeks at 'rhesealon,
returned 'to his 'home on Saturday.
Mr. Mr. and'Mrs.•GOldie Wheeler arid
family, of London, visited over
the week-end parent, Mr,
and Mrs. Herb Wheeler.' '
A large congregation .Wes in' 'at1
tepdtince at • Knox Presbyterian.
Church on Sunday afternpoll when
Rev. Wes:, Aartimi a noted ryetitA'
'evangeliSte was the pipet prieaket:
' Mrs, Ed: ',Hattlin and Kim; of
L lv endon, spent the 'wee.encr 'with:
her' peretite,
Mr. 'and Mrs, Les.Sh'aW of ;Con-
don; spent the, Week-end with; her
parents, Mr.'. and -MeS, 'Jelin And-
erson, " •
•Mr. and Mrs; 'Wilfted Pieliell and • family, of „Hithailtoh,••aesited' ' (Wei-
week-entd with mr. and Irfra,
'Herb' Wheeler. The,' latter "rturn
ed ,to '.Hamilton With 'her daiighter,
Mr. and **I's, :„itoss, Robinson,
Mr. and' Mrs.'Mason' Robinsop, Mr.
and Mtg. Biernana.hd MrC, R.
Conites were in Totenteleat week
attending, the, :annifal i,ne,cting ."Of
the 'United Co-orietati;Ves held in
the Royal 'Fork
Mr, C., R. Coaltes;and Mrs..'
CoUltes coneOnett ,ef :the
Christinias Meeting or the •Belgtave
Woindn's Institute to e be held on
'Tuesday afternoon,. Detember, 17.
mentiened „the idea Of trying to The roll call will be: answered With
a verse front a .Christmas -card or
other o Christmas yerke.
BELGRAVE—The pupils of the
Belgrave public schoel presented
their annual Christmas concert in
the Foresters' hall on • Thursday
ovenipg'to a capacity crowd. James
R. CoultesrwaS chairman for thp
prograM, as follows:
Opening number, the National
'Anthem, followed by chorus num-
bers by the senior and junior
classes. The address , of welcome
Was given by Ross Wightman, The
Christmas story was told, in verse
and soneby all the pupilaited re-
citations were given by Rhonda
Fear, Mary Ellen Walsh, Audrey
0...suites, Ruth Anne Pletch, Lois
Rine, Ralph Logan, Linda John-
ston and Gerry MdSween,
A play, "The Lost . Trousers",
Was presented' and an action • Song
yeeta byeeteetr.. de,
'"BloWing RhYthin bahd
numbers by' the juniors, a two-
part song, "The Twelve Pays of
Christmas:. and a play n -"The Mail
'Order Hat", were 'resented,
A. novelty song by the juniors,'
"Hard Rock,' Coco , and* Joe", was
followed by a dance "Spanish
Cavalier" by 'the 'seniors, A two-'
act play was presehted 'by the
juniors, "The Awakening of the
Christmas' Toys" and the closing
number was a group of songs by
some member e of" the senior class.
The chairinan expressed a word
of -thanks to the teachers, Mrs.
Mary' Woode' of the ,senior class,
Miss Louise Jefferson Of the junior
class and to Mrs. Elaine McDowell
the mimic supervisor, 'for 'the,
splendid concert that the pupils
had preeented. Mr. Coultes also
Former Resident
Buried at Blyth
The death • of a former well-
mown resident of Lower Witigheln
took place at the hospital here on
Sunday morning. Mrs. James Wal-
pole, of .R.R. 2, Walton, took :lila-
lenly Ill on Saturday evening and
vvas remeved at once to the hos-
pital, She was 54 years of age.
Born at Wiarton, a daughter of
the late Mr. ithd Mrs. John Arm,.
strong she was educated there
and continued until she received
her bachelor of arts degree. 'She
taught public school for several
years arid after her marriage to,
James Walpole they reeided in
Lower. Wingham, before moving to
a farm near BlYt:th and later to the.
Walton district, She was a past
president of the Winglia.m Wo-
men's Institute, an officer in Regal,
Chapter, Order of the Eastern
Star, Blyth, and member of 'church
organizations in the Blyth United
Chun ad Church. I diticilii
to her husband she
is survived by three sons arid one
daughter, Norman, a teacher at
Scarborough;' Willis, With the. Bell
Telephone in Toronto; 1.<eith and
Lauraine at home. There are two
brother's, ken Armstrong, of Dray -
toe and Duncan of Wiarton,
A memorial service was condueb,
ea by the officers and members Of
Regal Chapter, cl:ns„ on Sunday
evening at the Taelter funeral
etal service was held from
the Blyth United Church eti Pubs-
day at 3.80 'with Rey. WatSoil Of.
ficiating end interment In the
13lyth demetery. 'The pallbeareta
Were 'tour brothers-In-law, HoWard
ditirence Nixon, Archie ,
McDonald, Willlant Miles, and two ,
Life Memberships
Presented at 1,VMS
BELGRAVE the December
meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox
Presbyterian Church was held on
Wednesday, December 4th,' at the
home of Mrs. Edgar Wightman.
Mrs. Joseph Dunbar presided and
opened the meeting with ,a reading
On "The Light of Bethlehem", fol-
lowed by singing "0. Little ToWr.
of Bethlehem". Mrs. 3. C..IVIcEur-
ney read Scripture passages and
Mrs.' A. Bruce led in The Glad
Tidings prayer.
The secretary and treasurer':
reports were given and fiftee:
visits to sick and shut-ins were
reported. Correspondence was dealt
with. Mrs. Edgar Wightman spoke
on "The Religious _Climate "o,
South East Asia". The population
of this area is estimated at on:
'hundred and eighty million, o,'
which, the principal religions art'
Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism
Hinduism, Boman *Catholic. ant
protestant,. While„ Christiana .-are
greater than their numbers would
imply. Many East Asians feel that
Christianity points the way tb
solution 'o'f their problems.
Mrs, C. Purdon led In prayer. Ti'
Mrs. 0., G. Anderson went th:
pleasant duty of addressing tw:
of the. Sodety's faithful,. workers
Mrs. .1. C. McBurney and Mrs'. ,A
Bruce. Mrs. C. Purdon add Mr:
Wightman presented them wit)
life membership certificates. Mrs
McEurney and Mrs. Bruce expreel
ed their pleasure at receiving thes
certificates in a few sincere word
of thanks.
The hymn "For Thy Memory an.
The Grace" was sung and' Mrs
Dunbar closed the meeting witl
The slate of officers for 1958 is'
President, Mrs. Joseph Dunbar
vice-pres., Mrs. C. Purdon, Mrs
A. Bruce, Mrs. G. Nicholson, Mrs
L. Bieman; secretary, Mrs. 0. G
Anderson; treasurer, Mrs. V
Youngblut; supply and literature
Mrs. G. Nicholson; welcome and
welfare,, Mrs. Ken Scott; Homc
Helpers, Mrs. E. Wightmen; press
Mrs, J, C. McBurney; auditors
Mrs, A. Bruce and Mrs. E, Wight-
man, '
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Campbell of
Lucknow celebrated their 60th
wedding anniversary on December
1: 'bn Monday, Dec, 2, they hedld
a. family dinner when all their
family was present. -Those who at-
tended were Mr, and Mrs. Floyd
Campbell and family' of near Bel-
grave, ,Mr, and Mei, Glen Camp-
bell and family, of near.„Lticknow;
and Mr., and Mrs. pd Ansley of
Thessalon, .
Mrs. Campbell's •niedee iWere also
present, Mrs. G. HOPitins er Sault
Ste. Marie and Mrs, .1, Medorley
of Pontiac, Mich. Mt, and ,Mrs.
Campbell were the recipients of
many lovely gifts.
arrange an evening in the % near
future when it wciuld be possible
for all the people to make a visit
to the school to: see how the
methods of teaching differ from a
few years ago,
'Santa made hie visit and gave
out gifts and candy' to all the,
children, It was announced that
several of the • numbers on this
program Would be presented 'on the
local radio station on beceniber
on a children's program. Birthday Party
On Saturday night the 'family
and friends of George Hall gath-
ered at his home In honor of his
69th birthday,
Cards 'and movies were enjoyed
by all. 'The highlight of the even-
ing came when Bill Kress of Mil-
ton entertained with selections on
the bagpipes. Lunch and singing
brought the social evening to a
$50.00; j. H, Polietk, parr salary,
postage, ate,, $108,00; Ross Hanna,
contract and deposit re Bolton
Drain, $868.00; Roy Hartmah, fees
re Bolton Drab:, $125,00; ' Clare
Hutchison, fees re Bolton Drain
$30.00; HarVey MeMichael, letting
and superintending 'Bolton Utah,
$1.35,00, Ling Schaefer, clean out
on Parrish brain, $85.00; H, Gowdy
fees and mileage, 005.60; hrthur
OlbSoli, fees and mileage $116.25;
Harvey IvreMiehael, fees and mile-
age $116.00; teen Haskina, tees and
mileage $136.00; Mel, Allan, tees
and Mileage 077.00; Road Account,
transfer $8223.50; eotinty Of Htiren
tax deed $4.66.
Motion by McMichael and Gib-
son that We do now taljenril to
inoet again on becetriner 16th at
I pan, Carried,
tint'ericied for last week)
Priends of Mr, Wtio, Wright will
be sorry to learn he is a patient
la Listowel Bespital and' itopo
a speedy reenvery#
Christmas Season •
Festivities Planned
BELGRAVE—With the Christ-
mas seaecei approaching so fast, it
Is time to think of all the festive
activities for the next two weeks
The Beigieve school started with
their concert last Thersday 'eve-
ning; this 'week on Thursday eve-
ning the 'members of Knox Pres-
byterian ,,Church will hold their
congregational Chrlistaias party in
the community centre. Special
services will be held in thelr•cluireh
on Deeember 22," 'Special Christ-
:nes services will be held in Knox
United Church on Stintlay, De-
cerribet 22, at the heorhing serVice.
/it the eVehing the Canadian Girls
ln Ttaining Will held their Candle'
Lighting SerViee, the Sunday
School will hold 'their concert an'
Monday evening,, December 23.
Special,•Christrtais services 'will be
held at' Trinit Anglican Church
On Dedembar 22 and their Ohrist.
mas pasty will" he held in the'corn-
nuiiity eentre tin Deeefribet 28,
Visa Annie 1,,Ic4'ithol Spent the
Week,end With relatives at ,tittla,•:.
Regular meeting of the, Howick
Township Council Was held in the
Clerk's Office on December 5th, All
members were present and the
reeve, H. Gowdy, was in the chair.
The minutes of the last regular
meeting were read and on motion
of McMichael and Gibson we're
adopted as read. 'Carried.
Moved by Haskins and Allan
that we renew the burglary policy
with Norman Wade, Carried.
Moved by Haskins and MeMic-,
hael that We refund Louise Mat-
thews 50c dog tax, and T. J.
Schaefer $4.00 dog tax. Caeried.
Moved by Allan and Gibson that
we instruct the reeve to declare
December 26, Boxing bay, as a
holiday. Carried.
Mewed by Gibson and McMichael
that By-law No. 20-57 ef the Town-
ship of of Howick for the year 1957,
a by-law closing a portion of Gof-
-ten ..Street'., in...•Wroxeteriecaseleeeei
the first and second time be Rese-
ed: carried. „
Moved ' by' Allan and Haskins
that By-law No. 21-57 of the
Tqwnship of Howick for the year
'1957; a by-law closing a Portion
Ann Street in Wroxeter; as read
the first and second time be pass-
ed. Carried,
Moved by McMichael and Allan
that By-law No: 22-51 of the Town-
ship of Howick for the year 1957,
a by-law appointing the Cemetery
Board of the Township of Howick
as read the tihrd time be finally
paseed. Carried.
MOved•by McMichael and Gibson
that BY-law No. 23-57 of the
Township of Howick for the year
1957, a by-law to set up a Recrea-
tion Committee, as read the third
time be finally passed. Carried.
Moved by Allan and Gibson that
we give e grant of $20.00 to the
Gerrie Christmas Tree Fund. Car-
Moved by Gibson 'and McMich-
ael that By-law No. 24-57 of the
Township of •Hotvicki for the year
1957, a, by-law to provide for the
increased cost on the Killinger
Drain as read the third time be
finally "passed, Carried.
Moved by Haskins and Allan
that By-law No, 25-57 of the Town-
ship of Howick for the year 1957,
a by-laW to provide for the in-
creased cost 00 the Jack Bennett
Drain, /IS read tho third time be
finally passed, Carried.
Moved by Gibson and McMich-
ael that By-law No, 26-57 of the
Township' of Howick for the year
1957, a by-law to provide for the
inet•ease in'cost on the Farrish
Extension Drain, as read the third
time .be finally passed.
Moved by Haskihs and Allan,
that the road aceounts as approved
be passed. Carried,
Moved by Allan i and McMichael
that the following accounts be
paid; Provincial Treasurer, insulin,
$5.82; County of Huron, hospitali-
xatipti, $11O.25 County Cleric, tax
collection charges, $183.08; Wroxe-
ter Telephone Co,, tolls, $4.30; Con-
tie Cotninueity hall, reel for nom-
ination meeting, 0,00; Municipal
World, effite supplies; $4,22; Wing-
helix AdVithee-Tlines, advertising,
$3,82; LieteWel Ettener, advertis-
ing, $4:80; HarriStee Review,
printing, $30,40; Suppleinentaty
Assistance, 07.15; Win, :Marriner,
relief aceoubt, 07.22; llowe's Gen-
i Store, telief Account, $4.46;
B. 'Carson tti, Soh, Mid tte-
taint, $14.304 Aft Gibson, relief
itateinifitratot; $30,95; PDX BethltY.
$36,06; W. X Whitfield, 'Part Salary
her at the home of her brother,
Mr. Nelson •Ketry of Paisley on
The family of Mr. and Mrs,
Sam Reid of Luckhow and
district friends gathered on Sat-
urday evening at the Pander
home to celebrate Several birth-
days that came this week-end, in
the Farrier family. Mr. Farrier
celebrated his eighty-seventh, and
Mrs. Farrier her seventy-eighth
birthday and at Christmas this fine
couple Will celebrate the fifty,
first anniversary of their mat-
riage. Mr. And Mrs. Reid were un-
able to attend the get-together, as
both have been confined to bed
for some weeks,.
Mrs. Melvin ivtathers, Leather of
S.S. No, 10 Kinloss has resigned
On account of illness, the resigna-
tion to take effect at Christmas.
Many regret the beeessity for Mrs.
lk/fithers to leave this section,
Mr, Jim dummins, who has 'been
working at the CNA. Station at
Menrefield, spent the week-Orid
with his patents, Mr, and Mrs.
Michael Cummins. Mrs. etiminina
reteiVed Word that het aunt, Mrs.;
John Bell of Clairshohn, Alta,: had
taken a stroke and wee seriously.
ill in the dlairsholtri Hospital. Mrs,
Bell is a sister Of Mt. Itayinbricl
ROdthOfld of gest Wawithoeb.
Mt. 'and Mts. jelth Perch% Visit-
ed ofl Sunday at ,the forte at their
'daughter, Mrs, Melvin Morrison Of
on Sunday with ,her mother, Mrs.
Musgrove, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. Musgrove of Wroxeter,
Mrs. William Dawson and Mr.
and Mrs. George Currie of East
Wawanosh visited on Sunday with
`Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Miss Marjorie Currie and two
London girls spent a two weeks'
vadation at Port Lauderdale, Fla.
'They went and returned by plane.
The C.G.I.T. will be in charge
of the W.M.S. meeting in the Pres-
byterian Church on Wednesday
evening, The W.M.8, of :the United
Church will hold its annual meet-
ing and: quarterly birthday tea in
the church, this Wednesday even-
ing, Brick United Church W.M.S.
will 'Meet this Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Ronald Coultas.
Mr. Albert COultee and' Jack and
Ross McGregor have been busy
building a dement foundation for
Mr. John L. Currie's driving-shed.
trick Church congregation held
its '.anneal white gift service on
Suhday with Rev. C. Krug in
charge, The junior choir led the
singing, Mr. Gilbert peectoft Was
in charge for collecting the parcels,
assisted in the program by Murray
Coultesk Douglas Coultes, Sharon
ReaVie and Jitantie Taylor. The e paireele go to the Children's Aid
Goderich, While the Money col-
leeted goes to Miss Agatha Cotiltea
to help in her Missionary work in
• 'Miss Janet Watseniof Aylinter
spent the Week-end at the home of
her kister, 11(rs, Gilbert betercift.•
Mrs, Albert Biernan
eil And
lEvelyn and Mrs. Rogerog Inglis
Apetit ',Wednesday in Walkerton,
Mrs, Levi Blettkan. arid Ann accent-
panied them and visited with her
pirate', Mr, and Mrs.Ilittly Mac-
ay ofV4rilketton,
Mr- atid MPS, Alhert Cokiltes, lank
and _Mane attended a faintly din.
Mt, Frank Stocklii, Who has been
taking a course hi; electricity and
hydro work at Nitigata,:Palia, spent
the week-ad at the hOrne ,Of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos, Motrieeert,
Mrs. )3en Medlengithan has beau
under the doctor's dare during the
past Week.
Mr. and Mrs. IL' Fattier re-
ceived 'word from their Son, CM-
ford Farrier, that he received
promotion and is how district
supervisor of the WeareVer`
Mori ConipatlY at Witidgot. They
have 'bought twine at Wintiset
and , Moved from Obilthilin, Where
he .has kheen wcirkint for some
Yeara. ,
Arai and 'Nana' itiiitoilf 'spent
spent the week.eild ,t- the the home
of their, aunt, 1140,'Mite; Cardiff tif
BruSsels. They rettirlitid, hone with
Mr, od stt.coot on tondo.
PEOGRAVE17--The regular meet:.
ing .0 the Workten's Mieelenery
Btielety. and the Wentan's Associ-
ation of Eno$ 'United Cherch was
'held WednesdaY. afternobri In the
church, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler,
president of the WA., Was in
ellerge.ef the 'meeting and opened
It with e, reeding followed 'by pray-
er end a hymn,. 'rile minute e were
read by Mrs, Cecil Chamney, The
financial ' statement, showing *
.hejance oil. hand ,of $297.54, was
read by Mrs. J. M Coultes,
The, nteSident ' anneuhced that
there Were 'some articles left from
ataer that would be sent with
bite Gift bundles, The preei,
was appointed to. got some-
one to put removable legs on the
' red tables for the church. Mrs.
IferteWheeler and Wire, Carl Proc-
ter were/ appointed to %look after,
the church communion linens.
,Mre, Fred cook, convener of the
nominating coriunittee, read the
following list of new 'officers:
Presideht, Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler;
first vice-president, still to , be
named; second vice-president,: Mrs
Carl Procter; secretary, Mrs. Geer,
Chamney; assistant Secretary,, Mrs
13orcien Scott; treasurer, Mrs.
CO:hes; pianist, Mrs. j. M, Coul-
tes;., assietant pianiet, Mrs. Iierb
Wheeler; dish convener, • Mrs,
Hatry Goll; flower spray commit-
tee, Mrs. George Jordon And Mrs.
Jack Anderson; • church ' flower
committee, Mrs. Gordon Higgins
and Mrs, Harold 'Procter; .-manse
• eowi'ttee, Mts. LpWie StonehotMe
rind, Mrs.:Jesse Wheeler; auditors,
Miter",karri MeGeire• and Miss
Vithi Procter; press reporter; Mrs.
.1'n,lph: McCrea. -
It was, decided to keep the ,group
,syetem on the, different lines until
ft:Ether.' notice, with the following
'named as leaders: 'North Village,
mile. George; Cook; ,south village,
We. 'Roes Robinson and Mrs: Cecil
.Chamney; .fifth line, :no leaders
appointed; fourth 'line, rs,, Oar-.
'enCe Yeill and Mrs, .Ted' • Fear';
third' line, Mrs. IL 44. Cotiltes and
.Mrs: Stanley •Horeier; ninth
• Harold Vincent.,
was decided to extena the lean
;Which- the ,WA, had .gieeh to the
elettrel£' treeSery Until fiirthet• nor
tice, •
The, president Ahanlied everyone
for their help and cooperatien.dur:
,ine;t114.past• yeer. • a •
The WM.S. meeting-, ,followed'
• with .the president,: Mrs:. Walter
Scott ; charge.: The ,opening
hymn was "0 Little Town Of Beth-
lehem",..folleeted by prayer by' Mrs.
'Scott, after Which she reed a short.
artiele.en he 'Keeping a Christ-
; The minutes'were: ,teici by Mrs.
,Eari Andereon, the! •teeaititet's re-
port by Mrs. George Martin, and
the gift. fund by Mrs, JesSe/ Wheel-
Vieite kg the sick and fillet-
in were reported and the birthdays
remembered. Quite a hit .of dis-
•-titiesion Was, held abOtit' .the ,bale
be,„'PaCked , soon' and. it was
agreed that each group, Would
Make. a quilCto be ready for the
'bale which Will, be sptit :next June,
Mrs, Seat 'expressed hd,• thanks
tie the .members for their help in
the past ,year. •
Mrs. •deotge Martin, convener Of
tlie nominating committee reed the
'following list of officere for the
new Year: Presidene. Mrs. Walter
''Seett; first. Mrs,
A, Krug; seCond viee-ptesident,
,s. Stanley Cook;. secretary, Mrs.
'l Anderson Anderson; assistant setree
taiY, Mts. Leelie Bolt; treasefer:
Mrs, George Martin; pianist( Mrs.
•J K Coultes; cOninntinitY friend-
Ship. MM. *Jesse Wheeler; associ-
ate mein:here, Mrs. Albert Vinceht;
Christian steviettelshiP,- Mrs.. George
railehie; supply, Mrs, Lyle Hopper;
gift fund, Atm, Jesse • Wheeler;
'MiSsion Band leader,' Mrs,:. Harold
Vincent; aSsiatant.Misio .and
leted4t, ,,Mts, Clifton Walsh; Baby,
Bitad.leatier, Mts, ,Bobert couitt$;
titeeletittit Baby Band leaders,,
Albert Counts and Mrs. Seek
Taadot; Chet:10*n, • eitizeiiship, Mts.
Jaintes• , 11:fiehle; literature, Mts.
Heb Wheelek; Missionety Month-
ly, 1 Mrs. J. C. Vroeter; press tee•
Porter, Mrii. Earl Anderson; aCdl-
•tos, Mrs, Willard ArreetrOilg and
Mr, Eati Andersen,'
' The groups Were named as tal-
iiivhr; Greilp ones Mrs. W,
Sittettig,. Mrs. F, Alitiaratin Mrs, G.
Mrs, E, Leslle group two,
MrS, 14. Wheeler, MO, A I/indent,
•',1) Anderson, 1k/fri.; L Hopper,
Mrs, '0. A. Coultes; gentip 'three,
Mire, J. M. COOltee, Mill, 14., FrOd,i
•Cottites Mrs. S. Poe, group four, MC*,F, Cook, Mrs.,